
Print memory games. Pictures for the development of memory and attention: train while having fun. Testing visual memory


In front of you are several places cute, places - no, but living creatures. You have a minute to remember them. After a minute has passed, remove this drawing and ...

… write down the names of all the animals in alphabetical order.

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid

Meet Maria, Bibiana, Mercedes and Juana. Yes, we agree, names a bit unusual for our area, but nonetheless. Memorize the clothes, objects, and names of these four girls for 90 seconds. After that, follow the old pattern: scroll up the picture and answer the questions below.

  1. Who has blue bows on their heads: Maria or Bibiana?
  2. What is the name of the girl in blue boots?
  3. Which of the girls has bangs and a polka dot suit?
  4. Which of the girls has a kitten: Juana or Bibiana?

Memorable minute

Below are written the names of people and dates associated with some events in their lives. You must read this list three times. And then remove it and write down from memory what you remember.

  1. Vitya and Flora got married on July 17, 1976.
  2. Larisa was born on May 12, 1987.
  3. Yulia defended her Ph.D. thesis on June 21, 2013.
  4. Mayor has planned a grand affair February 25, 2015.

White Bim Black Ear

Now you have 30 seconds to remember these animals and their names. After this time, close the picture and try to demonstrate the magic of your memory.

Writing history

You have 90 seconds to memorize the names and dates of birth of famous historical figures. And now…

... we put all the names and dates in a huge time shaker and mixed them. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person. Don't peek!

Look at the picture below, which is somewhat reminiscent of a Soviet carpet. Stare at the squares for as long as you need. When you think you've memorized everything, put the drawing out of sight and answer the questions below.

  1. How many flowers with three petals are shown in the picture?
  2. How many black flowers are shown in the picture?
  3. How many flowers are in the picture that have only five petals, but lack any kind of additional elements?

Only crypto, only hardcore

If the previous exercises seemed like child's play, then this will make you really tense. You have two minutes to memorize this secret cipher. Then courageously (for women - feminine) close the picture and try to decipher the three words below.

Ready? Go! (By the way, this is a really doable exercise. It is enough to train for about a month every day, and Turing himself will envy you, so famously you will begin to cope with any cryptographic things.)

Congratulations, you've just supercharged your memory. And finally, a couple more banal, but effective tips in order to become a memory giant.

Be observant. Go in for sports. Keep an external order: always store frequently used items in the same places. Sing songs, explain recipes, quote poetry, and memorize fairy tales to tell your children or grandchildren later. Lay visual routes and tie ideas (abstract and not only) to images.

Solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, guess riddles, play dominoes and chess. Talk to people. Be optimistic. And, of course, read books!

Every person who wants to develop and achieve something in life should develop and train their memory. No need to stand still, and even worse to roll into the abyss. Forward and only forward.

Imagine for a moment that you do not understand anything and do not see what is happening around. You do not know: what is your name, where do you live, what city is it, what is your job and so on. It's scary, very scary. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and train your memory. Start it right now and do it every day, do not be lazy and you will be fine.

Exercise 1

Let's start with a simple exercise. Look at the following picture for one minute. Then close this picture and try to draw these shapes in the same arrangement on the paper.

If you find it difficult to remember all the details, do not be discouraged, take only upper part pictures and try to remember it. Then look at lower part pictures and try to draw the details of the bottom picture on paper.

After you draw the details on paper, try to compare with the picture. What did you get? If there are mistakes, try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the picture, numbers are drawn here, a word is written under each number. Look carefully at the picture for one minute, then close this picture and try to write all the numbers on paper and write a word under each number.

What did you get? If there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember only the top line from zero to four, then from five to nine.

Compare what you wrote with the picture, if there are mistakes, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3

Look at the next picture, it shows a clock. Look carefully which numbers are drawn on it more, less, what dashes on the numbers. Look at the picture for one minute, then close the picture and try to draw a clock on paper.

What did you get? If you failed to remember and draw everything completely, divide the clock in half and remember half. Then try to remember the other half and draw it on paper. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, the colors are written on it, but they are highlighted in a different color. Look at the picture carefully for one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try to write everything you remember with colored pencils or colored pens.

What did you get?

If you managed to remember a little, do not be discouraged, take the first three lines and try to remember them. Then memorize and write the second three lines. Then try to remember and write all six lines together.

Exercise 5

Look at the following exercise, the numbers are written here in two different colors. Look closely at these numbers for one minute and try to remember them.

Close these numbers and try to write everything that you remember on paper. Check yourself, if there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember the first two lines and then write them.

Then try to remember and write the second two lines. If everything is correct, you can practice and write all four lines.

Try to remember the last two lines and write them, and then remember the two lines in the middle and write them too. Do not forget that some numbers are written in red.

Exercise 6

In this exercise, samples of patterns are given, they must be remembered, and continue in the same way as in the example.

First, try to complete the task under the number one.

Remember the pattern under the number one, close the sample and continue to remember to connect the circles according to the sample.

Now look at the sample drawing under the number two. Close the sample and connect the triangles as a keepsake.

After completing the task under the number two, proceed to the task under the number three. Here you need to remember in what order the squares are connected. After you remember, close the picture and try to connect the squares in the same way.

Exercise 7

Look carefully at the following picture for one minute. Various objects are drawn here, remember them.

Close the picture and write on paper what you remember. Items must be written or drawn in the same order as in the picture.

If it is difficult for you to remember so many items the first time, then you can remember and write half of these items only in order.

Then memorize and write the other half of these items.

Now try to remember completely all the items in order and write them in the same order.

Exercise 8

Look at the following picture, the colors are written on it, they are all highlighted in one color. Look at the picture carefully for one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try to write everything that you remember on paper.

What did you get?

If you managed to remember a little, do not be discouraged, take the first two columns and try to remember them. Then memorize the last column and try to write all three columns together.

Exercise 9

Consider carefully the following picture, it shows animals, mammals, fish, and so on. Try to memorize all the pictures within one minute.

Now write on paper in order everything that you remember. If you do not remember everything or not right order repeat the exercise.

Then try to remember in a different order, for example from the last picture to the first. Write down everything you remember. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 10

Look at the next pyramid of numbers, one digit is added in each subsequent line. Try to remember all the numbers in order. Memorize first the first line, then the second line, and so on.

You can memorize the first three lines and write them from memory. If it works, then try to remember the first four lines and then write them. Test yourself.

Now try to memorize five lines and write. Then memorize the entire pyramid of numbers and write them down.

Exercise 11

Look at the next two pictures for 20 seconds, close them and say how many identical figures are drawn in these pictures. Draw them from memory.

Now look at these two pictures again for 20 seconds and close the pictures.

How many different pictures are in these two pictures.

Test yourself. Repeat if necessary.

Develop and train your memory

Do the following exercises

Exercise 12

This exercise can be done in a relaxed environment at home or at work, if you have time.

Look at the objects that surround you. Choose one of the subjects and study it carefully. You have twenty seconds to study. Then turn away from that subject and try to describe it.

For example, you have chosen a figurine.

Which figurine is big, small? What color is the figurine? Try to make a full description of what you remember. What kind of surface does it have (smooth, varnished, ribbed, dusty, worn, and so on). What is the base of the figurine (square, round, unusual shape)?

If you didn’t remember much in twenty seconds, repeat the exercise.

In the same way, you can look at other objects and try to describe them. Each time, try to choose more difficult items.

Exercise 13

This exercise is more difficult, choose the next item to describe, for example, a patterned carpet.

Consider carefully the pattern that is depicted on the carpet and memorize it. You can watch for two or three minutes. Then look away from the carpet and try to tell what you remember.

There is a complex pattern on the carpet, if you didn’t manage to remember the whole one, try to remember first some part of the carpet, then take a piece to remember more. Repeat the exercise. Then try to tell everything that is shown on it.

Exercise 14

Take any five items. It can be a mug, vase, plate, perfume, figurine and so on.

All these items should be carefully examined for two or three minutes. Then cover all these objects with dark material and try to tell what you remember.

If you can't remember enough, repeat the exercise.

With each subsequent lesson, the memorization time must be reduced.

Then try to add one item at a time and complicate the exercise. In the same way, you can develop your memory in Everyday life. For example, look at the prices in a store and try to remember them. Try to remember and compare prices for the same product in different stores.

Exercise 15

In this exercise, you need to describe an object from memory.

Take, for example, a vase, examine it carefully for twenty seconds. Turn away from her and try to describe her from memory.

You need to describe everything: shape, color, what pattern is drawn on this vase, and so on.

Then turn to the vase and look closely at what you have missed and not told.

Look again at the vase and turn away from it. Try to compose a more complete story about the vase.

You can do this exercise with another object.

Exercise 16

In Exercise 15, you described the vase by turning away from it. Now in exercise 16 you need to close the vase, take a piece of paper and a pencil and draw it from memory.

Compare your drawing with the original vase. You have drawn everything or missed something. Look closely at every little thing.

Exercise 17

Before going to bed, try to remember the people and objects that surrounded you all day.

Remember the phrases that were addressed to you. If you listened to the lecture, then restore the facial expressions and gestures in your memory. Remember what was said in the lecture verbatim. Analyze your whole day and evaluate your memory, observation and attention.

Exercise 18

Our brain is able to see, understand, process a very large amount of information in an instant. You can develop and achieve a lot by developing your brain with training and exercises.

Take a book with bright pictures.

Pick one and instantly look at it. Close the book. What do you remember? You need to tell as much as you can about what you remember. Repeat the exercise.

For such an exercise, for example, a picture is suitable. Train and each time compare how much your results have improved.

Exercise 19

In this exercise, you need to take any 5-7 items. Do not examine them, put them on the table and cover them with a dark material.

Now open, count slowly to ten, and at the same time memorize these items, close again. Everything that you remember, write down on paper. Describe these items.

Repeat the exercise, each time you will remember more and more.

Performing the exercise next time, put more objects, for example 8-10 then 11-13 and so on. Make the exercise harder each time.

Exercise 20

This exercise is similar to the previous one. You need to go into an unfamiliar room and quickly remember as many objects and things that are there as possible.

Then you leave the room, take a piece of paper and a pen and describe everything that you remember. What is written can be compared to what is in the room. How much and how quickly your brain remembers. If you remember little, repeat the exercise. Next time try this exercise in a different room and setting.

Exercise 21

This exercise will help you remember what is important. Memorization is related to the sound that you hear during some events. If there are no sounds, then they must be imagined.

Imagine a moving motorcycle.

He rushes and makes some sounds, what they think of them. With the help of these sounds, you can always remember something very important.

Exercise 22

This exercise is also for remembering very important information.

You need to take any poem and highlight the phrases in it. For each phrase, you need to come up with several questions. If you want to remember well, do it every day.

Exercise 23

Come up with a route for yourself. For example: from home to the store or from home to work.

Walk along this path and notice all the bright signs that you meet along the way.

Then at home, take paper and pencil and make a map of unusual signs. remembering bright events, you will remember what is next to them.

Exercise 24

There are three columns of words in this exercise. Read these words and try to remember the first column first.

Close these words and try to write them on paper in alphabetical order.

Then read and memorize the words of the second column. Close the words and try to write them on paper in alphabetical order.

After the second column, read the words of the third column and try to remember them. Close the words and write them in alphabetical order.

After you have memorized all three columns, look at the words again, close them and write all the words of the three columns in alphabetical order.

Exercise 25

Look at the next pyramid of numbers. There are six lines here. In each next line, two more digits are added. First look at the first three lines, they are not big, close the pyramid and try to tell or write what you remember.

After you have written or recited the first three lines, add another fourth line, then a fifth, and then a sixth line.

Did you manage to write the numbers in the correct order?

Now you try to tell the same exercise in reverse order from bottom to top. Look at the bottom line first, close it and tell, then add one line up.

10 games to develop and train your memory

We also offer games for the development of phenomenal memory, attention, logic and general brain development. The ability to see the statistics of achievements and compete with other players, beat your own and other people's records, will make this way of memory development even more interesting.

Game "2 back"

For memory development I advise such an exercise as the game "2 back". A sequence of numbers will be displayed on the screen, which you will need to remember, and then compare the number of the last card with the previous one. It's powerful memory and brain training, this is an exercise that is available after registration, are you ready? Then go ahead!

Game "Number 3 back"

The game "Number 3 back" develops memory. Main essence games remember the sequence of numbers and compare the number on the last card with the previous card.

In this game, a card with a number appears on the screen for a few seconds; you need to remember it, then the cards disappear and new ones appear. Compare the previous card with the card on the screen and answer the question.

Game "Memory Matrix"

"Memory Matrix" - Great game for training memory. In the presented game, you will need to remember the placement of the shaded cells, and then reproduce them from memory. How many levels can you pass? Remember, time is limited!

Memory comparison game

Another game that can be attributed to memory exercises is Memory Comparison. good exercise for the development of memory and speed of thought. At the beginning, a number is given that should be remembered, then the second is given, and you will need to answer a question that does not change during the game. Great game for brain training. Let's try to improve your memory with us!

Game "Complex high-speed movement"

The game "Complex high-speed movement" develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

In this game, an object appears on the screen for a few seconds, look carefully and remember it.

Then the object disappears and a new one appears, you need to compare these two objects. At the bottom there are three buttons with answers: “no”, “partially matches” and “yes”. Use these buttons to answer.

Game "Moving"

The game "Movement" develops thinking and memory. The main essence of the game is to remember the movement of the treasure chest on the map.

In this game, a treasure chest appears on the map for a few seconds, you need to remember where the chest is and carefully follow the arrows where they point. The chest moves along the arrows. Use the arrows to determine where the chest has moved.

If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Game "Letter coverage"

The game "Letter coverage" develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game is to remember the letters and write them.

In this game, the letters on the screen light up for a few seconds, look carefully and try to remember them.

Now you need to write them from memory, you can use the keyboard.

If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Game "Fast addition reload"

The game "Fast Addition Reboot" develops thinking, memory and attention. The main essence of the game is to choose the correct terms, the sum of which will be equal to a given number.

In this game, the task “Add the number” is given and the amount is given as a number, below are three numbers, you need to choose two terms from these numbers to get the amount given in the question.

If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Game "Number Span: Revolution"

Interesting and useful game"Numerical Reach: Revolution" to help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will display the numbers in order, one at a time, which you should remember and then play. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "BrainFood"

The game "BrainFood" develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game in each round is shown a set of elements, you must choose from the set one that has not yet been selected in previous rounds.

In this game, different drinks and food are offered on the screen. You must choose one dish or drink. In each next round, you must choose a different dish that is different from the previous ones. New dishes are added during the game. It is necessary to remember and choose a new dish or drink every time.

If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. In every lesson useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

The development of memory without looking up from everyday affairs and worries. Most of the exercises in this course are aimed at training memory in natural conditions, because you need to memorize quickly and accurately, regardless of the situation around us. No need to set aside time for memory training. Train it at home, at work, on the road. Learn to memorize the necessary information from the first lesson.

Other courses for memory development

More courses to improve memory, concentration and brain function:

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

Games and exciting exercises for the development of the brain, memory, concentration, creativity, which will be sent to the mail within 30 days after subscription. As a bonus, lessons from their other courses will come.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Develop memory and attention in mental counting. In 30 days, we will teach you to count in your mind complex examples in your mind for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, and so on.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire


Develop and train your memory, do exercises every day for 30-40 minutes and you will immediately notice progress. Even if you do not have time, look for simple examples from life on the way home or on the way to work, memorize house numbers, car numbers, prices in stores, and so on. We wish you good luck.

Development of attention in preschool and younger children school age extremely important. After all, for successful learning, a child must listen carefully to teachers and be able to focus on the task. For child attention training Written assignments, which you can find below, are perfect.

Task for the development of attention "Corrector"

In this exercise, the child needs to fill in the empty shapes with icons according to the model, as shown in the sample. and each lesson the tables and icons change.

Task for the development of attention "Girls"

Forms are offered with the image of girls, eight in each row. Task option:
a) / underline / count / girls with black bows (white);
b) / underline / count / girls with black hair and black bows;
c) / underline, / count / with white hair and white bows;
d) / underline, / count / with white hair and black bows;
e) / underline, / count / with black hair and white bows.

Task for the development of attention "Find the letter (number)"

The children are offered forms with printed letters. You can use regular newspaper or magazine pages with large print. On this form or page, students mark any two letters: one is crossed out, the other is circled. It is necessary to explain to the children that it is necessary to cross out and circle letters, looking through each line from left to right. This exercise is recommended to be carried out as often as possible, as it trains the basic properties of attention well, and expands its scope.

Task for the development of attention "Find the numbers from 0 to 90"

Task for the development of attention "Piggy"

Forms are offered with images of piglets, located ten in each row. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / funny / sad piglets;
b) / emphasize happy / sad piglets with two ears, / with one ear /;
c) / emphasize funny / sad piglets with 2 / 1 / ears, without bangs, with bangs.

Tasks become more difficult gradually: a /, b /, c /.

Task for the development of attention "Color or circle all the given objects"

Task for the development of attention "Burenka"

Forms with the image of cows arranged eight in a row are offered. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / a cow with one horn / two /;
b) / underline, / count / a cow with one ear / with two /;
c) / underline, / count / with one horn, one ear. / and vice versa /
and other options.

Enter the number of learning tasks gradually.

Task for the development of attention "Put the numbers under the pictures"

Print out the form and offer to fill in the empty cells by analogy with the first line. Of course, you should not fill in all the lines at once. It is better to do this exercise regularly, 2-3 times a week.

Task for the development of attention "Find an object"

Task for the development of attention "People"

Forms are offered with the image of little men with different positions of arms and legs, arranged nine in a row. Task options:
a) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg;
b) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg and spread their arms to the sides; c) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their legs wider than their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides;
d) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their arms and legs shoulder-width apart;
e) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who lowered their hands and put their feet close / to each other /.

Task for the development of attention "Rings"

Cross out rings with a certain gap (top, bottom, left, right, etc.).

Carefully examine the objects shown in the picture for two minutes. Then, without looking at the picture, write down on a piece of paper what you remember. Don't be discouraged if you can't remember everything.

When memorizing items, follow a certain order. Say their names out loud.
First memorize one group of five items, then add another one, and so on.

What's on the poster?

Carefully examine the poster for a minute.

Now, without peeking, answer the questions.

  1. How many horses are on the poster?
  2. Is it the US or the UK?
  3. What does this poster announce - a film festival or a circus?
  4. How many stars are at the very bottom of the poster?

Candle and snowman

Think of associations for numbers and words according to their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close the picture.

Answer the questions provided.

  1. What number corresponds to a snowman?
  2. What numbers correspond to the ravine and the candle?
  3. What numbers correspond to a sailboat, an egg and a snake?
  4. What numbers match balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?

Swim everyone!

Learn and memorize the details of a photo in one and a half minutes. Then close it and answer the questions.

  1. Where does the action take place - on the beach or in the mountains?
  2. Are all women in bathing suits?
  3. Is there a man in the photo with his index finger raised up?
  4. Are all people in the foreground or is there someone in the background too?

When was Galileo born?

For one and a half minutes, memorize the names of historical figures and the year of their birth. Then close the list.

Now all the names and dates are mixed up. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person.

How much is the closet?

You need to furnish your children's room. The figure shows prices from the furniture catalog. Memorize them for a minute. Now close the labels and answer the question:

How much money will you spend if you decide to buy a bunk bed, round rug, two armchairs, two lamps and a two-section wardrobe?

What's for lunch?

A group of friends went out to dinner together. Read the order and remember it. Now close the list.

Sarah: Coffee with skimmed milk and saccharin, toast.
Juan: Potato casserole, orange juice water.
Joaquin: Espresso with milk, croissant.
Montserrat: Hot sandwich with ham and cheese, water.
Pedro: Sausage sandwich, coffee without milk and sugar, water.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How much water did the friends order in total?
  2. Anyone ordered a fish sandwich?
  3. Sarah asked for sugar or saccharin?
  4. Who ordered the toast?
  5. Who ordered two drinks at once?
  6. What did Martin order?

How many chairs?

Study the plan of the house carefully for forty-five seconds. Then close it and answer the questions.

Does the house have a terrace?
Is the bathroom opposite the bedroom?
Is the bedroom double?
Is there a table in front of the sofa?
Are there two chairs on the terrace?
Is the dining room table round, square or rectangular?


Very interesting. informative and helpful. I tried to do the tasks myself, it turned out badly, and to be honest, it was very bad. The memory is obviously not the same. In a word, you need to practice.

Good material.

Comment on the article "8 memory training puzzles for adults and children"

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. We often complain about bad memory - and our own, and especially in children.

5 games for the development of memory and attention. Memory, attention can and should be developed with the help of special games that promote development. An increase in the number of movements expands the amount of memory, and at the same time trains attention and reveals natural artistry.

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Puzzle for kids. Puzzles for children 4-5 years old. By the age of 3, children begin to learn geometric shapes. 8 puzzles are assembled from it to train memory: for adults and children. Throw links to sites with children's games for the development of memory and ...

5 games for the development of memory and attention. Simple exercises and games for the development of memory in children. Exercises and advice to parents. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

Attention deficit. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 10 to 13. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. 5 games for the development of memory and attention.

How to develop memory? The development of memory and attention - this Their use will help you and your children become smarter! 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and...

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults! Day of mysteries and trials. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. The eldest when entering school (her day before ...

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Conference "Child from 7 to 10" "Child from 7 to 10". on the last day of the birthday boy in the 2nd grade (we have more than half of the class of "summer" children, we give gifts each on our own) I bought some girls ...

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8 beautiful riddles and puzzles for the whole family. Glucose and daughter Lida: 8 years of love and friendship. Please advise, board games for boys 10-11 years old and films, thanks in advance. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Memory problems. Tests and a hare can be taught to pass, and Serious memory problems are mostly the lot of adults. So popular in colloquial speech "marasmus" and "sclerosis" do not threaten children either ...

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Distractedness and poor verbal memory. You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Distractedness and poor verbal memory. Good day! There is such a problem: a child of 5 years old, a boy. After a long break, I went to kindergarten.

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extracurricular activities, hobbies. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults!

Puzzles and board games: if guests came to the children. I recommend the puzzle book. Parenting a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. To make things even more fun, we've selected 8 puzzles from a new book that's all about improving...

Problems with attention and perseverance. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting The child cannot concentrate at all - we do mathematics - 4 year - month naza added 3+4 without errors now...

In general, for the development of memory, it is just recommended to memorize poetry. Maybe he just does not like those poems and works that he teaches. How to develop memory and attention in a child. Programs and electronic manuals: the development of memory and attention. Print version.

In front of you are several places cute, places - no, but living creatures. You have a minute to remember them. After a minute has passed, remove this drawing and ...

… write down the names of all the animals in alphabetical order.

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid

Meet Maria, Bibiana, Mercedes and Juana. Yes, we agree, names a bit unusual for our area, but nonetheless. Memorize the clothes, objects, and names of these four girls for 90 seconds. After that, follow the old pattern: scroll up the picture and answer the questions below.

  1. Who has blue bows on their heads: Maria or Bibiana?
  2. What is the name of the girl in blue boots?
  3. Which of the girls has bangs and a polka dot suit?
  4. Which of the girls has a kitten: Juana or Bibiana?

Memorable minute

Below are written the names of people and dates associated with some events in their lives. You must read this list three times. And then remove it and write down from memory what you remember.

  1. Vitya and Flora got married on July 17, 1976.
  2. Larisa was born on May 12, 1987.
  3. Yulia defended her Ph.D. thesis on June 21, 2013.
  4. The mayor scheduled a grand event on February 25, 2015.

White Bim Black Ear

Now you have 30 seconds to remember these animals and their names. After this time, close the picture and try to demonstrate the magic of your memory.

Writing history

You have 90 seconds to memorize the names and dates of birth of famous historical figures. And now…

... we put all the names and dates in a huge time shaker and mixed them. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person. Don't peek!

Look at the picture below, which is somewhat reminiscent of a Soviet carpet. Stare at the squares for as long as you need. When you think you've memorized everything, put the drawing out of sight and answer the questions below.

  1. How many flowers with three petals are shown in the picture?
  2. How many black flowers are shown in the picture?
  3. How many flowers are in the picture that have only five petals, but lack any kind of additional elements?

Only crypto, only hardcore

If the previous exercises seemed like child's play, then this will make you really tense. You have two minutes to memorize this secret cipher. Then courageously (for women - feminine) close the picture and try to decipher the three words below.

Ready? Go! (By the way, this is a really doable exercise. It is enough to train for about a month every day, and Turing himself will envy you, so famously you will begin to cope with any cryptographic things.)

Congratulations, you've just supercharged your memory. And finally, a couple more banal, but effective tips in order to become a memory giant.

Be observant. Go in for sports. Keep an external order: always store frequently used items in the same places. Sing songs, explain recipes, quote poetry, and memorize fairy tales to tell your children or grandchildren later. Lay visual routes and tie ideas (abstract and not only) to images.

Solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, guess riddles, play dominoes and chess. Talk to people. Be optimistic. And, of course, read books!