
Abstracts for mother's day in kindergarten. Abstracts of lessons in kindergarten. Open lesson "Mother's Day"


Target: formation of family values.
Tasks: Contribute to the creation of warm family relationships;
- educate love and respect for the mother;
- to develop a positive attitude of parents towards the kindergarten, the activation of parental participation in the life of the group;
- develop positive character traits in children that contribute to a better relationship in the process of communication.

The phonogram "Mammoth's Song" sounds. Children enter the hall with their mothers in pairs, sit on the chairs.

There are a lot of good words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word "mother"
And there are no words in the world more precious than it.
Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries, do not count.
A big bow to you all dear mothers,
But what you are in the world.
For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice,
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long life.

Dear mothers! Today we invited you to forget your worries and household chores for at least one evening, to feel like the most beloved, dearest Mom! We want to please with our performances, entertain you with games. And your dearest, most beloved, most charming children prepared them.

The presentation “Our Mothers” begins during the presentation, the educators read the preface.

Educator: Word MOTHER- one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in the language of all peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day.

The first word a person utters is the word MOTHER. Love for a mother is inherent in us by nature itself. Maxim Gorky wrote “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.

All people respect and love their mothers. Happy Mother's Day to you dear mothers. This autumn day is dedicated to you. Let this holiday be bright! May sorrows go away and dreams come true, may people from all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now the children will give flowers to their mothers!

Children rearranged into a semicircle and reading a poem:

Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
Mom is happiness (hands to chest)
Mom is better not (we wave our heads no - no)
Mom is a fairy tale! ( thumb In)
Mom is a laugh! (laughing, smiling)
Mom is a treat! (pat yourself on the head)
Moms love everyone! (helmet air kiss hands to moms)

Children give flowers to their mothers and sit on chairs.

I will draw the sun
For my mother.
Let it shine through the window
She will have more fun.

Educator: Russian wisdom says: "A mother's heart warms better than the sun." We offer a friendly game-competition between children and parents "Draw the sun". Each team member has a gymnastic stick in his hand, a hoop in front. Alternately running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around your hoop - “draw the sun”.

Educator: look at the children, how your mothers love you, how many rays of love are sent to you. And you mothers, look at the defenseless rays of your children, they so need your care and love. Let's be polite and considerate to each other.

I got up this morning
I was surprised to know
That our mother has a holiday
Here I am such a prankster.

And I'm in kindergarten today
Papa saw off in the morning
"Don't be sad, my mommy" -
I screamed and ran away.

mother dear,
I love you,
I'll pick flowers
I will give them to you.

Educator: And now we move on to the next contest, which is called "Decorate Your Mom." Several couples with children are invited to play. A table with accessories is placed in the middle of the hall: hats, scarves, beads, hairpins and so on. Mothers sit on chairs around the table. On a signal, the girls begin to decorate their mother.

The next competition is called "Reading Family"

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


1. She is the most important of all in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.

2. Waiting for mom with milk,
They let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children?
(seven kids)

3. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
( Emelya from the fairy tale "By the command of the pike")

4. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful

5. Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

6. Both the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Educator: Guys, I will now give you riddles about objects that help mom in their affairs (moms can help):

1 riddle:

That's such a miracle! He is tasteful.
Can eat both dust and debris
And it buzzes like hundreds of wasps.
hard worker...…..(a vacuum cleaner)

2 riddle:

In the summer, our dad brought
Frost in the white box
And now the frost is gray
We have summer and winter.
Protects food: meat, fish, fruits.

3 riddle:

Without boasting, I will say: I will rejuvenate everyone around!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very cute, cheerful and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend, electric(iron)

4 riddle:

Cook you lunch?
There is simply no easier business!
I'll handle it quickly
I am an oven(microwave)

Educator. Ay, well done! And now riddles are only for mothers, who are your main assistants?

Believe me, it's a miracle!
Like a scarlet flower.
Like a bud on a birch
You were born... Daughter!

He is the best in the world.
And he is one.
Protector and helper.
Of course - this is ... ... son!

Educator. Look, mothers, what wonderful helpers you have. Come on, children, do not be lazy, but take care of the laundry.

Staged: (boys)

We decided to help mom
And water was poured into the basin.
Pour down the powder
The linens are all soaked.

We washed it for a long time,
They even rubbed the board
Didn't break anything
And rinsed how much!

There-here, there-here,
The water in the basin boiled.
But only, brother, that's the trouble
Foam fell to the floor.

Let's collect it
And squeeze into a bucket
To become like our mother
How much work must be done!

Competition for mothers "Venikobol"

2 mothers are participating. Need to spend balloon with a broom and drive it into the basket.

Educator: And now the children will perform the song "Mom's smile" for our mothers.

We are ending our holiday
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.

Goodbye, goodbye
Come visit us again.
Goodbye, goodbye
We will play together

Scenario of the holiday for "Mother's Day" in grade 1


1. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

2. To develop the creative and acting abilities of children, as well as the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.

3. To cultivate love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers.

Event progress

Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered in this class to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved mothers on the holiday.

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Leading: From a pure heart, in simple words,

Today, friends, we will talk about mom!

I want to start our holiday with a parable about the mother.

Parables about mother

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow I will be sent to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
- Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, that's enough for me to be happy.
God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- O! But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language? asked the child, gazing intently at God. - What should I do if I want to contact you?
God gently touched the child's head and said:
- Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.
Then the child asked:
- I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
"I'll be sad because I won't be able to see you anymore..."
- Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
At that moment, voices began to be heard from the Earth; and the child in a hurry asked:
- God, tell me, what is the name of my angel?
- His name doesn't matter. You will just call him Mom.

1 student: And today we have a special day,

Most the best holiday- Mom's Day!

The holiday is the most tender, the kindest.

He is, of course, very dear to us!

2 student: Today is a holiday, a holiday,

Holiday of our lovely mothers!

This holiday, the most tender,

Comes to us in November.

3 student: There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother"

And there are no words more precious than it.

4 student:

Allow me to congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness
Away with adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.

5 student:

The golden sun rolled down
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
You come close to me!

Interview "Mom ... And what is she like?"

Song about mom "Mom's smile"


Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

Mom is better than nothing!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a laugh!

Mom is a treat!

Moms love everyone!

Children (1 child):

Mom bent over the bed at night

And quietly whispers to his little one:

“Just don’t get sick, my Bunny is sweet,

I beg you, just don’t get sick ... "

When the disease approaches the child,

A mother's soul cries.

And mom does not fall asleep until the morning,

Pressing the palm of the baby to the cheek ...

Children (2 child):

When eyes shine not from fun,

When a son or daughter has a temperature,

That mother's heart is crying from impotence,

Trying to overcome all diseases ...

Wrapping gently Happiness in a blanket,

Clutching your treasure to your chest,

She kept repeating:

“Go away, disease, go away from your son!”

Children (3 child):

And no medicine can heal

Like mother's care and warmth ...

The love of a child will provide happiness,

It will drive away all ailments, troubles, evil ...

For a mother, the most important thing in the world

Health, happiness of their own children,

And in the same way, children love their mother,

As you get older, take care of her.


And now we will play, but we will entertain the guests!

Game: Feed the baby. (Three blindfolded mothers feed their children bananas, the children have their hands behind their backs.)

How many nights have you mothers spent in cribs! As soon as they heard a child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it will not be difficult for you to recognize your child by voice.

(Mothers sit in a row with their backs to their children.)

1 game “Recognize the child by voice. » Now your children will cry like in childhood. But don't worry, they will make-believe crying. You need to guess your baby's cry.
(The teacher approaches each child in turn, who should cry making the sounds “wah-wah”. The mother, who recognized the child, should raise her hand.)

Teacher: The guys will tell us about love for their mothers now.

1. I help my mom
I'll cook soup in the sandbox
I'll wash the cat in a puddle ...
How, mother, I love you!

2 . And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway
Mommy draw a portrait
My brother will help me too...
Mommy, similar or not?

3. I'll put on my mother's dress
Just cut the length
It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
I love only my mother!

4. And I'm preparing a gift for her -
In my dad's new car
I scratch: “Mom - with love!
No one can replace you!"

5. And I'm your new hat
I will immediately turn into a hare:
I will sew on his ears and paws ...
I want to make a present!

6. And I had a fight with Vanyusha -
There is a huge bruise under the eye.
Said his mom is better
I don't agree with him at all!

7 . I'll wash my mother's shoes
Ships in the bathroom comin.
And mom will come and see
That I love her very much!

8 I ball on lipstick
Have Katya - neigbour replaced.
And mommy will be delighted
And he will say: “Here is my son!”

We won't argue in vain
We will tell our mothers
That their children are simply beautiful ...
TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

Student: We will sing a song for mom now,

Dear mother loves us dearly!

Listen to our song mommy favorite,

Be always healthy, be always happy!

( After autumn - winter )

Teacher: Of course, you can fool around sometimes, but never offend your mother!

Thank your mother for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive to her. Mom expects attention, cordiality, sympathy, a kind word from you .. And if it happened that you inadvertently offended your mother, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Wrinkles on the faces of your mothers appear from the fact that you upset them with something. Mom will surely forgive you.

Teacher : No matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons for this they come up with, they will not be superfluous.
Thank you! And let your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often!
Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together.

Competition "Tender words"

Children, let's remember what affectionate words you say to your beloved mothers. Who will name more kind words for their mothers, and mothers for their children.

Student: Dear mothers, in my handsmagic chamomile. It will help you to know the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called "The Most-Most".

(moms tear off flower petals) (12 petals)

The most charming. - The most attractive. -The most tender.

Most beautiful eyes. - The most charming smile. - The most, the kindest.

The most affectionate. - The most caring. -The most beautiful.

The most charming. - The most beloved. -The cutest.

The happiest most fun

4. Lottery tickets.

There is no practical gain
than a cellophane bag.

Even a little soap.

It always has great power.

So as not to pour over your neighbor.
Get us a napkin.

You are not blessed with happiness
Get a cardboard from us

If tears suddenly run from the eyes
Immediately handkerchief right there
Dry your tears, smile soon
Life is beautiful, enjoy it.

Get an air balloon, fly into space to the stars with it.

7. This paperclip will help you to cling firmly to life.

eight . To avoid wrinkles
This is what everyone should know
Must use a rubber band
Rub your body!

9. And not a nut, and not a screw - this is a medical bandage.

10. In life best girlfriend- a whole spool of thread.

11. To keep the laundry strong, we give you a clothespin.

12. You are full of charm,
Like the dawn of the sun.
It will help you make sure
This is your living portrait.

13. Everyone dreams of getting
The treasured golden key.
Here are the keys to your apartment.
But we don't know which one.

14. Long evenings,
To not mess around.
Here is a set for creativity -
You will do handicrafts.
(Thread with a needle)

15 . To get you a supply of paper
Could warm my soul
We give you without stress
This wonderful notebook!

16. Lottery is not a snag, Here's a tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth).

17. Enjoy, my friend, a little - you got candy.

18. To always have a hairstyle; here's a new comb for you.


To my mom

Sly look, rays at the eyes,

On the table - cheesecakes, bread with cabbage soup ...

Sweet smile of a kind mother,

Meeting us every day.

Each gray hair is a trace of pain.

Days of grief and loss.

Teardrop on cheek? She: “Well, what are you! Not!"

And we are to blame for this.

Every smile is the key to the chest

Where joy and fun are stored,

Work tirelessly, where there is no idleness,

And wrinkles to a kind face.

Dear home I keep in my heart.

Mom is old, all gray-haired.

I love you, my dear...

Wait for me, I'll run today.

Dear Mom

I love you!

Children sing "Mammoth's Song"

1. Through the blue sea to the green land

I am sailing on my white ship.

On your white ship

On your white ship.

I'm not afraid of the waves or the wind

I swim to the only mother in the world.

I swim through the waves and the wind

To the only mother in the world.

2. I want to get to the ground as soon as possible

"I'm here, I've arrived!" - I'll scream at her.

I will scream to my mother

I will scream to my mother.

Let mom hear, let mom come

May my mother find me

After all, it does not happen in the world,

For children to be lost

With you, our mothers,
Let's take an example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say: “Thank you!”

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the senior group "Mother's Day"

(according to technology "Situation" ) .

Svirida Elena Vasilievna teacher MBDOU d / kindergarten No. 27 "Birch" Shchyolkovo, Moscow region

Purpose: To clarify and expand children's understanding of the national holiday "Mothers Day" .


  • Practice using simple and complex sentences.
  • To consolidate the ability to expressively read poems about mom.
  • Develop the ability to compose a story from personal experience.
  • Develop fine motor skills, memory, imagination, sense of composition.
  • Cultivate love and respect for the mother, the desire to take care of her.
  • Vocabulary activation: Mother's Day, dove, sorceress.

Preliminary work:

  • memorizing poems about mother
  • talking about mom
  • drawing on the topic "Portrait of Mom"
  • memorization and analysis of the meaning of proverbs about mom
  • Teamwork "Tree of Kindness"
  • Reading and discussion of M. Skrebtsova's story "Mother's Heart" .

GCD progress:

1. Introduction to the game situation.

"Circle of Mood" (children and teacher stand in a circle, greet each other and guests).

Hello Hello,
Hello Hello,
Here is our circle.
Hello Hello,

Hello Hello,
A friend will give a hand to a friend.
Luda gave her hand to Lesha,
And Lesha gave his hand to Vanya ...

(about each child in a circle)

Here is our circle.
(shake hands together)
Now let's say hello to the guests.

2. Actualization of knowledge and skills.

Educator: Guys, I know that you like to guess riddles, so Zhorik has prepared a riddle poem for you. (child reads a poem)


Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "Is it time to get up?"
Who has already cooked the porridge?
Who poured tea into my cup?

Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

Children: Mom!

Teacher: Why do you think so?

(children's answers)

3. Difficulty in the situation.

Educator: Guys, why did Zhorik prepare a riddle for you specifically about your mother?

Children: Because Mother's Day is coming soon.

Educator: Right, but what kind of holiday is this? (children's answers).

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

Educator: Guys, this is the day of the closest and dearest people-mothers. Many countries celebrate this holiday, only each country has its own day and month, its own traditions of celebrating this day.

For example, in Finland and Estonia flags are hung out on this day. In the United States and Australia, a white or red carnation flower is attached to clothing. And in Austria it is customary to bake cakes on this day. And in Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

But no matter how differently this holiday is celebrated, everywhere on this day mothers are said to be kind pleasant words give compliments.

Let's also praise our mom by playing a game "Our mother is the sun" . Let's start with the word "Mother" and then each one compliments their mom.

(teacher starts, children continue)

My mom is the most...

My mom is the best...

My mom is happy when I...

My mom gets upset when I...

I love it when my mom...

I affectionately call my mother ...

And at the same time they spread rays-drawings of their mothers.

Educator: Well done, sit on the chairs.

(Children sit in a semicircle)

Educator: Children, I know that all of your mothers are kind, beautiful and affectionate, but they are all different. Maxim's mother looks like a sorceress, listen to her poem:


Mom is like a magician
If he smiles -
Every wish comes true for me
Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten

New day, fun day
Starts right away.

But Eva compares her mother with a warm sun.

How it happens, I do not understand myself
That the sun is in the sky - then mom is in the house
The sun hides behind a cloud
Everything will become empty and sad around

My mother will be gone for a while -
I will become so unhappy.
My dear will return home -
And I'll be happy again.

I play, I laugh, I roll, I sing
I love my own dove!

Guys, what other beautiful and tender word did Lyuba call her mother at the end of the poem?

Children: Dove.

Who else wants to talk about mom?


Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!


Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!
Mom is a treat!
Mom loves everyone!


Mom - golden autumn!
Mom is the dearest!
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!

Educator: Children, from your stories I realized that your mothers are all smart and beautiful. And what should be done to keep her beautiful and healthy longer?

(children's answers)

That's right, you need to help her, take care of her.

Fizminutka (standing)

We help mom together
Wipe dust everywhere
We are still washing clothes.
Rinse, squeeze

Sweeping all around
And running for milk
Meet Mom in the evening
Doors wide open

We hug mom tightly. (perform movements in the text).

5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system.

Educator: And what else is customary to do on a holiday for mom? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, on this day it is customary to give more gifts to mothers. I suggest doing this beautiful postcard (blank hearts, inside blank sheets for drawings).

Take a seat at your jobs.

(Children sit at tables).

The guys do the work: stick a heart on a sheet, cut it out along the contour.

The teacher offers to start drawing, recalls that the drawing is done with pencils, we draw around the contour with felt-tip pens.

The teacher watches and helps.

(Music is playing softly "Mom is the first word" performed by the group "Fidgets" ) .

6. Results of the lesson (comprehension).

Guys, our lesson has come to an end.

Who are we talking about today?

Why are we talking about mom today?

What do you especially remember?

Let's stand in a circle and join hands. Now it will go in a circle from me "heat" , that is, with my eyes closed, I gently shake my neighbor's hand, he - the next, and so on in a circle. And I also want to give you a little heart, which symbolizes my love for you.

Thanks to all! And let's say goodbye to the guests.


MAOU Gymnasium №42

Division of Early Childhood Education

Kindergarten "Forest Fairy Tale"

Abstract of an open lesson with a presentation "Mother's Day"

v preparatory group"Funny Swifts"


Burilina S.A.

Date: November 2015

Program tasks:


1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about where we live. Clarify children's knowledge about the holiday "Mother's Day". To acquaint children with the medals that are awarded to mothers and for what merits. Formation of children's ideas about the profession of mother.


2. The ability of children to answer the question with a complete answer, to actively use all parts of speech in their answers (nouns, adjectives, verbs in the correct form).


3. Education respectful attitude to mother, woman, profession, society.

Equipment: interactive board, audio recording of a song about mom, presentation "about mother's day", "me and my mom".

Equipment for verbal and didactic games:syllables to the words what kind of mother, ball, attributes to the professions of mothers.

Equipment for visual activity: colored cardboard portrait of mom, ribbons, beads, sequins, decorative ornaments

Lesson progress

Q: Guys, tell me, what planet do we live on?

Children: On planet Earth.

V-l: That's right, we live on planet Earth, this is the third planet in solar system. And on this planet there is a country in which we live, what is it called?

Children: This is Russia.

Vl: Well done! We live in Russia. Let's look at the map and say, what size is it?

Children: Very big.

Vl: Right. Our country is very large, and if night falls on one end of the earth, morning has already come on the other. And in Russia, the region in which we live? What is it called?

Children: Kuzbass.

W: Exactly right! And in Kuzbass there is the most important city, what is it called?

Children: Kemerovo.

Vl: Well done! And in this city there is a small area, what is it called?

Children: Forest glade.

V-l: Of course, Lesnaya Polyana. And each of you has your own family, dad, mom, brother, sister. There is a day in the year when they praise a woman, they say warm and tender words, give gifts, flowers. This holiday is celebrated in many countries. What is this holiday?

Children: Mother's Day.

Q: Why do we need holidays?

Children: (children guess)

V-l: In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Holiday - Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This year it will be November 29th.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually entering Russian homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous. Various events dedicated to this Day are held especially beautifully and unforgettably in preschool and educational institutions, where children give their mothers not only kind words and smiles, but many handmade gifts and specially prepared concert numbers with songs, dances, poems.

Now our mothers are awarded medals "Mother Heroine","Maternal valor" "For a worthy upbringing", "Maternal glory".


“I love my mother, I will always help her.

I wash, caress, shake off the water from the handles,

I will cleanly sweep the floor from the shelves, I will wipe the dust all over.

Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep.

I walk on tiptoe, I won't say a word."

Word games:

The game "What is my mother?"

Kind, sweet, affectionate, gentle, mysterious, beautiful, magnificent, caring, modest, cheerful, courageous,

Children lay out the words on the tables, working in pairs.

"How is your mother's name"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children of the full name of their mother.

Game rules: Children stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and call their full names. his mother (“My mother’s name is ...”). If the child finds it difficult, then the teacher helps.

"Mom's Profession"

Purpose: The game teaches children to relate items to certain professions.

Game rules: Children take turns approaching the table and taking an attribute naming it and the profession of their mother.

V-l: Guys, I know you have prepared poems about your beloved mothers.

Who warms with love

Everything in the world succeeds

Even play a bit?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

This is how she always is

My mother is dear!

Mom brings me

toys, candy,

but i love my mom

Not for that at all.

funny songs

She sings

We are bored together

Never happens.

I open it

All your secrets.

but i love my mom

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Hy just for something

That she is my mother!

Presentation "Me and my mother" (photo child and mother)

Slide show ... by random choice, the presentation stops at a certain frame, whose mother, he comes out and says what his mother is ... (my mother is kind, gentle, affectionate, attentive, beautiful, etc.)

Making your own hands "Frame for a portrait of my mother"

Bottom line: Why do we need a holiday "Mother's Day?"

Q: Why do we celebrate this holiday?

Children: To make our mothers happy, to thank them for their work, to give gifts, etc.

Abstract of the open complex lesson to "Mother's Day" in the senior group

Target: To cultivate a sense of love, respect for the closest and dearest person - mother.
- to contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, the development of related speech of children aged 5-6 by teaching how to compose a story using a mnemonic table;
- teach children to answer questions;
- activate the dictionary on the topic "Family";
- develop the ability to reason, use words-actions, words-definitions, related words;
- continue to develop phonemic perception;
- develop imagination, creativity, performing the application;
- to acquaint with musical works dedicated to the theme "Mom";
- develop musical ear, singing skills;
- to teach children to listen and recognize vocal and instrumental music.
Preliminary work:
- reading stories and poems about mother (outside of class);
- making a gift bag for mom in the afternoon.
Material: presentation "My mother", "P. Tchaikovsky and his family", mnemotables, notes for didactic game, doll, stroller, handbags-hearts, letter blanks, glue, oilcloths.

Lesson progress:

In the music hall, Yana rolls and plays with the stroller.
Dialogue with a child:
- Hello, Yana. What are you doing here?
- I play mother-daughter.
- Great game! Are you mom?
- Mom is the most understandable word on Earth. Everything in the world starts with mom. Mom gave us the most important thing ... what guys?
- A life!
- It sounds the same in all languages. Gentle, affectionate, favorite word! Everyone has mothers.
What are our mothers doing?
- Mom-Yana, what are you doing?
- Doll Masha is a daughter,
Mama Yana is me.
On me from under the handkerchief
Looks Masha my!
I'm in a lot of trouble:
I need to cook compote,
Need to wash Masha
And feed compote.
I need to get everywhere
Laundry, wash dishes.
Need to iron, need to sew,
Masha needs to be laid down.
How stubborn is she?
Doesn't want to sleep!
It's hard to be a mom
Mom needs help!
- Guys, have you guessed who we are talking about today?
Yana leaves the stroller.

From the heart
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom!
View photos of mom.
- And what about our mothers?
- What are they doing?
* look at the frame, call what mom is doing
- Well done! Summarize?
1. What did our mother give us? (Mom gave us life)
2. What is our mother like? (Mom is gentle, affectionate, kind)
3. What does mom do? (Mom takes care of us, feeds, clothes)
4. Also, what does our mother do to make us fun and interesting? (Mom buys toys, reads fairy tale books)
5. What should we do for mom? (We must help mom and take care of her)
6. What should we tell mom about this? (We say “Thank you” to mom for everything!)
7. How do we treat mom? (We love her so much!)
Educator: Well done! Here is the story about my mother!
Let's look at our hint. Who will remember our story with me?

8. From the bottom of my heart
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's sing about mom!
9. S.V.:"Lullaby for Mom"
- How will we sing?
Children: gently, affectionately, because the lullaby should soothe, help to fall asleep.
S.V.: we listen to the introduction, we try to sing slowly, quietly, clearly pronouncing the words.
10. Sing a song.
11. Educator: How do you feel when your mom is around?
Children: Calm, cozy! Joyful and fun!
Educator: What do you feel when your mother is gone?
Children: Sadness, melancholy, boredom, sadness!
12. S.V.:(presentation by P. Tchaikovsky 3-4 photos)
Teacher: It was sad little boy Petya when his mother left home for a few days. Petya loved his mother very much, missed her. In sorrow, Petya sat down at the piano, muttered something to himself for a long time, hummed and picked up on the keys. Finally, he composed music. The play turned out to be a little sad, but it's really sad when mom leaves. Years passed, little Petya grew up and became a composer, who was known and loved by all people on earth for his wonderful music. Do you guys know what this is about? The music that we will hear today was written by P. I. Tchaikovsky especially for the Children's Album and is also dedicated to the person closest and dearest to each of us. "Mama" is the name of this play.
Listen to the music and say how the composer felt about his mother.
Sounds like "Mom"
The composer loved his mother, did not upset her. Treat her with tenderness
Tchaikovsky's music without words, what do we call such music?
What instrument plays the music?
What is the nature of the music?
Delicate like a mother.
13. S.V.: Let's play with you in the musical palette (color notes on the tray)
We listen and choose the note that, in your opinion, corresponds to this music (play)
S.V.: A fragment of the play "Mother" sounds.
14. Educator (gives a tray with notes, children choose).
What colors did you choose?
Children: green, pink, yellow...
Children: they are pleasant, kind, beautiful, bright colours like our mothers.
15. Dance
16. So our lesson ends. And now we know for sure that it all starts with mom. She gave us life, that mother is the most tender and caring.
-One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world
Mom is the first friend
There is no better mother!
17. I just want to say “Thank you” to my mother and make her happy!
What does every mom love?
Children: presents!
18. Let's finish our gift to mom?
What did we do in the previous lesson?
Children: handbag for mom!
And what bag?
Children: heart!
Well done! Let's go to the tables and finish our gifts for moms.
(I name who suits which tol)
What's left to do? Let's take a look at my handbag.
Children: Glue the word "mom"!
And so, we find the desired letter and glue
The first letter "em" is m
The second letter "a" - a
The third letter "em" - m
The fourth letter "em" - a
Getting the word...
Children: MOTHER!
So our hearts are ready ... and I want to dance with them!
Dance with hearts
16. S.V.: Let's remember our musical rhythm exercises with hearts.
17. Well done guys! Thank you for your work!