
Developing tasks on the theme of flowers. Theme: flowers. Development of auditory attention


Summary of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children in the preparatory group for school on a lexical topic:

"Garden and field flowers"

Prepared and conducted by a teacher-logopedist 1 sq. cat.

GBOU School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev

s / n Kindergarten№997 Pavlova Tatiana Igorevna

Moscow, 2017

Target: development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.


- Educational: clarify ideas about colors, their parts; teach to distinguish between wild and garden flowers; to form in children careful handling of flowers; to acquaint with the peculiarities of growing flowers and caring for them.

- Correctional and developmental: to enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary of children; to form a grammatically correct structure of speech (exercise in harmonizing nouns with numerals and adjectives, use verbs and prepositions correctly), consolidate the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, improve the skill of sound analysis and synthesis, develop children's ability to answer questions with complete answers, argue their choice; develop fine and general motor skills; develop visual and auditory attention, thinking; develop speech breathing.

-Educational: to cultivate a respect for nature and love for its beauty, respect for the work of adults. Stimulate the formation of interest in educational activities.

Equipment: Subject pictures for the board on the theme "Flowers" (garden: rose (5 pcs.), Peony, aster, daffodil, phlox, gladiolus, lily, tulip; and field pictures: chamomile (5 pcs.), Dandelion (5 pcs.), cornflower (5 pcs.), poppy seed (5 pcs.), bell, loach, clover), a basket for pictures with flowers and leaves with riddles, four pictures with vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables, colored word schemes: garden, field, gardener ...

Handout: pictures with garden flowers: lily, rose, phlox, peony, daffodil, aster, gladiolus, tulip (1 for each child, i.e. if there are more children than the flowers indicated here, then duplicate the required number)

1. Organizing time, message of the topic of the lesson:

The speech therapist holds a basket of leaves with riddles in his hands, takes out one leaf at a time, reads a riddle, the children guess, and the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-answer. (You can also ask the children to explain why they decided so)

* Knocked on our window

Summer is red with a basket.

What is hiding in it, guys?

Okay, let me tell you - riddles! (Guessed who? Children: - Riddles!)

Listen to riddles carefully, listen to the end:

I walked along the path in a meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But the sun's white rays are not at all hot.

On a green fragile leg, a ball has grown by the path.

Breeze rustled and scattered this ball.


Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-answer and reads the next riddle)

Rye is heading in the field, there you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy, only a pity that it is not fragrant.

Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-answer and reads the next riddle)

Eh, bells blue color, with a tongue, but there is no ringing.


Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-answer and reads the next riddle)

The sun burns the top of my head, wants to make a rattle.

Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-answer and reads the next riddle)

What flowers were riddles about?

Poppy, bell, cornflower, dandelion and chamomile. These are wildflowers. They grow by themselves and do not require any care.

What other flowers do you know?

Rose, peony, phlox, asters, tulips, gladioli, lilies, daffodils. These are garden ones. They require a lot of care, and without human help they will not be able to grow.

What fellows you are, you remember everything correctly!

Today in the lesson we will play with both garden flowers and wildflowers.

2. Main part:

The speech therapist places pictures with flowers on the board and all the children count together.

One chamomile, two chamomile, three chamomile, four chamomile, five chamomile.

One poppy, two poppies, three poppies, four poppies, five poppies.

One dandelion, two dandelions, three dandelions, four dandelions, five dandelions.

One cornflower, two cornflowers, three cornflowers, four cornflowers, five cornflowers.

One rose, two roses, three roses, four roses, five roses.

We got a lot of beautiful bouquets, let's count how many bouquets are on the board?

One bouquet, two bouquets, three bouquets, four bouquets, five bouquets.

Who is the most attentive? Did you notice anything interesting? Maybe you have an extra bouquet?

An extra bouquet of roses! Roses are garden flowers, and all others are wildflowers.

What are you attentive! Well done!

Roses, like most garden flowers, smell very nice. And wildflowers hardly smell, or have a subtle smell.

Let's pretend we are smelling a real bouquet of roses!

Exercise for the development of speech breathing "Nice smell"

Children should take a deep, long breath through their nose, without raising their shoulders. As you exhale, pronounce the phrase: "Smells good" or "Very pleasant smell."

In order for the children to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first shows himself how to smell the flowers, and then asks the children to put both hands on their stomachs and thus control their breathing.

Guys, how long will the bouquet delight us with its beauty and pleasant smell?

What should be done to make the bouquet stand beautiful longer?

Bouquets must be placed in vases of water, or they will quickly fade.

I propose to put bouquets in vases. But we will have unusual vases! Let's collect bouquets

from different colors! We put flowers in the first vase, in which one syllable, in the second - of two

syllables, in the third - from three, and in the fourth - from four.

The speech therapist places pictures of vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables on the board, and removes pictures of flowers previously placed on the board.

Speech therapist shows a picture:

It's a poppy. The word poppy has one syllable, we put it in a vase with one circle.

The speech therapist places a picture with a poppy to a vase with one circle and then places flowers to the desired vase with each answer of the children.

The speech therapist shows the following picture:

It's a rose. The word rose has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a tulip. The word tulip has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a lily. This word has three syllables, we put it in a vase with three circles.

Dandelion. This word has four syllables, we put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Peony. The word peony has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Loach. This word has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Bell. This word has four syllables, we put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Knapweed. This word has three syllables, we put it in a vase with three circles.

Phlox. The word phlox has one syllable, we put it in a vase with one circle.

Narcissus. This word has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Clover. This word has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Gladiolus. This word has four syllables, we put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Aster. This word has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Chamomile. This word has three syllables, we put it in a vase with three circles.

What beautiful bright bouquets turned out! What other words can you say about them?

Garden, field, bright, colorful, fragrant, summer, fresh, large, chic, smart, delicate, festive.

What good fellows you are! Wonderful words were chosen for bouquets!

Only about these bouquets it is impossible to say whether they are garden or field, they turned out to be mixed.

Let's separate the garden ones from the field ones.

What do you think is the extra flower in the first vase? (poppy, phlox, loach) Why?

In the first vase, phlox is garden flower, and poppy and loach are field. So phlox is superfluous.

In the second vase? (rose, peony, daffodil, aster, tulip, Clover)

There is an extra clover in the second vase. He is in the field, and the rest are garden ones.

In the third? (chamomile, cornflower, lily)

In the third vase, chamomile and cornflower are field, and the lily is garden, which means it is superfluous.

And in the fourth? (gladiolus, bell, dandelion)

In the fourth vase there is an extra gladiolus, it is a garden one, and the rest are field ones.

How smart you are! We have correctly separated the wildflowers from the garden ones!

Guys, what do you think, how long will the flowers in the vase delight us?

No ... They will soon fade anyway.

Yes, guys, unfortunately, flowers will not be able to stand for a long time even in a vase of water, but for a long time they can delight us in a flowerbed or in a field. Maybe someone guessed why this is happening?

Because flowers cannot grow without a root. Flowers drink water with roots and

feed on nutrients from the ground, and without roots, the flowers die.

Therefore, it is better to admire flowers in a flower bed or in a field, and not to pluck them unnecessarily.

Do you know what other parts the flower has?

Root, stem, leaves, petals, stamens, bud.

Let's show together with handles parts of the flowers:

*Finger gymnastics (Speech therapist speaks and does with the children)

stem and

On the stalk


And in the bud there is

stamens and

many petals.

Show the "root" with the palm of one hand (as if we were holding an apple in our hand, fingers down)

We substitute the elbow of the other hand to the hand imitating the root (the hand is directed upward from the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees)

Hand, imitating a stem, imitates a bud with closed, rounded fingers

To the hand depicting the stem, with the palm of the other hand, we put the "Leaves"

Emphasis on "bud"

Put your palms together with your fingers up, spreading your fingers

Show "petals" with open palms

Excellent knowledge of colors! They showed everything great! Well done!

As you already said, the flowers growing in the flowerbed will delight us for a long time, so let's plant them. Come out one at a time and plant a flower.

* Flowers hid in a small basket

We must plant them in a flower bed under the window!

The speech therapist holds a basket with pictures of garden flowers (or puts it on the table) and invites the children to come up one at a time, take a picture from the basket and place it on the board, commenting on their actions. Pictures previously placed on the board should be removed.

I planted a rose on the flower bed.

I planted a peony in the flowerbed.

I planted a daffodil in the flower bed.

I planted a lily on the flower bed.

I planted phlox on the flower bed.

I planted a tulip in the flower bed.

I planted an aster on the flower bed.

I planted gladiolus on the flower bed.

What a beautiful flowerbed you have turned out! Flowers in a flower bed delight not only people, but also insects. They collect pollen and nectar from flowers.

What do you think, is it necessary to do something else so that the flowers grow and please everyone?

Flowers need to be watered.

Exercise for the development of general motor skills

The speech therapist says and does with the children:

I am a flower, you are a watering can

You fill me with ka!

They point their hands at themselves, then to the side

The right hand is placed on the belt, the left hand is taken to the side, slightly upward and the body is tilted towards the raised hand, imitating a watering can watering the flowers.

Change hands on repetition.

Well done! We planted flowers, watered them, but do you know what kind of flowers they are? How to call them in one word?

The speech therapist places pre-prepared word schemes on the board:

(A strip is a word divided into squares colored in red (vowels), blue (hard consonants) and green (soft consonants))

schema for the word "field"

You skillfully distinguish between garden and field flowers, well done! Will you be able to distinguish these words in diagrams just as well?

The first scheme fits the word "garden", and the second - "field". They have the same number of vowels and consonants, only in the word "garden" all consonants are solid, and in the word "field" the consonant, which is the third in the word, is soft.

Well done, you guessed right!

Do you know who cares for your garden flowers?

Gardener, gardener.

Julia Grabelnikova
Homework on the topic "Field and garden flowers"

1. "Riddles - answers"

A curly hair grows in the meadow -

White shirt,

Heart of gold

What it is? (Chamomile)

The sun is burning

My crown

Wants to make a rattle (Poppy)

Very bright,


Likes to hide in the rye (Knapweed)

White peas

On a green leg (Lilies of the valley)

White, burgundy,

Variegated, purple,

Autumn harbingers

Summer daisies godchildren.

In the flower beds and in the beds,

Playing hide and seek with grass.

One will merge into the carpet ...

What are they called? (Asters)

They are visible - invisible, you cannot count them!

And who only invented them - the gay blue ones?

Must have torn a shred of the sky

A little - a little conjured and done flower(Forget-me-nots)

2. "Repeat clean talk"

Here's a dandelion - a yellow sarafan.

Here is a daisy for you, and on it is a bug.

The blue bell was presented to you and me.

All day, all day long, the smell of lilac is very strong.

Do not tear flower, let my little friend live.

3. Physical education - logo rhythm.

"In the woods"

(Tap off the rhythmic pattern with a pencil poems: four hits on the first and third lines, three hits on the second and fourth lines)

Plants grow in the forest:

Berries, bushes,

Different trees

Grass and bushes, beautiful flowers.

4. Listen to the poem and name flowers that I remembered (for each flower curl finger) .


Bell and levkoy, dahlia and golden ball,

Cornflower, chamomile, asters, lily of the valley with a wonderful smell,

Poppy, tulip, fragrant tobacco, golden dandelion,

Rose, mallow and iris, forget-me-not and daffodil,

Remember well what they are called flowers.

5. Make sentences from words and retell the resulting story.

Draw a picture for the story.

In, hot, forest, quiet, and. High, swifts, over, fly, land. Berries, on, bushes, hang, raspberries, large. Red, on, branch, with, squirrels, branch, jump. Under, sit, birch, hedgehog. Into the forest, good!

6. Draw a picture on the topic “The forest is our wealth. Take care of the forest "

Related publications:

Theme: Spring. International Women's Day. 1. Understand and explain the question asked (an adult writes down for the child): What time of year has come.

Artistic living room "Wildflowers" (open event for parents) Group: preparatory to school Purpose: to consolidate the skills of the image.

Lesson objectives:
  1. Clarify and expand children's ideas about flowers, the structure of a flower, the places of its growth.
  2. Continue teaching children to independently form relative adjectives (garden, meadow, forest, field, indoor flowers).
  3. Development of the grammatical structure of speech through the ability to correctly coordinate pronouns MY, MY with nouns.
  4. Activation and enrichment of the lexical side of speech.

Nouns: flower names: carnation, lily of the valley, tulip, bell, chamomile, rose, dandelion, snowdrop; parts of the flower: root, stem, leaves, bud, petals, core, seeds.

Signs: garden, meadow, field, forest, indoor.

Actions: look after, plant, dig, water.

  1. Development of visual perception through the game "The Magic Trumpet".
  2. The development of coordination of words with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, the development of creative imagination.
  3. Automation of delivered sounds through reciting poems.
  4. Development of the ability in children to independently ask questions like a speech therapist.
  5. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis through a complete sound analysis of the word ROSA. (Working with colored magnets)

Equipment: a picture with a vase with a bouquet; a picture depicting the structure of a flower; magic pipe; pictures depicting flowers: carnation, lily of the valley, tulip, bell, chamomile, rose, dandelion, snowdrop; sheets with a contour image of flowers superimposed on each other according to the number of children; magic chest; artificial rose flower; colored magnets for sound analysis of the word; pictures depicting flowers by the number of children, illustrations depicting a forest, meadow, garden, greenhouse.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizing time:

2. Introductory conversation: (Speech therapist reading a poem by S.A. Vasilyeva "Vase with a bouquet")

Can you name the plants mentioned in the poem in one word? (This is flowers.)

(I post the illustration on the board)

What flowers do you know? Name. (Answers of children)

What nature do we attribute flowers to? Alive or lifeless?

Why? Explain. (Answers of children)

Tell me, where can we see flowers? (In the forest, in the meadow, in the field, in the store, in the room, on the windowsill, etc.)

If flowers grow in the forest, what are they? (Forest)

If flowers grow in a meadow, what are they? (Meadow)

If flowers grow in a field, what are they? (Field)

If flowers grow in the garden, what are they? (Garden)

If flowers grow in a room, what are they? (Room)


3. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson:

Have any of you guessed what we are going to talk about now? (We'll talk about flowers)

- Today in our lesson we will talk about flowers, and we will learn a lot of interesting things about them.

4. Game "I look into the magic pipe."

“Guys, someone knocked on my door last night. When I opened the door, I saw a wizard. In his hands he held this magic pipe. And today this magic pipe will help us learn a lot of new and interesting things about flowers.

- Do you know how a flower works?

- Now we will find out by looking through the magic tube.

- I take a pipe, look at this picture through it and see only the root of the flower.

- And you, Sasha? (the child takes the pipe, points at the picture and names the parts of the flower). Similar work with other children.

5. Phys. a minute.

Target: coordination of words with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, the development of creative imagination.


On the lawn in the morning

We started a game

I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed.

Join our wreath. (Children stand in a circle, join hands)

One two three four, (Take four steps back, widen the circle)

Spread the circle wider.

And now we are streams (Running in circles)

Let's run into the distillation.

We're in a hurry to the lake (Spreading the circle)

The lake will become large.

Come in a circle again (Close the circle)

Let's play in the sun. (Running in circles)

We are cheerful rays (Stretching on tiptoes, hands up)

We are fast and hot. (Jump on tiptoes, hands on the belt)

6. Telling poems by children:


Long green stem

Double flower carnations,

That's why mom

A warm light in the eyes.

Yellow and white - different

There are many of these colors.

Dad and I chose red -

It means love.

(V.I. Miryasova)


White pearls stuck in a row

To a thin stalk - give aroma.

In May, they bloom and bloom in the forest.

Even the Red Book preserves beauty.

And the red chanterelle will pass side by side,

White and fragrant flowers will not hesitate.

(V.I. Miryasova)


The tulip aspires to the sky proud,

Yellow or red - it is any beautiful.

Its bud looks like a small oval,

It survived in the onion in winter.

At dawn a little bit will open -

He wants to look at the sun,

And at sunset he will go to bed again -

And he doesn't need a bed for that.

(V.I. Miryasova)


He blossomed in the silence of the forest,

The gramophone is blue.

Does it ring or not -

Only the forest will give us the answer.

(V.I. Miryasova)


In the form of yellow circles

In the middle of the daisies

Frame the cores

Lots of white petals.

Daisies grew in the field,

All the flowers cannot be carried away.

Beauty around, expanse,

I'll sit down to weave a wreath.

I will make a wish

Tearing off a petal

Will I be lucky, I will find out -

My flower will answer me.

(WITH.A. Vasilieva)

I smell sweet in the garden

I drop the petals

I shine with beauty

But the claws are sharp.

I gave the name to the flower.

For the warm light of the sun

I am grateful for the summer.

There is no more elegant flower!

(V.I. Miryasova)


Yellow head

Pink leg.

Dandelion sun

I will hold it in my palm.

The sun appeared

In May in the meadow

I admire him

Very shore.

It's a pity, the sun isn't long

Will be golden

The sun will turn white -

And I will part with him.

(V.I. Miryasova)


Where the pines have not woken up

Where deadwood sleeps in the snow,

This morning was born

The blue flower is a snowdrop.

... He cleared the cold sand

With your spine, like a paw.

He thinks I'm a dad

And he considers you a mom.

(Pictures with flowers are displayed on the board)

- What are the flowers that can be said about MY.

What are the flowers that can be said about MY.

7. Find and name a flower game.

Guys, take a close look at the leaves that are on your tables.

What flowers do you see? Name. (Each child has a sheet with an outline of flowers superimposed on each other. Children look at the pictures and name the flowers.)

8. Game "Magic Chest".

Guys, another kind wizard gave you such a magic chest.

Do you know what's in it? The wizard said that there was a beautiful flower in the chest.

Guys, the flower is whispering something to me. He wants to know if you know what people have to do to make flowers grow? (Dig up the earth, make a flower bed, plant seeds, take care: water and weed the flower bed).

Now, let's guess which flower the wizard sent us?

I’ll ask a question now, and you listen carefully.

Flower, flower, do you grow in the forest? Are you a forest flower? (Imitation of negation).

Now you ask.

How do you ask? Where else do flowers grow? (-Flower, do you grow in the meadow? Are you a meadow flower?)(Negation)

If a flower grows in a meadow? How do we ask? (-Flower, you grow in a clearing, are you a wildflower?)

If a flower grows in a room, how do you ask? (-Flower, are you growing in the room? Are you an indoor flower?)(Negation).

If the flower grows in the garden? How do you ask? - (Flower, do you grow in the garden? Are you a garden flower?)(Simulated agreement).

Guys, what kind of flower grows in the garden? (I draw your attention to the pictures).(THE ROSE)

Now, look at the picture and tell ROSE, what is she?

(red, with thorns, proud, graceful, fragrant, beautiful, etc.)

9. Sound analysis of the word ROSE:

And now, guys, we will write down the word ROSE.

Only I will not write in letters, but with what? (I draw the attention of children to the color magnets).

What is the first sound in the word ROSE? (R)

Which magnet should I take? (Blue). -Why? Prove it.

(Because the sound P - consonant, hard).

Similar work with other sounds. On the board under the picture, the following scheme is obtained:

- Tell me, how many syllables are in the word ROSE? (Two)

Why did you decide so? ( Rule: as many vowels in a word, as many syllables).


Each child has a picture of a flower.

- Guys, now everyone will name a flower, and determine the place where this flower grows and put it on the picture.

Speech therapist example: - I have a clove. A carnation grows in the forest, which means it is a forest flower. I put the picture on the forest illustration. Children do the same work.

speech therapist MBDO

institution kindergarten "Skazka", Irkutsk.

More interesting and informative information

We are engaged in the topic: "Garden and field flowers"

Children should know:

· The name of garden and field flowers, be able to classify them (field flowers - cornflower, dandelion, lily of the valley, etc .; garden - rose, tulip, etc.);

What parts do flowers consist of?

· How are garden flowers looked after?

· What is the difference between wildflowers and garden flowers?

· Medicinal properties of some flowers.


The child's vocabulary should include:

Nouns: primrose, snowdrop, dandelion, coltsfoot, daffodil, tulip, bell, cornflower, lily of the valley, rose, peony, lily, carnation, calendula, aster, chamomile, buttercup, forget-me-not, violet, bud, petal, stem, leaves, thorns, nature, protection, etc.

Adjectives: beautiful, delicate, fragrant, scarlet, purple, snow-white, golden, pink, blue, rare, fragile, fluffy, smooth, curly, indoor, meadow, garden, medicinal, carved, fragrant, bright yellow, field, light-loving, heat-loving.

Verbs: grow, bloom, cultivate, plant, plant, water, care for, loosen, transplant, flood, sow, smell, cut, admire, tear, wither, collect, destroy, sniff, paint, blossom, blossom, etc.

Grammatical structure of speech

1. Play exercise"Count" (coordination of numerals with nouns with numbers 1,2,5).

One beautiful flower, two beautiful flower, five beautiful flowers
One forest violet, two forest violets, five forest violets

(pink peony, prickly rose, white chamomile, fragrant lily of the valley, blooming aster, blue bell, delicate petal)

2. The game “What? Which? What kind?"(agreement of nouns with


Snowdrop(what?) - the first, white, gentle ...
Violet(what?) - small, purple, fragrant, forest ...
Leaves(what?) - green, delicate, oval, carved….

(chamomile, dandelions, peony, flower bed, lilies, cornflower)

3. Game exercise "Flower meadow"(formation of relative adjectives)
The clearing where chamomiles grow (which one?) Is chamomile.

The meadow on which cornflowers grow (which one?) Is cornflower blue.

The meadow where the flowers grow (which one?) Is a flower meadow.

The clearing on which dandelions grow (which one?) Is dandelion.

4. Game exercise "Select, name, remember"(selection of verbs for nouns)

Flowers in the flower beds(what are they doing?) - they grow, bloom, wither, blossom….

Flowers from a garden watering can(what are they doing?) - ……

Fertilized garden flowers(what are they doing?) - …… ..

Grown flowers with a knife(what are they doing?) - …….

In bouquets of flowers(what are they doing?) ... ..

Flowers people(what are they doing?) - …….

Coherent speech

1. Exercise "Tell me":Compose a story about flowers according to the proposed visual plan.

Development of attention, memory, thinking

Exercise "Help Dunno"(to train children to use prepositions in speech)

· The motley butterfly is spinning…. yellow dandelion.

· Hardworking bees collect the nectar of ... flowers.

· A bouquet of flowers is worth…. beautiful vase.

·…. an ant hid with a dandelion leaf.

· A butterfly flew up ... to a bell, then sat down ... a clover, collected pollen .... chamomile.

· The scent of lilies of the valley attracts ... insects.

· In the spring ... the first flowers appear in the snow.

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in senior group on the theme "Flowers"

Target: development of general speech skills.


Educating: To cultivate love and respect for flowers and nature.

Developing: Develop visual perception, logical thinking. To develop attention, the ability to answer clearly and competently to the question posed.

Educational: Expand children's ideas about colors (about their appearance where they grow). Enrich vocabulary with new nouns and adjectives. Improve the skill of sound-syllabic analysis of words. Exercise children in the formation of plural words.

Course of the lesson

    Organizational moment. Emotional attitude to the lesson

Guys, look at me. I will try to determine by your faces what mood you are in today. I see that for the majority it is good and funny. I am also in a cheerful mood today. Let's pass on our cheerful mood to each other. Look at the one who is next to you, smile at him and mentally wish something good.

2. Development of auditory attention

I want to tell you today one very interesting story which I accidentally overheard. But first tell me what seasons do you know? (Winter spring Summer Autumn.)

(A story about the dispute of the seasons "Whose flowers are better" B. Vovk using a slideshow)

They argued once the seasons of the year - who has the most best flowers? Spring trampled with her heel - and where the snow lay, the streams rang. The grass turned green. The ground was covered with snowdrops, lilies of the valley, coltsfoot flowers, anemones, daffodils ...

My flowers are the most beautiful, says Vesna.

No, Leto objects to her. - Your flowers are really beautiful, but only mine are better!

Summer waved with a hat woven from sun rays, and scattered, not stingy, their flowers everywhere. The wind will blow - the bells are ringing. Bumblebee collects sweet nectar from fragrant clover. Wherever you look, there are cornflowers, willow-herb, carnations, nasturtiums, chamomile ...

Autumn blew cold with envy. And the colors of summer faded.

My flowers are no worse, - said Autumn and wiggled her crimson sleeve. Heather, chicory, crow's feet, chrysanthemums bloomed here ...

And what about Winter? The forest, the meadows, the fields, the roads were covered with snow, the roofs were covered with dust. Only not afraid of snow or frost winter Garden... Behind the glass of the greenhouse begonias, cyclamens, orchids are blooming ...

People have grown the garden, but still it is winter. Here the flowers are the most beautiful, Winter boasts.

So the seasons of the year are still arguing - who has the best flowers.

What do you guys think are the most beautiful flowers? (All flowers are the most beautiful)

CONCLUSION: Guys, at all seasons of the year, each flower is beautiful in its own way: in summer - summer flowers, in spring - spring, in autumn - autumn, in winter - indoor on the windowsill.

3. Communication of the topic of the lesson. Updating knowledge on the topic

So who guessed what we were going to talk about today in class? (About flowers)

That's right, today we're going to talk about colors.

What are flowers for? (For beauty, admire, to make a gift)

And what was the main gift for our mothers and grandmothers? (Flowers)

What flowers did you give your mothers and grandmothers?

How do we call these flowers in one word? (Garden)

Where do garden flowers grow? (In the garden, in flower beds, in greenhouses, greenhouses.)

What other garden flowers do you know? (Rose, tulip, poppy, carnation, etc.)

Who cares for the flowers in the garden? (Gardener)

And there are also wildflowers, meadow flowers. Where do you think they grow wild, forest flowers? (In the field, in the forest.)

What are the wildflowers, forest flowers? (Bell, chamomile, cornflower, etc.)

What are the benefits of flowers? (Flowers can be food for animals, they can be put in a vase, medicines are obtained from flowers.)

Guys, you know that some flowers are included in the Red Book. What do you think this book is? (The book, which includes rare plants, which are very few on earth.)

Right. Do we have garden or wildflowers in our group? (Indoor flowers grow in the group.)

Why are they called that? (These flowers grow indoors.)

How do we care for flowers? (We water, loosen the ground, wipe the dust from the leaves, tear off the dried leaves.)

4. Development of visual perception

Each flower, like all objects, is made up of parts.

Game "Name the parts of the flower"

I need an assistant now. And it will be ...

(The child goes to the board and collects the flower in parts)

What is the most important part of the flower? (Root).

What comes after the root? (Stem)

What is a bud? (Unopened flower)

And they stayed? ... (Petals)

What kind of flower did we get? (Poppy)

5. Development of sound-syllabic analysis(individual work)

How many sounds are in the word "poppy"? (3)

What is the first sound in the word "poppy"? (Sound [M])

What's the second sound in poppy? (Sound [A])

What sound do we hear at the end of the word "poppy"? (Sound [K])

How many syllables are in the word "poppy"?

How do we change the word poppy so that we have two syllables? (Poppies)

6. Development logical thinking

Fold the flower game

In order to continue our acquaintance with flowers, we must split into groups. Each group will have their own envelope.

Take out the contents of the envelope and try to fold the parts so that you get a picture.

What are the names of the flowers you get? (Rose, aster, bell, tulip)

Which flower is superfluous? (Bell) Why? (All flowers are garden, and the bell is meadow)

7. Development of an attributive vocabulary, finger motor skills

Flowers, like people, are very fond of being complimented.

Game “What flowers? (playing with clothespins)

Let's say what kind of flowers do we have? We attach a clothespin for each compliment.

Beautiful, gentle, quivering, fresh, bright, variegated, fragrant, young, spring, garden, field, large, small.

What flower does it look like? (On a chamomile)

8. Development of auditory attention

Game "Say a word"

We have already named many colors today. But there are those that we know, but have not yet remembered. I propose to play the game "Say a word". Ready?

The speech therapist reads riddles, the children add the last word in chorus. Pictures are posted on the board.

What is my name, tell me.

I often hide in the rye

A humble wildflower

Blue-eyed ... (cornflower)

Golden and young

For a week he became gray-haired.

And in two days

The head has gone bald.

I'll hide it in my pocket

Former ... (dandelion)

Flowers - basket

With a yellow center

White shirt.

Nice ... (chamomile)

Yellow, fluffy

Fragrant balls.

They will be protected from frost

In thin twigs ... (mimosa)

In petals, like in a satin cloak,

A beautiful flower hid.

Will not open in any way

In the garden there is red ... (poppy)

In the spring they are cleared of snow
And needles and dead wood.

And the first to appear
In the thawed patches ... (snowdrop)

9. Development of general motor skills

Now I suggest you take some rest. Repeat after me.

Flowers grew once-two-three

Stretched high to the sun:

It became pleasant and warm for them!
The breeze flew by, the stalks swayed

Swung to the left - bent low.
Swung to the right - bent low.

Run away the breeze!

Don't break the flowers!

Let them grow, grow
They will bring joy to children!

squatting, get up
stretch on toes
looking up

swing their arms to the left - to the right above the head

lean to the left

lean to the right

shake a finger


slowly raise their hands up, open their fingers

10. Development visual attention

Game "What has changed?"

Look at the pictures and remember them. We close our eyes, count in chorus until five and open. What changed?

11. Development of vocabulary

Guys, take another look at our flowers. And tell me which ones we can see soon. (Dandelion, mimosa, snowdrop)

Right. These are the first spring flowers. They are also called primroses.

12. Development of mathematical abilities, auditory attention

Many songs, stories, poems have been written about flowers. And I want to solve color problems with you.

1. Three daisies - yellow eyes

Two cheerful cornflowers

Children gave mom

How many flowers are in the bouquet? (five)

2. This flower

Four petals

How many petals

Two of these flowers? (eight)

3. Five flowers at Natasha

And Sasha gave her two more,

How many are two and five? (seven)

13. Development of the grammatical structure of speech

Game "One - many"

You know that flowers don't grow one at a time. I suggest you play the game "One - Many". I call a flower, and you have to say, as we say, when there are many of them.

Chamomile - chamomile

Cornflower - cornflowers

Poppy - poppies

Lily - lilies

Dandelion - Dandelions

Rose - roses

Snowdrop - snowdrops

Lily of the valley - lilies of the valley

Narcissus - daffodils

14. Lesson summary

Guys, do you think a plucked flower is good or bad? (Both good and bad)

Where do you see good? (Decorates the house. Fills it with a pleasant aroma. Gives joy)

What is bad? (Plucked flowers, especially wild flowers, quickly perish. If everyone picks flowers, there will be no beauty around. There will be no flowers - bees will have nowhere to collect nectar, and butterflies - pollen. Flower seeds will not fall into the ground and new flowers will not grow from them)

Is it more that we pick flowers: good or bad? (Bad)

What colors are better to admire? (Those that grow in wildlife: in a meadow, in a field, in a forest, in a city flower bed)

Additional material

    Development of general speech skills

They will grow by Rose, roses in the garden.

Pink, red, all flowers are different!

    Development of graphomotor skills

Game "Connect by Dots"