
Emotional background during pregnancy. Bad mood during pregnancy Can there be a bad mood during pregnancy?


Today we will talk about a common problem in pregnant women - these are mood swings associated with various reasons. Pregnant for many people personifies the very calmness, kindness and beauty.

Of course, if pregnancy is desired and long-awaited, then the expectant mother can flutter from positive emotions in anticipation of the child, but not always.

Causes of Mood Swings in Pregnant Women

Often a woman in a position notices a sharp change in mood, so unusual for her before pregnancy. She can be irritable, whiny, harmful and hysterical, but literally in a moment she jokes, laughs and smiles.

The reasons that affect the mood of a pregnant woman can be:

  • doubts, fears and questions hovering in a beautiful head future mother, for example, will she be a good mother, what to do with work, will there be enough money to provide the child with a good upbringing, etc.;
  • increased levels of progesterone and estrogen hormones in the body of the expectant mother;
  • ailments in the form of heartburn, headaches, excess, nausea or loss of consciousness;
  • discomfort associated with pregnancy - frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, insomnia, a limited number of postures during sleep, baby jerks;
  • fatigue. As a rule, until the 30th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother continues to work, meet with friends, and lack sleep;
  • appearance and lifestyle, which change dramatically - especially at 7-9 months of pregnancy.

Tips for a mom-to-be to avoid mood problems

So that excessive emotionality does not ruin the relationship of the future mother with her chosen one, relatives and friends, a woman is recommended:

  • walk more often fresh air, from one and a half hours a day and better with her husband;
  • relax;
  • exclude all diets, give preference to full-fledged with fruits, vegetables, cereals and, of course, pamper yourself with ice cream or marshmallows;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • get to know other pregnant women - on the forum or in the antenatal clinic and share your emotions, feelings and experiences with each other;
  • go shopping - buy something for yourself, your beloved, or start buying things for your child;
  • attend courses for pregnant women - to learn a lot of new things and, perhaps, some fears will be dispelled;
  • do yoga, or Pilates - for new sensations and uplifting;
  • to do the arrangement of the children's room - choose a crib, accessories, bedding or a chest of drawers.

If a woman during pregnancy cannot cope with her emotions and psychological state on her own, then you can turn to a psychologist for help or take, in agreement with the attending physician, light medications without harm to the baby's health, which helped to avoid mood swings in the pregnant woman.

The positive atmosphere around a pregnant woman has a positive effect on her mood. Close people can only calmly and without nerves perceive the strangeness of the expectant mother, morally supporting her in any situations.

A woman in position and the people around her should understand that whims will go away with pregnancy. The usual figure, the rhythm of life, sleep will return to their usual course, but only with a new small member of the family, and only bright happy memories will remain about nine months of bearing a child.

Mood swings in pregnant women should always be tolerated calmly, both by the expectant mother herself and her relatives.

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It is well known that during pregnancy in a woman's well-being, there are many different changes. The psychoemotional sphere is no exception: new sensations, a sense of responsibility and anxiety for the baby's health cannot but affect the mood, reactions and behavior of the expectant mother. Mood changes are highly individual and temporary; at the right attitude to this question, the most pregnant woman and her loved ones, emotional restructuring can go completely painless and imperceptible.

Unfortunately, there are many persistent myths about the mood and behavior of a pregnant woman that create incorrect patterns of behavior in future parents. Sometimes such incorrect stereotypes bring expectant mothers and their loved ones much more trouble than real changes in emotional sphere.

Pregnancy mood: I don’t want to, I won’t

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the expectant mother is constantly in a state of "out of the fire and into the fire": now she cries, now she laughs, now she takes offense, now she gets angry for no reason. This behavior is indeed not uncommon for expectant mothers; however, it is erroneous to consider it the norm and an indispensable attribute of pregnancy.

The psychoemotional sphere is the most subtle and individual area of ​​human physiology, therefore, there can be no talk of any routine changes that are the same for all pregnant women. Of course, the emotional background of the expectant mother changes relative to the usual rhythm; however, the scale and nature of these changes is different for each woman.

At the beginning of pregnancy, when hormonal changes take place, mood can really "jump" along with hormones. Normally, such emotional instability is felt within 1–2 weeks and is noticeable only to the pregnant woman herself and to the closest family members. Often during this period, the main character does not even know about her “interesting position”. However, even during this period, mood swings do not occur in all expectant mothers. Many women celebrate a steady shift emotional background, for example, constantly elevated mood (euphoria) or a predominance of feelings of depression - a depressive state.

The stability of emotional changes testifies to the establishment of a "pregnancy dominant" in the expectant mother. A psychological dominant is an emotional state that prevails over all other experiences of a person at a certain stage of his life.

In the emotional state of the expectant mother, not even one, but several dominants are distinguished; each of them usually corresponds to a certain stage of pregnancy. In this case, we are no longer talking about swings, that is, constant mood transitions from one extreme to another within a short time, as is usually attributed to pregnant women. And finally, about 30% of women do not notice any changes in the emotional sphere - neither at the beginning of pregnancy, nor at further stages of its development.

The situation when a woman during the entire period of pregnancy illustrates with her behavior the well-known lines of the classic "either she will scream like a beast, then she will cry like a child" indicates the need to consult a perinatal psychologist; this condition is not normal and may indicate more serious deviations in the well-being of the expectant mother. Unfortunately, there are often cases when such a fickle mood and behavior of a woman is simply due to the influence of a psychological template: "I am pregnant, and I have to express my feelings violently!"

Pregnant Mood: Whims - classics of the genre

In fact, this is not the case; the opinion that the expectant mother is "supposed" to be capricious is not true and rather harmful: the influence of this myth significantly complicates the life of the pregnant woman and her loved ones. The classic whims of "pregnant folklore" include the sudden irresistible desires of the expectant mother that require immediate fulfillment, for example, the demand to buy oranges at two in the morning. Naturally, non-fulfillment of a whim is followed by resentment, tears and accusations of loved ones in the lack of sensitivity towards a lady in an "interesting position."

The widespread misconception about “a pregnant woman should want something like that” makes a huge number of women artificially invent special desires for themselves, constantly puzzling their relatives with them and being in an offended-irritated state, since often whims turn out to be difficult to fulfill and do not always delight others. To the question: “Who really wanted something during pregnancy - was drawn to salty, wanted to listen only to classical music, etc.?”, Asked on a thematic forum on the Internet, only 13% of respondents answered positively.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with the desire of a pregnant woman to give herself a little joy. In the end, it is useful for the expectant mother to experience positive emotions, because the hormones of joy released at the moment of pleasure accelerate the metabolism and have a positive effect on the development of the baby. So it is possible to indulge in small whims from time to time - of course, if it does not turn into an obsession, does not terrorize household members and does not poison the existence of the "culprit" herself.

Fear of childbirth

This is a very persistent myth about the emotional state of the expectant mother. It is believed that during the period of waiting for the baby, any pregnant woman should experience various phobias - fear for the course of pregnancy, for the development of the fetus, for her own health and the future health of the baby, and finally, fear of childbirth.

Unfortunately, many believe that fear is a normal state of a pregnant woman, a completely logical reaction of a woman's psyche to a "responsible" position and, therefore, no special actions are required from others to deal with "pregnant" fears. This is an erroneous opinion: a feeling of fear cannot be the norm in any condition, especially during pregnancy. Fear is destructive in nature: it suppresses normal work nervous system, paralyzes the will, leads to the development of emotional stress and depression. The feeling of fear is accompanied by the release of adrenaline in the body of the expectant mother - a biologically active substance that negatively affects the work of the heart, blood circulation and the state of the nervous system.

Adrenaline circulating in the blood of a person experiencing fear causes a rapid heart rate - tachycardia, an increase blood pressure- hypertension, increases the excitability of the cerebral cortex. These changes in well-being are extremely undesirable for the expectant mother, since the increase in vascular tone and the excitability of the nervous system directly leads to the development of uterine hypertonicity - the main factor in the threat of termination of pregnancy and premature onset of labor.

With high blood pressure, placental blood flow suffers and, therefore, the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is impaired. Against the background of a panic state, the risk of such dangerous complications of pregnancy as gestosis, a toxic disruption of the kidneys on later dates pregnancy, which manifests itself high pressure, an increase in edema and protein in the urine; acute placental insufficiency - impaired blood flow in the placenta; premature placental abruption. Obviously, it is impossible to consider a condition that provokes such formidable complications as the norm.

Of course, expectant mothers tend to worry about the course and outcome of pregnancy. All women at various stages of their "interesting situation" experience anxiety about their health, self-doubt, worried about the baby. Of course, all expectant mothers are worried about the upcoming birth and sometimes even afraid of them. It is important that this natural anxiety, which occurs at times, does not turn into constant uncontrollable stress caused by a panicky feeling of fear.

The main reason for any panic is fear of the unknown, the lack of timely and adequately provided information on a topic that has become a source of excitement. So The best way fighting fears - looking for answers to troubling questions; magazines, books and courses for parents-to-be are ideal sources of such information.

Mood during pregnancy

A characteristic feature of the emotional background of pregnancy is a woman's loss of the ability to control her emotions. The pregnant woman herself suffers from such changes no less than those around her, complaining that she literally “does not keep up” with her emotional reactions, which sometimes become too harsh. Similar behavior is typical for some women during premenstrual syndrome (PMS); the difference is that PMS lasts several days at most, and emotional lability can manifest itself during the first trimester of pregnancy.

As before menstruation, in early pregnancy, irritability occurs as a result of powerful hormonal changes. Usual hormonal background women, mainly consisting of female sex hormones estrogen, from the moment of fertilization begins to decline, giving way to the "pregnancy hormone" progesterone. At first, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman changes every day; it is these changes “at the chemical level” that lead to instability of mood and sharp emotional reactions of the expectant mother.

Later, when a constant hormonal background of pregnancy is established and the balance of hormones in the body is restored, mood swings should bother the expectant mother less. However, even on early dates During pregnancy, irritability cannot be considered the norm of the expectant mother's condition - rather, it is a common pathological reaction that certainly requires correction. Getting irritated and nervous for a pregnant woman is just as harmful as worrying: such negative emotions, like fear, lead to an increase in adrenaline in the blood, the negative effect of which was mentioned above.

The best way to stabilize the emotional background of the expectant mother is to switch her attention to events or activities related to receiving positive emotions. During laughter, joy and pleasure, the blood of the expectant mother is dominated by "hormones of happiness" - endorphins. These substances control the metabolic rate, blood oxygen saturation, as well as the supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates to the fetus and everything that is necessary for its full development. So the expectant mother, who is in a good mood during pregnancy, has more chances of having a healthy baby than women who are constantly nervous, irritated and crying during pregnancy.

In order to cope with irritability, you must first get rid of the physiological sources of discomfort. These include fatigue, vitamin deficiency, sleep disturbance, insufficient oxygen supply to the body of the expectant mother. In the fight against irritability, daily walks in the fresh air, water treatments with sea salt, a visit to the pool, yoga and Pilates classes are great help. With an unmotivated change in the emotional background, it is very important to normalize the night's sleep.

To get enough sleep at night, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom for 15 minutes, and take a warm bath. You can drink an infusion of motherwort at night, a soothing collection for pregnant women, or just a glass of warm milk with honey. If it is not possible to restore sleep and a stable mood with non-drug methods, it is worth consulting with a doctor about sedative therapy: depletion of the nervous system associated with sleep disturbance affects not only the irritability of the expectant mother, but also an increase in blood pressure and uterine tone, and this can lead to serious complications of pregnancy.

The whims of a pregnant woman: I can do anything

A pregnant woman can count on the special attitude of others; some expectant mothers begin to take advantage of their "interesting position" and manipulate loved ones with the help of scandals, offenses and whims. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon - many representatives of the fairer sex consider it shameful to use all the advantages of their special position to motivate care and attention from relatives. The desire to manipulate loved ones has nothing to do with the notorious instability of mood - it is caused not by a lack of the ability to control emotions, but by a conscious impact on others by imitating violent feelings.

It also happens that the expectant mother simply ceases to control her emotions and behavior, believing that during this period everything is forgiven for her. In this case, of course, we are not talking about an attempt to deliberately manipulate others; however, this position of "permissiveness" is also unacceptable. Within reasonable limits, control over emotions is nevertheless necessary: ​​the tone of the uterus and placental blood flow, which ensures respiration and nutrition of the fetus, depend on the status of the nervous system. In addition, the eccentric behavior of the expectant mother can do her a disservice: loved ones, tired of constant scandals, will soon stop responding to constant mood swings, tears and irritability. As a result, instead of the special attitude that the "capricious" pregnant woman counted on, the family may experience a cooling of relations, resentment and quarrels will begin - and this is already a reason for real depression.

If a woman has this pregnancy for the first time, then to all the other emotions that every woman experiences during pregnancy is added the fear of the unknown before the process of childbirth, the establishment breastfeeding, as well as lack of confidence in their own maternal powers. Everyone advises not to worry, to pamper yourself and the baby, and a woman sometimes feels lonely and depressed.

What happens to her mood, why is it so changeable?

Mood swings in pregnant women: causes and effects

First of all, the emotional state of a pregnant woman is associated with her physiological changes. And the health of a woman changes from the very first moment of the birth of a new life in her.

The hormonal system of the expectant mother is being rebuilt, because in the first months of pregnancy, how the child will develop depends on the amount of reproductive hormones. Often, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs to a woman if the reasons for disruptions in endocrinology are known. And therefore, together with joy, disturbing thoughts, irritability and dissatisfaction with oneself and others come to mind.

It is impossible not to note such a reason as early toxicosis... Most women before 14-15 weeks of pregnancy experience unpleasant states of nausea and dizziness. It would seem that you need to eat properly and fully, but the body does not accept anything besides water with lemon juice or crackers.

The middle of pregnancy is the most fertile time for both the expectant mother and her family and friends. Hormones are back to normal, toxicosis stops, the baby begins to move - the most joyful sensations fill the woman.

Towards the end of pregnancy the body fully adapts to a new state, and mood swings do occur quite often. The baby growing up in the stomach is located as convenient for him, and the mother experiences pain and discomfort in the back, then in the stomach, then in bladder... At such moments, mood changes, insomnia worries, poor appetite, I want to "unfasten" my stomach and straighten my back.

All of the above reasons for mood swings in women are quite objective, and one can sympathize with those mothers whose relatives do not support and do not understand them.

Mom's positive mood is on guard for the baby's health

Of course, everyone advises a pregnant woman think positively, take care of yourself, drive away anxiety and sadness, think about the baby and enjoy the situation. A calm mother is a calm baby.

A good, positive mood of a pregnant woman is not only a guarantee of the health of the baby and mother. The future dad is also worried and waiting. And on his shoulders is also the responsibility for material well-being, so that the load on the psyche during the period of bearing a child is increased for all family members.

Notes for future dads: warm words, small gifts for no reason, joint walks, shopping and preparations for the birth - all this will help to avoid serious mood swings in women at all months of pregnancy. A woman should not be left alone with a changing body and anxiety about the future of the baby.

How to manage your vagaries during pregnancy

But what if a woman realizes that there are no serious reasons for concern, that pregnancy is developing well, and everyone will be happy with the appearance of a new person, and still sad? How to understand your inner state, how to distinguish a whim from a serious reason for the disorder?

If the grief of a pregnant woman is associated with her physiological changes, then this fact must either be experienced or help oneself to cope with the ailments in medical ways.

In cases where whims are associated with an addiction to food, drinks or any actions, you can use following tricks:

  • Occupation permitted physical education... Meditation, Pilates, yoga for pregnant women will distract a woman from different thoughts and obsessive desires.
  • Compliance with a full diet. It is almost impossible for a hungry pregnant woman to resist the urge to eat everything at once, and often these products are incompatible and not healthy. Sweets, smoked products, foods with a large amount food colors and additives should still be replaced with fruits, vegetables, nuts.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude, reading case literature, watching family movies, reasonable spending on a dowry for a baby - this will help a capricious pregnant woman find harmony.

Keeping a good mood during pregnancy

Above all, the expectant mother herself can and should preserve, strengthen the nervous system and meet the birth of a baby with confidence in her abilities.

Much of the mood swings in pregnant women are due to the fact that they think a lot about the future. A we must learn to live for today, to solve problems that have already arisen, and not far-fetched. On the contrary, at this time it is worth trusting your loved ones, let them take care of the well-being of the family, and let the mother think about the baby.

Important accept your pregnant state, to enjoy the fact that the baby grows, develops, subordinates the mother to his will. Then he will fully repay her for the discomfort and physical ailment with affection and love.

Maintain a balanced state of mind communication with other pregnant women, attending courses and trainings, openness and friendliness to everyone around help. You should not close in yourself and give vent to fears and anxieties, and if there are serious psychological problems associated with the new situation, you can seek help from a psychologist.

You can't just think about the child all the time! After all, there is a family that should help a woman during pregnancy, and she herself should receive attention and care from the expectant mother, especially if there are already older children.

The waiting period for the baby concerns those who are already waiting for him, and those who are not yet aware of his imminent appearance. So, a pregnant woman needs support not only from her family, but also from colleagues at work, medical staff, and even casual travel companions. A pregnant woman is worthy of respect, understanding, indulgence and care!

Have a good mood!

Video: Mood swings during pregnancy

About mood swings during pregnancy and how to deal with them.

Have a good mood, future mothers!

The mood during early pregnancy can change like a sinusoid, from strong to weak, from joyful to depressed, from confidence to fear of the future. Both changes in the body and the conditions of your life play an important role in this.

Internal physiological changes accompanying the onset of pregnancy play a primary and key role. Reorganization of the body and the emotional state during early pregnancy are inseparable from each other:

  • ... Taste sensations change. As a result, mood can also change. Some foods (even previously loved ones) can be intolerable to the taste, even to the point of disgust. On the contrary, other foods will make you crave to eat them as much as possible. Also, you may want to either eat nothing at all, or the feeling of hunger will follow all day long. In both cases, you should eat as your supervising doctor recommends - changes in mood and appetite in early pregnancy should not greatly affect the diet necessary for your health and the health of your baby.
  • Restructuring in the central nervous system... The brain (or rather its small but very important structural part - the hypothalamus) qualitatively and quantitatively controls the regulation of hormones. And hormones - mood, and quite long. It is impossible to regulate the work of the hypothalamus on your own, so you need to adapt and be prepared for the fact that mood can change very strongly: from irritability and even anger to tears of happiness. An event and detail that hasn't touched you before can trigger a very strong emotional reaction, and something that previously worried, disturbed, or delighted you may no longer affect you. By the way, this may also concern the perception of sounds, perhaps you will want to listen to certain music more often, or maybe it will be comfortable mainly in silence.
  • Metamorphoses of smell. Closely associated with changes in the central nervous system. Previously loved perfumes can, at best, cause rejection and misunderstanding of how they could previously be used and admired. The same goes for food and cooking.

Smell is a powerful stimulant of memories and mood. If there are changes in the perception of smells, you should surround yourself with those smells that cause, if not admiration, but at least a neutral attitude. Get new perfume, change something in the kitchen. Can't be ignored: mood swings due to smell can be stressful.

Pathology in the mood

Emotional swings and changes in mood can not always be explained solely by physiological reasons.

  • Asthenia is a severe decay, weakness and general constant drowsiness. Those tasks and responsibilities that were previously easily given seem to be impracticable. Pallor and circles under the eyes are possible. It is better to overcome this state by rest and sleep, regular meals, and a walk in the fresh air. The main thing is not to bother yourself with activities that require strong emotional or physical involvement, so as not to expend the energy that should be spent on restoring a healthy state.
  • Stress during early pregnancy is normal and common, as pregnancy, albeit natural, is very stressful. And you should organize your day so that pregnancy remains the only strong stress. The severity of stress for each person is individual and does not change much over the course of life. If you feel stressed, you should either sleep or switch to a pleasant activity, such as a hobby. This will distract you, and enjoyable and desirable activities are not stressful in and of themselves.
  • Depression in early pregnancy is, in fact, rare. Most often, depressive syndrome occurs after childbirth (the so-called postpartum depression).


A serious psychiatric diagnosis that can be treated with medication: often requires the simultaneous intervention of both a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

Based on which we can assume depression:

  • depressed mood after waking from sleep. Often, the mood improves significantly with the onset of the evening;
  • simultaneous feeling of irritability and weakness;
  • the feeling that the world has lost its colors, everything can seem gray;
  • unwillingness and feeling of physical impossibility to do any business. Strongly weakened will.
  • regular self-deprecating thoughts (“I bad woman and mother "," I do not deserve life on earth "," My whole life is terrible and meaningless ");
  • suicidal thoughts and plans;
  • self-harm attempts.

The above symptoms are also characteristic for asthenia and for ordinary. These are sufficient reasons to consult a specialist.

Depression is a disease that must be treated. If most of the signs described above have been observed in you for more than two weeks (or the last three only made themselves felt), you should immediately contact a specialist psychotherapist. If a woman has injured herself or tried to commit suicide, immediate help from a psychiatrist is needed.

Coping with depression

We recommend that you accept your mood changes as normal. Self-acceptance is often the best medicine. A change in mood during early pregnancy is a normal and correct signal indicating that the necessary restructuring of the body is taking place.

You should often turn to what brings joy and satisfaction, which can distract from everything bad (for every woman, of course, this is individual): walking in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, going to a theater or museum, cooking, work ( working during pregnancy is not harmful, but you cannot overwork, and if possible, if there is a choice between work and caring for yourself and your health, you need to choose the latter), hobbies and hobbies (and during this period new hobbies may appear), (which , of course, cannot and should not replace everything). In some women, sexual desire fades away in the early stages, or even for the entire period of pregnancy; and for some, on the contrary, libido only intensifies. If you are concerned about this issue, then talk to your doctor, almost always sex during pregnancy is harmless and rather useful.

Professional help

Sometimes there may be a need for the help of specialists: an observing doctor or psychologist.

You are not alone in your experiences; mood changes during early pregnancy occur to one degree or another in every woman. Accept your changes as normal and natural. Do not diagnose yourself - if you have doubts about your health or emotional state do not hesitate to see your doctor. Observe your diet and sleep patterns. Try to be in such conditions in which the mood will change, if only for the better.

Before using any drugs, be sure to consult your doctor if there are contraindications. Do not self-medicate!

You are pregnant and notice that you have become too moody in Lately? These are usually due to hormonal changes in your body that affect the levels of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that transmit nerve impulses in the brain). Usually, the "moodiness" in the expectant mother flares up between the 6th and, slightly decreases in the second trimester, and then reappears towards the end of pregnancy.

Women respond to these changes in different ways. Some mothers just feel short-term outbursts of emotionality, while others may fall into anxiety and even.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time. The insane feeling of joy that you will soon become a mother is gradually replaced by other, more disturbing thoughts. You may be concerned about whether you will be a good mom, whether your child will be healthy, and how having a child in your family will affect your financial situation... In addition, you may be worried that your relationship with your spouse and your other children will take to another level, and you are unlikely to be able to devote as much time to them as you did before.

Even if your baby is highly desirable, at times you may have mixed feelings about pregnancy and fears about the future. As your pregnancy progresses, your body will change and you may feel unattractive in your own eyes or notice some changes in your spouse's behavior.

Finally, the physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as heartburn, constant fatigue, and increased urination, can also be challenging. Therefore, do not be surprised that at some point you realize that you have lost control over both your body and your usual life!

How can mood swings be managed?

Try to remind yourself more often that it is absolutely normal, and you are not the only one suffering from excessive emotionality!

1. Take it easy ... Resist the urge to redo all things at once, and do not prepare the house ahead of time for the appearance of a child in it. You can equip the nursery and buy things for children when you go to maternity leave! You can gradually make a list of everything you need to do and buy, so that you don't forget anything later.

2. Spend more time with your spouse and children ... Remember, your life isn't just about a toddler who hasn't even been born yet, especially if you already have older kids! And your spouse needs you to tell him at least sometimes that you still love him. Spending time together will help you distract from your condition and prevent sudden changes in your mood. If prosperity and peace reign in your family, then both your husband and your children will become good helpers for you after the birth of your child!

3. Do what you enjoy ... You can just spend time relaxing, watching your favorite movie or reading a book, you can go for a walk or go to a cafe with a friend, or visit a zoo with your children, or take them to attractions.

4. Talk to your spouse about anything that bothers you. ... As a rule, sharing your worries and fears with your husband or a close friend will make it easier for you to just talk. And it is quite possible that after such a conversation it will seem to you that your "universal" problem will turn out to be a trifle! In addition, frankness is a sure step towards building a relationship of trust with your spouse.

5. Learn to manage your emotions ... Rather than letting frustration build up in your life, find ways to eliminate it. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and don't forget the recreational activities! Identify the source of stress in your life and change everything you can for the better.

What if the moodiness persists?

If your mood swings last more than two weeks and you think your condition is getting worse, be sure to tell your doctor about it and ask for a referral to a psychotherapist. You may be among the 10% of pregnant women who suffer from mild to moderate depression during pregnancy.

If your mood swings become more frequent and intense, you may have a condition called bipolar disorder, in which depression can turn into mania.

If you suspect that you have serious problems, it is imperative to get professional help with their treatment while you are still pregnant. Research has shown that unaddressed emotional problems in a mother can affect the child's physical and psychological health and increase the risk premature birth and lead to the development of postpartum depression.

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