
Early pregnancy: what is important to know? What is possible and what is not possible in the early and late stages of pregnancy? Is it possible when pregnant


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Pregnancy imposes many restrictions on a woman. Some of them are echoes of the distant past and empty superstitions, but others have a scientific explanation. For example, I was deprived of such a beloved relaxing warm bath until I found out that you can take a bath, only with some restrictions. Or let's say coffee. It cost me almost no effort to give it up, but my friend calmly drank it throughout her pregnancy, and, most importantly, gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. What about the opportunity sleep on your stomach(naturally, in the first trimester) or drink carbonated drinks? Let's figure it out today.

Drink soda

Soda is different from soda. If we are talking about unsweetened mineral water, then you need to carefully study its composition. Potassium and sodium– elements necessary for the body, therefore waters containing them can be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, whereas the presence in water chloride salts may cause swelling and increased blood pressure.

Availability carbon dioxide in water can aggravate heartburn, cause bloating, and also provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

Sweet drinks not worth using. The dyes, flavors and preservatives they contain can cause allergies, sweeteners like aspartame can disrupt the liver, and phosphoric acid puts an increased burden on the kidneys, which already work for two during pregnancy.

Sleeping on your stomach

In the very early pregnancy The pelvic bones protect the uterus well enough to allow you to fall asleep in a familiar and comfortable position. This can be prevented by the mammary glands, which from the very beginning of pregnancy begin to become engorged and become extremely sensitive to compression.

In second trimester You won't be able to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy. Despite the fact that the baby is protected by the membranes, amniotic fluid, uterus and abdominal muscles, in the prone position there is still considerable pressure on the fetus. And lying on a rounded tummy is simply uncomfortable.

IN third trimester It’s unlikely that anyone would think of sleeping on their stomach. But sleeping on your back is also not recommended. An older child puts strong pressure on the internal organs and the inferior vena cava, as a result of which blood circulation throughout the mother’s body is disrupted, which means that the baby receives less nutrition.

To take a bath

It is believed that during pregnancy to take a bath Not only is it not recommended, but it is strictly prohibited. However, we know very well how beneficially water affects the expectant mother, especially visiting a swimming pool; it is very relaxing, while providing sufficient physical activity. What's the catch? In the water temperature! The fact is that we usually take a hot or very warm bath, which can cause bleeding, miscarriage or premature birth. But if we lie in water at body temperature or a little lower, adding, for example, sea salt, then we can achieve some of the effects that a swimming pool gives, in particular, relieve stress and relax without the risk of getting any infection and without the need for contact with a huge amount of chlorinated water. Of course, you won’t be able to swim to your heart’s content in a home bath, but you are welcome to relax. In this case, it must be observed several conditions: The bathroom should have rubber mats that will prevent you from falling. And there should be someone at home who can help you get out.

By the way, hover legs You can’t do everything for the same reasons: blood flow to the legs and pelvic organs increases, which provokes the problems already mentioned. Well, if you want to treat your feet with a bath, the tips are the same as for a big bath procedure: water at body temperature and sea salt.

Drink tea or coffee

Tea, coffee, and cocoa contain caffeine– a substance that affects the nervous system, and quite cunningly. In small doses it is an excellent stimulant, while in large doses it has a depressing effect on the nervous system. When consumed, the blood vessels of the brain narrow, and the hearts, on the contrary, expand. If you have normal blood pressure, then caffeine will increase it slightly, and if it is low, it will bring it to normal. Plus, caffeine has a diuretic effect and delays the absorption of calcium and iron.

What follows from this? And the fact is that if you have low blood pressure, then a little caffeine will not harm you to improve your well-being. But it’s better to “take” it not from coffee, but from tea, and with milk. This will be quite enough. The fact is that during pregnancy, caffeine excretion worsens, and its concentration in the blood after a cup of tea will be quite high. And if your blood pressure is high, you suffer from sleep disorders or glaucoma, then it is better to avoid it, and not only during pregnancy.

In any case, can you drink coffee or tea? ask your healthcare provider.


Smoothness and softness- this is the motto of all pregnant women. A sharp shock to the internal organs caused by a jump can negatively affect the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus, cause bleeding, and placental abruption. During pregnancy, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increases, and therefore jumping can harm the spine and sacro-pubic joint, causing discomfort, even pain. So jumping, as well as chasing buses, is not worth it during pregnancy.

The list of what pregnant women should not do is quite wide, but it should be recognized that restrictions such as what is prohibited for pregnant women at all stages, what is prohibited for pregnant women in the early stages, what exercises pregnant women absolutely cannot do, what pregnant women cannot eat - all of them are justified. As family and friends celebrate the news of your pregnancy, it is time for you to be extra attentive and careful, especially if this is your first child.

In this article, I have collected the top 7 things that you should not do while pregnant.

What to do first when pregnant

Go for a consultation with your doctor. Start with your local therapist or obstetrician-gynecologist from your local antenatal clinic to know what you can and cannot do during pregnancy specifically for you; remember, all articles on the Internet (including mine) are not individualized, no one has the right to give you pregnancy recommendations without a personal examination, this is just a guide to action. Only the opinion of your attending physician should be your priority, so my list of what not to do during pregnancy may not fully apply to you. However, it is very useful so that you feel the seriousness of your “situation” and reduce any risk to a minimum.

What not to do for pregnant women

Why pregnant women should not dye their hair

The first trimester of pregnancy is a period when you need to be very careful, so using chemicals to color your hair is not recommended. The reason is that over time, chemicals can penetrate and accumulate in the body, which shares everything it has with the fetus. If you really want to make your hair stand out from the crowd, ask someone to help you and dye only the ends, without affecting the roots and skin.

Pedicures should not be given to pregnant women

Feet swell during pregnancy, but at the same time there is a great temptation to give yourself a pedicure in order to be just a super-duper pregnant beauty! Be sure to consult your doctor! One of the reasons is explained by such a field of medicine as reflexology: there are certain points in the ankle that cannot be touched - this leads to abnormal contractions up to early labor contractions. The second reason is the chemical composition of the nail polish used for pedicure - it should absolutely not contain formaldehyde, formaldehyde resins, toluene, dibutyl phthalate (or, abbreviated as DBP) and camphor (camphor). All these substances are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. This is a very important item on the list of what to avoid during pregnancy because chemicals can enter your bloodstream from your seemingly harmless nail polish!

Sauna, solarium and hot baths: what pregnant women should not do

Any qualified doctor will not recommend any procedures during pregnancy that involve overheating - excessively high temperatures around the torso area overheat the uterine area, which can be fatal to the fetus. Of course, in Rus' the bathhouse is considered a universal medicine, but still try to adhere to the rules of traditional medicine..)

Aerobics and gym exercises during pregnancy

Only if the health studio has trainers who know how to train pregnant women can you continue to do aerobics or weights. No sudden movements during pregnancy! Vigorous exercise leads to fetal hypoxia, which means that the baby does not receive enough oxygen to nourish the brain cells. Hypoxia can lead to brain damage, so during pregnancy you will be more careful with physical activity.

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Massage during pregnancy. You can't overdo it

Surely your loving husband or partner wanted to give you a back massage during pregnancy - and it’s good that you kindly refused him, asking him to send you to a specialist. We have already talked about reflex problems, so massage for pregnant women should only be done by a qualified specialist. You don't want the massage to cause uterine activity and premature labor, do you? After all, for the same reason, you keep track of what you shouldn’t eat during pregnancy or what you shouldn’t drink during pregnancy and follow this list of foods to avoid problems during pregnancy - so why is it okay for someone untrained to massage you?

What pregnant women should absolutely not do: sleep little

You should get enough sleep every day, especially at night. Pregnancy is not the time in life to play super mensch, so ask your loved ones to help you rest properly. If you have the means, hire a house help; if there is no money for this, convince your husband or relatives to take on some of the housework. I'm not asking you to idle during pregnancy, which is not very good for mother and child, just work within certain limits. Lack of sleep means you'll suffer from baby fuss and your body won't be able to work as well as it should when labor and delivery begin.

Listen to music during pregnancy to beat stress

Soft, soothing music is a desirable background to play at home - such music helps to relax and unwind the body, mind, and child inside you. There are a number of studies that show that the child is emotionally connected to the mother, so when stress-busting music is played, it will be better for both the mother and her child.

What not to eat during pregnancy

You've probably woken up in the middle of the night with a wild thirst for pickles or sweets, French fries or a hamburger, but it will be better to learn to control these desires. Too much sugar and carbohydrates in the body is not good for you and the baby. Read more about dangerous foods for pregnant women that lead to gestational diabetes, which is not something you want during pregnancy.

Check with your doctor for more information on what foods to avoid during pregnancy - information includes which fruits and vegetables to avoid during pregnancy to avoid serious problems. Stay calm and happy, avoid the things we talked about during pregnancy and everything will turn out fine!

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article about what not to do while pregnant is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Many women during the period of bearing a baby hear that they are forbidden to do certain things, so they have a feeling of fear, not only for themselves, but also for the unborn baby. But it’s still worth figuring out what pregnant women really don’t need to do, and what is simply fiction.


If a woman is carrying a baby, then she... It is worth forgetting about nicotine at least during pregnancy. If you yourself have quit smoking, and the people around you smoke, then try not to be in the same room with them, avoid moments when they smoke, because everyone knows that passive smoking also has a negative effect on the human body, and even more so during pregnancy . If a woman smokes while pregnant, the nicotine contained in cigarettes can cause various symptoms. It also happens that a woman may have a miscarriage as a result of smoking.

Everyone knows how detrimentally drugs and alcohol can have a detrimental effect on the fetus, so it’s not worth talking about.


During this period, any overload is strictly prohibited - both physical and moral. You need to use your own strength and time rationally. You need to carry out a very important mission every day - to bear a small miracle, so let other members of your family do most of the household chores. You must direct all your strength and attention to the baby, to his development.

There is no need to focus on home comfort and yourself. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to lift any weights; you should forget about heavy bags, bags, buckets, pans. A woman who is expecting a baby is allowed to bench press no more than five kilograms. If you want to rearrange the furniture at home and you don’t need to do it yourself, it’s better to ask someone for help, because otherwise you could lose your baby.

Sleeping on your back

During pregnancy, sleeping on your back is prohibited. Yes this is true. If a woman sleeps in a supine position, the inferior vena cava, which is located under the uterus, may be compressed. This vein is responsible for regulating blood flow to the heart from the lower extremities.

If there is constant pressure on her, then this may not have a very good effect on the health of the woman and child.

Caffeine consumption

Immediately after a woman finds out that she will soon be a mother, she urgently needs to stop drinking caffeine. This is explained by the fact that after consumption, caffeine enters the bloodstream and reaches the baby’s placenta. The placenta tends to retain this substance, and in this case, caffeine enters the fetal circulatory system. As a result, this can result in problems with the child’s nervous system, heart problems, developmental delays, and the child can also have very low weight.


There is no need to go on any rides during pregnancy, no matter how great the temptation may be, still avoid them. Otherwise, riding on attractions can contribute to increased blood pressure, and this, in turn, can cause premature birth.

So if you really like adrenaline, then it’s still better to wait until the baby is born. It is also prohibited to engage in any extreme sports during pregnancy.

Airplane travel

Many doctors claim that, but opinions on this matter differ. If you still have a flight that you cannot refuse, then in this case you need to be guided by your own condition and well-being. There are no specific proven facts regarding the negative impact of flying on an airplane on pregnancy.

But if you are having a difficult pregnancy, you still need to be very careful, and before you fly, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Many experts argue that it is better to avoid flying only in the first trimester; in the second and third trimester, flights are not dangerous for bearing a baby.

Sugar substitutes

Under no circumstances should you use. After all, these substitutes contain a lot of dangerous compounds and various chemicals. All this can have a very bad effect on the child's health.

For example, sweeteners contain substances such as saccharin and cyclamate, which can cause deviations in the development of the central nervous system and cancer.

Tanning and solarium

It is forbidden for a woman to be present while carrying a baby, and you should also forget about visiting. Exposure to ultraviolet rays on the fetus can have negative consequences, they can contribute to increased work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and the production of male hormones in a woman’s body can also increase, and for this reason, bearing a child can be complicated or even interrupted.

In addition, the functioning of the immune system may be weakened. If before pregnancy the immune system was already weak, then its condition can only worsen.


When a woman is carrying a baby, it is better for her to use minimally or even refuse to use hairsprays, deodorants, perfumes, aerosols, and household chemicals. Also, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to use cosmetics that contain chemicals.

These medications include creams and sprays designed to protect against mosquitoes, ticks and other insects.

Folk signs: what not to do during pregnancy

There are many popular beliefs that speak of prohibitions for pregnant women. At first glance, these things may seem absolutely strange, but each sign has its own explanation.

A pregnant woman should not stand on the porch or on the threshold

This belief also has a rational explanation, because a woman, being on a high threshold or on a porch, may fall from there, she may stumble, or she may become dizzy. She may also get cold air in her back, because the door behind her may be open.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is still better not to stand on the porch or threshold.

People who are surrounded by a pregnant woman should under no circumstances refuse her requests or food.

If you do not do as the folk saying goes, then the woman’s childbirth will be very difficult. This superstition is explained by the fact that a woman during pregnancy asks for exactly what her body requires, that is, what the baby needs for normal development. For this reason, a woman should be provided with the food that she needs, that her body needs, because it is also necessary for the baby. But you need to know moderation in everything! During pregnancy, the female body knows best what it needs at the moment.

Yes, indeed, during the period of bearing a child, a woman should not deny herself anything, but still this will not in any way affect the progress of childbirth. And if your doctor has banned you from certain foods, but you really want them, then it’s still better to overcome yourself and refuse to eat them. Some doctors argue that some prohibited foods can be consumed in small doses, such as red wine or beer.

During pregnancy, women are not recommended to sit with their legs crossed, as the baby may be born with bow legs or club feet.

Indeed, if a woman is pregnant, then it is better for her not to sit in a cross-legged position. But this absolutely cannot in any way affect the baby’s clubfoot or the fact that he will have crooked legs. Being in this position, a pregnant woman's blood circulation in her legs worsens, and this contributes to the development of varicose veins.

Also, women who are pregnant should not look at everything ugly, ugly and ugly, otherwise the child will have developmental disabilities. In addition, it is forbidden to look at the fire, go to funerals and look at the dead. You only need to look at everything beautiful, beautiful, so that the baby can be born harmonious, healthy and beautiful.

As for the baby’s appearance, you should know that the shape of the eyes, nose, hair color, eye color and other signs depend only on genes and are formed in the early stages of development. But the character of the child is another matter; you need to work on it, starting from the first minutes of the child’s presence in the mother’s womb. If the mother is in harmony with herself, she is in a joyful and good mood, then all this is reflected in the child.

There is no need to find out his gender before the baby is born.

The Church opposes such predictions. Experts once said that the procedure could cause harm to the baby’s body. But today all expectant mothers must undergo an ultrasound. Naturally, if the baby is hiding in such a way that its gender cannot be determined, then this procedure should not be carried out often.

A pregnant woman should not hold her hands above her head for long

A woman who is expecting a baby is not recommended to hang curtains or hang out laundry, because the baby may become entangled in its own umbilical cord. A baby may become entangled in its umbilical cord if it is very long or the baby is very active. How long the baby’s umbilical cord will be is determined at the genetic level, so a woman cannot influence its length in any way.

For a long time, gynecologists confirmed the fact that if during pregnancy a woman often raises her arms high, then at the time of birth the child will wrap the umbilical cord around itself. But today experts have proven that this is not at all interconnected. But, it is worth knowing that after the twentieth week of pregnancy, you really don’t need to raise your hands often so that the amniotic fluid does not spill out and premature labor does not begin. This doesn’t happen often, but it’s better not to risk it.

You should not swear in the presence of a pregnant woman, because the child may have a birthmark

Congenital pigment spots occur due to the fact that melanocytes - pigment cells - develop incorrectly. They are found both on the skin and inside. The obvious reasons why such pigment spots occur have not been clarified, but it has been definitely proven that they do not develop as a result of scandals during pregnancy.

But we should not forget that all the negative emotions that a woman receives during a quarrel with someone bring harm to both her and the child. Therefore, you should avoid any situations that may bring negative emotions.

A woman who is expecting a child is prohibited from sewing, otherwise she can “sew up” the baby’s way into our world

This is an invented superstition, completely unjustified. It was invented out of nothing to do. This judgment has no intelligent justification, because needlework can only have a positive impact on the expectant mother. But at the same time, it is important to remember that you need to do needlework only in a position that will be comfortable for the mother, so that in this position all nutrients and blood can normally flow to the fetus.

If the mother has been sewing for a long time and notices that the baby suddenly begins to move very actively or suddenly calms down, then in this case she needs to change position - lie down or go for a short walk.

Items for the baby cannot be purchased before the birth.

This superstition has existed since ancient times. Previously, it was believed that clothes prepared and purchased in advance could not belong to the unborn child, since they had already been occupied by otherworldly forces. There is also another explanation - in ancient times in Rus', all families had many children, there was no need to purchase new things, since all things were passed from older children to younger children. But for the first child it was customary to prepare clothes in advance.

Mom needed to sew tiny clothes, and father was making a cradle. In those days, there were no special stores for small children, and there was no opportunity to purchase things a couple of days before the birth of the child.

In modern society, it is believed that it is better to purchase things for the baby in advance, so as not to run around shopping after being discharged from the maternity hospital to purchase the most necessary things.

For many girls, everything related to pregnancy and childbirth causes a state of panic. And when the time comes to think about offspring, fear prevents you from focusing on the main thing - the birth of a child, and forces you to devote all your thoughts to the possible negative sides of both processes. There is another extreme - the belief that nature will do everything itself, which means there is nothing to worry about at all. Both points of view are wrong. Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. But a woman must prepare for them mentally and physically, have enough knowledge of how this happens, and do everything in her power for the successful pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby.

The need for this is caused not only by the financial capabilities of the family. The most important thing here is the health of both parents, their preparedness for the birth of a child, and the creation of favorable conditions for this. The process should begin 2-3 months before the expected fertilization. It includes:

  • Quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • Normalization of nutrition with the obligatory consumption of large amounts of vitamins, microelements, fiber;
  • Healthy physical activity with frequent exposure to fresh air. This part of the preparation is especially useful for a woman, because she is the one who will bear the child and give birth, which require endurance and energy expenditure;
  • Avoiding stress.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in these requirements; it would be good for everyone to lead a similar lifestyle all the time.

Which doctors should you visit?

Expectant parents should definitely be examined by doctors. A woman needs to visit doctors of the following specialties:

  • Gynecologist. It is good that this is a specialist who will then monitor the entire pregnancy. He should know about past illnesses, childbirth, abortions. The gynecologist will need the results of tests for flora, cytology, viral infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis), PCR studies for sexually transmitted infections, cytomegalovirus, as well as information about the body’s susceptibility to rubella;
  • Dentist. Before pregnancy, you need to get rid of infections in the oral cavity, caries;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Endocrinologist.

In addition to the tests mentioned, it is necessary to do more research:

  • Ultrasound of the reproductive organs and mammary glands;
  • Blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • Hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If this is not the first attempt for a woman to become pregnant, the specialist may consider it necessary to prescribe:

  • Colposcopy of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Endometrial biopsy.

Taking oral contraceptives, as well as contraception using an IUD, should be interrupted 2-3 months before conception. If there are genetic diseases in the family or one of the future parents has had radiation exposure, it is worth visiting an appropriate specialist.

In order for conception to occur exactly when the future parents want it, it is necessary to calculate the most favorable days for it. Ovulation occurs around 11-16, if you count from the first day of menstruation.

The most important things during pregnancy

There are many nuances in this period that you should know so that everything goes harmoniously and safely for the woman and the unborn baby. Correct behavior will help avoid many potential problems.


A woman will be able to understand that she is pregnant based on her own well-being. But this will be a little later, and until the first signs appear, a pregnancy test will come to the rescue. Whatever it is, its functioning is based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which appears immediately after implantation of the embryo inside the uterus, that is, 7-10 days after conception. And if you do the test on the first day of the expected but not yet arrived menstruation, it will be informative. These devices come in several types:

  • Test strips. They are impregnated with a reagent, which, when immersed in morning urine, gives a result with an accuracy of 95% in 5-10 seconds. If another one appears next to the existing control line, the woman is pregnant;
  • Tablet. Able to indicate pregnancy if delayed by less than a week. A drop of morning urine is placed in the window provided for this purpose. After some time, the result is visible in the nearby rectangle;
  • Jet. Detects pregnancy with high accuracy at the earliest possible stage. The receiving tip of the device is placed under a stream of urine, and the result will be visible in a few minutes in the window provided for this purpose.

It happens that tests provide information that does not correspond to reality. The reason for this is violation of instructions or taking medications containing hCG.

How to determine the deadline

To track pregnancy, both the doctor and the expectant mother need to know its duration. This is the basis for prescribing research, monitoring the development of the fetus, and the possibility of identifying pathology. Thanks to knowing the due date, it is easy to determine the date of the upcoming birth. There are several counting methods:

  • According to the day of ovulation. It occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. If it is 28 days, then conception occurred 14 days after the start date of the last menstruation. You can also determine the day of ovulation by regularly measuring your basal temperature;
  • Using ultrasound. The size of the fertilized egg is clearly visible on the screen, according to which the doctor will calculate the term. This method is most informative up to 24 weeks;
  • Examination of the uterus. The gynecologist will determine the period based on its size, starting from the 5th week, when the organ begins to enlarge;
  • At the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, this happens at 18-20 weeks, sometimes at 16. It’s a little late, but some inattentive women find out about pregnancy this way.

How to live with pregnancy

Lifestyle should be aimed at ensuring the normal development of the unborn child and the well-being of the woman. This does not mean that all pleasures become inaccessible, but the life of the expectant mother becomes more orderly:

  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition so that the fetus receives enough vitamins and microelements. You should forget about coffee, green tea, seafood, legumes for now, and reduce carbohydrates, which cause weight gain. But meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits are not prohibited in the diet;
  • You must take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. Folic acid is especially important. But vitamin A needs moderate doses, otherwise the child faces pathologies;
  • Rest and comfort are the main components of the daily routine. This also applies to clothes and linen. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, mental, physical and emotional stress should be reduced. 1.5-hour walks in the fresh air and exercises to strengthen the spine, abdominal muscles, and perineum are important;
  • The use of transport should be limited due to possible shaking, which creates unwanted vibration;
  • Heavy lifting and shock household work, especially with the use of chemicals, are prohibited;
  • Alcohol and smoking are the enemies of pregnancy. Even infrequent use can cause deformities in a child;
  • Medicines and plants are taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • You should still take good care of yourself, but without using toxic cosmetics, acrylic and ammonia materials, solariums, or hardware methods. It is better to choose care and hygiene products that are specifically designed for pregnant women;
  • The breast is prepared for future feeding by washing with warm and cool water, air baths for 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • During a normal pregnancy, vaginal sex is not prohibited. As the period increases, you just need to protect the growing belly from pressure on it.

Feeling unwell is not uncommon during different periods of pregnancy. Typical problems in women:

  • Toxicosis. It manifests itself from the beginning of pregnancy with nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and certain odors. By the 12th week, toxicosis passes, but even before this time you can alleviate its symptoms if you eat a piece of salty biscuit with sweetened weak tea in the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid per day, reduce portions and increase the number of meals to 6;
  • in the legs. The enlarging uterus compresses the vessels, so the blood supply to the muscles is disrupted. The body may lack calcium and potassium. Products containing these microelements, mini-exercises with squeezing and unclenching your toes will help;
  • Dizziness. They can occur for various reasons: stuffiness, cramped conditions, fatigue. You can cope with the problem by avoiding the conditions that create it;
  • Insomnia. It is caused by anxiety and changes in the body, which provoke the need to go to the toilet frequently, and the inability to choose a comfortable position due to the stomach. Sleeping at the same hours, drinking warm milk shortly before, and resting during the day will help;
  • . You can eliminate the problem if you drink a glass of water after waking up, add lemon juice to it before eating, walk a lot, and introduce prunes and dried apricots into your diet.

Childbirth: readiness No. 1

In the entire chain of childbirth, this is what women fear most. Childbirth is a serious challenge, but the vast majority of mothers successfully overcome it. In addition, specialists are always nearby, ready to help.

What to take to the maternity hospital

The necessary things and documents should be prepared in advance. Before giving birth, you need to take with you only those that are needed directly for the woman and the newborn. Everything else is collected and left for later; these things will be brought by a happy father later.

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • Results of the latest tests for today;
  • Medical policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Agreement with the clinic (if concluded).

Things for childbirth and stay in the ward:

  • Spacious nightgown;
  • Socks, thin and thicker, but not wool;
  • Hygiene supplies (soap, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, napkins, toilet paper);
  • A pair of small terry towels;
  • Robe;
  • Washable slippers with non-slip soles.

Items that will be needed after childbirth and upon discharge:

  • Sanitary pads and disposable underwear for mother;
  • 2 with front clasp;
  • Cream for cracked nipples;
  • Laxative suppositories;
  • Diapers for newborns 1 set. Another one is bought according to the size of the baby;
  • Baby soap, cream, soft towel;
  • Sterile cotton wool;
  • Thin and thick undershirts, caps, diapers, mittens;
  • Blanket or “envelope”, hat, overalls, socks for discharge. All things according to the weather;
  • Clothes and cosmetics for mom. The one in which the woman came to the maternity hospital will most likely turn out to be large.

How does childbirth go?

Healthy women give birth to a child naturally, that is, through the birth canal. The process, which is assisted by a midwife or doctor, is divided into 3 phases:

  • The first is counted from the beginning of regular contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated by 4 cm. This is the longest part - 8-10 hours. Sometimes the process is stimulated with medications;
  • The second lasts 3-4 hours. The contractions intensify and become more frequent, the amniotic sac opens and the water breaks. The cervix dilates to 6-8 cm, and the fetus moves to the level of the pelvic floor;
  • The third is characterized by the opening of the uterine pharynx by 10-12 cm and lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It moves into the main part of labor, although the activity of the process seems to weaken. But this is not so, it is after the cervix is ​​fully dilated that the fetal head passes through the pelvic ring, and after 8-10 attempts by the mother the baby comes out. Sometimes, to make this part of the journey easier, the woman's perineum is cut.

During the first two phases, the woman is allowed to sit down and walk to stimulate labor. In some clinics, the process takes place with pain relief. The condition of the woman in labor is monitored by measuring blood pressure, temperature, and doing vaginal examinations.

After the baby is born and the pulsation in the umbilical cord stops, it is cut. The placenta leaves the uterus in 2-3 contractions, and the woman is given medications to prevent bleeding.


It should be prescribed according to indications, but sometimes it is done at the request of the woman. The planned operation is carried out as follows:

  • On the operating table, the woman is given an epidural or general anesthesia. An IV and a device for measuring pressure are placed, as well as a catheter for draining urine;
  • The woman’s belly is wiped with an antiseptic, the doctor dissects the abdominal wall and anterior uterus, removes the child, and cuts the umbilical cord. This takes 10-15 minutes;
  • The surgeon separates the placenta, examines the uterine cavity, and sutures the organ. Then sutures are placed on the abdominal wall, a bandage and ice are placed on top;
  • The woman is placed in intensive care for a day, where saline and antibiotics are administered.

After transfer to the ward, the stitches are processed every day, and the painkillers are stopped after 3-4 days.

  • A woman’s body recovers faster;
  • There is no need to waste time looking for suitable baby food, money to buy it, or bother with preparing and sterilizing bottles.
  • Usually the baby is put to the breast on the third day after birth, and before that the woman has to pump. It hurts, but it is necessary so that you can then feed for at least 6 months, and preferably up to a year. In this regard, new mothers are concerned about two problems:

    • Lack of milk;
    • Cracked nipples.

    The first can be solved by putting the baby to the breast frequently and taking lactation-stimulating drugs: an infusion of anise seeds, grated carrots with sour cream. A woman will have to drink a lot of fluids and eat right to prevent the baby from developing gas.

    Cracked nipples need to be treated with special creams and air baths. It is also necessary to learn how to properly breastfeed your baby so that he grasps the nipple along with the areola.

    Body after childbirth

    In this part, women suffer the most from their stomach. It is no longer as flat as before; during pregnancy, the muscles stretched and sagged slightly. But you don't have to put up with it. There are some measures you can take:

    • Change your diet. If you include oatmeal, rice, vegetables, fruits in your diet, and drink a lot of water, this will speed up metabolic processes. Belly fat will slowly but steadily begin to disappear. Do not forget that large amounts of fiber are harmful to the baby if he is breastfed. But fasting is unacceptable, because the milk will disappear. Therefore, in your zeal for harmony you need to know when to stop;
    • Restore muscle tone. Gentle exercises for the abdomen will help: abdominal breathing, tension during a walk, while doing household chores. You need to increase the load gradually; you can exercise intensively six months after giving birth, if it passed without complications.

    Postpartum discharge

    The uterus does not recover within a day after childbirth. This process lasts for some time, during which the woman develops lochia. At first they contain a lot of blood, then they gradually lighten and by the end of the 6-8th week after birth they become transparent or white.

    Menstruation can come in 1.5-2 months if the woman does not breastfeed. Lactation extends the period without menstruation to six months. But on average and with breastfeeding, they begin in the 4th month after birth, because by this time the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods and less breastfeeding.

    Sex after childbirth

    You will have to abstain from it for another 4-6 weeks if the birth was normal. The woman’s genital area must be fully restored, then sex will be a joy and will not cause pain and infection.
    After a cesarean section or perineal rupture, recovery will take 2 months.

    During the first sexual intercourse, a woman may feel pain and discomfort. This is due to vaginal dryness, which can be corrected with a lubricant, or better yet, with a long prelude to intercourse. The tone of the walls is almost always reduced. But this problem can also be solved by training the vagina with Kegel exercises.

    Working expectant mothers are prohibited from:

    • Work in production associated with harmful factors. Factors that are especially unfavorable for pregnant women include:

    Radiation, since its exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), when organogenesis occurs (the process of laying and the beginning of the formation of tissues and organs), can provoke the formation of fetal malformations, mental retardation, as well as spontaneous miscarriage or lead to a “frozen” pregnancy . There are observations that people born to mothers who were systematically exposed to radiation during pregnancy develop leukemia and malignant brain tumors over time.

    Radiologists and x-ray laboratory technicians constantly come into contact with radiation at work.

    Heavy metal salts, which primarily include mercury (contained in electrical equipment, used in metallurgical, chemical, and automobile production) and lead (contained in some brands of gasoline, building materials, and fabric dyes). Salts of heavy metals - in case of systematic contact with them - have the ability to accumulate in the body, including in the tissues of the developing fetus, which can lead to teratogenic (formation of developmental defects), embryotoxic (damage to the embryo during its normal initial development) effects and cerebral paralysis

    Pesticides and insecticides– chemical substances included in the composition of means for controlling weeds, fungi, and agricultural pests. Contact with these substances can lead to malformations of the limbs in the fetus, a mutagenic effect (damage to germ cells, resulting in the formation of inherited diseases).

    • Work at night(night shift work is typical for doctors and nurses, dispatchers, convenience store clerks, etc.). For the body, working at night is definitely harmful, as it leads to a disruption in the biological rhythm, disruption of the normal production of melatonin (the main “regulator” of circadian rhythms in the human body), and therefore is stressful. During pregnancy, night work can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth (according to studies, night work increases this risk by 50?%).
    • Lift and carry heavy objects, as this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. In production, there are specially developed standards, according to which a pregnant woman, with periodic lifting and moving heavy objects, can lift the maximum permissible weight of 2.5? kg, with frequent lifting - a weight of no more than 1.25? kg.

    In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer, according to a medical report or at the request of a pregnant employee, is obliged to reduce the expectant mother’s production standards and provide her with work that excludes the influence of adverse production factors. Pregnant women are prohibited from working overtime, working at night, or being sent on business trips.

    Despite pregnancy, the vast majority of responsibilities for maintaining cleanliness and home comfort usually remain on the shoulders of the housewife. But some types of housework are prohibited while expecting a baby.

    The expectant mother cannot:

    • Make sudden, jerky movements and tilts of the body (for example, lifting a full bucket of water, shaking out the carpet).
    • Carry heavy bags of groceries. The expectant mother is strictly forbidden to lift things weighing more than 5? kg.
    • Move and rearrange furniture independently.
    • Perform household chores during which you have to hold your arms up for a long time (for example, hanging curtains), as well as types of work associated with sudden raising of the arms and tensing the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (for example, reaching things that are high on the cabinet or on the top shelf of the kitchen locker, etc.).
    • Climb onto a chair, stool, ladder or window sill (for example, to wash windows, shake off dust from furniture, replace a burnt out light bulb, etc.).
    • Stay in a squatting position for a long time (when washing the floor, cleaning carpets).

    The above actions pose a danger to the health and well-being of the expectant mother and baby due to the fact that sudden movements, heavy lifting, and prolonged stay in a forced position lead to pronounced tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and sudden changes in intrauterine pressure. This can lead to the threat of miscarriage, as well as premature rupture of amniotic fluid. In addition, during pregnancy, cartilage and joint tissues, due to hormonal changes, acquire increased mobility and elasticity, and the center of gravity shifts. All this increases the risk of falls, which is especially dangerous when you are at a height (window sill, stepladder, etc.). The consequences of a fall can be very sad: premature placental abruption (internal bleeding due to the separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus before the birth of the child) with the development of hemorrhagic (i.e. associated with large blood loss) shock in the mother, in severe cases - intrauterine fetal death .

    Physical exercise should be completely excluded in pregnant women with placenta previa (a pathology in which the placenta is attached in the lower segment of the uterus, above the internal os of the cervical canal, which threatens the development of heavy bleeding), with low placentation (when the edge of the placenta does not reach the cervical canal, but located less than 6–7 cm from it), with the threat of termination of pregnancy.

    It is especially undesirable to constantly use products containing :

    • chlorine(available in bleaches, disinfectants for cleaning plumbing fixtures, stain removers),
    • phosphates(contained in synthetic detergents),
    • ammonia(included in ammonia and window cleaners),
    • Tuolene and Xylene(included in aerosols and air fresheners).

    Firstly, close and regular contact with harmful substances contained in ordinary household chemicals can lead to the development of allergic reactions (even if they never existed before pregnancy) due to restructuring of the immune system, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

    Secondly, we should not forget that harmful chemical agents can have a teratogenic (provoking the formation of fetal malformations) and mutagenic (causing cell mutations) effect. For safety reasons, you must carefully read the label, avoid interaction with a product that is marked toxic, use gloves and a protective mask to prevent direct contact of the substance with the skin.

    It is strictly forbidden to use means for exterminating cockroaches and rodents and other pests due to their high toxicity - the ability to cause severe poisoning, which can pose a danger to the expectant mother and baby.

    It's also better not to do it repairs, since this type of activity combines almost all the dangers and threats listed above, ranging from the risk of falling from a height, excessive physical exertion and ending with exposure to hazardous chemicals contained in paints, solvents, building materials, etc. In such a difficult task as renovation, your position gives you a great advantage: you have every right to take on the most enjoyable part - thinking through the design and decor.

    It must be remembered that pets can be sources of infectious diseases - some of them pose a danger to expectant mothers. One of the most dangerous diseases, the primary infection of which in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to malformations of the eyes and skull of the fetus, mental disability of the unborn baby, and termination of pregnancy, is toxoplasmosis. The disease with toxoplasmosis in later stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and the birth of a child with insufficient body weight. The main source of infection with toxoplasmosis is cats.

    In this regard, pregnant women are prohibited from:

    • Clean your cat's litter box, as toxoplasmosis is transmitted through contact with feces. Entrust this responsibility to one of the family members, explaining the degree of danger to the health of the unborn baby.
    • Getting a cat while pregnant. This precaution is due to the fact that new cat owners have not developed immunity against toxoplasmosis, and the greatest risk for a successful pregnancy is the primary infection, which can occur during the first contacts with a pet.

    Sports activities

    Often during pregnancy, expectant mothers for the first time begin to think about the need to prepare for childbirth, which, as we know, represents a significant physical activity. Among expectant mothers, there are also quite a lot of active women who regularly exercised before pregnancy and would like to continue exercising while expecting a baby - their initial level of fitness, of course, will differ from the level of those who are just starting exercise, so if There are no contraindications for continuing training, they can not be cancelled, but it is recommended to reduce the intensity of the load by 70–80?%.

    In any case, before starting or continuing training, you should consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

    While expecting a child, you must remember that:

    • Sports and any type of physical exercise are prohibited for pregnant women with certain types of complications: polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, threat of miscarriage, isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a pathology in which the cervix does not fulfill its obturator function, shortening and opening slightly before the term of full-term pregnancy), with placenta previa and low placentation, with miscarriages in the past, as well as with increased blood pressure (for example, with gestosis, hypertension).
    • Any traumatic, let alone extreme sports, high-intensity training, exercises involving jumping and vibration, abdominal exercises (for example, crunches, cycling) are prohibited, since an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can lead to untimely rupture of amniotic fluid, placental abruption, termination of pregnancy.
    • High-intensity loads can cause a disruption in the supply of oxygen to the fetus - intrauterine hypoxia, a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother.
    • Initial positions such as lying on your stomach are canceled. In the second half of pregnancy, you should not perform exercises while lying on your back, since in this position the development of inferior vena cava syndrome is possible - a sharp deterioration in well-being, even to the point of fainting. This happens because the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the large vessels of the abdominal cavity and the flow of blood to the upper part of the body worsens, because of this, blood pressure sharply decreases.

    The best option for expectant mothers is moderate aerobic physical activity (that is, helping to saturate the blood with oxygen) - walking at a moderate pace in the fresh air, swimming and yoga, water aerobics, breathing exercises, exercises on a fitball. The best option would be classes in groups created specifically for pregnant women.

    When planning your vacation, expectant mothers need to remember that:

    It is prohibited to visit the bathhouse and sauna. in the first trimester of pregnancy, since during this period all the organs and tissues of the unborn child’s body are formed, and exposure to high temperatures can have a teratogenic (provoking the formation of developmental defects) effect.

    After 14 weeks of pregnancy, the ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas is not so categorical; however, you should not risk your health and go to the bathhouse if you have high blood pressure (for example, hypertension), infectious diseases, especially accompanied by an increase in body temperature, or if there is a threat premature birth, placenta previa and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Don't go to nightclubs, since in these places expectant mothers are exposed to several unfavorable factors at once - in particular, tobacco smoke (and the harm of passive smoking for pregnant women is undeniable), loud noise, an increased likelihood of a collision in a crowd of dancers, etc. In addition, meetings with friends, while expecting a baby, it is better to end no later than 21-22 hours, which is dictated by the need to maintain a certain regime (go to bed on time, ensure sufficient sleep duration - for pregnant women, night sleep should last at least 8-9 hours, not stray from the usual biorhythm).

    Personal care

    There is no doubt that during pregnancy you can and should continue to monitor your appearance, but you must also remember small restrictions:

    When visiting a cosmetologist, be sure to tell him about your “interesting situation.” Under the influence of hormonal changes, the skin of expectant mothers may become especially sensitive, which increases the risk of developing allergic reactions. Considering this circumstance, it is undesirable to use new cosmetic products.

    Prohibited during pregnancy invasive(associated with tissue integrity violation) cosmetic procedures: peelings with trichloroacetic and retinolic acids, laser skin resurfacing, Botox injections, photorejuvenation, mesotherapy.

    During pregnancy The use of all hardware cosmetology techniques is prohibited, you cannot use procedures that allow mechanical impact on the abdomen and chest area, toning and lymphatic drainage massages, electrotherapy(physiotherapeutic method based on dosed exposure to electric currents and fields - electromyostimulation, electrolysis, etc.), microcurrents(a type of electrotherapy, which is based on the use of weak pulsed currents, most often used for myolifting of the face and neck). Also excluded are various hair removal methods: using electric current, photo and laser hair removal.

    For the expectant mother you should not go to the solarium, since in this case there is a high probability of pigment spots appearing on the skin under the influence of intense ultraviolet radiation, also in the solarium the pregnant woman and the fetus are exposed to elevated temperatures, which in some cases can contribute to the development of fetal hypoxia, uterine bleeding and other adverse consequences.

    Compliance with the principles of good nutrition during pregnancy is an extremely important factor for the health of the unborn baby. When shaping your diet while expecting a baby, you need to consider the following points:

    It is dangerous to consume excess amounts of foods that are likely to cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother and may predispose the newborn to allergic reactions - such foods are called obligate allergens(citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, eggs, nuts, exotic fruits, caviar and seafood, smoked meats). It is advisable, if possible, to avoid these types of products, but if you really want to, then consume them in small quantities and only from time to time.

    Should be excluded from a pregnant woman's diet fast food products (chips, fried pies, French fries, hamburgers, shawarma etc.) due to the excess content of harmful fats, salt, dyes and preservatives.

    You cannot eat dry food while running, as this will significantly complicate the full absorption and digestion of food.

    The belief that during pregnancy you can and should “eat for two” is erroneous. Excessive weight gain (normally, weight gain during pregnancy should not be more than 10–12? kg) can complicate pregnancy and childbirth due to excessive stress on the body of the expectant mother.

    Medical indications

    Expectant mothers are prohibited from x-ray examination without compelling medical indications, since ionizing radiation has an extremely adverse effect on the body of the developing fetus (the result may be malformations, miscarriages, and non-developing pregnancy). Considering this fact, do not forget, when going to see a dentist, to warn him about your pregnancy. Ideally, it is advisable to visit a dentist and other specialists at the stage of pregnancy planning.

    In some cases, there are indications for an x-ray during pregnancy - it is performed in cases where the benefit of it outweighs the risk (for example, to diagnose or exclude acute surgical pathology, since the decision on surgical intervention depends on the result of the examination, etc. .). In such cases, a diagnostic examination is carried out only with the written consent of the patient and with the obligatory protection of the developing fetus with a special lead apron, which makes the risk from x-ray examination minimal.

    It is strictly forbidden to practice self-medication in pregnancy period! The fact is that the use of many medications during this period leads to serious consequences. For example, the use of aspirin in the 1st trimester can lead to the formation of fetal malformations (skeletal anomalies, cleft palate), and in the 3rd trimester it increases the risk of bleeding. Only a doctor can prescribe medications that are safe and effective in each specific situation. It must also be remembered that self-appointment medicinal herbs no less dangerous than medications.

    During pregnancy it is highly undesirable to do vaccinations, therefore it is necessary to take care of them at the stage of pregnancy planning (after some vaccinations, a certain amount of time must pass before conception). In any case, the question of the advisability of prescribing vaccinations should be decided jointly with a doctor (or collectively - a group of specialists) with careful weighing of all the pros and cons.

    Bad habits

    Negative action nicotine and alcohol on the development of the fetus is well known - this is the formation of congenital malformations, mental retardation, intrauterine growth retardation, and the threat of miscarriage. Naturally, from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established (or better, at least 2-3 months before conception), alcohol and smoking should be excluded from the life of the expectant mother.

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