
What a holiday on the 1st of May. History and traditions of celebrating the first day. Church holiday according to the folk calendar

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May 1, 2019

Many countries of the world know what holiday today is, in these countries 05/01/2019 Labor Day is celebrated, previously it was called International Workers' Day.

Labor Day (Labor Day)

On May 1, 1886, American workers went on strike to demand an 8-hour day. This strike and workers' demonstration ended in clashes between the demonstrators and the police and bloodshed.
The Paris Congress of the Second International in July 1889, in memory of this action of workers in Chicago, decided to hold demonstrations of workers every year on May 1st. For the first time, the Day of International Solidarity of Workers was celebrated in 1890 in such countries of the world: in Austria-Hungary, in Belgium, in Germany, in Denmark, in Spain, in Italy, in the USA, in Norway, in France, in Sweden and in some others. countries.
Today, the bright spring holiday Labor Day is celebrated in 142 countries of the world. Folk festivals, fairs, performances by artists, peaceful processions and many other entertainment events are organized on this day. For many, this is now another day off when you can just relax and spend time with your family.

Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, the May Day holiday has undergone changes since the times of the Soviet Union, today it is a state holiday and is celebrated every year as the Holiday of the Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. The holiday began to be celebrated in 1996 according to the decree of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. On this day, festive bright spring events are held in the multinational Republic of Kazakhstan to unite all the peoples who live in this state.

Living day

- a holiday among the Slavs
The Slavs, deep after midnight on May 1, began a spring holiday - Zhivin's day. Alive in Slavic means "giving life" - this is the goddess of life, spring, fertility and zhita-grain.
According to legend, the Goddess of Spring Alive was the daughter of Lada, the wife of Dazhbog, she was considered the giver of the Life Force of the Family, which makes all living things alive. Alive is the goddess of the Life-Giving Forces of Nature, reviving spring bubbling waters, the first green shoots, she is the patroness of girls and young wives.
In Christianity, the goddess Alive among the Slavs was replaced by the cult of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.
Women were supposed to take brooms on Zhivin's day, and performing a ritual dance around the fire, cleanse the place of evil spirits, thus glorifying Living, reviving nature and sending spring to Earth. Everyone on that day, clearing themselves of the long winter's obsessions, jumped over the Fire.
The whole day of the first of May (travnia in Slavic) was devoted to rest. By the evening of that day ritual bonfires were made along the banks of the rivers, they bathed, purifying themselves in the cold spring water.

Unusual holidays

On May 1, in addition to official holidays, unusual funny holidays can be celebrated: Tangled Legs Day and Wind Ride Day

tangled leg day

What a funny holiday! It was apparently invented by someone who went to a demonstration on May 1 and returned home every year with tangled legs. Yes, this is understandable, because today is May 1!

Wind Ride Day

It's nice to ride, blowing in the warm May wind. When, if not today, on the holiday of May 1, can you arrange a day of rides with the wind? Let the wind in your face, let the sun in your eyes, this day will never be more pleasant!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Kuzma Ogorodnik

Few people know what holiday the Orthodox have today. On May 1, Christians honor the Monk Cosmas of Chalcedon, whom the people, to the glory of the Lord, called the creator of the canons. On this day, in the forests and groves, the cuckoo begins to crow, so the day was called the cuckoo. The people on May 1 had such signs: if the cuckoo cuckooed on that day, then it's time to sow flax, and if the cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree, then there will be frosts. It was believed among the people that if a cuckoo flies around the village that day, it means there will be a fire.
According to tradition, beets and carrots were sown on Kuzma Ogorodnik. In Russia, only women were engaged in planting and weeding vegetables in the garden. Digging the beds, they said: "Kuzma came - looked into the cellars, took a shovel - dug up the earth near the hut."
Before sowing vegetables, peasant women came in the morning to secret springs - votive students, soaked the seeds for planting in spring water, and threw copper coins at the bottom of the spring. Or they simply soaked the seeds for three morning dawns in river water. They certainly did this secretly, otherwise they thought an envious eye could bring a lot of harm and there would be a bad harvest. The people said: "An alien eye is envious, and envy that rust will eat the whole crop."
It was believed among the people that if you yourself eat at least one seed from the seeds prepared for planting, all the grown vegetables will be devoured by a worm.
The weather on May 1 was judged by its signs. If May had a warm beginning, then cold will begin at the end of the month, and if the beginning was cold, then at the end of the month it will be warm.
The peasants said: "To plow for Kuzma in a shirt - to sow in a fur coat." May, if it turned out to be cold, then the year should have been fertile. Heavy rains in early May foreshadowed a good harvest. With the first warm May rain, the girls wetted their hair so that it would grow thickly like May grass.
A person who was born on Kuzma's day had to be a good gardener, had to take care of vegetables, and bend his back over the beds. Only then it was believed that his fate would turn out well.
Name day May 1 Vasily, Victor, Vissarion, Yefim, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Tamara, Felix

May 1st in history

1948 - Formation of the DPRK.
1950 - Polygamy, infanticide, and child marriage are banned in the People's Republic of China.
1951 - US-funded Radio Free Europe began broadcasting to Eastern European countries from Munich.
1961 - Fidel Castro announced that there would no longer be elections in Cuba.
1964 - Died Nikolai Leonidovich Dukhov (b. 1904), Soviet designer of armored vehicles, nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.
1978 - In the UK, the first of May is celebrated as a public holiday for the first time.
1978 - Aram Khachaturian, Armenian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, author of the famous ballets "Spartacus" and "Gayane" (b. 1903) died.
1987 - The law on ITD (Individual Labor Activity) was adopted in the USSR.
1993 - In Moscow, while trying to block an opposition demonstration on the occasion of May 1, clashes between protesters and the police took place, as a result of which 1 policeman died, from 600 to 800 people were injured.
2004 - Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Estonia joined the European Union.
2009 - Same-sex marriage legalized in Sweden.

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The history of May 1 for children

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day

About the holiday May 1 for children. Interesting and useful information about May Day.

For many years, May Day has been called International Workers' Day. Every year on this day, schoolchildren, students and workers went to the demonstration.

Adults carried large flags, flowers and banners in their hands, and children had small flags and balloons in their hands. Everyone rejoiced at the spring, the renewal of nature and the warm rays of the sun. Returning home, everyone sat down at the festive table.

May Day was a great occasion to send greeting cards to friends and relatives and wish them health and happiness.

On May 1, 1990, the last May Day demonstration took place. The Day of International Solidarity of Workers lost its political character and was renamed the Holiday of Spring and Labor. Today it is not celebrated as actively as in the past. But, since this day is a day off, people have the opportunity to take a break from work, invite guests or go to visit and have a good time on a good spring day. And some, on the contrary, believe that on Labor Day you must definitely work - they go to the dacha and work in the garden.

How May Day is celebrated in different countries


Labor Day in the United States is not celebrated on May 1, but on the first Monday in September. But on May 1, Americans have a custom to sing and dance around the Maypole (this custom came to America from Europe). Children collect spring flowers in paper baskets. They put these baskets under the door of close friends and relatives, and then they press the bell and run away. Someone opens the door, and there is a pleasant surprise!


In ancient times, on the first day of May, the Celts celebrated Beltane - a holiday whose name means "Cheerful Bonfire" in translation. It was dedicated to the sun and pasture of cattle to summer pastures. Residents collected firewood for sacred fires. They piled them on the hills and set them on fire at dawn. Cattle were driven from pastures and led between fires. Thus, they paid tribute to the sun and tried to propitiate the forces of nature. Of course, today Beltane is no longer celebrated like that - they just arrange processions and mass festivities.


German youths secretly plant may trees in front of the windows of their beloved girls. Nice tradition, right? And the holiday could have turned out to be very pleasant, if not for one circumstance. On May 1, numerous parties and movements hold rallies, which very often end in fights and brawls.

In general, in Germany, the night from April 30 to May 1 is Walpurgis Night! Tradition says that at this time the witches hold a sabbath on Mount Brocken. And that's why this legend appeared. In the Middle Ages, some Germanic tribes did not want to accept Christianity and secretly arranged bonfires with dances, worshiping pagan gods. Well, legends began to circulate among the people that it was witches who were going to the Sabbath.


In Greece, it is customary to celebrate the transition of spring into summer. Wreaths are hung over the entrance to the house, symbolizing the onset of the flower festival. Early in the morning, girls in the villages dress up in elegant national dresses and go to pick flowers to weave wreaths and decorate their houses with them. The Greeks also arrange processions with flowers in honor of the arrival of summer.


The Italian holiday has ancient pagan roots. And it's called Labor Day for a reason. The fact is that three thousand years ago, the inhabitants of Ancient Italy worshiped the goddess Maya, the patroness of the earth and fertility. It was in her honor that the last month of spring was named May. Well, on the first day of May, celebrations and festivities were arranged.

The ancient Romans in late April - early May held festivals called Floralia, which were dedicated to Flora - the goddess of flowers and youth. Today, the inhabitants of Italy also revere this goddess: they hold festivals of flowers, bring flowers to the temple. Well, in Sicily on May Day, everyone collects meadow daisies - according to local beliefs, these flowers bring happiness. The Italians have another wonderful tradition - the decoration of the "May Day tree". Moreover, they can dress up not only a tree, but even an ordinary pole. Tassels, bows, artificial flowers are used - the main thing is to make it beautiful and festive! Round dances are performed around the May Day tree, they dance and sing, arrange fiery performances and fireworks. The main thing is that no one dug up the tree on the night before the holiday.

For many, May 1 is one of the most beloved holidays. Despite the fact that it falls on the last month of spring, it is he who is considered a symbol of the beginning of warmth and sunshine. And for Russians, it also means the beginning of the May holidays - a series of days free from the bustle of work and devoted exclusively to relaxing with family and friends.

Despite such love for this date, few people know how the history of May 1 began. If the older generation still remembers the scale of the celebration during the Soviet Union, then for the younger generation this day often means only an additional day off. But at the same time, May Day has a rich history, which will be interesting for everyone to get acquainted with.

The origins of the holiday

This date takes its beginning in the American city of Chicago, where on May 1, 1886 a large-scale protest of workers took place. Tired of unbearable conditions, people demanded that the number of working hours per day be limited to 8. But the rally not only did not achieve its goal, but also led to numerous casualties among the protesters.

The American authorities, who were not going to reduce the 15-hour working day, ordered the police to take harsh measures against the protesters. As a result, a massive fire was opened, which claimed hundreds of lives. Despite this, workers continued to protest on May 1 each year, demanding that their harsh working conditions be taken into account. Such rallies often ended in real fights with the police. It was in memory of the first Chicago protest that the date began to be celebrated, first of all, as Labor Day.

Such mass demonstrations did not go unnoticed. The Congress of the Second International, which was held in Paris in 1889, decided to call May 1 the World Day of Workers' Solidarity. This was done in honor of the workers of Chicago, who were the first to decide to repulse the existing system.

In addition, it was decided at the Congress that people of all states have the right to go to rallies annually on May 1 and put forward their demands, which are of a social nature. Thus, Labor Day was officially recognized at the state level.

The origin of the holiday in Russia

The history of the May 1 holiday in Russia begins in 1890, when world communists celebrated this date for the first time. It happened in Warsaw. Inspired by the example of their American colleagues and the actions of the Poles, Russian workers gradually came to the idea of ​​starting protests. The first mass demonstrations of the proletariat were celebrated in 1897, when the holiday acquired a political color.

But, despite the fact that the Labor Day was officially recognized by the authorities, mass festivities were informal for a long time. It was only in 1901 that the first slogans were noticed openly demanding a change of power. By 1912, the number of representatives of the proletariat participating in the May demonstrations reached 400,000. And already in 1917, whole millions of people were marching through the streets, demanding the overthrow of the tsarist government. It was in this year that the Russian holiday became official, and demonstrations and parades began to be held openly.

The coming of the Bolsheviks to power became an important stage in the celebration of May 1, and the history of the holiday took on a different color. The status of this day has also changed. Now the date has been given the title of "the largest holiday in the Soviet Union", which must be celebrated by all the inhabitants of the country.

In each settlement, entire work teams walked along the streets, carrying posters in their hands that reflected the existing ideology. And the reward for the most distinguished was the opportunity to participate in the main parade of the country, which was held on Red Square in the capital.

Despite the fact that initially May Day had a political character, which is why it was celebrated quite strictly, over time it turned into a favorite folk holiday. Slogans calling for action against the capitalist order were replaced by banners on which solemn congratulations were written.

People began to celebrate this date in a family or friendly circle, enjoying a two-day weekend. Traditionally, the first day was devoted to parades, during which political speeches were replaced by congratulations, large-scale processions were held, covered by television. On the other hand, the second day could be spent on a fun Mayday with loved ones and relax before working days.

That is how May 1 or the Spring and Labor Day gradually turned from an annual political rally into a favorite national celebration. Red flags and balloons are essential attributes of this date. The older generation recalls with pleasure what a unique atmosphere reigned throughout the country at that time. The first real warmth, the feeling of the magic of spring and the opportunity to spend two extra days off with loved ones - this is what May Day symbolized for the working class of the Soviet Union.

May 1 in modern Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this date is still celebrated. But the former excitement around the holiday is gone, and the main joy from it is the extra days off. The last solemn parade dedicated to May 1 was held in 1990.

Now this day is traditionally celebrated with a picnic, and for many residents of the country this is an additional opportunity to work in the garden.

Despite the fact that the holiday no longer pleases people on such a scale, its significance has not been forgotten. The famous slogan "Peace! Work! May!" still continues to sound in congratulations. The warm holiday, which rallied the entire working class, will remain among the most beloved.

May 1 in various countries

This day is celebrated not only in the USA and Russia. The number of countries that have joined the celebration of a significant date is 142. Most of them celebrate it on May 1, but there are states where celebrations are held on the first Monday of the month.

This holiday is especially loved in:

  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Sweden;
  • Greece;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Holland.

Each country has its own tradition of celebrating May Day. For example, young Spaniards on this day present their halves with the first spring flowers that bloom by this time.

And in Germany, large-scale festivities, entire fairs and fun dances are held. In addition, there is a wonderful tradition here - young people in love plant a tree in front of the window of their chosen one.

On the night of April 30 to May 1, giant fires are lit in Swedish cities, in which garbage that has accumulated all year is burned. After that, it's time for dancing and fun. And in the morning, various rallies in support of the working class begin.

In Greece, this day is a holiday symbolizing the change of seasons. Young girls collect the first flowers, weave wreaths from them and decorate their homes.

In France, May Day is associated with lilies of the valley. It is these flowers, personifying happiness, that the French give when congratulating each other.

Italians on this day return to the pagan origins of the holiday. Flower festivals are held in honor of the goddesses Maya and Flora.

In Holland, May Day is the time of the Tulip Festival. Many people from all over the world specially come here to look at this colorful spectacle.

Thus, May 1 is a wonderful holiday that unites different nations. It does not matter which version of the celebration is held in the country. In any case, this is a bright spring holiday that brings a lot of positive emotions.

Russians are looking forward to the May holidays with particular impatience - there are so many days off at the beginning of the month when the summer season opens! But if every baby knows what May 9 is for Russia today, then few people can clearly tell what exactly we celebrate May 1. We are sorting out together with IA "Amitel" about what May Day is.

If we delve deeply into history, then in ancient times our ancestors organized large-scale celebrations that took place at the end of April and the beginning of May. In this way they tried to propitiate the gods before starting work in the fields. The Slavs celebrated the departure of the spring cold, arranged ceremonial bathing in cold water, burned fires, greeted the goddess Zhiva, who, according to legend, revived nature.

The inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome worshiped the goddess Maya, who was the patroness of farmers. In the last month of spring, in honor of the goddess and the beginning of the new harvest season, they held a big festival.

From history, everyone probably remembers that two centuries ago, the working day of the poor lasted from 12 to 15 hours. On April 21, 1856, protest marches were held in Australia by workers who demanded a reduction in the working day to 8 hours and at the same time not to reduce wages. They managed to get their way. And even without bloodshed

In 1886, in the US and Canada, workers also decided to organize rallies and demonstrations in order to achieve an 8-hour day, fixed wages and social security. On this day, every city revolted. However, the center of the protests became Chicago, where about 40,000 workers took to the streets. Here the world failed to solve the matter. Thousands of layoffs of workers followed, demonstrations were dispersed with the help of weapons. A lot of people died. In memory of the dead, the Paris Congress of the Second International declared May 1, 1890 the Day of Solidarity of the Workers of the World and proposed to mark it with demonstrations demanding an 8-hour working day and other social demands. The holiday has become an annual event.

How was May Day celebrated in Russia?

In the Russian Empire, May Day was celebrated for the first time in 1890 in Warsaw. This trend was picked up by St. Petersburg, where in 1981, on May 1, a May Day strike of workers took place. In Moscow, the first May Day took place in 1895. Since 1897, May Days began to be political in nature and were accompanied by mass demonstrations. In 1917, May 1 was celebrated openly for the first time. In all the cities of the country, millions of workers took to the streets with the slogans of the Communist Party "All power to the Soviets", "Down with the capitalist ministers".

In 1918, in post-revolutionary Russia, a law was passed that May 1 would be celebrated at the national level.

In the USSR, the May Day demonstrations were of great importance. It was a really big celebration. Organizations have been preparing for it for weeks. In the first years of Soviet power, military equipment came out to the parade in honor of May 1, staged real performances with acrobatic and gymnastic numbers. It was a real holiday, which was expected.

He had many names. Initially, in the USSR, May 1 was called International Day. In 1930, this day was renamed the Holiday of International Solidarity of the Proletariat. During the Great Patriotic War, it was called the Fighting Holiday of the International Proletariat. After that, the official name appeared - International Labor Day. Since 1997, on May 1, we have been celebrating Spring and Labor Day.

Who has Angel Day today and what folk signs you should pay attention to in order to determine the weather for the near future.

We will also remind you which holidays are celebrated on May 1 and which celebrities were born on this day.

Labor Day (Spring and Labor Day)- originally called the Day of International Solidarity of Workers. It was started by Chicago workers who went on strike on May 1, 1886, demanding a reduction in the working day to 8 hours. The rally ended in a clash with law enforcement officers. In memory of him, the Paris Congress of the Second International in 1889 decided to hold demonstrations on May 1 as a sign of the solidarity of the workers.

World Asthma Day- celebrated since 1998 on the first Tuesday of May. Bronchial asthma is considered one of the most common chronic diseases, it affects about 300 million people.

Day of solidarity of all solidaries

First day of the May binge

The day when we take a break from our favorite work

Maybug's birthday

Stash Search Day

tangled leg day

Birthday postage stamp

Wind Ride Day

Hawaiian dance festival

May 1st is remembered in history for the introduction of the first postage stamp, the car racing tragedy, and the creation of North Korea.

305 - The Roman emperor Diocletian, who ruled the state for more than 20 years, relinquished power. His reign is notorious for its persecution of Christianity.

381 - The Second Ecumenical Council (also known as the First Council of Constantinople) - the local council of the Eastern hierarchs, convened by Emperor Theodosius I the Great, completed the creation of the state Christian church.

1840 - The first postage stamp went on sale in Great Britain. She was black, in denominations of 1 penny - accordingly, she was called the “black penny”.

1876 ​​- The Marriage of Figaro was staged for the first time. The premiere took place in Vienna.

1948 - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is established.

1994 - Famous Brazilian Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna died in an accident at the San Marino Grand Prix. He was 34 years old.

1998 - the court found guilty of the genocide of the former Prime Minister of Rwanda, Jean Kambanda. He was accused of killing representatives of the Tutsi tribe in 1994.

According to the church calendar, Anton, Vasily, Victor, Vissarion, Efim, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Felix celebrate this day.

An American architect, a Soviet animator and an English writer were born on this day.

1672 - Joseph Addison, English politician, playwright, poet, one of the first journalists in Europe.

1764 - Benjamin Latrobe, American engineer and architect Latrobe stood at the origins of the classical and neo-Gothic styles in US architecture. Author of projects for the Second Bank of the United States in Philadelphia and the Catholic Cathedral in Baltimore. According to his project, the Capitol in Washington was also rebuilt.

1852 - Martha Connery (aka Calamity Jane or Calamity Jane), scout and shooter from the Wild West, a member of several military companies during the wars with the Indians. The heroine of many films and books.

1905 - Alexander Borisov, Soviet actor who starred in the films Mussorgsky, Maxim Perepelitsa, True Friends.

1916 - Glenn Ford, American film actor ("A Fistful of Miracles", "Superman", "Carmen")

1917 - Fyodor Khitruk, Soviet animator, screenwriter and director. "Father" over 200 animated characters in more than 100 cartoons, including "Winnie the Pooh", "The Adventures of Boniface".

1929 - Igor Akimushkin, Soviet biologist and writer. He wrote both popular and serious books (The Path of Legends, Traces of Unseen Beasts, The Disappeared World).

1946 - John Woo, Hong Kong and American director, known mainly for his action films ("Hard Target", "No Face", "Broken Arrow", "Battle of Red Rock").

According to the national calendar, May 1 is the day of Kuzma Ogorodnik. Our ancestors considered St. Kozma the patron saint of this day - they prayed to him for a good harvest and full bins. According to tradition, on May 1, they were engaged in gardening: they planted and weeded vegetables, first of all, carrots and beets, as well as potatoes.

If the alder is already blooming, you can sow buckwheat.

If the weather is warm today, the second half of May will be cold.

If bird cherry has turned green, you can start planting potatoes, carrots, and beets.

If willow-bredina and violet have bloomed, it's time to sow the seeds of onions, carrots, radishes, dill and parsley.

If it is dry in the morning and damp in the evening, the weather will be warm in the coming days, no rain is expected.