
What to do if boots creak. How to get rid of squeaky shoes when walking? Why shoes squeak Spongebob square pants squeaky boots


Many of us are annoyed by harsh, inharmonious sounds, one of which is the creaking of our shoes when walking. Hearing such "music" is unpleasant. This causes a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, both new shoes and boots that you have been wearing for more than one season can creak. Why is this happening? What to do about it and how to get rid of the unpleasant sounds made by your shoes, we will tell in this article.

Why do shoes start to creak

The first thing to remember when choosing a new pair is that quality shoes don't squeak. If you feel even a slight creak, immediately postpone this purchase, no matter how you like shiny loffer shoes or incredibly delicate pumps with heels.

What causes creaking when wearing new shoes? Because something is wrong with the product. There are several reasons:

  • manufacturing defect admitted at the shoe factory;
  • use of low-quality material;
  • incorrect sizing;
  • any foreign object caught in the seam of your pair of shoes.

Squeaky new shoes

It is very important for any person not to make a mistake when choosing shoes so that they can wear them for a long time and with pleasure. If a shoe creaks after purchase within a few days, it can still be returned to the store. The seller is obliged to take the goods back from you, this is a marriage, such shoes cannot be worn.

What can you do with used shoes

If your shoes, not new, but time-tested, suddenly start to creak, there are several methods to get rid of unpleasant sounds. Some methods allow you to reduce an unpleasant creak, others - get rid of it altogether. It depends on the:

  • the material from which the shoes are made;
  • sole type;
  • heels.

What can cause suede boots to squeak

Suede boots creak due to the fact that the parts of the product rub against each other. As for the nubuck boots, their front surface is sanded, the details are smoother than those of suede shoes, so the squeak is somewhat louder in this case.

Can the platform creak

Old shoes made of leather or leatherette can start to creak due to drying out. Often there is a creak from leather boots of the season winter - spring or autumn - winter. The reason for this is the overstretched thread (the thread with which the parts are sewn), a high platform, a wedge or hard insoles.

The soles of boots and sneakers are less thick. They often have lacing, creaking can be emitted by its fastening points at high tension. Sometimes it is enough to loosen the laces and the problem will be solved.

Determine where the squeak is coming from

Absolutely any footwear can creak: from boots to ballet flats, but the methods for getting rid of creaking are similar. Any parts of your pair of shoes can make unpleasant sounds:

  • sole;
  • poorly fixed heel;
  • threads with which the manufacturer sewed the product;
  • the material from which the shoes are made (lacquer creaks more often);
  • cracks if the product is leather.

To determine what specifically causes unpleasant sounds when walking, you need to bend your shoes and listen. When you find the source of the noise, it will be much easier to solve the problem.

How to eliminate creaking when walking

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant sounds in shoes. For their application, improvised materials are used, so you do not have to turn to specialists. You can do the work to eliminate the squeak yourself at home.

We use fabric

For sports shoes, ballet flats, non-natural shoes, wet fabrics can be used, there are two ways to choose.

  1. Wrap the shoes (each shoe separately) in a damp cloth and leave for 8-9 hours, overnight. The shoe material will soften and the squeak will disappear.
  2. Put the shoes on a damp cloth (it should be more damp than in the previous method). The effect is the same as after the first method.

Softening a pair of shoes with a damp cloth has the disadvantage that creaking may occur again.

Not all materials can be used with this method, for example, nubuck or suede, as they are particularly sensitive to moisture.

Squeaky soles on patent leather shoes

Often, the soles of patent leather shoes or ballet flats make unpleasant sounds due to their flexibility. To get rid of this, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Lightly grease its inner, wrong side with heated drying oil.
  2. Use any other oil. Castor is more suitable, as it is guaranteed not to leave a smell after absorption (such as sunflower, mustard or olive).
  3. Leave the oil - overnight, drying oil - for a day.
  4. After the set time has elapsed and the oils have been absorbed, you need to remove excess oil and drying oil, if any, with a napkin or a clean, dry cloth.

This method has its pros and cons. If you use too much oil, there is a chance that it will stain the product, in addition, the oil layer will need to be renewed from time to time. However, this method is effective and the creak of shoes disappears for a long time. Oil solutions can only be used on smooth types of natural and synthetic leathers. For pile skin they are unsuitable.

How to lubricate the heel to remove the squeak

If the heel of your pair of shoes makes unpleasant sounds, and they themselves are made of leather, you need to treat with a thin layer of oil (on a cotton swab) the place where it is connected to the base.

Shoes can also creak due to cracks formed from old age. Perhaps the heel is poorly fixed, or the shoes have a weak arch support. In this case, it is better to contact the repair shop.

Exposure to high temperature

A very effective method of getting rid of creaking is to heat the shoes. You can warm the sole with a hair dryer, setting it to the hottest setting. This will take only 5-7 minutes, the creak will disappear for a long time.

Getting rid of creaking at home - video

Footwear made of leather, leatherette and eco-leather

Every person has products made of leather or its substitutes. If you experience unpleasant sounds while walking in such shoes, try the following steps to eliminate them:

  1. Lubricate the pair inside and out (depending on the source of the squeak) with fat fat (pork, badger) or goose fat. Particular attention should be paid to the place of machine lines - seams can creak due to overtightened threads.
  2. Put the shoes in a warm place (next to a heater or radiator) overnight or 8-9 hours.
  3. Let the fat dry.
  4. Before putting on, you need to remove excess fat so that unabsorbed fat does not leave marks on your socks or tights. To do this, it is recommended to use cotton wool moistened with alcohol or vodka, if there is a special cream, use it. Alcohol softens the material, does not leave streaks and removes grease residues well.

Do not use alcohol on the front of leather shoes - it may change the color of our product.

Suede and fabric shoes cannot be wiped with alcohol, as well as shoes made using rubber.

You can mix goose fat with wax (3:1), it polishes shoes and adds shine. This method is also harmless to the product. Instead of fat and wax, you can use petroleum jelly - it has enough fatty substances to soften the skin. You can wash it off in the same way as other fat - with vinegar or alcohol.

Leather shoes can creak when wet - dry them. Use a shoe dryer or insert dry sheets of paper (they should be changed as often as possible). If the insole makes noise when walking (and this can also be), remove it and treat it with dry soap or stick deodorant. Most often, leather insoles creak when rubbing from the wrong side against each other or against the sole. In this case, you can lubricate the upper insole with oil or treat the space between two layers of talcum powder.

Squeaky shoes are frustrating to deal with, but there are many ways to eliminate them and continue to walk softly and silently - there are methods that will help extend the life of your pair of shoes. Do not rush to part with it - the problem of creaking shoes is solved!

You will need

  • - Drying oil;
  • - rag;
  • - castor or vegetable oil;
  • - goose fat;
  • - hairdryer;
  • - wax (you can use a regular candle).


Dampen a washcloth with plain water. Place shoes (, etc.) on a wet cloth and leave them overnight. Under the influence of moisture, the leather product will soften, and the creak will pass by itself. However, after some time, there is a possibility that a nasty creak will again come from the shoes. In this case, if the creak appears again, perform a number of the following steps.

Heat the soles of creaking shoes with drying oil to a hot state. If there is no drying oil, you can use vegetable or castor oil, which must be carefully rubbed into the sole. When performing such actions, be very careful not to accidentally ruin expensive shoes - you only need to warm up the sole, without touching the upper part of the shoe.

Soak the shoes after impregnation for a day. If, when putting on shoes, you feel an unpleasant burning sensation, you should wipe the sole with a solution of acetic acid (3%) to completely eliminate the drying oil, with which you most likely went too far. A few drops of this product are enough to rub the soles.

Take a regular hair dryer, turn it on to medium power, blow warm air outside and inside the shoes, thereby warming up the sole a little. Such actions should be performed within 5-7 minutes. Knead the soles of your shoes after the procedures with a hairdryer. Shoes after that will become comfortable and soft, and the squeak will disappear forever.

If not the sole, but the skin of the shoe itself, goose fat will help here, which needs to be carefully processed throughout the entire outer layer of the shoe. In addition, so that the shoes do not lose their original appearance and shine in any way, you can mix goose fat with wax in a ratio of 3: 1, after melting the wax and adding fat to it.

The seams of leather products can be soaked with heated castor oil or hot wax. After completing all the above steps, you can safely put on your boots or shoes and forget about the unpleasant squeak forever.

It's a shame if someone notices your approach not by a light trail of perfume, but by the creak of shoes! And immediately self-esteem tends to zero, because a woman is made a woman, including, by a light airy gait. And what kind of airiness is there when the creak of shoes broadcasts about your imminent appearance better than any herald.

If the creak of shoes plays such an important role in the psychological state of a person, then it must be chosen carefully and with special predilection. Shoe specialists () believe that shoes creak only if something is wrong with them. For example, there is a manufacturing defect. So, if the sewn or shoes creak, it is possible that during their manufacture the thread with which they were sewn was overstretched (tightened) - dratva. When walking, the outsole compresses and stretches unevenly, which causes creaking. In this case, after some time of wearing, the dratva stretches a little and the sound disappears. Also, the cause may be some defect in the skin from which the shoes are made - unevenness, swelling, microcracks and other defects. Also, if only one half-pair creaks (one boot, shoes), then the cause may be the ingress of foreign particles, such as sand, earth, during the manufacture of shoes. This defect is not removable and you will have to endure the squeak, or take drastic measures - throw away a pair, change to another from the seller. If the shoes are defective, then it is logical that the best way to forget about the problem is to take it back to the store until the warranty period has expired. You should not think that sales assistants will twist their fingers at their temples and will not accept your ill-fated shoes, referring to the fact that the creak of shoes is not registered in the warranty card. Feel free to take with you about consumer protection and prove your case if necessary. You simply have to replace defective shoes with the same ones, but without marriage, or return the money spent. If you do not dare to part with a pair of beautiful, fashionable, but creaky ones, then take action, because you can try to save them. There are a number of ways in order from squeaking shoes. In the event that the sole (outsole) of the shoe is made of leather (this happens quite often), then you just need to lubricate it with any oil, be it sunflower or even olive oil, and in some cases you can use drying oil for lubrication, but only it should be hot. You can also try to get rid of squeaky shoes with a damp cloth or towel. You need to put the shoes on a damp cloth and leave them in this position overnight. Probably, the main problem of the creak is hidden in the special condition of a pair that has not yet been broken, just bought. In any case, wearing shoes that emit an unpleasant creak is not only unpleasant, but, according to popular beliefs, unsafe. They say that if the shoes creak, expect trouble. Here, either a long, serious illness will overtake their owner, or death immediately. So, it would seem, just shoes (even if they creak a little), and the consequences promise unsweetened.

When choosing new shoes, the buyer most often carefully examines and measures them. And yet, unfortunately, some of its defects may not be immediately visible. A person can even walk for several days in purchased boots, and then suddenly it turns out that one boot or both immediately begin to creak disgustingly. Is it possible to get rid of this disadvantage? In many cases, people succeed in doing this, but not always.

You will need

  • - animal fat;
  • - wax;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - hairdryer.


If for some reason you can’t or don’t want to replace defective boots, try to figure out what’s wrong and fix the defect yourself. Sometimes boots creak if the thread (the thread that sewed the parts) is too tight and unevenly tightened. When you walk, the outsole changes its shape unevenly, which leads to creaking. You can’t change anything here: walk more actively - the fight will stretch a little, and the creaking will stop.

Carefully examine the leather from which the boots are made. It can also be one of the reasons for making unpleasant sounds if it itself has any cracks, swellings and other defects. Or when sewing shoes, earth, sand and other foreign particles got into it. In this case, one boot can creak and, unfortunately, there is a high probability that no measures will lead to a positive result.

Buying new shoes should always be treated with special care. And before you buy your favorite shoes or boots, do not be too lazy to walk a little in a new thing. If your shoes creak while walking, then do not hesitate to ask the seller for a replacement, because you came across a defective pair. But what if you bought “melodic” shoes on the Internet or in another place where you can’t return them? Or even worse - old, but beloved shoes began to make unpleasant sounds? Here are some helpful tips to help you. This article will tell you how to get rid of the creak of shoes when walking.

Causes of a creak

Before you deal with the imperfections of shoes, you need to understand how they arise. The main reason why shoes creak is a manufacturing defect. First of all, the sound occurs if the shoemaker pulled the seams that hold the shoes together. As a result, this leads to the fact that when walking, the threads pull the sole unevenly, which is expressed in an unpleasant creak. In this case, over time, the threads will stretch a little, and the shoes will stop making sounds. Much worse is the situation with another defect that could be allowed during production. We are talking about the ingress of foreign particles (sand, pebbles, earth particles) into the internal parts of the shoe. In this case, it will not be possible to get rid of the creak.

material imperfection

New shoes can produce unwanted sounds not only due to manufacturing defects, but also due to the poor quality of raw materials. Wrong material is the main reason why leather shoes creak. In this case, it will be very difficult to get rid of the nasty sound.

In addition, shoes can creak due to defects in the heel or sole. In this case, it is better to return the defective pair to the store. If this is not possible, then take the boots or shoes to a shoe shop. The shoemaker will help you get rid of such troubles.

Where is it creaking?

Before figuring out how to get rid of the squeak of shoes when walking, you need to identify the place where this sound originates. Well, just this should not be a problem, because the creak of the sole is completely different from the sounds that a heel or leather makes. Moreover, you can determine the place of origin of the creak by ear or sensation. To do this, slow down your step and, raising your leg, twist your foot. If at this moment the shoes do not make a sound, then the whole thing is not in the heel or sole, but in the skin. Now that we have figured out the causes of unpleasant sounds, we can move on to methods of dealing with this phenomenon.

How to get rid of squeaky shoes when walking at home

If, when wearing shoes, a leather surface makes a sound, then goose fat or lard mixed with wax in a 3: 1 ratio will help correct this defect. Wipe shoes with these products, paying attention to the threads that hold the material to the sole. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: soften the material itself and help stretch the seams if they were overstretched during the shoe making process. In addition, it would be useful to go through the fat and lightning, especially if it sticks.

After processing, put the shoes in a warm place, but not under the battery, and leave them to dry overnight. In the morning, boots or shoes will no longer emit an unpleasant squeak, and you can wear them comfortably. But before putting on treated shoes, be sure to remove excess fat. For this purpose, it is better to use ordinary pharmacy alcohol or cologne.

How to get rid of creaking shoes when walking simply and quickly? For this, another folk remedy is suitable. Shoes or boots that make an unpleasant sound are wrapped in a damp cloth, the one with which you wash the floor is also suitable, and left overnight. This will help soften the shoes, but be prepared for the nasty squeak to come back if you haven't broken in the pair well by then.

Moisture control

Sometimes not only new, but also old favorite shoes start to creak. This phenomenon may be caused by the moisture content of the materials. For example, after your last walk in the rain, you forgot to thoroughly dry your favorite pair of boots. In addition, excessive sweating of the legs can also cause an unpleasant sound. In this case, the most ordinary hair dryer will help to deal with imperfections. Heat the inner surface of the shoe for 10-15 minutes, then let the pair cool and repeat the procedure.

If this is a tedious process for you, pay attention to special heating insoles that can be purchased at the store. In addition, you can dry wet shoes with talcum powder or baby powder, which you need to process the inner surface under the insole.

The paper will help get rid of moisture. To use this method, remove the insoles and stuff wads of old newspaper inside your shoes. Leave the steam for a while, then take out the damp paper and stick the dry lumps inside.

If it's not about the skin

What to do if the sole of the shoe creaks? To deal with this defect, there are several available methods:

  • You can treat the soles of shoes with ordinary heated drying oil. But at the same time, try not to get this substance on the leather surface, because this can ruin your favorite pair. It is necessary to soak shoes with drying oil for 24 hours. After this period, you need to remove excess substance by wiping the sole with vinegar.
  • A hairdryer will help soften the sole: heat the surface for 5 minutes, then knead it well. The product should acquire softness, which makes the unpleasant sound disappear.

Tight seams of the sole are another reason why shoes creak when walking. What to do with this defect? You can get rid of an unpleasant squeak with castor oil or heated wax. To do this, wipe the threads with these materials. After the procedure, the seams will soften, and you will forget about the squeak.

An unpleasant sound can appear from a poorly glued insole - this is another of the most common reasons why shoes creak when walking. What to do in this case? Carefully tear off the insole and glue it again so that the materials do not rub against each other. Although this method is applicable only for leather shoes, because in ordinary shoes or boots the insole is made of paper, which will fall apart as soon as you start to tear it off. If this happens, then purchase better quality insoles from the store and glue them to the shoes.