
Presentation - family in modern society. Presentation on the topic "Family in modern society. Family legislation" Historical types of family and marriage


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“It is bad for a man when he is alone Woe to one, one is not a warrior” V. Mayakovsky

Family in modern society. Legislation and family. Korneeva E.S. OBZh teacher MBOU secondary school No. 8 of Kholmsk

FAMILY LEGISLATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION On March 1, 1996, the Federal Law regulating family relations, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, came into force. Article 1 of the Code stipulates that "The family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the Russian Federation are under the protection of the state."

1. Affirm that the family is the basis of social relations.

2. Define family.

A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

Matriarchy Patriarchy Egalitarian families (equal rights) TYPES OF POWER STRUCTURES

3. Determine the main functions of the family Social Economic

Social: ensures the reproduction of a person, the development of a child, his physical, spiritual formation, that is, the formation of a member of society, teaching him the general traditions and customs of a given society

Economic functions are expressed in the accumulation of a certain amount of benefits that ensure the maintenance of a common family economy, material mutual assistance to all family members.

Family law is a set of rules governing personal non-property relations arising from marriage.

Complete the assignment in writing: Conditions of marriage and principles of family law Conditions of marriage 1. 2…. Marriage is... A prenuptial agreement is... Family Law Principles 1. 2...

Marriage is a voluntary, equal, properly formalized union of a man and a woman, with the aim of creating a family, giving birth and raising children, and maintaining a common household.

Conditions of marriage: Mutual voluntary consent to marriage. Reaching the age of marriage (in Russia - 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16 years) Spouses must not be in another marriage. Lack of family ties between spouses.

Marriage agreement (contract): A duly executed agreement between spouses on the procedure for possession, use and disposal of property acquired during marriage, as well as on the division of property in the event of a divorce.

Principles of family law: Voluntary marriage; Equality of rights of spouses in the family; Mutual consent in solving intra-family issues; Priority of family education of children; Concern for the development and well-being of children; Priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members.

The family is a society in miniature, on the value of which depends the security of the entire large human society F. Adler N.G. Chernyshevsky Good spouses have two souls, but one will. M.Servantes

Homework: Answer in writing the following questions: 1. What is the registry office and why is it needed? 2. Is it possible to live a family life without marriage registration? 3. Is a wedding in a church an official confirmation of family relations in Russia? 4. Outline the main provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation according to the plan: - Sources of family law. - Property rights and obligations of spouses. - Grounds for termination of marriage. - Rights and obligations of parents.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The problem of technical development in modern society. Child and computer.

The problem of technical development is one of the most important problems of modern society. The 20th century is the century of scientific and technological progress. What is the role of science and technology in our lives? What do you know...

Lesson on the Basics of Life Safety in Grade 11. Lesson topic: Family in modern society

Theme of the lesson: Family in modern society The purpose of the lesson: To continue the formation of the concept of the family and its role in modern society, to show the moral foundations of the formation of family ...

A family

  • A family as a small group is an association of people based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by common life, mutual assistance and mutual responsibility.
  • The family as a social institution is an association that is characterized by a set of social norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior between spouses, parents, children and other relatives.
  • “A group of relatives living together / husband and wife, parents with children.”
  • S.I. Ozhegov
  • “A social group characterized by cohabitation, common household management and reproduction of both sexes, two of which maintain socially approved sexual relations and have one or more children of their own or adopted children.” D
  • Murdoch, eng. sociologist
  • “A group of people connected by direct family relationships, whose adult members assume responsibility for the care of children.”
  • E. Giddens, Eng. Sociologist
  • “A group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.”
  • encyclopedic Dictionary
  • “Economic unit of society.
  • F. Engels
  • "The most effective means of preserving the culture of the people and the transmission of social heredity."
  • L.N. Bogolyubov, academician
Define and characterize families using social science terms Lesson outline
  • 1. Family and marriage. Family values
  • 2. State and family
Basic concepts
  • 1. Family
  • 2. Marriage
  • 3. Functions of the family
  • 4. Types of families
  • 5. . Family values
  • 6. The problem of the crisis of the modern family
The main source of information on the socio-demographic structures of the population are population censuses
  • The population of Russia as of January 1, 2007 was 142.2 million people. (according to Rosstat).
  • As of January 1, 2008, the population of Russia, according to Rosstat, amounted to 142,008,838 people.
  • As of July 27 - 141.888 million people
Why in the old days, when they got married, they cried, but there were few divorces, today they rejoice at the wedding, and the number of divorces is growing? The main directions of support for the Russian family.
  • Demography is "the most acute problem of modern Russia" and today "the situation in this area is critical."
  • V.V. Putin
The demographic situation, population reproduction is assessed according to the following criteria
  • The birth and death rate in the country;
  • Rate of natural increase
  • Marriage (divorce) rate
  • Write an essay "Model of a modern ideal family"
May joy come to your home
  • May joy come to your home
  • Even if you are upset.
  • And make sure
  • That you are well disposed towards everyone.
  • Although life is not sugar - do not be sad!
  • Everything will work out for you!
  • Let go of all insults to loved ones,
  • After all, we are all learning.
  • Our wishes to every family.
Conditions for a happy life together:
  • - mutual love;
  • -mutual respect;
  • -recognition of the equal rights of women and men;
  • - awareness of their high responsibility to each other, to the future family;
  • -the presence of a certain material base;
  • “A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.”
  • 1. Small group / an association based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by common life, mutual assistance and mutual responsibility /.
  • 2. Social institution / association, which is characterized by a set of social norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior that regulate the relationship between spouses, children and parents, other relatives /.
family evolution
  • : 1- archaic large families with collective or group property; 2 - large families, within which separate family cells with private property arose; 3- small or nuclear families with developed private property.
Express poll
  • Questions:
  • 1. Would you like to have a family in the future?
  • 2. How many children would you like to have in your family?
  • 3. Who should be the head of the family?
  • 4. How do you feel about civil (unregistered marriage)?
  • Number of respondents- 51 people
  • Grade 8 - 11 people.
  • Grade 9 - 11 people.
  • Grade 10 - 12 people.
  • Grade 11 - 17 people.
  • Would like to have a family 51 people
  • One child - 19
  • Two children - 14
  • Over - 7
  • The head of the family should be:
  • Husband - 32
  • Wife - 9
  • Difficult to answer -10
  • Attitude towards civil marriage:
  • Positive - 6 people.
  • Negative - 39
  • Don't know - 6
Types of modern families:
  • small / nuclear / family, where married spouses and their children live together and extended family, where more than two generations of relatives live together;
  • a childless family and a family with children;
  • complete family /presence of both parents/ and incomplete /presence of one of the parents/;
  • family patriarchal and partner
Trends in the development of family relations at the present stage
  • an increase in the number of divorces and single-parent families;
  • an increase in remarriages;
  • an increase in the age of young people entering into marriage;
  • increase in families with one child;
  • the growth of childless families;
  • an increase in the number of unregistered de facto marital unions and out-of-wedlock births;
  • transition in economically developed countries from a patriarchal to a partner family;
  • combining family and professional roles not only as a husband, but also as a wife;
  • separation of the institutions of marriage and family;
  • a decrease in the fulfillment by the family of its basic functions, and hence the lack of full-fledged family relations, the complexity of the socialization of children, and demographic problems.
  • What are the reasons for these changes in family relationships?
  • Are these changes an expression of the decline of the family as a social institution, or do they reflect a complex search for a new type of family better adapted to the realities of modern society?
The main directions of support for the Russian family.
  • demography is “the most acute problem of modern Russia” and today “the situation in this area is critical”. V.V. Putin
The concept of the demographic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015
  • an increase in the amount of benefits for caring for a child up to one and a half years.
  • introduction of compensation for the costs of preschool education;
  • development of a program for material incentives for the placement of orphans and children left without parental care in families.
  • increase in the cost of birth certificates.
  • establishment of maternity capital in the amount of 250 thousand rubles from January 1, 2007.
  • regular increase in the minimum wage and pensions.
  • essay

Lesson plan 1. What is a family? 2.Qualities necessary for a harmonious family life 3.Legislation and the family 4.Basic functions of the family 5.Marriage and the family 6.Conditions of marriage 7.Marriage contract 8.Principles of family law 9.Rights and obligations of spouses 10.Rights and obligations of parents 11.Rights of minor children

What is family? A family is a group of people living together, leading a common household, connected by marriage or kinship. A family is a union of persons based on marriage or kinship, characterized by a common life, interests, mutual care, help and moral responsibility. The family is the primary unit of society. Healthy, prosperous families are the guarantor of the peace of society, stability and development of the state. Only within a normal full-fledged family and with its help does a person enter a complex circle of social relations, becomes a citizen.

Family in modern society The period of 20-24 years is recognized as the best age for marriage. The best age for marriage is the period of 20-24 years. The greatest number of divorces falls on the first five years of marriage, when there is a "grinding" of various characters, attitudes, habits. The greatest number of divorces falls on the first five years of marriage, when there is a "grinding" of various characters, attitudes, habits. "Ointment" is necessary, because to remake a spouse for yourself, for your views and habits is a completely meaningless and unpromising occupation! "Ointment" is necessary, because to remake a spouse for yourself, for your views and habits is a completely meaningless and unpromising occupation!

Family in modern society With the advent of a child, a new, more difficult stage begins in the life of a family, because the birth of a child is not only a great joy, but also new responsibilities. With the advent of a child, a new, more difficult stage begins in the life of a family, because the birth of a child is not only a great joy, but also new responsibilities. At this time, it is important, giving love and attention to a new family member, not to forget the tender and caring attitude towards each other. At this time, it is important, giving love and attention to a new family member, not to forget the tender and caring attitude towards each other.

Legislation and the family Since March 1, 1996, a new Family Code of the Russian Federation has been in force in Russia, which officially fixes the provisions of marriage and the family, all aspects of their existence. Since March 1, 1996, a new Family Code of the Russian Federation has been in force in Russia, in which the provisions of marriage and the family, all aspects of their existence, are officially fixed. The main goals of the Family Code: The main goals of the Family Code: strengthening the family; family strengthening; protection of the rights of each family member; protection of the rights of each family member; ensuring family rights and obligations; ensuring family rights and obligations; conclusion and dissolution of marriage; conclusion and dissolution of marriage; adoption, guardianship, etc. adoption, guardianship, etc.

Family functions Reproductive (ensures the reproduction of a person, the development of the child, his physical, spiritual development, education and upbringing, forms a member of society, teaches the traditions and customs of society) Reproductive (ensures the reproduction of a person, the development of the child, his physical, spiritual formation, training and education, forms a member of the society, teaches the traditions and customs of society) Economic (accumulation of a certain amount of benefits that ensure the maintenance of a common family economy, material mutual assistance of all family members) Economic (accumulation of a certain amount of benefits that ensure the maintenance of a common family economy, material mutual assistance of all family members)

Conditions for concluding marriage Mutual voluntary consent to marriage Mutual voluntary consent to marriage Reaching the age of marriage (in Russia - 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16 years) Reaching the age of marriage (in Russia - 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16 years) Spouses should not be in another marriage Spouses should not be in another marriage Lack of family ties between spouses Lack of family ties between spouses Capacity of spouses Capacity of spouses

Marriage agreement (contract) A marriage agreement (contract) is a duly executed agreement between spouses on the procedure for possession, use and disposal of property acquired during marriage, as well as on the division of this property in the event of a divorce. Marriage agreement (contract) - an agreement in the proper form between spouses on the procedure for possession, use and disposal of property acquired during marriage, as well as on the division of this property in the event of a divorce.

Family law Family law is a set of rules regulating personal non-property relations arising from marriage. Family law is a set of rules that govern personal non-property relations arising from marriage. Family law does not regulate the relationship of likes and dislikes between family members. This is the sphere of morality, family psychology. Family law does not regulate the relationship of likes and dislikes between family members. This is the sphere of morality, family psychology.

Principles of family law Voluntary marriage union Voluntary marriage union Equality of rights of spouses in the family Equality of rights of spouses in the family Mutual consent in resolving intra-family issues Mutual consent in resolving intra-family issues Priority of family upbringing of children Priority of family upbringing of children Concern for the development and welfare of days Concern for the development and welfare days Priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members Priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members

Homework Outline the main provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation according to the plan: Sources of family law Sources of family law Property rights and obligations of spouses Property rights and obligations of spouses Grounds for termination of marriage Grounds for termination of marriage Rights and obligations of parents Rights and obligations of parents Guardianship Guardianship Guardianship

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A family

A family is an organized social group whose members may be connected by marriage or kinship (as well as relations to take children into care), common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population.

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Family Functions

The modern family performs a number of functions, the main of which are:

  • Household - consisting in meeting the material needs of family members (for food, shelter, etc.), in maintaining their health. In the course of the fulfillment of this function by the family, the restoration of the physical forces expended in labor is ensured.
  • Reproductive - ensuring the birth of children, new members of society.
  • Educational - consisting in meeting individual needs in paternity and motherhood; in contact with children and their upbringing; that parents can "realize themselves" in children.
  • slide 4

    • Emotional - consisting in meeting the needs for respect, recognition, mutual support, psychological protection. This function provides emotional stabilization of members of society, helps to maintain their mental health.
    • Spiritual communication - consisting in mutual spiritual enrichment.
    • Primary social control - ensuring the implementation of social norms by family members, especially those who, due to various circumstances (age, illness, etc.), do not have the ability to independently build their behavior in full accordance with social norms.
      Over time, changes occur in the functions of the family: some are lost, others appear in accordance with new social conditions. The function of primary social control has changed qualitatively: it no longer lies in the power of the father of the family over the lower family members, but in the motivation for work and achievements that the family generates. The level of tolerance for violations of the norms of behavior in the field of marriage and family relations (the birth of illegitimate children, adultery, etc.) has increased. Divorce was no longer seen as a punishment for misbehavior in the family.
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    Family relationships

    Family relationships are of great importance for people's health. A favorable moral and psychological climate of the family has a positive effect on the health of its members. Statistics show that in such families people get sick less and live longer. According to some sources, the incidence of tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis and diabetes among members of such families is several times lower than in dysfunctional families and among singles.
    At the same time, in a family where one of its members is prone to drug addiction and alcoholism, difficult living conditions are created, especially for children. The situation in the family seriously injures their psyche and often causes various disorders.

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    Young family

    In its development, the family is rapidly moving from having many children, having average children, to having few children. The birth rate has fallen sharply, especially in recent years. In many regions of Russia, the death rate exceeded the birth rate. Now we have a one-child family. Having one child often negatively affects the character of the child, his personal qualities, in general, on child-parent relationships, especially when there are grandparents in the family.

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    Roles in the family

    Recently, in the family, relations between husband and wife were built on the principle of interchangeability, where there was no rigid consolidation of duties. But at the same time, there is a trend associated with the traditionalization of family roles: a man is assigned the role of a breadwinner, a breadwinner, and a woman is assigned the role of a keeper of the family hearth, a mother.

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    Speaking about the return of traditional roles to men and women, it should be noted that this traditionalization is carried out against a completely new social background. The man is more busy earning his livelihood than before, and the woman is not as attached to the house as before. Usually, this is an educated woman with a variety of interests, needs, social circle that goes beyond marriage. She defends her autonomy, trying to realize herself not only and not so much as a mother.
    Such traditionalization is often forced and does not always and in all respects meet the needs of both women and men, and even, in general, of the whole society. Therefore, in the process of social development, new mechanisms must be found that correspond to the rights of individual family members and support the effective fulfillment by the family of its basic functions in changing socio-economic conditions.

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    "Mother - Child"

    The family develops the ability to love another person, the ability to emotional contact with another. The main role in this process is played by the mother. The “mother-child” relationship is the primary determinant of human morality, philanthropy. In relations with the mother, primary moral experience, primary moral ideas and relationships are laid in the child. It depends on the mother what the child’s moral experience will be. absence, distorts moral feelings, negatively affecting his moral development.

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    Family Code of the Russian Federation

    On March 1, 1996, a new Family Code of the Russian Federation was put into effect, adopted by the State Duma on December 8, 1995 (Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ).
    The new family legislation, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the family, protect the rights of each individual in the new socio-economic conditions of the development of our society, does not allow arbitrary interference in family affairs, provides guarantees for the exercise and protection of family rights of citizens, and also establishes measures ( legal mechanisms) that compel citizens to fulfill their family obligations assigned to them by law.

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    • Family law regulates personal and property relations of spouses, children, and other family members.
    • In Russia, a civil marriage is officially recognized, that is, registered in the civil registry offices (ZAGS).
    • There are 2 mandatory conditions for marriage:
      • Mutual consent of persons entering into marriage.
      • Achievement of both marriageable age - 18 years.
    • Marriage is not allowed:
      • Between persons of whom at least one is already married to another.
      • Between relatives in a direct ascending and descending line.
      • Between full-blooded (two common parents) and half-blooded (one common parent) brothers, sisters.
      • Between adopters and adoptees
      • Between persons, of which at least one is recognized by the court as incapacitated in case of mental illness or dementia.
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    Rights and obligations of parents and children

    • Parents are obliged to educate their children, take care of their physical development and education, and prepare them for socially useful work.
    • Protection of the rights and interests of minor children lies with their parents. Parents are the legal representatives of their minor children and act in defense of their rights and interests in all institutions, including judicial ones, without special authority
    • Father and mother have equal rights and obligations towards their children. Parents enjoy equal rights and bear equal obligations for their children even if the marriage is dissolved. All issues related to the upbringing of children are decided by both parents by mutual agreement. In the absence of consent, the disputed issue is resolved by the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the participation of parents.
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    • A parent living separately from the children has the right to communicate with them and is obliged to take part in their upbringing.
    • Parents are obliged to support their minor children and non-able-bodied adult children in need of assistance.
    • Parents or one of them may be deprived of parental rights if it is established that they evade their duties of raising children or misuse their parental rights, abuse children, or exert a harmful influence on children with their immoral behavior.
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    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    The Convention is an international legal document that recognizes all human rights in relation to children from 0 to 18 years of age. The convention was adopted on November 20, 1989.
    On the territory of our country, the Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force on September 15, 1990. This means that our state must comply with all the provisions of this convention.

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    Article 1. Definition of a child - Every person under 18 years of age is considered, in accordance with the law of his country, a child and has all the rights contained in this Convention.
    Article 2 Prevention of discrimination.
    Article 3. The best interests of the child.
    Article 4. Exercise of rights.
    Article 5
    Article 6. Right to life, survival and development

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    Article 7 Name and Nationality - Every child has the right to a name and nationality at birth, as well as the right to know and be cared for by their parents.
    Article 8 Retention of Identity - The State shall respect the right of the child to retain his or her identity, including name, citizenship and family ties, and shall assist the child in the event of their deprivation.
    Article 9. Separation from Parents - A child shall not be separated from his parents, except in cases where this is done in his interests.
    Article 10. Family reunification - if the child and his parents live in different countries, then all of them should be able to cross the borders of these countries and enter their own in order to maintain personal relations.
    Article 11 Illegal transfer and return

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    Article 12 Views of the child - The child, in accordance with his age and maturity, has the right to freely express his views on all matters affecting him.
    Article 13. Freedom of Expression - A child has the right to freely express his opinion, seek, receive and impart information of any kind, unless it harms other people, does not violate state security and public order.
    Article 14 Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion - The State shall respect the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Parents or guardians of the child must explain to him that right.
    Article 15 Freedom of Association

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    Article 16 Protection of the right to privacy - Every child has the right to privacy. No one has the right to harm his reputation, as well as enter his house and read his letters without permission. The child has the right to be protected from unlawful attacks on his honor and reputation.
    Article 17 Access to relevant information.
    Article 18. Responsibility of parents.
    Article 19 Protection against abuse and negligence.
    Article 20. Protection of a child deprived of a family.
    Article 21 Adoption

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    Article 22 Refugee children.
    Article 23. Disabled children.
    Article 24
    Article 25
    Article 26 Social Security
    Article 27. Standard of living.
    Article 28 Education
    Article 29

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    Article 30 Children belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples.
    Article 31 Recreation, leisure and cultural life
    Article 32 Child labor: The state shall protect the child from dangerous, harmful and overwork. Work should not interfere with the education and spiritual and physical development of the child.
    Article 33. Illicit use of narcotic drugs.
    Article 34 Sexual exploitation
    Article 35 Trade, smuggling and kidnapping
    Article 36 Other forms of exploitation

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    Article 37. Torture and deprivation of liberty.
    Article 38 Armed conflicts
    Article 39
    Article 40
    Article 41. Application of the highest standards. Slide 25


    Divorce is a civil law decision related to family law. Currently, a fairly significant proportion of civil cases are disputes arising from family relations. This category includes cases of divorce in the registry office, divorce in court, division of property, recovery of alimony.

    OBZh lesson in 11th grade,
    teacher Belyanskaya S.I.

    The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.
    F. Adler
    On March 1, 1996, the Federal Law regulating family relations, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, came into force. Article 1 of the Code stipulates that "The family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the Russian Federation are under the protection of the state."

    Once upon a time, the Earth did not hear about him ...
    But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
    Now I will ask you seven questions.
    Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
    And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
    - Who will bring them up, my queen?
    And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
    - Who will cook the food, my joy?
    And Eve still answered: "I am."
    - Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,
    Caress me, decorate the house?
    “I, I,” Eve said softly. Me, me."
    She said the famous seven "I".
    This is how the family was born.

    A family is a union of persons based on marriage or kinship, characterized by a common life, interests, mutual care, help and moral responsibility.

    Marriage is a voluntary, equal, properly formalized union of a man and a woman, with the aim of creating a family, giving birth and raising children, and maintaining a common household.
    The modern family performs a number of functions:

    The following factors influence the harmony of living together:
    The best time to get married is between the ages of 20 and 24.

    Factors negatively affecting the strength of a young family

    .Material wealth.

    Conditions and procedure for marriage
    Marriage is concluded in the civil registry offices (ZAGS).

    In order to conclude a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the man and woman entering into marriage is necessary.

    The age for marriage is 18 years. The marriageable age can be reduced by no more than 2 years (16 years).

    Marriage between close relatives is not allowed.

    Marriage cannot be entered into if at least one person is married.

    The capacity of the spouses is taken into account.

    Good spouses have two souls, but one will.


    Voluntary marriage;
    .equality of rights of spouses;
    .mutual agreement in solving intra-family issues;
    .priority of family education of children;
    .concern for the development and well-being of children;
    .protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members.

    Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities towards their children. Parental rights terminate when children reach the age of 18, as well as when minor children enter into marriage and in other cases when children acquire full legal capacity before they reach the age of majority.

    The law specifically stipulates the rights of minor children. The child is said to:

    Has the right to live and be brought up in a family;
    . has the right to communicate with both parents, grandfather, grandmother, brothers, sisters;
    . has the right to express his opinion in resolving issues in the family that affect their interests.

    The Family Code allows to take into account the opinion of a child who has reached 10 years of age, except in cases that are contrary to his interests.
    .In case of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, he has the right to apply for their protection to the body of guardianship and guardianship, and upon reaching 14 years of age - to the court.

    The rights of citizens in the family may be limited only on the basis of the Federal Law and only to the extent necessary to protect the morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of family members.

    Whatever century stands on Earth, there are indestructible values ​​that we must cherish. The first is our family. May she always be strong and reliable, understanding and kind. Take care of your loved ones, be careful, caring.