
Forever is a Royal Academy fanfiction. cartoon royal academy royal academy rose and hawk kiss fanfiction


They walked in silence, but not Hawk and Travis. "Why are you so gloomy with Rose?" Travis asked, looking first at Rose and then at Hawke. “Yes, I confessed my love to Rose again!” Hawk said in a whisper. -Yes? Well, how did she react? - Travis asked with interest. - Yes, so-so, she said that I would leave her and that she no longer loves me! - Snow White said a little crying. “What did you say to her that she told you so?” the grandson of the Beast asked with surprise. - Nuuu, how to say! - Hawk mumbled - I didn’t tell her anything! -In terms of? “Well, I. I kissed her!” Hawk said with embarrassment. -Yes? Did you tell her about Felix? Yes, but she didn't believe me! "What are you guys talking about?" Joy asked. -Can you imagine Hawke's... -It's not about anything, but what? -Hawk interrupted Travis, because he knew that Rose and everyone else might hear, but he didn't want it. - Um, simple. -It's already getting dark, so you need to make a fire and put up tents - Astoria-Tents 3 interrupted them and 2 people will fit there, and you still need to determine who will do what. Rose's thoughts. Well, they will put me up with Hawke, and they will force me to do something with him too! - So for the branches for the fire they will go ... - Astoria began to speak. - Can I go for the branches - she threw off her briefcase with things. - And Hawk will also go with me - she took Hawk by the hand and they went into the forest and from there she shouted - And I will also sleep in the same tent with him! "What's wrong with her?" LingLing asked in surprise. "Maybe the kiss worked," Travis said. -What? What kiss?" the girls looked at him. -Then I'll tell you! And now let's put up tents. Meanwhile at Rose and Hawk's. "Ummm.. Rose, what was that now?" Hawk asked in surprise. -I know Astoria that she will settle me with you and force me to do something with you too. Therefore, I voluntarily agreed, but that doesn’t mean anything! - Oh yeah, exactly, listen to Rose about the kiss .. - And about the kiss, don't tell anyone! And forget it! -Well, Rose, listen, why don't you believe me that Felix is ​​on the side of evil? -Hawk asked her, but received no answer. -Rose, why are you silent again? -Hawk took her hand. -Let go. "No, I won't let you go until you answer my question." He squeezed her hand tighter and tighter. "Let go, it hurts me." Tears immediately appeared in the blonde's eyes. -Rose, I love you-Hawk began to lean closer to the blonde's lips, he saw how she loves him and did not want to resist. - Oh, Hawk, when will you understand. that I will never forgive you because of Ruby. - the blonde said turning away. -So this is all because of Ruby? And I thought why are you ignoring me! -Hawk said with a smirk. -Rose, I didn’t kiss her, it’s all Vicki’s tricks, they set everything up and ... -No, Hawke shouldn’t blame everything on Vicki, I saw it myself, that you didn't resist when she kissed you." Rose said, hoping that Hawk would let go of her hand. "Let me go Hawk. “No, Rose, even if you don’t believe me, I’ll still prove to you that I’m not lying!” He grabbed her waist with one hand, and held her hand with the other, and pressed his lips to those of the blonde. Rose began to resist, but Hawk held her tight. Rose Hawk's thoughts, why are you lying to me, but still kissing. I don't want to resist, but I have to. Why do you make me show my weaknesses, while hugging and kissing. But still I will not forgive you. Thought Hawk. What sweet lips Rose has, I don’t want to tear myself away from them, but there’s not enough air, I’ll have to break away for a minute. -Hawk, I'm sorry, but I still don't believe you, even if you're not lying, we still won't be a couple again! -Rose said this and at the same time cried -Rose, but why? -Hawk asked. “I..I don’t have to make excuses to you,” Rose pushed the guy away and went to collect branches, “We WILL NOT BE a couple anymore.” Rose said with tears in her eyes. Hawk stood in a stupor, but when he no longer saw his beloved, he ran in the direction where she had gone. They did not find a single branch and went back to their friends. “Why are you taking so long, we have already set up tents for a long time, and where are the branches?” Astoria asked. - We just... got lost, Hawk got out. - And we didn't find the sticks. “It’s clear, well, anyway, it’s already late, let’s go to bed, tomorrow I’ll wake you up early,” said the young Rapunzel. Everyone lay down in the tents with Joy and Astoria, LingLing with the Travises, and Hawk with Rose. Everyone was already asleep, but Hawk and Rose weren't. Rose's thoughts. How I want to lean against his lips again, they are so tender, like a kiss, how much I love him, maybe I was stupid with everything and I just don’t want to forgive him out of jealousy. Hawke's thoughts. What a silly woman she is, but I will never leave her for anything! This kiss was as tender as Rose's. -Hawk? -whispering, said Rose -Are you sleeping? - No, why aren't you sleeping? You should sleep because you have to get up early tomorrow. -Hawke I..I -began to stutter Rose-I wanted to tell you...-Rose turned around -No Rose, I know you don't love me anymore so you don't have to worry about those last two kisses-turning, Hawke said. - No, Hawke sat down blonde. "Is something bothering you?" Hawk asked, sitting down. "Yes!" Rose said, burying her head in her knees. - So, tell me what happened? - worried Hawk. -Hawk-Rose started crying-I don't want to hide my feelings, right? - Rose don't cry, tell me what happened! “Hawk, I can’t take it anymore,” Rose raised her head, looking at Hawk, she kissed him. “Hawk, I love you!” Hugging the guy, said Rose “Rose! I love you too,” kissing Hawke Rose. Rose's thoughts. First, all over again, his apple lips, his tender kisses, and now I will listen to him. Now, he is only my prince! Hawke's thoughts. How I love those sweet lips. Now I will never let her go! She is my only princess! -Rose, why are you trembling, are you afraid of me? “No, I’m just cold,” Rose hinted that he would hug her tightly and not let go. He did just that. They fell asleep hugging each other.


Here is the new part, I added a little tenderness. and I felt sorry for Rose that she cries so much and decided that they will be together again, but this is not the end, Vicki will still try to take possession of the gate, and this time she will be kicked out of the academy.
To the co-author: Change there is not much, it seems to me that something is wrong.
And now question 6: What do you value most in people? I value kindness, loyalty and mercy most of all, of course I know that people don’t have it now, but deep down I believe that there will be those people who have these qualities!
Co-author: I like kindness, understanding, caring and tenderness in people. Yes, Vasilisa has the right to become such people a little. But when I have my own children, I’m going to her, they were daring, etc. I thought up a good title. As I used to say in the last chapter, my tears came out.

The next day.

Whoooo! Another day in the world of fairy tales! Hi all!

Morning- yawning answered the roommate in the world, pulling a burrito out of his hair.

O! Hawk! Hawk! We are here!

Good morning guys, with bowed head, approaching his friends, he said.

Hawk, why are you so sad? Grandma took all the apples? Hee-hee-hee- sarcastically joked Rose.

Not funny, apples are sacred. Well, in general, a test on the history of the Earth is coming soon, and not only do I not know anything about it, I can’t remember what can be read in a book!

No problem! Do you want me to help you? All the same, I live on Earth and I know a lot about the customs of behavior and history - Rose wanted to help someone so much that she simply begged him to agree with her plaintive eyes, because she was always taught as one who had only recently arrived in a new world.

Laadno. And how will you do it?

We're going to Earth! I will show you many new places, boutiques, shops, pizzerias, boutiques and.... boutiques!! Waaaaa! - eyes instantly sparkled from one memory of boutiques ...

Great, let's go then? - Hawk instantly cheered up, because he will be alone with Rose all day. Alone. Only he and she and no one can stop them.

Both happy fabulous nyashki went to conquer the expanses of boutiques and hearts.

Having opened the gates to another world, they found themselves in the alley familiar to Cinderella. Coming out of it, they went along the designated road burned in Rose's mind, the road to the boutique where she bought 2 pairs of shoes.

Rose, is this an earth park?

What do they have on their feet?

These are rollers. Invented! went!

Pumpkin Magic!!!

Rollers appeared on Hawke and Rose's legs, but Hawke almost fell and Rose took his hand, which made both of them blush. Cinderella tried to remove her hand, but her friend only squeezed harder.

From morning to afternoon they rode hand in hand. Their hearts were beating very fast. But despite this, their legs had time to get tired.

What else is part of the culture of earthlings?

Well... you can go to the movies.

What's this?

It's like a dream only on the screen, let's show it! - without releasing Hawke's hand, she ran to the nearest cinema.

After looking at the poster, Rose chose the closest in time ... They got to the melodrama ... on the last row ..

They sat side by side, as close as it was possible to sit close in theaters. The breath of each of them could be heard, the smell of their hair and skin. They laughed together, it was unforgettable, but then something happened that the prince did not expect. Rose's head rested on his shoulder and he froze, his heart fluttering and he was overwhelmed by the feelings he realized. Hawk turned to the princess, took a strand of her golden hair, and without realizing it kissed her, he touched her face with his snow-white hand and saw the sleeping face of Rose, which was unspeakably sweet to him. Bending down, he touched her lips, he knew that Rose was sleeping, but he simply could not stand it, it was not always the same for him to look at her with Travis and burn with jealousy. Rose began to wake up from such a tender and hot kiss, realizing everything, she pretended to be asleep and just enjoyed the moment. Breaking away from her lips, Hawk realized that the movie was over, and began to wake Rose.

Get up, my princess, it's time to wake up - so gently, only as they could do in the fairy tales that Rose read, he whispered in her ear.

Hawk - looking into his eyes and running her hand into his hair, she hugged him, but not forgetting that happy moment for both of them, she blushed and moved away so that Hawk would not see her embarrassed face.

The day was wonderful and unforgettable for both of them. It was evening and it was time for Hawk to return to his world, because his grandmother was worried.

They parted in an alley, and each went to his own house.

The famous Italian company Rainbow S.r.l., the creator of such wonderful and beloved cartoons (including Winx Club, Huntik, Poppixy), presented a new fascinating story to young viewers in 2016 - the animated series Royal Academy.

The plot of the animated series

The action of the cartoon Regal Academy, aimed at children aged 5-10, takes place in a fairy-tale academy, where, in fact, the main character, Rose Cinderella, ends up. This is an ordinary girl from the Earth, and she got to the Royal Academy, where the offspring of famous fairy-tale characters study, because she is the granddaughter of Cinderella.

In the educational institution, Rose finds friends: Travis from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", Joy La Frog from the story about the Frog Prince, Astoria Rapunzel, Snow White and many other famous characters. All of them will be trained according to a fabulous program, because, like the guys, they are not quite ordinary. Young wizards are waiting for unforgettable adventures, unexpected acquaintances and meetings, mysterious stories, communication with fabulous creatures...

Getting to know the main character

Rose Cinderella- a beautiful long-haired blonde. The brightness of her image is emphasized by bangs with colored strands. The girl loves to spend money on jewelry and new shoes. She wears new shoes every day, as can be seen from the very first episodes of the cartoon. The passion for accumulating all sorts of knick-knacks turned Rose's room into a huge warehouse, enough things for a whole class.

At the academy, the young sorceress received a magical scepter that can create pumpkins and turn them into magical vehicles. Do you notice the similarity with Cinderella? But since Rose's magical abilities are not yet sufficiently developed, the pumpkins often explode.

Royal Academy students

Joy la frog- a beautiful and unusual heroine of the animated series with short green hair. She is the granddaughter of the Frog Prince. In nutrition, he prefers mosquito egg omelettes and spider-shaped hamburgers. He has the magical ability to turn everyone, including himself, into frogs. She can turn back into a girl if someone kisses her. As they say, the good old tradition works.

Astoria- a perfectionist, a real bookworm, always the first in the class. Granddaughter Rapunzel. Possesses magic effects on long ivy and creepers. Grows towers from flowers.

Hawk Snowwhite- the guy with whom most of the students of the Royal Academy are in love. Grandson of Snow White. Has bright blue hair. He likes to show his courage, which sometimes puts a team of friends at unreasonable risk. Possesses the magic of snow and ice, freezing everything around. Likes Rose.

Vicki Broomstick- a girl with an insidious character. Dreams of becoming the most powerful and famous villain in the fairy-tale world. Knows how to lull everyone. Presumably the granddaughter of Maleficent. She does not like Rose, because she always manages to destroy all of Vicki's plans, and strives to do everything so that her rival is expelled from the Royal Academy.

Violet Ogre. Stubborn and strong girl. Likes to "troll" all students, often threatening them. Constantly viciously makes fun of the students of the Royal Academy. The granddaughter of the Cannibal, and therefore loves to verbally “eat” people.

Travis- character from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". Sensitive and romantic nature, very fond of art and painting. In anger, it resembles a real monster - strong and evil. Has a scepter that creates strong winds and tornadoes.

Ruby Stepsister- Vicki's friend. Does all the dirty work for her. Head over heels in love with Hawke and is ready to give everything to meet him. Able to induce purity and bring with the help of magic.

Creation of the animated series

The founder and CEO of the animation studio Rainbow S.r.l., promised that the 1st season of the Royal Academy will be just great, because the company has been working on the project for more than one year. Animation, music and story will be at the same high level as other projects.

And do not be surprised, Iginio Staffi likes to impress the audience with high-quality and vibrant works. The premiere of the animated series took place in France in Cannes 2016 at the Animation Festival. Cartoon "Royal Academy" really lived up to all the expectations of its creator.

The animated series was created over the course of six years.

Royal Academy
Regal Academy
Type of computer animation
Genre Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Fairy tales
Producer Iginio Straffi
Producer Joanne Lee
Creator Iginio Straffi and Joan Lee
Roles voiced Billy Bob Thompson, Jessica Paquet, Chiara Franchese, Giulia Tarchini, Henry F. Benjamin, Erika Schroeder, Emanuela Ionica, etc.
Studio Rainbow S.r.l.
Country Italy Italy
Number of seasons 2
Number of episodes 52
Series length 23 minutes
TV channel Rai YoYo
Broadcast With 22nd of May
IMDb ID 5958514
Official site


Rose is an ordinary girl who is fond of fashion for shoes. One day, on her way to school, she succumbs to temptation and enters a shoe store, where she accidentally stumbles upon a talking mouse. The latter escapes, dropping the magic key, which Rose decides to keep. On the same day, she stumbles upon a strange guy who opens a secret door in the wall with a similar key. Following him secretly, Rose finds herself in a magical school in another dimension, where characters from various children's fairy tales live. There she meets her grandmother Cinderella and makes new friends who will save their academy more than once.


Paramount Heroes

  • Rose Cinderella- the main character of the animated series. An ordinary sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from Earth, who ended up studying at the Royal Academy for the offspring of heroes from fairy tales due to her excessive clumsiness and childish naivety. Rose is revealed to be the granddaughter of the first Cinderella. Rose learns to wield a magic wand to control Magic Pumpkin(most often uses this magic to create various vehicles). Her favorite hobby is shopping and reading fairy tales, where she has dreamed of going all her life. Loves shoes. The dragon's name is Tinkles. Meets Snow White Hawk.
  • Astoria Rapunzel- Rapunzel's granddaughter. Just like her grandmother, she has very long hair. Astoria is a nerd and a perfectionist "to the core". Uses his magic to grow towers of flowers, and can turn his own hair into durable vines. In love with Sean the Beast.
  • Joy Frog- Granddaughter of the Frog King. She loves insects, although she forgets that not everyone around her shares her passions. Joy loves to cheer up his friends and supports their ideas, no matter how good or bad they are. Uses frog magic to turn people (and sometimes herself) into frogs.
  • Hawk Snow White- grandson of Snow White. He considers himself an ideal prince among the heroes of fairy tales, which is why he often exaggerates his heroism. However, sometimes he can show miracles of courage among friends in bad situations. Hawk uses snow magic to freeze people and things. Dating Rose Cinderella. There is also an older sister, Fala Snow White.
  • Travis the Beast- grandson of the Beast. With his calm and laid-back character, he is overly artistic. Often, all attacks fall on him. When angry, he becomes a real monster, which is why he does not always control his strength. Uses animal magic, which allows him to command the winds, up to the creation of hurricanes. Meets Ling-Ling Iron Fan.
  • Vicki Broomstick is a student who wishes to become the ultimate fairy tale villain. However, her plans are always thwarted by Rose, and thus her goal is to have Rose expelled from the Royal Academy. Vicki's name and her power to cast evil spells suggests that she is related to an unknown fairy tale witch.
  • Ruby Stepsister- A student who is friends with Vicki and usually helps her in her evil plans (for the most part, she does the main work). She has a crush on Hawk, who is another reason to help Vicki. Ruby's power allows her to put things in order. Her last name suggests that she is related to one of Cinderella's half-sisters. She was expelled from the academy.
  • Cyrus Broomstick- Vicki's cousin and friend. Very lazy and likes to take naps, even during class. Due to his laziness, he is usually forced to come to Vicki for help with diagrams.
  • Ling Ling Iron Fan- Granddaughter of Princess Iron Fan. Ling Ling grew up trying to become a perfect warrior and an excellent student. That's why she knows nothing about fashion, dancing, romance and other things that all ordinary schoolgirls adore. Thanks to Rose, she was able to fulfill her dream, to be a strong warrior and a gentle princess. Meets Travis the Beast.
  • Sean the Beast- grandson of the Beast. Appears in season 2. Owns the magic of masks, allowing you to create any mask. Since childhood, he knows Astoria Rapunzel and is in love with her.

Minor Heroes

  • Principal Cinderella- Rose's grandmother and headmistress at the Royal Academy. Being controlled by her stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella is not afraid to speak her mind as she grows older and more experienced. He likes to sew lace and dresses. Like her granddaughter, she is often fond of creating new design trends in clothing.
  • Coach Beast- Travis' grandfather. A wayward PE teacher who likes to yell at students and give them extreme workouts. Primary disciplinary executor when students break school rules. But beneath his tough exterior, Coach Beast also has a good-natured heart. He also teaches you how to ride dragons.
  • Professor Snow White- Hawke's grandmother. A strict teacher at the Royal Academy. Is at odds with Rose and her friends despite their forbidden adventures. He loves apples and always has a basket of healthy apples on his table just in case. Snow White teaches the students etiquette, teamwork, and how to use magic items and spells.
  • Dr. Frog- Grandpa Joey. Potions professor at the school. With his constant serious look in his eyes, he most often seems to everyone to be ridiculous and ridiculous. Dr. Frog remains indifferent, even if something goes wrong, and will continue to study in the classroom, as he is very absent-minded.
  • Master Rapunzel Astoria's grandmother Poetry and literature teacher. Because she has spent so much time in the tower, Master Rapunzel is always talking excitedly and looking for a lot in her books. The teacher often loses control over the topic of conversation and ends it with statues, paintings, and her own hair.
  • Professor Wolfram is an anthropomorphic wolf who is always impeccably dressed and well-mannered. He teaches his students chivalry and heroism, and his assignments constantly turn into adventures. However, for fun, sometimes something dark happens in his lessons.
  • Professor Bell- Professor of Art at the Royal Academy. Travis' grandmother. She is very kind, often having a good word for everyone. Professor Beauty is able to see the positive even in bad, unfortunate situations. The teacher can also speak part of the whole lesson for long hours.
  • Fala Snow White- Hawk's older sister. Appears in season 2. Very kind, beautiful, talented, loves her brother very much and is popular among guys. Also helps Rose and Hawk bond.