
Dolores Cannon: Atlantis. In loving memory of Dolores Cannon Cannon Dolores - Three Waves of Volunteers and New Earth

Breast cancer

Past life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery of "lost knowledge". She began practicing hypnosis in the 1960s. Dolores has specialized in past life hypnotherapy since 1979.

Dolores Cannon has become perhaps the world's most powerful expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Huntsville, AR, USA, Dolores Cannon was almost fifty years old when she began experimenting with past life regression. The results were, to put it mildly, quite impressive!

Acting through various entities, Dolores Cannon managed to establish a connection with the living Michel De Notredame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our time are fascinating and sometimes scary.

Dolores Cannon wrote a book in three volumes, “Conversations with Nostradamus,” a series on the translation of Nostradamus’ quatrains. This series contains translations of nearly 1,000 prophecies, all interpreted for the first time, and have been in print since 1989. She is considered the most accurate interpreter of prophecies ever known.

For the past eighteen years, Dolores Cannon has been researching UFOs, using her skills as a regressionist to help people who have been involved in abduction cases. She is the author of several books on UFOs, where volunteers gave information while under hypnosis.

Dolores Cannon now teaches her unique hypnosis technique all over the world.

In addition to the three volumes of Conversations with Nostradamus, Dolores Cannon has completed: The Legend of the Big Bang, Keepers of the Garden, Legacy from the Stars, Souls' Memories of Hiroshima, They Walked with Jesus, Jesus and Essenes" and "Between Life and Death". In "Watchmen", information about time distortions, blocking memories, reasons for abduction, implants and much more is discussed....

Her latest book, The Curved Universe, Book One, goes further into complex metaphysical theories and covers "hallucinogenic" concepts.

format.doc, 120 pages, archive size – 200 KB

This book is a continuation of the first volume. In it you will learn:

About the best course for the Earth;

About new bodies and physical symptoms of change.

“You must concentrate here on the body, creating your heaven on Earth. Focus on what you are creating. Think about harmony and spread it, and you will change the world without knowing it.”

Since 2003, an influx of energy has begun that stimulates the Earth. There is a split between people who want to stay put and those who want to move forward. As a result, the vibration frequency of the Earth increases. This affects the entire Universe. You will learn about the New Earth. Those who are spiritually ready will be able to make the quantum transition without much difficulty. The vibration frequency should be 44,000 cycles per second.

Cannon Dolores - Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth

format.doc, 132 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 170 KB

In 1945, atomic bombs were dropped during World War II. Our “defenders” and “caretakers” in space saw that the Earth was on the verge of disaster. They could not interfere “from the outside,” but they had a chance to influence “from the inside.”

People living on Earth for millions of years are stuck in the wheel of karma. The only way out is pure souls who have not been caught in the karmic cycle. Thus, a call for volunteers was announced who wanted to come to the aid of the Earth.

In her hypnotherapy practice, Dolores discovered three waves of these volunteers. Some of them came directly from the “Source” and had never lived in a physical body before. Some lived as cosmic beings on other planets and in other dimensions, but these souls embodied in human bodies must play an important role during the transition to the New Earth.

Cannon Dolores - Multidimensional Universe, Volume 2

format.doc, 149 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 270 Kb

This book contains more complex metaphysical concepts that Dolores Cannon discovered during her twenty years of research using regression therapy. Some of the topics explored: parallel Universes, how they are formed in relation to us and our choices, what we notice but do not pay attention to.

Mysteries that concern humanity no less are considered: other dimensions; working with energies - use and manipulation; body and DNA transformation; Divine Source; aspects of the Soul; various forms of life; multiple personalities and reincarnations; about the return of Jesus and much more.

Cannon Dolores - Multidimensional Universe, Volume 1

format.doc, 179 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 250 KB

Humanity is on the threshold of understanding and accepting the fact of the existence of other civilizations in our Universe. Some of the topics explored in the Multidimensional Universe books are:

Origin, knowledge and destruction of Atlantis;

Explanations of Earthly Mysteries: Pyramids, Easter Island, Bermuda Triangle, Ark of the Covenant, Loch Ness Monster, etc.;

Various forms of life on Earth, life on other planets and much more.

These books are intended for readers whose minds are ready to accept complex Metaphysical concepts that border on Quantum Physics.

Cannon Dolores - Memory of Five Lives

doc format, 93 pages, archive size - 220 KB

In many of her studies, Dolores Cannon encountered those who lived during an interesting time period or knew a famous person. Thus, books were written about these exciting events: the trilogy Conversations with Nostradamus, Jesus and the Essenes, They Walked with Jesus, Between Death and Life, and The Soul Remembers Hiroshima.

Then people appeared who had contacts with UFOs and aliens: as a result, the books “Keepers of the Garden”, “The Legend of a Stellar Crash”, “Inheritance from the Stars”, “Keepers”, and an advanced metaphysical series: “Curvilinear Universe” were written.

Cannon Dolores - Watchmen Volume 1

format.djvu, 335 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 9.7 MB

Dolores Cannon is a world-famous regression hypnotist who uses regression hypnosis to extract important knowledge that was lost to our civilization in the distant past. Familiar to Russian readers from the bestsellers “Between Life and Death”, “Jesus and the Essenes” and “Conversations with Nostradamus”.

For the past 20 years, Dolores has been an active researcher in the field of UFOs, the author of many books, which are based on reliable information received from volunteers immersed in deep hypnotic sleep and having contact with representatives of other civilizations.

The book "Keepers" is the result of 12 years of hard work. In it you will learn:

Cannon Dolores - Conversations with Nostradamus, Volume 1

format.djvu , 351 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 10.3 MB

Dolores Cannon is a world-famous regression hypnotist who uses regression hypnosis to extract important knowledge that was lost to our civilization in the distant past. Familiar to Russian readers from the bestsellers “Between Life and Death” and “Jesus and the Essenes.”

Conversations with Nostradamus is the first book in a trilogy. In it, the author introduces us to his many years of very intense work, sessions on “regressive hypnosis.” As a result of these studies, Dolores Cannon received unique information from the Great Prophet - Nostradamus, who helped decipher his predictions. Today, there are a huge number of options for deciphering predictions and not everything is understood correctly. Who can know better about the predictions of Nostradamus if not himself?

Cannon Dolores - Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side?

format.djvu , 365 pp., with illustrations, archive size - 15.3 MB

You are holding in your hands a unique book that contains documentary materials from research into the “kingdom of the dead.” Continuing and developing the great tradition of the spirit seer Swedenborg, Dolores Cannon spent twenty-five years studying, through hypnosis, the structure of the invisible world that lies beyond the limits of human perception.

This book contains authentic recordings of conversations with people who, thanks to the original technique of regressive hypnosis, managed to cross the threshold of death and return back to tell us what awaits us on the other side of life. What happens to the soul after it leaves the body, why a person is given earthly life, what role do spiritual patrons play in our lives, where do ghosts come from and according to what laws does the soul return to the body - these are just some of the secrets that the author reveals to the reader this book.

Cannon Dolores - Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through the millennia

format.djvu , 336 pages, with illustrations, archive size - 12 MB

This book talks about Jesus as a person, about previously unknown facts of his biography, about the life of the famous Essenes community in Qumran (Israel), keepers of ancient spiritual knowledge. The reader will be able to become acquainted with the Essene interpretations of some key events in both the Old and New Testaments. This is not apocryphal; The book is based on conversations between the author and a man who lived thousands of years ago, an Essene from the cave city of Qumran and a contemporary of Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus).

Such communication is possible thanks to the technique of “regressive hypnosis,” which is described in detail in the book and owned by Dolores Cannon. This is an amazing book. Is this book proof of the existence of past lives? Was the "subject" of the study, Kathy, once an Essene named Suddi, a teacher of Christ and John the Baptist? Or perhaps Katie, under hypnosis, connected to the collective unconscious, to the Akashic Records of humanity and brought us invaluable information about the Essene community at Qumran, about Jesus' studies with the Essenes, about His life, death and Resurrection?

About twenty years ago, an amazing method arose - regressive hypnosis, which allows a person to get... into his previous incarnations. All over the world, only a few psychologists master this technique. And therefore, when one of the most famous specialists in the field of regressive hypnosis, the author of several books, including the bestseller “Between Death and Life”, Dolores Cannon, came to Russia, we could not help but talk with her.

Dolores was developed in almost all countries of the world, with representatives of many nationalities. So a wealth of experience has been accumulated. What does it show?

Firstly, I have not met a single person who did not have previous incarnations. Secondly, a person lives all his lives in a human body: no one has ever turned out to be a dog or a tree in another incarnation. Human souls return to earth in human bodies to live another human century... Thirdly, in the overwhelming majority of cases we return to the same country in which we lived before: a Hindu is born again as a Hindu, a Russian - as a Russian... True , there are often exceptions here. But the gender often changes.

- Why, in fact, travel through past lives? Out of curiosity?

Of course no! This is necessary to get rid of the problems that we are facing now and which cannot be solved using other methods. People can go to a psychologist for years, but they still cannot get rid of some kind of trouble. Here is one recent example. Two ladies came to me - a mother and daughter - with a complaint that they could not improve their relationship. A session of regressive hypnosis with her daughter showed that in a past life she and her mother were husband and wife, the relationship reached a dead end and it all ended in tragedy: a murder occurred. That is why, in their new life, fate brought them together again - gave them another chance to learn how to build relationships. And until they learn this, they will continue to meet each other from life to life - and suffer.

- So our meetings and family ties are predetermined by previous unresolved relationships?

In most cases.

How do you manage to “find” in a series of lives exactly the embodiment in which the source of the current problem lies?

Before the session, I talk with the person for a long time, find out what is tormenting him, what trouble he cannot cope with. This allows him to be taken under hypnosis to where he needs to go. And most importantly, the subconscious itself strives to get rid of pain and directs it in the right direction.

Is it possible to somehow prove that everything that a person remembers while in the deepest trance really happened to him once in another life? What if this is just a figment of a fevered imagination?

As you understand, this question was primarily on my mind. At first, I spent hours in libraries and archives, looking for documentary evidence of this or that information that I learned from patients during sessions. And often some facts are discovered. Let's say a person “remembered” that half a century ago he lived in such and such a city in such and such a house. The house was demolished long ago, and a park was created on this site. But in the archive I find that the house really stood and looked exactly as it was described to me under hypnosis. Or documents from an old court case are discovered that surfaced in the patient’s memory during a trance. In general, there is a lot of evidence.

-Have you undergone regression hypnosis yourself?

Of course. I studied my eight previous incarnations, and it helped me solve serious problems.

-Have you ever met “former” celebrities?

Yes, but it's not very exciting. Celebrities have the same internal problems as ordinary people. Something else is much more interesting: one of my friends, Katherine, turned out to be... a contemporary of Jesus. Or rather, in one of her past lives she was a young man and communicated with Jesus. She and I accidentally stumbled upon this incarnation - and we were both shocked. We worked for a very long time, I “talked” with an amazing person living in the depths of her memory. The result was Jesus and the Essenes: a living testimony to the distant past. I am convinced that my task is not only to help people cope with psychological difficulties, but also to restore and return to the world some of the lost knowledge.

Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spanned almost 50 years and had taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations. As the range of topics her work covers and sheer volume of original material she had produced places her in a category of her own, this section has been provided to give you insight into each stage of her career and how it has progressed over the years. Read about her early days in hypnotherapy when she first discovered reincarnation, learn how she developed and refined her own unique method of hypnosis known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT®), discover all the captivating areas of research she had explored on her path .

Part 1: Early Life and Pre-Hypnosis

Dolores Cannon was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1931 where she lived and grew up with her family until completing her academic studies in 1947. She married her husband Johnny in 1951, a career US Naval man with whom she spent the next 21 years traveling all over the world to accommodate his various overseas assignments. She raised her family as a typical navy wife throughout the 1950s and 1960s until 1968 when several major events ultimately changed the course of her life forever.

Part 2: First Exposure to Reincarnation

In the 1960s, Dolores and Johnny were using simple hypnosis for habits (stop smoking, lose weight, etc.). Dolores was first introduced to reincarnation in 1968 when she and her husband were asked by one of the doctors at the naval base he was stationed at in Texas to help one of his patients using hypnosis. The woman suffered from Nervous Eating disorder, was extremely obese, had high blood pressure and suffered from kidney problems. The doctor thought it would be extremely beneficial if hypnosis could be used to help the woman simply relax.

Midway through the session, the woman unexpectedly began describing scenes from a past life where she was a flapper, living in Chicago in the roaring 1920s. Dolores and Johnny watched as the woman literally transformed into a different personality with different vocal patterns and body mannerisms. Despite being highly strange and completely inexplicable, they decided to go with the flow of the session and see what they could find out by exploring. Over the next several months, Dolores and Johnny regressed the woman through five different and distinct lifetimes back to when she was created by God. The entire story of this event is told in the first book Dolores ever wrote, Five Lives Remembered (2009).

These sessions took place at a time when past life regression was a nearly unheard of concept. There was no New Age movement yet, Metaphysics was still decades away and there were simply no books, instructions to guide or resources she could use for a case like this. This, however, proved to be a blessing in disguise as it prompted Dolores and Johnny to write their own set of rules, develop their own technique without supervision from an established medical body and meant that they were not limited or confined in their approach in any way. As a result of not having anyone to tell her what to do, how to do it or what was or was not possible, they experimented with insatiable intrigue and enthusiasm.

Later that same year, Johnny was almost killed by a drunk driver in a horrendous automobile accident on his way to the Naval Base. As a result of his injuries and being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life as a partial amputee, Dolores and Johnny decided to relocate to the hills of Arkansas where they thought they would be able to afford living on a military pension with their four children. During this time, Dolores” explorations in hypnosis and reincarnation took a back seat as she was completely focused on her husband and raising her children.

Part 3: Practicing Hypnosis Full Time

Once her children had grown and left home to start their own lives, Dolores decided to begin consistently practicing hypnosis again with clients in the late 1970s. Although she lived in a small country town with a very small population, she was able to successfully attract a diverse range of clients due to her desire to take on any case, regardless of the circumstances.

Her early work was heavily focused on reincarnation, which got her acquainted and comfortable with the concept of time travel. Many of her early clients described scenes from past lives where they had lived in past decades, past centuries and even past millennia in a variety of social settings in different locations all over the Earth. She would then spend weeks researching the characteristics of life in the locations and time periods her clients had described living in to verify the authenticity of the results she was recording. Dolores would ensure the food they ate, the clothing they wore, the language they spoke, the money they used, the job(s) they described, the social norms they abided by, the entertainment they enjoyed/participated in, the religious philosophies they believed in and the geographic scenery they described were all typical of what life would have been like in “that” particular time. It was through this vigorous verification process that Dolores ensured the authenticity of her results.

Her early understandings of reincarnation seem rather simplistic compared to how far her work has evolved. However, in looking back at where she started and how she received the information, Dolores realized “they” were starting slowly to lay the foundation upon which she would understand, communicate and explain far more challenging and complex ideas and concepts she would be receiving in the future.

Part 4: “The Subconscious” And The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®

Having conducted sessions with thousands of clients, recording the same results time and time again and vast spending amounts of time and energy verifying the authenticity of her clients” past lives, Dolores was able to decisively conclude that her results were indeed genuine and that she had tapped into an incredibly powerful source of information. As she explored further, she gradually became aware that the information she was receiving about past lives, different periods in time and a variety of other topics were not actually coming from the conscious minds of the clients she was hypnotizing.

Just as developing her technique of hypnosis came slowly and with great patience, so too did the answers to these questions. After many years of practice and investigation, Dolores eventually realized that the memories of past lives and the additional information she was receiving through clients was being supplied by a much larger, more powerful and more knowledgeable portion of her clients' selves, which their conscious minds were completely unaware existed.

She decided to label it The Subconscious as it was a part of every person’s mind that absolutely exists, but lays just below the level of our conscious minds, observing. When contacted and communicated with, there is simply no question it cannot answer about an individual”s current life, or about any of their past lives. After developing and refining her technique over many years, replacing time-consuming and tedious induction methods with an approach that involves the use of voice, imagery and visualization, Dolores established her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠. This technique enables direct contact and communication with the Subconscious of any individual for answers to any questions and can also provide the basis for instant healing.

Part 5: Jesus And The Essenes

Due to the sparse but slowly growing interest in reincarnation in the 1970s and early 1980s as well as the unwillingness of established book publishers to embrace this emerging field, it took Dolores more than 9 years to get her first book published after almost a decade of research , writing and patience. She set up her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, in 1992 which now publishes more than 50 authors on 4 continents. Dolores” books have been translated into more than twenty languages.

As her understanding of reincarnation developed and her ability to take on more challenging concepts expanded, Dolores came across a female client who was an exceptional hypnosis subject. Dolores was able to take her back though 25 separate life times by jumping backwards in time in 100-year increments. Each personality the woman displayed in each life was distinctly different to the others and it was a truly remarkable way for Dolores to explore history and life in different time periods. She wrote two books based on the work with this client. The first book was A Soul Remembers Hiroshima (1993), which reports the life of a man who describes his experiences as a Japanese man in Hiroshima in 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city in World War II. This shocking account of the dropping of an atomic bomb from the perspective of a person who was there provides a chilling lesson into the horrific effects of war and nuclear weapons. The second book was Jesus and the Essenes (1992), which describe the life of a young man who was an Essene teacher of Jesus. Many truths about Jesus himself, his personality, his background, his life and the times he lives in are revealed in this fascinating account of a teacher who describes her personal relationship with Jesus in loving detail. Dolores also published They Walked With Jesus (1994) as a follow up to this book, which describes the past lives of two women who accompanied Jesus throughout different periods of his life, giving tremendous insight and detail into who he was as a person, his feelings towards those he met, his visits to homes and leper colonies, his healing methods, his political dealings and his crucifixion.

Part 6: Dolores' Abilities Expand

Throughout the evolution of her career, a recurring theme is for Dolores to reach a “comfort zone” in understanding regarding a particular area. Then a new concept may be introduced to her by The Subconscious which often completely challenges her belief system and forces her to expand her way of thinking. An example of such an occurrence was when the Subconscious put forth the idea that time does not really exist as man identifies it. Every moment is NOW. The Past, Present and Future only exist in the NOW. We have been trained to view time as a linear progression of events based on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Using this rationale, we would have a completely different concept of time if we lived on another planet. What “time” would we use if we were traveling through space without orbiting the Sun Time is simply the perspective we adopt. This concept was first introduced in the Keepers of the Garden (1993), a book which explains the extra-terrestrial origins of mankind and describes a group called “The Council,” who have been with humanity from the very beginning. In the book, it is explained how mankind is the only species in history to invent a way of measuring something that does not exist. The expansion in thinking came with the acceptance that all things, events and lives exist simultaneously in the NOW. These concepts are elaborated on in significantly more depth in later books, particularly in the Convoluted Universe series. It has been stated by The Subconscious that mankind will never truly reach the stars until we release our deeply ingrained concept of time and recognize the universal reality that everything exists in the NOW.

Another example of having to expand her belief system was when her interests directed her to investigate what happens in between one life and another. The findings of this quest were published in Between Death and Life (1993) and eloquently describe what happens at the point of death, where we go after a life, how we look back on and analyze our lives once they are complete and what the purpose of a life was.

Part 7: Nostradamus Contacts Dolores

In the early 1980”s, Dolores came across a fascinating case where she regressed a woman who began describing a life where she was a student of French prophet Michel De Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus. Nostradamus is famous for writing prophesies proclaiming events of great destruction and devastation throughout history. Indeed, his abilities were incredible, as he predicted the assassination of JFK, the attack of the “flying birds in the city of hollow mountains” (referring to the September 11th attacks) and the ensuing war in the Middle East, to name a few . Midway through the session as the woman was describing the life, her personality suddenly subsided and Nostradamus himself began speaking through her directly to Dolores. He told her that he wanted her to write a book (which turned out to be 3 books) to provide humanity with greater understanding and clarification of the true meanings of his quatrains (prophecies).

Building on what was discussed in the previous section about the concept of time, it is important to note that one of the fascinating features of Dolores” dialogue with Nostradamus was that he spoke with her directly from his time as he lived in the 16th century. It was not his spirit communicating from the spirit side, but rather, Nostradamus himself communicating as he was living his life in France with Dolores as she lived her life in Arkansas. Nostradamus explained to Dolores that he would never lose contact with her and that he would come through to deliver messages regardless of who her clients were.

He describes that as a result of the Inquisition, he was forced to disguise his messages so that they were not destroyed and they could be deciphered later in time. As a result of how the French language has evolved, modern-day interpreters have contributed to misrepresenting many of their true meanings. Nostradamus” intention was to correct these misinterpretations by dictating the true meanings of his visions to Dolores to publish for the world. He wished to warn us so that we understood we are the ones creating our future and that it was our choice to simply take a different path, thus averting the worst scenarios he foresaw. One of his most powerful and chilling messages was, “If I tell you the worst things that your minds are capable of creating, would you do anything to change it?” Nostradamus speaks in great details how our minds work to create the reality we experience. In recognizing this, it is easy to understand how the constant barrage by global media outlets with negative information regarding politics, education, finance, religion, war, disease, drugs, crime and the environment keep many people focused on (thus creating and experiencing) these scenarios in their lives.

After several years of working with Nostradamus dictating the true, intended meanings of his messages; Dolores published 3 books in a series entitled Conversations With Nostradamus, detailing the precise meanings of 1000 quatrains and predictions directly from the prophet himself. Prophesies discussed include the creation of supercomputers, the rise of the internet, erratic weather patterns, Earth changes and the effects these changes will have on major countries and cities, war in the Middle East, world governments, politics, 2012, simultaneous time, the Anti-Christ, nuclear weapons, AIDS originating in monkeys and its deliberate spread by world governments, the British monarchy, the state of the world subsequent to The Shift. The Shift itself, the break-up of the Soviet Union into various independent states, the Pope, hidden information of great importance to mankind buried somewhere in the desert in The Middle East, the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster and visitations by Extra-Terrestrials races. Please visit the books section and read more about what you can expect to find in each individual volume of this series.

Part 8: UFO's, Extra-Terrestrials and Life On Other Planets

Throughout the mid to late 1980s, Dolores work slowly began taking her in a completely new direction of exploration. She was introduced to the area of ​​UFO and ET investigation in 1985 when she attended her first annual meeting for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), one of the largest and most respected investigative UFO organizations in the world. One year later, Dolores’ interests took her to the United Kingdom where she conducted on-site studies of suspected UFO landings and numerous crop circles found in the English countryside. In 1987, at one of the annual MUFON meetings, she was asked to conduct a session with a woman who felt she was having abduction experiences but lacked the ability to remember anything in detail. Up until this point, Dolores’ hypnosis technique automatically propelled her subjects backwards into a past life. She had to modify her approach to keep her from going into a past life to concentrate on current events. As a result of the interest in this woman and Dolores herself, over 30 observers were allowed to attend the session, which was far from a conducive environment for an “experiment.” Amazingly, both the diversion from her usual approach and the highly unusual environment the session was held in worked very effectively and produced some amazing results.

Dolores learned that some people have had experiences with ET”s from early childhood and that often multi-generational relationships exist between Earth family lineages and ET races. The little grays have in fact been created as a type of biological robot by another race far more advanced than humanity. This explains why so many people report the little grays to be extremely cold, almost removed of any emotional expression. The races that created them are the much taller grays with very slim torsos, skinny limbs and large, black eyes. Throughout her adventure into ET and UFO exploration, Dolores came into contact with numerous ET entities that come through her subjects to deliver information and understanding. There truly is a wealth of life out there in the universe existing in all shapes, forms and sizes.

Her book The Custodians (1998) signed a groundbreaking publication for Dolores after more than 20 years regressing clients with ET and UFO experiences. We learn that almost all so called abduction cases are actually mutual agreements made prior to incarnating for the purpose of helping one another. Just as we experience amnesia about who we are and where we are from prior to incarnating on Earth, so too do we experience amnesia regarding the contracts and agreements we made with others before coming here. The problem existing today is that the majority of humanity’s perspective on extra-terrestrials has been shaped and manipulated by mainstream media, religious belief systems and scientific dogmas. How few people are truly able to approach this area with an objective, unbiased stance. In recognizing this, it is understandable that so many people approach this subject with fear, dismissal or complete denial. The Custodians helps bridge the lack of understanding between:

(a) Identifying that mysterious events and experiences are indeed happening to millions of people on every continent on the planet.
(b) Having those events and experiences dismissed, denied and ridiculed by the scientific, governmental and religious institutions so many people depend on for answers.

Other books which were published as a result of Dolores' explorations into the fields of UFO activity and Extra-Terrestrials include Legacy From The Stars (1996), which explores the vastness of our individual beings and our off planet origins, and the Legend Of Starcrash (1994), which describes a life where a woman is regressed back to a time when a spaceship crashed in the Alaska/Canada region thousands of years ago. It is the story of the origin of the Indian races in America.

Part 9: The Convoluted Universe

After more than 30 years of investigation and writing about concepts ranging from life and death, reincarnation, the origins of humanity, UFOs and extra-terrestrials, the prophesies of Nostradamus and a wide variety of other topics, Dolores began to realize that the information she was receiving was becoming too broad and diverse to categorize into one, or even several, specific areas. As she has had to adapt to change her entire career, she decided to publish her new work in a series entitled The Convoluted Universe. Dolores has currently published 5 volumes and states that these books are for those people who want their minds bent like a pretzel. Please visit the Books section to learn more about what you can expect to find in each volume.

Topics covered include the power of the human mind, what consciousness really is, the power of our thoughts and intentions, parallel universes, alternative realities, lost civilizations, ancient history, Earth mysteries (such as the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge and the Loch Ness Monster ), details of the experiences of people who were regressed to lives on other planets, beings who are made entirely of energy, how reality is merely a holograph, how we are fragments of multifaceted souls, lives in non-human bodies (as plants, animals and insects), how much help is being given to the Earth and humanity as we move through this period of transformation and maturity. How many people who live on Earth now are Volunteer Souls who have incarnated on Earth at this time to help raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants.

Part 10: The 3 Waves of Volunteers

Throughout her career, Dolores identified a pattern in many of the clients she saw over the years. While many people reported past lives in all types of situations, societies and cultures on Earth throughout many different time periods, certain individuals who came to see Dolores described that the life they were currently living was the first and only life they have ever had on Earth . When asked where they were from, they simply say the “Source” and they express deep sadness they are here and how much they miss “home.” Further sessions with such individuals revealed that first time incarnates have actually volunteered to come to Earth at this specific time with the intention of helping humanity raise its vibration in the process of ascension. Some volunteers have never lived in a physical body before, others have lived as space beings in extra-terrestrial civilizations on other planets and others have come from other dimensions. As a result of the amnesia we all experience before entering the Earth dimension, they remember neither their assignment nor their origin. , these beautiful souls have an extremely difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world and have a vital role to play as they thus help all of the rest of us create a New Earth.

In The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth (2011), Dolores describes the call that went out for volunteers to help the Earth as a result of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The first wave of volunteers that came were the “way showers” ​​and certainly had the most challenging time as they plowed the route those who came after would follow. The second wave act as antennas of energy, their job is to simply exist and affect those around them. Third wave volunteers, many of the children with incredible talents, abilities and memories, are literally the gift to the world. They possess the knowledge and wisdom that will help humanity complete the transition and overcome the many obstacles that lie ahead.

Part 11: The Journey Continues

Dolores Cannon, who transitioned from this world on October 18, 2014, left behind incredible achievements in the fields of alternative healing, hypnosis, metaphysics and past life regression, but most impressive of all was her innate understanding that the most important thing she could do was to share information. To reveal hidden or undiscovered knowledge vital to the enlightenment of humanity and our lessons here on Earth. Sharing information and knowledge is what mattered most to Dolores. That is why her books, lectures and unique QHHT method of hypnosis continue to amaze, guide and inform so many people around the world. Dolores explored all these possibilities and more while taking us along for the ride of our lives. She wanted fellow travelers to share her journeys into the unknown.

After Dolores Cannon’s passing, her daughter Julia Cannon, who taught QHHT by Dolores’ side for many years, became Director of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy which teaches Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® online and around the world. Julia is also the CEO of Dolores’ publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., which Dolores founded in 1992 to publish her books and other authors exploring, researching and writing about metaphysical subjects.

Julia Cannon brings with her in depth experience in the health care field having worked as a registered nurse in Intensive Care and Home Health for the duration of her 20+ year career. She then decided to explore other aspects of the healing profession and has trained in Reconnective Healing while mastering QHHT.

Her energy healing has taken on its own dimension and has formed into something she calls “Lightcasting.” Intuitive lights come from the hands to direct energy where it is needed to balance any deficiencies in the body. This balancing may be happening on the physical, mental and spiritual level. While she is working in someone’s energy field, she gets intuitive messages and impressions of what is happening and what is needed to help the person bring about their healing.

With her extensive experience in health care and the after working with Dolores Cannon practicing and teaching QHHT, Julia authored the book “Soul Speak: The Language of Your Body,” intended and written as a guide to decode the messages from the different systems of your body and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on it.

Julia continues to share Dolores’ legacy and journey by teaching QHHT, editing Dolores’ new books yet to be published, and planning the future of Cannon University, Ozark Mountain Publishing and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy.

For a quarter of a century, Dolores Cannon has been studying the structure of the world beyond human perception. Her method is regression therapy, that is, an attempt through hypnosis to make a person remember a past life (provided that you believe in it) and realize its connection with the present life.

What did I personally know about hypnosis when I went to a session with Ms. Cannon, who stopped by for a few days in Moscow? That this is a mystery of humanity, which has not yet received a detailed scientific explanation. I knew even less about regression therapy. Of course, I assumed that I would be asked to engage in soul-searching, but I will say right away: I was not able to look into my past life. Although I was not averse to it, since an experienced psychologist once told me that in a past life I was... an aquarium fish. But either the mood was not the most suitable, or the master was out of shape, the business did not work out. The exciting question “Who was I before?” remained a mystery - for colleagues, for family, for history and, most importantly, for me.

It turns out you can't rush through your past in a few minutes. This, according to Dolores Cannon, takes two to three hours. We didn't have that much time, so I was subjected to only a brief relaxation procedure. This activity usually precedes more serious regression therapy sessions. In the room where the audience took place there were no glass balls, no amulets or other secret symbols that make up the standard set of mediums. “I don’t need to impress my clients,” Ms. Cannon said in this regard, “because they get the main sensations after the session.”

Close your eyes, relax and imagine the most beautiful place on Earth that you have ever seen,” a melodic voice said calmly. - What do you see now?

“Mountains,” I answered, sprawled on the floor and trying to imagine the Caucasian landscape. Honestly, that was the first thing that came to mind.

Is the sun shining brightly now?

“No,” I answered, not feeling the hypnotic effect one bit.

After a ten-minute question-and-answer conversation, I was already mentally in the clouds, soaring over the Elbrus region, and then, inspired and relaxed, I returned to earth - to the premises of an ordinary Moscow office. My opinion: such a relaxation session could be carried out without the help of an eminent hypnotist; in our country the most ordinary psychotherapist is capable of this.

“I conducted a relaxation session so that you could feel the taste of a hypnotic state,” Ms. Cannon explains my slight disappointment. - More serious experiments require time...

Dolores Cannon positions herself as a research psychologist who carefully records the knowledge of hypnotized people. Since 1979, she has been collecting and systematizing information that she receives from hundreds of volunteers who come to her sessions. And often these people, unlike me, presented her with real surprises.

In my practice, although I have never encountered subjects who were Napoleon or Cleopatra in the past, sometimes luck accompanies me. I once worked with 22-year-old Katie, who was formerly a member of the Essene community and went by the male name Suddi. In a state of hypnosis, she said that she was one of Jesus' teachers. And it is known that, according to one hypothesis, it was the Essenes who were the teachers of Christ and John the Baptist.

After the relaxation session, it was my turn to ask Dolores Cannon questions.

- But isn’t what you do with your clients dangerous?

Many people are truly wary of hypnosis. However, in my forty years of activity, I do not remember a single case in which hypnosis caused harm to health. This is a completely safe method and one of the most powerful of all psychotherapy methods used in medical practice. It does not cause side effects or complications. But, like any other tool, it is safe only in the hands of a specialist.

In your case, I used the method of relaxation through talking. By making you imagine certain pictures, I could put you into a state of a past life, but this would only happen if you and I tuned in to a therapeutic session. Then I would need to talk with you in more detail, find out what problems you have, what you expect from this therapy.

In my work, I come across the fact that people have serious problems that come from a past life. Moreover, psychological difficulties that were not of serious importance in the past, as a rule, develop into illnesses or physical ailments in real life. For example, you have some phobias - fear of death, fire, water, anything else. So all these fears originate in one of the past lives. If I manage to find the life in which they were born, then the problem can be eliminated very quickly - in one session.

- How should you live today so that in your next life (if it is planned, of course) it will not be excruciatingly painful?

According to my worldview, human life is a kind of school. We come to Earth to learn certain lessons. We have a certain training plan, goals and objectives that we must learn. For example, a person has a problem in his family or with his lovers. Or, let’s say, in a past life you hurt this or that person. You can’t just throw it away, you need to go back and correct your actions. As soon as you manage to do this, the problem goes away forever. And it’s not so difficult to do, because we lived with people close to us in our past lives and are reborn again and again with them. I believe this happens because we love these people and we enjoy being with them. It’s as if we are signing a contract with them, and when we are about to incarnate again, we essentially say: “Let’s try to go down that path again, because the last time it didn’t work out very well.”

- So a person always remains a person? And I thought that your worldview is nothing more than a belief in reincarnation. But what about rebirth into a butterfly, dandelion or dog?

Many people mistakenly believe that a person can be born as an animal in his next existence. My research shows that when a person’s soul incarnates in some physical form, it almost always receives a human body. We will never take on an animal form, because animals have a completely different type of soul.

- Probably not the worst option to live one more life on Earth?

In his past incarnations, a person does not always live on Earth; you can also go to other planets, to other dimensions. The human body may be of a different shape, or there may be no body at all. The fact is that our physical condition is just our costume. However, there are dimensions in which a person can exist in a state of pure energy. If you have not mastered everything that you were supposed to master in this life, then you will remain at the previous level. Everyone moves to the next level only when they have learned the lesson and are ready to take on the next one. Since we all strive for development, why go back? On Earth, the soul learns emotions and limitations, but on other planets these lessons do not exist. Isn't it interesting to learn something new?

- Does your method have any differences from the techniques of other specialists?

My method is very fast and I try to lead the person directly to the cause of the problem. There are many levels of hypnotic trance. These levels can be measured using instruments in a scientific laboratory. The deeper the hypnotic state during past life regression, the more details can be revealed. I know that the degree of trance can be assessed by the physical reactions of the subjects and by the way they answer questions. In less profound states, they do not even suspect that anything special is happening. They are ready, like you, to swear that they are completely awake, and cannot understand where the information comes from. Because consciousness is still very active, they think it is just their imagination. In shallow trance states, a person often observes the events of a past life as if watching a movie. As the trance deepens, he alternates between observing and participating in the past life. When he sees through the eyes of another person and experiences emotional reactions, the deepest phase begins. Consciousness becomes less active, and the subject becomes immersed in what he sees and experiences. I once worked with a group of people who met their guardian angels in another dimension. If you and I continued the session, then you too could very well communicate with your angel.

- And get him a warm place in the afterlife?

Certainly. And besides, get some advice, instructions or recommendations for real life.

- Is travel to a past life available to representatives of different nationalities?

Once I conducted a session with the Chinese. It is logical to assume that their past lives should have taken place in Asian countries, but my subjects turned out to be cowboys, Indians and even Roman soldiers, but not residents of their region. I concluded that a person can have multiple experiences of reincarnation.

- Yes, by the way, do you believe in God?

My god is not the one found in religious teachings. From my practice, I know what really happened and what the church is silent about. God is not a judge who punishes, God is love, and he is more real than religion tells us.

In which the operator seems to meet with Dolores, they ask her questions about her books and Dolores answers them that a lot of the information in her books is incorrect, because it was given to her from bad creatures (some kind of aliens, I don’t remember exactly ). The question arises: were they really talking to Dolores? Is this even possible? Questions arise precisely because Grifasi is an experienced operator, but the information from this session is at odds with your opinion and the opinion of other people about Dolores. Thank you)

Answer (D_A):

A: I’ll immediately emphasize: I don’t know how Grifasi works, I haven’t watched his videos enough, so I could very well be wrong. I would be grateful for additions to those who have watched enough. I don’t know who they were talking to, but public posting of videos on YouTube is EXTREMELY not environmentally friendly and, in principle, speaks for itself (and shows the level of understanding of the author).

In the clips themselves, I didn’t find any checks for truthfulness, no security measures, but, again, I didn’t watch them enough + it’s not a fact that he puts all these moments on public display. Anyone could have spoken, as I see it now. Everyone and everyone began to tug at poor Mrs. D., I’m sure that at least half of her students called her in one way or another after she left. This is not good, I should let him go already...

I previously wrote this comment on this topic:

Schedule of upcoming courses: The next courses in Moscow will be held on April 24, 25, 26 and May 2, 3, 2020. Registration is open. The courses are conducted personally by the author of the methodology in an intensive mode, so it is strongly recommended to register for them 2-3 months before the start or earlier (especially for…

  • January 10th, 2016 , 09:03 am

I advise those who are especially sensitive to read this before reading.


  • November 22nd, 2014 , 11:03 am

Original taken from maximmonin V
Fragment. Book 1. Pages 142-153. Atlantis. Balance. Psychic energy. Energy of crystals.

B: They didn't base their culture on metal in the way that you do. They believed that the use of materials should be as close as possible to the original conditions as they received them. So they used a lot of stone and clay for their buildings. And their science developed into direct control of energies, so that they could control all types of energies, including gravity. So they were able to build structures using huge blocks of stones that seem impossible to you, with the basics and intelligence of your civilization.
D: They didn't use machinery or equipment?


  • October 20th, 2014 , 06:32 am

Dolores Cannon came into the world 2 days ago. She was a teacher and friend of many, and did a great job of awakening earthlings. May her memory be blessed, rest in peace...
I suggest you look at an excerpt from Dolores’ book, which will put a lot of things into place.

Original taken from maximmonin in Dolores Cannon. Curvilinear universe. Translation of the fragment.

Fragment. Book 1. Pages 33-42.

L: People ask me: “What happened on the Earthly plane that narrowed people’s belief system so much?” Many many eons ago, people who came to Earth came with vast knowledge of the universe. There were also those who were already living on Earth who did not have the same knowledge compared to those who had just arrived. And this forced those who had just arrived to be tested for power. This was something they had not experienced before this time. And they liked the feeling. It gave them a joy they had never known before. So they decided to keep their knowledge for themselves and not spread it as they were supposed to. And they enslaved those who were not so knowledgeable. They told them things that were not true, intimidating them into serving them. They were thought of as gods. They became gods. The ordinary people who were there at first thought they were gods because they could do extraordinary things. This was not supposed to happen. And once they got into this position of power and greed, they didn't want to leave. They wanted to stay. And they did it. Since that time, stories have been passed down about those gods and their great power. Fear began to spread. Fear that if they don't do what the gods told them, they will be destroyed. It was a dark time for planet Earth.


People living on Earth for millions of years are stuck in the wheel of karma. The only way out was pure souls who were not caught in the karmic cycle. Thus, a call for volunteers was announced who wanted to come to the aid of the Earth.
In her hypnotherapy practice, Dolores discovered three waves of these volunteers. Some of them came directly from the “Source” and had never lived in a physical body before. Some lived as cosmic beings on other planets and in other dimensions, but these souls embodied in human bodies must play an important role during the transition to the New Earth.

The earth is a school that we attend to gain knowledge, but it is not the only school. You have lived on other planets and in other dimensions. You have done many things that you cannot even imagine. Many people I have worked with over the past few years have returned to lives in which they were light beings in a state of bliss. They had no reason to come to the dense and negative sphere of the Earth. They came voluntarily to help humanity and the Earth at this hour.
I have encountered what I call three waves of these new souls living on Earth. They have come right now because most of those people who have spent many lives here are stuck in karma and are not progressing. They forgot about the purpose of their stay on Earth.
