
How to determine the sex of a child. Is it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child during pregnancy and how to find out who will be born, according to folk signs? Methods for determining the sex of the baby

breast cancer

With the onset of pregnancy, future parents become interested in who will be born - a boy or a girl. Even if it doesn't matter who will be, curiosity will still remain.

There are many points of view on how to determine the sex of the unborn child. Some of them are used both before conception to plan the desired sex, and in the very early stages of pregnancy. Others - inform parents about who will be born at a later date.

Folk omens and superstitions

How is conception based on gender?

Male sperm contains spermatozoa X and Y. They are responsible for the sex of the future person. At the moment of conception, the female cell fuses with one of these spermatozoa. If fertilization occurs with the X chromosome, then there will be a girl, if Y - a boy. There is only one type of female cell - X. It follows that the birth of a boy is completely dependent on the man. If, in the process of fertilization, two or more female cells participated, then there will be several fruits.

X-spermatozoa are tenacious, powerful, but slow. Y-spermatozoa, on the contrary, are weaker, live less, but move faster.

Conception occurs on the day of ovulation. Conception of a girl is more likely if sexual intercourse was a few days before ovulation. This is explained by the fact that spermatozoa Y, by the time of ovulation, will die. If sexual intercourse was on the day of ovulation, sperm with a Y chromosome will reach the goal faster than their slow "girlfriends".

Tables and calculators for determining the sex of a child

Now, it is popular to determine the gender of the expected baby using special tables and calculators. They show what gender the child is most likely to be born. These include the following:

Prediction by date of conception - with a calculator

For this method, you will need the dates of the last menstruation and conception. Data is entered into the calculator and the result is ready. The difficulty lies in the fact that not every expectant mother knows when the conception occurred. Because this date is not considered the day of sexual intercourse, but the day of ovulation. Based on the day of ovulation, as already mentioned above, it is possible with a prevailing degree of probability (but of course not 100%) to determine the sex of the desired child.

Parental blood group prognosis

This method is much easier. In the table, at the intersection of the data of the mother and father, you can see who will be born - a boy or a girl. In the same way, forecasting is carried out according to the Rh factor of the parents. By blood group, the result, as a rule, is more accurate than by the Rh factor.

Determination of the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents

Forecast for blood renewal

In all people, the blood is regularly “cleansed”. For women it happens every three years, for men it happens every four years. Whoever has more “fresh” blood will have a baby of this gender. If one of the parents had blood loss (surgery, transfusion), then the countdown should start from this date. Otherwise, the result may be false. You can do the calculation yourself. Mom's age is divided by three, dad's - by four. Whoever has a larger balance will have a child of that gender.

Forecast according to the ancient Chinese calendar

This simple method was developed back in the 14th century AD. All that is required is to know the age of the mother and the month of conception. At the intersection of these data in a special table, you can see who will be born. The peculiarity is that the Chinese consider their age from the moment of conception. That is, 9 months are added to the date of birth. Therefore, when using this calendar, it would be correct to do the same - add nine months to the mother's age.

All these methods are not medical, and therefore, they are believed to not give a 100% correct answer. Although if you take into account all opinions, you can find quite a few users of these tables who speak of their high accuracy, see also this video below. One can only wonder where the Chinese had such knowledge. Obviously, they are well versed in the birth of children, it is not for nothing that there are so many of them. So this method of determination may give odds to any modern calculator in terms of forecast accuracy.

According to legend, a Chinese table for determining the sex of a child was found in one of the tombs more than 700 years ago, and to this day it is kept at the Beijing Institute of Science. If we talk about specific official figures that speak about the accuracy of Chinese tables, then they simply do not exist, because. scientific research has not been applied to them.

The ancient Chinese calendar can also be used before conception if there is a need to predict in advance and increase the likelihood of a child of a particular gender.

Calculating the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar is very simple, it is enough to know the mother's age and the date of conception, see the table below. It is easy to use - see the intersection of the columns, if the red box is a high probability of having a girl, blue - a boy.

The Chinese calendar originated in antiquity. The prognosis is this - if red, then a girl, blue - a boy.

Japanese table forecast, with calculator

In Japan, tables have been developed, to fill in which you need to know the month of conception and the month of birth of the father and mother. The method for determining the sex of a child consists of two tables. In one, at the intersection of the months of birth of the father and mother, a figure is determined. It must be found in the top row of another table. Under this figure, vertically, the month of conception of the child is selected. Opposite this month, in the columns "boy" and "girl" there are crosses. The child will be of the sex where their number is greater. This method is also called forecast by date of birth.

You can calculate a boy or a girl will be born using the Japanese table, it is somewhat more complicated than the Chinese one.

[Calculator under development]

Determining the sex of a child with the help of medicine

Parents who do not want to rely on Chinese, Japanese and other similar methods of predicting and guessing the sex are interested in how long it takes to determine the sex of the child more accurately and with the help of modern medicine. It depends on the diagnostic method that will be chosen.

Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal to determine the sex of a child

There are several medical methods. The most common is ultrasound. Modern ultrasound machines can determine gender from 12 weeks. However, the most correct result will be after the 20th week of pregnancy. The difficulty arises if the baby does not show his genitals, turning his back to the sensor or covering them with handles.

There are also a number of tests to determine the gender of the baby without ultrasound.

In modern conditions, a gender test is carried out. The reagent in it is combined with the mother's urine. If the control strip turns orange, then a girl will be born, if green - a boy. This test is carried out from the eighth week. The probability of a correct result is 90%.

Sometimes, the appearance of a child of a certain gender is undesirable due to genetic diseases in the family in the male or female line. In this case, at 7-10 weeks, a chorion biopsy is performed, during which a special needle is inserted into the uterus through the mother's stomach. The probability of a correct result is 100%. Just out of curiosity, it is not worth it, because, sometimes, it leads to an abortion.

Another popular but expensive method is a blood test. It determines the level of fetal DNA. You can go through it from the 7th week. But it is better to carry it out at a later date - the result will be more accurate. Blood is taken from a vein. It is not necessary to hand it over on an empty stomach. If the result of the analysis shows the presence of a Y chromosome, then a boy will be born, if not, a girl.

The impact of parental nutrition on the gender of the unborn baby

The gender of the child is influenced by the nutrition of the parents before conception. All food products are divided into two groups - for the conception of a son and for the conception of a daughter. If pregnancy has already begun, then remembering that the expectant mother ate before conception, one can assume who will be born. If there is no pregnancy, then a few months before conception, you can change your diet to give birth to a child of the desired gender.

To attract a female sperm to an egg, calcium and magnesium must be included in the diet. The main products, however, are:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • a large number of sweets;
  • bread and pastries, with a little salt and preferably without yeast;
  • raw and boiled vegetables (preferably green);
  • nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame;
  • fruits and berries.

Salt in the diet should be present in a minimal amount, as it does not allow calcium to be fully absorbed. In addition, it contains sodium, which repels X chromosomes and attracts Y chromosomes.

To attract male sperm, the diet should be high in sodium and potassium. Preference should be given to products such as:

  1. meat (in large quantities);
  2. fish, including salted;
  3. smoked meats;
  4. dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  5. potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms;
  6. bananas, peaches, melons.

The diet of parents is not a panacea. Therefore, misfires can happen in this case as well.

Folk omens and superstitions

Modern methods of sex determination, with the help of medicine and various tables, are used relatively recently. Previously, expectant mothers relied on folk omens.

Now many, on the advice of mothers and grandmothers, use them just for fun. The most popular of them:

  1. the stomach is sharp and bulging forward - there will be a boy, round and bulging on the sides - a girl;
  2. the pregnant woman sleeps with her head turned to the south - to the girl, to the north - to the boy;
  3. mother's increased appetite for her son;
  4. age spots on the belly of a pregnant woman - to a girl, hairs - to a boy;
  5. mommy prefers sour and salty dishes - there will be a son, sweet - a daughter;
  6. women who wear boys become more beautiful, girls - vice versa;
  7. freezing feet - to the boy;
  8. light areolas of the nipples - to the son, dark ones - to the daughter;
  9. the stronger the toxicosis, the more likely the birth of a boy;
  10. mom's dry palms - there will be a son, soft ones - a daughter;
  11. the tummy sticks out to the right - a boy, to the right - a girl.

There are many ways to satisfy the curiosity of parents as to whether it will be a boy or a girl - as you can see, there are many. What to believe and what not - everyone decides for himself. Medical methods seem to be the most reliable. If it is interesting to know earlier, then you can check all the proposed methods. What gender most of them indicate, that gender is likely to be the baby. The main thing is not to be upset if you see not the result that you would like. Because the baby feels everything and experiences the same emotions. And his health is now the most important thing.

Note: you can use all available tables, tests and calculators for the sex of the child, just create a separate table, each column of which will have its own method of determination, and where you mark the results of all tests. And then see what results are more - in favor of a boy or a girl.

UPD: Watch also this video where a woman talks about the incredible accuracy of determining the sex of a child according to ancient Chinese tables, knowing only the mother's age and the date of conception.

There is one way that has never failed.

The essence of the method is as follows:

You need to know the exact month of conception and the number of completed years PERFORMED IN THIS CALENDAR YEAR for a woman.

For example, the month of conception is April (4th month), the number of full years is 32.

By the month of conception, we add the number of full years and one more. That is: 4+32+1=37

If the number is odd, then it will be a boy.

If it's even, it's a girl.

Check it out for yourself, and use it, to your health.

There is, however, one point - - If you can not conceive a child of a certain gender - do not despair!

The universe is very wise! And she sends us exactly those whom we can grow at this time, and grow them with maximum benefit, with maximum potential. And not only personal, but taking into account the implementation for the nation, ethnic group, country, world.

If the female experience dominates in the family now (or rather, the female set of qualities will be more realized in the near future), then God sends us a girl. And mom, and sometimes dad, pass on to her all the centuries-old accumulated experience of a kind in the female part.

If it is male qualities that can be more fully realized in this time period, a boy comes to us.

I understand that sometimes you want a child of a certain gender - there are certain expectations, desires, preferences, obligations ...

But if you still honestly analyze the life and fate of the born child, you will admit that the Universe disposed of it in the MOST WISE WAY!!!

In general, there are even such cycles - before the war, many more boys (future warriors) are born in 15-30 years, and after the war (and during) much more girls are born - after all, it is necessary to revive the population of earthlings. And that includes men.

And in general, there is an amazing fact in the universe - the ratio of the number of newborns to boys to newborn girls is quite stable and is approximately 105-110 boys per 100 girls. This figure changes over the years and epochs in connection with military operations, and general epidemics-cataclysms, as I said. And in ordinary life, given that the level of mortality and injury is higher in men, as well as susceptibility to various force majeure, by adulthood the situation is already changing SIGNIFICANTLY in favor of the female half of humanity., And every year there are more and more adult women and more than adult men.




Good evening! I practice another, very simple method that "solves" many problems at once - this is working with a ring. What determines the golden ring? Much!
- Determine the total number of children that this person (woman, man) can have throughout life and the "charge" at the time of the check;
- Gender of each subsequent child;
- The physical condition of the subject according to the indications of blood pressure and heart rhythm.
We take an ordinary and not too massive wedding ring (usually it is a women's ring without inclusions) and hang it on a thin thread (preferably not synthetic!) And not long (10-15cm is enough). The future parent extends his left hand (it can be bent at the elbow) and connects the pads of the thumb and forefinger, forming a "donut". Through this "donut" very carefully, but quickly enough and without delay (achieved by training) should be lowered by 6-10 cm. and raise our "device" to the same height. Touching the "donut" with a ring or hand is not allowed. The number of dives is five times in about 10 seconds. With some experience, it will start to turn out and the ring will not spin on a thread or swing on it until the end of the diving cycle. All! We have already fixed our hand with the ring and look at it. It will come to life right before your eyes. If the ring starts to sway - a boy, spinning - a girl. For the "entry" we determine the gender of one child and repeat ... If the ring does not react in any way, there will be no more half-children! The above is true for those who do not yet have children. For those who have - they should be taken into account in the "balance".
Taking readings of blood pressure. Take an ordinary wooden school ruler, ask to bend your left hand and attach the ruler starting from the elbow along the hand of the person being tested. Take the ring and pass the thread through it in the same way. Slowly guide the ring on the thread (as close to the ruler as possible and perpendicular to it!) and look carefully. As soon as the ring "shakes" finely, this is the first indication. We lead the ring further along the ruler and we have one more point where the ring "shakes". Here is the top one! The discrepancy with the instruments never gives a difference of more than 5%.
More subtle observations (and appropriate practice!) make it possible to judge heart rhythms by the nature of the "dance" of the ring over the ruler...

By Chinese conception chart you can determine the sex of the child by the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

The Chinese conception table has a very long history and no one knows for sure when and on what basis it was compiled. According to legend, it was found in one of the ancient burials in China. Some scientists believe that it was created based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Others think that the ancient Chinese conducted research that revealed the relationship of the sex of the child with the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Example: conception occurred in January. The woman is 32 years old. It is most likely that a boy will be born.


Month in which the child is conceived

Japanese conception table.

You can determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient Japan.

Japanese conception chart based on the fact that the sex of the child is determined by the months of birth of the parents and the month of conception. In order to calculate the sex of the child in this way, you need to find in the first table the number that stands at the intersection of the months of birth of the mother and father. Then, in the second table, find the column at the top of which is this number. It indicates the months of conception, and opposite each month is the probability of the birth of a boy or girl, expressed by the number of crosses. The more crosses, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child of one sex or another. The Japanese calendar is ideal for planning the gender of the child, because for each couple it instantly calculates the months in which the highest probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender is the highest. Recall that this is just a probability, so such tables may be wrong.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the month of birth of dad and mom.

Birth month of the expectant mother

Birth month of the future dad

In the second conception table select the row under the number that was obtained from the first table. In this row we find the month of conception of the baby. In the scale "boy" "girl" the probability of the birth of one or another sex is indicated. The more "x", the more likely.

Example: Dad was born in March, mom in June. At the intersection in the first table - the number 6. The month of conception is April. In the second table in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.



Conception table for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of the blood.

Conception table by blood age is based on the assumption that the blood of a woman and a man is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed 1 time in 3 years. Having determined the "blood age" of future mothers and fathers, it is compared with each other. After that, the number of months that have passed from the last birthday of the parent to the month of conception is added. The sex of the child will be the same as the sex of the parent whose blood is younger.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite the age.

Mom's age

Her blood renewal rate

Dad's age

His blood renewal rate

In the second table, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Birth month of mom and dad

Month of conception

Now, for each parent, we add the resulting 2 numbers (from the first and second tables). Whoever has a smaller number (“younger blood”), of that gender is likely to have a baby.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom=1, dad=0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. According to the results of both tables, mom (1+10 = 11), dad (0+1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

Conception table with folk signs to determine the sex of the unborn child.

If at an early stage it is stuffy and hot all the time

If early on it's chilly all the time

A woman has a narrow belly, similar to an oval

The woman has a wide belly, which is visible from behind.

The pregnant woman has a right side

The pregnant woman has a left side

Woman gets prettier during pregnancy

The woman developed age spots, blackheads, etc.

Mother's hands are dry

Mother's palms are soft

I want meat and salted fish

I want sweet

A pregnant woman sleeps with her head towards the north

The pregnant woman sleeps towards the south

Women often sleep on their left side

The woman often sleeps on her right side

Morning bright and energetic

morning sickness

Left breast is bigger

Right breast is bigger

The expectant mother's nipples are light

The expectant mother's nipples are dark

Helpful Hints

For centuries, future parents had to wait for the birth of their child to find out his gender.

Now there are different methods for determining the sex of a child, ranging from folk signs and ancient Chinese tables to modern medical procedures.

1. How to find out the gender of the child according to the table?

According to the legend chinese sex determination table baby was found in an ancient royal tomb in China. She predicts the gender of the baby based on the Chinese lunar calendar.

In this case, you need to know mother's age at conception And month of conception to determine whether you will have a girl or a boy.

There is no scientific confirmation that this method works, but you can test it on your friends and relatives.

2. Gender of the child by date of conception

According to this method, the sex of the unborn child is determined by date of conception and depends on the type of sperm.

It is believed that Y sperm, which will lead to the birth of a boy, are faster and less hardy than X chromosome sperm, which are slower but more resistant.

Thus, if conception occurred 2-3 days before a woman ovulates, then you are more likely to give birth to a girl. If conception took place directly on the day of ovulation or shortly before it, then a boy is more likely to appear.

The day of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal body temperature or by using home ovulation tests.

3. Calculate the sex of the child by blood

According to this theory, the sex of an unborn child can be determined based on renewal of the blood of parents. It is believed that in women the blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men - once every 4 years. The gender of a child is determined by which parent has "fresh" blood.

For example, a woman is 26 years old and a man is 28 years old. If 26 divided by 3 we get 8.6, and 28 divided by 4 we get 8. Since the remainder of the woman (8.6) is greater than that of the man, then the probability of having a boy is more likely.

It is also worth remembering that in the case of blood donation and transfusion, operations, childbirth and other blood loss, it is worth taking the date of the last blood loss.

Gender of the child by blood group

Another entertaining theory of determining the sex of an unborn child is based on blood type and Rh factor of parents. The intersection of the blood type of the mother and father, as well as the Rh factors, indicates whether you will have a boy or a girl.

4. Gender of the child according to signs

There are many ways to determine the sex of a child, which our grandmothers and mothers also resorted to. Of course, these methods are not considered reliable, as they have not been validated. Some of them seem to be true because they are about 50 percent accurate, and there are others that have been partly scientifically proven.

Gender of baby by belly

If you carry the child low - you have a boy, if high - you have a girl. There is also an opinion that if the expectant mother the shape of the abdomen is pointed - there will be a boy, and more rounded - a girl.

However, according to experts, the shape of the abdomen is determined by the muscles, uterine tone and position of the child, and not by the gender of the baby.

According to the latest data, breast volume is the best indicator of the sex of the unborn child. In women bearing girls, the breasts become larger during pregnancy (by an average of 8 cm) than in women bearing boys (by an average of 6.3 cm). This is because boys produce more testosterone and require more energy from the mother, which inhibits breast growth more.

Gender of baby by heartbeat

According to the signs, if you have a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be higher than 140 per minute, and if a boy, then less than 140. In fact, the fetal heartbeat changes as it grows and develops, as well as during an increase in the activity of the child. However, it has been scientifically proven that the heart rate of girls rises more during childbirth than that of boys.

Folk signs for determining the sex of a child

© blanaru/Getty Images

The couple will have girl If:

Mother's appearance deteriorated, acne appeared

Dad started gaining weight

Mom is craving sweets

Expectant mother suffers from severe morning sickness

Parents are over 40 years old

If you hang a wedding ring over your stomach, it moves back and forth

The couple will have boy If:

Mother's appearance improved

Dry hands, cold feet

Draws on salty and sour

mother is stressed

Significantly increased appetite, calorie intake

If you hang a wedding ring over your stomach, it moves in a circle.

5. Gender of the child by ultrasound

One of the most accurate methods of determining the sex of a baby during pregnancy is an ultrasound or ultrasound, during which high-frequency sound waves create an image of your baby inside the uterus.

Ultrasound is performed not to determine the sex of the child, but in order to find out whether the child is developing correctly.

Depending on the gestational age and the position of the fetus, the doctor can tell for sure whether you are carrying a boy or a girl.

At what time can you determine the sex of the child?

Most often, the method of determining the sex of a child by ultrasound is the most accurate. between 18 and 26 weeks of gestation. Although new ultrasound technologies can determine the sex of the child at an earlier period of 12-13 weeks.

Up to 18 weeks of fetal development, male and female genital organs are more similar and therefore the probability of error is high. Later dates also complicate this task due to the closer position of the fetus.

It is worth remembering that if the child is in an awkward position for examination or crosses his legs, this may hide the genital area from observation.

Gender of the child: is the ultrasound wrong?

Ultrasound is not a 100% method, and the probability of error depends on several factors:

Pregnancy age (the higher, the more accurate)

Equipment (3D ultrasound is usually more accurate)

The professionalism of the doctor conducting the ultrasound

Mother's weight (the fatter the mother, the lower the image quality)

Fetal positions

Exist more accurate methods for determining the sex of the unborn child (almost 100 percent), but they are carried out as needed and are accompanied by a high risk for pregnancy. This amniocentesis(puncture of the fetal bladder) and chorionic villus biopsy. They are carried out at an earlier date: in the first and the beginning of the second trimester.

Amniocentesis is performed between 15-18 weeks pregnancy. The doctor inserts a long needle to take a sample of the amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac, which contains the baby's cells. As a rule, this test is ordered if there is an increased risk of abnormalities in the child and disorders related to the sex of the child.

Chorionic villus biopsy is performed between 11 and 14 weeks, and this method is also used only if it is possible for the child to develop disorders.

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she, of course, worries that everything is fine and the pregnancy proceeds normally. But she is also concerned about the question of who will be born - a boy or a girl? Ultrasound is not always an effective method in determining sex, and therefore many resort to folk methods to find out the sex of a child without ultrasound.

Very often, folk signs are more effective in determining the sex of the unborn child than ultrasound. Next, we list the most truthful signs that can accurately determine who will be born:

  • If the pregnant woman takes up the round part of the key, there will be a boy, if the long part - a girl. But if the pregnant woman prefers to take the key in the middle, then it is worth waiting for twins.
  • If a pregnant woman chokes while eating, ask her to name any number. Then match the number to a letter of the alphabet and then give her a name starting with that letter. The name will indicate the gender of the unborn child.
  • To accurately determine the sex of the baby, it is necessary to compare the age of the mother at the time of conception and in what year it happened. If the numbers are even or odd, there will be a girl, if one number is like that and the other is like that, it will be a boy.
  • If you want a boy, eat more salt before pregnancy, if a girl - sweet.
  • So that fate smiles at you at conception and you get a girl, you need to put a spoon made of wood and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.
  • If swelling of the legs is noticed during pregnancy, then a boy will be born.
  • If during pregnancy a woman is observed, irritability is increased, then she will have a girl.
  • There is a crust of bread during pregnancy, a boy will be born.
  • If the hands dry and crack during pregnancy, a boy will be born.
  • To determine who will be born, you can use the old divination: you need to thread the chain through the wedding ring of the pregnant woman and hang it over the stomach. The woman should be in a supine position. If the ring swings back and forth, a girl will be born, if in a circle - a boy.
  • If the pregnant woman is more graceful, a girl will be born.
  • If a pregnant woman likes to sleep more on her left side, then a boy will be born.
  • If, showing you her hands, the pregnant woman turns them with her palms up, a girl will be born.

Chinese table

To accurately determine the sex of the unborn child, they often resort to calculations according to the Chinese table. In most cases, it provides 100% results. Some scientists suggest that it was compiled on the basis of the Chinese lunar calendar, while others suggest that the ancient Chinese were able to identify the relationship between the mother's age and the month of conception.

Below are two types of Chinese table. One table shows the age of the mother, the month of the expected conception, and the other shows the months, age and percentage probability of having a child of one sex or another. To understand who will be born, it is necessary to draw lines in the table between the age of the mother at which she became pregnant and the month when this happened. To verify the veracity of the results, you can check on relatives or friends.

Chinese table

Chinese table

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by blood renewal?

Thanks to this method, you can determine the sex of the child. It is based on the fact that male blood is renewed every four years, and female - every three years. The parent whose blood is more “fresh” will have a child of that gender. Blood loss is also taken into account. To use this method, you can take a test on any pregnancy planning site.

calendar methods

There are several calendar methods that will help when planning a pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very crucial moment in the life of every woman and therefore she takes it seriously. Each expectant mother has her own wishes about the gender of the child, someone wants a boy, someone wants a girl. Therefore, in order to accurately plan not only the day of conception, but also what will be the gender of the baby
You can use calendar methods. These include:

  • Moon calendar.
  • Japanese calendar.
  • Chinese calendar.

How the pregnancy will proceed will not depend on this method of conception.


Very often they try to determine the sex of the child by toxicosis, but no one can say how effective this method is. Some have the same predictions, and some do not. It used to be that if you feel very sick at the beginning of pregnancy, then there will be a girl, and if there is practically no toxicosis, there will be a boy. In the 20th century, scientists even made observations, and it was found that those women whose pregnancy proceeded with increased toxicosis eventually had a girl. They argue that morning vomiting is a consequence of an increased level of the hormone.

What does the belly look like?

Very often, when determining gender, you can focus on the shape of the abdomen. This is considered the most common form of definition and the most reliable folk sign. It is as follows: if the pregnancy has a “sharp” belly, the belly is visible from the back, there will be a boy, and if the tummy looks like a ball, there will be a girl. But it is also worth saying that this sign is not always effective. Since there can be various factors that affect the shape of the abdomen.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat

The most ancient method is recognized - determining the sex of a child by heart rhythm. It is based on the fact that the boy's heart beats more measuredly in the same rhythm with the mother's heart, and the girl's heart beats chaotically. Also, many argue that boys' heart beats even louder.

By blood type

The most popular method for determining the sex of a baby among pregnant women is considered to be sex determination by the blood type of the parents. To do this, you need to know the blood type of mom and dad. The table below shows the comparability of blood types and the probability of the appearance of a girl and a boy, depending on the father and mother.

Blood typefather
mothersI groupII groupIII groupIV group
I groupGirlBoyGirlBoy
II groupBoyGirlBoyGirl
III groupGirlBoyBoyBoy
IV groupBoyGirlBoyBoy

By father's age

To determine the sex without ultrasound, you can use the method of determining the age of the father. Considered unique and rarely used. For this, a formula is used, for which it is necessary to know such indicators as:

  1. Dad's age at conception (X).
  2. Month of conception (U).

Formula: 49-X+1+Y+3

If the result is even, it is necessary to wait for the boy, if the result is odd - the girl.

Determination of gender by mother

How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound using the age of the mother? To do this, they very often resort to the Chinese calendar, which indicates the age of the mother from 18 to 45 years, since this is the reproductive age. In this article, this calendar was previously presented, which will definitely help to correctly determine and plan the gender of the unborn baby.

Definition by chest

There is a belief that if a woman is expecting a girl, then she will have problems with beauty, rashes may appear on her face and chest. Also, if the areolas around the nipple become dark, it may mean that you are pregnant with a girl.

Emotional background

You can also determine the sex of the child by the emotional background. If a pregnant woman constantly worries, cries, and then laughs, gets nervous and is annoyed by any little things, then this is most likely what you need to wait for the girl. If a pregnant woman, on the contrary, is constantly in a good mood, she does not experience any changes, and there are no constant changes in her tastes, then you can safely wait for a boy.

Taste preferences

As for taste preferences, then there is a completely different hypothesis. Many believe that if a pregnant woman is constantly drawn to sweets, then most likely a girl will be born, but if you want meat and salty, there will be a boy. But it is debatable about this method, since taste preferences may not always change during pregnancy, for example, those who loved salt before pregnancy may love it so much during pregnancy, and eventually wait for a girl.


Scientists believe that there are several myths in folk signs that can effectively indicate the sex of the child:

  1. Fetal heartbeat. On this occasion, even studies were carried out that refuted this theory of sex determination, since this cannot be done by beating. The beat of the baby can be increased or lower, and this will be the cause of some pathological condition or other factor.
  2. Belly shape. It is considered a common sign, but not plausible.
  3. Morning toxicosis. Causes controversy among obstetrician-gynecologists. Even with severe toxicosis, you can give birth to a boy. Toxicosis also depends on the mother's body.
  4. Baby activity. You can’t trust her, because each pregnant woman has her own sensitivity and a different system of perception.
  5. Food preferences. There is no evidence to support this theory. A pregnant woman can constantly change her taste and therefore consider that if she eats sweets, there will be a girl, since in two days she may want meat or a cutlet with jam, will not mean that she has become a pregnant boy.
  6. Wedding ring vibrations. This method is similar to spiritual fortune-telling and is considered absurd.
  7. Chinese calendar. It was compiled in the 13th century, but popular in China, but this does not mean that it will help you to conceive the child of the gender you want. This calendar, of course, can take into account the lunar phases, but not the individual characteristics of a woman.

Currently, in addition to the proposed methods for determining the sex of folk remedies, there is still a large number that is growing every day with every pregnancy. But you should not trust and check everyone, because with such a complex process that takes place in the female body, which is still being studied by scientists, it is impossible to say exactly who you will have.