
Syphilis four crosses what is it. Orthodox crosses: how to understand the meanings? Forms and types of Orthodox crosses

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Those who have been tested for venous diseases know that the reaction can be both positive and negative. It depends on at what stage the patient’s blood is examined. Pluses or crosses are used to indicate test results for syphilis. Their number can vary from one plus to four. This designation for syphilis was first proposed by Wasserman, who discovered a method for testing blood for the presence of treponema. This happened more than a hundred years ago. It would seem that many new types of testing have appeared, but the most common remains the Wasserman reaction with its pluses. The doctor has developed a special system for characterizing the disease, which the number of crosses indicates the amount of antibodies in the blood. The greater their concentration, the more advantages. The largest number of them is 4 (++++). It should be remembered that in the disease itself they are completely absent. There are treponema, chancre, syphilitic rash and other signs. And crosses are present in every positive test, indicating the presence of antibodies.

If there are advantages, syphilis is positive, but there are doubts about its presence even in the presence of antibodies in the blood that were formed to fight treponema or other viruses. This diagnosis is often called false positive or doubtful. Often it indicates the presence of a completely different disease.

At the first stage of the disease, there is very often 1 plus. This suggests that very little time has passed since the infection.

One + occurs in patients at the third stage of the disease, when the concentration of antibodies in the body is extremely low.

1+ can also occur after complete recovery of the disease, if there are still antibodies in the blood. The ELISA reaction is especially sensitive to such particles, even in low concentrations. After recovery from treponema, it is better to use RW as a control test.

Two crosses indicate a positive result; some call it weakly positive. It can be obtained at the first or second stage of the disease and signals the presence of treponemes in the blood, which antibodies fight. However, calculating the titer indicates their insignificant concentration, so a treponemal analysis will be required to confirm the diagnosis with two crosses before proceeding with complex treatment.

If syphilis has three crosses, this does not characterize it from the best side. This is a confident positive result and is very rarely subject to doubt. Repeated blood testing only confirms the results obtained during the first test. 3 crosses occur at the second stage of the disease.

The most terrible sentence for a patient: syphilis four crosses. However, this does not mean that the disease is no longer treatable. The heyday of syphilis - 4 pluses. This is its second stage, characterized by a bright rash, hair loss and fever. The amount of antibodies at this stage in the body is the largest, so the analysis is not questioned at all.

Someone compares the crosses of syphilis with the Crosses of St. George, which served as an honorary award for outstanding people. The comparison is, of course, symbolic, but hardly anyone wants to receive such rewards. Life has not yet figured out how to mark dissolute lovers of unbridled pleasures, so it gives out + to some and whole ++++ to others. It’s just a pity that here the increase in advantages symbolizes in the sad story of the disease not the advantages of a womanizer, but the progression of the disease.

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Syphilis is an infectious disease that can be transmitted through sexual contact. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium such as Treponema pallidum (spirochete), which affects internal organs, mucous membranes and skin.

To detect the disease, blood tests are used, and in some cases, cerebrospinal fluid. The results are indicated by pluses or crosses are used in quantities from 1 to 4.

Syphilis four crosses is considered the most dangerous stage for humans. The interpretation of the tests and the diagnosis is determined solely by the doctor.

Determination of a sexually transmitted disease is carried out by studying blood for the presence of treponema.

This method of recognizing syphilis using a serological reaction is the most common of many tests.

The immunologist created a special system for characterizing the disease, in which crosses indicate the amount of antibodies. It is important to know that the disease itself does not contain them, but treponemas, ulcers, and a syphilitic rash.

An increase in antibody titer indicates active reproduction of the pathogen, and crosses are contained in any analysis with a positive assessment of the presence of antibodies. Let's consider the stages of the disease and their features.

If there are crosses, syphilis is positive, but there are doubts even when observing antibodies in the blood to fight the disease.

Therefore, doctors call this test result questionable. Often the test result may indicate another disease.

A result of 1+ means that little time has passed since the infection stage. Plus may be present after complete treatment, when antibodies remain.

Two crosses mean a positive result, which indicates the presence of treponema in the blood.

An increase in titer indicates a low concentration in the blood. So, it is necessary to examine the bacterium to confirm conclusion 2 plus before starting therapy.

A blood test with a three-cross score indicates a positive result and cannot be refuted. Repeated blood testing only confirms the diagnosis of 3 crosses, which is typical for the disease at the second stage of development.

The most unfavorable conclusion is the result of 4 crosses. But this does not mean at all that the disease cannot be cured.

This stage is characterized by a noticeable rash, hair loss, and increased body temperature. The number of antibodies is at a high level, so the conclusion is beyond doubt.

Recognition of syphilis is carried out in two stages, starting with examination of the patient and ending with the study of blood for antibodies.

The doctor examines the patient, and already determines the likelihood of the presence of the disease:

  • detection of ulcers on the genitals or in the oral cavity;
  • dermatological rashes, compactions;
  • baldness in the scalp.

The doctor clarifies information from the patient, based on questions about the presence of suspicious sexual acts or treatment of a sexually transmitted disease.

Today, a test to detect the disease syphilis 4 crosses can be taken in many ways, the most well-known are presented below:

  • RPR is a test that detects antibodies in the blood to phospholipids of the cytoplasmic membrane;
  • RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) is a more sensitive reaction, as it shows a positive result already at the first stage in 80% of patients;
  • RW (method of the German immunologist Wasserman) is a fast and reliable research method that allows you to carry out examinations and prescribe effective pharmaceuticals;
  • enzyme immunoassay of blood;
  • the reaction is based on the phenomenon of immobilization of bacteria by antibodies such as immobilisins;
  • passive hemagglutination shows the presence and amount of antibodies.

Today, syphilis can be treated at any stage. But it is much easier to tolerate treatment at the first manifestations of the disease, when the infection has not affected the entire body.

The duration of treatment and medications are prescribed by a venereologist based on the individual characteristics of the human body and the stage of the lesion.

Do not forget that the best prevention of syphilis is a close relationship with a regular partner, in whose health you are completely confident.

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Serodiagnosis of syphilis is the main method of verifying the diagnosis of infection.

For the initial examination, nonspecific immunological tests are used:

Interpretation of the results of serological studies on syphilis carried out using the notation crosses"+". The number of pluses reflects the concentration in the patient’s blood serum of antibodies formed in response to the introduction of treponema into the body.

Scientist Wasserman proposed using this system for indicating the amount of antibodies in the blood.


  • 4 crosses(++++) mean a sharply positive reaction and undoubted infection syphilis
  • (+++): positive
  • (++) and (+): weakly positive
  • (+-): doubtful
  • (-): negative reaction

The results of a blood test depend not only on whether the infectious agent is present in the patient’s body. It is important in what period the sample was submitted for research.

The seronegative window period lasts for 30-35 days after infection. At the same time, treponema pallidum is already multiplying in tissues, but it is still impossible to detect it in the blood.

One cross (+) can be detected in the following cases:

  • In the initial stages of the disease with recent infection, in this case the number of antibodies is still low.
  • With tertiary syphilis, when the level of specific immunoglobulins in the blood drops to a minimum value.
  • In case of false positive test results. The reason for this may be other infectious diseases (typhus, scarlet fever, etc.), connective tissue pathologies, autoimmune processes, alcohol intake, consumption of fatty and fried foods the day before serological testing, the period before and immediately after childbirth, the rapid onset of menstruation in women.
  • After completion of drug treatment for infection, a small amount of antibodies remains in the blood serum.

Often this analysis result is considered doubtful. In this case, the patient is sent for additional studies to clarify the diagnosis and verify it.

2 crosses indicate the presence of pale treponema in the blood. As a rule, they are detected during primary or secondary syphilis. This reaction means a small concentration of the pathogen in the blood and the body’s fight against infection. This is a weakly positive seroreaction result. In order to begin drug therapy, verification of the diagnosis is required using additional treponemal tests.

Three crosses are virtually unmistakable evidence of disease syphilis. In most cases they are found in the secondary period of the disease. As a rule, repeated additional immunological studies confidently confirm the presence of a syphilitic infection.

4 crosses are undoubted evidence of the presence of antibodies to treponema in the patient’s blood. Most often they are detected in the secondary period syphilis. This happens because during this period the clinical signs of the disease appear most clearly and clearly.

These include:

  • roseolous and papular rash on the body
  • lymph node damage

When such a result is obtained, as a rule, clarification of the diagnosis and additional serological tests are not required. Even after completing a course of etiotropic treatment and clinical recovery of the patient, antibodies to treponema remain in his blood.

This is determined by research using RPGA or ELISA. Therefore, their use to assess the effectiveness of therapy is inappropriate.

To make an accurate diagnosis if you suspect syphilis, get tested at our medical center.

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Syphilis develops in stages - each stage of the disease has its own symptoms and characteristics. In medicine, there is no clear opinion about what stage of syphilis is the last. Some argue that the third, since it is characterized by irreversible processes and ultimately leads to death. Others identify the fourth stage, which develops as a result of many years of existence of the disease. As a rule, syphilis is detected at stages 1-2, but in rare cases it is diagnosed at the most advanced stage of development.

Most often, the owners of stages 3-4 of syphilis become antisocial groups of people - alcoholics, drug addicts, people without a fixed place of residence. In others, symptoms of the disease are detected much earlier, so appropriate treatment is prescribed. The last stage (tertiary syphilis) appears several years after infection. This can happen after 5, 10 or even 15 years - much depends on the person’s immunity, his lifestyle, as well as his initial state of health.

Today, this stage of the disease is rare. As a rule, the following factors contribute to the development of this form:

  • Infection at an early or old age.
  • Incorrect treatment or lack thereof.
  • Chronic pathologies, injuries.
  • Constant alcohol, drug and other intoxication.
  • Reduced immunity or diseases that weaken the body's protective functions.
  • Excessive emotional, psychological or physical fatigue.
  • Poor nutrition, lack of proteins and essential microelements.

Tertiary syphilis develops in about a third of patients. As a rule, in people with a latent form of the disease.

The doctor talks more about tertiary syphilis in this video.

The disease at this stage of development, as at the early stages, develops in waves - the patient’s condition either sharply worsens or improves. During the period of remission, the person feels normal and is not contagious to others. At the same time, syphilis occurs latently, spreading more and more to the internal organs and nervous system.

At the last stage, the following irreversible processes occur:

  • the nervous system is affected;
  • the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted;
  • the skin is affected;
  • the destruction of internal organs begins.

Stages 3-4 of syphilis are a rather serious condition for the patient, accompanied by disability and ending in death. In rare cases, the disease is accompanied by late roseola - pale pink rashes on the skin up to 2 cm in size. The edges of the spots are uneven and asymmetrical. They often peel off, but do not itch. At the same time, the appearance of tuberculate and gummous elements is possible.

At stages 3-4, neurosyphilis develops. The disease goes so far that the destruction of nerve cells and conductive processes begins. Gummy changes affect the vessels of the membranes at the base of the cephalopod, which invariably leads to pathological processes. Among the most common changes in the nervous system at the late stage of syphilis are:

  • formation of gummas in brain structures;
  • damage to the blood vessels of the brain;
  • inflammation of the meninges (meningitis);
  • tabes dorsalis;
  • paralysis of limbs.

Against the background of changes in the nervous system, other atypical symptoms appear. For example, patients complain of a sharp decrease in vision. Upon examination, the doctor discovers that the patient has pupils of an atypical size - one becomes larger than the other. Some patients complain of a persistent sensation of pins and needles under the skin. Joint dysfunction is possible - most often the knee and ankle are affected. Such problems arise due to impaired tendon reflexes. At the same time, various trophic disorders appear and grow on the skin. All these symptoms, gradually accumulating, ultimately lead to complete immobilization of the patient.

First of all, the heart (in 90% of cases) and the liver (5-7%) are affected by syphilitic changes. Other organs suffer less frequently. As a result of pathological changes, diseases develop:

  1. Myocarditis. Symptoms characteristic of any other myocarditis appear. The patient suffers from shortness of breath, the heart works unevenly, and periodically suffers from pain in the chest. When listening, the doctor detects a clear muffling of heart sounds.
  2. Hepatitis. The patient's skin turns yellow, unexplained itching increases, and unreasonable bleeding develops. Belching and nausea appear, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, and the temperature rises. The liver in tertiary syphilis is usually affected in patients aged 35 to 50 years. As a rule, this occurs 10 years after infection and later. There are 4 forms of liver damage due to syphilis: gummous, miliary, epithelial, interstitial.
  3. Aortitis. The aorta becomes inflamed and dilates, causing the walls of other vessels to become deformed. The result can be an even more dangerous complication - an aneurysm, in which the walls of the vessels dissect, leading to rupture of the aorta and almost instantaneous death.

Diagnosis of such lesions causes many difficulties - simultaneous damage to several organs in combination with changes in the nervous system is possible. It is not always possible to immediately attribute this to symptoms of syphilis.

In most cases, a patient with stage 4 syphilis dies not so much from this disease as from complications caused by it.

Granulomas appear on the body - focal growths of connective tissue. Their occurrence is not accompanied by pain, itching and other symptoms - they do not cause any discomfort to the patient. In some cases, an ulcerative surface forms. After healing, scars may remain. Granulomas do not appear repeatedly in the same place.

At the late stage of syphilis, a tubercular lesion usually appears - seals with a shiny surface several millimeters in diameter appear on the skin. The color varies from dark red to bluish. There are several types of such syphilide - grouped, serpening, dwarf, diffuse. They differ in the nature of the tubercles, localization and speed of their “maturation”.

Another form of skin lesion is a gummous formation, affecting the subcutaneous layers and, less commonly, bones and muscles. Typically, such seals are located on the face, scalp, forearms, thighs, and lower legs. The formation grows up to 5-7 cm and can lead to tissue death.

Syphilis invariably changes the structure of bones and joints, which gives rise to other pathological conditions. Arthritis, osteomyelitis, periostitis - these are just a few of the processes that occur in an organism infected with syphilis. This is due to the fact that syphilitic gum is formed in the bones. As a result, the bone grows and collapses.

The process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • intense pain that gets worse at night,
  • general malaise and fever,
  • deterioration in the mobility of large joints - knees, elbows, ankles.

If syphilis has spread to the bone structure, then disability occurs quite soon - the person cannot move freely, the joints become inflamed, which leads to severe discomfort.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, taking into account typical symptoms. To confirm preliminary findings, the doctor prescribes an examination:

  • RPHA analysis - determines the characteristics of the adhesion of red blood cells to antibody proteins;
  • PCR test - confirm or refute the RPGA analysis (allows you to exclude a false positive result);
  • direct laboratory tests to identify the causative agent of syphilis;
  • blood test for the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of this infection;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs - to establish the advanced stage of the disease;
  • MRI and CT of internal organs;
  • X-ray of joints and bones.

An ELISA test is also prescribed - the peculiarities of the interaction of IgM and IgG antibodies with antigen proteins are studied. The technique is very informative for detecting latent forms of syphilis, when the disease does not manifest itself with typical symptoms. Usually at this stage there is no doubt that it is syphilis - the consequences affect many organs and are typical for the disease.

Treatment of syphilis at stages 3-4 is carried out according to the same scheme as in the early stages. The difference is that two courses of therapy are carried out sequentially. With the right tactics, it is possible to completely stop the progression of the disease and kill the pathogens of the virus in the body. However, it will not be possible to restore the impaired functions of organs and the nervous system - these changes are irreversible. Treatment of syphilis occurs with the participation of several specialists, depending on which body structures are affected: therapist, dermatovenerologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, etc.

Treatment involves taking antibiotics, usually from the group of penicillins, tetracyclines or macrolides. Symptomatic treatment is also prescribed depending on what changes have already occurred in the body. It is also necessary to take immunostimulants to strengthen poor health.

In addition to drug therapy, a special diet is prescribed - the amount of fat decreases and the amount of protein increases. The patient is also limited in physical activity and prohibited from any sexual contact. If possible, you need to get rid of stress and mental tension - all this negatively affects the results of treatment. The duration of therapy depends on the advanced stage of the disease. If the disease has reached stages 3-4, then treatment may take 3-6 months. Six months after the course of therapy, the patient is examined - if signs of the disease persist, then re-treatment is prescribed.

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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the entire body of the patient. A blood test is performed to detect it. In the results, 4 crosses indicate a secondary disease, and this answer is the most unfavorable for the patient. 3 crosses mean the disease is not in such an advanced state, 2 and 1 cross reveals the disease in an earlier development, a minus means the absence of the disease. This technique is based on the Wassermann reaction (RW).

Despite the fact that many other methods for diagnosing syphilis have appeared, the Wasserman method remains the main one, although it is not without its drawbacks, in particular the tendency to false-positive results. A blood test for RW allows you to diagnose the disease at any stage with great accuracy (up to 90% at 6-8 weeks after the onset of the disease, 98-100% for secondary manifestations). With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, even four crosses or a secondary form can be treated relatively easily.

With advanced disease and congenital syphilis (the child receives it from the mother, becoming infected in the womb), irreversible changes occur in the human body, which lead to disability and death.

Secondary syphilis is the phase of the disease that occurs after the development of the primary period and the spread of the causative agent throughout the body. Slow damage to internal organs occurs, and various skin rashes appear. The kidneys, nervous system, bones and liver are especially affected. The skin symptoms of secondary syphilis are very varied. Secondary syphilides - this is the specific name skin rashes have, and are divided into several types:

  • roseola;
  • papules;
  • pustules;
  • syphilitic leukoderma (“necklace of Venus”);
  • syphilitic alopecia.

Roseolas are round, pale pink or red spots up to 1 cm in size. They are usually located on the limbs, but can also appear on the face. With secondary syphilis, symptoms appear gradually over a week. Characteristically, roseola disappear when pressed. Occasionally they may peel off or rise above the skin level.

Papules are flat nodules that rise above the skin. This is where the second name for papules comes from - nodular rash. Papules vary in size and shape. There are lenticular, coin-shaped, plaque-shaped and millet-shaped papules. Often, papules appear not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes - the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. Papules tend to grow and merge with each other. In areas of friction with clothing and excessive sweating, they turn into weeping sores. When papules affect the oral cavity, the disease becomes very contagious; treponemas are transmitted through kissing or sharing cutlery.

Pustules with syphilis are often misleading in diagnosis, because... resemble a similar rash in other diseases. Pustules are pustular rashes, but their syphilitic feature is their high density and bluish tint.

More specific symptoms are syphilitic leukoderma and syphilitic alopecia (baldness). With leukoderma, also called the “necklace of Venus,” unpigmented patches of skin surrounded by hyperpigmented areas form on the patient’s neck. Hyperpigmented areas are darker than healthy skin. Sometimes leukoderma spreads to other areas of the body - the upper back and shoulders. With syphilitic alopecia, which occurs in approximately 20% of patients, areas of large or small hair loss occur. Often the hair on a person’s head becomes like moth-eaten moss. The skin does not suffer.

Skin rashes usually do not cause pain, burning or itching in patients. A feature of skin lesions with secondary syphilis is that they can, even with weak treatment, or disappear on their own after 3-4 weeks under the influence of the body’s immunity. Deep skin lesions will leave scars, but other rashes will disappear without a trace. But this does not mean recovery. The disease enters a latent phase, but continues to develop into the third, most dangerous stage and is also prone to relapses. In addition to these symptoms, patients may experience a cough, runny nose, manifestations of conjunctivitis, malaise, a slight increase in temperature and a hoarse voice if the vocal cords are affected by the disease.

Treatment of syphilitic infection

The causative agent of syphilis, Treponema pallidum, is practically the only bacterium that has retained a surprisingly high sensitivity to penicillin. Therefore, it is he who is the main drug in treatment. Of the penicillin drugs, three are used: Bicillin, Retarpen and Extensillin. If a person is allergic to penicillin, they resort to other antibiotics:

  • semisynthetic penicillin drugs (for example, Ampicillin or Amoxiclav);
  • tetracycline-type drugs (Doxycycline);
  • macrolides (Clarithromycin, Josamycin, Erythromycin);
  • fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin);
  • aminoglycosides (Gentamicin);
  • 3rd generation ciprofloxacin (Ceftriaxone).

If it is necessary to treat complications or damaged skin, additional therapy is carried out. If any symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the necessary medications. Late diagnosis and self-treatment are dangerous to life and health.

Additional sources:

A.V. Butilov. “Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.”

In most cases, embroidery is done in cross stitch, but some designs may include half cross, 1/4 cross and 3/4 cross, backstitch, and French knots. Let's take a closer look at each of these seams.

Stitch Full cross

Method number 1: traditional

This method of making a full cross is used in cross stitch.

Cross stitch from right to left. Having secured the thread in the corner of the cage (point 1), we stick the needle diagonally into point 2, then make a vertical stitch down (from the wrong side) so that the needle comes out of point 3.

We draw the thread diagonally again and stick the needle into the 4th point of the square. To start embroidering the next cross, bring the needle out at point 1.

Most often, this method is used to embroider when the embroidery pattern contains single crosses located close to each other. If the pattern contains single crosses of the same color, which are located at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, then the thread does not need to be cut. In this case, there will be broaches on the wrong side of the embroidery, but they will be covered with other stitches.

Method number 2: Danish

To make a horizontal row of crosses, we use cross stitch.

We fasten the thread, bring the needle to the front side in the lower left corner of the cage (point 1). Make a diagonal stitch in the upper right corner (point 2) and bring the needle to the wrong side. Then we make a vertical stitch in the lower left corner of the next cell (point 3). We perform a diagonal stitch again and insert the needle at point 4. Thus, we embroider the entire horizontal row in the direction from left to right.

At the end of the row, make a vertical stitch down (from the wrong side) and bring the needle to the front side at point 7, i.e. to the lower right corner of the last cell. Then we make a diagonal stitch in the direction from right to left in the upper left corner of the cell (point 4) and bring the needle to the front side in the lower right corner of the next cell (point 5).

Thus we close all the crosses to the end of the row.

On the wrong side, a horizontal row of crosses will appear in the form of double vertical stitches. By embroidering a series of crosses in this way, you will get closer to mastering the perfect reverse side!

The basic rule of cross stitch: the top stitches of the cross always lie in the same direction.

In cross stitch patterns, a full cross is indicated by some symbol that occupies the entire cell. The pattern key usually indicates how many folds of thread to embroider a full cross.

All work is embroidered with full cross stitch

Half cross seam

Quite often in patterns there are fragments that need to be embroidered with a half cross (also called 1/2 cross). If the description does not specify the direction of the half-crosses, then they are embroidered in the same direction as the top stitches of the full crosses.

We embroider half crosses using the same principle as full crosses, only in one direction. First, we bring the needle to the front side in the lower left corner of the cage (point 1). Then we make a diagonal stitch in the upper right corner of the cell (point 2) and bring the needle out from the wrong side in the lower left corner of the next cell (point 3). We make a diagonal stitch again and insert the needle at point 4. Thus, we embroider in the direction from left to right until the end of the row.

If you want the half-crosses to be positioned in the other direction, embroider according to the same pattern, only in a mirror image.

Symbols in the embroidery pattern

In embroidery patterns, a half-cross is also indicated by a symbol that occupies the entire cell.

Half-cross stitch can be done in 1, 2 and 3 folds of thread, which is always specified in the pattern key.

Half-cross in 1 addition of thread

Half-cross in 2 folds of thread

One work can combine half-crosses embroidered with threads of different thicknesses.

Half-crosses in 1 and 2 folds of thread

Most often, the background is embroidered with half-crosses (sky, water, earth, grass, shadows from objects, etc.), thus the picture acquires additional volume.

syphilis, please advise. and got the best answer

Answer from Kristina Radchenko[guru]
Four crosses do not indicate the stage of the disease, but a sharply positive Wasserman reaction. This can be either the first or the second stage of syphilis (A positive reaction is typical at the end of the first stage and the entire second stage of syphilis. At the third stage of syphilis, there is no “strongly positive” reaction)
Syphilis in the first stage is completely curable. When therapy is started late, in most cases, the process can be stabilized (“suppressed”), but not completely cured. If you start treating syphilis at the first stage, you can be cured in 2-3 months, but later stages of the disease may require 1.5-3 years of therapy. Treatment is prescribed individually
For secondary syphilis, you will have to undergo several courses of treatment (from 2 to 7-8 courses with breaks). Treatment with antibiotics (bicillin-3 or bicilin-5, ceftriaxone - (10-14 injections. If necessary, the number of injections can be increased. There is a stronger analogue of "Ceftriakone" Swiss "Rocephin") and immunomodulators (interferon preparations, aloe) to maintain the immune system systems, local treatment. For secondary syphilis, you need to consult a neurologist (you will need to do a magnetic resonance imaging to exclude syphilitic brain damage), an ophthalmologist and an immunologist (to maintain the immune system). The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to contact a dermatovenerological specialist (Now). There are paid anonymous offices at skin and venereal disease clinics. For secondary syphilis, the optimal form of treatment is a day hospital. Do not, under any circumstances, apply for treatment to private sharashkas. After private sharashkas, no venereologist will take you for treatment, except for professors who do. a lot of money for your services)
5 years after recovery from secondary syphilis, you cannot plan to have children, since the child may have congenital syphilis (Untreated syphilis is transmitted to descendants and leads to physical deformities and mental impairments)
A positive reaction to antibodies to “treponema pallidum” after syphilis remains in patients for a long time and disappears 2-3 years after treatment; in some, a weakly positive reaction persists throughout their lives, despite complete recovery. It is impossible to remove a positive reaction to antibodies from the blood.
Throughout his life, a person who has had syphilis cannot be a donor. His blood cannot be transfused to another person.
You must have separate dishes, separate bed linen, washcloths, and towels. For more information about precautionary methods (how to avoid infecting your loved ones), ask your treating dermatovenerologist

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: syphilis, please advise.

How to spoke a wheel with 48 spokes and 4 crosses? Preferably a video, I searched on the Internet, didn’t find anything, at most it’s like three.
A wheel of 48 spokes is usually assembled into 5 crosses, from 40 spokes - into 4 crosses, from 36 spokes - into 4 or 3

Syphilis is a venereal pathology with a chronic course, the spread of which in modern society cannot be stopped even with the participation of antibacterial agents of various groups.

Doctors of all specialties are engaged in identifying the disease at different stages, using the express diagnostic method (Wassermann reaction and similar ones). If 4 crosses are detected using this test, syphilis is not only confirmed, but is also in the midst of the process.

What do crosses mean in analysis and their interpretation?

The essence of Waserman's analysis is the formation of antibody complexes with an analogue of treponemal antigen with the addition of complement, which is a binding protein element. To set up the reaction, you need to take human serum and add cardiolipin antigen, obtained from the muscle tissue of a bovine heart, to it. The method is not specific, because cardiolipin is similar to a substance produced by Treponema pallidum.

In a person infected with syphilis, the body begins to produce antibodies (IgG and IgM) that try to protect it from the effects of microorganisms. In this case, when cardiolipin, antibodies and complement are combined, a combination appears that precipitates. It is indicated by crosses from one (+) to four (++++). If there is no sediment, and all red blood cells have undergone hemolysis and the antigen + antibody + complement combination has not been formed, then they speak of a negative reaction (-).

  • One cross (+) indicates a small amount of sediment and is regarded as a questionable reaction. The result is possible with a fresh infection (about two months) or with tertiary syphilis, when the immune response becomes less pronounced after several years of illness. False-positive responses are possible in the form of one cross for diabetes, cancer, infectious diseases (measles, hepatitis), autoimmune pathologies, and alcoholism. Persons treated for syphilis who have antibodies in their blood give a questionable reaction during express diagnostics in approximately 85% of cases. More specific tests are required, because the presence of one cross in the RV can appear throughout life.
  • Two crosses (++) indicate a weakly positive reaction, which should be confirmed by additional examinations. The result manifests itself in the first and fresh second periods of syphilis. At this time, treponema has not yet gained its greatest strength in the body, and the immune system does not fully respond to its introduction.
  • In the option where the cross is 3, syphilis is confirmed, and the reaction (+++) is positive. More often it is characteristic of the second period, where it manifests itself in 100% of cases. The diagnosis can be further clarified by microscopic examination methods with the detection of treponemes in smears from chancre gumma or tubercular syphilides.
  • Four crosses (++++) is a sharply positive reaction, and the blood in the test tube does not undergo hemolysis. This fact indicates the presence of syphilis at the height of the process with the production of antibodies as a response to the action of the microorganism. Clinical symptoms are always present. These are secondary syphilitic rashes, defined as spots, nodules and pustular elements, remains of chancre at the site of treponema invasion, enlarged lymph nodes and fever. “In patients with early congenital syphilis, serological reactions are positive in almost 100% of cases” (V.P. Adaskevich, V.M. Kozin).