
VKontakte statuses about love are sad. The most sincere VK statuses about love New statuses in contact about love

breast cancer

I present to your attention a small selection of statuses for Contact about love and relationships:

  • The man leaves quickly, but often returns. A woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever.
  • What do you think, if love is real, will it return? If love is real, it won't go away...
  • Trust is when they tell you: “You know, he walks with you.” And you answer: “Let him walk ... He is warmly dressed ...”
  • When you move your mouse over my page, you do not know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart ... so that's why it constantly hurts!
  • If they offer me an eternity without you, I will choose a moment, but with you ....
  • I'm tired of rumors about us, so tomorrow we start dating.
  • I love myself………….and I do it right!!!
  • I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not active! I think I found it, but not mine yet...
  • In pursuit of entertainment, do not lose the one who is really dear to you.
  • “Give me the letter “I”. She is the best. This letter can connect any concepts: earth and sky, night and day, me and you.
  • I like it... and who the hell will guess who this is dedicated to!
  • There would be love, but there will be storks!)))
  • He looked into her eyes and said - "So small, but such a great happiness."
  • People who see each other in a dream should wake up next to each other.
  • "Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to step up and pluck it from the edge of the abyss."
  • I don't know how to talk to you Biting your lips, you forget the pain. It's too hard to play with you now. It's too hard to understand you now.
  • She loves to laugh and have fun, but she cries a lot. She runs away from the past, but she always thinks about it and dreams of returning. She does not believe in miracles, but she thinks of them...
  • With him there is something to be silent about.
  • Love was sought and idolized, love was lost and not cherished. "Love does not exist!" - people said ... And they themselves died of love ...
  • Having rewritten the plots with my own blood, I start a new life ..
  • The f*cking answer to "I love you" is "I see"
  • Falling out of love, do not shed tears. Shed tears when you are out of love.
  • I'm all yours, and you seem to be common ...
  • Love is when you look through his VKontakte page more often than your own.
  • No, I don't remember you. So, sometimes I think ... obscene ...
  • If you ask me who is more important to me: you or life? I will answer - you are life.
  • He's so damn special...
  • Who in old age can live peacefully without love, he did not love in his youth, for years are not an obstacle to love.
  • I want to wear your shirts on your naked body and make you coffee in the morning ...
  • Loving each other, do not chain yourself with locks and do not throw the key into the sea. It might still come in handy.
  • There are only two blind people in the world - you, because you do not see how much I need, and I - because I do not notice anyone but you.
  • Love is when the phone is always with me, I even go to bed with the phone so as not to miss a call from my beloved.
  • A woman is weakest when she loves someone, and strongest when she is loved by someone.
  • When you are loved, there is no doubt about anything. When you love, you doubt everything.
  • For real, you love not those with whom you are waiting for a meeting, but those with whom you cannot part.
  • Checking mobile loved one, the best remedy lose love.
  • Love is like snow. You never know when it will fall and how long it will last.
  • If your parents never loved, it's amazing how you came into this world.
  • Love for you is both hellish torment and heavenly pleasure, you are free to turn my hell into paradise.
  • The biggest obstacle in life for many people is falling in love.
  • I'm so in love that I don't want to waste time sleeping. For some time now reality has been better than a dream for me.
  • The one you love is not the one you die without. And the one without which there is no reason to live.
  • Love is an alluring mixture of delight and pain
  • Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make you laugh.
  • In every fading love story there is always a sprout of a new romance.
  • -why are you crying? is joy. -which? -he is happy. -and you? -I'll survive.
  • If two loving hearts are destined to be together, fate will unite them again, in spite of separations and obstacles.
  • question for guys: You are lying in bed between the girl of your dreams and a gay man. who will you turn your back on? :D
  • Love is not only a crazy tango of passion. True love is a melody of hearts sounding in unison, to the sounds of a waltz of tenderness and affection
  • If you want to save a person, don't tell anyone about him.
  • Long separation kindles a fire real love, and turns to ashes the falsity and insincerity of relationships
  • In words and vows, all men are the same, but their actions show the difference between them.
  • A child of sincere love will be born not because of anything, but in spite of everything!
  • Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but a place where they forgive each other!
  • Having fallen in love recklessly, She wanted only one thing - to become the main reason for his luck, happiness and good luck in life.
  • You have to love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible matter to strangers!
  • Love is the best, brightest and purest thing that can happen to us in life.
  • The better the present, the less I think about the past.
  • True love is manifested by awe in the voice, tenderness in the eyes and joy in the heart.
  • comrades sheep, if you do not understand the hints, this does not mean at all that the girls do not take the first steps.
  • Love, like a valiant medal, always has two sides. One is filled with angelic purity and light, warmth and care. And the other - with diabolical hatred and lies, the bitterness of separation and disappointment
  • A guy never does anything for nothing in front of the girl he likes.
  • Love is not measured by the strength of attraction, but by the strength of devotion, kindness and the degree of trust.
  • Guys are so naive when they say that we are naive.
  • It's better to love someone you love than to be loved with someone you don't love.
  • Many ladies are invincible because no one wants to defeat them.
  • Loving a person does not mean being together every minute, meeting all the sunrises and sunsets of life nearby. To love is just to know that this person exists and be glad that you live with your loved one on the same planet.
  • Women love silent men because they think they are listening.
  • If the world had not been ruled by cowardice, selfishness and betrayal, then Love and Goodness would have defeated evil long ago.
  • You have to live not with beauty, but with character.
  • Love for a loved one can be limited only by the framework of self-love.
  • Many nice girls are of good taste. Perhaps that is why they are alone.
  • Love comes and goes, and the reason for parting is in the changes that happen to people. Tastes, passions and interests change, and we change with them. But when people develop, they are happy next to each other.
  • The most best clothes for a woman, it is the embrace of a man who loves her.
  • It is difficult to constantly love what is and always will be, but the realization that you can lose everything revives dulled feelings, and you begin to notice what you simply did not see before, appreciate and protect what you could so easily refuse.
  • Never leave the one you love for the one you like, because one day the one you like will leave you for the one you love.
  • Love, like a hobby, at first captivates, and then gets bored or becomes the main thing in life.
  • no one makes the first move because everyone thinks it's not mutual. P.S. We only live once, so take the first step and don't be afraid.
  • The person you love the most is the one you cry for the most
  • Why get back together. It's like brewing tea bag second time. It won't taste any better.
  • Love, settling in the heart, drives thoughts out of the head and money out of the wallet.
  • The question is not whether to marry this man or not, the question is what to do with the rest.
  • To love for money is not worthy, but to pay for love is unacceptable
  • Sometimes, those whom we have managed to forgive, we no longer want to hug.
  • When a love interest arose, neither a pill nor a compress will help.
  • Previously, the word "LOVE" was like a dress from Coco Chanel. Now, like a cheap T-shirt from the Vietnamese market.
  • If people met more often with love, they would know what it is, and would not look for the answer on the Internet
  • a girl will flirt with anyone if the right one is looking at her at that time
  • Love is an unfair thing - to be worthy of it alone, you need to close your eyes to a hundred shortcomings

For most people, the problem of love is to be loved, and not to love, to be able to love.

A woman needs to be loved like a cat: caress, pamper, feed and be glad that she came home.

Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. Therefore, women wear makeup, and men lie.

They get acquainted in ICQ, communicate in contact, and love in classmates.

The art of love is largely the art of constancy.

True love shows itself in unhappiness. Like a light, it shines the brighter, the darker the darkness of the night.

Don Juan can conquer everyone? What childishness! In fact, he simply is not able to refuse a single one.

"Tadeusz Boy-Zhelensky"

marry in order to have beautiful wife, is like paying dearly for a piece of land from where one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Love is a pain that burns everything inside, like a fire that consumes all the feelings that are in the soul.

Loving each other, do not chain yourself with locks and do not throw the key into the sea. It might still come in handy.

By loving you can forgive all sins, but not a sin committed against love.

Life is like a piano. White keys are love and happiness, black keys are grief and sadness. To hear the real music of life, we must touch both.

We have been just friends for a long time, but when we meet, out of habit, I kiss you on the lips, and you hug me.

I don’t need someone who will say “I love you” all day long, but someone who will say one day: “I need you like that, you little unbalanced psychopath!”

We will be happy. I will wake up at night and run barefoot to the kitchen. I'll wake you up by biting your ear, and you scream and hit me with a pillow. Our neighbors will wake up from our screams and laughter, and we will desperately love each other.

Now, looking at this black evening sky, all I miss is snow, a quiet courtyard and maybe you are near.

The heart can withstand the pain of separation, distance and time, but it can break from one careless word.

In terms of geometry love triangle is possible only if one of its corners is “obtuse”.

Love is never enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven, but she wants heaven. O lovers! All this is in your love. Just try to find.

"Victor Hugo"

I just wanted ... But anyway, it doesn’t matter! For a long time it is impossible to return the days lived in the past, as if a paper boat had sailed away. You know: no one hurt me like that.

I love you. - What? — Sorry. It should have been - Hello, how are you? What are you doing? But I mistyped it.

There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that sometimes we only dream of - settled there forever!

If the day ever comes when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll be in it forever.

If anyone says that love and peace is a cliché that went away with the sixties, that will be their problem. Love and peace are eternal.

"John Lennon"

Inexperienced love says: “I love you because I need you”, experienced love: “I need you because I love you.”

The phrase "let's remain friends" is deciphered as follows: "I don't love you anymore, but I'm pleased to see how you love me."

How cool ... Full moon, a motif that I love. And why are you with me? Oh yes! I must be sleeping.

Love is incompatible with life. Those who truly love each other dream not of living together, but of dying together.

I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply - I can't read.

I love you! I will love you in sorrow and in joy until the wedding!

Love brings suffering even to the gods.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost. She turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

As soon as I stop loving someone, I immediately get smarter!

To love is to experience excitement at the thought of some possibility, which then develops into a need, an insistent desire, an obsession.

Love is a reward, to love is to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a vast world.

Being afraid of love is like being afraid of life, and if you are afraid of life, then you are half dead.

In love, like on a motorcycle: the third is either superfluous, or in a sidecar.

When we are young, we live for love. As adults, we love to live.

That heart will not learn to love that is tired of hating.

Dying for love is easy. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

Hmm... Love? The soul is in a psychiatric hospital, the body is in bed, the heart is on sick leave, and the brain ... And the brain is generally in shock!

Love finds joy in any trifle if it is shared with you by a loved one.

Hug me as much as you love me! - Strangle you or what?

He so boldly confesses his love that it is immediately clear that he has experience.

The first time I fell in love at 17, the second at 18, the third at 19:30.

I sent him an SMS: “I don’t care about your plans, in 5 years I’m marrying you!” His response: “I don’t care about your plans! You will marry me in a year!”

Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

If a girl gave you a key to her heart, do not rush to rejoice, tomorrow she can change the lock.

If you love a person as he is, then you love him. If you are trying to radically change it, then you love yourself.

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We bring to your attention statuses for contact about love that will decorate your page. You can also use or write. Here you can choose a suitable status for yourself for a contact or classmates.

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist paints the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that does not exist...

By my behavior, I just want to show that I do not want to let you go.

Be greedy, don't give me to anyone!

We both know that we like each other, but we still continue to play friends.

We are with him, like Masha and the Bear. I'm so small, arrogant and clingy. And he is big, strong, all the time protecting

It happened to everyone. You stand silently. You smile. And the heart breaks the ribs from the inside.

Don't run away from what makes you happy.

Please tell your sweet girls that you are mine now, period.

You flip through her page 100 times, closing and updating, and realizing one thing, that it’s all the same not to be together

First love teaches us to appreciate other people's feelings...

I love you. You infuriate me more than it is possible in principle, but I want to live with you every annoying minute.

Weakness is when they kiss on the neck ... and whisper softly ... my girl ...

If people are made for each other, then they will always return to each other, no matter how much they want it.

You love him? - What kind of "love" is there ?! I want a daughter from him...

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman ... In the eyes - happiness ... In the heart - love ... On the cheeks - a blush ... And inside - a small life ..

Why love - if he does not love. Why speak - if he is silent. Why be jealous - if he is not jealous. Why suffer - if he doesn't care

Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make you laugh.

Wounding tears on the floor. I understand you left. And I won't see you around. Forgetting love like a sweet dream!

You can forget my number, but you will never forget me ... and somehow remembering me again, you will realize that you have lost the best thing in your life.

If you love someone, then age, distance, weight and height are just numbers...

Sometimes you annoy your loved ones, and they change you for a more interesting person, like a toy...

The girl is like a traffic police inspector: Hernie will talk, take away the money, spoil the mood, and you are also to blame ...

If I want, I will take everything from you, even your last name!

The desire to fall in love is not love. But the fear of falling in love is already love

And even if we are not close - the main thing is that we fall asleep with the thought of each other ...

My heart is not lonely, it is temporarily free...

We realize too late that we love those we lose...

It is impossible to love kissing with open eyes, because when you kiss lovingly, tenderness comes on your eyelids with small legs...

I'm suffocating without him, and he's a bitch, breathing.

The girl must be carried in her arms ... she will climb on her neck ...

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

There are six billion people on earth... six billion... no, I chose you!!!

There are two ways to control a woman, but no one knows them.

If you really love, then such a woman with whom it is not a shame to catch the eye of his wife.

Hug me as much as you love me! - Strangle you or something? ...

It's one thing when they don't love you... it's another thing when they don't love you!!

Everything I do, I do either for you or to harm you!

The most interesting thing about him was my love, now - nothing special ...

You love a guy and the guy laughs, spit in his face, let him choke!

Love is the sea, and the sea is a swamp in which two idiots bathe

Take my hand, hold on, You are more than life to me...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much do you feel when it hurts...

I love you and miss you I don't notice other guys. All I need is you, my love - With you I will be happy!

Now real men also meet... but more often with each other!!!

I'm still cooler than you, I knew how to love, and you only fuck!!!

I don't care... only he knows... my favorite teddy bear...

And in my life there is a man who loves me, takes care of me and fulfills whims - thank you for being you, Dad.

There are headphones in my ears, glasses on my eyes, a chic gloss on my lips, and 3 locks on my heart so that no one else breaks in ...

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Love is when the heart controls the brain...

The best place on earth is in the arms of a loved one...

To try to forget someone means to remember him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love...

Let the snowflake fly, Fall on you, Kiss you, for me...

Love is an attempt to give what you don't have... to someone who doesn't need it at all... Love... Why is she?...

Love, of course, intoxicates ... but whiskey is cheaper.

Jealousy is stupidity, it's a fact ... But love is different ... Whoever does not love is a fool ... And who loves, twice!)))))))))

No one loves me, no one is waiting for me... No one will kiss... And no one will pour vodka))))))

Do not waste your life, it is not endless, Appreciate every breath, moment and hour, After all, in this world, even if not perfect, There is one who prays to heaven only for you!

Hmm... boring somehow... can fall in love?! ;

Whoever has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is.

I want to love and be loved, but I do not love and unloved ...

Love is invented by those who deliberately wanted to mock.

The smell of your perfume, on my clothes, please come back to me, let everything be as before ...

Who needs my love? I repeat to myself, years will pass and imperceptibly, you will forget about me, and in these lines there is a lot of sadness and sadness already, well, how can I forget everything that happened? How to forget about you?

I miss you terribly, I can’t find a place for myself, you too, I know, a piece of paradise, I miss you terribly, I don’t believe that there are angels on earth, separation is a bitch, we are far from each other ...

The tragedy of each of us lies in the fact that each new guy seems to be the only one...

The worst thing is to be alone when there are so many people around!!!

Do not call me a friend, because you are not my friend, I am someone more for you, and you are my miracle!

I won't leave anymore, just don't leave!!!

It happened in life, it will be so, because for that we were born, whom we love, they don’t love us, who loves us, we don’t love !!!

Even if you are awesome, there is a person for whom you will not be so. And you will definitely fall in love with this person.

Come back to me, I will be next to you, look at you, see your image !!!

The best guy is not the one who apologizes for everything, but the one who doesn't create reasons for it...

Give me the letter "I". She is cool. It can connect anything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me...

I don't want HE to cheat on me with someone. Better HE cheat on someone with me...

Is it so trendy now? Don't cry, don't be bored, don't love... Feel free to write, hide feelings. Cheap "hello, how are you?" is in fashion. instead of bursting out "I LOVE YOU"

When I think of you, I smile. AT recent times smile all the time...

I'm happy! Spit on all the nuances and vicissitudes of fate. I am happy at least because I love one person very much ... whom I see in the mirror every day.

You know, cat, love is a drug... and from it... a tummy grows... there is a little man... such a paw... will open his eyes and say: "dad" !!!

Love is torment, said the monkey, hugging the hedgehog.

He'll only come back when you give a fuck about him... It's always been like this...!!!

Never leave the one who loves you for the sake of the one who likes, because one day the one you like will leave you for the sake of the one he loves ...

Still the best for me...

I miss marital status in contact: "I was loved" ...

One day a little girl asked her older brother, "What is love?" He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day ... And I keep putting it in the same place ...

Do not suffer in vain, live for your pleasure, you will always have time to fall in love

Everyone can leave a girl with a child, but only a real man can fall in love with a girl with a child!

How I envy the one he calls every evening and says: I love you!

I want to hug and kiss you. I just love to say...

I sincerely wish him happiness. Even without me, but happiness.

I boom boom boom))) do you also get this song?)))

Come whenever you want. You want - once a month. You want - once a year. Just come.

Do I love you? I love, I love, in spite of everything and thanks to everything, I loved, I love and I will love, whether you are rude to me or affectionate, mine or someone else's. I still love it.

"I love you" don't throw it around. say it to one person for the rest of your life.

I love three people: myself, me and that beauty in the mirror.

The worst thing is to become attached to a person who does not see you in his life.

He is handsome, kind, sweet .. so funny .. it’s bad without him, and when he is around I am happy. With me he is good ... real ... with him beautiful eyes and a smile ... he is the dearest .. I love him very much ...

Respect .. write. You hate .. shut up. You love .. call. And if you love .. PROVE ...? - Statuses about love in contact about love

- I see you with him for a long time? - You can’t see well, I’m with him forever ...

Drunk husband returns home. His wife meets him with a rolling pin in her hands. He hugs her and affectionately says: “And you bake everything, my hostess!

Forgive me, sun, I love you very much and you are very dear to me ...

Respect each other in life! Do not break love in haste.

If every time I remember you, a star would fall from the sky, the moon would know what loneliness is, and the sky would know emptiness ...

It doesn't matter who fucked who first, what matters is who first tried to get everything back ...

If only the hearts of parents would beat forever ...

Wow, exactly 2 months already .. how happy I am))) thank you for having me: *

I'll be back... Only when you understand... That you won't live a single day without me... That love is only you and only me... Only then will I love... you...

You know, life became worthless after you left. I don't want to wake up in the morning, I don't want to see this world. But I'll manage, I'll survive, so you'll be proud of me, Mom...

Those who loved and love understand how painful and difficult it is to forget the person you were always waiting for to come online, guys, I probably won’t love anyone as much as him ((((

No one but you will know the real me, WHAT I really am.

If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. If you loved the first, you wouldn't fall in love with the second.

I really miss him ... I miss him so much ... I need him ... I just love ...

Mom, did you love anyone more than dad? -Yes.. -What was his name? -Dima... -Why aren't you together, Mom? - So, Dima, get ready for school, otherwise you will be late ..

Real true love, kills all mistakes and forgives stupidity.

"Bitch, I love you!" - that's what I understand, a girl loves a fool =)

Mom, blow on my heart, as in childhood on my knee, so that it doesn’t hurt!

I'll set the alarm for 12:12 12/12/2012 so as not to forget the wish to make...

-If you are angry - forgive, angry - forget it, if you miss - meet ... -

I have one question in my head: we will get together again, right?

Yes, I am. I sleep a lot, I take everything to heart. I quickly get used to people, I am offended. But I am sincere.

How painful it is to be a friend to the one you love..

Love exists ... Only everyone has a different interpretation of the word "exists"


Stop thinking for days about a person who does not think about you even for an hour ....

I love him, how I want to be with him, what fate is unfair ... the bitch does not reduce ...

-Honey, you're a complete problem!!!- And you, I'm looking at a fucking solution?!

Without your love, I will not die, without your love I will not stop breathing, for someone, but not for you, I will become the most beautiful and beloved)))

- Will you give me one last chance? - Not. - Then I'll steal it with you.

If he is yours, he will appear again and again in your life!

Statuses about love in contact about love

And only then will your knees tremble a little, your eyelashes will shake, and you will remember your girl. The one that was always there, nose buried in your neck.

You will begin to appreciate a loved one when it will no longer be returned.

They spoke little, felt more, supplemented the silence with touches.

You need to drink so that the next day everyone knows you ..

I dream of giving birth to a child, so that he walks holding our hands and joyfully shouts: "These are my mom and dad!"

She doesn’t want to see how happy you are. don’t write to her, don’t call. don’t remember her, don’t say her name out loud, she feels with her fingers, skin, bones. she feels ... especially when you are next to another.

A friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and can sing it when you forget the words...

Love her....leave me alone....

The time has passed when he came early from his parties, and said that all the time he thought only of me, that he was so bad without me there. That even when he got drunk, he thinks about me.
And now I don't even know what time he comes back...

Yes, she is proud. She will never call again .. But in her dreams she will still be with you .. And in the morning mom will be surprised to run her finger over the wet pillowcase ...

She almost strangled him in her arms with a stupid smile... a loud beating heart and a naive look... and he... he just smiled and said... he was in a hurry...

And what were you waiting for, girl? That he would give up everything for you, would come at three in the morning just because he was bored? That his hair would smell of his perfume? That every touch of his heart would beat in the same rhythm? Are you waiting for love? your eyes and live

It doesn’t really matter who you spend time with, kiss, laugh .. It matters who you think about when you close your eyes ..

I only wanted to ask for one thing: please do not try to return what I drowned, burned and cut in myself with such strength. do not try to return to a place where you are no longer expected.

Think of me to the sound of rain ... (c).

Do not be silent, life is so short. One second sometimes decides everything. And when you can’t find the right words, just tell the person - “you are needed, don’t leave”

Forever Yours. Do you remember, right? (With)

Wean... From my endless tenderness. Forget... My name is inscribed on the glass. In your bedroom To what now these tendernesses. To nothing. Not to you. Not me.

How did you break up?
-I left ... But he did not notice ..

All guys want the one and only girl waiting for them... while they sleep with everyone else...

Give me a piece of summer, three days of happiness, tears on your eyelashes, touches of hot lips, hugs until your chest hurts and your head resting on your shoulder with a sad smile.

And he is really good: he builds a house and dreams of a daughter. It is about the daughter, to pamper her, please her with toys and dress up like a doll. And that she was beautiful, like a mother.

I know that you are with her now.
Love her, give her your tenderness.
She hides in your arms and feels your heart beating ...
She has everything that I don't!
She has you.

Time does not heal, it leads to indifference, it kills everything that we loved so much...

For the men who conquered us
For the losers who lost us
And for the lucky ones who will still meet us!

Phrase: "Do you remember...?" - the only thing that connects us now ..

I love rain, but only if there is someone to go under an umbrella with, someone to hold by the hand, someone to kiss, removing wet strands of hair from my face ...

Sometimes you want to change something
Take back what has already been said -
The same long gone conversation
I remember and regret to this day...

Just remember how you were laughed at.

A little stupid girl lives in it, who believes in people, loves them with all her heart and does not even imagine that they can hurt ..

We will never meet.
Never see you again.
We will never call.
We will never talk.
But let's remember how...
Sometime they smiled.
Once they drank coffee in silence.
Once upon a time they breathed one another.
Once something was lost and ... not found ..

This morning didn't start like the previous ones.
Not from the usual coffee and cigarettes ..
This morning started with tea, strawberries, a kiss and a smile.
Just yesterday he said he loves me..

This cigarette reminded me of you.
I knew that I was smoking for the last time, greedily puffed ...
It was the same with you that evening - I caught all the little things, knowing that this would not happen again.

Only with a beloved man can you confuse day with night

It’s just that I became cold, callous and cynical again ... Ice appeared in my eyes again ... and a piece of an iceberg instead of a heart, and molecules of pain now run through my body instead of blood ...

Do you need him?
- I have the impression that it is part of my blood, like hemoglobin. I'll die without him..

Only to him I am ready to forgive everything ..
Only his silhouette I recognize from a thousand ..
Only he has such eyes..
Only girls do not like this boy, only because every second one has already been with him ..
Only I love him so much, so madly ...

You didn’t save your girl .. now she walks hand in hand with another. Looks for a long, long time into his eyes, as once into yours .. smiles with the happiest smile only to Him, and mentally thanks only You for the fact that you once left her, giving new happiness

They generally tried not to talk about feelings, because words are just sounds flying through the air, and everything real is deeper, much deeper ...

I can’t even describe the feeling when I see you on-line ... Sadness, memories right away, resentment and quiet pain - this can still be endured and not shown ... But remain indifferent to the fact that you definitely don’t writing is much more difficult.

You won't be as happy anymore. With no one. Nowhere. Never

I understand that I fucking miss you only when I slide down the elevator wall from fatigue and pain. the rest I'm fine with. truth.

Thank you for the happy moments, stupid conversations and nerves at the limit. Thank you... You taught me how to live... Of all the lies you told me, "I need you" was my favorite.

They say that a woman should have a man who will make her life a fairy tale. God, who would know how these storytellers already got me

I slowly pulled off his T-shirt and realized that I was selling my soul.

Do you think I'm luckier than others...? And so it is, especially with him ...

Calm down, dear, hush, hush...
He will be with me tonight.
You scream, don't scream, tear the patches to shreds -
No one will get closer to him ©

And every time
burning again,
Do you sincerely believe
That this is the last time.

A gentle look and a casual touch of your hands made me believe in a fairy tale.

Do I love him? no. I just like it when he's around. I just think about him when he's gone. I just get mad at him for no reason and sometimes I want to hug him for no reason. and these excuses "just" are too many for one little me.

Eats little!
Talks a lot!
And he doesn't even think...

"More photoshop, Smaller ass, Bigger boobs. In the hand of oldfashion with whiskey... That's the fucking ideal!"

We have not forgotten each other, but we will never return ...

Moderately tanned, the bitch is also in moderation .... you don’t have time to open your mouth - the first one will shut you up!

You can find a common language with her, while biting your own!

I dreamed that you had a girlfriend ... I remember that I stopped breathing

She always looks towards the wind
probably looking for you

Why did you leave?
You said yourself that I deserve better.

Love is when you have secret nicknames (“zaya”, “masik”, “cat”, “pusya”, “baby baby” ...) and if he calls you by name, you shudder as if you were out of love.

I need problems.
I need these yells and screams, after which we started kissing and vying to apologize (c)

The sweetest smells from the hair along the neck to the collarbone... The most elegant drawings, with your fingertips on your bare back... The most unbearable feeling of hunger when you bite your lips...

The worst thing is that you are the only one. The only and irreplaceable. This is what I feared the most

Loving you is like breathing... I just don't
I can stop!

"...someday I'll write about how much I love you. with my fingers... on your bare back..."

I love him probably ... I'm bastard from his smell, I don't get it out of my head for a minute, I go crazy .. but I'm too proud to say about it ....

And he... he's kind of special. Different. He has something that no other guy has. Like he has some kind of zest.

The more you ruffle his nerves, the more he loves you, and understands that people like you do not exist and that is why you cannot be let go!


Do not offend the soul of a woman, do not! ... Someday she will forget how to forgive ... You will miss that loving look ... But life will begin to return insults ...

People need oxygen for air, and I need your voice, honey, call me immediately!

I want a heart of stone, so as not to feel any resentment, or pain, or disappointment.

And this is how they live: he is in her heart, she is in his friends in contact ...

You want me I swear by love. You want me, but I won't come back...

Remember I loved you? Forget the fuck!!!

I love you!
How many girls have you said that to?
- Everyone!
- Everyone?
- Yes, I tell all the girls that I love you!

With depression in my soul... with a smile on my face...

Fell in love again. Back to my husband! Again in his! Turns out he's the best!

When people feel good together, does it really matter what their relationship is called ...

Do you believe that love can be eternal?
- Of course. Only partners change.

Love! Love is unique!
Love! After all, there is no shame in this!
Love! for everyone to see it!
And I could say: Wow!

A woman should belong to the man who will solve all the problems, and not create new ones.

…You seem to be the one…and I want you to be my present, past and future…. I love you...

Distance doesn't hurt anything. The age difference does not spoil anything. The opinion of the parents does not spoil anything. People ruin everything. Sami.

Thanks to you, I laugh a little more, cry a little less and smile a lot for no reason...

Understand, we have love, now everything that is yours is mine, and everything that is mine is also mine.

Love without an answer is like death in a glass of wine!

I was ready to give a lot for your love, and now I would give a lot to forget you.

Love is a butterfly that you can’t catch in any way, but when you stop chasing it, it suddenly sits on your shoulder by itself.

Promises: "I will love you forever!" And in the end - a couple of weeks.

Beloved always needs to tell the truth, never lie to him, then he will trust and love you ...

To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

The man asked the wise man: which woman is the most beautiful? ... I thought and answered: Beloved ...

Losing a loved one is scary, but it's even scarier to never meet him.

It's hard when you put an end to a relationship, and someone very close draws two more ...

Love is a beautiful flower, but it takes courage to step up and pick it on the edge of a terrible abyss.

Guys fall in love with those with whom they can talk normally, with whom they have anything to talk about and with whom they communicate a lot, and they quickly get bored with pacifiers and dolls.

You need to find in a person something that will remind you of yourself and you will not be able to stop loving him.

The sexiest number in the world is 21593! Why? Because when 2 think about 1 very much, in 5 weeks they will know that in 9 months there will be 3 of them ...

A loving heart is worth more than all the wisdom in the world.

Love is a state of a living organism that makes you forget about your own ass and think about someone else's ...

Love is always chaos. You lose your calm, you can't really look at things. The more sincere your feeling, the meaner they throw you.

And it’s always like this - crowds of guys run after you, and you only need him alone and you can’t do anything about it .... You can downvote, I’m not writing for a rating, but from the heart ...

To be together means to feel as at ease as alone, and as fun as in a company.

If you're ready, my tenderness is enough for two. I found something in you that I did not try to look for in others.

Happiness - when you stand on your toes, kiss him, and in response you hear: You are my little one.

The heart, when it loves to eat its own mind. The heart knows what it wants and knows in advance what will happen.

My heart is not lonely, it is temporarily free...

We realize too late that we love those we lose...

It is impossible to love kissing with open eyes, because when you kiss lovingly, tenderness comes gently on your eyelids with small legs ...

The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours!

I never thought it would be so hard to say goodbye...

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

There are six billion people on earth... six billion... no, I chose you!!!

Your embrace is the only noose I would climb into without even thinking ...

Never say love - it will hurt you to hear a lie in response ...

Hug me as much as you love me! "Suffocate you or something? ...

It's one thing when they don't love you... it's another thing when they don't love you!!

Everything I do, I do either for you or to harm you!

The most interesting thing about him was my love, now - nothing special ...

You love not the person you want to meet, but the one you don't want to part with...

Do you want me to give you my soul? I will do it, for sure - I will not be afraid! You do not believe me? Do you think I'm lying? Trust me - I can't live without you!

Take my hand, hold on, You are more than life to me ...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much you feel when it hurts ...

I love you and miss you, I don’t notice other guys. I need only you beloved - with you I will be happy!

Sometimes it is easier to endure the deceit of the one you love than to hear the whole truth from him.

Love is not a slave, having known violence and oppression, perhaps even a half heart, and all in tears, but still it will leave!

I don't care... only he knows... my favorite teddy bear...

It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will come back sometimes, the memory whispered.

There are headphones in my ears, glasses on my eyes, a chic gloss on my lips, and 3 locks on my heart so that no one else breaks in ...

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

The best place on earth is in the arms of a loved one...

To try to forget someone means to remember him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love ...

Let the snowflake flying, fall on you, kiss you, for me ...

Love is an attempt to give what you don’t have… to someone who doesn’t need it at all… Love… Why is she?…

Love, of course, intoxicates ... but whiskey is cheaper.

Jealousy is stupidity, it's a fact... But love is different... Who doesn't love is a fool... And who loves twice!)

"I heal wounds" - said Time. "I inspire" - said Happiness. “And I hurt, raise to the skies, and then throw it to the ground,” Love chuckled.

Do not waste your life, it is not endless, appreciate every breath, moment and hour, because in this world, even if not perfect, there is someone who prays to heaven only for you!

In fact, the offer to remain friends means: “Love for you has passed, but it gives joy to watch you suffer.”

Whoever has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is.

I want to love and be loved, but I do not love and unloved ...

Love is invented by those who deliberately wanted to mock.

The smell of your perfume, on my clothes, please come back to me, let everything be as before ...

Who needs my love? I repeat to myself, years will pass and imperceptibly, you will forget about me, and in these lines there is a lot of sadness and sadness already, well, how can I forget everything that happened? How to forget about you?

I miss you terribly, I can’t find a place for myself, you too, I know, a piece of paradise, I miss you terribly, I don’t believe that there are angels on earth, separation is a bitch, we are far from each other ...

The tragedy of each of us lies in the fact that every new guy seems to us exactly that one ...

The worst thing is to be alone when there are so many people around!!!

Do not call me a friend, because you are not my friend, I am someone more for you, and you are my miracle!

I won't leave anymore, just don't leave!!!

It happened in life, it will be so, because for that we were born, whom we love, they don’t love us, who loves us, we don’t love !!!

Even if you are awesome, there is a person for whom you will not be so. And you will definitely fall in love with this person.

Oh, how I hate you, with all your strength and beauty ... Because I can’t imagine myself if you are not with me ...

The best guy is not the one who apologizes for everything, but the one who does not create reasons for this ...

Give me the letter "I". She is cool. She can connect everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me ...

I don't want HE to cheat on me with someone. Better HE cheat on someone with me...

Is it so trendy now? Don't cry, don't be bored, don't love... Feel free to write, hide feelings. Cheap "hello, how are you?" is in fashion. instead of bursting out "I LOVE YOU"

When I think of you, I smile. I've been smiling all the time lately...

I'm happy! Spit on all the nuances and vicissitudes of fate. I am happy at least because I love one person very much ... whom I see in the mirror every day.

How bad it is when you love your loved one, you cannot live without him, and he knows this very well and uses it!

I like rain. You can hide your tears in it...

He will only come back when you don't give a fuck about him... It's always been like this...!!!

Never leave the one who loves you for the sake of the one who likes, because one day the one you like will leave you for the sake of the one he loves ...

Still the best for me...