
Holiday with tears in the eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Holiday with tears in the eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day Congratulations to kids on May 9

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Poems and congratulations on Victory Day - May 9 for children of the senior, preparatory group kindergarten and children of primary preschool age


Congratulations on Victory Day for kindergarten children

In order for children to live in the world,
To go to school and make friends,
To dance merrily around -
That's why we need a victory!


That's why in May just everyone
Who knew about the holiday once,
The great day is sacred.
The whole country celebrates the Victory!


We defeated the vile invaders in the war
And in power we convinced the whole world.
So let's congratulate our defenders!
We will give them flowers to make life more beautiful!


On the solemn events, organized in honor of the defenders of our Motherland, invite veterans. Revered grandparents tell in detail what they had to endure and go through. The cruelty of the war is still fresh in the memory of our dear, dear old people.


Happy Victory Day - Happy Great Day!
We wish you with all our heart
Suns in the world of many faces,
Joy, great love.

Live together, be able to put up
And cherish peace.
To be able to fly like birds
To soar in your dreams.


Let's give each other hands
Save the beauty of the earth
So that our children, grandchildren
Find happiness in life!


Great Victory Day
He is the same for everyone.
Let it sound everywhere
Children's joyful laughter.

There will be happiness on the faces
There will be love in the heart.
After all, for this shed
Our people their blood.


Yes! Priceless and eternal
The feat of our grandfathers,
What our world has managed
Protect from enemies.


Let it shine over the world
The sun of happiness, kindness.
Say no to fascism!
Happy Victory Day! Hooray!


For a clear sky above our heads
We will say thank you, our dear soldier,
For fighting for the world without fear,
For the fact that you shed blood in exploits.


So let the smile play in the eyes
From the meaning that lies in these words:
There is no greater joy in the whole wide world,
We thank you for your victory!


Veterans and children of war,
The country will never forget you.
V main holiday blooming spring
May health and strength come!


Congratulations on your victory,
You also congratulate us on the Victory!
To a peaceful life in a solemn hour
Send us with the father's covenant.


So that there are no wars on Earth,
You paid with your blood
So that we live in contentment, in warmth,
So that you live side by side with us!


I want to wish you long years
After all, the holiday wouldn't be the same without you!
You are our example, you are the best answer,
That the victory was not in vain!


One thousand four hundred and eighteen days
Our people hopefully thought only of her -
About the righteous victory that is one for all.
A great price has been paid for it.


And grandfathers and great-grandfathers, our bow to the earth
Those who are alive and those who did not make it home.
The whole country is celebrating Victory Day today.
Peace to all and joy, happiness and kindness.


Victory Day dispelled the darkness,
Saved the world from death.
Evil has a hundred loopholes
Memory is a thousand ways.


Let the fireworks shine again
Above the earth brighter than the stars
On this bright holiday of May,
that brought us victory.


Let the fireworks shine again
Multicolored like a bouquet.
Congratulations, congratulations
We each other and the whole world!


No shots or explosions are heard.
We live in a peaceful land.
Life saved us from grief,
Leaving the memory of the war.


About that war and about victory,
Brave young fighters.
Then they selflessly
They ran into battle, forgetting about fear.


And on this Victory Day, today,
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you.
I wish you well, health,
Let grief, sadness bypass you.


Appreciate this freedom
And the blue of native skies,
And a scattering of stars in the sky,
Carelessness of thoughts and hearts.


I wish you happiness, peace.
War-razluchnitsy not to know.
So that fate keeps you from troubles.
So that you don't have to fight.


I wish everyone peace
Always reigned in your soul.
And wars, grief and trouble
Let them sink into oblivion forever.


Our grandfathers fought
For our world, shoulder to shoulder.
Congratulations on Victory Day,
With this May glorious day.


Let there be no more war
Let not tears touch your eyes.
I ask: appreciate, people,
What is made for you.


Save the day, minute
Again, so as not to be a war.
Let only explosions from fireworks
Distributed above.


In order to patriotic education students, school teachers are trying to form in the younger generation respect for the traditions of their homeland, reverence for the elders, responsibility for the memory of past days.


The preparatory stage includes a selection of military songs, soldier's attire, appropriate stage design, and several rehearsals.


Buying paraphernalia will bring some addition to the festive atmosphere. With the help of flags, multi-colored balls, emblems, the flavor of such a unique celebration is indulged.




When to walk, on May, we'll go,
Cheerful, quite satisfied,
Let's say something about Victory
And let's remember
at least a little about the war.


The text uses a fragment of a poem by Pyotr Davydov “Let's say something about the Victory!”

Fireworks are blaring today in your honor.
We congratulate you, veterans, on Victory Day!
It's great that this holiday exists.
Thank you, our grandparents!
Worthy you carried the heavy cross
And glorious honors, no doubt, deserved.
We wish you many wonderful years,
So that you never grieve about anything!


Courage is needed not only in war,
And in Everyday life the sit is here
Such words as courage and glory,
Such concepts as stamina, friendship, honor.
Congratulating you on the Victory Day,
We wish you not to lose your spirit.
And every day with a smile accepting
Share the warmth of the soul with others!


More than half a century has passed since then.
And not a lot of water has flowed.
But the feat of all who fell, who survived
We remember and honor with you until now.


Today is a great holiday in our country -
Day of victory over the enemy plague!
And therefore, shake hands with a veteran
Congratulate him sincerely - with all your heart!


Today and years are already gray
Since the end of the war,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Grandfathers and great-grandchildren country.
Thank you dear family
who protected us then
And defended Russia
The price of military labor.
We congratulate you with love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Washed in your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.


Do not believe the one who says this:
"We went because there was an order."
Were two steps away from death
By the will of the heart, and - more than once!
Didn't wait for God or the messiah
And they took guns and bayonets
And you defended Russia -
Our dear old people!
On a joyful, bright day
On your Victory Day -
Let them go out of life
Diseases and troubles.

That he is always invincible.
Be proud of the fearless heroes,
Dear people!

On the day of victory, I want to wish
Joy, health and love.
Remember - friendship will win
Only thanks to their unity!


I congratulate you on this day -
Lots of good stuff in it!
On Victory Day I want to tell you
That you can never back down!


May you have fun now
Let the degrees warm your blood!
I wish not to be discouraged
And, of course, believe in love!


Here comes Victory Day
May you always succeed!
Fritz veterans won,
Veterans - our ancestors were,


Let me on this holiday, on Victory Day,
Congratulate you in jest, not seriously!
Let spring and summer live in the soul,
And this symbiosis pleases you!


Let there be only victories in life -
There was no place for defeat,
Find answers to all questions
And so that all good things come true!


Life crowns the prosperity of the era of human exploits,
Pride of glory and victory and military success

Victory Day May 9
Holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day, we remember the soldiers
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,
Defended their native country
Giving people victory
And who returned peace and spring to us!
(N. Tomilina)

There are obelisks in Russia,
On them are the names of the soldiers ...
My peers are boys
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, hushed in sorrow,
Flowers bring field
The girls who have been waiting for them
Now they are completely gray.
(A. Ternovsky)

Frozen ate in the guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming roar
The war is far away.

But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing his head in silence
We hear the rumble of tanks close
And tearing the soul of the bombs gap.

We see them - soldiers of Russia,
That in that distant terrible hour
Paid with their lives
For happiness is bright for us ...

Letter I tried
Write without blots:
"Please do
Grandfather's gift ... "

Been on the road for a long time
Music hello.

But here comes
And my grandfather hugged me -
Came to him on a holiday
May 9
Favorite song of his
(S. Pivovarov)

To the broken pillbox
The guys are coming
Bring flowers
At the grave of a soldier.
He did his duty
Before our people.
But what is his name?
Where is he from?
Was he killed in the attack?
Died in defense?
Grave not a word
About that will not utter.
After all, there is no inscription.
Unrequited grave.
Know that in that terrible hour
There was no time for inscriptions.

To the neighborhood old ladies
Guys come -
Find out, ask them
What was once.
- What happened?!
Oh dear!..
Rumble, fight!
The soldier remained
One is surrounded.
One -
And didn't give up
Fascist army.
heroically fought
And he died heroically.
One -
And kept
Come on, a whole company! ..
Was young, black,
Low stature.
Drink before the fight
He ran into the village
So he said, like,
What comes from the Urals.
We ourselves are cordial
Buried here -
At the old pine
In an unmarked grave.

to rural post office
The guys are coming.
Registered letter
Find the addressee.
Delivered to the capital
His postmen.
The letter will be read
Minister of Defense.
The lists will be reviewed again
Behind the record...
And here they are -
Name, surname, address!
And become in a column
Heroes innumerable,
Another one will be

An old woman from the Urals
Hugs guys.
Take her to her son
To the grave of a soldier
Whose bright name
Wrapped in flowers…
Nobody is forgotten
And nothing is forgotten!
(S. Pogorelovskiy)

May ... Birds are chirping with might and main,
And the parade is going on in the capital.
Grandfathers walk in orders.
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Friends come to grandfather
Come in Victory Day.
I like to listen for a long time
Their songs and conversations.

Burning gold in the sun
military awards,
And enter the house
To our peaceful home
Front roads.

I sit silently next to you
But sometimes it seems
What am I looking into the scope,
That I'm getting ready for a fight.

Friends come to grandfather
Celebrate victory.
Less and less of them
But I believe
They will come again.

Fireworks in the sky
Fireworks here and there.
Congratulations to the whole country
Glorious veterans.
A blooming spring
Give them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious May day
(N. Ivanova)

What's happened Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and rockets are coming
Soldiers are marching.

What's happened Victory Day?
This is the fireworks display:
Fireworks take to the sky
Falling apart here and there.

What's happened Victory Day?
These are the songs at the table
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the scents of spring...
What's happened Victory Day
This means no war.
(A. Usachev)

I have not seen the war, but I know
How hard it was for the people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
They had to experience everything.

Let them live peacefully on the planet
Let the children do not know the war
Let bright sun shining!
We friendly family should be!

The dead -
Be permanently on duty
They live in the names of streets and in epics.
Their exploits holy beauty
Will display the artists in the paintings.
Alive -
Heroes to honor, not to forget,
Keep their names in immortal lists,
To remind everyone of their courage
And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

We celebrate many dates and holidays: solemn and joyful, family and professional. But there is one special, sacred date for everyone and everyone - May 9! The holiday of the true triumph of life - Victory Day! And even though we do not know by name all those who laid down their lives for us and their country, their feat is immortal. And our congratulations on May 9 - words coming from the heart, from the very depths of a grateful soul!

Words, emotions, overwhelming everyone on this day, an immense amount. And sometimes it's hard to put them together. Perhaps our congratulations options will be useful to you.

№ 1

Our dear veterans, soldiers and home front workers, defenders. Every day of your life is a feat. You did not hide from danger, did not bow your head obediently before the merciless enemy.

You went to the defense of your homeland, our fatherland, with a single weapon - a firm belief that your cause is just. With this faith, you crushed the enemy. With her, you, falling from exhaustion, forged victory in the rear. And they survived. Survived. Destroyed the brown reptile. Wipe it off the face of the earth!

May 9 is the day of your triumph. Holiday of the winners. It is sacred to all of us, your descendants: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And it will remain so until the end of time! We bow our heads low, solemnly and gratefully before you - the generation of winners. And we wish you happiness, peace of mind, health for many, many years!

№ 2

Dear, our immensely respected veterans! Your valiant honor, indomitable courage gave us the right to live. Defending the Fatherland, you not only defended your native land, you saved the world by clearing it of fascist filth. From ruins and ashes to incredible short time rebuilt the country.

Generations have been brought up on the example of your incredible feat. Your descendants look up to you. And we, the generations that grew up in the world, assure you - it will always be so. It cannot be otherwise! Pride in what you created with your hands, hearts, sweat and blood is our property. And we want to wish you unquenchable love of life, good health, endless longevity! With a great holiday to you, with Victory!

Short congratulations to veterans

Congratulations on May 9 from an official

№ 1

Dear veteran warriors, home front workers, prisoners of fascist camps, children of war, dear countrymen! Congratulations on our great holiday - Victory Day!

In the annals of each country there are dates soldered into the genetic memory of the people. Forever. Forever. For each and every one of us, without exception, this date is May 9! Day of the triumph of life over death! Victory Day!

This holiday will always live in our hearts, in the memory of those whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers over the course of immeasurably long 1418 days eradicated the worst of evils - fascism!

Genuine gratitude, true admiration for the unprecedented feat of front-line veterans, their wives, children and mothers who became home front workers will never dry out in our souls and hearts. And, of course, before those who revived, bit by bit restored from fire, ashes, devastation, our long-suffering country, torn apart by enemies!

Paying an immeasurable tribute of the deepest respect to people who have gone through the most terrible crucible of trials, let's congratulate relatives, friends, each other on the holiday, which has become a symbol of indestructible integrity and the pride of a great country!

President congratulates May 9 veterans on Victory Day - video

№ 2

Our dear veterans, your wisdom and experience is an invaluable contribution to the moral and spiritual development the younger generation, who should develop and increase your legacy. And it will definitely cope with this, because it has your heroic experience before its eyes! With a great holiday, with Victory Day, dear veterans, countrymen!

May the windows of your houses always burn with joyful light, and your faces with happiness and kindness. Health to all, well-being, mutual understanding and respect. And of course, endless energy, strength and inspired optimism for the accomplishment of new noble deeds in the name of our great Motherland - the motherland of the winners!

№ 3

Our infinitely respected veterans, saviors of the Fatherland! Dear countrymen! Congratulations on the 71st anniversary of the Victory!

May 9
unforgettable 1945 with victorious rejoicing, universal triumph entered the world annals of mankind. The fiercest war against the hitherto invincible enemy - fascism - has ended! Holy war. Patriotic.

The Red Army soldiers - our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - passed, crawled, measured thousands of bloody front-line kilometers, filling each of the 1418 days of a bloody, merciless battle with an indiscriminate enemy with gigantic heroism, unparalleled courage - the path to Victory was so thorny.

In the rear, the same time account went to millions of shells, collected by hands women and children, thousands and hundreds of artillery pieces, high-speed tanks, self-propelled guns, fast-winged aircraft, which were uninterruptedly - hourly and every minute - sent in echelons to the front.

The time count of the years of hard times went to millions of soldiers' triangles from the front lines and from hospitals, to kilometers of black widow's handkerchiefs, to oceans of shed tears. Just think about it: each Russian family- a page of the military annals, in which the name of Victory is written in blood!

May 9 is a holy day. He forever changed the past and connected the military and civilian generations of Russians with an invisible, but strongest thread. Veterans paved a peaceful road to the future with their lives and blood! We are the descendants of great winners, and we will always be proud and remember this! May 9 is our holiday. Victory Day, the triumph of the Russian spirit. So it was, so it is, and so it will be forever.

Congratulations on this great day. We wish you all health, good spirits, strength and energy to create something new, to create for the benefit of our long-suffering Motherland - the motherland of heroes!

Congratulations to colleagues

Congratulations in verse

№ 1

The war has died down. Victory!!! The long-awaited moment has come!

Even the one who died, he knew - our people will live in peace.

The descendants are grateful to the soldiers - those who did not return and are alive!

Congratulations on the Great Victory, we honor their feat and we will honor.

№ 2

Veterans bow to the ground

Today on this holy day we must:

Do not disturb the shots, the war -

This cup is drunk by them to the bottom!

We have been given peace, restful sleep,

Happiness to live, breathe with your loved one in unison.

Happiness joy of the birth of children -

All at the cost of huge losses!

A holiday of joy, even tears in the eyes.

We honor your victorious step!

We remember all the dead and the living!

Happy Victory Day! Peace triumphs!

№ 3

We did not hear the sounds of explosions,

The howl of shells is unknown to us,

We don't know how to survive

When the world fell into a hole

When there is enough blood around,

To flood the oceans with it!

You did! Defended with honor

Did not consider losses, wounds!

Your feat will live for centuries,

Veteran Winners!

Congratulations! We wish you happiness

Peace to homes and health to loved ones!

Protecting us from bad weather

You became saints during your lifetime!

Congratulations on May 9 in prose

Memories of great-grandfather...

My grandfather didn't fight. He was waiting for his father from the war. He waited, despite the fact that his mother, a home front worker who survived the terrible occupation, received a funeral from the war. But the black news did not overshadow his joy from the brightest and long-awaited news: “Victory!”. It was a celebration that captivated the world!

The pride that he felt along with our entire country is transmitted in our family from one generation to the next. And will continue to be passed on. Victory Day is the greatest of holidays. May 9 is a true celebration. Celebrating it, I am proud that I belong to a glorious, victorious family! And congratulating today my loved ones, all my friends, colleagues, I bow my head low before those who gave us this world. Happiness to the survivors, glory to the dead!


Grandmother, our dear Bereginya, with the brightest and greatest holiday of you - with Victory! With your work, staggering from hunger, cold and exhausting loads, you brought Victory closer - every minute, every second!

And even if today your eyes do not shine as brightly as in your younger years, they reflect life itself, the history of the country that defeated world evil!

We love you, our dear, we were proud and will always be proud of your extraordinary feat. Live long, long, without troubles and worries!


May foams with cherry blossoms, and again, as then - in the stormy forties - the nightingales chirp! Gunshots rumble. But these are peaceful shots - volleys of memory in honor of the selfless feat of the people who removed fascism from the face of the earth. Our gratitude for their valor, disobedience to the enemy, for our today's - peaceful and cloudless - life, won back by bloody calluses and the pain of exorbitant losses, is scattered like a salute. Happy holiday, warriors of honor - veterans, all of us with Victory!

sitting behind festive table, walking in the park with children, remember: all this became possible only thanks to them - veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

They gave us peace. And gratitude, congratulations are just a tiny fraction of what you can do for them today.

Ran to school, read books,
Peaceful childhood girls, boys.
War once came to the world,
She crossed out her whole life!

Took away the laughter and smile
Toy tank caterpillars in the mud,
And with his sticky paw,
She entered the child's life.

And there was no childhood, only chaos,
And the fascist plane flew
And the child of the war got
And when the machine gun roared,

Children covered their ears
And they whispered: We will win,
After all, they dreamed of childhood,
When the world turned to smoke...

Many years have passed since that Victory,
When the children shouted "Hurrah"
You became grandmothers and grandfathers,
The whole country will bow to you:

Be happy, don't get sick
Live for many years
And may God keep from bad
And fate saves from troubles.

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When the guns roared
When the cheers resounded again,
The whole country understood: It is necessary,
And I did not know fun and sleep!
For an hour, crouching by the stove,
In old felt boots, a kid was warming himself,
He's a kid, but what a human being
And in those years, because every youth,
Rushed into battle, and forged a passport,
Following the father, rush to fight,
In the war, after all, there were different things,
And got all the people with a vengeance!
The funeral is carried to the neighbors,
And the whole world mourns with them,
Suddenly a mistake, and he will arrive,
Our soldier. And holding back the cry
Mother ran to work
I can, I'm waiting, son,
I will give my son care
Suddenly alive, and will ascend to the threshold,
He will say: mom, the error came out,
I was a prisoner, but I came
And I knew my mother would answer
After all, I waited, so everything is fine!
And how it hurts when missing
He disappeared, we waited until the end,
And hoped, and the bride,
Day crying at the window
Days run and years go by
She didn't marry, after all.
To this day, she believes in miracles
Let not with her, but somewhere he is alive!

Congratulations on May 9
Your favorite country.
Today I wish everyone
So that the world is in the heart forever.

I wish children not to see wars,
And remember grandfathers names
Which at the cost of life
The world was given to us then.

Be kinder, appreciate life
Love children, love parents
Never forget
Russia does not need a war.

Thanks! Thank you I say
To all veterans for living.
For seeing forests and fields,
Because our land is free.

Thank you for the quiet and peaceful dawn,
More expensive, and the truth, because it is not.
Have you learned the price of your victory,
When they lost friends during the shelling.

When you read a letter in silence,
Only in my thoughts imagining my native face.
Thanks for the strength in that fierce war.
And thank you for your generosity.

Now, bowing before your tear,
Thank you I will tell you with an open mind
For the fact that I breathe freely in the world,
Under the yoke of the Nazis that I do not live.

Dear our veterans,
You are an example for us for all years.
Despite age and wounds,
Your soul is young.

You went through the years of fighting,
Defending the honor of your country,
For your children to live in peace
To not know the horrors of war.

We congratulate you on Victory Day,
And we wish you long, long years
Be healthy our grandfathers,
And live more than a hundred years!

I congratulate everyone today
Happy May 9th Happy Great Day!
Let veterans not get sick
They will be able to live 120 years!

I wish happiness to all people
Luck, wonderful victories!
Fight for success
Take on new heights!


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Great holiday

There are so few veterans left
But today they, well done,
Tightened up, brushed off fatigue.
And proudly, their face brightened.

On this holiday of the Great Victory
Fighting with my tears
My grandfathers could be among you...
I will bow to the ground to you all.


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Remember, honor and praise.

Remember the exploits of grandfathers,
All their dashing victories.
Remember the deeds of your fathers,
What forged the skeleton of victory!

Remember, honor and glorify
Everything that led them to victory.
May 9, take with your soul,
This is a celebration of great legacies!

Congratulations to all those who are in the ranks,
They stand on the main square.
Fireworks will be fired in their honor
In honor of the country, their orders shine!

Happy Victory Day, you!


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Homeland Defenders

Friends, congratulations on the great victory,
Oh, glory to the heroes of the native side,
The ninth of May, the day of sorrow and faith,
Hope that there will be no war.
Our beloved, thank you for everything,
After all, you brought your life for us,
We honor you and remember, and we will become like you,
In defense of our native Russian land!!!


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On the holiday of May 9
The eternal flame is lit:
This day is bright, spring,
The world has become liberation!
May they never know
Children, how the city is on fire,
Let there be kind faces
Let the birds chirp peacefully!


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Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day
Each of you!
We do understand,
How is it for all of us

Dear, important and of course
Must not be forgotten
Those who give it to us today
I was able to give to everyone!

Congratulations on May 9 or Victory Day

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May 9 is a solemn day!
It is decorated with peony and lilac,
He is sung by poets in verse,
And the heart gives birth to tears in the eyes.

I congratulate everyone and keep the memory,
I sing hymns to those who died for the Motherland:
"Heroes who have gone into battle forever,
Long live peace! Perish forever, war!