
How to cover up a broken toenail. How to seal a nail with a tea bag if it is broken. How to fix a broken nail


Long nails and beautiful manicure- the standard of female beauty. And breaking a nail is a big nuisance for every woman. The cleavage site looks unaesthetic and scratches the skin.

What if the nail broke off and you want to return it to its former beautiful appearance?

Broken nail: what to do

Further actions with a broken nail depend on how it broke: slightly cracked or completely torn off. An uneven edge or crack will cause trouble - scratching and clinging to clothes.

Possible actions in the event of a broken nail:

  • Trim the nail or drink.
  • Glue the crack on one's own.
  • Ask for help to a specialist.

If you want to solve the problem yourself and save the broken nail yourself at home, then you need to choose the right gluing technology. It depends on where the crack has passed: in the overhanging part of the nail or in the middle of it. The size of the crack is also important.

  • If a breakdown small, then you can seal up problem area with a special patch made of natural fabric or paper patch. Such repairs are addressed for any cracks on the side of the nail, along the “smile” line or along it.
  • At complete breaking off nail top impose acrylic artificial materialtipsu.
  • Tips are also applied when a crack has appeared along the axis of the finger, in the middle.

It makes sense to repair a broken nail if it is cracked no more than 1/3 of its length. Otherwise, the repair will be short-lived.

Sometimes the crack goes so deep that it injures the finger under the nail. In this case, treatment and recovery is best done in the cabin.

What can't do:

  • glue living natural nail on superglue. The synthetic composition corrodes the living cells of the nail plate. Synthetics can only repair extended acrylic plates.
  • It is forbidden nail polish with acetone or other nail polish remover when breaking it off to the “meat”. Aggressive chemical solutions should not enter the wound.
  • It is forbidden delay repairs nail if you have a crack. The nail may crack further and break off completely. The sooner you start repairing the problem area of ​​the nail, the smaller the crack that needs to be glued.

Tools and materials for nail repair

Often, materials for gluing damaged nails are sold in a kit, like a professional kit for repairing nail plates. It includes:

  • Silk for repair of nails on an adhesive basis.
  • Glue for natural and artificial nails.
  • file and buff for natural and artificial nails.
  • Any disinfector: hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol, and even better - a professional manicure tool.
  • orange sticks for manicure.

All these tools and materials can be selected separately depending on the availability in the store and personal preferences. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the special silk for nail repair is self-adhesive, its adhesive base is not enough to glue the crack, nail glue is required.

In the absence of silk for nails, it can be replaced with a piece of natural or synthetic silk, paper napkin, tea bag, filter paper or paper band-aid - everything that is at hand at home.

Natural nail repair

Most often, the nail plate breaks at the point of attachment to the finger. This line is called the "smile". The repaired nail loses strength, but retains appearance. The repair technology is as follows:

  • Remove varnish and handle nail antiseptic.
  • Buff the bumps on a broken nail.
  • Prepare a piece of fabric - cut it so that it covers the crack by 2-3 mm on each side.
  • Apply glue and impose over the nail piece of cloth, carefully press it. Use a toothpick or an orange stick with a pointed end to level the patch.
  • After the glue has dried, smooth the edges of the fabric with a buff.
  • Glue in the same way 1-2 more layers of fabric on top of the first, depending on the size of the breakage, carefully sawing each layer
  • Cover the nail with varnish for the final masking of the crack.

You can learn more about how to repair a broken nail by watching this video:

When sticking tips, the technology is similar. Instead of three layers of fabric patches, acrylic tips are glued over the damage. After the glue dries, the tips are cut to the desired size.

Crack under gel coat

In order to glue the nail under the gel polish, you need to remove the polish. You can not remove from all fingers, limit yourself to only a broken nail, and do not touch the rest. For removal use special means for removing Shellac or biogel - depending on the coating of the nail. If you cannot remove the gel polish, you can glue the patch over the old coating.

A "patch" is applied to the site of the broken nail

The technique for applying a patch to a gel polish is the same as for a natural nail, and it is covered with a new varnish, which is dried under a UV lamp. For home repairs using gel technology, a UV lamp and gel polish are needed.

If the crack is located along the edge of the nail, then it can be cut and grow with biogel again. To do this, use a special form or foil, which is substituted under the nail and used as a support for applying the biogel. After the biogel has hardened under a UV lamp, the foil is carefully removed.

How to build up a broken nail with a biogel or a rubber-based base coat, see the video instructions:

Extended nail repair

Building do acrylic tips. They do not have a living structure, therefore, when breaking off, they can be glued with synthetic glue for plastic (superglue, "Moment"). The fastening materials are the same - filter paper, silk strips, paper patch.

The technology for gluing the extended plate is as follows:

  • Drop on the nail glue and attach carved over it paper strip.

    Drip over the strip glue again. Third layer of glue apply over the dried second.

  • Process place of repair nail file.
  • Apply top varnish.

Another repair option is to replace the broken tips with a new one.

What to do if the nail broke off to the meat

If the nail has broken off very badly, you need to immediately handle him any antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, miramistin and others. It is very difficult to glue such a crack on your own. It is better to contact the salon to a competent and experienced specialist.

The repair procedure is done after removal of inflammatory symptoms and complete healing of open wounds of the nail plate.

Professional restoration of such a breakdown involves the use of special biogels. They contain proteins to repair the nail structure, and also protect the chipped site from infection.

Some biogels dissolve when exposed to detergents and acetone. Therefore, after such treatment, when washing the floor, dishes, you must wear rubber gloves.

A broken nail is a big nuisance. However, you can return previous view: seal the crack and cover it with varnish. If you cannot repair it yourself, then seek help from a professional nail technician.

A rare woman has not encountered the problem of a broken nail. If it breaks in such a way that it causes inconvenience and pain, or if you need to save the same length of the nails, you need to urgently glue it.

How and with what materials this can be done - we will analyze in detail.

Choice of options for helping a broken nail

To solve the problem of a broken nail, you will need the following materials:

  • Disinfectant, or fresh scrub. If the nail has given a deep crack, and a bleeding wound has appeared, this place must be treated with a disinfectant. So it will be possible to remove microbes and degrease the plate.
  • Buff, nail file. Needed for filing and smoothing.
  • Tweezers.
  • Materials for plate repair. We will analyze them in more detail below.

3.Base coat for gel polish. Performs the same functions as glue. The base is applied to the damaged area and polymerized under a UV lamp.

4. Tips. If the nail is broken in the middle, and it is not possible to cut off the damaged plate, extension tips will come to the rescue. The essence of the repair is simple - the tips are glued to the plate so as to fix the damaged area, preventing the nail from cracking further.

5. Transparent varnish. Ordinary varnish can help for a while and stop the breakdown. It is best to combine it with a sticker. First you need to apply a layer of varnish, then stick the sticker and fix it with another layer of varnish.

6.Acrylic or gel . It is not uncommon for nail extension technicians to repair damaged nails, and these two materials are perfect for this. With their help, you can not only fix the crack, but also give the nail the desired shape in case it breaks off.

7.Fast curing gel. It is used in salons in extreme cases, when the soft part was exposed during a breakdown and bleeding began. To prevent the crack from going further, the master fills the crack with a special biogel with proteins that will accelerate the healing of the nail. After such a repair, contact with detergents and acetone, otherwise the gel will quickly lose its properties.

In no case should glues such as "Moment" or "Superglue" be used to repair the nail - they are not intended for contact with the skin and can cause serious harm to health.


The most practical method is to seal the nail with a tea bag

This way fix cracked nail- the simplest and most affordable, if only because a tea bag is sure to be found in every home. It has very tenacious properties, while being translucent and thin.

For repairs, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a small piece of a tea bag for a patch to seal a cracked nail
  • clear nail polish,
  • nail scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. If the nail is covered with varnish, remove it and disinfect the plate.
  2. We slightly file the surface of the nail in the place of the crack for smoothness and degrease the nail. We apply a small drop of transparent varnish to the place of damage and apply a piece of the bag. Smooth it over the surface and apply another layer of varnish.
  3. If desired, when the clear varnish dries, apply a colored coating.


  • Restoration at home is possible only if the nail is broken by no more than 1/3.
  • Self-repair will "last" about 2-3 days. At this time, while the wound heals, and the nail grows back a little, try to be more careful.
  • If you have used clear varnish, do not remove it with an acetone product - just tint it periodically.
  • To speed up the growth of a broken nail, take a daily salt bath of 2 tablespoons of sea salt and a glass of hot water.

Usually, plate breakage is associated with frequent contact with detergents, as well as a lack of vitamins.

In order to avoid an unpleasant situation in the future, be sure to use protective gloves when cleaning and washing dishes, review your diet, and also take care of strengthening with caring creams and healing varnishes.

What to do if a nail breaks - a question that any woman is looking for the answer to at least once in her life. A beautiful manicure is a real decoration female hand, and how insulting it becomes when long and diligently growing nails suddenly have to be cut off because of one broken nail.

Of course, if the nail is broken, you can go to the salon where the manicurist will cover your nail plate biogel, which quickly hardens, based on proteins, thanks to which it will return its natural look.

But what if there is no way to get into the salon? Are there other ways to avoid shortening your nails and keep a beautiful manicure at home?

It turns out that today there are a huge number of special tools that will help you revive a manicure at home. If you turn to a specialized store, then they can offer you:

  • silk strips and special glue for them,
  • nail repair kits, which usually include powder, brush and glue,
  • tips (also with special glue).

The kits always come with special instructions, thanks to which you will quickly figure out what to do if a nail breaks and how to fix it.

The listed methods are quite convenient, but only if you have the opportunity to quickly visit the desired store and purchase everything you need. If this is not possible, do not rush to get upset, because enterprising women have come up with a simple, quick and convenient solution to the problem - nail repair with a tea bag. And the most common, which is found in every home.

Features of nail repair with a tea bag

You can use a tea bag for nail resuscitation only if the nail is broken by less than one third, and only the surface is damaged, without going deep and without injuring soft tissues. The material is very thin, but strong enough, so the manicure will not look rough and visually different.

The big advantage is that you will not need any expenses for tools for repairing a nail with a tea bag and gel polish. All you need is: nail scissors, a tea bag, glue (only not superglue) or gel polish (you can use it with a small crack, and if you don’t have special glue on hand).

Before sticking the nail at home, remove the old coating from the nail (repairing the painted nail plate will have no effect) and degrease the surface. Further:

  • free the tea bag from the contents and cut off a strip the size of which will cover the crack,
  • apply glue to the damaged place in the nail plate and immediately attach the blank cut from the bag,
  • over the "patches" run the glue again,
  • wait for the glue to dry
  • file the edges of the patch with a nail file and lightly polish the surface,
  • cover clear varnish and decorative coating.

Of course, a damaged nail plate is not able to “heal” at the site of the breakdown, but by sealing it, you can forget about the trouble before the nail grows back.

How to fix a broken nail at home with tips

A tea bag will solve the problem of a small break in the nail plate, but what if the nail is half broken and the break goes far inland? In this case, it will be necessary to hide the damaged area with tips. It is an artificial plastic nail, which is glued to the surface of the nail plate with the help of special glue. Due to the fact that the tips have a margin of length, you can easily adjust it to the size of all other nails.

Now let's take a closer look at how to fix a broken nail at home using tips:

  • first remove the old varnish,
  • remove all irregularities and polish the nail plate along the edges,
  • degrease the tips on the inside (this can be done by wiping it with nail polish remover),
  • let it dry for a couple of minutes and cover the entire inner surface of the tips with special glue, apply a little of the same glue on the fracture area,
  • attach artificial nail to the surface of a natural plate so that their bases clearly coincide,
  • wait for the glue to dry completely, then cut the tips so that it is the same length as the rest of the nails, leaving a small margin for growing, give the desired shape,
  • process the joints.

What to do if the nail is broken on the side

You can carefully restore a nail that has broken on the side with the help of silk strips, which you can buy in a specialized store along with glue. Before restoring the nail, remove the old varnish, use a file with low abrasiveness to process the chipped area in such a way as to smooth the surface as much as possible.

Now take care of the fabric. You need to cut two strips: first one (according to the size of the chip), then the second (it should be designed to cover the entire nail plate).

Remove the paper backing and place the first blank on the damaged area, gently straighten, hold with an orange stick and cover with glue. After it dries, remove the roughness (slightly walking with a file), cut off the excess silk. Then, in the same way, apply a large blank (on the entire nail plate), cover the silk with two layers of glue (with an interval of 20 seconds). Wait for complete drying.

Trim the excess silk, then apply the base, cover the nail with decorative varnish and top coat. Now about the problem: I broke my nail - what should I do? You can forget until it grows to the desired length.

Attention! If your nails break or peel frequently, you may not have enough calcium in your body. Review your daily diet.

A beautiful manicure is a decoration for every woman. But no one is immune from a sudden breakage of the nail. Do not despair and cut off the entire manicure at once to equalize the length. This situation can be easily corrected. In the article, you can learn simple and affordable ways to save and fix a broken nail at home.

emergency repair

How to fix a broken nail at home without glue and other tools? In this case, it can be patched up a little with tape. But such a repair will have a temporary effect and the procedure should be continued in the near future.

It is necessary to cut a piece of adhesive tape a little larger than the crack and seal the nail with it. Further, the adhesive tape is smoothed towards the gap, the excess is cut off. In this way, you can prevent complete breakage of the nail for several hours.

How to fix a nail at home with tips

For the procedure, transparent or translucent square-shaped products are used. To fix the nail, you need to take: special glue, a nail file, nail polish remover and scissors. It is necessary to degrease the surface to get rid of all the roughness in the area of ​​damage. To do this, take a liquid for removing nails. Next, a special glue is applied to the nail and the inside of the tips. The product is applied to the nail plate, while it is important that the limiter coincides with the edge. Wait a few minutes for the glue to dry, and cut the tips to the size of the broken nail, leaving a little length for correction. At the end, you need to process the surface with a nail file and coat the joints with glue.

How to fix a broken nail at home with a tea bag

This method is suitable if the manicure began to break at the “smile” level. You need to take:

  • nail file with fine abrasive;
  • polishing buff, nail glue;
  • a piece of tea bag;
  • disinfectant;
  • orange stick.

It is necessary to disinfect the surface of the plate so as not to infect. Next, clean the nail with a nail file until the plate becomes smooth. For repair, you need to cut off 2 pieces of material in advance. One will cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crack and the place around it, and the second - the surface of the entire nail. Before fixing a broken nail at home with a tea bag, a special glue is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and the first piece of material is applied on top. Then they press it with an orange stick and seal the patch with special glue. Further, the surface is slowly polished with a buff. In this way, you need to fix a broken nail at home, both without PVA glue and other aggressive means. To strengthen the entire nail, the same procedure is performed using a second piece of material for the entire surface of the plate.

Repair of gel or acrylic coating

How to fix a nail at home, if a crack has formed under this coating, then first of all it must be removed using special tools. If they are not, then you need to apply a "patch" on top of the gel. Repairing the nail is carried out by the same methods as when repairing a natural plate, but at the end they change the coating and dry it under an ultraviolet lamp. How to fix a broken nail at home with gel polish if a crack appears across the nail? In this case, it is cut off and built up again using a special form or foil. At the final stage, they are covered with a protective gel and dried under an ultraviolet lamp. If there are no special materials, then they turn to a specialist.

Acrylic nail is also subject to restoration. This type of material can be glued together with synthetic glue - "Moment", "Superglue" or a product that is used for plastic. Patches are applied in the same way as on natural nails. If tips are used, then it changes to a new one.

Strengthening with vitamins

If the breakage of the nails becomes regular, while they begin to exfoliate, then you should look for the cause in the state of the body. Such "incidents" in most cases become a signal of the presence of certain diseases. This may be: a decrease in immunity, hematological disorders, as well as problems with endocrine system. You should visit the hospital for a detailed examination.

Long nails are the most susceptible to injury. But the breakdown is not always associated with physical impact, sometimes the reason lies deeper. Lack of vitamins and minerals often affects the condition of the nails. To restore the strength of the plate, you need to use vitamins A and B - they affect the condition of hair, nails, as well as the formation of new cells. They are found in such products: liver, egg whites, butter. They can be found in red, green and yellow vegetables. Lack of calcium also leads to brittle nails. It can be replenished by eating such foods: bread, potatoes, onion, beets and seafood.

Folk remedies

Insufficient care and external influences also negatively affect the condition of the nails and increase their fragility. Therefore, you should additionally moisturize the skin around the plate. You can use both a variety of creams and oils of natural origin. Particular attention is paid to the cuticle, since it is this area that is most prone to drying out and cracks. The use of nail baths is a great way to soften the skin and improve circulation under the plate. A weekly procedure of 10-15 minutes will help to significantly improve the condition of the manicure. The most effective are baths using essential oils. To prepare them, take warm water, about 40-45 degrees, and add a few drops of the product. You can use any oils that you have at home, or purchase them at a pharmacy.

First aid for deep injury

How to fix a nail at home if it is deeply injured and part is torn off from the bed? It must be removed before the wound can be treated. To do this, you can use tweezers to hold it. Having cleaned the wound from the nail, there is a wide access to the damaged surface, which helps to treat it sufficiently. Thus, the risk of infection is significantly reduced. But you can leave the separated area, then you need to clean the area around it. In this case, the broken fragment will fall off on its own when a new nail grows.

If there is bleeding, then it must be stopped with gauze or cotton pads. To do this, you need to place the tissue under the injured area and put pressure on it for several minutes, the force should be distributed evenly. Gauze and can be replaced with a towel or napkin. People with peripheral arterial disease, a weak immune system, and diabetes should see their doctor after treating the wound. This should be done because the injury can lead to a decrease in blood flow activity and, as a result, a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs.

What are some ways to speed up the healing process?

How to fix a left nail at home? To do this, it must be cut with sharp scissors or wire cutters to remove uneven and sharp edges. You can use a nail file for this purpose. Then place your hand or foot in cool water for 20 minutes. In this way, blood flow is regulated and the affected area is toned. Then you can switch to baths with warm salted water. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 liter of liquid. The procedure should last for 20 minutes, repeat 2-3 times in the first 3 days. Such a bath will help to avoid infection.

An antibiotic ointment can be used to speed up wound healing. The nail bed should be dressed regularly until the new nail has grown at least 2.5 mm. You can use a bandage or gauze for this purpose. Change the bandage every time after applying the ointment to the affected area. It is important to monitor the condition of the wound, especially the first 72 hours, since this is the period during which the risk of infection is highest. It can present with symptoms such as fever, increased heat in the area of ​​the wound, pain, swelling, or cyst. If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What not to do

  • It is impossible to glue natural nails with synthetic glue (such as "Superglue", "Moment" and others). The components that make up their composition can damage the natural manicure. This tool is used only for the repair of nails. Only special glue should be used.
  • If before the "meat", then you can not use acetone or nail polish remover to process the plate. Aggressive components that are part of these products can adversely affect the condition of the wound.
  • If it appears, then you should not delay the repair. It is necessary to repair the plate as soon as possible before it comes off completely.

A spoiled manicure can spoil the mood of any woman for a long time. But this is if she does not know what to do and how to fix a broken nail at home. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem. But we should not forget about strengthening the body and folk remedies, especially if the nail breakage happens often.

You will need: tea bag and glue

The easiest and most affordable way to solve the problem of a broken nail at home. And even if the nail broke not at home, but at work, a tea bag and superglue are always at hand. One-time use of glue will not have a strong negative impact and the nail will be saved. But still, this method should be resorted to only as a last resort, so if you often break your nails, it is better to buy several bottles of specialized nail glue at once - at home and at work. We tell you how to proceed:

  • Cut a square piece from the tea bag that is large enough to completely cover the crack.
  • Sand the damaged area and degrease the nail (we already talked about the degreaser)
  • Apply glue to the crack and the area around it
  • Press the tea bag to your nail
  • Apply another layer of glue so that a piece of the bag is completely saturated
  • Let dry and then sand the edges to smooth out the transitions.

Method number 2

You will need: nail glue and acrylic Powder

This way to “fix” a broken nail is good because it allows you to fix the crack on the free edge from two sides at once, and not just from above.

  • Apply glue to the crack, including the underside of the free edge
  • Dip your finger into the clear acrylic powder for a few seconds
  • Let the layer dry for a minute
  • Brush off excess powder and sand the “repair” area

Method number 3

You will need: acrylic powder and gel polish base

If you use gel polish, then you can repair a crack on the nail at the stage of applying the base without using any third-party tools. In addition, this method allows you to further strengthen the nails and create a reliable framework that will keep the gel polish in good condition much longer. Therefore, feel free to use this method, working with all nails at once, and not just with damaged ones.

  • Apply the first layer of the base, carefully filling in the place of the crack with it, and dry it in the lamp
  • Apply a second coat of base and dust with translucent acrylic powder before drying in the lamp
  • Dry in a lamp and remove excess
  • Apply another layer of base and dry in the lamp
  • Then you can follow the usual sequence of applying gel polish

Method number 4

You will need: a base for gel polish and a tea bag

If the crack is deep, then additional reinforcement with a tea bag will not be superfluous. If you combine this method with the previous one, you will get the best protection damaged nail.

  • Prepare the nail plate for applying gel polish
  • Apply the first layer of the base, carefully filling in the place of the crack with it.
  • Attach a tea bag to the damaged area, smooth the edges and wait until it is completely saturated with the base
  • Dry the first layer of the base with a sachet in the lamp
  • Apply a second coat of base and cure in a lamp
  • Then proceed in the usual sequence

Which of these methods do you find the most convenient?