
What are the words to describe the love for people. Sincere love: the essence of feelings, description, difference from falling in love and interesting facts. The difference between love and being in love



Most The best way describe your Love is inspiration. Sometimes a person is laconic or shy, but Love transforms it. Beautiful words about love appear from somewhere, and it is simply not recognizable. Even his shyness or timidity disappears somewhere, this is already a different person! Sometimes there comes a moment when it is very important to say about your love, to express your feelings, but nothing comes to mind. In this case, you need. How to do it? The most important thing is to start. Getting started is the hardest thing. When you start talking the right words will come to your mind. You will be surprised where the words come from? But they will flow like a stream, like music, by themselves. Just as I write these words, representing a loved one. No need to think, choose words. When you start talking, you kind of turn on the faucet with water, and it flows. That's all.

But maybe you want to describe your Love not alone, but in writing. Here you can do the same - just start imagining your loved one. And inspiration will come by itself. You might even be able to write , even though you've never tried to. And this is not surprising, because Love at all times inspired poets, musicians, writers and artists. Perhaps you will even open up, who knows?

If the right words don't come to your mind, you can simply recite verses that reflect your feelings. Or at your meeting, put on romantic music that will appeal not only to you, but also to your loved one. Who said, that Love can only be expressed in words? It can also be expressed through music.

You can express your Love and in another way. For example, take a few photos of your beloved (beloved), choose the best one, and write on it "The most charming on the planet that I love!" (or, for example, "Himself best man, whom I adore!"). True, there is one "but": the photo must be of really high quality and show your chosen one (darling) in a favorable light. Sometimes the best photographer will not see the model the way a person sees it.

Or you can just write on different "I". Sometimes you don't need any descriptions, just express your feelings. And feelings can be expressed in different ways. After all Love- a huge scope for creativity and some ideas. You can write a confession under the window of your girlfriend on the pavement. You can sing a romance with a guitar. If you can draw, you can depict the object of your love as you see it. Can you express your Love doing Love Yu. And your loved one will understand you without words. This is also the music of love, because Love is also art. Love and be loved.

It is the most influential, powerful emotion that any of us has encountered or experienced during our lives. These emotions encompass and affect all layers of our actions, thoughts, inspirations and aspirations. The elements of love intertwine and depend on each other, and, in most cases, are carried out on reciprocity.

Here is a chain of 10 points that make up true and holistic love:

Target- This can be considered the most difficult element of love. You give another person the right to occupy your life, to hold your emotions in your hands. You do not question your intention, you are firmly convinced that this will not harm you, and even vice versa.

Honesty- There are not true relationships in love that occurs without honesty. While some truths may be painful to expose and yet you show a willingness to put truth above self-preservation, this is a testament to love.
Tolerance- We are all predisposed to the peculiarities and quirks inherent in our personality. Often, however, such features can go across to your chosen ones. Tolerance allows these differences in actions or thoughts to be ironed out and accepts them in a different composition, as part of who they are, and not as an insult to who they are.

Forgiveness It is impossible to accept another person so intimately without getting hurt at some point or in some way. Forgiveness is the power and strength of "sacrifice", which turns out to indicate to us that this connection is more important than the one that was made.

Kindness as simple as it may seem, however, it is the food that helps relationships grow. Kindness recognizes a unique understanding of another person. This indicates gratitude and sensitivity in a relationship.

Security, although often difficult to develop and maintain in a relationship, security is closely related to trust. When you are secure in a relationship, the chances of envy and jealousy are less likely. Security disproves the notion that a partner can have something or someone else.

Understanding/Kindness - It's important to achieve understanding of your partner's motivations and values. True understanding and compassion recognizes that both sides, both the strengths and weaknesses of the other, are equally part of one common whole.

Commitment, while some may see it as a form of personal sacrifice, is actually quite the opposite. To be dedicated to the needs, needs and aspirations of your partner, you need to be truly noble and selfless.

Respect, it is important to avoid anything that will interfere with the personal growth of a partner, and then the success of your relationship. This is achieved in one way - by showing respect for the partner and the relationship, at all times, at all stages ...
This turns out to be possible. Perhaps it is worth thinking a little about these criteria ... Love and be loved, my dears, and let the Arithmetic of Love become as clear to you as the multiplication table!

Your feelings are so strong that it is difficult to express them in words. You feel that no words can convey the depth of your love. It seems to you that your loved one will feel it and understand you without words. The way you take his hand. By the way you look at it. But alas! Beloved (or beloved) does not see this. How to be here?


The best way to describe your Love is inspiration. Sometimes a person is laconic or shy, but Love transforms it. Beautiful words about love appear from somewhere, and it is simply not recognizable. Even his shyness or timidity disappears somewhere, this is already a different person! Sometimes there comes a moment when it is very important to say about your love, to express your feelings, but nothing comes to mind. In this case, you need to find inspiration. How to do it? The most important thing is to start. Getting started is the hardest thing. When you start speaking, the right words will come to your mind. You will be surprised where the words come from? But they will flow like a stream, like music, by themselves. Just as I write these words, representing a loved one. No need to think, choose words. When you start talking, you kind of turn on the faucet with water, and it flows. That's all.

But maybe you want to describe your Love not alone, but in writing. Here you can do the same - just start writing, imagining your loved one. And inspiration will come by itself. You may even be able to write poetry, although you have never tried to do so. And this is not surprising, because Love at all times inspired poets, musicians, writers and artists. Perhaps you will even open Creative skills, who knows?

If the right words don't come to your mind, you can simply recite verses that reflect your feelings. Or at your meeting, put on romantic music that will appeal not only to you, but also to your loved one. Who said, that Love can only be expressed in words? It can also be expressed through music.

You can express your Love and in another way. For example, take a few photos of your beloved (beloved), choose the best one, print it out and write on it "To the most charming girl on the planet that I love!" (or, for example, "To the best man I adore!"). True, there is one "but" here: the photo must be of really high quality and show your chosen one (darling) in a favorable light. Sometimes the best photographer won't see the model the way he sees her. loving person.

Or you can just write in different languages ​​\u200b\u200b"I love you." Sometimes you don't need any descriptions, just express your feelings. And feelings can be expressed in different ways. After all Love- a huge scope for creativity and some ideas. You can write a confession under the window of your girlfriend on the pavement. You can sing a romance with a guitar. If you can draw, you can depict the object of your love as you see it. Can you express your Love doing Love Yu. And your loved one will understand you without words. This is also the music of love, because Love is also art. Love and be loved.

Love is a wonderful feeling that does not need confirmation. However, some people do not believe in the sincerity of the other person's feelings and ask for proof.


You can send your love different ways. Talk to your soulmate, explain to her that she is the very center of the universe for you, that you cannot live a day without thinking about her. If you constantly want to be close to a person, and you don’t want to let him go a single step away from you, this is not love, but selfishness. But if all your aspirations are directed not at what you want, but at what your soulmate wants - this is the brightest and most sincere feeling. Tell your lover or sweetheart that you want him to be happy. Words are indeed very powerful weapons. If you manage to find the right phrases and pronounce them very sincerely, you can convey your love to a loved one.

Another way to express love is creativity. Some people, feeling in love, begin to experience inspiration. In a fit of emotion, they can write beautiful poems dedicated to their native person, compose chic musical compositions or draw. Do something nice for your soulmate and give it to her as a sign of your true love.

In addition, you can write a frank letter to your partner or partner in your life, in which you describe everything that is happening in your soul. A message on paper is a sure way to convey your love, since you will write it gradually, you will always have the opportunity to re-read and correct something, supplement something. Start from the moment you met or first saw your loved one, tell about the emotions that you experienced at that moment. Continue to write your whole story in a letter, not in a narrative manner, but in a reasonable one. Let each event described be accompanied by your frank thoughts and feelings.

Remember that in fact, love needs to be conveyed not so much with words as with your behavior. You can say a lot of warm phrases, but then take an act that will prove the opposite. Treat your loved one with warmth and respect. Try not to hide anything from him, be honest and sincere. Spend more time together, do not get hung up on problems and petty domestic quarrels that probably happen between you. Show concern for your lover or lover. Such behavior is better than any, even the most touching and beautiful words can convey your sincere love.

Describe the feeling of love. She exists?

    For me, love is service to another person, the desire to see your loved one happy with you or even without you!

    Love is the meaning of life, because without love a full and joyful life is not possible.

    The apogee of love is the birth of a child (I'm talking now about real and sincere love between two people), ideally.

    There is, love is a very simple feeling. This is simply the ability to give everything to another person, accepting him as he is, the ability to absolutely disinterestedly (without demanding anything in return) to devote life to another, to make him happy.

    Love? Of course there is! When it comes, it doesn't even need to be described in any words! It fills all of you, it becomes the meaning of life. There is a powerful energy coming from somewhere. I just want to fly, soar and share my happiness with everyone. And people become kinder) And the world is beautiful! And God is with her, with that policy) You forget whether you ate something today or didn’t eat - thoughts are completely different, and even impulses are rebuilt) This is a very creative feeling - you do everything faster and better, because you are in a hurry to see your loved one! I'm talking about mutual love. This is exactly what I want for you!

    Love is a stormy sea

    Love is a hurricane of feelings.

    Sometimes it's tears and grief

    And often - only lies and deceit.

    Love, Faith, exists. A lot has been written about it, but all these are only words, correct words, many of these words and descriptions, but they do not give a feeling of love. It is impossible to describe: how to describe the mountains to a person who has not seen them, a sunset over the blind sea , the taste of snow and wind to a person who cannot leave the house ... She comes and you understand - that's it, without any words.)

    Describing the feelings of love (real love, not easy falling in love) is not easy and can only be approximated by giving comparisons. For example these:

    Love is a very bright feeling, its lightness is like sunlight reflecting from white flowers, its purity is like freshly fallen snow or chamomile petals. This is a powerful energy flow, similar to a flame of fire, emanating from the radiance in the soul, which shines with thin rays of bright white, blue and golden color, gentle warmth comes from this radiance, which warms not only the soul, but the whole body. And the smell of love is similar to the same bouquet of flowers consisting of one rose, lily, lily of the valley, surrounded by sprigs of lilac and jasmine. Gather such a bouquet somehow and inhale its aroma, and imagine in your imagination what you felt when you inhaled the aroma - you will always be in such feelings and state, as long as love shines in your soul, and if love breaks out she shines all her life.

    Love is when you accept a person completely and completely, without reservations and exceptions, when you live by this person and believe him as yourself, i.e. love is when you believe in yourself and at the same time feel the person as yourself. It turned out a little flowery, but it’s hard to express it otherwise, because love and faith are one and the same, just like feeling for yourself and for another person is all one whole state.

    I can answer you in the affirmative - yes, it exists, but not for everyone.

    Only for living, thinking people, and not for robots or semi-robots (sleeping on the go).

    Personally, I loved 3 times. 2 times at school and once much later.

    To be honest, after the second time, I thought that I would not fall in love again, because I thought that I had already seen everything in my life and nothing would surprise me, but it turned out that I was wrong. And now I think that I won’t fall in love again, because I can’t imagine what this person should be like in order to overshadow and make the previous ones forget.

    What is the feeling of love?

    Great interest in people. The desire to be together and explore it.

    90% of the time you think about this person.

    The feeling of love is joy and flight, a feeling of freedom and boundless happiness. Love is complete comfort in the soul and understanding of the world, accepting it as it is.

    Love is when everything seems simple, kind, bright and you want to be happy and everyone around you is happy. A man in love looks at everything differently, more superficially and does not notice some things that violate harmony and balance, he does not accept this and leaves it unattended, but he himself only soars in the clouds on the wings of love.

    People in love are dreamy, they believe with all their hearts in the good and want everyone to feel good, like them, everyone would be happy and contented, enjoy life and everything would be fine.

    A person in love becomes sentimental and romantic, believes more in beauty and everything wonderful in the world.

    Of course love exists! Everyone can remember what happened to him when he was in love. And when true and complete love comes, that big and beautiful one, then people are even more transformed. Only the greatest and purest love on earth is not found by everyone, this is great happiness and joy. In general, everyone is subject to love and can experience it to one degree or another.

    Love is a feeling of beauty in the soul, which blossoms even more when it is filled with the best feelings towards another person, when a person is ready to love and be loved.

"Love is a description of a feeling"

Many people believe that love begins with a glance. However, not all people can experience love at first sight. Such love is mainly inherent in those people who have a number of characteristic properties.

In particular, the reasons for love at first sight include life experience, level of intellectual abilities, developed imagination and, to a greater extent, temperament. An instant flash of love can be experienced by people with a rather lively character and excitable temperament. Love at first sight is characteristic of emotionally quick-tempered individuals with a hot nature. Such people give in to passion and enthusiasm very easily, but they also calm down just as quickly. People who are fickle in their character and habits can also experience instant love.

But it is precisely such character traits that do not fully strengthen the feelings that have arisen deeply and thoroughly. Usually, in such people, love does not leave a deep mark on the soul, and the feelings themselves are rather superficial.

Very serious people cannot fall in love at first sight. This is due to the fact that the inner convictions of such people are such that, according to them, it is necessary first of all to get to know the person well, having spent a sufficient amount of time with him. Usually in such people love is the result of a long friendship. Only under the influence of the regularity of events, prudence of character, slowness in actions friendly relations can turn into love.

People with a melancholic temperament are extremely sensitive. They need a lot of self-care, increased attention. However, just one unsuccessful word, gesture or deed is enough for such a person’s love feeling to die out forever.

The development of the feeling of love is described by many philosophers of antiquity. Usually love begins with what can be described as admiration. Under its influence, a dream appears in the mind of a person, and already at the next stage, a person begins to hope for reciprocity. It is in the process of such tremulous expectation that love appears. Its meaning is reflected in the feeling of pleasure from the fact that a person has the opportunity to see the object of his desires, communicate with him, etc.

Love in almost every case is accompanied by a process of idealization. A person in love tends to improve and attribute to the object of love such qualities that he essentially does not possess. It is almost impossible to dissuade a lover in his opinion regarding the object of love. It seems to all lovers that they love truly the best and most beautiful person in the whole world. In fact, the object of love is perceived as a kind of ideal and perfection.

In a state characteristic of a person in love, several main characteristic features can be distinguished.

…. Such a person is always focused in his thoughts on his chosen one.

.... The desire to communicate with the object of love overlaps all other types of desires.

.... Often people in love have a violation of appetite and sleep.

It is not uncommon for people in a state of love to become very distracted as a result of their daydreaming. The heartbeat of such people increases many times when communicating with the chosen one or thinking about him. Also, a person in love inevitably begins to strive for self-improvement. Almost always, people in love are characterized by an upbeat excited mood, which can be compared with a strong sexual attraction. Fair is the saying that love can blind a person.

Many people under the influence of love literally become stupid.

This happens because there is no place in the mind for other things than feelings. This is accompanied by a restructuring of all human functions, starting with the hormonal level and ending with the mental processes of brain activity. Under the influence of feelings, a person's sensations, his memory, attention, and thinking change. Almost always, this violates objectivity in the perception of the surrounding reality. Often this is due to the fact that people who love us prefer to idealize our essence. The disadvantages are completely overlooked. Only when the feeling of love passes, pink glasses gradually evaporate from the eyes. To see all the true qualities of a person is possible only with a sane look. Usually, the traits and qualities of a person we loved in the past, after passing through this feeling, become not so attractive.

Falling in love is somewhat different from the real feeling of love. Love usually does not want to be content with communication alone, but requires complete intercourse of the bodies and souls of partners.

P.S.The beloved often blinds the lover.
