
Love triangle. He is single, she is married. What to do if you fell in love with a married girl - what to do? She is married and he loves her.


If you want to know how to seduce a married girl, then you must have found out from somewhere that she is married. In most cases, these questions are asked by those men who often intersect with these girls (for example, at school or at work). On the one hand, you like her. On the other hand, you are afraid that she can send you in public and start gossiping with her girlfriends, as she sent you off. And besides, the whole team at work may think that you are “some kind of wrong” if you pester a married girl.

However, it has already been proven hundreds of times that married girls do not mind having an affair with another man. It is important to simply choose the right key.

Since we found out that you often cross paths with her (or you have the opportunity to make sure that you see her regularly), then better to play more subtle. Those. to attract her attention, to evoke the necessary emotions, to meet, but not in the same way as they do in the case of free girls, but in a slightly different way.

Now you will understand what I mean.

Find out what she's missing

The emotional sphere of a person can be represented as a black and white image, then you can see that the dark and light sides are on the same level. Any bias towards the light or dark side creates a need for opposite emotions.

Light emotions include romance, kindness, care, love, etc. For the dark ones - jealousy, the desire to get the "forbidden fruit", the desire to be humiliated and punished (this applies more often to girls, although they themselves will do their best to deny this fact :)).

Over time, the feelings of people who are married begin to fade. This is a normal process.

And if at the very beginning of the relationship romance prevails, and the husband acts as a kind of “nice guy” (in most cases), then later the romance disappears, and the husband either remains cute, but not at all attractive guys. In this case, the girl has an acute need for so-called "dark" emotions.

And vice versa, if he often drinks, walks somewhere with friends, then she needs male attention, romance, etc.

Your #1 goal is to figure out what emotions she needs and give them to her. .

To do this, try to make her portrait by answering the questions:

  • what kind of life does she live
  • who is her husband
  • how often do they see each other
  • what emotions does he give her

Of course, you should not ask your female colleagues directly about this. Your observation will work best, which will help you in right moment hear interesting facts about her.

If you ask your male colleagues, you may come across statements like “You won’t succeed because…”. In this case, you don’t need to argue with them - it’s better to ask: “Yes?” and watch your colleague tell you fact after fact about her. Of course, you can keep asking leading questions to get even more information. :)

To attract attention

Before moving on to active actions, you need to make sure that she has an attraction to you (albeit a small one).

This can be achieved by creating sociall proof (social proof), showing that all the people in your company consider your opinion, laugh at your jokes and seek your attention.

To do this, it is enough to communicate more actively with everyone, joke and participate in collective life.

Also try to establish micro-communications with other girls. These micro-communications should be such that every time you are near them, you notice interesting details in their behavior, environment, voice your opinion aloud, joke and ask any questions.

The natural feeling of rivalry between girls will do the trick.: in the eyes of each of them, after a very a short time you will become very attractive man. And they will seek your attention.

The process of seduction

in seduction married girls(especially in the early stages) it is important to use occasions for meetings.

Direct offers to drink tea or coffee will be perceived as too obvious a hint. The fact is that even if a girl really likes you, she will it is important to have an excuse not only to other people, but also to yourself.

For example, if you work with her, then say that you need her help with work. You can ask her if she can help you with a report or anything else. Even if you can do it yourself, you can still pretend that you need help.

During the meeting, try to give her those emotions that her husband does not give her.

And only then, when you feel that you have come close to the intended goal, you can no longer use the occasions.

In some cases, some obstacles will await you: sex with another man for a married girl is not such an easy step. Even if she really needs the emotions that you give her, she needs time to get used to the thought of cheating.

In addition, many married girls are interested in an easy, non-binding romance. They don't need serious relationship, and they want to be sure that if something happens, you can leave without unnecessary conflicts. Therefore, they will test a man for need. The most preferred way to do this is refuse a meeting or sex and see the reaction.

If, despite her refusal, you continue to be the same interesting positive man who gives her the same emotions, then this will be a plus for you. If you get upset because of her refusal, then, by doing so, you will show weakness.

Observe these simple rules, and the seduction of a married woman will be very easy. But before you start taking action, remember that they should only be started if both conditions match:

  1. You like her very much.
  2. You feel that she is ready to cheat on her husband with you (those who are interested in the moral side of the issue should be reassured by the fact that her willingness to cheat will mean a lack of sincere feelings to her husband).

Otherwise, it is better to direct your efforts to free girls. Fortunately, there are enough of them around.

Question to a psychologist

Good day! I am sure that many people have already addressed you with similar questions, but still my situation may be exclusive. I met a girl. When we met, I found out that she already has a child. After a week of communication, I found out that she was married. I fell madly in love with a girl. I started coming to her work, it turned out we were working in neighboring buildings. Drink tea, give small homemade gifts (postcards, a bouquet of napkins, etc.). But I already had a bitter experience of loving a married girl. And in the summer, after 3 weeks of communication, I told her that we need to stop our communication and left. She caught up with me and said that let's try what will come of it. I refused, but she insisted. And I gave up. We continued to communicate. She went with her daughter to a sanatorium by the sea. I took the day off from work and came to her. She was very happy. At sea, we had our first sex with her. At the sea, I learned that she had never rested at sea with her husband and child, they say he works, holidays do not coincide, etc. My daughter at sea did not leave me directly, my Pasha said. That is, I have no problems with the child. After the sea, I directly asked her the question: what do you need to leave your husband? She replied that she had never thought of such a thing. She said she had never been in love in her life. To my questions: why are you talking to your husband on the phone I love you, she answered, He is my husband. I did for her a lot of all sorts of surprises, gave a lot of gifts. Gave me a phone. She told her husband that she had found the phone in a box on the bus. Everything Stuffed Toys she gives away to her daughters, although some are 1.5 times more than her daughter :) My most memorable act, according to her, is when, after a quarrel, she removed me from her friends, I wrote under her windows: Add to friends. At home, I hung pictures of her along with me all over the wall. We started an album where we keep photos from our trips, joint shopping trips. We had quarrels when she said that everything was a point, but she always asked for forgiveness and our relationship resumed. So we dated for 8 months. We were going to go skiing in March, but her daughter got sick and she refused to go. She is a secretive person, does not always say what she thinks. And I think she was against my going alone, but she didn't say anything. Since I was driving through the mountains all day on the train, I did not have the opportunity to call her. The next day was forgiveness resurrection and she posted a picture about forgiveness on my Vkontakte wall. I wrote her a message, I'm sorry for everything. She replied sorry. In the evening I called her, she hung up. Then she wrote to me to rest, she didn’t care about me, just like I didn’t care about her yesterday (the day when I was on the road). We didn't talk for almost a week. Then at night she wrote that she had suspicions that she was pregnant (we had sex with her on February 21, she wrote a message on March 6, because her period was supposed to start on March 6, but there were no forerunners). On March 8, I ordered flowers to be delivered to her home (I gave flowers to her mother and daughter so that her husband would have fewer questions). She said that mom was just shocked by a pleasant surprise. And she liked the flowers. On the eighth of March, my husband gave only flowers, although he is nearby, and not like me, 800 km away. She did a test and it showed the second strip is barely visible. When I was returning to the city, she called and said that we needed to meet at my house so that I could tell her in the eyes that I did not intentionally make her pregnant. I told her to come and meet me at the station. She did not come to the station, because said he was late. At home, she immediately began to cry. I tried to hug her, said that I love her, said to calm down, because together we can handle it. She seemed to calm down, asked me to buy a test, he also showed a barely visible second strip. She began to blame herself for being stupid, headless, repeating the same mistake (she had already had an abortion over a year ago). She said that she did not want to leave this child because she was married. She is confused and doesn't know what to do. He told me to satisfy her with my hands, maybe this will help to disrupt the pregnancy. When I, during this process, from the influx of hormones and from separation from her, began to hint at natural sex, she said that she did not want to, but I persuaded her. I told her that I would support her by all means morally (to the point that I would be with her all this time), financially (this procedure is still not free). She said she would need financial support. She asked me to buy tests for her and bring them to work. I brought it, but she doesn’t want to communicate with me at all: she doesn’t talk to me, she looks through me. She was alone, but she didn’t utter a single word (if I were in her place, if I didn’t want to see me, I would speak out and kick me out, but she didn’t react at all). After lunch, I came to find out what happened with the tests. She also continued to ignore me. A colleague was sitting in her office, so I could not communicate directly with her. I texted her, to which she replied Get out. I replied that I would leave as soon as she announced the results. It's all prehistory. I always told her that I would take her with my daughter. I kept talking about my love all the time, backing up my words with deeds. So the question is: What should I do? I know that this situation is wrong initially, but I love her madly and want to make her happy (according to her, she is not happy with her husband, she blames her mother for forcing her to marry. When I asked if she loves her husband, she said no but she appreciates it). So give me advice to fight for it or leave this idea? I love her so much. I know that I am making a big mistake by strongly imposing on her, but I am afraid that if I am not with her constantly by her side, she will leave.

Hello Pavel!

You are absolutely right that you cannot force a person to love ... as well as to be with someone else. The situation is such that you are free to decide for yourself, and she for herself + daughter + husband. Therefore, she has the last word. Is there a big age difference between you? Maybe there are some values ​​for you and others for her .... The fact that her husband did not give her anything but flowers does not mean that he does not love her. And for a woman with a child, as a rule, it is the interests of the child that are very important (of course, women do not always understand and defend them correctly). If her husband did not suit her as a husband, father, master, person, a model of virtue, most likely she would have gone to you. But it seems to me that she is not satisfied with him (or not completely satisfied) only as a lover. So she chose you for the role of LOVER. And then ... Pasha, you know, you can’t like everything in a person 100%. Surely her husband has flaws, but there are virtues. But there are people who can put up with shortcomings and not notice them, and consider adultery humiliating for themselves, and there are those who believe that life is one and we must live it to the fullest! Both are entitled to respect. Apparently your girlfriend belongs to the second category. Respect her. Respect her choice.

However, you do not have to live in the role of a lover all your life. if you want your family and children. It is quite possible that after some time you will meet someone else ... with whom you want a family and she will answer the same ... And this does not mean that you have betrayed love .... She has remained in her place. And you moved on with your life.

Happiness to you!

Trotsenko Natalya Yurievna, psychologist Vladikavkaz

Good answer 3 bad answer 0

Sometimes we are faced with serious problems - we suffer, worry, and do not know how to act in difficult situations. life situations. Our life is sometimes unpredictable and fate often tests us for strength. Each person has his basic life principles, which he, at the very least, but tries to adhere to. And then suddenly such an unpredictable and wonderful feeling came - falling in love.

And you can’t brush it off, it doesn’t give your soul peace, because you fell in love with a girl who is married.

“Yes,” you say to yourself, “I fell in love with a married girl, and I don’t know what to do, and where is the way out of this situation?” That is, in other words, a love triangle has formed.

Having met a person - a girl and "reaching out to her with all my heart" it is difficult to think: does she have a husband, children - is she free. Let's agree: answer the questions honestly, without deceiving yourself in the first place. Your exit and your decision depend on this - the psychologist is only trying to help you understand yourself.

The state of mind of a young man who fell in love with a married girl

If you managed to fall in love with a girl who is not free, but married, which makes life and your meetings much more difficult. A really strong feeling that covered the man with his head - he does not understand what status his beloved is in. But, we can confidently say that in this case he will be overwhelmed by conflicting feelings. First, he wants a simple, very ordinary happy daily coexistence with her. Naturally, receiving reciprocity.

Secondly, the experience of constant remorse. Especially if there are children in her family (with her husband). It is clear that this situation for a man is not easy, ambiguous and complex. Fighting for his beloved, if he decides to go, obeying his first sensation, should be only when the feeling is really mutual, there is a common desire and goal. Only through joint efforts with this woman will he be able to ease his way out of this difficult situation.

Answering difficult questions

  1. The first and most important question is whether you have your own housing. If you don’t have your own home, where will you bring your beloved woman to build a family with her? What if she has a child? Wandering around rented apartments is not an option. Do not expect that the deceived husband will voluntarily show nobility and give you housing, and he himself will go nowhere - this does not happen.
  2. Are you ready to build a joint life with your beloved woman: in a month the first euphoria from your living together will pass. I will not reveal secrets if I say that the most terrible enemy of love is everyday life. Imagine your responsibilities, the problems that you, as a man, must solve. Are you ready to make sacrifices for this person? How well do you know her character? Perhaps something is already bothering you? Take a closer look at your chosen one. Better now, before the family is destroyed! Talk to your beloved, ask if she wants living together with you?
  3. Ask yourself: “If she left her husband for me, where is the guarantee that this will not happen to me again?” Put yourself in the place of a deceived husband! Pleasantly? I think it's unlikely. It is not for nothing that the phrase that has set the teeth on edge sounds: “You cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune.” Even if your woman speaks badly about her husband, this does not mean that he really is like that. I don’t argue, maybe she doesn’t have vivid feelings for her husband, maybe there is friendship-love: this is not a reason to get into a person’s personal life. And if a child loves his father, imagine: maybe the child will never accept you! Children are maximalists. Can you love someone else's child yourself? It's complicated.
  4. When a girl got married, she certainly loved this man who became her husband, once she bore him a child, and even more so - children. If there is no child in the family, this, of course, simplifies the task, but does not solve it. It all depends on her attitude towards you: will she be afraid to drastically change her life? The majority of people do not want to change their lives, it scares them. Do not rush your beloved with a choice - here only time and your perseverance from afar will help you.
  • Love from afar. The family should not be destroyed. There are simply no men who would not experience such a feeling as jealousy. There are those who do not make scandals over trifles.
    In the event that the husband notices that an outside man is giving his wife great attention, caring for her, and she encourages him, a scandal in the family cannot be avoided. In this case, it will be difficult to continue your communication with your beloved. She could be hurt a lot.
  • It is necessary to be with your beloved until the “very end”, despite her status as a married woman. The beloved girl is married, but her feelings for her husband have cooled down or completely disappeared. Moreover, her husband has the same attitude towards her - love has passed, but there is a common habit. In this case, a man is recommended not to stop and seek her, the only one, arranging his and her happiness by marrying her. Perhaps this time everything will be fine for both: both him and the girl he loves. Otherwise, if the creation of a family is not included in the plans, then the man should not “break” her family.
  • If the beloved, who is strongly attached to the father, and the relationship with the mother’s friend does not add up, then in this case, the woman should be left with her legal spouse. The happiness of a woman with a new chosen one will not work because of a child whose interests are a priority for her. In addition, not every man who is in love with a woman who has already “married” is able to fall in love with her child from ex-husband. Is it worth it in this case to seriously seek a woman, taking her away from the family? In this case, psychologists suggest limiting yourself to light, non-binding flirting.
  • When caring for a girl who is legally married, it is worth finding out her desire. It is possible that from her husband, a woman with whom an outsider is in love (friend, colleague, acquaintance) receives less attention. And she needs it. It is important for her to understand and feel that she is loved, desired and necessary in her husband's life. If there is respect in the family, she will not leave her husband, and she will not take a man in love with her “seriously”. So, she flirts a little with him, accepting his courtship. Torture him and leave him with nothing.
  • It is possible that a married lady has secret dreams that her husband cannot fulfill or does not have the desire to fulfill. Then, the gentleman in love with her should find out: what are these secrets and implement them as much as possible. It is highly likely that such actions on the part of a man in love will lead to her becoming interested in him, which, after some time, may develop into something more, but this usually works with mercantile women.
  • A man in love with a married girl should build a plan of action to “conquer” her so as not to harm the reputation of both the woman and his own. At the same time, the desires of her child should also be taken into account, if he was born in her marriage to her husband.
    In this case, the risk that their romance will be declassified is minimal. Especially if a joint future is not included in their common plans.
  • Pay attention to the girl free from all sorts of obligations. When conquering a woman whose status is “married”, a man in love with her must be prepared for the fact that he can be beaten. And, in the truest sense of the word. If he understands that such an impact on the part of her husband will not be avoided, and he will not be able to respond in the same way, as a result of which his health will be harmed, then he should leave this idea - to look after and show signs of attention to this woman. It is better to get acquainted with a young charmer - thereby, trying to forget the object of your desires.

It is difficult to love a married woman - a man must find a way out himself

  1. Firstly, in the case of falling in love with a married woman, you should not make decisions hastily, without considering such a situation from all sides and without weighing all the consequences.
  2. Secondly, if you are confident in yourself and your feelings, you should tell your beloved, but already married girl about them. Let her decide who she needs more in life companions.
  3. Thirdly, with your problems, you should contact a specialist psychologist or consult with a person you can trust.
  4. Fourth, you should always be prepared for the fact that meetings (until she decides on a choice) will be very rare. On holidays, evenings, weekends - she will stay with her husband. The girl will also decide and plan meetings, because she is not free.
  5. Fifthly, the material question is also important. If the husband is rich and generous, then it is practically impossible to win the favor of his wife.
  6. Sixth, and last. In the world there is a huge number of beautiful, smart, economic, single girls and women of all ages, nationalities and specialties who have been married and do not know at all family life. Among them, you can definitely meet one that can help cope with the problem of falling in love with an already married woman who has everything - both a husband and a child.

We must try to start new life, seek your destiny. Yes, it is difficult and it burns in the chest and hands drop - it will pass! Men can also cry, but only so that no one sees! Crying is not a shame, only people with a heart of stone do not cry, and if the heart knows how to love, then it is alive, and not a stone at all. Do not break someone else's life - tomorrow yours will be under threat!

Hello, my name is Semyon, I am 35 years old, married, two beautiful daughters. Good job, paid. Everything seems to be going great in life. Only 3 months ago I was struck like lightning and I stopped seeing at least some meaning in my life. Really constant thoughts of leaving and not feeling anymore...
Forgive me if I write a lot, but I just have no one else to speak out, an adult man will not run to a psychologist, friends are also not an option, his wife is definitely not, and now you will understand why.
In 2001, I met a wonderful girl, she was 18 years old, she came to my city to study at the institute, I was 23 years old and I already lived separately from my parents, I rented an apartment. We started a relationship and a year later we began to live together. We met for 7 years. We loved each other very much, we were extremely happy and parted, one might say stupidly ... I suffered a lot, did not know what to do, I looked for a meeting with her everywhere, but she always avoided me, changed her number, moved and disappeared from my life. She flew home without even taking her things and we did not see each other until recently. And by chance, it happened at work. You should have seen our faces when our eyes met... My world turned upside down at that moment. Like married (to the complete opposite ex girlfriend), gave birth to children, thought calmed down, when suddenly everything lit up again. She recently turned 30, got married a year ago, and is happy. We went to dinner with her after work (both spouses). Her husband does not have a soul in her, you can see a good, decent man, cheerful, and she looks at him lovingly. I was so jealous of her, so jealous! And I was angry at the same time! I could hardly hold on, I didn’t know how to behave, I just wanted to take her hand and take her out of there, shout at her why she did that then, shake her shoulders, just find out why she did this to me, damn it, for what!!! After dinner they parted, in the morning they went to work. I couldn’t sleep a damn thing, I call her, I say if she can meet, she doesn’t understand anything, but agreed. Time 3 hours. I had a decent amount of alcohol in the restaurant, and at home I poured myself with whiskey, told her everything, burst into tears, can you imagine, this has never happened to me. She stands silent and also sheds tears. She hugged me. I told her, “Will you come back to me?”, She began about the fact that I am married and have children, that she is already married and so much time has been lost. I told her firmly that I would divorce my wife, but I would see the children, but I love her and that's it. She began to cry, shaking her head. So we both stood in the street and both cried. Then they got into the car, calmed down, she said that I would not see her again, and in vain she came at all. I'm an idiot kissing her began. But she stopped me, hugged me, said that she LOVED (!!!) and left! I sat like this in the car until the morning. Then I went to work, with flowers, I thought that she agreed to be with me again. And she's not there. And that's it. She disappeared again. Just sent a sms to not look. And that's it. All this time I can not find a place for myself. I really love her, though, so many years have passed, but I still love her! What should I do, people?! The wife, to be honest, is beautiful, thanks for the children, but a fool is a fool! I can't be with her! I wanted to live separately, but I can’t live without my daughters. Thinking about suicide, already had one attempt.<Способ суицида - ред.мод.>, in the end, just wildly vomited and dizzy. Nothing good from me! And then recently I found out her address and a new phone number! But I'm afraid to call, I'm afraid that he will disappear again! What to do?! What should I do?! I'm in total despair! Help please...
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Semyon, age: 35/09/29/2014


She loves her husband. Wish her happiness. What's the point of following her?
Your problem is rather that you married a woman with whom you have nothing to talk about. From your letter it follows that you do not have spiritual intimacy with her. It is possible that you married the wrong woman, and now everything is complicated by the presence of children Your only choice is to live on in this marriage or get a divorce. No one can decide this for you, but I strongly recommend that you wait a year and see how you feel in a year when the emotions from meeting this woman subside. Now, under the influence of emotions, your decisions will not be adequate, and your wife will most likely begin to annoy you greatly.
As for psychologists, this is your false pride. You earn not badly and just a psychologist could help you. I myself study psychology in England and I can say that different psychologists work in different directions. You need to find your specialist and decide with who is easier for you talk to a man or a woman. If you don’t like a specialist, go to another until you find yours. You pay them money and they are obliged to maintain confidentiality. You are an ordinary client for them (hundreds of clients pass through them) and nothing more. Just to a stranger and it’s easier to speak out and everything said will remain between you. It’s definitely better than committing suicide. Give yourself a chance! Also remember that consciousness does not die with death and all your earthly problems and your love may appear before you in a completely different light, and your children will not understand your act at all. They will decide that you loved some aunt more than them. Agree that voluntary departure to the other world is still a betrayal of your children. Almost all people in this world have experienced unhappy love, but do not kill yourself because of this. At 35, you you may not understand that once you meet a new mutual love, you will immediately forget about the old one.

sk , age: 34 / 09/29/2014

Semyon, she is happy with her husband, and you are responsible for the family. Men must be stronger than passions, you must protect love, family, people who trust you - wives, children. Sad.

Katya, age: 28 / 29.09.2014

Dear Simon! Leave the girl alone. She doesn't want to be with you, and she's right. You can't build your happiness on someone else's misfortune. And this is the pure truth, suffered by many people. Do not think that you and your case are unique - many people before you thought so, the people did not take this saying out of thin air.
The fact that she said that she loves you is on emotions. When you see a person for whom you once had strong feelings, and this person also cries and says that he still loves ... so she broke out to console you. But this is a pity, nothing more.
Now there really is no turning back, and she explained it to you as best she could. Believe me, if she loved you, then she would not have disappeared, she would not have left. When you love, no matter how strong the offense may be, you still secretly hope for reconciliation. Truth?
The fact that after a silly, as it seems to you, quarrel, she changed all contacts and left - suggests that perhaps your relationship did not seem to her as cloudless as you.
Someone else's soul is dark, so judge better by actions. Judging by this act of hers and by the fact that she did not give any news about herself all these years ... draw your own conclusion.
And now - well, she doesn't want to see each other anymore, you understand? She even left work.
Therefore, Semyon, there is no need to look for her. And you don't have to destroy your family either. It is always easy to destroy, it is more difficult to build. For the sake of your daughters, live together with your wife. Gradually all this will subside. Youthful love is strong, yeah Because there is love, and also nostalgia for youth. But if you understand this, then it will be easier to cope.
Hold on! God help.

Olga, age: 09/26/2014

Hello, Semyon! let your passions subside ... she really loves her husband and will not leave him, even though she has warm feelings for you, because it is impossible to erase the memories of the person with whom she was together 7 years! Forgive her for what she did, and forgive yourself! You say that you love your daughters and cannot live without them, so you live for them, for them, how old are they now? They need you. And with your wife ... now she will cause you negative emotions, you will see only shortcomings, but you fell in love with her for something, try to remember for what, for what qualities, remind yourself. And if you understand that it doesn’t work out, well ... the decision to divorce or not to accept ... is only up to you.

lisizzz , age: 09/24/2014

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Like, this is their essence - an already established stereotype. Meanwhile, according to some data from sociological studies, lovely ladies change more often than representatives of the powerful. And all why? The answer is unequivocal - they are dissatisfied with their lives.

Husband - wife - lover

No matter what they say, but in a woman nature has a family instinct, to be the keeper of the hearth in her genes. And if she is in happy marriage, so why should she go "to the left"? In youth, bed pranks can somehow be attributed to, so to speak, sexual knowledge of the world and forgive it. However, if a woman 30+ gets herself a lover, this is already a serious reason to think: “Why?”. Menage a trois (cohabitation of a woman with two men) is a rather explosive combination and can threaten the family with certain problems.

12. Perseverance of the cavalier. Throughout her life, every lady (regardless of whether she is married or not) from time to time has admirers in love with her. Someone, having received a refusal, sets off to look for a more accessible and free lady of the heart. But there are types for which to win this particular woman becomes an obsession. And they attack with the stubbornness of a maniac: flowers, restaurants, signs of attention, or sign up as her friends and wait for an opportunity: who knows, maybe he will drink too much and give up, or simply give up and give in over time, in a word, like hunters - they wait.

13. Of course, it is impossible not to mention about love. Having fallen in love, ladies rush into feelings with their heads.

What to do?


Agree, a menage a trois for a woman cannot last long. As emotional beings, ladies are experiencing the current situation and are in constant internal throwing. Almost all women want to live in love and harmony, have a happy normal family. And it is clear that sooner or later you will have to make a choice. If a woman is satisfied with the current situation and even receives a certain pleasure from this tripartite union, then apparently it is worth asking herself the question: “Which of the two do I love?” To be honest, I think the answer will be: "No one." Here it is by no means spiritual impulses that dominate, but more mundane reasons for adultery and there is nothing to do.


Men are less tolerant of the wife's adventures to the left than women in a similar situation. Still, by their nature, they are much larger owners. Therefore, upon learning about adultery, most of them immediately decide to deal with it. Everyone chooses their own path: someone immediately puts the sweetheart out the door or leaves himself, someone in revenge also goes on a love voyage, and someone decides to fight for his wife. And the methods here are different: from the demonstrative ability not to notice the adventures of a life partner to “clean her face” or “fill his face” with him. What to choose? Will extreme measures work? And what if the spouse regrets the “offended”, and considers her husband a “rude animal”? Is it possible to endure all this? It all depends on the character and feelings for the spouse. Or maybe she will not be interested in playing extramarital games. In any case, it is worthwhile to “work on the mistakes”, to understand what is the reason. If the wife didn’t have enough attention, then give it to her, if there wasn’t enough sex - try to surprise ... But if pride does not allow you to accept the situation, and you feel that you are unable to forgive the “traitor”, then perhaps you should accept the sad, but correct separation decision. Otherwise, it will always stand between you.