
Dry egg yolk. Production of dry egg yolk, useful substances in it, the use of this product in cooking and its contraindications Where dry egg yolk is used

breast cancer

Chilled egg yolk is made without additives and with the addition of salt.
    Shelf life - 28 days.
    Packed in aseptic packaging with a volume of 20 l and 1 t.
    The shelf life of frozen liquid egg yolk is 6 to 15 months.
    It is packed up in aseptic packing of 20 l.
    Previously, raw egg yolk was used as an emulsifier for the production of various food products. At the moment of kneading, the eggs were broken by hand, the yolks were separated from the proteins and introduced into the product. One kilogram of dry yolk replaces 125 egg yolks.
    Now dry egg yolk is obtained after mechanical separation of fresh eggs and subsequent filtration, pasteurization and spray drying. Raw yolk consists of two main fractions: plasma, which is 38%, and granules suspended in it (12%). Egg yolk has very good microbiological parameters, in fact it is completely aseptic, which implies the possibility of increasing the shelf life of finished products up to 15 months.
    New egg ingredients for high quality mayonnaises.
    Mayonnaise is the most important food product ubiquitous in the consumer market. Traditionally, the fat content is up to 80%, and low-fat mayonnaises with a fat content of 50% to 0% have been on sale for several years. Mayonnaise is an acidic oil-water emulsion; various stabilizers (polysaccharides) are included in mayonnaise formulations to stabilize the emulsion.
                        Stable quality and reduced price are the main factors for the production of standard mayonnaise, and the low consumption of egg yolk, the most expensive component in the mayonnaise recipe, attracts the attention of the manufacturer.
    The main emulsifier in egg yolk is the phospholipid fraction, consisting of 500 phospholipid molecules on a protein carrier. Unilever's 1974 patent (UK 50958/74, US 4,034,124) reports that partial hydrolysis of egg yolk lipoproteins by porcine pancreatic phospholipase PLA2 (PLA2, EC 3.1. yolk. Later, a group of scientists (Plückthun, A. and Dennis, E.A. (1982) Acyl and phosphoryl migration in lysophospholipids: importance in phospholipids synthesis and phospholipase activity, Biochemistry 21, 1743-1750) demonstrated that acyl migration occurs readily in lysolecithin, and in part hydrolyzed egg yolk contains a mixture of sn-1 and sn-2 lysophospholipids in a ratio of 9:1, it does not matter which enzyme the egg yolk was treated with - PLA2 phospholipase or PLA1 microbial phospholipase (source of which is Aspergillus oryzae). However, due to the fact that the arrangement of fatty acids in egg yolk phospholipids is asymmetric (50% saturated fatty acids in the sn-1 position, 50% unsaturated fatty acids in the sn-2 position), mayonnaise based on partially hydrolyzed egg yolk formed by phospholipase PLA2, has a higher viscosity (like mayonnaise made from natural egg yolk) than mayonnaise based on egg yolk formed by PLA1 phospholipase. Mayonnaise manufacturers prefer to use egg yolk formed by PLA2 phospholipase, as this reduces the cost of the finished product due to maximizing viscosity and stability.
    Belovo's specially developed egg yolk powder (with code EYP-MRT) ( is excellent for use.
    It consists of 8% salt, 4% glucose syrup. The level of hydrolysis reaches 75 ± 5% of the total hydrolysis of the LDL fraction in egg yolk plasma. Depending on the type of mayonnaise (high-fat, medium-fat, low-fat) prepared on the basis of EYP-MRT egg powder and the type of polysaccharide stabilizer, according to the recipe, it is possible to reduce the amount of egg yolk from 75% to 50%.
    Another product of interest to manufacturers of mayonnaise and low-fat substitutes is Belovo Egg White Lysozyme (E.C., E.E.C. Serial No: E1105). Lysozyme is added to mayonnaise when it is contaminated with spore-forming microorganisms at 10-20 ppm. Lysozyme has proved to be a cost-effective promising preservative for the food industry.
    Egg yolk powder.
    This is a product obtained after the mechanical separation of fresh eggs, subjected to a process of filtration, pasteurization and spray drying. The yolk consists of two main fractions: plasma, which is 38%, and granules suspended in it (12%). Egg yolk, which meets European quality standards, has very good microbiological parameters (Table 3), is actually completely aseptic, which implies the possibility of increasing the shelf life of finished products.

Chicken eggs are on the list of one of the most popular and widespread food products on the entire planet Earth. People began to eat bird eggs even at the initial stage of the development of human civilization, when gathering, hunting and fishing were the main ways of obtaining food. Chicken eggs, however, like other types, consist of two main parts - protein and yolk.

It is worth noting that the qualitative composition of the protein, as well as the yolk of eggs, is different. The yolk accounts for about 33% of the so-called liquid content of a chicken egg. The calorie content of the yolk is almost three times higher than the protein. The chemical composition of the yolk contains protein, fats, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.

Of particular value in the composition of the yolk are polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The yolk is enriched with linoleic, palmitic, oleic, linolenic, stearic and other acids, which play an important role in human life processes. Due to its color and shape, in ancient times the egg yolk was identified with the sun.

Remarkably, already in those days, our ancestors knew about the beneficial properties of eggs in general and yolks in particular. A vivid illustration of the importance of such a product as eggs can be judged by folk traditions. The pagans sacrificed eggs to their gods. Until our time, all Orthodox Christians of the world traditionally paint eggs on Easter and serve them to the festive table.

Eggs occupy an important place in the global culinary tradition. On the basis of eggs, a myriad of various culinary products are made. Eggs are boiled, baked, fried, and also used raw or fresh. Without eggs, it is impossible to cook many dishes, including drinks and pastries.

Currently, in the baking and confectionery industry, such a product as egg powder or dry egg yolk, as well as protein, is increasingly being used. Dry egg yolk is in demand due to several reasons. Perhaps the main advantages of dry egg yolk are the distinctive consumer characteristics of the product.

A dried egg yolk can retain its nutritional and nutritional properties for a much longer period of time than a fresh product. In the process of making dry egg yolk, a whole chicken egg is separated into protein and yolk. at a further stage of production, the yolk is subjected to special processing, which includes several stages - homogenization, pasteurization, filtration, and drying.

At its core, dry egg yolk is a powdery substance that is a food product that is distinguished by a uniform consistency, as well as a pale yellow color. Usually dry egg yolk is used for the production of sauces, as well as mayonnaise. It is noteworthy that just one kilogram of dry egg yolk can replace over a hundred fresh chicken eggs.

Not so long ago, in the food industry, the role of an emulsifier was performed by an ordinary egg yolk. Eggs, as you know, are not the most “convenient product”, they are fragile and need careful transportation and special storage conditions, and also quickly deteriorate. To get rid of these problems, technologists have invented a new product - dry egg yolk. Today it is used throughout the food industry due to its high nutritional properties, low cost and ease of use. Its cost is quite acceptable, so it is advantageous to purchase it in bulk for use on an industrial scale.

Outwardly, it is a powdery product of yellow-orange color, with easily falling apart lumps. The taste and color coincides with the original product - natural yolk, so many manufacturers decide to buy fermented egg yolk today. Its use can significantly reduce production costs, speed up this process and improve the taste and appearance of finished products.

The process of making egg yolk

A chicken egg is divided into yolks and proteins. Then it is dried and a powder is obtained by spraying with hot drying at a temperature of 125C. At the same time, the egg mass itself does not heat up by more than 50C. The resulting consistency is sorted into egg yolks and whites and albumin. Dry egg yolk contains no more than 5% moisture, so it can be stored for more than a year. All this time, it retains the properties and benefits of an ordinary yolk, as well as its color and composition.

At the same time, it is much more convenient in operation, because there is no need to separate the yolk and protein, to remove the remains of the shell. On an industrial scale, these advantages are especially noticeable when it comes to the production of thousands of finished products per day.

Composition and properties

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 623 kcal.

The composition includes vitamins of groups A, B, E, D, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Eating this product is really useful, because dry fermented yolk improves the condition of hair and skin.

Vitamin D is indispensable for those who do not have the opportunity to spend enough time in the sun. It improves the absorption of calcium in the body, and therefore, for the condition of teeth and nails. The yolk also contains iron, which is necessary to maintain the vitality of the body, prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

The choline and lecithin included in the product are required to normalize liver function and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Thus, dry yolk is good for health, so it can be used in the food industry without fear.

Dry egg yolk pasteurized - scope

This product is one of the main components of mayonnaise, pasta, sauces. It is used in meat and confectionery production. You can buy pasteurized egg yolk inexpensively and profitably at Rusnab.

Fermented dry egg yolk - benefits in use:

  • reducing the cost of products,
  • improving the efficiency of technological processes,
  • reduction of production space,
  • improving the quality of finished products,
  • improving the appearance of products.

Just one kilogram of egg powder can replace 90 eggs, so almost all large and small manufacturers of a whole range of products decide to buy pasteurized dry egg yolk.

Where to buy dry egg yolk

Today, dry fermented egg yolk can be purchased in specialized departments for confectioners, as well as in companies supplying raw materials for the food industry. RUSNAB LLC offers favorable terms of cooperation.

Our clients are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses who value high quality. We offer attractive working conditions to all wholesale customers and look forward to a fruitful and long-term partnership.

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Egg powder - in everyday cooking can save money and space in the refrigerator. Dishes made from melange (egg substitute) are tasty, have many benefits, as it retains all the valuable minerals of eggs. Read on to find out how to cook it yourself, in what recipes to use it.

What is egg powder

Dry melange, better known as egg powder, is an egg concentrate that is made from natural eggs processed into a crumbly powder mixture. Many people prefer the product to fresh eggs, because the shelf life is very long, and the bacteria and viruses that can be in eggs are eliminated in the powder due to heat treatment. At the same time, melange in dishes has the same properties and taste as ordinary eggs, but it is much more convenient to store it, and it is more profitable to use it.

Composition of egg powder

Egg powder contains only pasteurized eggs: whites and yolks. The calorie content of the product is 549 kcal per 100 g, while 280 grams of melange is equivalent to a kilogram of fresh eggs. The powder retains all the beneficial substances and minerals that eggs are rich in, but eliminates the risk of infection with salmonella and other bacteria. The main differences of high-quality melange:

  • It dissolves well in water. Lumps are a sign of improper storage, excessive moisture.
  • Color yellow, pale. A brown tint means that the powder is of poor quality, it can spoil the taste of the dish.
  • The taste of the dish is natural, egg. If you feel a burnt or other strange aftertaste, this is a manufacturing error or a consequence of storage at too high a temperature.

What can be prepared from egg powder

The range of application of melange is diverse: it is bought in bulk in factories, it replaces eggs, it is added to all bakery, confectionery products, semi-finished products, sauces. At home, egg melange can be used for pastries, sweets and cakes, meat batter and delicious natural mayonnaise. How to use egg powder: you need to dilute the right amount with liquid, season and let stand for a few minutes to swell. Here are easy recipes with egg powder so you can appreciate the taste and culinary possibilities.

Egg powder omelet

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, as a side dish.
  • Cuisine: international.

The recipe for an omelet from egg powder will be mastered by any housewife. The technology is very simple, the main thing is a good, dry concentrate and milk. It is good to cook such a dish for a large company, increasing the proportions: the omelet comes out lush, soft, with a rich taste. If you add vegetables, mushrooms or croutons, you get a full hearty breakfast, you can serve it with herbs and grated cheese. How to cook an omelette from egg powder, read on.


  • melange - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • salt pepper;
  • butter or vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the powder with milk, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, cover with a lid, let it swell for about 20 minutes.
  2. Season with salt and pepper, mix again gently.
  3. Heat the pan with oil, pour the mixture, fry under the lid over low heat until cooked.

Pancakes with egg powder

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

For pancakes on egg powder, you will need milk, flour and dry yeast. This method helps to save a lot and try a new, interesting taste of a familiar dish. We offer a classic version of sweet pancakes, which will turn out thin and golden. You can also make salty by adding spices, chopped herbs. Use sunflower or olive oil for frying.


  • melange - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 800 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • butter for lubrication.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour into a deep bowl, mix with melange, yeast, sugar, salt.
  2. Dilute the dry mixture with milk and water, mix with a whisk. The dough should be like thick sour cream, if necessary, add more flour and stir.
  3. Cover the bowl with cling film or a towel and leave for half an hour.
  4. Heat the pan well, heat the oil. Pour a little of the mixture with a ladle, spread over the entire pan, fry until small bubbles appear, then turn over.
  5. Put the finished pancakes on a plate, lightly brushing the edges with butter.

Egg Powder Biscuit

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

It takes a lot of eggs to make a biscuit, but melange can completely replace them. Egg powder biscuit is well suited for tall cakes, soaked in cream and syrup, it turns out tender and soft. Ingredients needed for this: water, flour, sugar and vanillin for flavor. You can cook in a conventional oven or in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode.


  • melange - 70 g;
  • water - 210 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 180 g (1 cup);
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Melange dilute with water in a deep bowl, add sugar. For a biscuit, you need a uniform, dense consistency, so it is better to dilute by whipping with a blender at medium speed. The mass should increase well in volume. Then let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  2. Sift flour with vanilla, baking powder, mix, pour into the liquid mass, mix well with a blender or whisk.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour the dough into a mold, oiled or lined with parchment. Bake 40 minutes.

How to make egg powder at home

Egg powder dishes are tasty, nutritious, and everyone can cook egg powder at home, which is its obvious advantage. You can personally verify the quality and composition of the finished product and fully control the conditions of its storage, moreover, eating dishes with dry eggs is always safe.

Self-preparation of melange is not the easiest and fastest procedure. To make it, you only need fresh chicken eggs, 20 pieces for preparing the powder for future use, 10 for the first sample. Important: Do not use any additives or oil to grease the baking sheet, this will affect the shelf life and taste of the powder. The first stage of preparing melange allows several ways:

  1. In a dehydrator: if you have a special apparatus for drying food, it will be most convenient to make powder in it. Each of the dehydrator trays holds about 5 whole eggs, so it's best to separate them before breaking. Eggs should be shaken until foamy, and poured into trays on the lining in a thin layer. Dry for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 50-60 degrees to a dry, crumbling mixture.
  2. In the oven: suitable if the minimum temperature of your oven is not higher than 77 degrees. The principle of preparation is the same. Place a mass of 10 eggs on one baking sheet, dry them at a temperature of 50-70 degrees (depending on the capabilities of the oven) for about 10 hours, while stirring the mass every hour. Readiness is determined by the hardness and dryness of the crumbs.
  3. With the help of improvised means: many housewives have adapted to dry eggs on a radiator or on top of the refrigerator, at the back wall, over warm steam from a compressor. To do this, you need to use small flat plates or trays, pour the right amount of beaten eggs into them (2-3 pieces per plate).

After completing the first step, proceed to the second. Use a blender or food processor to crumble the mixture and store in a dry, airtight container until use. For a spicy taste, add a teaspoon of mustard powder to the melange. For baking - vanillin or vanilla sugar, cinnamon, which will make it more fragrant.
