
How does Jennifer Aniston watch her figure? Trainer Jennifer Aniston revealed several secrets of the star's ideal figure. What is the essence of the Aniston diet


Jennifer Aniston, in an interview with People, talks about how she keeps herself in shape, and also shares the secrets of motivation, youth and well-being.

The 46-year-old smart and beautiful woman is not in vain considered one of the sexiest and slender women on the planet! At her age, the actress leads an active lifestyle, carefully monitors her figure and, most importantly, is guided by the right message, which is that only a happy woman can be beautiful. In a new interview with People magazine, Jennifer admitted that age is not a barrier for her and is not a hindrance at all; even at 80, she plans to flaunt in a bikini:

"If I'm the first 80-year-old woman to look gorgeous in a bikini, well... I'm ready!"- the beauty laughs.

We willingly believe that it will be so, because in order to look so attractive, Jen makes a lot of efforts: she regularly goes in for fitness, chooses only fresh natural products, and also knows how to relax in a quality way:

“Healthy nutrition and constant physical activity are something I cannot live without even a day, for many years now. This is really my second "I", - the actress shares.

To always be in good shape, Aniston visits an infrared sauna, takes care of the body and face, and also gets enough sleep. The actress considers the main secret of beauty... female happiness:

“I take care of my skin, take care of it, which is why I don’t sunbathe much and try not to be in direct sunlight for a long time. In general, to feel young and beautiful, you just need to be happy!”, - the star of “Friends” is sure.

The best motivation for Jennifer is that wonderful joyful feeling and sense of freedom that she gets after exercising.

“After classes I feel just great. And this is the best motivation, believe me. When it’s raining and cold outside, I force myself to go to the gym, which is not easy, but when I remember that wonderful feeling that I experience after a workout, the blues are gone!”, - the actress shares.

During training, the star is accompanied by her husband, an actor. Justin Ter y, who sometimes misses classes, but still sticks to it. According to Aniston, Justin is one of those lucky people who doesn't necessarily have to adhere to a strict fitness regime:

“This is so unfair! He is very lucky with his genetics, his luxurious figure is a real gift from God! He can skip classes at the gym, but he will still be in shape.”“,” Aniston says with a smile.

Let us remind you that recently: the star dyed her hair and became similar to her heroine from the TV series “Friends” - Rachel Green, who made her famous throughout the world.

Hollywood film actress Jennifer Aniston always looks stunning and impressive, and this at 45 years old. The celebrity has repeatedly admitted that diet and exercise help her maintain a slender toned body. Thick hair, perfect skin, radiant eye color and a magnificent figure - time has stopped for her! Is there a secret to her charm? Need to figure it out.

Beauty secrets of Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer started following various diets in her teens. It was her curvaceous figure that prevented her from achieving success with directors. Therefore, the girl from the very beginning of her career has been fighting extra pounds.

For the recently released film We're the Millers, the actress had to tighten up her diet as she played the role of a stripper. Her daily diet consisted of vegetables, herbs and lean meat. But Jen understood that one cannot achieve an ideal figure with a diet, so she chose a special program for herself called “yogalosophy” - this is a combination of yoga asanas with cardio loads. The fragile one is also a fan of this training method.

Jennifer Aniston parameters

The actress's height is 166 cm and her weight is 50 kg. Jennifer Aniston's figure parameters are almost ideal - “91-59-90”. Diets, gym, yoga, but there is something else that helps the star look younger than his years and stay in great shape. A miracle cocktail of fresh vegetables, which the actress consumes once a week, making a fasting day.

Remember the recipe that will help give your body a good shake:

  1. In a centrifuge, chop 6 cucumbers, 3 large beets, a head of cabbage, 4 carrots, two bunches of spinach, celery, ginger, garlic and parsley.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into a glass jar and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Drink all day, and do not eat anything else.

As you can see, Jennifer Aniston makes great efforts to maintain her beauty. But her secrets are simple and very healthy!

Jennifer Aniston is now 46 years old. However, the appearance of a movie star can be the envy of many women who are even much younger than her. Jennifer does not hesitate to show off her great figure in open dresses on the red carpet. The actress's longtime trainer, Mandy Ingber, decided to reveal Jennifer's beauty secret.

According to Mandy, the actress works with her three times a week. The workout consists of 20-25 minutes of spinning (bicycle aerobics) followed by 45 minutes of yoga, the name of which is yogolosophy. The program combines both familiar asanas and dynamic exercises. It was under this program that Victoria Beckham lost weight after the birth of her last two children.

On other days, Aniston either spends 40 minutes on a stationary bike, or runs for 10 minutes, and then spins for the same amount. At the same time, when Jennifer is forced to leave somewhere, she always takes 3.5-kilogram dumbbells with her to work out her hands.

Ingber also gave advice on how to easily get rid of sagging skin on the arms and work out the triceps. For the exercise, a medicine ball (a weighted ball filled with sand, sawdust or gel) is best suited. But beginners can also use a soccer ball. Take the medicine ball in both palms and straighten your arms above your head. Do not bring your elbows together. Keeping your arms vertical, push the ball back by bending your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Return to starting position. Repeat 12-15 times. Rest and do one more approach.

But it's not just about training: Aniston's diet is chicken, turkey, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, green salad, nuts. The actress uses only olive oil. But there are also taboos: potatoes, pasta, rice, caffeine, preservatives will never get on Jennifer's plate. In addition, she constantly undergoes cleansing procedures and takes vitamins.

The star also drinks a very healthy smoothie on Saturdays. Nutritionist Jeannette Jackson claims that the cocktail is very useful and cleanses the body well.

cocktail recipe

six cucumbers
Three large beets
Two bunches of spinach
Fresh garlic and ginger
One organic carrot
celery stick

Squeeze all the vegetables in a juicer. Add some cayenne pepper and herbs such as parsley to make the smoothie taste like vegetable soup.
Refrigerate the juice and drink throughout the day.

The advantages of such a training system are obvious: you don’t need a special place for this, you just need to set aside time and practice at home. And then a figure like Jennifer Aniston’s won’t keep you waiting!

You, of course, remember the fragile and thin Rachel from the first seasons of Friends, and perhaps better than the current Aniston. From that girl with a voluminous bob (or with lush waves - we also saw the actress with this hairstyle on the screen), brown lipstick from the 90s and a petite figure, there is now little left - on the contrary, now she is a strong, strong woman who cares about the beauty of her face , hair, body, radiates health and therefore sexuality. She is in no way inferior to the “ageless” supermodels of her generation like Elle Macpherson, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and is happy to demonstrate that she is still capable of much - for example, a couple of years ago she amazed the audience with an enviable toned figure, which she demonstrated by dancing a striptease in the comedy "We're the Millers."

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  • The secret of Jennifer Aniston's youth is half good genes (as the actress said in an interview with Bobbi Brown, her father, who is over 80 years old, is Greek, and at this age he has almost no wrinkles) and another half - competent skin care, based which is hydration. It is important to moisturize the skin not only with the help of beauty products, but also “from the inside” - drink a lot of water.
  • According to Aniston, she does not follow the example of many other Hollywood celebrities who try to stop time through plastic surgery and “beauty injections.” By the way, her fiancé Justin Theroux does not allow her to do this either. The actress’s opinion is that women only look older after these procedures, and also reveal themselves as weak individuals who cannot courageously accept the laws of nature.
  • Unlike many other stars, Jennifer's makeup says a decisive “no” to red lipstick. The actress believes that only those with a very light blonde, close to platinum, can afford to wear it. Aniston is sure that such an emphasis on her lips is contraindicated for her, with bronze skin and the effect of bleached hair.

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  • A ladder cut, invariably shiny and perfectly smooth hair is part of Aniston’s recognizable image. Doing the same hairstyle as the actress's on her own is not so difficult - all she had to do was learn how to use a hairdryer and a round brush correctly and alone. The knowledge was passed on to her by celebrity stylist Chris McMillian.
  • To keep her hair looking beautiful and healthy, Jennifer regularly makes hair masks. She considers their use necessary also because the star highlights some of her strands to create the impression that she has just returned from a trip to sunny lands.


  • Jennifer rarely has to force herself to go to work out - because she doesn't stop at the same type of activity. The actress loves variety - she works out on exercise machines, rides a bike, and attends yoga classes. Every time there is something new, the body never knows what will happen next, and the mind does not get bored of regularly doing the same thing.
  • Without a healthy diet, Jennifer considers neither the health of the body, nor the slimness, nor the beauty of the skin unthinkable. This celebrity's choice is a diet full of organic foods. She allows herself fast food only in the most extreme cases, and then with reluctance - the body, cleansed of toxins, does not react in the best way to “fast” food.
0 July 30, 2016, 2:43 pm

People magazine named her the woman in the world, and Men's Health awarded her the title of "sexiest." How does the 47-year-old actress manage to become more beautiful and sexier every year, while remaining natural? The actress in an interview spoke about her anti-aging care and how she manages to become more beautiful and elegant over time.Remember Jennifer Aniston's beauty secrets.

1 Train the muscles on your face, no need to paralyze them

Aniston notes that many people are too keen on Botox and plastic surgery.

Why do you need the muscles to be paralyzed? If you don't train them, they will eventually weaken,

The actress thinks.

In order to keep the skin smooth and toned, she performs microcurrent facial therapy (a physiotherapeutic procedure that has an equally beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body, the muscle layer and local blood circulation, does not cause complications and has no rehabilitation period). It's like a facial exercise that stimulates muscles, moisturizes and tones the skin.

2 Focus on skin texture rather than wrinkles

I like the Clear and Brilliant fractional laser (a sensitive tool that allows you to control the strength and depth of the effect - editor's note), it takes little time, is very refreshing for the face and after the procedure you don't look like a tomato without a peel,

The actress said and added that she considers the radiance of the skin much more important than immobilizing all the wrinkles on the face. Aniston is also a fan of Thermage, a patented non-surgical deep lifting technique that stimulates natural collagen production.

3 Less makeup

Coco Chanel once said that before leaving the house you should look at yourself in the mirror and remove one accessory. Jennifer Aniston follows a similar rule when it comes to makeup.

Less is better. I have a loved one who never tires of telling me that I am more beautiful without makeup. It took me a while to get used to minimal makeup and feel comfortable, but later I realized that it was right,

The 47-year-old actress said. Aniston also said that she drinks a lot of water - 3-4 bottles of 700 milliliters each day.

Water, sleep and sun protection are my three main secrets in the fight against age,

The actress explains and also shares the names of her favorite products: her favorites are Laura Mercier moisturizing foundation with a radiant effect and Armani Face Fabric foundation mousse.

4 Make friends with sunscreen

When I was younger, I smeared myself with a thick layer of baby oil and did everything to get burned. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing

Narrated by Anison, a former tanning enthusiast.

Now the actress has realized her mistakes and is closely caring for her skin in the sun: before going out, she applies sunscreen with a high protection factor - Aveeno SPF 50. According to the star, it perfectly protects and moisturizes the skin without making it oily.

5 Eat right, but don't make it the meaning of your life

Everything is good in moderation,

The actress talks about her diet. The star's diet mainly consists of organic vegetables and lean protein. For breakfast, she eats avocado toast and whole grain bread or a smoothie. Jen tries to limit the amount of dairy products and gluten in her diet.

I can't say a definitive no to dairy products. It's very difficult for me to part with cheese,

The actress admits to her little weaknesses. Aniston also sometimes allows himself a plate of spaghetti or something not very healthy from Mexican cuisine.

I don't have gluten intolerance, I try to avoid it rather because it promotes weight gain,

Jennifer comments.

6 Prioritize

When a person lies on his deathbed, he is unlikely to care about beautiful cheekbones and the absence of wrinkles. Aniston admits that she is getting older and wiser as she ages, and is looking for meaning in something completely different.

When I think about what beauty really looks like, I think of women like Gloria Steinem. She is 82 years old and is gorgeous and her beauty doesn't depend on how she looks,

Jennifer Aniston said.

Source Instyle
