
Poster on the theme of sports. Sports posters. For what occasion is a sports poster chosen?

Pathologies of the uterus

Vera Kuropatkina

Sport is that, which helps children develop physically and psychologically, trains endurance, perseverance, and strength. Our children are very active: They love to move, run, jump and enjoy it. Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy, and sport- this is the key to health and therefore it can and should be practiced from childhood. In our kindergarten, much attention is paid to physical development children: Throughout the school year, classes are held in the pool; in winter, children go skiing. Frequently held sports events in our preschool with the participation of children, parents, and teachers.

We recently had a review wall newspaper. The children of the middle group and I also designed wall newspaper called"Sports - assistant, sport - game, physical training, Hurrah Hurrah!".

We asked parents what types sports their children are engaged and asked to bring a photo. And also photos of those children who love active recreation.

The parents responded with pleasure. They brought different photos: children skating, roller skating, cycling, running, gymnastics, swimming.

The children enjoyed participating in the design of our wall newspapers.

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a wall newspaper that we prepared with the children of our preparatory group for school. Contest.

Topic: “Sport is life.” Objectives: to form ideas about sport as one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle; develop thinking.

Goal: To increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of increasing interest in sports. Promote active participation.

Game lesson in physical education “Sport - health, sport - game, agility, strength, beauty!” (preparatory group) Game lesson in a preparatory group for school Objectives: - improve motor skills; - consolidate the basic types of movements;

Tasks. Educational: - give children the concept that the familiar words “physical education” and “sport” have different meanings in life; - introduce.

In my group, many children attend sports clubs, circus and dance studios. Sport is an excellent form of leisure time. Classes.

General educational organization MKDOU kindergarten “Rosinka”, Makaryev, Kostroma region Developed by: Skudnova Elena Aleksandrovna teacher.

Elena Bekaryukova

Vadim's son had a health week at school. This week included various sports and creative events. My son took part in everything.

Together with Vadim we decided to release wall newspaper, which presented various types sports: swimming, running, hockey, football, snowboarding, cycling, etc. d. I wanted to come up with something interesting. And now, bingo! Vadim came up with the idea that he himself would be the one athlete, which will present various types sports. Therefore, everyone athlete depicted on a wall newspaper the face of my son - Vadim. To achieve the goal, we needed the help of the Internet and a special program for creating photo collages so that we could present the image athlete for wall newspaper. The creative process captivated me, my son never thought it could be so interesting!

So, everything we needed for work This:

2. Glue stick

3. Air markers, a simple pencil

4. Colored pencils and markers

5. Colored paper

6. Fantasy and a little time

After thinking a little, we were visited by wonderful slogans, which we displayed in our newspaper.

Publications on the topic:

Game lesson for the preparatory group “Sport - health, sport - game, agility, strength, beauty” Topic: “Sport – health, sport – game, Agility, strength, beauty” Age group: 6 – 7 years (school preparatory group) GCD form:.

Leisure summary “Girls’ get-togethers” Purpose: To promote the formation of open relationships between teachers, parents and children. Raise.

Summary of an open physical education lesson in the senior group “Sport is an assistant, sport is a game, physical education!” SUMMARY of an open physical education lesson in the senior group “Sport is an assistant, sport is a game, physical education – Hurray!” Objectives: Strengthen motor skills.

Project “Sport - health, sport - success” Purpose: To identify children’s subjective experience about the Olympics and sports competitions. To develop children's cognitive and creative activity and interest.

“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” These words of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky are very...

Fairy tale “The Path to Health” Once upon a time there lived a little Bunny. He was a good little animal, but he did not obey his mother and teacher at all. In the morning, when all the kids got up early.

Sport is power! Sport - is life! Let's succeed opponent, hold on! This unconventional approach to creating a wall newspaper provides an opportunity.

Sports entertainment for senior and preparatory groups “Sports Assistant! Sports and health! Sports game! Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: To create a cheerful and joyful mood in children and parents. Use personal example from adults.

The Concept of Preschool Education (1989) declares that the fundamental prerequisite for raising and educating children is society’s concern for their health. But lately we have noticed that the level of health in children is declining. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with a huge task to strengthen the physical health of our children. All activities aimed at physical education and health work can improve the level of children's health, due to their accessibility, versatility and high efficiency, create the habit in children of using physical exercise in everyday life, and contribute to the formation of an active attitude towards their health in children. The methodology of physical education and health work also includes visual propaganda. Therefore, today I bring to your attention the wall newspaper “About sports life.” In this newspaper we highlight statements of great people about sports, proverbs and sayings, riddles and a poem about the sport, photographs and works of our children on the topic “Sports”. But in order for children to grow up strong, brave, healthy and physically fit, we, adults, should set them a personal example! So do your morning exercises! Play sports!



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Slide captions:

Our motto: “Sport, health, joy, laughter – will bring success in everything!” Middle group Thoughts of great people about sports “Nothing depletes and destroys the human body more than physical inactivity” Aristotle “Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through physical exercise” Claudius Galen “You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be healthy morally " Leo Tolstoy "As clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body" Hippocrates "For proportionality, beauty and health, not only education in the field of science and art is required, but also lifelong physical exercise and gymnastics." Plato Dear parents! In order for your child to be strong, brave, healthy and physically fit, set him a personal example! Do morning exercises! Play sports!

Proverbs and sayings about sports He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful. Physical education heals, sport cripples. Move more - you will live longer. If you want to be healthy, toughen up. Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. Movement is life. If you give your time to sports, you will get health in return. Everything is great if you are healthy. Every smith of his own health, study from a young age - you will be good for the rest of your life! He who walks lives a long time. He who goes in for sports gains strength. He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful

Riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle He doesn’t want to lie down at all. If you throw it, it will jump. You hit it a little, you immediately jump, Well, of course - this is... (Ball) Wooden horses gallop in the snow, But they don’t fall into the snow. (Skis) I have guys, two silver horses. I ride both at once. What kind of horses do I have? (Skates) A ​​stick in the shape of a comma Drives the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick) To be completely healthy, everyone needs physical education. ... To develop successfully, you need to play sports. From physical education you will get a slim figure... To make it more fun, we will take the ball as soon as possible. Let's stand straight, legs wider, lift the ball - three or four, rising on our toes. All movements are easy. We will take a jump rope, a hoop, a cube or a stick in our hands. We will learn all the movements. We will become stronger and better. To learn how to jump, we will need a jump rope. We will jump high, like grasshoppers - it’s easy. A hoop and cubes will help us develop flexibility a little. We will bend over more often. Squat and bend over. Here is a great picture. We are like a flexible spring. Let everything not come at once. We will have to work!... This horse does not eat oats, Instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. (Bicycle) What is the Gymnast twirling around her waist? Did you find out? Whoever twirls that sports apparatus will soon be very slim (hoop) In a fair fight I will not be afraid, I will protect two sisters. I hit a punching bag in training, Because I... (boxer)

In each period of the development of the USSR, posters about sports occupied a separate place. The state, which actively paid attention to a healthy lifestyle, conveyed to the population basic information about the usefulness of exercises, jogging, success in competitions and Olympics through posters. And in our online store you can purchase posters from Soviet times.

We offer you to buy USSR sports posters at a competitive price in Moscow. In our catalog you will find several dozen thematic posters dedicated to physical education and sports in the country of the Soviets. Here you will find printed products starting from 320 rubles with the ability to choose the format and material for printing.

Subjects of sports posters and posters in the USSR

A poster on the theme “sports” is the most thoughtful combination of a picture and accompanying text. They were created in order to attract young people to participate in sports sections and clubs, to maintain the fortitude and passion of already accomplished athletes. Hence, the subjects of the posters were conventionally divided into the following types:

  • agitation and promotion of sports,
  • informational, talking about upcoming sports events and competitions, the work of coaches,
  • congratulatory cards highlighting the achievements of sports teams,
  • all-Union, reflecting information about sports and achievements in it for the country as a whole.

For what occasion is a sports poster chosen?

Do you want to buy Soviet sports posters? We offer a wide selection of posters with a wide variety of meaning and style, the cost of which starts from 320 rubles.

Here you can find printed materials in good quality relating to various periods of the development of the Soviet Union. And you can buy them:

  • as a birthday gift,
  • for the design of a sports section or club,
  • to a personal collection,
  • for organizing a thematic exhibition.

At the same time, you can order them in any size you need and with the selected processing and design option.

Cost of a sports themed poster

Are you interested in prices for sports themed posters? We offer you the most affordable prices for printed products. And in order to calculate the preliminary cost of a poster and estimate the budget, you can use such functions of our website as:

  • clarification of image size,
  • selection of printing material,
  • the need for lamination,
  • framed design.