
Compatibility of vitamins in vitamin complexes. Which vitamins and minerals have good compatibility with folic acid and why shouldn’t alcohol? Benefits of Getting Vitamins and Minerals from Food


When using medications, it is important to know that the interaction of individually useful substances has not only a positive effect on the body, but also a negative one. How to take B vitamins correctly? What substances do they combine with? The compatibility of vitamins, the effect on the body of a combination of several substances, recommendations for the use of medications are given below.

Taking B vitamins together with minerals and other vitamins.

Useful components of group B with minerals

Compatible vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on the body. Nutrients enhance each other's effects, and taking them together helps cure long-term illnesses. Minerals and vitamins that are incompatible with each other interfere with the absorption of each other:

Thiamine (vitamin B 1) is recommended to be used separately from minerals. This is due to the fact that it is practically incompatible with any of the beneficial substances. Calcium and magnesium reduce the effectiveness of thiamine by interfering with its absorption;

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is compatible with zinc. When taken simultaneously, the vitamin accelerates the absorption process of the mineral. If riboflavin is consumed together with iron or copper, the effectiveness of the vitamin is reduced;

Nicotinic acid (B3) is absorbed into the blood faster if taken orally along with copper or iron. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is taken along with zinc, calcium or copper. The substance helps the body accumulate zinc, and magnesium increases cell permeability to pyridoxine. That is, the vitamin is more easily absorbed by the body due to the action of the mineral;

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) combines with calcium. The mineral facilitates the absorption of the vitamin in the body. Copper, manganese and iron slow down the absorption of cyanocobalamin;

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is incompatible with copper, as the mineral renders the vitamin inactive. Folic acid (B9) in combination with zinc forms a complex that is poorly soluble in water. This prevents the absorption of both beneficial substances.

Considering these conditions, you can get the maximum benefit from taking vitamins.

B vitamin compatibility chart

Vitamins of this group are combined with each other and with other beneficial substances. If they are incompatible, they inhibit each other’s properties and cause allergic reactions. Incompatible elements are taken separately; the interval between taking vitamins should not be less than 4 hours.

Pantothenic acid combines with thiamine, riboflavin, choline, folic acid and cyanocobalamin. Pyridoxine activates riboflavin and accelerates its absorption.

Folic acid is combined with vitamin C. Due to the interaction of these elements, vitamin B9 accumulates in the tissues of the body. Cyanocobalamin is compatible with vitamins B9 and B3.

Compatibility of vitamins with each other

Everyone knows that for the normal functioning of the human body it is necessary to provide it with the optimal amount of microelements and vitamins. If there are not enough of them, then a person cannot be completely healthy.
Almost all useful substances enter the body with the food we eat and only in small large quantities from other sources. If needed minerals and vitamins begins to be lacking, they should be replenished with special drugs. In this case, you need to know which vitamins cannot be combined with each other.
Many people think that the large presence of elements included in the drug enhances its effectiveness. Some start taking several at the same time vitamin-mineral complexes. But doing this is strictly prohibited.

Good compatibility


No data

What microelements and vitamins cannot be combined with each other?
After being hit minerals and vitamins into the human body, they begin to act. And they are not always combined with each other. They begin to interact with each other and, as a result, enhance each other’s effects or, conversely, suppress each other. When different microelements work together, it does not always give a good result.
Once in the human body, minerals and vitamins activate the body's metabolic processes. It is quite common to believe that the variety of components makes a multivitamin complex much more useful. But not everyone knows which minerals and vitamins cannot be combined with each other.
. Vitamin K This vitamin cannot be combined with vitamins such as E and A. This is because vitamin A and E can block the absorption of vitamin K.
. Vitamin A . If a person has heart problems, then you need to be very careful when taking this drug. The same applies to women who are pregnant and those with nephritis. Vitamin A should be taken separately from hydrochloric acid and acetylsalicylic acid. It has the ability to accumulate in the liver. If vitamin A is taken in parallel with vitamin E (in small doses), the absorption will improve, but if there is an excess of vitamin E, then the absorption of vitamin A will slow down. This vitamin may also be better absorbed by consuming zinc. Vitamin A itself helps the body absorb iron.
. Vitamin D. It cannot be combined with tetracycline, hydrocortisone, vitamin E, or hydrochloric acid. Elderly people and women expecting a baby over 35 years of age should be very careful when taking vitamin D. The vitamin improves the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
. Vitamin PP . It can not be combined with aminophylline, hydrocortisone, tetracycline and vitamins B12, B6, B1. Vitamin PP is nicotinic acid. If you use this substance for a long time, then some enzymes will increase in the blood, and this can cause the development of fatty degeneration of the liver. People with diabetes should avoid taking vitamin PP. It is recommended to consume after meals.
. Folic acid. If combined with zinc, then the absorption of both one and the other drug slows down. It is very good to take it together with vitamin C. Caution should be taken in the elderly and cancer patients.
. Vitamin C. It can not be combined with iron preparations, tetracycline, penicillin, diphenhydramine, Eufillin, vitamins B12 and vitamins B1. It is prohibited to administer it by injection together with analgin. If taking vitamin C for a long time, then it is tedious to pay attention to the state of blood pressure and the state of the kidneys. It goes well with flavonoids, carotenes, vitamins E, vitamin P. Thanks to vitamin C, iron and chromium are better absorbed. If there is excess vitamin C in the body, it causes a copper deficiency.
. Vitamin B1. Cannot be taken simultaneously with vitamins PP, B12, B6. It does not combine with magnesium and calcium, as they make the vitamin poorly soluble in liquid.
. Vitamin B2 . If you take vitamin B in parallel with vitamin B12, then both substances will change metabolism. Iron, copper, zinc slow down the absorption of vitamin B2. Good interaction with vitamin B6.
. Vitamin B6. It should not be combined with vitamins B12, B1, aminophylline, or caffeine. Cautious to use should be people with diseases of the duodenum, with a stomach ulcer.
. Vitamin B12. It cannot be taken in parallel with hydrochloric acid gentamicin, chlorpromazine, acetylsalicylic acid, vitamins B6, B1, PP, B2. It is not recommended to take people with angina pectoris, as well as in the presence of tumors (both benign and malignant). If an allergic reaction occurs when using vitamin B1, then B12 can increase it.
Some rules for taking vitamins

General recommendations
. Multivitamin complexes and vitamins It should be consumed after meals to avoid any side effects. If you do not adhere to this rule, then vitamins can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
. If you take vitamin injections , then it is important not to forget that each syringe must have a separate type vitamin A .
. The benefits of vitamins depend not on what components are in the drug, but on the person’s needs for these components. Any vitamin can be beneficial only if there is not enough of it in the body. If the body takes all the necessary substances from food and does not need additional sources, then the pills will have absolutely no benefit.
. Before you start taking multivitamins , it is necessary to clarify the content of microelements in your own body.
. It is better to take in courses, two to three times a year . For the purpose of prevention, the course should last one to two months.

Multivitamins, looking kindly at us from TV screens and magazine pages, are traditionally considered one of the safest drugs. But after getting acquainted with their composition, which takes up almost half a page of instructions, the question involuntarily arises: do so many components combine well in one tablet?

From simple to complex

For many years, when Soviet pharmaceuticals produced truly Soviet vitamins, the problem of compatibility of micronutrients - vitamins and elements - did not exist. The famous white or yellowish Revita dragees, which children ate by the handful, easily combined vitamins A, B1, B2, C and did not cause unnecessary anxiety. Hexavit, undevit and dekamevit, containing 6 and 11 vitamins respectively, became the pinnacle of Soviet pharmaceutical thought. And they also left no doubt about the absence of chemical reactions between the ingredients.

But as soon as the Iron Curtain opened and allowed Western drugs into domestic pharmacies, the situation changed. The market was flooded, generously seasoned with microelements. The number of components in the most saturated complexes exceeds three dozen. And not only chemists, but also citizens who remember the periodic table only from school textbooks began to wonder: how do twenty or thirty ingredients of one pill find a common language? And I must admit, it was not in vain that I thought about it. It turns out that with micronutrients everything is like with people: there are both friends and enemies who do not live in the same house.

"Vitamin" interaction

Vitamins and minerals can react with each other at different points along the way from the factory floor to our bloodstream.

Pharmacists have identified three main types of reactions:

  1. pharmaceutical interactions, which occurs at the time of creation of the complex drug and during its storage, i.e. outside the body;
  2. pharmacokinetic interaction. This reaction may occur as the combination drug is absorbed, distributed, or eliminated from the body. As a result, some substances are absorbed much longer than expected, others are partially lost or even completely eliminated from the body;
  3. pharmacodynamic interaction- the most complex and unpredictable reaction, which is expressed in the influence of one vitamin or element on the pharmacological effect of another.

There are two main types of pharmacodynamic effects. The first - synergistic - is expressed in enhancing the effect of one micronutrient at the expense of another. The second, antagonistic effect is the weakening or even complete disappearance of the pharmacological effect due to an unsuccessful combination.

By the way, an antagonistic reaction always has a negative meaning, reducing the effectiveness of the drug. And drug manufacturers have learned to use synergistic drugs for good, combining synergists and thus increasing absorption.

Good and evil neighbors

Pharmacists have already identified several dozen typical reactions between different vitamins and microelements. Here are the most egregious examples of interaction.

Zinc, a common component of multivitamin preparations, is an active competitor of iron and calcium. The combination of these three elements will be inferior due to reduced zinc absorption. In addition, the same zinc can form strong complexes with folic acid - the appearance of such “by-products” is also fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of zinc.

Another pair that cannot divide their spheres of influence is calcium and iron. When used together, the latter is absorbed almost two times worse than when used separately.

Interesting events can also occur with B vitamins. Thus, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) can increase an existing allergy to vitamin B1. In addition, up to a third of vitamin B12 contained in multivitamins is converted into harmless, but absolutely useless metabolites.

To balance the scales, we also note synergistic reactions. Strengthen each other's action:

  • vitamin E and selenium;
  • vitamin C and iron;
  • vitamin B6 and magnesium;
  • vitamin D and calcium and some others.

Examples of “beneficial” interactions can be observed firsthand - many vitamin preparations began to be produced in pairs. For example, iron supplements often contain ascorbic acid, and the popularity of the magnesium-B6 combination has reached global proportions.

The benefits of synergy are clear. How do you overcome the harm of antagonism in multivitamin complexes?

Technologies of the XXI century

Drug manufacturers are making a lot of efforts to get around sharp corners and “combine the incompatible.” Special technologies are used for this. Their goal is to build boundaries between the warring parties and prevent clashes.

The easiest way to achieve this is to physically separate incompatible micronutrients. By enclosing one of the ingredients in a microcapsule or microgranule, you can sleep peacefully and not be afraid of surprises. However, this method only prevents pharmaceutical effects. During absorption, the “wall” between micronutrients is destroyed, and they can enter into a pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic reaction.

For such cases, there is another method of “reconciliation” - to force the “conflicting neighbors” to be released at different times. Controlled release technologies allow components to be absorbed in an orderly manner.

The vast majority of modern multivitamins are produced using separation technologies. And loud statements from manufacturers about solving the problem of incompatibility in huge complex drugs are confirmed not only by certificates of conformity. Almost all modern vitamins, products of large companies, are produced in accordance with GMP requirements - trust in these standards is rock-solid.

Therefore, pharmacists not only with a clear conscience offer “multi-tiered” vitamins to clients, but also buy them for their children and loved ones. And only my inner pharmaceutical voice sometimes timidly whispers that sometimes less is more...

Marina Pozdeeva


When taking vitamins separately, you should be sure that you knowwhat vitamins should not be taken together , otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. Of course, it is better to adopt a complex system where all the features of the combination are taken into account in advance, but you still need to be familiar with the conditions of interaction.

The body cannot function without the known fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For proper uninterrupted operation, it is important that the process of processing the incoming substances occurs. To do this, you need to be able to choose the right combinations for a positive result.

Folic acid is incompatible with zinc - they destroy each other

The most famous vitamins are A, B(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,9), C, E, D , and minerals magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and zinc . They are the ones who improve the functioning of the internal system of the body, strengthen the skeletal system, and the productive functioning of the brain.

If the combination is unfavorable, vitamins can destroy the structure, block distinctive positive properties, and cause allergic reactions, therefore it is extremely important to understand what vitamins should not be taken together.

To prevent negative consequences, you must be aware of combinations of popular vitamins:

1. Thiamine (B1) – has poor contact with calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamins B (2, 3, 6, 12). If compatible, an allergic reaction may occur. In combination with B1, these elements prevent its complete absorption in the body.

2. Riboflavin (B2) – has a negative effect in combination with copper or iron, they slow down the effect of riboflavin.

3. Pantothenic acid – incompatible with copper, reducing the activity of B5.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) in contact with calcium and magnesium can cause allergies

4. Folic acid – has negative compatibility with zinc. On contact, organic substances destroy each other.

5. Cyanocobalamin (B12) – absolutely incompatible with iron, manganese, and large amounts of vitamins A, C, E, B. When interacting with them, B12 loses its abilities.

6. Ascorbic acid (C) – interacts poorly with B (1, 12) and copper. As the dose of vitamin C increases, copper begins to disappear.

7. Tocopherol (E) - interacts negatively with D , copper and magnesium. When combined with the above components, tocopherol loses activity.

Which minerals should not be taken together?

Minerals may also not combine well with each other , and some, like Vitamins should not be taken together at all. In a bad combination they interfere with each other dissolve and penetrate into cells. Negative compounds cause a deficiency of one or another component. The main minerals usually include:

1. Calcium– does not combine well with sodium, manganese, phosphorus and interferes with their absorption. If there is an excess of these minerals, a person may experience calcium deficiency.

2. Copper– negatively connects with B, E and C, preventing their action.

3. Zinc– it is not recommended for contact with iron and calcium, as well as with B9 it forms a complex that cannot be absorbed by the body.

4. Magnesium– a bad combination with manganese, thiamine and vitamin E. Magnesium prevents thiamine and manganese from being active.

5. Phosphorus– is contraindicated for combination with calcium and magnesium, which upon contact provoke phosphorus deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is absolutely incompatible with iron and manganese

When using combinations of various minerals, it is also important to pay attention to the diet as a whole. Often, even certain foods can reduce their activity and worsen the results. It has long been known that those drinks that contain caffeine interfere with the proper action of minerals.

Food of animal origin is also harmful, as it contains a lot of harmful bacteria that disrupt the intestinal microflora. They can interfere with the rational absorption of nutrients. That is why you should carefully plan a menu that will contain as many acceptable components as possible . Now you know which vitamins should not be taken together, however, when deciding to improve your health, you should more carefully analyze the information about this and even consult with an experienced nutritionist.

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Vitamins are critical to many functions and therefore getting them regularly into the body is important for overall health and well-being. The best sources of vitamins are natural, that is, all the necessary substances must be supplied to the body through food. This is especially true for fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and biological compounds.


But modern people find it increasingly difficult to compose their daily diet in such a way that the body receives all the necessary nutrients. And in order to keep their body in good shape and their health in optimal condition, most people take so-called vitamin complexes, without taking into account one nuance - some vitamin and mineral complexes are produced without taking into account the compatibility of vitamins and minerals.

– this is a positive interaction of different groups of vitamins, that is, when taken simultaneously, vitamins enhance each other’s effects, having a greater effect on the body. If you take vitamins that are not compatible, it simply will not bring the expected result, and, therefore, no positive changes in your health will follow. Therefore, when taking vitamins separately or purchasing vitamin-mineral complexes, it is necessary to strictly monitor the compatibility of the components.

Speaking about the compatibility of vitamins, it is necessary first of all to determine the opposition of some of them to each other. The incompatibility of vitamins is explained by the fact that when taken together they simply do not allow each other to have the expected effect. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, where the absorption process occurs, they either become mutually useless, or one of them destroys the other. Even if such vitamins enter the body simultaneously in encapsulated form, this will not cancel their negative effects on each other.

Vitamin synergy or how to enhance the effect of vitamins?

When taking vitamins, we want to quickly feel the positive effect. There are several ways to enhance the effect of biological compounds, but all of them concern only compatible vitamins. The effect of incompatible vitamins cannot be enhanced.

So, the easiest way is to take vitamins based on their positive interactions. For example, if the body lacks calcium, then it should not be taken on its own, but in combination with vitamin D3, which stimulates the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract. But the effect of vitamin A can be enhanced and its oxidation can also be prevented by taking vitamins C and E at the same time.

Another way to enhance the effect of taking vitamins is to do it on time. Usually, all manufacturers of multivitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes make recommendations indicating which vitamins are best taken and at what time. For example, some vitamins are recommended to be taken before meals, others during meals, and others after meals. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, the expected effect from taking vitamins will not take long to arrive.

The optimal combination of vitamins can be determined by referring to the data in the table below. Using it is quite simple: to find out whether vitamins are compatible with each other, you need to find one of them in the leftmost column and by the line where the rest of the vitamins intersect with it, find the second of the pair and, based on the value of the intersection, determine whether their interaction is positive, negative or neutral.
The intersection values ​​may look like this:

  • the letter “n” means that vitamins, when taken at the same time, do not affect each other and will fully affect the body in accordance with their purpose;
  • the “+” sign means that when taken simultaneously, vitamins enhance each other’s positive effects, so it is recommended to take them together;
  • the sign “-” means that taking these vitamins together is not recommended, since one of them has a destructive effect on the other.

Incompatible vitamins

Following the logic, if there are vitamins and minerals that interact perfectly with each other, then there are also those that cannot be taken at the same time. In order for each of these vitamins and minerals to have the expected effect, they must be taken with a time difference of at least four hours. The list of incompatible vitamins and minerals includes:
1. Vitamin B2 cannot be taken with vitamin B12, since in this case the first will be destroyed under the influence of cobalt ions;
2. Vitamin B2 cannot be taken with vitamin B1 due to thiamine oxidation;
3. Vitamins B6 and B12 are not recommended for simultaneous use, since vitamin B6 is destroyed, after which cobalt accumulates;
4. Vitamin B12 cannot be taken with vitamins C and PP., because their complete destruction will occur;
5. Vitamin E and folic acid should not be taken at the same time as vitamin B12, since they have different pH;
6. Vitamin A should not be taken with vitamin C– the exchange of the latter will be disrupted;
7. Vitamins A and D have a mutually neutralizing effect on each other;
8. When taking vitamins D and E at the same time, the latter is oxidized.