
The amount and procedure for payment of military veterans. What will be the benefits for veterans of labor in Russia How much will labor veterans receive in

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Benefits are a type of benefit (or incentive) that can be given to a specific person or entity. They can also be called a “nice bonus” or an addition that the state assigns to its citizens in order to make their lives easier. However, practice shows that only 40% of Russians are aware of the existence of benefits and successfully use them, the remaining 60% do not even know what they are losing. Take at least what about existence benefits for labor veterans in 2016 many learned relatively recently, while the relevance of this information, which is now being discussed by almost all the media, is to be blamed for this.

Veterans of labor - who are they?

According to one of the laws of the Russian Federation, the title of labor veteran can be awarded to a person who:

  • has one or more honorary awards he received back in the Soviet era, however, he must have a minimum length of service (from five years) and the title is awarded only in a certain period of time (after reaching retirement age);
  • and also worked during the hostilities (41-45 years) even before reaching the age of majority (a long work experience is mandatory).

Arguing over who can be considered a veteran of labor, it must also be said that the highest authorities left the right to change and supplement the conditions for obtaining this title at their discretion. In addition, in modern times, the subjects of the Russian Federation began to distinguish their "heroes" in a special way, assigning them "nominal" titles, for example, a veteran of the Moscow region. The grounds for obtaining them have some differences from those mentioned in the law of the Russian Federation. For example, they can be obtained for having continuous work experience and permanent work as part of some organization that brings a lot of profit to the region, but this is completely satisfied with the authorities.

Types and benefits

There are several types of benefits: some are established by federal law, others - regional. The main (basic) ones can be considered federal benefits for labor veterans for 2016, because, according to the law, the subjects of the federation can only supplement them at their discretion. These include:

  1. free use of transport running around the city (this benefit can only be applied to those transport services that are on the balance sheet of the city, the benefit will not apply to companies engaged in private transportation);
  2. free services for dental prosthetics (installation of dental implants), you will need to pay for materials separately, but for the work of a dentist in a public clinic (this is the main condition) - no;
  3. compensation or a fifty percent discount applicable to utility bills;
  4. pensioners who continue their labor activity can receive a paid thirty-day vacation, regardless of the official vacation schedule at the enterprise, while the employer is obliged to keep his place of work;
  5. pensioners with this title can use discounts on the purchase of intercity tickets for any type of transport (the benefit can be used once, but not from May to September).

Regional benefits

Regional benefits are very important, because this list is formed taking into account the standard of living or the presence of any problems in the region in which the veteran lives. The authorities of each region can assign any type of benefits to veterans, but you should pay attention to the fact that they have to pay for this with funds already from their (city) budget, so you should not count on too extensive benefits.

In general, the regions give veterans special subsidies to pay for certain services, special cards for the purchase of food or drugs at a discount, or assign cash benefits. These benefits can be classified as general, but as already mentioned, they will be different in different regions of the country. For example, benefits for labor veterans in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2016 can be considered the best, because the authorities understand that life in such cities is very expensive, so they try to make it as easy as possible for socially vulnerable categories of the population.

In Moscow, this category of citizens is paid an allowance of 500 rubles every month, but if desired, this payment can be replaced by the purchase of a metro ticket (the same applies to St. Petersburg). At the same time, residents of both capitals (St. Petersburg - cultural) can count on discounts when paying for travel in vehicles plying around the city and land transport serving the suburbs. As for other cities, in the Samara region single veterans receive a subsidy for housing, in Volgograd and Voronezh they receive cash subsidies (in a fairly large amount - about 1,500 rubles), and in Khabarovsk the regional authorities pay half the cost of services for the telephone, provide them with free vouchers to sanatoriums (if possible).

Can benefits be canceled in 2016?

When asked whether the benefits for labor veterans will be canceled in 2016, the authorities answer in the negative, but the deputies advise to prepare for a decrease in the number. For example, Maxim Toplin proposes to abolish the indexation of pension benefits for working pensioners, because, in this way, the state increases their pension twice. He claims that perhaps a few years ago this event was held without any problems, but now the country has to save a lot, and indexation falls into the article of “inefficient spending”. There is no more information on this issue today, and even if the authorities decide to cancel some benefits, then basically they will all be preserved.

In conclusion, we can say that despite the serious state budget deficit and economic and political problems in the state, the authorities are still trying to fulfill their social obligations. The fact that the benefits for federal retirees to labor veterans for 2016 include receiving a fifty percent compensation for paying utility bills says a lot, because today these services are expensive, and the state pays for them.

Benefits for labor veterans- preferences (surcharges, medical care and social support measures, compensations, privileges) of federal and regional significance, provided to individual pensioners of the Russian Federation. The following categories have the right to this title in Russia:

  • people with a work experience of 35 years (women) and 40 years (men), which began during the Second World War, if at the time of employment they were not 18 years old, and this fact is documented;
  • pensioners awarded for their labor activity with orders, medals and other distinguishing signs and relevant documents for them, holders of the title of honorary citizen of the USSR, the RSVSR or the Russian Federation.

In order to receive this title and the prescribed benefits of federal significance in accordance with Law No. 5FZ "On Veterans" of January 1995, a pensioner should appear at the social security office at the place of official registration.

At the same time, he must correspond to one of the listed categories and have the appropriate documents.

What benefits are provided

  • pension;
  • allowances;
  • surcharges every month;
  • provision of housing and partial payment of communal services;
  • medical care, including prosthetic and orthopedic treatment.

According to Article 22 of the Federal Law No. 5, the list of federal benefits for labor veterans who have retired (due to old age) is more detailed:

  • free medical services in public hospitals;
  • installation and repair of dentures in polyclinics (except for private ones) at the expense of the state budget (except for the cost of materials such as cermets and precious metals);
  • free travel in city transport, excluding taxis and private minibuses;
  • paid annual leave at a time chosen by a person for working citizens of Russia;
  • in addition, such a beneficiary has the right to a 30-day vacation at his own expense;
  • 50% discount on housing and utility bills for the beneficiary (gas, water, electricity, garbage collection, a common antenna and a discount on living space for the beneficiary and his family;
  • 50% discount (usually seasonal) for commuter rail and water transport.

However, this expanded list in practice has limitations due to the Law on the Monetization of Benefits. Thus, part of the benefits were replaced by cash payments, and the responsibility for determining their size was assigned to the regional authorities, so in different areas they may differ depending on the budget. The way in which benefits are provided also differs. For example, 100% payment for a communal apartment is practiced, followed by a transfer of 50% of the amount to a pensioner's account or in cash via mail.

What regional benefits are available?

Federal benefits are common to pensioners from all regions of the country. Regional preferences vary. This can be a subsidy for medications, compensation for the cost of spa therapy, travel discounts, a social card for buying certain goods in stores at a reduced price, etc. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are additional payments to citizens from the city budget.

Tax benefits for labor veterans

A pensioner with the title of "Veteran of Labor" is entitled to some tax preferences in the Russian Federation.

1. Citizens who own real estate in Russia are exempt from property tax.

2. Veterans of labor may not pay part of the taxes on personal income. In particular, the following are not taxed:

  • pensions with corresponding supplements,
  • financial assistance from a former employer, not exceeding 4,000 rubles. in year,
  • own funds spent on treatment in a sanatorium.

3. Preferences for transport and land tax are determined by the subject of the Russian Federation independently.

4. A veteran of labor in Russia has the right to transfer the balance of deductions to real estate for the three previous periods, if he confirmed the right to own a plot, a house. The deductions are equal to 2 million rubles, respectively. (and 3 million rubles to pay interest on the loan).

What other benefits are possible in the cities of the Russian Federation

Benefits for labor veterans in Moscow:

  • free public transport, as well as electric trains of the Russian Federation and municipal water transport in Moscow;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • 50% compensation for the monthly fee for a landline phone;
  • monthly payments (about 250 rubles);
  • free spa therapy and compensation for travel by rail.

In order to be able to use electric trains on preferential terms, the beneficiary must present a social card of a Muscovite.

In the Northern capital, pensioners-beneficiaries of this category are also entitled to:

  • monthly payments from the city budget (350 rubles);
  • 50% discount on paying for your own communal housing;
  • preferential monthly pass for using any public transport, including a subway pass.

Benefits of municipal significance rely on the specified category of beneficiaries throughout the Russian Federation.

Monetization of federal preferences

Monetization - recalculation of preferences in the ruble equivalent. Only 3 types of federal benefits are subject to monetization in the Russian Federation:

  • discounts on the use of public transport,
  • medicines,
  • treatment in sanatoriums.

In the regions of Russia, benefits are provided in different ways, at the discretion of a particular legislator.

The advantages of the monetization policy are that pensioners have the opportunity to compensate for benefits in cash, which allows, for example, to buy scarce medicines on their own or simply use the money as an addition to their pensions. But, unfortunately, the amounts of payments are small.

Supplement to pension in the Russian Federation

In Russia, a labor veteran can receive an additional payment if the pension is less than the value of the consumer basket in the region.

Another way to receive an allowance for pension payments in the Russian Federation is a written waiver of a package of social services that are unnecessary for a labor veteran (such an opportunity is provided by the law on the recalculation of preferences in ruble terms - monetization). By writing an application to the social security authorities, a person receives the ruble equivalent of services.

Pension allowances for labor veterans are practiced in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It must be taken into account that payments will start from the month following the month the application was submitted by the beneficiary.

What documents to apply for the title of hero of labor?

To get a “crust” of a labor veteran, you must submit to the social security authorities at the place of registration:

  • application for awarding a title;
  • the passport;
  • labor;
  • award documentation.

Originals and photocopies are accepted, which are immediately certified. After 15-30 days, the application is approved or rejected.

What documents to come with to get preferences?

In Russia, in order to receive preferences, a labor veteran should submit the following documents in 2 copies (except for the application):

  • the passport,
  • pension,
  • certificate of SNILS (insurance number),
  • award documentation or the title of labor veteran,
  • labor,
  • photo 3x4,
  • statement.

The applicant for benefits personally submits documents to the social security and tax authorities (if tax benefits are needed).

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Citizens receiving monthly social payments are also entitled to receive set of social services(NSU), which is an integral part of the EDV in its natural form. The NSO is a list of services provided to a person with a disability free of charge.

Citizens in this case can choose: either to receive a set of services in kind, or replacing it with money. This replacement may be in whole or in part. In case of refusal of the in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of these services to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) before October 1.

NSO consists of several parts:

  • Provision of necessary medical medicines and products.
  • Providing free travel in suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.
  • Provision of vouchers to a sanatorium if such treatment is necessary.

It should be noted that for registration of refusal to receive NSO in full or any part of it in 2020, it was necessary to apply to the territorial department of the PFR until October 1, 2019.

The amount of money sent to pay for social services, from February 1, 2019 is:

  • 863 rubles 75 kopecks for the provision of necessary medicines;
  • 133 rubles 62 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • 124 rubles 05 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • The full cost of the NSO from 1.02.2019 - 1121 ruble 42 kopecks.

It should be noted that the current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of NSOs in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a disabled person of the II group, received the EDV in full, refusing the full set of social services. services. In 2018, Mrs. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician about the need for sanatorium-and-spa treatment. The Social Insurance Fund gave her the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2019 in accordance with her treatment profile and indication of the date of arrival. In order for gr. Ivanova was able to use the right to treatment in a sanatorium in 2019, she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2018 with a statement refusing to provide the necessary medicines and travel by rail, while leaving the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2019, the amount of the UDV accrued to her was reduced by the cost of social services for the provision of sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

We consider the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2019, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2701.62 - 133.62 \u003d 2568 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the amount of the unified income was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. Such an increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the inflation forecast established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

This procedure for indexing the size of the CU was changed from January 1, 2016 - now it is indexed in February. In 2019, the indexation of one of the most massive social payments is carried out taking into account the inflation rate of the previous (2018) year.

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. Therefore, the indexation was carried out precisely at this value.

Since February 1, 2019, the amount of the monthly cash payment has been increased by 4.3%. Simultaneously with the increase in this social payment, the amount of funds allocated for the provision of social assistance in kind has also increased, namely.

Assignment of monthly payments to pensioners

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens who are entitled to it in accordance with the legislation of Russia, you need to contact the FIU with a corresponding application at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the lack of a place of residence confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants who are already receiving a pension should apply to the Pension Fund of the area where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in a social service institution must contact the district office of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The appointment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen or his representative who applied with the necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the PFR.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, need to submit a number of documents:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and authority of his legal representative.
  2. Documents on residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents that allow establishing the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another preferential category.

The application for the appointment of the UA must also contain information on the choice of the basis for establishing the UA if there are several such grounds and the citizen's obligation to inform the Pension Fund in time about changes in the circumstances affecting the amount of the social payment.

Appointment decision monthly payment is accepted within ten working days from the date of application. Then, within five days, the applicant must be notified of the decision.

EDV established from the date of application for it, but not before the emergence of the right to it. Such social assistance is assigned for the period during which the person belongs to the category entitled to social benefits.

The procedure for providing a monthly cash payment

A citizen receives a monthly cash payment along with retirement if he is retired. In this case, the delivery of the EVD will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit institutions.

If the citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses the payment option that is convenient for him and submits an application for the method of delivery.

If a citizen wants to change the method of payment, he will need to apply to the district office of the Pension Fund. Citizens living in a social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of UDV can be transferred to the said institution.


  • The monthly cash payment is assigned to certain ones, including disabled people, disabled children, citizens, former minor prisoners of fascism.
  • UDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen entitled to such payment has reached the retirement age or not yet.
  • Everyone's monthly payment different. The amount of the EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • The indexation of the size of the UDV is carried out every year based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen applies to the client service of the district department of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of a UDV, he automatically has the right to receive. The applicant may refuse the NSO or its separate component in favor of a monetary equivalent or vice versa at his own request.

Citizens who do not leave work throughout their lives and who have received state distinctions for special merits, undoubtedly, have the right to a number of indulgences and certain assistance. Benefits are provided for federal labor veterans in 2017 in several areas, as well as at the local level with a number of features.

How to get the title of "Veteran of Labor"

Before considering the features and differences that regional and federal benefits for labor veterans have in 2017, let's determine who belongs to this category according to the description in the legislation:

  • Compliance with all conditions for the appointment of payments by age (insurance period) or by length of service for the military;
  • The presence of various awards or departmental distinctions in labor (those that were received during the Soviet Union are also considered).
  • For persons who started working in childhood during the Great Patriotic War, with a total time of 35-40 years.

It is worth noting

Not every award can give a privilege to get a status. For example, the insignia of a shock worker of communist labor is not taken into account, and the title of People's Doctor or Teacher of the USSR gives maximum rights.

Veteran retirees need to go through a process of obtaining physical proof of their position, a certificate, before they can use the benefits. This happens in the body of social protection of the population. It is permissible to transfer documents to a guarantor if the citizen himself does not have the physical opportunity to personally visit the fund. You will need the following copies:

  • the passport;
  • a work book or other document describing the frequency and duration of experience;
  • confirmation of existing awards (certificates, passports);
  • passport and power of attorney to represent the interests of the applicant, if he is not present in person.

In addition, a photo is required to be pasted into the certificate and a written application. Based on this information, a specially convened commission considers the case and issues a decision on assigning status or issues a refusal. This should happen within 30 days. After the decision is made, the answer is sent to the applicant (up to 5 days), an administrative act is assigned and a certificate is issued.

In the event of an unjustified refusal, those wishing to use benefits for labor veterans are advised to file an appeal against the decision of the commission with the head of the social protection agency. If justice is not achieved here, you can go to court.

Control over the implementation of social programs for privileged categories is carried out by special bodies. Federal programs are mandatory, while regional programs can be modified and supplemented every year, in proportion to the size of the budget and the capabilities of a particular region.

What is required at the federal level

The “federal” veteran of labor benefits in 2017 receives the same amount as before. They are expressed in particular in the following forms:

  • You do not need to pay for travel in any type of public transport. The exceptions are private carriers (minibuses) and taxi fleet vehicles. By the way, this rule is valid in any city, and not just in the place of residence. Having gone to any city in Russia, you don’t have to worry about paying in local transport. To do this, it is enough to have an issued certificate with you.
  • Any kind of treatment, medical examination, etc. procedures are provided free of charge. The rule applies only to public institutions. Dental services are notoriously rarely included in government support. Nevertheless, benefits for Labor Veterans in 2017 provide for them. In particular, dentures are included in the form of their manufacture or restoration. If the patient wishes to make a metal-ceramic prosthesis or use precious metals, of course, he will need to pay for the materials from his own pocket. But production services, as noted, are free.
  • Reducing costs in the amount of a discount - 50%. Valid for almost all types of services: gas, water and electricity, garbage disposal, television antenna and radio. A similar discount is provided for paying for an apartment (valid within the norm per person), applies to the entire family living together. If the apartment is rented, a discount on the rent is also possible.

In addition, benefits for federal labor veterans are expressed in seasonal discounts for travel by rail or water transport across the country.

If a citizen with this status continues to work, he receives some privileges from the direct employer, which are expressed in the following points:

  • Independently set the time for annual leave, calculated according to the field of activity or position held. The vacation schedule and other motives in this case are not binding on him.
  • Without agreement, he can take unpaid leave at a convenient time. Its duration is limited to 30 days per year.

What are the benefits for labor veterans in the regions

The range of assistance actually received depends on the local municipalities. It is the local authorities who determine what benefits are due to a labor veteran, the amount of discounts and additional privileges. Based on this, a completely different picture can be observed by region.

So, the following types can be added to those listed above in a number of areas:

  • Monthly allowance.
  • A card for buying goods and products at lower prices. It concerns only certain commodity groups, the most socially important.
  • Provision of medicines from a special list free of charge.
  • Payment for treatment in sanatoriums and resorts, if this action is required in the direction of a doctor.

Regarding other privileges, there are also features. If utility benefits for labor veterans are the same everywhere (50% discount), then only in a number of regions is it allowed to pay ½ of the cost when using suburban transport (Ryazan, Novosibirsk).

By the way, in the Ryazan region, an additional 30% discount is provided on utility bills for members of the veteran's family. Novosibirsk beneficiaries can buy a hearing aid for half the cost if they need it.

As you can see, privileges can be expressed in completely different forms, so a detailed list is worth finding out on your own. By the way, for the refusal of some services, you can receive a small compensation, if this is allowed in this area. Monetary compensation of benefits to labor veterans is often expressed in insignificant amounts. But if a citizen does not use the set of privileges provided, why not receive monetary compensation for them.

Moscow region

Benefits for labor veterans in the Moscow region do not differ much from the generally established ones. In particular, they consist of the following points:

  • Free travel in suburban transport (railway), as well as in urban.
  • Buying a water transport ticket with a 50% discount.
  • Housing and communal services are paid at a preferential rate - ½ of the generally accepted ones.
  • Free installation and restoration of dentures, incl. in Moscow. Does not apply to private clinics.
  • When recognized as indigent, the veteran is provided with a ticket to a sanatorium free of charge.
  • A working veteran may be granted 35 days of unpaid leave upon request.

The Moscow benefit for labor veterans is also due for the use of a city telephone. This is expressed in the repayment of part of the costs within 220 rubles (compensation).

Leningrad region

And Leningrad labor veterans, on the contrary, receive practically no individual privileges, except for cash benefits. But on the other hand, free travel is provided for all pensioners in the region, which is rare in other regions.

Other regions

Everyone who is interested in what benefits veterans of labor, of course, first of all want to know about the material side of the issue. As noted, it is not provided for by law, but many regions are trying to support preferential categories of citizens. In view of this, amounts are assigned that can vary greatly by region, and also have additional requirements for obtaining:

  • Perm Territory: 5 thousand rubles. A prerequisite is that half of the labor activity fell on work in the region.
  • Samara region: 500-900 rubles. The amount depends on the type of award, the age of the veteran and the full length of service.
  • Sverdlovsk region: 600 rubles. If there are additional social benefits under local laws, the veteran must choose only one benefit to receive.
  • Leningrad region: 550 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory: 300 rubles for participants in the Great Patriotic War and 220 rubles for other categories of labor veterans.
  • Novosibirsk region: 180 rubles.

As you can see, in 2018 material benefits to labor veterans are usually very small amounts. In this situation, veterans living in the Perm Territory are incredibly lucky. No other region can boast of such dimensions. At the same time, a similar subsidy is due to persons who have received distinctions directly from local authorities, as well as mothers of many children with an experience of 20 years or more.

Each region without fail indexes the set values. You need to find out about the availability of monthly payments in your region at the local social security authority.

Registration of benefits for housing and communal services

Consider how to apply for benefits for housing and communal services for labor veterans and a monthly allowance. This can be done through the same social security agency. The registration procedure is quite simple:

  • Writing an application. It contains personal data and a request for the selected assistance option.
  • Transfer of documents: passport, confirmation of the status of a labor veteran, information about property and utility costs. The detailed list depends on the type of benefit.
  • Coordination. Does not exceed 10 days.
  • Appointment. Payments are made to a bank account or entitlement to a benefit is granted.

Additional opportunities for veterans

A citizen, despite his status, is an ordinary pensioner. Therefore, he also uses the privileges and allowances laid down for them. For example, tax benefits for labor veterans are expressed in exemption from it for any type of material payments from the state: pensions, subsidies, benefits. As well as:

  • Property tax (real estate) is not paid.
  • Establishment of benefits for the payment of property tax - the amount is fixed by regional acts.
  • Concessions on transport taxes subject to certain conditions. Usually, only for "older" domestic cars or with power up to a certain size.
  • Tax deduction. Valid for the purchase of housing and is expressed in the return of 20% of its cost in monthly installments.

In addition, a labor veteran in 2018 can receive the same benefits that all pensioners are entitled to:

  • If a citizen lives in difficult climatic conditions (the Far North), he can go on vacation or a medical resort free of charge once every two years. Travel is compensated from local budgets.
  • Assistance in gasification or installation of metering devices in some areas is expressed in compensation or a discount.
  • Provision of fuel, clothing, food, if the requirements established by local acts are met.
  • Social service. It is permissible to arrange the delivery of food, medicines, cleaning of the apartment, if a citizen cannot take care of himself due to illness or age.

Also, each pensioner is entitled to an additional payment to the pension, if calculated according to his characteristics does not reach the minimum provided for in the region. In such a situation, it increases to the minimum standard.

Thus, we examined how support for labor veterans was implemented in 2018, what benefits they receive. It is important to know all the nuances so as not to miss your right to a particular benefit.

To receive specific (additional) benefits for each region in 2018, we recommend that labor veterans contact the local social security authorities.