
Should manicure and pedicure be the same color? The best duet. How to combine the color of manicure and pedicure polish Uneven toenails how to paint


What should be the color of toenails? The choice of varnish for a pedicure is not an easy task, which we will try to figure out.

What to consider when choosing toenail polish?

When choosing a pedicure varnish, you need to be especially careful and somewhat picky. It is important that the product is dense, quick-drying. No need to spare money for such cosmetics. Having bought a cheap varnish that will shine through, dry for a long time, you will waste not only money, but also your nerves. A quality product is not worth a penny. After all, in order to create a good varnish, a cosmetic company has to invest a lot of money in this business.

How to choose the color of toenails?

In stores, you can find special lines of varnishes that are designed for pedicures. What is their feature? The brush is made wider than in ordinary varnish. But if you are unable to find such a product, then do not despair. Just choose quality enamel.

If you do not know what color to paint your toenails, then you can purchase companion varnishes

It's like a lifesaver for those who are just starting to get a pedicure or want to look stylish.

For a pedicure, pastel, dark, bright colors are suitable. But the mustard scale, dark green and gray colors should be avoided. The fact is that such a varnish will create the effect of dirty fingers.

Do not forget about the leveling base, top coat, which significantly extend the life of the pedicure.

What color to paint toenails?

To make the pedicure look beautiful, when choosing a varnish color, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

1. You don't have to choose the same color of nail polish to paint your fingernails and toenails. It looks ugly and is also considered unfashionable.

2. You will look ridiculous if you come to the office with dark colored nails. Therefore, choose a light varnish for the office, and a dark one for evening outings.

3. The color of the nail polish on the feet should be combined with the color of the nail polish on the hands, with the style of clothing, shoes.

4. If you want to emphasize the legs by choosing the color "pull out the eye", then you do not need to do this with the fingernails.

5. No matter what polish you choose, it's important that the pedicure is neat.

If you know all these rules, you can learn how to choose a varnish for coloring your toenails.

A beautiful pedicure is very important at any time of the year. But in order for it to look spectacular, and not an eyesore to you and others, you need to choose the right color for varnish.

Nail polishes are an integral part of the image for many girls. Someone prefers red or burgundy shades, someone chooses calmer beige-pink tones. Some even love the riot of colors. In any case, the nails will look good only if the varnish is applied evenly and accurately.

Painting your fingernails with varnish is not easy. From the first time it may not turn out as beautifully as we would like, you definitely need to practice. It would seem that the legs should not be so difficult. And it really is, if you know how to do it right. Of course, you can just trust the professionals, but it’s easy to paint your nails with varnish at home.

Nail preparation

  • bath with warm water and additives at will;
  • pumice stone or foot file;
  • orange sticks;
  • nailfile;
  • foot cream;
  • nail polish remover, if desired - liquid for degreasing nails.

First you need to steam them in warm water. You can add a small amount of lemon juice, sea salt or chamomile tea to whiten, strengthen nails and soothe the skin. Instead of a bath, the use of special products that soften the stratum corneum is also allowed.

After that, you should use a pumice stone or a special heel file and carefully remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. You need to process the entire foot, paying special attention to the most problematic areas prone to the appearance of corns. In fact, this step is optional. If the feet are in good condition, then you can immediately proceed to further steps.

Carefully with an orange stick. If you use the trimmed pedicure method, then carefully remove the remnants of unnecessary skin with tweezers. After you need to process the nails with a file: first give the desired shape, and then carefully polish the edges and surface. This will allow the nail plate to be smooth, even and not exfoliate.

Now you can rinse the legs, take a suitable cream and apply it to the skin with massaging movements. You need to do this within a few minutes. Such a procedure will be not only useful, but also pleasant. At this stage, it is better not to take very oily foot creams. After the massage is over, you can blot the remnants of the product with a napkin or gently wipe it with a towel.

Let's start preparing the nails. It must be understood that if the cream gets on the surface of the nail, then there is a risk that the varnish on top either does not fall at all, or immediately slides off. That is why before you paint your nails, they must be thoroughly degreased. For these purposes, you can use a regular nail polish remover or a special liquid to remove the greasy layer.

In principle, both options work about the same. Now that the toenails are prepared for applying varnish, you need to choose a position in which it will be convenient for you to do this. The hand should not hang in the air, it must have support. It is better to put separators on your toes so that nothing interferes with the process.

Lacquer application

An important rule for applying varnish is not to rush. You should not even start this business if in the next hour you will need to leave the house or go to bed. All actions must be performed smoothly and accurately, because it is easier to immediately apply varnish evenly than to correct flaws later.

What color can you paint your toenails? It's a matter of taste. Everyone chooses the shade that best suits their mood, style of clothing or the nature of the event. It is believed that bright colors are more suitable for summer, perhaps even neon ones: pink, orange, lilac. While for the office it is better to choose calm shades that will not catch your eye and cause irritation to others: beige, pale pink, peach.

Often girls choose black or red shades, which is already considered a classic. Any color will look good as long as it is appropriate and well chosen.

So, in order to paint your toenails with varnish at home, you will need:

  • orange stick;
  • base coat;
  • varnish of the selected shade;
  • nail polish remover (to correct errors), toothpick or small brush;
  • top cover.

There is a little secret how to apply varnish as close to the edge of the cuticle as possible. To do this, right before painting, you need to gently move the skin with an orange stick. Now you can paint. After the border returns to its original place, the varnish will be under it, and the nails will look very neat.

First you need to apply a base coat. It can serve for different purposes depending on the type: to protect the nail plate, to level it, to increase the durability of the varnish. For yourself, you can choose any most suitable option. This coating is quite liquid and dries quickly. Therefore, after a couple of minutes, you can apply colored varnish.

The method of applying varnish is simple. In order to properly and beautifully cover them with nails, you need:

  1. take the bottle, gently scroll it several times between the palms;
  2. open, take out the brush, remove excess funds from it, slightly “squeezing” on the edge of the neck;
  3. place the brush on the center of the nail and put a drop there;
  4. move in a smooth motion first to the cuticle, distributing the varnish at its border, and then move it in the opposite direction to the edge of the nail;
  5. paint over the side areas on both sides with gentle movements.

The varnish should be applied in two layers (if this is not enough - in three), as this will make the coating even, and the color will be completely transferred. Before each new layer, be sure to dry the previous one well.

After the varnish has dried, you can correct the errors, remove excess and marks on the skin. You can take a toothpick or a thin flat brush, dip it in nail polish remover and go over those places that do not suit you. When this is done, you need to make sure once again that the varnish is completely dry and apply a top coat (top). By the way, among them there are also such means that accelerate the drying of colored varnish. Whatever the top, it will not only increase durability, but also visually even out the surface of the nail.

How to properly paint your toenails?

  • Training. Do a pedicure: steam your feet in a hot bath, treat your skin with a pumice stone, getting rid of dead cells. Trim your nails, give them the desired shape.
  • Coloring. Prepare the base coat, base coat, fixer. Clean the nail plate from the remnants of the old varnish, wipe dry. Use a tissue to wipe away any excess body cream or milk. Wipe your nails with nail polish remover to degrease the surface. Apply base, let dry well. Now you can apply the base coat. The first layer should dry well. Finally, apply a fixer. For convenience, use pedicure pads that separate your fingers and prevent varnish from staining your skin.

What woman does not dream of a beautiful pedicure? However, nails need not only to be cut and processed correctly, but also to be properly painted. Another question immediately arises: “What color to paint the toenails?”. When choosing a color, you should focus on the overall color scheme of the outfit, as well as on shoes. If you work in an office, choose calm, discreet varnish colors.

Which brand of shellac is better? Varieties of gel polish

Paint your nails with varnish and do it neatly is quite real. For this, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon! It is necessary to take advantage of the interesting and useful tips in this article.

Every woman wants to look good. To do this, among a dozen other procedures, she regularly does a manicure. But it often happens that there is simply no extra money or time to go to a professional master in a salon. In such cases, home manicure comes to the rescue.

The disadvantage of a home manicure is that it does not always turn out neat due to inexperience, inconvenience, work with the left (and maybe right) hand, lack of good tools, varnishes and conditions.

But do not get upset ahead of time, because it is quite possible to make a neat and beautiful manicure at home. To do this, you need to have time and certain knowledge. For example, a color scheme.

The scheme of painting nails with varnish allows you to correctly apply the product on the nail plate and, with the help of smooth movements of the tube brush, spread the varnish over the entire nail.

How to paint a nail polish?

How to paint your nails with varnish so that they look neat:

  • Pay attention to the condition of your nail, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it before painting and wash off all the remnants of the previous varnish with acetone. Be careful: before painting your nails, do not apply cream on your hands, because the surface of the plate must be completely degreased for an even layer.
  • If you want to protect your nails from unpleasant yellowing and even out their surface, you need to apply a layer of clear varnish-coating. Such varnish can be bought at any store or department of manicure supplies.
  • The first drop of varnish should be applied to the nails a little above the cuticle itself, and only then with a brush pull this drop a little down so as not to touch the cuticle in any way
  • After that, stretch the entire drop of varnish up to the very edge of the nail. You should get a fairly straight and even line of painted varnish
  • The next step is to put the brush exactly where the first drop was and use the brush to stretch the fresh varnish first along one side, then along the other as carefully as possible. Do not press hard on the brush, so that when pressed, it does not spread and does not touch the skin on the side of the nail
  • Wait until the first layer of varnish is completely dry and only then apply the second layer, which will give the nail a rich and deep color.

how to properly and accurately paint nails with varnish?

How to paint nails with adhesive tape?

It turns out that scotch tape is a good helper in beautiful nail polishing. Skillful gluing it will help not only to make drawings on the nails, but also to carefully paint them.

To do this, you need to prepare templates in advance and cut them out, so that later you don’t bother with this issue with wet nails (especially since it will be quite difficult not to catch freshly painted varnish on one hand).

Use for such purposes only narrow adhesive tape, not wider than two centimeters. With a wide tape, it will be difficult for you to carefully stick it to the sides of your finger.

You literally need three pieces of tape for each finger. They are glued alternately: first from the sides vertically and carefully pressed to the sides, and then a horizontal strip, which, when glued, you can try to bend in the shape of the nail.

For accurate nail painting, you can use several types of adhesive tape. Transparent stationery is perfect, as it has a width of one centimeter. Masking tape is no less convenient, as well as electrical tape that can take any shape and bend in any way.

how to neatly paint nails with adhesive tape?

On a dry layer of varnish, you can also stick some cutouts of tape strips, which, when applied and removed, will leave an interesting geometric pattern on the nails.

blanks for decorating nails with adhesive tape

drawing on nails with adhesive tape

geometric manicure with adhesive tape

How to paint nails with a sponge?

It is possible to make a beautiful manicure with the help of such a simple device as a sponge. There are several basic secrets of such nail painting, but the most basic is choosing the right sponge. An ordinary dry kitchen sponge is best suited for this purpose. It has a suitable structure with small bubbles, which are imprinted on the nail.

You can also purchase a special sponge in a store or department of manicure supplies.

sponge manicure

How to make a manicure with transitional colors using a regular sponge:

  • Paint your nails neatly with polish as you normally would. The applied layer of varnish will serve as the base. It is best to take light colors as a basis: white, beige, pink. So, you can play on contrasts and give your nails volume.
  • After that, wait for the varnish to dry completely, otherwise you will not be able to apply a high-quality and beautiful drawing with a sponge.
  • After the base varnish has dried, you should take up the preparatory work: on the work surface (a piece of oilcloth or a plastic surface), apply several colors of varnish in turn. Drops should be wide enough. Using a toothpick, try to mix the colors of the desired varnish until smooth, so that you get a beautiful gradient.
  • Dip the prepared sponge into a puddle of varnish. Sponge should grab a certain amount of liquid
  • Such a sponge should first be tested on some surface in order to remove excess varnish from it and only then applied to the nail with soft pressing movements.
  • In this technique, you can’t do without smearing all the skin around the nail, because the sponge should not be too small (this is the secret of its application of varnish). Excess varnish from the skin can be carefully removed with a cotton swab or toothpick wrapped in cotton wool. You can also dip the brush into nail polish remover and gently go over the edges.
  • After you have removed all the imperfections of your painting, you should proceed to other decorative elements (if you wish, you can stick rhinestones, stickers or draw something)
  • The final stage of work is the coating of the painted nail with a fixative varnish. It is necessary in order to protect the varnish, make the manicure stronger and shiny, create gloss

The procedure for creating a blot on the work surface from the desired colors and dipping a sponge into it is repeated each time for each finger.

nail painted with a sponge. double color

how to paint a nail with a sponge

nail design and painting with a sponge

gradient manicure created with a sponge

three-color gradient manicure on long nails, created with a sponge

How to quickly and beautifully paint nails short nails, photo?

Some women are owners of short nails. This is due to personal preferences, beliefs, the woman's activities, or simply the inability to grow her own.

Do not be upset, because short and beautifully painted nails are a trend in our time. Long nails are increasingly replaced by cute "shorty", decorated with various decorative elements, varnished and skillfully painted with varnish.

There are several ways to decorate original and beautifully short nails:

For example, you can draw on them dot pattern. To do this, you will need either a special manicure tool for drawing with a metal ball at the end, or a regular toothpick. Unlike a special tool, toothpicks will have to be changed several times during work, as they quickly deteriorate.

Applying a bitmap on nails is very simple, it is enough to have a wide variety of lacquer colors for the design.

You dip the tip of your tool into fresh liquid polish (put a drop on your work surface) and transfer the dot to the freshly painted base coat.

To make your drawing as accurate and interesting as possible, you should focus on special templates or examples of a finished manicure.

bitmap on short nails with varnish

dot pattern nail decor

speckled manicure on short nails

You can also surprise others with the help of another interesting technique - painting nails in different colors. Such a manicure is especially popular in the summer, as it evokes pleasant associations of summer, sweets, joy and childhood.

Choose only actual colors, do not give preference to metallic or glitter colors. Lacquer must be monochromatic - enamel. Repeat the colors, depending on the finger, on both hands.

multi-colored nails in pastel colors, decorated with rhinestones

colorful short nails

You can also decorate short nails with:

  • gluing rhinestones
  • creating a simple geometric pattern
  • creating a miniature short jacket
  • creating a gradient with a sponge
  • creating or sticking a print on the nail (a pattern on the entire nail plate)
  • animal style drawings (leopard spots, which are drawn with a special manicure brush)

rhinestones on short nails

short manicure in animal style

slides (stickers) on short nails

How to make up your nails to make them look longer?

Among all the secrets, of course, there are those that allow even the shortest nails to make a little longer visually.

To do this, you need to resort to special secrets of painting the nail, focused on stretching the area of ​​​​the nail plate using drawings, lines and other techniques.

The easiest way to visually stretch your nails French manicure. To do this, it is necessary to paint the entire nail with a neutral beige or pink color and only paint the outermost part of the nail in three or four millimeters with white.

Such a manicure is covered with a fixative varnish for durability and gloss. It is noteworthy that over time, the nail will grow and become more beautiful with the help of such a manicure.

jacket with decorative patterns on the ring fingers for short nails

Another tricky but extremely effective technique is oblique french. Such a jacket has not a horizontal, but a beveled strip on the nail from one edge to the other.

Visually and on the one hand, the white part of the nail becomes longer and therefore it seems that the nail itself is much larger than it really is. An oblique jacket can also be decorated with rhinestones, sand or sparkles.

beveled jacket option

avant-garde oblique french

Visually lengthen the nail will also help drawing oblong lines or patterns on the nail. A drawing or a strip must necessarily stretch from the bottom up or obliquely so that the nail becomes visually larger and longer.

Such a pattern can be safely decorated with sparkles or rhinestones to give it elegance and festivity, as well as remove simplicity.

longitudinal line on the nail - drawing for visual lengthening of the nail

manicure that visually lengthens the nails

geometric patterns on the nails and a gradient also visually lengthen the nail

How to make beautiful toenails?

The most popular type of pedicure - French perhaps this is the only way to "ennoble" toenails and make them well-groomed, neat and clean.

Making a jacket on your own legs is difficult, but real. Nails are not always large and perfectly even. In order for the jacket to turn out, you will need either special stickers or adhesive tape.

Paint your nails with a neutral color, wait for it to dry, apply the sticker, cover the nail area with white and remove the sticker. Apply a fixer and wait again to dry.

The most difficult thing is to try to do everything in order to keep your fingers as wide as possible all the time, in order to avoid damage and fresh varnish hooks.

french on legs

A few other options for a beautiful pedicure on your feet:

colorful gradient

Pedicure also allows you to use gradients and paint your nails with multi-colored varnishes. It is best to pursue this style in manicure as well.

toe nail decoration

A pedicure also involves painting small nails with one solid color and decorating, as well as painting the large nail on the thumb.

pedicure decoration with rhinestones

You can decorate a pedicure simply and tastefully with the help of the most ordinary rhinestones. The thumb "requires" the maximum number of crystals, and the small ones one at a time.

simple pedicure in dark colors

A pedicure in dark colors always looks profitable and feminine, but for this it is not at all necessary to choose black. Cherry and plum tones are considered the best and most popular (as well as incredibly fashionable for several years now).

bright red pedicure

The red pedicure is considered the most popular, most feminine and sexy in all years and at all times.

It makes women's legs especially interesting, delicate and sophisticated. Such a pedicure should be as accurate as possible, without spots on the skin and with an even layer of varnish. Any shade of red will do. It is best to combine a red pedicure with a red manicure.

How to paint nails on the right hand itself?

It often happens that having painted the nails on one hand (left), we proceed to the right and we observe an unhappy picture of the result of our labors. The reason for this is not a thorough development of the hand, because the working one is mostly right. But in the pursuit of a neat manicure, it is important to know how to achieve beautiful painting of nails on the right hand.

how to paint neat nails on the right hand?

In order for the manicure to be almost perfect, it is important to remember a few secrets:

  • Start painting the right hand first. Of course, it’s more convenient to first make up your left hand and admire it, but it’s best if you spend all your strength and patience on a “complex” hand
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish, do not dip the brush into the bottle over and over again to pick up the fattest drop. The less varnish - the more accurately the first layer will turn out, and the second one will be easier to do.
  • Use a special corrector. It is not difficult to buy it in cosmetic stores. Visually, it resembles a felt-tip pen, but its core is soaked in nail polish remover. It most conveniently cleans the skin of the finger from unnecessary “blunders” and makes the manicure neat.
  • Get special "protectors". They are like stickers. they should be attached to the finger around the nail so that the brush with varnish paints over only the nail and leaves an excess amount of varnish on the sticker

How beautiful to paint nails with gel polish or shellac?

Probably every woman noticed how quickly ordinary varnish can lose its attractiveness, crack, peel off and burst. For this, manufacturers have invented a special shellac lacquer.

What is shellac? This is nothing more than the exact combination of the most ordinary varnish with gel polish. It is for this reason that working with such varnish is incredibly easy even at home.

Shellac has its clear advantages:

  • it shines (gloss) much more than ordinary varnish
  • its coating is many times more durable than conventional varnish
  • the reliability of the material allows you to wear a manicure for a long time
  • It can be easily put on and taken off by yourself.
  • it does not require removal of the top layer of the nail plate
  • it has a positive effect on thin and weak nails, making them stronger
  • is completely non-toxic

shellac gel polish

The difference with this varnish is that it requires a special ultraviolet lamp for its drying.

  • the first layer is the base (using the varnish-base)
  • the second layer is the main one (colored varnish)
  • third layer - fixing (fixing varnish)

Application of gel polish on the nail plate:

  • Perform the usual manicure with cleaning the nail, giving it a special shape, removing the cuticle
  • Completely degrease the nail with nail polish remover
  • Polish the nail with a special grinding file so that the varnish “grabs” the plate
  • Apply a base coat (it is transparent) and dry it under a UV lamp for about two minutes
  • Apply colored varnish - this is the base. This layer also requires about two minutes to dry under a lamp.
  • Then the third layer is applied - fixing. It must be applied very carefully, because if its residue touches the skin, it can easily break its integrity.
  • After that, the nails are polished with a special napkin, oil can be rubbed into the cuticle. Everything. Manicure ready

shellac manicure

How beautiful to paint nails with two colors, photo

Two-tone manicure is extremely popular. Depending on the season, its colors may be different, but nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance. Painting nails with two colors is not too difficult. There are two main ways:

Combination - you combine two colors on one finger. It will take time to create such a manicure. Apply the first layer of varnish in an even layer, wait for it to dry completely. Now, depending on your design, apply the second color of polish. You can use special stickers or plain tape to give your nails special shapes and patterns.

Semicircular stickers, as for French manicure, can be glued not only to the top of the plate, but also to the bottom, creating a hole. There are many stripes and geometric shapes that can be made with scotch tape, which when removed will reveal a beautiful design.

two-tone manicure

Alternation - for this, it is proposed to paint all the nails in one color and only certain fingers in a completely different one. You can follow the French manicure style by creating a stripe in the vertical part of the nail with the second color, or you can not do it at all. Everyone will pay attention to your manicure anyway.

two-tone manicure

How beautiful to paint your nails with white varnish?

White varnish evokes pleasant associations of purity and femininity, summer, white sand, and the sea. This color goes very well with long thin fingers and looks great on nails of any length. Apply white polish on the nails very carefully so as not to touch the entire area around the nail:

  • Paint white varnish first on the right hand, and then on the left, so that all diligence is spent on that hand, which is always more difficult to make up
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish and in no case keep your hands on weight. Hands should always have some kind of solid support
  • Apply white varnish in two layers: the first will paint all the edges and sides, and the second will add saturation to the color
  • If desired, decorate the finished manicure with either rhinestones, or sand, or sparkles, or a decorative element

Try to combine white polish with something else: beads, a belt, earrings or a watch to look as impressive as possible.

white nail polish

How beautiful to paint your nails with black varnish?

Black polish is a favorite among many women. This is because it suits nails of almost any shape and fingers of any length and thickness. Black lacquer gives mystery and special brutality to its owner. Applying black polish can be tricky just because it can stain the skin around the nail.

  • Try to apply black polish first on the right hand and only then on the left
  • Do not pick up too much varnish on the brush - it will spread and leave ugly bays on the nail
  • Apply the first coat very thin and the second coat thicker to give depth to the color.
  • Use a special corrector or a toothpick wrapped in cotton wool soaked in acetone to remove the errors of an untidy manicure.

black matte lacquer

How beautiful to paint your nails with pink varnish?

Pink varnish, due to its soft neutral color, allows it to be easily applied to the plate without any special errors. Try to apply the varnish with concentration, without sudden movements and haste.

Do not overload the brush with an excess amount of varnish and do not leave unpainted sides so that the manicure does not look bad. Pink varnish can be decorated with decorative elements, sparkles or rhinestones.

pink manicure

How beautiful to paint your nails with red varnish?

Red nail polish on a woman says a lot about her. It testifies to the special sensuality of a woman, hints at the ardor of feelings, passion and love. Red is the color of sexuality and fire. It is for this reason that a red manicure should be as perfect and neat as possible.

Try to apply the varnish in complete calmness and only in “small portions”, without overloading the nail with a large amount of varnish. A thin layer, firstly, will dry faster, and secondly, it will look neater. Cover the red polish with a base fixer so that it is glossy and can let out glare, drawing even more attention to itself.

red lacquer

How beautiful to paint your nails with ordinary varnish?

Ordinary varnish gives you the opportunity to correct the situation at any time using acetone or any other nail polish remover. Choose only fresh and liquid varnishes for painting nails. Such varnishes will dry faster and spread better on the nail plate.

Make it a rule to apply a base coat of colorless varnish on your feet and only then color. This will align the nail and save it from disease, eliminating yellowness.

How beautiful to paint nails at home with a pattern?

Inventive fashionistas have found far more than one way to create a simple but spectacular pattern on the nails. To do this, there are many ways and secrets, as well as improvised means. You can learn in detail about how you can paint your nails at home and make a drawing on them from the video.

A beautiful manicure and pedicure is the pride of any girl. The ideal condition of the nails gives confidence in yourself and your abilities. In order to feel like a woman at 100%, it is important to constantly monitor their condition, use nourishing creams and oils, and do strengthening procedures.

In addition to the beautiful shape, grooming and length of nails, their color is also very important.

In a previous post, we already learned how to choose nail polish.

Let's discuss today one of the most common questions that worries modern fashionistas: should the color of the varnish on the fingers and toes match?

A little about the color of the varnish

The choice of nail polish color depends not only on desire and imagination, but also on the style of clothing, as well as other circumstances. If you are going to work or a business meeting, nails should be calm beige, peach or pinkish shades.

It is not necessary that they be completely identical in color, but they should resemble each other in contrast. For example, hands can have a clear polish or French manicure, and a pedicure can be any neutral shade.

If in everyday life you like bright multi-colored nails, then why not?! The same color of varnish on the nails of the hands and feet, these are the same relics of the past, like a bag to match the shoes. So don't be afraid to look ridiculous.

In order to look stylish, you need to remember an important rule - the color of the varnish on the legs should be several tones darker than on the hands. Otherwise, it will look like bad manners. If you chose a warm color scheme for a pedicure, then, for example, green or blue varnish on your hands will look too bright.

Classics of the genre

The same color of manicure and pedicure was very fashionable a couple of years ago. This can be seen when looking at recordings of fashion shows or flipping through the covers of glossy magazines of those years. Today, on the legs, the emphasis is best done with red, cherry, dark brown and purple colors. It is not only fashionable and relevant, but also very beautiful. In this combination, a lighter manicure will look natural. In addition, manicures and pedicures of different colors are more convenient. After all, the varnish on the hands keeps much less than on the legs, and the manicure has to be corrected and repainted more often.

In the trend now and various patterns on the nails. Each girl can be creative and become an artist for a few minutes by drawing an interesting pattern. Ombre, caviar, Hollywood and leopard manicure and pedicure are in fashion. It is better if the pattern is only on the arms or only on the legs. You can also do a manicure with a pattern, and repeat the same pattern on your legs only on one or two fingers, while painting the rest of your nails with a plain base varnish.

Read also:

How to do your own pedicure at home?
Detailed instruction and video lesson of a pedicure!

Used to envy the owners of the perfect pedicure? It's time to give up this bad habit, because making the perfect pedicure at home is not so difficult! Knowing correctly and accurately, you can achieve the perfect result and forget about such troubles as peeled varnish or ugly stains on the surface of the nail plate.

Preparing the base for varnish

In order for the coating to look neat, regardless of the color and type of varnish chosen, it is necessary to carefully treat the nails before applying it. Unlike fingernails, which, as a rule, do not differ in strength, toenails are usually difficult to process with tools, so experts recommend pre-steaming the legs, and only then proceed to the pedicure.

The surface of the nail prepared for painting should be smooth and fat-free - only in this case the varnish will lie flat.

On the treated nail, we apply a base under the varnish in one layer and wait for it to dry completely, until this moment it is impossible to apply varnish! It is also not recommended to paint nails without first applying the base: firstly, the base makes the nail more even and “holds” the varnish well, and secondly, the coloring pigments of the varnish (especially dark colors) can eat into the nail plate and give it an ugly yellowish tint .

We apply varnish

When choosing a toenail polish, you can choose the most daring options - bright shades are in fashion this season. Lacquer should be applied from the center of the nail, with wide strokes

Pay attention to the shelf life of the varnish: thickened varnish does not fit well and dries slowly, so the coating looks sloppy and uneven. All colored varnishes should be applied in two layers: in this way the color “opens up”, acquires saturation and juiciness. In addition, even if the first layer of varnish did not lie perfectly evenly and in some places the color of the nail is visible through a thin coating, the second layer will correct this deficiency. But before applying the second layer, be sure to wait until the first layer of varnish is completely dry! If during the coloring of the nails you caught a little cuticle with a brush, you can quickly remove the excess with a toothpick (until the varnish is dry).

Fixing the result

To make painted toenails look flawless for a long time, you should cover the varnish with a fixative. Open shoes or a love of walking barefoot by no means prolong the life of the coating, so in the summer you can not do without a fixer. In addition, the fixer helps the varnish to maintain its brightness and neat appearance for a long time, the coating is less scratched and does not peel off closer to the ends of the nail. Today on sale you can find not only a transparent fixer for varnish, but also its more interesting varieties - for example, a fixer with sparkles, which allows you to achieve an elegant and sparkling effect in a summery way!

We dry correctly

Nail polish manufacturers certainly don't skimp on promises: when telling consumers how fast their products dry, some brands use the phrase "thirty seconds" or "a couple of minutes." But let's face it: after you have done a pedicure and painted your nails with any varnish, you should wait at least an hour, and only then put on your shoes. Otherwise, all your painstaking work can be ruined in an instant! Are you in a hurry? Use a special dryer for varnish in the form of a spray.

How many nuances a woman needs to consider in order to look stylish. Not only should manicures and pedicures be present as a fact, but you also need to think about how they fit your appearance, match with clothes in the near future and look great with underwear or a swimsuit if you have to undress. Moreover, the color of the varnish on the hands and feet should be combined with each other. That's what we'll talk about.

Nobody canceled the general principles of combining colors, so here they will also be useful to us. But considering the issue only in terms of color would be boring, so I saved up a couple more ideas and tried to pick up harmonious duets. I hope you find something useful.

By what principles to select a duet of varnishes.

By Color

1. Same color for hand and toe nails

The easiest, but boring option. But it cannot be denied that his selection to clothes becomes easier. If you suddenly decide to make such a choice, then it is better to choose a color that is quite classic and popular (red, fuchsia, coral, etc.) or something that looks very harmonious with the outfit. No solid neon or gold.

2. One gamma

Two different shades of the same range are always harmonious and also very easy to choose the right wardrobe. Shades may differ by 1 or more tones.

It is possible that only pink is on the hands, and only lilac on the legs.

3. Complementary colors

Yellow and green, lime and purple, etc. Colors can be the same or different in saturation. Two gentle shades, two bright or one soft, and the second saturated.

4. Light + dark

Applies to both colors of the same gamut, and to different colors. Black and white, beige and dark cherry, pale pink and mallow, etc.

5. Neutral + Neutral

This includes all flesh tones, respectively, for each skin color, the gamma of flesh will be different. The lighter the skin, the lighter the range of varnishes, and vice versa. Again, black and white. French can also be attributed here.

6. Neutral + any other color

Any neutral manicure goes well with other colors, be it pastel or bright polish. Gold and silver are also very versatile. They can be combined with any color.

7. Neon + soft or neutral color, gold or silver.

It is better not to choose another neon shade paired with neon. The risk of looking vulgar is too great, besides, in this case, each of the neon varnishes loses its effectiveness at the expense of the other. If neon is interspersed in a complex manicure, you can choose it as the main color of the pedicure.

8. Multi-color manicure / pedicure + one of its colors or neutral

If, for example, you have a multi-color creative manicure, choose one of the colors present in it and repeat it in a pedicure. Also, a colorful manicure/pedicure can be paired with neutral colors.

By Texture

There are a lot of options here, as there are so many varnishes with different textures on sale now, from classic glossy to craquelure and liquid sand. The main thing is either a different texture, or the same.

1. Glossy + matte

2. Glitter + matte/glossy

3. Metal + matte/glossy

4. Volumetric + smooth

4. The same texture, etc.

Identical textures are not always good in pairs. Classic options like glossy blend perfectly, but two types of liquid sand or two matte ones are not the best combination. It’s definitely better not to do craquelure for manicure and pedicure at the same time, but two types of metallics or sparkles can exist in a duet if there is a common organic image.

By Design

If you have a very rich design on the nails of your hands, then it is better to make a pedicure calm, without unnecessary bells and whistles. As in the case of textures, it is easy to get the effect of too much (too much). For a couple, either one of the shades present in it, or a neutral one, will suit a manicure with a design. If the nail design is made in neutral colors, then any solid color option, bright, light or neutral, is suitable for a pair. Sometimes, paired with an elegant design, a minimalist style, a graphic version, looks.

On this topic

Very often, a manicure is created for a certain look for one evening or to maintain a certain style for a longer period. How extravagant your experiment is up to you. Maybe you just want to bring only a veiled idea to the look, or create a themed manicure.

The more complex the idea, the more difficult it is to combine a manicure / pedicure with the rest of the image. Best of all, a creative manicure looks with a plain or minimalistic pedicure.

Cold and hot

An unobtrusive combination of cold and warm shades, gray and peach, gold and silver, etc.


Pearl shine, unusual colors, tint can create a magnetic effect. Such varnishes are very effective with minimalist outfits with futuristic accessories.

Everything that is stated as for a manicure can be used in a pedicure, and vice versa.

Tell us if you like monochromatic varnishes or creative solutions. How do you combine manicure and pedicure polish? Write about your favorite colors and designs.

Pedicure is an important detail when creating an image. What color to paint toenails? It all depends on the shade of manicure and the outfit in which you are going to flaunt. No need to go to extremes, paint nails in neon or poisonous colors, believe me, they have long been out of fashion. But dark shades will be perfect, by the way, for example, cherry, burgundy, brown. But such tones are suitable if there is no dress code in the office. Otherwise, you will have to be content with a beige palette or jacket. But agree, they look great. In addition, they are suitable for any color of clothing.

Thanks to rhinestones, beads, foil, and other materials, you can make your nails interesting and unusual. Recently, in cosmetic stores, a huge number of bottles with various coatings. What to look for when choosing a foot polish? We will talk about all the nuances in the article.

What color to paint toenails? After reading the article, you will surely find out the questions that interest you. But remember one thing, the legs must be in order. Do not forget about softening baths with oils and herbs. - the right tool, without it the skin on the heels will be rough and ugly, remember this. We’ll talk about fashionable colors later, but first, let’s find out the most popular pedicure designs.

Fashion trends

It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a palette of toenail polishes. It turns out that there are some pitfalls here. Make the wrong choice, and the whole image, so carefully created, can be spoiled. How to prevent such oversights? Choose those shades that are always at the peak of popularity. Among them are:

  • Pastel shades. These include beige, sand, flesh tones. Say that they are boring and not bright, they are. But there is a huge plus, a similar color of varnish can hide absolutely all the flaws: an uneven nail plate, not an ideal shape. In this case, the emphasis is not on the legs;
  • Summer Options. In fact, there are many. Pedicure masters suggest not to be shy and use bright colors. Believe me, on the beach you should stand out, cause the envy of others. Choose the popular palette: mint, yellow, metallic, fuchsia, navy blue. These shades are in perfect harmony with many colors. In principle, with regards to the beach, this is not necessary. Quite different aesthetic laws operate here;
  • The next option came to us from the corners of Paris. This is the famous French manicure. Its simplicity and uniqueness attracts. Not so long ago, a combination of white and beige was fashionable. But over time, everything has changed. Now the trend is colored French pedicure. Choose the right palette, the shades should be in harmony with each other. Do not give preference to black tones, they make nails rough;
  • Neon back in fashion? The answer is probably yes rather than no. But with this varnish you need to be extremely careful. He beckons to himself, but at the same time repels. We settled on this palette, pick up accessories to match (bag, jewelry, scarf). Do not try to buy shoes of the same color, the ensemble looks very awkward, even childish;
  • Fancy prints. If the use of varnish seems boring and not interesting to you, try making an unusual drawing. Do not have artistic skills, stamping or special translations will help;
  • And of course, for those girls who love chic and brilliance, there is still where to “roam around”. , stones, feathers are back in fashion.
Decorate your nails and you will look like real princesses.
Pedicure should be done at least once a month. Recently, it has become practical and convenient to cover the plate with shellac or gel.

Special attention to sandals

There is an opinion that the color of the varnish on the legs should match the palette on the hands. But this has long been out of fashion. But to approach the color of the shoes, he simply has to. Consider the popular options:

  • Black shoes. Dark colors will do. It can be cherry, burgundy, shades of blue. Gold and silver are banned. It is better not to use metallic varnishes;
  • White sandals. Perfect mint shade. He's been trending for the second season. Complement the image with accessories of the same color and success is guaranteed to you. Especially such a pedicure is popular in the summer season. In winter, cold shades will be appropriate: coral, purple, purple. It is not advisable to choose a pink range, the nails will merge with the color of the shoes;
  • But if the sandals are colored, decorated with large stones, rhinestones, lacing, the pedicure should be as calm as possible. You don't want to look like a colorful parrot, do you?
As you can see, everything is quite simple. Use the above tips, your legs will look great.

Secrets of a pedicure

To make your pedicure look perfect, you need to know the following nuances:

  • The varnish will lie perfectly only on a completely degreased nail plate. This can be done with the help of special tools or ordinary alcohol, acetone;
  • Do not forget to wear special pads that are attached between the fingers, they will prevent the varnish from getting on the skin;
  • To keep the coating better, it would be nice to use the base;
  • A bottle of varnish must be new (no more than six months). Otherwise, cracks and chips will appear already for 1-2 days, nobody needs it. Remember, it is impossible to dilute the coating with acetone or other means. It is more profitable to buy a new one;
  • Apply varnish from the middle of the nail plate to the bottom and top, so you make several strokes;
  • If you use a bright palette, make sure that the varnish does not end up on the skin, it looks very ugly. Use special acetone pencils to remove;
  • The coating must be applied in 2 layers, you get a rich and deep color.
Use the tips and the pedicure procedure will turn into a pleasant experience.

  • For those who do manicures and pedicures at home, it is important to remember some rules to look stylish:
    • Despite the trendy shades, make sure that the palette suits you individually. Knowing your problems, for example, a protruding venous network, you should not emphasize this problem;
    • It is not necessary that the color of the varnish on the hands and feet should match. This fashion has remained far in the past;
    • Contrast tones are in fashion, try not to choose colors that are similar to each other;
    • Remember, being bright does not mean using neon polishes. They are pretty specific. If you used them on your feet, it is better to refuse to use them on your hands.
    The ideal image for a woman is not only a stylish wardrobe, but also details: well-groomed hair, smooth skin, manicure and pedicure. Remember, every little thing matters. What color to paint toenails is a question that can often be found on women's forums. There are no definite dogmas and rules, be guided by your own taste. Remember, the same colors are not allowed, these are relics of the past. Try to be fashionable. How to do this was described in the article.