
Birthday in safari style. My Oscars Birthday Safari Party for Kids


Anna Belaya
The scenario of the holiday or birthday "Safari". Africa. Animals of hot countries

What's happened safari? Initially under safari meant hunting in the eastern Africa but nowadays the word « safari» called travel, excursions, trips into the wild, most often - African.

preparation for holiday

1. Invitations. In invitations, of course, you need to designate a theme. holiday. Then the children with even more excitement will wait for the day birth, yes, and celebration come prepared.

It is better to choose or make your own handmade invitations with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc.. n. You can take a picture of the hero of the occasion in a suit for safari and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

Invitations can be issued as tickets for safari indicating the date, time and place of the safari. In such an invitation, you can specify in what clothes the children need to come to celebration(For example, "tourist suit" or "suit for safari» ).

In the invitation-ticket, you can leave one side blank. Let the children take their tickets to celebration. If possible, to holiday an adult will take a picture of each child by the hand with the birthday boy on a polaroid or digital camera (in this case you will need a color printer). Ready-made Polaroids or printed images while the kids have fun on holiday, one of the adults will paste in personalized invitations. At the end holiday Invitations-tickets must be returned to the children as a keepsake.

2. Suits. When signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to holiday in safari style. However, costumes can be prepared on one's own: for example, make helmets out of paper safari. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you do not want to do needlework, buy simple and very inexpensive Panama style panama hats in a hunting store. safari khaki.

Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them up for those who come to holiday for children. Binoculars can also be made with your own hands with your child, preparing for holiday. If you glue two plastic cups together, cut off the bottoms and stick cellophane or tape in their place, you get funny binoculars. Don't forget to tie a string or cord to the homemade binoculars so the kids can put them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls can be offered scarves with predatory prints.

3. Decor of the venue holiday. Try to create an atmosphere African jungle and a tourist camp set up in them. Turn out bright festive and cozy. For this, you can use green fabric draperies, green balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

Hang from the ceiling, on curtains and toy walls animals, masks animals and balloons of predatory coloring. If not laziness, make pointers and also fix on wall: Zimbabwe - 4000 km, Sahara Desert - 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater - 500 km.

Traces can be glued to the floor using double-sided adhesive tape animals cut out of paper. Festive interior decoration can be the following items: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

To create a themed table setting, you can use "tarpaulin" tablecloth or tablecloth with predatory print (zebra, leopard, etc.). Dishes can be "marching" or festive with African decor. Arrange fruit baskets and bowls of crackers on tables. animals.

Download nature sounds from the Internet and put them as a background - this will allow children to plunge into the atmosphere of the jungle.

At the entrance to the birthday man's house, hang a poster with images of the jungle and the inscription "Welcome to safari.

childrens day birthday in safari style: holding holiday

Children are allowed to safari presenting tickets (invitations). To everyone who arrived nurse or nurse(it could be a brother, sister or the parent of the birthday boy in a medical cap) hands over a pill to prevent malaria. Buy lollipops and plastic bottles; put one lollipop in each vial; put on a cute label. Instead of a bottle, you can wrap a lollipop pill in paper with the inscription "Antimalarin". Moreover, "paramedic" sticks a colored sticker to each child on any part of the body, calling him "Patch to protect against yellow fever". When all the children have gathered, you can invite them to drink cocktails called "Snake Bite Vaccine".

Presenter's opening speech:

Brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari. What is safari? (children give answers) Safari- this is not only hunting, but also any trip, an excursion into the world of wildlife Africa. So, a few brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari to not only have fun, but also to conduct scientific research. When the young scientists arrived in Africa, it turned out that today is their leader Vanya's day birth. He turned as much as 5 ... years old. Well, young scientists, if you want celebrate a birthday?

The children respond that they really want to. Leading continues:

However, the well-known African folk wisdom says: "Abraca cadabraca blablablaca", which translates as "Do the job - walk boldly". First you need to do your research and then have fun. Here is the list of tasks (facilitator shows a worksheet). After completing them, you can find the main gift for the birthday man and a lot of goodies. Ready? Then let's start.

But for this we need a lot of strength. So that they are, I suggest a snack, refreshment on the track.

The facilitator gives the children a list of tasks. For each completed task, children receive a magical totem from the leader.

The totem is part of the puzzle. The puzzle should eventually form into some kind of meaningful image, which will be a clue to the children where to look for a gift and sweets. For example, all this can be hidden in the mezzanine, on the door of which a vinyl sticker depicting a hippopotamus is pasted. Accordingly, to make a puzzle, you need to draw or find a picture of a hippopotamus, print it out and cut it into six parts.

List of tasks for children:

1. Set up camp.

2. Test your knowledge of tourism.

3. Go to the savannah.

4. Recognize animals.

5. Study habits, lifestyle and other features African animals.

6. Return to the camp through the snake gorge.

Completing tasks

Exercise 1: Set up camp

The game will require quite a lot of space. Such a game goes well in the fresh air, but you can also play in a large room.


You have just arrived at Africa by boat. You need to move your things from the boat to the jungle where the camp will be set up. You need to transfer the cubes from the backpack to the camp, taking one cube at a time. And in Africa you know it happens dangerously: lions, crocodiles, snakes… I will observe the situation. As soon as I speak "A lion!" you squat and raise your arms above your head. When I pronounce "Snake", you bounce. If I say "Vultures", you lie down on the floor and close your eyes, and if I say "Monkey", you stand on one leg and wave your hand. Whoever completes the command last is out.

Next, you need to repeat the commands several times so that the children remember. It should be noted two lines: boat and camp. Children line up "A boat" and at the command of the leader, they begin to slowly walk to the side "camps". The host unexpectedly pronounces a command, and the children must follow it. Whoever did it later than the others is out. Children constantly go back and forth from boat to camp and from camp to boat, along the way, following commands and dropping out one at a time. The one who remains last wins - he is entitled to a prize. The team receives the first totem.

Task 2: Test your knowledge


Before we begin safari, you need to make sure that you are well versed in the tourism topic. Are you experienced hikers? Now let's check how.

The quiz can be conducted among teams by dividing the children into two groups. Or ask questions to everyone at once and give the answer to the one who first raised his hand.


1. Name the cardinal points (North South West East)

2. Which side does the sun rise from? (East)

3. Which way does the sun set? (west)

4. Is it possible to drink raw water from rivers and lakes? (no, the water must be filtered and boiled)

5. What is the most convenient way to carry things if you go hiking or on safari? (in backpack)

6. Utensils for cooking on a fire (bowler)

7. What object can be used to determine where the north, south, west or east (compass)

8. What is the name of an object that allows you to carefully see objects that are even very far away? (binoculars)

9. Is bamboo a tree or grass? (grass)

10. Do lions live in the jungle? (no, lions live in the savannah)

This is a continuation children's birthday script "SAFARI". Start script here.

Task 3. Go to the savannah


The path to the savannah will not be easy. You have to go through many obstacles. Yes, and you need to move faster, because there are so many more tasks to complete!

You can play the game in the form of a group relay, dividing the children into two teams, or arrange individual runs. Need to organize obstacles:

lake with crocodiles (you can put the hoops on the floor)- it needs to be jumped over;

poisonous bush (stool covered with green cloth)- it should be bypassed in a circle;

Log bridge over a deep gorge (a long strip of paper the width of a child's foot)- you need to go through it carefully, without taking a single step past.

All this time, passing an obstacle, the child needs to keep something round in a spoon - for example, a walnut, a tangerine or a tennis ball.

At the end of the race, distribute prizes to the winners and give the children another totem.

Task 4: Recognize animals

This test can be done in two options:

1. Find pictures African animals and cut out only small fragments that show the color of the skin animal and some part of his body. The host shows the picture to the children, and they guess what it is. animal. The game may be played among teams or in uniform. "Who was the first to raise his hand".

Mystery picture:

Guess picture:

2. Download sounds animals. Turn on the sound and ask the children to guess which the animal makes it. This game can also be played among teams or in uniform. "Who was the first to raise his hand".

Children get another totem.

Task 5. Study the habits, lifestyle and other features African animals

The game "zoopantomime". Give the children cards with names or pictures. animals living in Africa. Let the children go to the center one by one and, without using sounds, depict animal body language. Other children guess.

Which of the guys will be able to guess their animal, having asked the least number of questions, he wins this game. Children receive the penultimate totem.

Task 6. Return to the camp through the snake gorge

Children need to find hidden rubber bands in the room. (or sweet) snakes. There can be 10, 20 or 30 of them in total. When all the snakes are collected, you need to calculate which of the guys found more snakes. This winner receives a prize. The host gives the children the last totem and offers to assemble the puzzle.

Children collect a picture and, on a prompt, look for a place where a gift and sweets are hidden. Having found "treasure", the guys go to the table celebrate african birthday.

Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to any holiday

childrens day birthday in safari style: what to treat children

Kids will definitely love pizza - striped like a skin African animals. To make zebra pizza, use finely chopped black olives and grated white cheese to garnish the pizza. Sprinkle over pizza, alternating olives and cheese, creating a zebra pattern.

For "tiger" Decorate pizza with grated cheese, carrots and black olives.

You can cook chicken fingers and serve them as "Lion Fingers".

Prepare for a snack "tigers" with red caviar. This dish is being prepared. So: pancakes are fried, cooled. Each pancake is smeared with cream cheese and rolled up. Next, the pancake tubes are cut like rolls and placed horizontally on the dish. A thin layer of red caviar is placed on top of the roll. Rolls are decorated with stripes of black olives (bright orange color of caviar and dark stripes of olives create a pattern reminiscent of the color of a tiger).

Cook for dessert "Monkey Food"- Banana boats. Take large bananas, peel, cut in half, remove some of the pulp with a spoon to make a depression in the banana. Prepare the filling - for example, cottage cheese cream (butter, well-mashed cottage cheese, condensed milk and vanilla, add the banana pulp taken out to the filling and mix. Fill banana boats with filling, place on lettuce leaves, garnish with mint leaves.

Buy shaped cookie cutters animals. Prepare the jelly by pouring it into a thin layer in a large dish, then cut and decorate dessert plates with these jelly figures.

Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to any holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with helium balloons. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and tie to a ribbon. We launch desires into the sky!

Tired of the daily hustle and bustle? Tired of boring days? Do you want an enthusiasm drive and emancipation? Then, welcome to a party in the style of "sultry Africa" ​​and do not forget to invite your friends, it's more fun together!

Unrestrained dances, sounds of Tam-Tama, palm trees and just an incendiary mood are provided for you. An African party will help you forget about the gray days. Here's the script for you!

African party invitation

It's best to make your own invitation cards, unless you're going to be inviting over a hundred people to the party!

Option 1

  • Make postcards from colored paper, draw ethnic drawings on them, or purchase ready-made paper with ethnic ornaments.
  • Glue a piece of burlap fabric onto the card, and also make a bow out of twine, put white beads on the free ends of the bow, it is better if the beads are of an indefinite shape, or look like bones.
  • Attach the bow to the corner of the card, and on the reverse side with black ink, better with a fountain pen, write: the addressee, date, time and place. Such an invitation will signal to the guest that the party will be not just fun, but African hot!

Option 2

Make an invitation in the form of traces of wild animals, and place the text of the message on the back. This option is simple and fast, you can invite at least a hundred people!

Create an African atmosphere at the party

It is best to hold such a party in a club or in a dark room, such an atmosphere will create a feeling of a mysterious African night. And if you hold an outdoor party in the evening, it will be even more interesting:

  • primitive and hot dances around the fire, the starry sky, a lot of air - all this will be the best entourage of the event.
  • The best decorations that betray the mood of Africa are, of course, palm trees: real in pots or made by hand. There are plenty of options for homemade palm trees. Make a palm tree from balloon compositions, or take a thick stick, wrap it with twine, this will be the trunk, tie palm leaves on top of the trunk, they can be made from green paper or starched fabric. In general, turn on your imagination!
  • Animal skins lying everywhere will add a special atmosphere to the African party. No, you don't have to kill anyone! The skins are artificial!
  • Also, get various ethnic masks and place them on the walls, caveman tools will also complement the surroundings well.
  • If the party is supposed to be indoors, then hang garlands with running lights imitating stars, hang fruits on the walls - bananas, oranges, tangerines.

What to eat at an African themed party

On the buffet tables for an African party, fruits in abundance, multi-colored cocktails decorated with bright umbrellas, as well as kebabs - a lot of kebabs, on beautiful skewers, will be appropriate.

What to wear to an African party

Here you can give free rein to your imagination, there are many interesting costume options in the theme of Africa. The main thing is that everything should be bright and African.

  1. Girls can build skirts from multi-colored bright ribbons, wear necklaces around their necks. Short Papuan straw skirts, leopard and tiger capes. Decorate your head with multi-colored feathers or braid a lot of braids, weaving multi-colored ribbons into them. Also, in the form of a turban, you can tie a scarf with an ethnic pattern on your head.
  2. Men Attach straw skirts to your arms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps, you can multi-colored. You can also decorate your neck with beads made from animal bones, and you can wear a bright skullcap on your head to match the main color of your costume. And arm yourself with a spear, respected men, suddenly at a party you will come across a wild lioness or a proud doe.

We continue our scenario of the African party.

Music and Entertainment

Of course, the main entertainment will be unrestrained hot African dances. Stock up on an African drum and perform your primitive dance to its exciting sounds, you will see, you will like it!

On this day, listen to the rhythms of Africa, performed on percussion, folk instruments. Take on the music of Bob Marley and Ali Wilson - Pandora.

Party Contests

  1. Team competition - 6-8 people. Props: 6 chairs, 20 bananas and a rope. Place the chairs in a checkerboard pattern between them, pull the rope, preferably at different distances from the floor and hang bananas in different places along the rope. The facilitator explains that the wild monkeys went berserk and hung all the banana crops around the jungle for the teams to harvest. Participants are divided into two teams and collect bananas to the sounds of African music. The team with the most bananas wins.
  2. Darts. You will need a picture of a lion darts glued onto the darts and darts. Competition for the best hunter, give the participants 3 attempts, whoever gets into the "top ten" the most times, he gets the title of the unsurpassed hunter in the heat of Africa.
  3. Pair competition. Invite several couples to the dance floor and give them the task of dancing the most erotic primitive dance, to the music of the black continent. Arrange a vote by polling the public which couple gets the most standing ovations and wins.

Good luck with the party, may you all have unbridled fun! And come visit us more often. Have a lot of good articles on the topic of parties!

In order for the birthday man or birthday girl to have a warm souvenir as a keepsake, at the entrance to the room (or just anywhere), fix a drawing paper on which guests can write pleasant wishes and congratulations, even draw small drawings. Place a table next to it with felt-tip pens, paints - you can ask children to leave a handprint.) The same idea can be implemented at a teenage and even an adult party!


Turn kids into animals! Make it very easy with the help of face painting, a paint that is completely safe for children's skin, specially created to bring fun! Children love having their faces painted. Draw tiger stripes, leopard spots, lion mustaches on their faces - trust your imagination! And if one of the guys has very sensitive skin, you can just ruffle the child's hair and put on a mask.


After the equipment is completed, you can issue certificates to all participants confirming their participation in the safari!



Do any of you know what a safari is? (Now it’s just excursions into the wild, but before it was a hunt) What animals do you think you can see by participating in a safari? (Lions, tigers, zebras, hippos, monkeys, buffaloes, elephants, rhinos, etc.) What is the fastest animal? And what about the bird? (A cheetah and an ostrich - runs the fastest or a peregrine hawk - flies the fastest) What cartoons do you know that involve animals that you could see during a safari? (Madagascar 1.2, The Lion King, Mowgli, Tarzan , The Jungle Book, Rio, The Great Journey, Jungle Union, etc.) Why are zebras striped? (The stripes help them deceive the most unpleasant African insects - tsetse flies) What birds of an unusual color do you know? (Flamingos are pink, blackbirds are often dark blue , parrots come in almost all colors, peacocks are rainbow, hummingbirds are multi-colored, robins are crimson, jays and kingfishers are blue, etc.) What plants grow in the jungle? (Palms, ferns, boxwoods, magnolias, junipers, cypresses, lianas, ficus , giant aloe, cacti, etc.) What fruits grow on palm trees? (Coconuts, dates, the answer “bananas” is wrong, a banana is technically a grass! There are also theoretically wine and sugar palms, suddenly someone knows) Which snake is the longest ? And the strongest? And the most dangerous? (The longest are pythons, the strongest are anacondas, the most poisonous are tiger snakes, ephs, vipers) Since the questions are quite difficult, you can conduct a quiz in the format “I believe it or not” or “What is superfluous?”, For example: Do you believe you that in Australia there is a snake called "Taipan", a dose of poison in the bite of which can kill 250,000 mice? ... that in an area of ​​a tropical forest equal in area to an ordinary room, about 1,500 species of flowers, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies grow? … that at the current rate of deforestation in the rainforest, 5-10% of animals will disappear every decade? … that if only one tropical rain falls in St. Petersburg, then it will be the strongest flood? … that the locals ride ostriches on horseback? … that the giraffe has the largest heart of any land mammal? … the same giraffes can live longer without water than camels? ... that tigers have stripes not only on their fur, but also on their skin? … that an iguana can stay under water for almost half an hour? … to dive deeper, do crocodiles swallow rocks? … that the elephant is the only animal with four knees? …that snakes can sleep for three whole years without eating anything? … that a camel has a straight spine despite the hump? … that in a lion pack, 90% of all prey is supplied by lionesses? … that elephants and humans are the only mammals that can stand on their heads? … that a snail has 25,000 teeth? … that a moth doesn't have a stomach? …that sloths and koalas spend 75% of their lives sleeping? …that ants never sleep? And so on and so forth. All the examples given are pure truth, but you dilute the facts with fiction, and it will be very interesting for children to guess what is true and what is not. Why, even adults will be surprised by some of the facts about the wild animal world!


After passing the quiz and awarding the winners, you can give everyone present special certificates of the Safari participant, treat the young hunters with fruit, and then the second part of the party begins


Of course, any games should be accompanied by music, and in some games, the music itself can become an element of the game;) The soundtracks for the film The Lion King, or, for example, Madagascars, are great for such a party. They are recognizable and will set the right mood. You can also use the sounds of the forest, the jungle as sound accompaniment, even the howl of wild animals is suitable for forcing the situation! For more traditional parties, games will come in handy.


skillful hands

Now there are a lot of shops where you can buy multi-colored clay for modeling, which hardens in the air. The kids will get some nice keepsakes! You can sculpt anything - animals, flowers, palm trees, fruits - whoever likes what more;) If there are a lot of girls at the party, then you can sculpt cookies in the shape of animals from dough. The boys will also like this entertainment, and then, when you bake the prepared masterpieces, there will be no limit to joy - everyone will want to eat their own! You can also weave beaded necklaces, bracelets, wreaths and much, much more!



A good outdoor game, especially suitable for spacious rooms or open spaces. Children line up in a snake, one after another, the essence of the game is that the whole “queue” should mirror the leader, it turns out especially funny when such a snake is also moving. The further the player is, the worse he sees what the host is doing, and because of this, all participants begin to mirror the movements of the players in front of them, confusion and confusion is introduced, a kind of damaged phone, only with movements.


animal alphabet

This game is suitable even for the little ones! Just sit the children in a circle, let them roll the ball to each other. Who gets the ball - he must name the animal for a certain letter of the alphabet (the game starts with "A" and, accordingly, the letters are moved in turn) - and so on to the very "I". Of course, impossible letters like "Y", "Y", "b" and "b" can be skipped. Or you can ask for an animal whose name contains such a letter.



A well-known game popular with both adults and children. The host thinks of a word (or a phrase, but it will be difficult for young children to show phrases) to an arbitrary person who will have to show the word that they have thought of to everyone else playing with the help of gestures and facial expressions. After the word has been guessed, the person who showed becomes the leader, and the person who guessed the word according to the prompts becomes the showing.



Let the children drag cards with the name of some famous animal or bird and take turns pointing to this animal, using both facial expressions and gestures, and voice. Of course, you can’t just say 2ya-lion, ”but growling, wheezing, croaking is allowed. The winner can be declared the one who turned out the most similar.


The king commands!

A “King” is chosen among the players (in the case of a safari party, it would be great if the “King” is wearing a lion mask as the king of beasts). The king stands facing his "subjects" and issues orders. Each order must begin with the words "The King orders ..." and further, for example, "touch the tip of the nose with your index finger." The correct order must be executed, if someone does not follow the order, then he is out of the game. However, if the King simply orders something, without saying "The King orders ...", then those who followed the order are also out of the game. The goal of the King is to incapacitate the largest number of subjects!


You can also make a piñata, it is very suitable for such a party. Or, for example, there is a great game Jungle Speed, which will be even more interesting for adults to play than for children.


You can also use coloring books and other little things that will interest children. At the end of the party, you can give out certificates for the title of "Adventurer" to everyone. Or you can come up with your own!

Animals - the theme is always popular with children. When children are very young: animals introduce them to a new world, when they have grown up - animals already become an integral part of their environment, and when children have grown up - animals are their part of active life, travel and wild adventures. Therefore, a safari-style birthday will be relevant at any age.

Holiday decoration

The theme of a safari or zoo is interesting to everyone and everything you need for a safari-style birthday decor is easy to come up with and prepare yourself. All ideas for the holiday lie on the surface.

Firstly, any striped elements are suitable - tablecloths, rugs, balls, napkins. Choose the striped range to your liking: black and white, like a zebra, and orange and black, like a tiger, will do. Add more greenery if you have a jungle: palm trees, lianas, tropical plants.

The color of our African safari is brown in all shades, from sandy to almost black, and also the green of grass and trees. For color variety, you can sprinkle spots of sunrises and sunsets.

Balls, flowers, lampshades can be used, the same as on other birthdays, only color harmony should be observed.

For Safari's birthday, stock up on green paper and paper bags. You will need this in large quantities. Cut large leaves with slits from paper, and let your birthday boy twist the packages into bundles, inserting the packages into each other and additionally lubricating it with glue. And then connect the leaves and stems with glue or a stapler. It remains to figure out where to hang the vines ..

Of course we need animals. Here is an incomplete list of animals participating in the holiday: tigers, lions, monkeys, elephants, zebras, giraffes, leopards, rhinos and buffaloes...

A safari-themed holiday provides you with the perfect opportunity to complete your wall decor and buy beautiful wildlife photos or paint your own. It will be especially colorful. You can tie animals from balloons or just buy them, you can cut wild animals out of cardboard or paper and hide them in secluded places, or vice versa put / hang / stick them in the most visible place. And if you already have a collection of toy animals, then it will definitely come in handy at a safari-style birthday party.

And animal footprints on the floor, table and walls will give the right mood. Let the apartment turn into a place for a safari: hang signs - Zimbabwe, the Sahara desert, Kenya or elephants, giraffes, tigers.

Game inventory

If there are adult children at the festival, they can be equipped for a trip with binoculars, compasses, backpacks, slingshots and cameras.

To travel, you may need a tent, and the first task is to break a scarf or build it from improvised materials.

On the way to the safari, the guys will be able to play the crocodile game: one depicts an animal, while the others guess and conduct a photo hunt on it.

Toddler guests can transform into animals using masks or facial designs. They will be happy to take part in a simple quiz, for example, in the form of "believe it or not."

Further adventure may contain many dangers - this is the attack of lions, and the fight against monkeys and the search for missing animals.

At a safari-style holiday, anything that features animals will do. Children can play, for example, a snake, when everyone lines up, the first one shows the movement, and everyone must repeat it.

And children may also like to play some small scenes from the cartoons Madagascar, The Lion King, Rio, The Big Journey at a Safari-style birthday party ...

Table setting

Now there are many different cutlery with the image of wild animals of hot countries. So here, the task is simplified. But the opportunity to show originality remained.
Use the main color scheme on the table. Add a striped tablecloth. And so that goodies are not lost among the stripes, use a contrast - cover the top with a plain napkin or vice versa, let the napkin be striped and the tablecloth plain.
Wicker baskets, trays or plates for sweets will look good on such a table.
Arrange small and large toys on the table.

And, of course, the cake will not leave children indifferent. Animals in any performance will delight.

Thematic invitations and gifts for guests

Animals will also be central figures here. Invite the kids on an exciting trip to Africa.

As a keepsake, little guests can sew small felt figures. Or get the kids involved in making gifts on a stick. And you can make prints with the image of animals.

Let your guests walk away from their birthday in Safari style with a “trophy”.

A safari-style children's birthday party will appeal to both boys and girls. However, boys are much more likely to prefer the theme of African hunting, travel and wild animals.

Initially, the concept of "safari" meant hunting in East Africa, but today this word also means hiking in the wild and traveling on the Black Continent during which tourists take pictures of animals. As you know, children love animals, especially exotic inhabitants of distant hot countries.

Safari style birthday invitations

Make children's birthday invitations using images of the jungle and African animals. Also, an illustration of an invitation card can be a photograph of the hero of the occasion in a safari suit.

In the text of the invitation, indicate the theme of the holiday so that guests can prepare properly. Indicate the date, time and place of the event, and do not forget to write down what clothes the children need to come to the holiday in - for example, in a tourist or hunter costume.

Invitations to a safari-style party can be left blank on one side so that at the end of the holiday, the children will receive tickets with a pasted photo taken during the event as a keepsake. An adult can capture each child by the hand with the birthday boy and print the picture on a color printer while the guests are having fun at the holiday.

Safari themed birthday costumes

You can warn the children about the dress code in advance and ask them to dress in safari style or prepare their own costumes. For example, buy inexpensive and simple khaki panama hats in a hunting store. As an option, offer bandanas for boys, and predatory scarves for girls.

You can also buy cheap plastic binoculars to give to the children who came to the holiday, or make them yourself with your child while preparing for the safari-style holiday. Funny binoculars are obtained from two fastened plastic cups with a cut off bottom (do not forget to stick tape instead of bottoms) and a cord tied to them - it is necessary so that children can put accessories around their necks.

Safari room decor

Parents can create the atmosphere of the African jungle and the tourist camp in them. Various posters with images of the jungle, green fabric draperies will help you with this, you can also order balloons in the form of animals and put a couple of artificial palm trees. Hang the masks of predators under the ceiling and on the windows, and place their traces cut out of paper on the floor. Also, backpacks, compasses, old suitcases, binoculars will become festive details of the safari-style decor.

At the entrance to the room, hang a poster that says: "Welcome to safari!" Do not forget about the musical background - the sounds of nature will help children plunge into the atmosphere of the jungle.

To create a themed table setting, use a canvas or leopard print tablecloth. The dishes should also continue the African theme. Place bowls of animal-shaped crackers and fruit baskets on the table.

Safari style birthday party

At a safari-style holiday, children can play the Crocodile game, when one person depicts an animal, while others guess and conduct a photo hunt on it. Little guests will be happy to transform into animals - invite them to use masks or face paintings for this and take part in an African quiz, for example, in the "believe it or not" format.

Arrange a search for missing animals, or play “Snake” with the children, when the kids take each other's hands, forming a chain, and the leader leads the participants along, describing various figures and overcoming obstacles.

Play out small scenes from the cartoons that all children love - Madagascar, The Lion King, Rio, The Big Journey, or invite the children to watch them together.