
Is it possible to knit for pregnant women. Is it possible to knit for pregnant women: we understand stereotypes. Can't say date of birth


During pregnancy, expectant mothers experience a special period in their lives. The way of life is changing and there is a moral preparation for the new role of the mother. Taking care of yourself and the health of the unborn child, its full development and future births often causes increased anxiety. The expectant mother begins to believe in superstitions and myths that have existed since ancient times. Are they true, and what does science say about it?

What is the reason for the myth that pregnant women cannot be knitted?

In ancient times, when medicine was much less developed, there were far fewer ways to help a woman with a difficult birth. Then there were no scientific explanations why the child was not born or the process was difficult and long. In this regard, there are many signs and superstitions. One of them talks about whether pregnant women can knit. It was believed that due to knitting, the child could get tangled in the umbilical cord.

From a medical point of view, these superstitions make absolutely no sense. There is not a single medical fact that would say that pregnant women should not be knitted. Doctors unanimously claim that the rumor about whether it is possible for pregnant women to crochet or knit has no scientific evidence.

Benefits of knitting during pregnancy

In fact, knitting during pregnancy brings significant benefits to the expectant mother. This process promotes relaxation and allows you to focus, calm your nerves and tune in to a good mood. While knitting, a pregnant woman tunes in to future motherhood, thinks about the child and puts her love and care into things.

So, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to crochet can be answered positively with confidence. Since ancient times, the process of preparing a dowry for an unborn child has been very important for mothers. And in our time, knitting will help save money from the family budget.

Why can't pregnant women knit?

So, now let's forget about the superstition about whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit or crochet, and let's talk about why you should not get too carried away with knitting. It is not very useful for a future mother to sit in one place for a long time, especially motionless or in one position. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with the process, you need to take regular breaks, warm up or walk.

During pregnancy, you should not overstrain your eyesight and put a lot of stress on your eyes. The body at this time actively expends energy and nutrients on the construction and development of the fetus, in connection with this, vitamin deficiency may occur. Therefore, the expectant mother is not recommended to get involved and knit for hours. Eye strain and lack of recovery vitamins can adversely affect vision, so if there are problems in this area, pregnant women should not be knitted.

How to knit

So, a smooth and measured knitting process will help both mom and baby relax and relieve stress. The main thing is to remember that this is not a duty and not a job, knitting should be fun.

Pregnant women should not do something contrary to themselves or their desires. If the desire is great, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit disappears by itself.

It is necessary to properly and comfortably organize the workplace and sit in such a way that the arms and legs do not swell. The environment should be comfortable and pleasant. It is very important to take regular breaks every 30 minutes. In no case should you allow overstrain of the spine and vision. The expectant mother should not be pinched or overstressed while knitting. This, by the way, is very clearly visible on the connected canvas. If the knots are too tight and tight, then the woman is tense or pinched. In this case, you need to change your position, turn on relaxing music or take a break.

The prohibition of sewing and knitting for pregnant women

Very often, while waiting for a baby, a woman has a craving for sewing, knitting and needlework in general. Especially “hands itch” for those who are already on maternity leave. There is still time before the birth of the baby, but there is nothing special to do with yourself. Many future mothers, as in ancient times, take up sewing and knitting a dowry for their crumbs. But it wasn’t there, because mothers-grandmothers-friends-neighbors are right there: “You can’t do this in your position - it’s supposedly a bad omen.” So is it possible for pregnant women to sew?

Heavy burden of pregnancy

Probably, every pregnant woman is doomed to the fact that she will have to listen to a huge amount of "advice" from relatives, friends or complete strangers. Moreover, all these tips consist mainly in prohibitions: this is impossible, then it is impossible. How to figure out what is possible and what is not? And if many taboos are justified by doctors, then most of them have no basis - our ancestors just did it that way.

Most often, a strict “no” can be heard about everything related to sewing or even threads. You can’t sew, you can’t prepare a dowry, you can’t tie or untie knots - this will affect pregnancy and childbirth, and besides, all this is a threat to the life of the baby. Which of us, being in an “interesting position”, has not heard such sayings? Do they have a good reason or are they just another "grandmother's tales"?

“You can’t tie and untie knots - the baby will get tangled in the umbilical cord”

Since ancient times, our great-grandmothers have drawn an analogy between a tangled thread and a tangled umbilical cord. Despite the fact that this superstition has no basis, pregnant women are still divided into two categories - one believes in this sign, and the second considers it a fiction. At the very basis of the belief about knitting, tying or untying lies a certain “compositional principle”, which has not only survived to this day, but continues to live. At the same time, medicine claims that this ban is actually not justified in any way.

“You can’t sew - you “sew” the way for a child into this world”

This is the most common superstition. It is based on the same metaphor as the previous sign. In fact, it has no reasonable grounds. There is no good reason forbidding the expectant mother to do needlework, on the contrary, it will bring benefits rather than harm. True, one should not forget that it is necessary to sew in a comfortable position, since a static load, as well as a long stay in one position, most often leads to a decrease in the flow of blood, as well as nutrients to the fetus. Is it possible to embroider during pregnancy? Listen to your baby - does he support your hobby? If the child began to move more actively, or, on the contrary, calmed down, it is best to take a break and rest - lie down or take a walk in the fresh air.

“You can’t prepare clothes for the baby on your own - childbirth will be problematic”

Another "harmful" sign for pregnant women. It is also associated with the concept of nature "to sew clothes - to tie knots." This is especially true for knitting. But you really want to make booties or a hat for a newborn (do not forget, by the way, take into account the size) on your own and with love in your heart. Is it possible to knit during pregnancy? The answer is yes! All this superstition is without any basis, since the expectant mother is drawn to create something with her own hands - this simply calms many, and many want to make an original gift for the birth of a baby. In addition, the third trimester of pregnancy makes a woman calm and peaceful, she already loves her future baby, and therefore is doing something more “motherly” at this time.

Doctors say that those who sew and those who did not pick up a needle during pregnancy have a chance of getting complications during childbirth. In addition, the diagnosis of "entanglement of the umbilical cord" has nothing to do with this.

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My best friend tortured me with a question that is probably not very relevant for modern people today, but prejudices and superstitions take their toll. Please share your opinions and your experience on the question: "Is it possible to knit during pregnancy?". Personally, this is my hobby, and during my pregnancy I knitted, almost until the very last day. Although the doctors in the hospital did not allow this, saying that threads often cause allergies. And grandmothers said that if a pregnant woman knits, this can lead to entanglement of the umbilical cord in a child. Personally, I do not think so, it seems to me that knitting calms. And what do you think?

Of course you can! and in general, a pregnant woman can do everything that she likes, gives her pleasure and brings peace and tranquility! So knit to your health!

I wouldn't risk my child for my hobby. Signs do not exist from scratch. So I still know that during pregnancy you can’t kick a pregnant cat with your foot - this is very bad. You can’t sit on an empty bucket, because of this the child will be insatiable.

10.11.2011 — 17:34#

You can knit, but lying on your side. Why - if you sit or reclining on your back, a vein is squeezed and after 20 weeks the fetus may experience hypoxia, as a result - entanglement with the umbilical cord. Therefore, knitting is associated with hypoxia and entanglement with the umbilical cord - hence the sign. When you lie on your side, nothing bad will happen.

25.11.2012 — 18:33#

So what? All 20 weeks and lie on your side, so that, God forbid, something terrible does not happen))))

Why not? These are all prejudices. What a person believes in will happen to him. Personally, I knitted for my baby when I was pregnant. Everything went great (I mean the birth). Well, if you are still afraid to knit, I can advise another type of needlework. You can buy T-shirts, blouses and T-shirts without patterns, and embroider beautiful pictures on them. Looks very nice!

I believe that during pregnancy it is possible to knit. She knitted herself, and nothing bad happened, she gave birth to a healthy daughter! Cord entanglement can occur at any time, it is not recommended to knit, because this is a sedentary activity, during knitting you need to take breaks and move.

My mother knitted in the last stages of pregnancy and I was born wrapped around the umbilical cord. Although, to be honest, I do not believe in signs. I think you should do what you think.

Well, tell me for mercy - how can knitting affect the umbilical cord? Can anyone describe the mechanism? Of course, it happens that you knit - and then the entanglement of the umbilical cord ... and how many children with entanglement were born to mothers who do not know how to knit at all? Honestly, what century are we living in?

It is possible and necessary, all the more, a hundred it calms. Turning to prejudice, you should not knit only during religious holidays. I also love to knit. I knitted throughout my pregnancy. The child has frenulums under the tongue and under the lip; he could not take the breast. They say that because of knitting on holidays. I don't know if it's true or not...

They also believe that wires cannot be crossed. This also leads to entanglement of the umbilical cord. Throw this nonsense out of your head. Knit for health.

It seems to me that this sign is a complete nonsense. At all times, girls knitted booties and caps for their future children. It just coincided with some physiological reasons.

They say you can neither sew nor knit during pregnancy! Although I knitted before pregnancy, but now I'm still afraid (

07.02.2012 — 14:07#

If you can’t knit, then how then can our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, etc. After all, before there was nothing and all the clothes for the little ones were prepared during pregnancy and with their own hands)))))

15.03.2012 — 07:59#

at the first pregnancy she knitted from 1 month until the very birth. I gave birth easily, my daughter quickly passes at 5. We are getting ready for the 2nd birth and again I knit only crochet booties and flowers. all this is superstition.

14.03.2012 — 13:28#

and I knitted in the early stages, then a miscarriage ... but now I don’t want to take risks ... I couldn’t get pregnant for 2 years

04.04.2012 — 14:55#

I knitted during pregnancy and the child had an entanglement, which saved him! If there was no entanglement, the child would have swallowed meconium. It is impossible to predict what will

15.12.2012 — 01:23#

Hello! And during my pregnancy, I didn’t knit, didn’t sew, didn’t sew, didn’t sew, and generally didn’t take a needle and thread in my hands for all nine months. However, I had double cord entanglement. Then, however, my daughter unraveled and I gave birth without entanglement!

26.12.2013 — 00:03#

How it is in everyone's head. All thoughts are material!!! If you knit and are afraid, then there will be some kind of garbage. That's the whole mechanism!

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I knitted ... And there was an umbilical entanglement ... But I associate this with flying on an airplane ... My daughter was very fussy during takeoffs and landings ...

Elena I was on the site 6 hours ago Russia, MoscowYes, I read that babies react to loud sounds in this way)) I understand her, I myself get nervous during takeoffs and landings and start to “crawl”))) Anna I was on the site 5 hours ago Russia, Moscow Knitted both pregnancies (I have such a job). this does not affect the entanglement in any way)) And the scientific explanation of the signs is simple: when you knit (sew, embroider), you sit in one position for a long time, you don’t move, so the baby doesn’t have enough oxygen, he spins and wraps around. So you just need to approach everything reasonably) Elena I was online 6 hours ago Russia, MoscowThank you! I knit somehow reclining, it turns out. And for some reason it's easier for me to sit than to lie down. Yesterday, I didn’t lie on my back for long, but it became difficult to breathe - the diaphragm, apparently, had already risen to my throat)) So the woman allowed me to lie on my side)) Alena I was on the site 9 hours ago Russia, Moscow

I knitted in my last pregnancy and will knit in this one. I'm not superstitious. I also cut and color my hair and do a lot of what is “not possible”.

Elena I was on the site 6 hours ago Russia, MoscowYes, I also dye my hair - I can’t, I have half a head of gray hair (((I started buying ammonia-free paint only. Otherwise, don’t cut your hair and don’t paint - I will look like a witch. Probably , I also do a lot of what is “impossible”, I just don’t know about it))) It just coincided with knitting. And the long-awaited and even “suffered” pregnancy, one might say, it’s scary to do something wrong .. Yesterday I went to bed, I was afraid to turn around, only the baby doesn’t care - I hung out again, the star of the dance floor, damn it))) Maria Lebedeva I was on site 9 hours ago Russia, Orsk

She was in the hospital on conservatism4 with a girl, she has been working in a beauty salon for many years. He says that "ammonia-free" paint is a PR move. These don't happen.

I think that you can paint your head if you normally reanimate to smells. Also, you can’t cut your hair because pregnant women can’t sit for a long time. If it’s for you to sit in one position normally, cut your hair for health) Signs were invented when medicine was not developed and people were just looking for causal relationships. It's just so much easier. But we are smarter now))

Is it possible to knit during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers very often ask one important question, such as what needs to be feared during pregnancy, and what fears are actually empty words. Let's dot all the and, and reveal all the secrets of pregnancy. On the topic of pregnancy, there are many fears of what it is not recommended to do to the expectant mother so that her baby is not in any danger. On this topic, our grandmothers have already managed to compose many legends, although some of them have scientific confirmation. In order to put everything in its place, it is necessary to decide which signs are worth believing and which are not.

Pregnant women should not knit!

Our mothers and grandmothers unanimously claim that it is impossible to knit during pregnancy, but they cannot give exact definitions, arguing only that the umbilical cord will wrap around the baby's neck. You can immediately say that this is all pure lies. Except for one small BUT. Why fiction? Well, judge for yourself, where does knitting to the umbilical cord? But here, harm to the health of the mother, although small, can bring knitting. With the onset of pregnancy, huge changes take place in a woman's life, joyful moments appear, but also, of course, difficult trials. The baby, who will soon be born, needs to prepare a children's corner, as well as diapers, little things and toys. That is why the future mother begins to do needlework in order to provide her baby with all the most necessary and best. This sign has its roots in ancient times, but in order for future mothers to think about it, it was necessary to embellish the negative consequences so that it was firmly imprinted in the memory of mothers. Undoubtedly, you should not pay attention to the fact that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, but still there are other explanations for the fact that knitting should not be neglected during pregnancy.

What can harm knitting during pregnancy:

- the position in which mommy knits can aggravate her condition, the fetus, with a strong torso tilt, puts pressure on the vena cava, thereby closing the blood flow to the legs. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel a slight dizziness and lack of air. In order to avoid this situation, it is best to knit while sitting on a chair or armchair, leaning forward slightly, since in this position the load on the veins is reduced. - when knitting, the load on the spine increases, which can make itself felt in late pregnancy and during labor. To do this, the hours spent on your favorite knitting should be reduced, considering it only a hobby and not obligatory work, without setting a goal to impose on the crumbs for the whole year in advance. Do not forget that today all things are available for sale in stores, and you can find any one according to your capabilities, which means you can stop at knitting a pair of penets or a hat. - while knitting, you can easily lose your eyesight. If you neglect the golden rules that all therapists and gynecologists unanimously repeat, that during pregnancy, all the organs of a woman work with a vengeance for the active growth of the baby, which means that the expectant mother should not strain them more. During pregnancy, many mothers complain that their vision is weakening due to a lack of vitamins. That is why you should not overdo it in this matter, because in such a matter as knitting, the eyes get tired very quickly, since it is constantly necessary to monitor the subject of knitting, straining your eyesight. Any hobby that can calm and distract the expectant mother from everyday fuss cannot be prohibited, but do not forget that everything should be in moderation! During pregnancy, a number of changes occur throughout the body of the expectant mother, as well as in the blood supply system, while even small and smallest vessels can be subjected to increased stress. In this case, it is worth limiting the time allocated for your favorite activity, knitting. Mommy can leave these loads for the postpartum period, at that moment she will have much more free time in order to impose excellent clothes on her baby in between breastfeeding.


During pregnancy, every woman faces a huge number of prohibitions. It is not surprising that expectant mothers involuntarily begin to believe in all sorts of superstitions and prejudices, such as you can’t cut your hair, as well as dye it, pick up things for the future baby in advance, sew and knit.

But at the same time, many pregnant women are convinced that such rumors arise from scratch, and continue to do everything they did before. After all, every pregnant woman wants to look perfect, and why not use the services of a hairdresser for this. Many expectant mothers want to create something for their future child with their own hands, so why not take up knitting.

It is needlework during pregnancy, namely knitting, that we will pay special attention to today.

Where did the superstitions about knitting during pregnancy come from?

All rumors and beliefs come from ancient times, when women gave birth to midwives. The fact is that in those days, many believed that activities related to thread (knitting, weaving, etc.) negatively affect the child in the womb, as a result of which the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord.

But, in fact, such an explanation was invented by the midwives themselves, who, due to ignorance in this area, often could not protect the baby from suffocation during childbirth. Therefore, such a superstition as “it is forbidden to knit while carrying a child” has a simple explanation.

Meanwhile, in some cases, experts still recommend abandoning needlework, but there are more objective reasons for this “taboo”: vision deteriorates, problems arise, etc.

Knitting during the period of bearing a baby: superstition and reality

The risk of wrapping the baby with the umbilical cord most often scares expectant mothers. But, as we have already said, this opinion came to us from antiquity. At that time, women were forced to do a lot of needlework in order to provide all relatives with the necessary “wardrobe”. And besides, the process of pregnancy was something unusual and incomprehensible for many, so it was much easier to forbid something than to risk the health of a little man in the womb.

If we consider such a situation today, then each needlewoman, while knitting, makes many loops on an even thread, hence the resemblance to the umbilical cord and wrapping the baby. But if the superstition were true, then most babies would be born with entanglements.

Modern doctors may impose such a ban for other reasons. The fact is that during needlework, women are in a static position for a long period of time, which can lead to congestion in certain areas of the body or insufficient oxygen supply to the child. To prevent such processes, experts recommend that pregnant women take short breaks (15-20 minutes) from time to time and do a simple warm-up.

Also, one of the reasons for the handicraft "taboo" is spoiled vision. In the old days, women knitted a lot in low light. Indeed, in those days, the only ways of lighting were a candle or a torch, so it is not surprising that the eyes of the weaker sex quickly deteriorated, and the needlewomen simply could not physically engage in their activities for a long period.

Today, modern lighting devices can solve this problem and prevent the development of early blindness. But even in this case, doctors recommend taking breaks and doing it for the eyes. This does not require much time and effort. During an exciting activity, look at the corner of the room or the window, and then you can return to knitting again.

Very often you can hear from others that it is impossible to prepare children's things in advance, since such preparations can end in the birth of a dead child. But during pregnancy, every woman wants to prepare everything, including a children's wardrobe, for the birth of a baby.

But there is a simple explanation for this ban. The fact is that ultrasound diagnostics does not always accurately determine the sex of the child. There are times when parents think that they are expecting a girl and, accordingly, prepare a wardrobe for her in “pink colors”. However, a boy is born, and then moms and dads have a question: where to put the cooked things? But you should not worry about this, since children's outfits can always be sold or re-gifted.

But in order to avoid such awkward moments, experts advise parents to knit or buy neutral things that are perfect for both their son and beautiful daughter. After the birth of the baby, interesting elements can be attached to them, indicating belonging to the floor. And an even better option would be knitting things for adults. Thus, future mothers will do what they love, and the question of preparing a children's wardrobe will disappear by itself.

But the problem of the older generation is quite difficult to eliminate. After all, mothers and grandmothers know better “what is possible” and “what is not” while carrying a baby. This habit of interfering in one's own business often becomes the reason for the refusal of the expectant mother from her favorite pastime in favor of peace in the family.

To knit or not to knit during pregnancy?

So, it is not forbidden to knit for pregnant women. It depends only on them whether they will be engaged in needlework or not. But even if a woman in a position decides to give a damn about all sorts of beliefs and wants to do what she loves, there will still be a person from her environment who, hiding behind care, will teach and point her out. But women in position simply need positive emotions. And how can you get them if someone keeps saying: “You can’t, you will harm the child!”. After all, you involuntarily begin to think and get hung up on a non-existent problem.

A pregnant woman, of course, can defend her point of view, but in response she will receive only resentment and misunderstanding, and she does not need negative emotions and quarrels in this position. After all, nine months of pregnancy should be the brightest and most joyful. The expectant mother should surround herself only with positive emotions.

To knit or not to knit is up to you, because such superstitions do not affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the baby. But it is important that your occupation does not become the subject of quarrels, and then nothing will overshadow the happiest period in life.

Pregnancy is not only a pleasant expectation of a small miracle, but also a lot of previous worries, because at this time the daily routine and the usual way of life of a woman completely change. The expectant mother is worried about a huge number of questions, for example, is it possible for pregnant women to knit, cut their hair or go to the cemetery. As it turned out, there is nothing shameful in this, because during such a period women become more vulnerable and sensitive, which is caused solely by concern for the unborn baby. For the most part, superstitions and signs regarding pregnancy were compiled in ancient times. But, despite the abundance of information and the fairly high level of education of modern women, some of them still adhere to the opinion that beliefs must be observed without fail. So, we offer to understand what is possible and impossible for pregnant women.

The truth about knitting and sewing

One of the first superstitions that misleads expectant mothers is: “pregnant women cannot knit.” And why? Good question! Let's figure it out.

In ancient times, our ancestors did not have the information that is available today to a modern woman, therefore, in the event of an unsuccessful birth, it was easier for them to state that sewing and knitting are dangerous than to understand that a pregnant woman could have, for example, an anatomical discrepancy between the bones the pelvis and head of the baby, or that the position of the baby in the womb was longitudinal. Why is knitting during pregnancy dangerous in reality? Let's figure it out further.

Decreased motor activity

The most interesting thing is that there is still some danger in knitting for the expectant mother. If you understand the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit, first of all, you should think not about the superstition invented by our ancestors, but about a real threat. As it turned out, the point here is not in knitting itself, but in the consequences of this interesting and exciting process, in other words, a woman, creating a beautiful dress or booties for her future child, stops preparing for childbirth. And this happens both on an emotional level and on a physical one. Therefore, it is against this background that various complications arise during pregnancy. In other words, the expectant mother simply stops moving, which leads to a cessation of oxygen supply to the baby or blood stagnation. But no one says that she must necessarily stop doing what she loves. You just need to be aware of these consequences. To do this, you should carry out a light warm-up every 15-20 minutes, as well as change the position of the body more often.

Damage to vision

“Is it possible to knit for pregnant women and will the vision deteriorate?” - this is the second topical question, the answer to which is quite obvious. Vision, of course, can deteriorate, but only if the elementary rules for lighting the room are not observed. It used to be that women could knit by a burning candle. The life of a modern girl is much different, and today the market is replete with various lighting fixtures available to everyone.

Of course, looking at one point while knitting is also quite harmful, so no one has yet canceled warm-ups for the eyes. To do this, try to look out the window or at a far point more often, interrupt in the process of knitting, closing your eyes for a few seconds. After such elementary exercises, the question “is it possible for pregnant women to knit and whether it will damage their eyesight” will disappear by itself.

And what about pre-prepared things for the unborn baby?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to prepare things for an unborn baby in advance. What are the reasons for this opinion? Let's find out! First, the active preparation of clothes for a child, according to superstition, can lead to the birth of a dead baby. It is believed that it is these things that will become some kind of guides to another world. This is perhaps the most terrifying statement. Therefore, the question of whether pregnant women can knit clothes for an unborn child should be answered only by the expectant mother herself, because only she has the right to decide what to do in this situation.

cord entanglement

This is perhaps the most basic "reason" as to why pregnant women should not be knitted. Many argue that it is the tying of loops and knots that can lead to this terrible consequence. In this case, it must be understood that if knitting really had anything to do with entwining the umbilical cord, then each would end that way. Therefore, it is worth looking at things more realistically and not going to extremes, as they say.

The influence of others

Another reason why many pregnant women give up their favorite activity is the influence of others. You need to be prepared for this, because there are people who are very fond of giving advice and saying that they are the most experienced in this matter. Believe their words or not - it's up to the expectant mother to decide, but you still need to try to refrain from suggesting such "experienced advisers".

In a word, remember that the question “is it possible for pregnant women to crochet or knit” will become irrelevant if the expectant mother moves more, does exercises, walks in the fresh air and does not listen to all the advice of others.

What else can not be done during pregnancy?

When asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit, we answered in detail. Now let's look at what other superstitions exist regarding prohibitions for the expectant mother.

Is it possible to talk about the onset of pregnancy at the initial stages?

Many future mothers are sure that this should never be done. So they do their best to keep their interesting position a secret. What is it connected with? The roots of this belief are again closely intertwined with the life of our ancestors. In ancient times, it was believed that this prohibition protected a pregnant woman and child from evil spirits. And even now, almost every expectant mother is afraid of the evil eye or unnecessary questions, and therefore adheres to this ban.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy?

It is possible, why not? What woman will deprive herself of pleasure and will not go to the hairdresser for 9 months? There are probably very few of them. It was only in the old days that hair was believed to be a source of vitality, but at the moment there is no reason to believe so. Therefore, cut your hair and dye your hair for health.

Can pregnant women visit cemeteries?

It is more expedient for rather impressionable and sensitive persons not to do this. Doctors also advise doing this, because the psyche of a pregnant woman during the bearing of a child is quite shaky. But the circumstances in our life can be different. It happens that a loved one may die suddenly, and a pregnant relative is simply obliged to accompany him on his last journey. From such a situation, no one is ever insured!

So, before you seriously think about the question of “what can and cannot be pregnant”, decide whether you need all this. Ask yourself: is there any need to hang some obscure labels on yourself when you can just enjoy such a wonderful moment in life? It is better to listen to calm and good music more often, be outdoors regularly, visit, and then you simply will not have time to observe any superstitions and prohibitions.

The birth of a child is a real miracle that every woman dreams of. If this is the first pregnancy, then naturally an inexperienced mother does not yet know about certain recommendations that must be strictly observed, so she wants to know about all the important details of this issue.

I would like to note right away that the period of pregnancy gives not only vivid emotions from the fact that very soon a new little man will be born, but also a lot of prohibitions that you should prepare for. Often, future mothers, especially those who are expecting a baby for the first time, begin to believe in various predictions and superstitions.

For example, there is an opinion that pregnant women should not, or, pre-select things for the baby, as well as knitting. If knitting is your hobby, then naturally there is a desire to find out if you really should now give it up for nine whole months.

Of course, experienced mothers do not attach any importance to such superstitions, thereby doing everything that they did before. This is explained by the fact that no matter what position a woman is in, she always wants to look amazing, beautiful, perfect, which means that it is impossible not to use the services of a hairdresser.

Pregnant women dream and want to create something for the crumbs with their own hands, which means there is a reason to start knitting.

Where did superstitions come from?

Know that such rumors have come to us since antiquity, then the birth itself was taken by untrained people.

Then, in fact, they believed that those activities that are associated with the thread can negatively affect the child, and the baby can be wrapped around the umbilical cord.

Even if experts offer you to give up needlework, they will do it not for these reasons, but because your eyesight begins to deteriorate, your back suffers.

After all, a woman is in one position for a long time. This leads to some problems, such as stagnation, which is desirable to avoid, since the child does not receive enough oxygen.

As for vision problems, of course, those lighting devices that are found today can solve this problem. But even if the attending physician allows knitting, he will definitely recommend taking breaks, not forgetting to carry out a simple one.

As a rule, this does not take much time, and even more effort, so do not be lazy. For example, while knitting, you should look, for example, at the window, and then return it to knitting.

To knit or not to knit?

You need to understand that women are not forbidden to knit during pregnancy. You must decide for yourself whether you want to do this or not.

Be prepared for the fact that even if you don’t take such superstitions seriously, there will definitely be people from outside who will remind you of them, and after all, expectant mothers need only positive emotions, so you can’t be categorically nervous.

Despite the fact that a pregnant woman has the opportunity to leave her point of view, she is unlikely to be supported. Most likely, in response you can only get insults, it is naturally desirable to isolate yourself from such situations, remember this.

Remember that the nine months of pregnancy should always be bright, joyful, let only positive and vivid emotions into your life.

Is it true that the child will be wrapped in the umbilical cord if the pregnant woman knits or sews? With the onset of pregnancy, due to changes in hormonal levels, the most calm and balanced women can become hysterical and capricious. Pregnancy turns iron ladies into naive and reverent ladies. By the way, some doctors often use this to intimidate gullible mothers, put them in the department or force them to take some expensive and not very necessary analysis.

But even without it, it's enough. For example, people say that pregnant women should not knit and sew? Is this true, or is it the most common superstition before us?

They say that if a woman knits or sews during pregnancy, then her child will be wrapped around the umbilical cord. What is the risk? An umbilical cord wound around the baby's neck can cause birth trauma, it can tighten and cause strangulation of the fetus. If the child is entwined with the umbilical cord, he may not receive the nutrition he needs, oxygen, which causes certain developmental pathologies.

Fearfully? Certainly. A pregnant woman, trusting, naive and frightened, she still lacked this. But right now she has a desire, and time, to knit or sew something for her long-awaited baby, and for herself, too (especially since the figure is changing, there is a need for new clothes).

The ban on needlework during pregnancy - superstition or truth?

Doctors say that the mobility of the child in the womb is a lack of oxygen. The less a woman moves, the more active the baby behaves.

Women who walk a lot, perform physical activity, sit in monotonous positions a little, barely catch the movement of the fetus. He receives enough oxygen from such a mother, and he does not need to spin to provide himself with oxygen. Sometimes such a mother has to go to tricks, take uncomfortable positions that her baby does not like, in order to make him move at least a finger.

Naturally, the more the child spins, the more chances he has to change his presentation relative to the cervix and also wrap himself around the umbilical cord. That is, if a woman spends a lot of time sitting, she knits or sews, in a not very comfortable position, the child lacks oxygen and begins to spin. So, the warning has a completely logical justification.

What if you are pregnant, but you just really want to knit or sew?

What to do? Everything is good in moderation. If it is said that a woman in position should move more, then this recommendation should be taken into account.

If you feel like knitting, and this is a long business, not one hour and not one day, then it will be right to do this in short periods between walks, interspersed with physical education and other household chores. If you sit too long at the sewing machine in an uncomfortable position, you can harm both your baby and yourself.

We conclude that, in principle, during pregnancy it is not advisable to lead a sedentary lifestyle. But you need to do what pleases, brings pleasure, if this does not come at the expense of health.