
Day of Indigenous Peoples of the North. Script for children. Scenario of entertainment for the day of indigenous peoples Scenario of the day of the indigenous peoples of the world


International Day of the World's Indigenous People is celebrated annually on August 9th.

International Day of the World's Indigenous People (August 9) was first proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1994 to commemorate this date annually during the first International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (1995-2004).

In 2004, the Assembly proclaimed the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People for the period 2005-2014, under the slogan "A Decade of Action and Dignity".

For a long time, indigenous peoples were viewed as inferior, backward and in need of development. Often, these arguments were used to justify certain legal concepts, laws, and international decisions that oppress their rights. Russia is no exception. Such peoples are noted in Siberia, in the North and the Far East. Their life is comparable to ours, and they still pass on their traditions from father to son, from mother to daughter.
The situation changed only in the second half of the twentieth century. In the 1970s, at the initiative of the United Nations, research into the rights of indigenous peoples began. The results of these studies had a strong influence on public opinion, as a result, in 1982, the UN Economic and Social Council created a Working Group on Indigenous Peoples within the framework of the subcommittee on the prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities of the UN Commission on Human Rights. In 1985, the UN General Assembly established the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples. It provides assistance to representatives of indigenous communities and organizations and is administered by the UN Secretary General.

The total number of indigenous peoples in the world is estimated at about 370 million people. They live in more than 70 countries and represent many languages ​​and cultures. Although indigenous peoples make up 5% of the world's population, they account for 15% of the world's poorest people.
Indigenous peoples continue to face many challenges and their rights are often violated: they are deprived of the ability to control their own development based on their values, needs and priorities; they are underrepresented in political bodies and do not have access to social and other services.

In the Russian Federation, indigenous peoples are recognized as peoples living in the territories of traditional settlement of their ancestors, preserving their traditional way of life, managing and crafts, numbering less than 50 thousand people on the territory of the Russian Federation and recognizing themselves as independent ethnic communities.
In total, 47 ethnic groups belong to the indigenous peoples in Russia. This group of peoples includes 40 indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East.

Indigenous peoples live compactly in more than 30 constituent entities of Russia, more than 65% of them live in rural areas. According to the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, the total number of indigenous peoples of the North was about 258 thousand people. The most numerous peoples are the Nenets (44640) and Evenki (38396); the smallest are Kereks (4) and Enets (227). Another 7 indigenous peoples (Abaza, Besermen, Vod, Izhors, Nagaybaks, Setos (Setos), Shapsugs) live in other geographical areas.

Fanfare sounds. The curtain moves. Leaders come out.
Nadia. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
Heraclius. We are glad to welcome you again at the sixth anniversary Festival of the Cultures of the World.
Nadia. Today on this stage we say greetings to all guests and participants of the festival.
Heraclius. This holiday has become a truly hallmark of our school, has gained popularity among all, without exception, students, their parents, teachers and guests.
Nadia. The festival proved that the creative potential of our children, their teachers and parents is very great and truly inexhaustible.
Heraclius. This festival brought together 12 teams representing 12 countries.
Nadia. Today, on the final day of the Festival, the children will perform as part of the “Join Hands, Friends!” contest.
Heraclius. They will present a presentation of the country's culture to the public and the jury, talk about its features, and perhaps reveal some secrets!
Nadia. I love secrets!
Heraclius. I assure you, everyone in this room loves secrets, and especially those who sit in the front row.
Nadia. We meet our experienced and highly respected impartial jury.
Heraclius. These are those who will have to carry a difficult watch today: they will have to evaluate the creative work of several months of children's groups, whose task was to represent European, Latin American, African and Asian countries.
Nadia. That is why the jury today will be especially difficult. Let's give the jury members a round of applause.
Heraclius. In addition, each of you, dear guests and spectators, will also be the one who will determine the fate of the winner.
Nadia. Audience Award Winner.
Heraclius. At the entrance to the hall, we handed out multi-colored cards to the representatives of the teams and guests, on the back of which there is a list of teams, for one of which you can vote.
Nadia. You can only vote for one team. You can't vote for yourself.
Heraclius. Thus, at the end of today's competition, the jury will sum up not only the results of the entire competition program, but will also announce the winner in the nomination "People's Choice Award".
Nadia. So, the participants are ready, the audience is impatient, the jury is full of attention.
Heraclius. We are starting a contest "Let's join hands, friends!"
Nadia. Tell me, Yaroslav, how many children are in our gym?
Heraclius. I find it difficult to answer exactly, but something tells me that there are much more children here than adults.
ANYA. But students of the 2nd "A" class claim that each of us is a child in our hearts and none of those gathered here are in a hurry to leave the country of childhood.
YAROSLAV. Well, it's quite likely. Let's meet the Childhood Country team.
(Performance 2 "A").
ANYA. Who has never heard the surf of two oceans, who has never seen the connection of two continents, who has not enjoyed the blueness of the sky ...
YAROSLAV. Who has not inhaled the aromas of real coffee, who has not experienced admiration for real Latin American cuisine, who has not watched incendiary dances to the accompaniment of national melodies,
LEADING TOGETHER. He was not in Panama.
ANYA. You have a unique opportunity right now to be transported to this blessed country under the guidance of 4 "A" class.
(Performance 4 "A").
ANYA. How quiet you are - the night of Ukraine ...
Boundless all your plains...
Your coolness is so pleasant ...
You are boundless, boundless ...

YAROSLAV. Your beautiful stars blinking
Makes the heart flutter...
Crickets mysterious song -
So inspiring and lovely...

ANYA. What heartfelt lines about the country!
YAROSLAV. And we will hear even more laudatory words in the performance of the 11 "A" class, which will tell about Ukraine!
(Performance 11 "A").

ANYA. Nature is amazingly beautiful
All at once: mountains, sea, skies!
And the smells beckoned passionately,
Lavender, roses, coniferous forests…

YAROSLAV. We were lucky: the sun shone brightly,
And warmed the Adriatic with warmth.
The breeze was blowing and it wasn't so hot
Not a cloud in the blue sky though!
ANYA. We could hear such words from the lips of any representative of the 7 "A" class, because it was they who were lucky to be Croats for 3 whole months.
YAROSLAV. Let's give them the floor. Let them report on the time spent not in vain.
ANYA. 7 "A" and Croatia!
(Performance 7 "A").
YAROSLAV. Anya! How do you feel about the idea of ​​traveling to South Africa?
ANYA. Generally positive, but...
YAROSLAV. What scares you?
ANYA. Well, for example, the unknown.
YAROSLAV. If I were you, I would not be afraid of the unknown, because students of the 6th “A” class can answer any question related to South Africa.
ANYA. Let them answer! Stage 6 "A" and South Africa.
(Performance 6 "A").

YAROSLAV. Surprises, astonishes
This wonderful country
Kings, palaces, churches...
Magnificent, though small!
ANYA. Each stone is like a legend
There is history in everything
Ancient eternal covenants,
Every house breathes the past.
YAROSLAV. 9 "A" class represents Hungary.
(Performance 9 "A").

ANYA. Oriental tale of a mysterious night,
Oh, how many stories you tell me.
Oh, how many moments and wanderings of the soul,
What happened to you in silence.
YAROSLAV. O Syria, ancient unopened flower,
There are so many secrets in you that are hidden by time!
ANYA. Another mystery!
YAROSLAV. The East is always a mystery.
ANYA. 9 "B" class represents Syria.
(Performance 9 "B")
YAROSLAV. Since childhood, I have been dreaming of the peninsula,
He is like a light in my soul.
There is nothing that I hate.
There is only what you like.
It's like a miracle happens there.
Venice stands in the water
There fairy tales come alive again
At the carnival in February.
ANYA. Italy, I love you!
You, all in the world, are dearer to me
And I won't change for anything
Your Roman Forum, Colosseum.
YAROSLAV. I seem to hear the voices of the guys from the 10 "A" class team
ANYA. Let's leave the stage for them to tell us about Italy!
(Performance 10 "A")
YAROSLAV. At the word Vienna, the heart is inspired
Exults, choking with love.
At the word Vienna - Chopin's music,
And Mozart, and Strauss, and, and ...
ANYA. And immediately a waltz, blossoming apple trees foam,
Champagne, coffee aroma,
And the shining stage of the opera,
And on the Cathedral Square alarm!
YAROSLAV. What heartfelt lines from a poem by an unknown Austrian poet!
ANYA. And we invite students of the 5th "B" grade to continue the conversation about the charms of Austria.
(Performance 5 "B").
ANYA. Warsaw, I love you easily, sadly and forever.
Although in the arsenal of words, there are probably words that are thinner and more accurate,
But the one on the left side, the holy muscle in man,
How it beats, how it yearns!..
And do nothing with her.
YAROSLAV. The word about Poland is given to students of the 7th "B" class.
(Performance 7 "B")
ANYA. Stockholm is beautiful all year round
A drop of melting fast waters,
Raw rainy weather
And the local northern nature.
YAROSLAV. Indeed, everything is right in Sweden, everything is beautiful.
ANYA. The floor is given to the team of 6 "B" class.
(Performance 6 "B")
YAROSLAV. Rio de Janeiro on the beat
Samba and waves.
To these beaches, palm trees, reefs
Ostap Bender was in love.

ANYA. Rio - rainbow dresses
Shades the swarthy.
Rio opened its arms
On the palms of Christ.
There the banana is yellower and sweeter,
There, a passer-by is happy for you,
There they sing and love more often
In the frenzied crackling of cicadas.

YAROSLAV. 8 "B" class represents Brazil.
(Performance 8 "B")
ANYA. Well, here we are in Ireland.
YAROSLAV. What do you know about her?
ANYA. This is a country located in the northern hemisphere, with an interesting flora and fauna.
YAROSLAV. It is also a country rich in national traditions.
ANYA. We meet the team of 8 "A" class, real Irishmen.
(Performance 8 "A").
YAROSLAV. This is the end of our competition program.
ANYA. But there always comes an end to everything.
YAROSLAV. But not in our case, because only one year will pass and we will meet again in this hall.
ANYA. As a sign of farewell to the Festival, our song sounds.
(All members of the final song sing)
YAROSLAV. Thanks to all participants of the Festival!
ANYA. Let's see them into the hall with a long round of applause.
(Everyone leaves, except the presenters, to the music of the final song)
YAROSLAV. These are real heroes who bravely overcame obstacles on the way to participation and victory in the festival.
ANYA. It's time to sum up the results of the competition program.
YAROSLAV. The jury may confer and submit the protocols to the counting commission.
ANYA. Dear viewers! Cast your vote for the team that, in your opinion, has become the most deserving to receive the Audience Choice Award.
YAROSLAV. In the meantime, the counting commission is working, we will give our jury members the opportunity to express their attitude to what happened today and throughout the festival week.
(The hosts go to the jury and guests in the hall and ask questions. At this time, the announcement of the results is being prepared).
EGOR. Tell me, did you regret that you came to the competition today?
ANYA. Do you think that the Festival was a success or would something need to be changed?
EGOR. Which of the speeches, in your opinion, was the most memorable today?
ANYA. Are our artists worthy of a friendly applause?
EGOR. Which country would you like to visit?
ANYA. Do you think the competitive program is educational?
EGOR. Tell me, do the costumes and musical fragments contribute to a more visual representation of the country?
ANYA. Can we expect that you will come to our Festival next year as well?
YAROSLAV. Or maybe invite a team of teachers to represent the country at the next Festival of Cultures of the Peoples of the World?
(Fanfare sounds)
Leaders rise.
ANYA. So, we can announce the results of today's competitive day.
YAROSLAV. To announce the results, Rodion Vladimirovich Makarov, director of school 403, is invited to the stage.
(Word of the school principal).
ANYA. Attention to the screen. The results of the competition program of the Festival will appear on it.

YAROSLAV. And now about the results of the competition "Audience Award".
ANYA. We are pleased to present you the team that, according to the audience, has become the best and won the favor of the majority in the hall.
YAROSLAV. This is the team _____________________
(A prize is awarded).
ANYA. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the Festival.
YAROSLAV. We tell everyone
Hosts together: "See you next year!"

And the local northern nature.

Scenario of the festival of the peoples of Russia

“We are different, we are together, Russia is our common home”

Presenter 1:

I love you Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Host 2:

Like a bird in the blue sky

Opening two wings

You warmed half the planet -

One hundred nations! One hundred tribes!

Presenter 1: We are your own children

Host 2: Let the sky turn blue!

Presenter 1:

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

And Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree.

Host 2:

And dozens of other

Nations, villages and cities!

Presenter 1: This day is our common holiday!

Host 2: This region is our common home!

Presenter 1:

Russia is called our common home -
Let it be comfortable for everyone in it,
We will overcome any difficulties together
Our unity is our strength

Performance of the choir of teachers with the song "Khokhloma"

Host: 1

Hello dear friends! Today in our school is a holiday - the festival of the peoples of Russia. Russia is a multinational country. In total, people of 160 nationalities live in the country, 23 peoples numbering over 400,000 each.

Host: 2

These are Russians (115.869.000 people - 80% of the country's population), Tatars (5.558.000), Ukrainians (2.943.500), Bashkirs (1.673.800), Chuvashs (1.637.200), Chechens (1.361.000), Armenians (1.130.200), Mordovians (844.500), Belarusians (814.700), Avars (757.100), Kazakhs (655.100), Udmurts (636.900), Azerbaijanis (621.500), Maris (604.800), Germans (597.100), Kabardians (520.100) , Ossetians (514.900), Dargins (510.200), Buryats (445.300), Yakuts (444.000), Kumyks (422.500), Ingush (411.800), Lezgins (411.600).

Presenter 1
At the same time, there are 60 small peoples, of which 39 are northern. The total number of indigenous peoples is 500,000 people, including 200,000 northern ones. About 140 thousand inhabitants of Russia call themselves Cossacks. 11 peoples of Russia are represented at the festival.

Lead 2

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
The friendship of peoples is forever alive.
Friendship of peoples - happy children,
An ear in the field and strength in its prime

Presenter 1

Russians, Tatars, Adyghes and Armenians,
We are black, and blond, and swarthy, and white.
In Russia - on native land,
We all live as a big and friendly family.

Lead 2. Evaluate the performances of our guys is provided to our esteemed jury.

    Zharenova Tamara Nikolaevna - director of our school, honored teacher R.F.

    - Deputy director for educational work.

    Perfilova Yulia Vyacheslavovna -Deputy director for scientific work.

    Filatova Irina Genadievna - Deputy Mayor of Lakinsk

    Zharenov Nikita Evgenievich -teacher-organizer

    Gogoleva Vera Genadievna - social teacher

    Rodichkina Olga Vladimirovna - librarian

    Alekseeva Olga Nikolaevna - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Presenter1: In the competition evaluated:

Correspondence of the content to a given topic;

Style decision;

Musical arrangement;

Artistry, sincerity, connection with the audience, simplicity, active position of the performer;

Culture of performance (appearance of the participant, aesthetics);

Preservation of traditions.

Stage culture, props, costumes, correspondence of musical material

Host 2:

Culture is what justifies the existence of the people and the nation, it is the sacred thing of the nation, which it collects and preserves. Today we will get acquainted with different national cultures.

Presenter 1:

Russia! Russia! My native country

You are the only one forever holy to me,

I bow low to you.

She led her friendly people,

You believed them with your heart without a doubt

Do good deeds with people!

Host 2: We start our festival with the presentation of Russian culture

Presenter 1:

We are Tatars and Russians,

Georgians and Karelians.

We are black and blond

We are dark and white

We are students of the same age

Good friends!

We live in Russia together

We have one family!

Host 2:

Tatar land...

Traditions we do not count yours.

We do not know another edge,

Where would they also be revered.

Tatar national culture is represented by students _______________

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Armenia, beautiful country,
There is a great mountain
And the lake where the water is clear as the sky is blue.

There is a bright country in the world,
It's full of wonderful days.

Host 2:

Armenian people one of the oldest modern peoples. The Armenian nation is represented by students________________

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:
Uzbekistan, star of the East
The country of smiles, songs, light.
Away so sad, lonely
Without hot kisses of summer!

Host 2:

We will be introduced to the culture of Uzbekistan by _______________________

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

who lived and grew up in Kyrgyzstan
He will never forget
Spring - blooming tulips,
And the taste of a river spring. :

Host 2:

Meet! Students ___________________ will introduce us to the people of Kyrgyzstan.

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

How many of us, non-Russians, Russia has -
And Tatar and other bloodlines,
The names of the bearers are not simple,
But ordinary Russian sons!
Let others not favor us,
But forever - not tomorrow, not now -
We cannot be separated from Russia -
Motherland is unthinkable without us!..

Host 2:

When the Almighty distributed the land,

The Tajiks drank tea.

But, they realized

Someone came first:

"Where is ours?"

"Here's what's left - get it!"

There are others here as well:

“Where are the meadows, fields, where is the forest?”

Yes, here, in fact, there is no land.

Only mountains to heaven.

"Friends, Tajiks, I'm not to blame,

Here in this case - do not yawn.

Who got Ploskograd

Well, who needs green tea?

The class will talk about solar Tajikistan

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

If you were in Kazakhstan, but have not seen a white Kazakh yurt in the green meadows of dzhailau, you will not be able to feel the real full life of the Kazakhs.

Yurt- one of the oldest and biggest inventions of the Eurasian nomads. At all times it was practical and comfortable housing.
Kazakh yurt. A snow-white dome in the greenery of the foothill dzhailau, fabulous overflows of carpets and tekemets, an ideal collapsible design of a nomad's dwelling, what is it - a legend or a reality? Perhaps, all together and many other miracles and mysteries contain a unique phenomenon of the traditional portable house of the Kazakhs, polished for centuries.

Host 2:

And what, besides wonderful portable housing, do Kazakhs have? We will tell the guys from _______________________________________________ about this.

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Azerbaijan land of fire
Country of guids and friends
Country of open doors
Country of Babek, Korogly,
The country of Novruz and spring

The Azerbaijani people, being one of the most ancient peoples of the world, are rightfully proud of their historical monuments of material culture, their rich literature, art and musical culture.

Host 2:

Pretty interesting information. I would like to see something from the culture of this people.

Presenter 1:

Your wish will be fulfilled. Now the students of the _________________ class will present the culture of the people of Azerbaijan to us.

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Host 2:

And now you will say in poems by the wonderful Russian poet A.S. Pushkin

On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night;

Noisy Aragva before me.

I'm sad and easy; my sadness is light;

My sorrow is full of you...

Presenter 1:

Georgia- a country with the oldest and richest original culture, the thickness of which extends deep into the millennia. Knowledge about it and the recognition of its wealth has long crossed national borders and reached the international level, as it is a cultural heritage and heritage of all mankind.

Host 2:

Yes, this people, I heard, have a very interesting culture. It wouldn't hurt to look . Students are invited to the stage

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

gypsies remained a mystery to science for several centuries. Centuries have passed since they left their ancient homeland and scattered all over the world, and now you can hardly find a state,

Host 2:

At the riverbed -
Colorful tents.
Horses are hobbled
Bonfires are lit.

Strange under the trees
Meet the free camp -
With ancient nomads
Living gypsies!

Gypsies - the collective name of about 80 ethnic groups, united by a common origin and recognition of the "gypsy law". The guys will tell us about this and much more.

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

We love the steppes, their free expanse
And the trill of a grasshopper in the evening hour.
And you are the bulk of the snowy mountains,
The Caucasus thrown up by ridges to the sky.
And who can blame us
That you and I are not singing about the same thing, -
Steppe expanse and ridges of snow thread -
Isn't that what we call Motherland?

Host 2:
How many backgammon does the Caucasus have?
Proud Yezidis, Ossetians

Strict Chichens, Ingush
You cannot be separated from Russia

After all, it is not for nothing that Russian poets,

They dedicated their poems to you!

Meet _________________________________________________

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1
In the struggle for will we were united,

And work, and our house together we protect,

And in the days of celebrations, and in disasters of the year

We are united, we walk shoulder to shoulder.

Lead 2

Chuvash (self-name - chăvash) - the indigenous population of the Chuvash Republic. The Chuvashs are divided into two sub-ethnic groups - northwestern (viryal, "riding") and southeastern (anatri, "grassroots"), which have their own cultural and dialectal differences.

And about the rituals, the customs of our Chuvash people will tell ____________________

Speech by ____________________________________ class

Presenter 1

And now let's talk about the Kalmyks. Until the beginning of the 20th century. the traditional Kalmyk settlements (Khotons) had a family-related character. They were characterized by a layout in the form of a circle of portable dwellings, cattle were driven into its center, and public gatherings were held there. The basis of the traditional economy of the Kalmyks was nomadic cattle breeding.

Lead 2

Fishing played a significant role in the Volga region and in the Caspian Sea. Hunting was of no small importance, mainly for saigas, but also for wolves, foxes and other game. Some groups of Kalmyks have been engaged in agriculture for a long time, but it did not play a significant role. Only with the transition to settled life did its importance begin to grow.

Presenter 1

Yes, Kalmyks are fewer in number than gypsies, but I think they, like every nation, have their own customs and traditions, which students of the _________________________________________________ class will tell us about

Speech by ____________________________________ class

2 host:

Among the Don steppe fields

And Kuban feather grasses,

Where Kuban and Don flow

Cossacks have been around for a long time.

1 host:

Proud and dashing people

Honored by:

Bravery, courage, bravery

He carries on his shoulders.

Children of __________________ class are invited to the stage.

Speech by ____________________________________ class

2 host:

My Yakutia is a spacious region of Russia.

And he spread out mighty and wide, -

With green taiga and dark blue sea,

Far, far to the northeast.

In Yakutia, the dawn is like the tail of a red fox,

And her evenings are like sable fur.

In spring, the smoke of foliage hangs in the clear sky,

In winter, the snow sparkles like a polar fox.

1 host:

Although they say that our land is harsh:

Blizzards, permafrost and few warm days -

And I'm saying that our region is healthy,

That there is no better edge and there is no more generous one.

Like a swallow to a nest, like a sailboat to a pier,

So with my heart I reach for my native lands.

Sometimes it seems to me that this is where it starts

Russia is my great homeland

Speech by ____________________________________ class

2 host:


I see in this word

Expanse of green forests and meadows

And the singing of birds flying in the wild,

The murmur of the rivers carrying their flow.

1 host:

Here people love to help each other.

Together we will overcome many troubles.

I live in Mordovia and I'm proud of it!

After all, there is no better place in the world!

Speech by ____________________________________ class

2 host:

Russia! Russia! My home country!

I share pure love with you

You are my one and only saint.

I will bow low to you.

1 host:

You have raised many generations

You always led the people,

You believed with all your heart without a doubt

She did good deeds with people.

Host 2:

Tolerance is a foreign word,

But for everyone it is clear for a long time,

Be tolerant of the distant or the strange,

Detached, like in a movie.

This is not about indifference.

And no one talks about callousness.

Delicacy and patience for the living

Nearby, it won't hurt us at all.

Host 2:

Be tolerant of everything else:

To faith, views, thoughts and clothes

And then, perhaps, it is clear to everyone,

A quiet glimmer of hope.

That we can live so different

In this world of perpetual motion

And to gain tolerance

You just need a sense of respect.

The song "I, you, he, she ..."

Leading 1. So our journey through our large and not embraced country of Russia has ended! The results will be announced on the lineup.

Lead 2. We wish everyone peace, happiness, friendship, harmony. Clear skies, bright sun.

Leading: Many thanks to the participants and organizers of our festival. See you soon!


Holiday script

« Cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia

Hall decoration: on the central wall drawing: doves, sun; globe, dolls in national costumes, colorful balls.

(Children enter the hall to the music "Hello, my Motherland!" (Yu. Chichkova) and stand in a semicircle)

1 presenter: Hello guys, dear parents, guests! On November 16, 1995, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which proclaimed that all people on the planet are different, but equal in their dignity and rights. Tolerance means respect, understanding of rich diversity cultures of the world, language, communication with people and the world with kindness, love, patience.

2 leading: There are a huge number of countries on our planet - Earth. Each country is special and the inhabitants are also special. We are different, not at all similar to each other. We have different skin colors, we speak different languages, we have different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people. People are born different: dissimilar, peculiar.

(on the screen drawing on the topic « International Day of Tolerance» )

1 child: Tolerance. What it is?

If someone asks me.

I will answer: "This is all Earthly,

That on which the whole planet stands.

2 child: Tolerance is people of light

Different nations, faith and fate

Open something, somewhere

They rejoice together. No need

Fear of being offended

People of color, blood is not yours.

Fear of being humiliated

People in your native land!

3 child: After all, the planet is our dear

loves us all: white and colored!

Let's live respecting each other!

Tolerance is a word for the living!

4 child: A white dove is circling in the sky

In clear sunshine.

Hello, celebration, Friendship holiday

All peoples on earth!

(Song performed by children "A true friend")

1 presenter: - Guys, tell me, in what country do we live? (v Russia)

(Geographic map appears on the screen RUSSIA)

1 presenter: - Look, guys, how huge our country is!

My country is wide Russia,

There are many forests, fields and rivers in it ...

I don't know any other country like this

Where does a man breathe so freely!

We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia.

Let's do it all together Russia. (Children: - RUSSIA)

(a picture of people in different national costumes appears on the screen)

Our Russia is a multinational country. It is inhabited by people of different nationalities and nationalities. Our national language is Russian. Guys, today we will make a trip to the peoples of Russia.

(a representative enters the hall Russia

in Russian folk costume, holding a loaf with a towel in his hands)

We welcome dear guests

Lush round loaf.

He is on a painted saucer

With a snow-white towel!

We bring you a loaf, worshiping,

Please take it!

1 presenter: According to the Russian custom of hospitality, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt and a song. There are also proverbs about bread. V people say(to children): - To eat bread…

Children: - There will be a song!

where the song is sung...

Children: - It's fun to live there.

Who worked hard...

Children: - Have fun now, dance!

(Dance "My quadrille!")

1 presenter: It is known that in the old days in Russia there were about 3 thousand Russians folk games. Now we are going to play with you. n. game "Burn, burn bright".

(Russian folk game"Burn, burn bright!")

(After the game, everyone takes their seats)

2 leading: - Guys, tell me, in what region do we live?

Children: (In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk)

2 leading: Among the expanses of our large country there is a region where we live, where our home is, where our native land is. Nizhnevartovsk is our native city! Severe and at the same time beautiful in the northern way, but our talented artist made the city so beautiful people. From all corners Russian people came here: from Tataria and Bashkiria, from Ukraine and Belarus and from other regions to develop Siberian oil.

(a map of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the flag and coat of arms of the city of Nizhnevartovsk appear on the screen. Photos from holiday"Friendship peoples» )

2 leading: Lot peoples different nationalities live and work in our city. After all, our city is like a multi-colored rainbow in which intertwines culture of different nations, standing out with bright paint against the background of others.

(The game "Flower of FRIENDSHIP")

(Children collect on command "Flower of Friendship" from multi-colored petals)

2 leading: - Guys, how is one different people from another?

Children: - Everyone has it people their mother tongue.

Everyone has it people their national costumes.

Their folk games.

Everyone has it people their national musical instruments.

They have their own songs and dances, fairy tales, their own holidays and


2 leading: More than 100 nationalities live and work in our city. We all live like one big family. Russians and Belarusians, Tatars and Bashkirs, Ukrainians and Azerbaijanis, Khanty and Mansi treat each other with respect - they value friendship.

There are many folk proverbs about friendship. What do you guys know?

Children: 1. "Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than wealth" (Tatar folk proverb)

2. "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends" (Russian folk proverb)

3. “A new thing is good, but an old friendship” (Azerbaijani)

4. “To cherish friendship is to be stronger” (Khanty)

5. "A friend in need is a friend indeed" (Russian)

6. "To be with a friend - never grieve" (Tatar)

7. "A bird is strong with its wings, but a man with friendship" (Tatar)

8. “Friendship adds strength,

Friendship gives courage (Khanty)

9. “If friendship is great,

The Motherland will be strong" (Russian)

(Sounds Tatar folk melody)

2 leading: WITH the people of Russia we sing songs,

There is something in common in our life and morality,

Years passed one after another

We joked, we always worked together.

Never break our friendship

We are strung on a single thread!

(A child in a Tatar national costume goes to the center of the hall. He holds a chak-chak in his hands.)

Child: Tatar dish - chak-chak,

It is impossible not to taste!

We treat you and fulfill you,

Tatar song now.

(Tatar folk song"Apipa")

2 leading: And now, please listen to how beautiful the Tatar melody sounds. (Children listen to the melody on kurai)

When I hear kurai,

That joy overflows

Unpretentious and small

Kuraya song spring.

And murmur for sure

It has a melodic river.

(Tatar folk game"Kurai")

(Children sit in their seats)

1 presenter: Among the pupils of our kindergarten there are children of other nationalities: Ukrainians and Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis and Kazakhs... We are all friendly, aren't we guys? Here, listen, please, to poems performed by children.

(on the screen is a picture depicting children

in different national costumes)

(Children come out in different national costumes)

1 child: Ukraine is famous for its songs and dances!

Cities, gardens, fields...

And what cherry orchards!

And the wheat in the field is beautiful!

2 child: Azerbaijan, work hard and sing!

In work, in song - we are with you!

May your gardens bloom!

To beat oil from under the ground!

3 child: The string rings, the komyz sings,

Blossom, my Kyrgyzstan!

And the young Kyrgyz land,

Bloom under the red sun, bloom!

4 child: And in our country they live

Russian, Komi and Yakut,

And Nanaets and Mordvins,

And Kolmyk and Ossetians,

Both Tuvinian and Buryat -

They all want to be friends!

5 child: There is a word so good - "our".

And let you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son of the country!

(an illustration on the Khanty motif appears on the screen)

(Sounds Khanty folk melody)

2 leading: We live on the land of Khanty and Mansi. The Khanty are engaged in hunting, fishing, deer breeding. Northern peoples their customs, songs and dances that are not similar to Russian folk. They adorn their clothes with beads.

1 child: The land of my birth is my beloved North,

Rich in cedar, cranberries, fluffy pine.

Endless expanses of the mysterious taiga,

Deep lakes and the generosity of the river.

2 child: We call all people Khanty

Khanty - Russian, German and Uzbek.

Because this word is Khanty

In translation, it means a person.

2 leading: And now it's time to play. Come on, guys, let's play Khanty folk game"Heiro".

(Khanty folk game"Heiro")

1 child: Alright guys

Live in your native land.

With all our hearts we love

Your homeland!

2 child: good under the sun

We live and grow.

Better than our country

Not to be found in the world!

3 child: Today we have a good day-

Everyone around is having fun.

They dance, they clap their hands,

Well, we are not far behind!

(Song performed by children "Wider circle!")

1 presenter: So that you can understand others,

You need to cultivate patience in yourself!

It is necessary to come to people's houses with kindness,

Friendship, love in your heart to keep!

2 leading: - Guys, on this we we finish the holiday. Let this celebration reminds you of friendship, tolerance for people of different nationalities, so that we respect, be friends, love each other. Let there be peace on Earth!