
Performing a pedicure at home. How to do a pedicure for yourself at home Proper pedicure at home


Learning how to do manicures and pedicures on your own is a useful skill. If only because going to the master does not always have time, effort and money. We have prepared simple instructions that will help you see the result no worse than in the salon.


Step #1 To make the procedure safe, disinfect the instruments. This is a mandatory step, even if only you use them. The easiest way is to buy a special tool that is sold in professional stores, or wipe the tools with ordinary alcohol. There is another option: boil metal objects in a saucepan for 20 minutes. But here you have to wait until the tools cool down - they cannot be lowered into cold water, otherwise the structure of the metal will suffer.

Step #2 If your nails have a coating, remove it. The choice is yours: liquids containing acetone dissolve varnish faster, but products without acetone cause less damage to nails, cuticles and skin.

Step #3 It is better to shorten the nail and shape it with a file - without tweezers or scissors. Metal and too rough files can cause delamination of the nail plate, so take a glass or abrasive one. File should be filed at a slow pace, from the edge of the nail to the center, so as not to damage the nail. At the same time, leave a length of at least a millimeter - for the correct formation of the free edge.

Step #4 Dip your hands in a bath of warm water for 3-5 minutes. You can add sea salt or aromatic oils to the water. This procedure will soften the cuticle and prepare the skin for the next steps. If desired, use a hand scrub, then apply moisturizer.

Step #5 In matters of cuticle processing, the main rule is this: the more you cut, the more it grows. Therefore, it is worth abandoning the tweezers for trimming manicure, otherwise the cuticle will only become rougher over time. Experienced craftsmen advise moisturizing the cuticle with oil every day, and during the manicure, gently push it away with a special stick. Try not to use scissors for at least a couple of months - and you will see the result. The same applies to the side rollers (the skin around the nails) - they should be sanded with a glass nail file. Once a week will be enough.

Step #6 Before applying varnish, you need to degrease your nails with a special tool. Then apply a base coat - the surface will become smooth and the manicure will last longer. Before applying the varnish, it is better not to shake the bottle, otherwise all the air bubbles will be on the nails. Colored varnish should be applied in three movements: on the left side of the nail, on the right, and in the center. It is important to observe the time interval between applying layers - at least five minutes, and preferably all ten. In order not to stain the side rollers, lubricate them with petroleum jelly without touching the nail - all excess can be removed with a simple cotton pad. Next comes the nail polish fixer - it will protect the manicure from cracks and chips. If there is no special drying coating, you can dip your nails in ice water for 2-3 minutes, and then grease with oil. In this case, the varnish will not smear and the home manicure will look no worse than the salon one.


Experts recommend doing a pedicure every three weeks. Before the procedure, be sure to pay attention to how you feel - you should be careful with low pressure, varicose veins and pregnancy. In such cases, the water in the bath should be warm, not hot.

Step #1 Make sure that the tools are disinfected, and start soaking the skin of the legs. You can add your favorite aromatic oils to the bath with warm water, then a relaxing effect will appear. If the skin on the feet is too rough, add baking soda or sea salt, then it will be easier to remove dead skin particles. Keeping your feet in the water for too long is not worth it - 15 minutes will be enough. To make the most of this time, you can, for example, apply a face mask.

Step #2 Dry your feet with a towel. Take a natural fine-grained pumice stone and go over the roughest areas of the feet. Do not touch delicate skin, so as not to get hurt. Move the pumice stone in one direction - with chaotic movements, the skin will become rough the very next day. Watch your feelings: if there is a slight burning sensation during the procedure, stop. You can enhance the effect and use a foot scrub to treat hard-to-reach places. Be careful with calluses and corns: if touching causes pain, it is better not to touch these areas and consult a specialist.

Step #3 The cuticle on the toes is usually quite thin, so experts recommend not cutting it, but regularly pushing it back with a special stick - after steaming, this is easy to do. With the same wand, you can gently remove dirt to avoid infection without damaging soft tissues. Step #5 The most pleasant part is to apply a moisturizer on your feet and massage them. If suddenly there was no cream at hand, you can take any oil, even olive oil. To keep the effect of well-groomed legs as long as possible, make masks several times a week - apply a nourishing cream on the feet before going to bed, wrap with cling film and put on socks.

Step #6 Applying nail polish will be much easier if you put on spacer pads. Apply a base coat, then no more than two coats of colored polish (make sure to keep the time interval) and a fixer.

Lesson number 4: How to give clients a pedicure with graters

Recently, most masters have adopted the trend of hardware pedicure, what is the reason for this? — hardware pedicure saves time. At the start, you must learn the classical pedicure technique using graters, time is a relative concept, the classical technique is in no way inferior to the hardware one, including in time. In this lesson, learn how to quickly do a classic hygienic pedicure.

Your professional tasks as a pedicure master:

  • remove outdated rough skin in the aisles of the norm.
  • work with problem areas (corns and cracks), not only remove them, but also carry out manipulations so that they do not appear again.
  • carry out hygiene of the skin on the fingers, remove the cuticle and shape the free edge. Special work with corners.
  • remove the residue after polishing the feet and moisturize the skin. It is very important to prevent dry feet after cleaning.

We will get acquainted with all the smallest details and rules, and most importantly, we will learn 4 home online lessons in the material

Foot skin types and their features - you must determine them:

There is no need to be afraid of working with the feet, it is absolutely not scary and not long if you go the way that suits the skin of your client or client. You will not have problems if, at the first glance at the legs of a client, you have a model of work in your head. The key to the result is to correctly determine the scale of the work, that is, to understand how rough and trampled the skin is. You must do this to choose the right grater, if the grater is chosen correctly, you will cope with rough skin without problems.

normal foot skin type- the skin is usually light, it can tread a little on problem areas (on the pad below the fingers on the side and on the heels), usually such skin is not prone to dryness, but in the summer, when dust gets into open shoes, the heels can become a little dry. It is easy to work with this type of skin, since the degree of roughness is minimal, if the care is correct and regular, there may not be roughness at all and it will be enough for you to simply polish the skin. The period between pedicures is 3 weeks.

Medium foot skin type- in this case, the skin is also not particularly problematic, but it has its own nuances in hygiene, you, as a master, must be prepared and remember the average type is prone to dryness, which means that improper care can lead to drying out and cracks. Usually this type is more common in work. The skin of the feet of medium roughness has a slightly yellowish color, since the percentage of skin that needs to be removed is greater than that of the first type. The most problematic part is the heels. The period between pedicures is 2-2.5 weeks.

Problem skin type of feet prone to damage- this is very dry skin, which is why it is often damaged. You must not only clean the skin, but also MANDATORY give the client recommendations for home care, if you follow all the rules of care, this skin can be restored. You need to carefully carry out hygiene procedures, you need a golden mean when removing, you can’t remove more skin than you need, but you shouldn’t leave a little more either. In both cases, the problem can only be exacerbated. If you grind off more skin than necessary, the cracks will spread deeper, if you do not remove it, the skin will become dry. The period between pedicures is 1.5-2 weeks.

How can a novice pedicure master learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly

To do a pedicure, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Grater for heels;
  • Grater for fingers;
  • Scissors and 2 types of nippers (nail and skin);
  • orange stick;
  • Nail file for natural nails, buff;
  • Gloves and mask for you;
  • Disposable bag, slippers and towel for the client;
  • Foot remover, scrub, cream and cuticle oil;
  • Bath salt.

Learning to do pedicure with graters (without apparatus and blades):

  1. Sit the client comfortably, sanitize your feet, then spray your hands with sanitizer, wait for it to dry, and put on disposable gloves. Carefully inspect the client's feet, determine the type of skin according to the signs indicated above.
  2. Place the client's foot on the stand and push back the cuticles with an orange stick.
  3. Take the remover and apply to the client's feet, more generously on the heels and below the toes, less on the toes and midfoot. Let the liquid sit for 2-4 minutes before steaming in the water. Put on your mask and prepare your bath. Put a disposable bag on the bath, add salt and draw warm water.
  4. Ask the client to put their feet in the tub. While the legs are steaming, prepare the tools and take the right grater. Disinfect each instrument separately. Remember - graters with a hardness of 80/120 grit - for medium hard heels, 100/120 grit - for soft heels. Graters with a laser section are universal, suitable for any type of skin.
  5. Let's start cleaning the heels. Ask the client to take the leg out of the water and place it on the stand with the foot facing you. Lightly dab the water off your foot, but it should remain damp. Take a grater and dip it in water. Important!- graters should always be wet, a dry grater irritates the skin and it becomes rough. Take the grater in a hand that is comfortable for you, with the hard side and moving back and forth, “erase” the rough skin from the feet. You will see cream gruel and shavings, this is normal, so you are doing the right thing. Start immediately from the heel - this is the most problematic area. After you remove dry skin, polish the foot with a very soft grater. Treat your fingers at the very last moment. Don't forget to wet the grater. Each type requires a certain amount of time, for example, it will take you about 10 minutes to clean the feet of a normal type (calculating time for both feet), about 20 minutes for slightly dry feet, and 25 minutes for problem skin, it all depends on the degree of dryness.
  6. After you finish working with the feet, ask the client to rinse the leg and put the foot on the stand. Trim the cuticles and corners of the nails if they are of concern to the client. Do the same with the foot of the second leg.
  7. After processing the feet with a grater, another stage of cleansing follows - peeling off the remnants of the skin from the graters. Apply the scrub to a wet foot and rub with massage movements.
  8. Rinse off the scrub and pat your feet dry. Give the nails a shape and treat with a buff.
  9. Apply cuticle oil and rub it in, apply cream on the feet and distribute it with massage movements.
  10. If the client wants coverage, prepare the nails.

If the client has cracks, what to do:

After you remove the outdated skin, the client is obliged to take care of the heels at home, otherwise you won’t get rid of the cracks. Your professional hand + care at home will get rid of cracks. In order for the cracks to heal, you need to remove the dry skin from which they formed, you have already done this. Home care that the client should do is to apply an antibiotic ointment to clean legs at night, which promotes healing, this is a common wound ointment. The ointment should be applied with a compress, under a cotton pad, putting a sock on top. In the morning you need to remove the socks, wash off the remnants of the ointment and let the legs dry for 15 minutes. Such procedures will help cure problem skin, but the client must regularly attend hygiene procedures and do homework.

The result that you will get after all the steps:

Be confident in your abilities, the main thing is to keep the right proportions and choose the right tools. This procedure requires your attention, it all depends on how much you visually evaluate the amount of work. You will succeed!

If you have any questions or need to clarify something about the lesson, contact a specialist online for help, through a comment.

Feet care is required not only in summer, when open shoes are worn, but also in winter. To put your feet in order, it is not at all necessary to go to a professional salon, you can do a pedicure yourself at home, if you study the technology in more detail.

Preparatory foot baths

It is always worth starting a pedicure at home with a warm bath. It helps to steam out keratinized skin, soften it and facilitate the process of removing the skin. Infusions of herbs, oils and even salt with additives are often added to water to nourish the skin with useful elements and improve its condition. Baths can be divided into the following groups:







All of them are very easy to prepare, you only need different components. To make a tonic bath, you will need warm water, peppermint oil and sea salt. If there is no oil, you can steam the dry herb separately and add its infusion to the water.

Who has fungal diseases, it is better to prepare yourself an antibacterial bath. It will allow you to put your feet in order after a public pool, gym, water park, and prevent infection. The best preventive remedy is the simplest baking soda. 4 tablespoons are enough for a small bowl. The tool perfectly kills bacteria and destroys an unpleasant odor.

If everything is in order with the legs, then you can just make a relaxing bath with calendula or chamomile. They have an additional moisturizing effect. This product is ideal for those who have to wear tight shoes or high heels. Healing of small wounds and cracks on the heels occurs faster after a course of such baths.

Water with salt helps to get rid of rough skin and microcracks, it perfectly disinfects and helps to remove corns. Keeping your feet in the water for too long is not recommended, 15 minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect. Any girl can make a bath on her own at home. Steaming your feet with the addition of herbal extracts, salt or soda is always easier. The solution is easily and quickly prepared with your own hands, you only need to have dry herbs that can be easily found in a pharmacy.

If you add a few tablespoons of vinegar, for example, apple cider vinegar, to the water, you can achieve a softening effect. But you can not use acetic acid. The duration of steaming is no more than 15 minutes.

An exfoliating effect can be achieved by using table salt along with hydrogen peroxide, which is added to water in the amount of a few tablespoons.

Required Tools

Hardware pedicure may not be available at home, so hydrogen peroxide becomes an excellent tool for combating keratinized skin. And at home, you can achieve excellent results on your own if you have everything you need at hand:

    a foot bath, which can be either plastic or ceramic;


    heel file with small abrasives;

  • spacers installed between the fingers;

    pedicure set;

    grinding machine;

  • cotton pads.

Procedure steps

Step-by-step instructions help to make beautiful toenails correctly. If you act in stages, you can make your heels soft and attractive in just one procedure.

At the very beginning, you need to make a special bath to relax and soften the skin for its further removal. After the feet are wiped with a towel and placed on a stand. Old varnish is removed by using a varnish remover. If necessary, cut the nails, make a shape. It is worth saying that a long pedicure on the legs looks unattractive, so it is worth shortening the length. If the nail plate has grown too much, cut the nail, but do not cut it down to the base. A nail file is needed only to correct the shape.

The cuticle is removed after a special product with fruit acid in the composition is applied to it. It is distributed over the nail and side parts. Remove excess skin using a bamboo stick.

Now we move on to the treatment of the heels. You can use a small machine that quickly grinds the skin, or you can use a regular file, pumice stone or grater. It is important to be very careful to reach the delicate layer of the skin without damaging it. If there is no experience in using such a pedicure technique, then it is better to take acid pedicure products, which will allow you to quickly and easily remove keratinized skin.

Small burrs are cut with wire cutters. In no case should you pull on the skin, because then open wounds will appear.

It is necessary to remove a thick layer of skin not only on the heels, but also on the pads of the thumbs. After completion, the skin around should be wiped with a damp cloth and smeared with cream. The cuticle is removed from the middle to the edges, this is important if you do not want the process to be painful.

The edges of the toenails are made square, the only way to avoid them growing into the skin. The plate itself should be covered with an antiseptic.

Foot skin treatment

Depending on the condition of the heels, it is necessary to choose a tool for processing them. When a thick layer of keratinized skin is formed, it is best to use a special grater or machine.

When buying a grater, you should look at what materials it is made of. Well, when the handle is made of wood, and the work surface is made of:

  • of stainless steel;


On good products, there are two working sides - one with coarser notches, the other with small and less traumatic ones. After steaming the legs, a coarser grater is used for primary processing. It is worth moving in one direction from the edges to the middle and from the back. At the second stage, corns are removed. The foot can be immersed in hot water again, in order to finish the treatment with a soft grater.

Increasingly, girls began to use special machines for pedicure at home. When buying, special attention should be paid to the material from which the blade was made. Surgical steel is always superior to other materials because it is more wear resistant.

Before the procedure, it is better to steam your legs using useful infusions and other components. Feet should be dry and movements light. There is no need to press hard on the machine. More attention is paid to the coarsened parts; when processing with an electric file, they move from the edges to the center of the foot.

After removing the skin, the legs are again immersed in water, and after fifteen minutes they are polished with a special nail file with fine abrasives. In conclusion, a moisturizing, antibacterial or any other cream is applied.

Nail work

It is necessary to work with the nail plate carefully so as not to damage it, using the necessary tools for this. Professionals discourage the use of rough-coated files during a pedicure, especially those that resemble sandpaper.

If you ignore this advice, you may eventually encounter problems such as:

    peeling nails;

    unattractive appearance;

    deformation of the nail plate.

There is a special sawing technology that involves movement in one direction. It is not difficult to give the plate the correct shape, every woman can cope with this task, but you should not experiment on your legs, it is better to leave the natural square shape. If you change it, then soon the nail will begin to grow into the skin and you will need to consult a specialist. If this problem has already appeared, then the legs will need to be steamed in a solution of soda and salt.

At the second stage, a double-sided file is used. First, a rougher surface is used to remove irregularities, remove the remnants of varnish or gel. The second side is used for polishing, it allows you to achieve shine and smoothness.

Cuticle removal

The cuticle performs a protective function, it does not allow the infection to penetrate under the nail, therefore, with an independent pedicure, you only need to remove unnecessary skin, but in no case damage the normal one. In some, the cuticle grows strongly and needs to be cleaned, health monitored, and nails look well-groomed.

The skin can be cut off. For this, special devices are used:

They must be made of stainless steel, manually sharpened, only in this way the tool will complete the task and not damage the nail. The legs are definitely steamed. A special softening agent is applied to the area where the cuticle is located. It is kept for several minutes, then removed with a damp cloth.

Carefully, with a spatula from a pedicure set, the skin rises up. It is removed with another instrument. The main thing is not to hurt the nail and living tissues under the cuticle. Trim the skin in one go so as not to leave burrs, then apply the cream to the fingers and nails.

If you can’t easily and naturally use tweezers, then you should use the innovative unedged method using keratolytics. They are necessary in order to sufficiently soften the skin, and then remove it with a bamboo stick. In conclusion, the nail plate is treated with special oil. One of the main advantages of this method is its safety. All dead skin is easily removed.

The hardware method is also used, which does not require steaming the legs. The whole technology is based on the use of a special oil that affects only dead skin cells.

During a pedicure, the legs are treated with special nozzles and cutters, the cuticle is not cut off, therefore, skin injury does not occur. The equipment is sold with different nozzles, small ones are used to clean the space between the fingers and around the nail plate. You can use this device to process the feet, heels and fingers.

The first use a nozzle with a rough surface. When more dead skin has already been removed, more delicate attachments are used. On the market, you can find equipment with a large number of different files, brushes that help keep not only nails beautiful, but also remove calluses, cracks, and painlessly remove cuticles.

In the process of hardware pedicure, it is important to first apply emollients to the skin. Now it will be easy to remove the keratinized tissue. The cutter will quickly remove corns or old corns, polish the cuticle. Then you will need to separately shape the nail, sand it by hand and varnish it.

Many models come with a special nozzle for corns. It allows you to quickly and delicately remove stratified skin without causing harm. Moreover, such devices additionally have a massage effect. Blood circulation improves, skin color improves, it becomes softer.

Cosmetologists have proven that hardware pedicure slows down the growth of new corns and corns, the skin remains attractive and elastic for a longer time.

Lacquer application

The color and design of the coating of the nail plate depend on the girl's imagination. It has become popular to make a white jacket or just paint nails with gel polish in one tone. If a brighter palette is selected, for example, red nails, then you should carefully insert special separators between your fingers. With them, not only is it convenient to cover the nails, but the varnish will not flow until it dries.

Not all girls pre-degrease the nail plate, although it is better to do this with a special tool without acetone. If you apply a specially designed base under the varnish, then it will last much longer.

Bright shades will require several layers to completely paint over the nail. Light can be covered once. When the coating dries, a special fixative is used.

If you want the varnish to dry faster, you can not use a hair dryer, as exposure to hot air causes the opposite effect. Such a coating will quickly begin to peel off the nail.

Modern design offers many options for pedicure. These are not only images of flowers and animals on the nails, but also special techniques. Lunar manicure looks very attractive, aquarium equipment is especially popular. 3D pictures are the height of professionalism, not every woman can create such a picture at home, but you can always try to experiment.

The black and white palette is a timeless classic. Such a pedicure is suitable for a solemn occasion and a business meeting; it looks good in everyday life, regardless of the image chosen by the woman.

In summer, it is worth giving preference to a brighter and bolder palette; in winter, the design looks good in blue with the use of New Year's paraphernalia.

Any pedicure should be completed with the application of a special antiseptic or moisturizer. Next, you will need appropriate care - if the skin is dry, you will need to apply the cream on the skin at night and put on special socks. Scrubs have a beneficial effect on the legs, but you should not abuse them.

Useful massage to improve blood circulation in the feet. If your feet constantly sweat and smell bad, you will need to purchase a deodorant or antiseptic. When a woman constantly feels tired, you can use tonic creams or repeat baths more often.

To keep your nails beautiful, you will need to apply cuticle oil to them every day. Over time, the nail plate will become more even, the nails will grow faster, and their thickness will increase.

If the nails are yellow, a lemon juice bath will help, which has a whitening effect. If there are cracked heels, apply plenty of Vaseline on them and wear cotton socks. The difference becomes noticeable after a few days.

Great for massage olive or almond oil, which can be added essential.

Common Mistakes

For some reason, most women think that the hotter the water in the bath, the faster and better the dead skin will go away. In fact, this is wrong - the water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees Celsius.

In no case should large corns and corns be cut with scissors or even more so with a blade. All this injures the skin, making it vulnerable to fungal infections. Only a scraper or pumice stone will help to quickly and harmlessly remove dead tissue.

The shape of the toenails should remain square, as this is the only way to avoid ingrowth into the skin. The nail plate is cut correctly only in a straight line.

If you decide to skip the top base coat, the varnish will not last as long as you want on your nails. Colored varnish can change the natural shade and dry the nails, they will become brittle without a high-quality protective layer. You can not blow on the varnish or gel, because small air bubbles still penetrate the coating, which then causes chips.

Special requirements are placed on polishing, because if you remove the nail layer by layer, you can severely damage it. If there is no experience, then you do not need to use electric files. It is difficult to control the degree of their immersion in the nail plate, so it is better to erase the top layer manually.

The best way to remove dead skin are preparations with urea or lactic acid. With all this, they are completely harmless, but they can only be used after a test application, since they sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

You can not cut your toenails too short, this not only leads to discomfort, but also causes the appearance of fungal diseases, since bacteria easily penetrate through damaged skin.

You should not apply a thick layer of varnish if you do not use an additional fixative, because then chips will appear faster. Bright shades look better on legs in rich color. This can be achieved by applying the composition twice, but not one and in large quantities. In addition, it will take much longer for the varnish to dry, it can leak and smear neighboring fingers.

Lacquer, like any other coating, should not be applied to a damp surface, otherwise it will peel off in a few days. When painting, you should always start with the left little finger and move in order to the right. This is how you will never be able to lubricate the applied varnish with your hand. If you follow the advice of professionals and perform a pedicure in stages, then you can make your legs beautiful and attractive on your own.

There are many types of pedicure: from classic edged to hardware and acid. And some of them can be applied at home. For beginners, the ugly or European pedicure technique is suitable. This procedure is less traumatic, and no specific experience is required for its implementation.

Pedicure at home for beginners can be done using regular varnish or gel polish. The first option is inexpensive and easy to apply, but such a coating is very short-lived, and will last no longer than 3-5 days. Gel polish is more durable, and will remain unchanged for 2-4 weeks, but it costs much more.

And to dry such a coating, you will need a special lamp, as well as top and base. A beautiful pedicure can be both plain and multi-colored. It can be supplemented with decorative elements or drawings. But in any case, a pedicure is not just varnishing. This procedure involves taking care of the skin of the feet, because even the most beautiful design will look unattractive with rough heels.

Techniques and Methods

There are several types of pedicure that can be applied at home:

Peculiarities Advantages Flaws
ClassicalSteamed feet are processed with a pumice stone, razor or grater. The cuticle is trimmed with scissors, and the nails are polished with a nail file.The technique of execution is simple, and a beginner can master it. To perform a pedicure, you need simple and affordable means.There is a high risk of injury to the skin. If you use non-disinfected tools, you can introduce an infection. Often, the procedure accelerates the growth of rough skin.
European or unedgedThe cuticle is not cut out, but softened with a special compound, and then pushed back. Roughened skin is removed using special graters.The technique is safe and virtually eliminates the risk of injury or infection.The procedure is extremely delicate, so it will take 5-6 sessions to put the neglected feet in order.
hardwareIt is carried out using a special device and nozzles-mills. Before the procedure, the legs are not steamed.This type of pedicure is safe and effective. Feet stay soft for longer.The apparatus for the procedure is very expensive. In addition, some experience is required to use it.
AcidFeet are treated with a special composition containing fruit acid. After that, dead skin is removed with a file.The method is safe and allows you to get rid of any corns and calluses. The acid cleaner is inexpensive and can be easily applied at home.Do not use in the presence of fungus or wounds. After the procedure, the skin often exfoliates for 5 days, which looks unattractive.

For beginners, it is advisable to stop at the unedged method.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Training.
  2. Removal of dead skin.
  3. Sawing nails.
  4. Moisturizing the skin.
  5. Coating.

Necessary materials and tools

To do a pedicure at home, you will need the following:

You will also need varnish or gel polish, as well as decorative elements if they are used to create a pedicure.


At the initial stage, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the old varnish. After that, you need to steam your feet in a warm bath. Then the rough skin will soften, and subsequently it can be easily removed.

To enhance the effect, you can add different ingredients to the water:

If the skin on the feet is very rough, then you can make an express bath. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of table salt into the water. Next, you need to soak your feet in this solution of your feet for 5-10 minutes, and then pour 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.

The resulting reaction will help to quickly remove even severe calluses and corns. After 10 minutes of such a bath, you can proceed to the pedicure itself.

How to perform the procedure

Pedicure at home for beginners is carried out according to the following algorithm:

It remains only to apply a coating, which can be matte, glossy, with a design or plain - it all depends on the imagination and the desired result.

One-color pedicure master class

The monochromatic finish looks attractive and is suitable for everyday pedicure. Those who want to stay in trend should choose a coral color. It will be at the peak of popularity in the autumn-winter season. Shades of blue, beige, red, gray, as well as classic black and white do not go out of fashion.

Those who love unusual tones should choose purple, fuchsia, burgundy, gold, orange, mint. Neon varnishes are popular in the last season. They look catchy and defiant, and are suitable for a club or beach look.

A plain pedicure with rubbing, shimmer or glitter looks no less impressive. Such a coating looks festive even without additional decor, and is suitable for an evening look. If desired, you can cover only one nail with sparkles, and make up the rest with a glossy varnish of the same shade.

Matte monochromatic finish looks stylish and elegant. For the approaching autumn season, burgundy shades will become especially relevant.

How to do a plain pedicure:

  1. After preparing the feet, it is necessary to treat the plates with a degreasing agent to remove any remaining cream or oils from them.
  2. Then you need to apply a base on the nails, and after waiting for it to dry, cover it with varnish in 2-3 layers. Each of them is applied only when the previous one dries.
  3. The coating must be fixed with a finish, then the result will last longer.

Options in different shades

Pedicure at home for beginners can be made bright and memorable if you use a technique such as a gradient or ombre. It is based on the play of color, and can be created from several shades that smoothly flow into each other.

To create such a design, you will need the following:

  • 2-3 shades of varnish of the same or different colors, but suitable for each other;
  • sponge;
  • base, anchor.

To make a gradient on a pedicure at home, you need to treat your nails with a base. Then you need to apply varnishes of different colors to the sponge. Smears should be located as close to each other as possible. While the varnish is not dry, you need to quickly transfer it from the sponge to the nails with patting movements. Beginners should remember that the result must be fixed with a top coat.

The gradient on all nails looks no less impressive. In this case, a different varnish of the same color is applied to each plate, starting from the lighter one on the thumb and ending with the dark one on the little finger.

Pedicure master class with simple patterns and drawings

Even without having artistic skills, you can make a beautiful pedicure with a variety of patterns. Moreover, there are several different and painting methods that even beginners can handle.

With tape

Thanks to this material, you can create geometric shapes, diagonal or vertical lines, thin or wide stripes. To do this, cover the nails with base color varnish.

After waiting for the layer to dry completely, it is necessary to stick strips of adhesive tape to the plate so that the desired design is obtained.

Pedicure at home for beginners is easy to do using tape. The photo shows an example of a manicure, but a pedicure is done in a similar way.

After that, you need to cover the nails with varnish, the color of which contrasts with the base. After waiting for the layer to dry, you should carefully tear off the tape, and fix the result with a topcoat.

Drawing with a needle

The simplest drawing can be done using 2 varnishes in a contrasting color and a regular needle. And also for work you will need a fixer.

Action algorithm:

  1. On the prepared nails it is necessary to apply the main varnish. Before proceeding to the next step, you need to wait until the layer is completely dry.
  2. On the nail you need to put a few dots of varnish contrasting from the base. Then you need to stretch the needle through these points, drawing monograms and curls.
  3. When the pattern dries, you should cover the nail with a finish.

And also with the help of a needle, you can draw thin lines or make the outlines of a pattern.

dotsom drawings

Drawing patterns with dots is easier than with a needle. After all, with the help of a tool, you can control the volume of the drop, so that the lines are smooth. To create a design, you need to apply a base coat to the nail. And after waiting for it to dry, you should dip the “ball” of dots in a contrasting color, and then apply the desired pattern to them.

Tulle lace

Using a piece of old tulle, you can make a pattern in the form of lace on your nails. This pattern looks gentle and elegant, and is suitable for both festive and regular pedicure.

Execution algorithm:

  1. On the prepared nails it is necessary to apply the base, and then cover it with a layer of varnish. It should be borne in mind that it will be the main color in the design.
  2. After waiting for the varnish to dry, you need to attach a piece of tulle to the nail. Then you need to paint the material with varnish in a contrasting color.
  3. You should wait until the layer is completely dry, and carefully tear off the tulle from the nail.
  4. The result obtained must be fixed with a finish.

If desired, this design can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles or crystals. Then the pedicure will turn out to be more festive.

Master class of pedicure with decor

Pedicure at home for beginners can be done with the following decorative elements:

  • rhinestones;
  • kamifubuki;
  • foil;
  • stickers;
  • metallized strips;
  • stamping.

It should be borne in mind that you can not overload the nails with decor too much. Otherwise, the design will look vulgar.

Rhinestones and crystals

These decorative elements come in different colors and sizes. They look solemn and festive, and you can lay out whole pictures from them. But rhinestones and crystals peel off quickly, so they are not recommended for everyday pedicure. But for an evening look, they are not interchangeable.

To make a pedicure with rhinestones and crystals, you need to attach these decor elements to a finish that has not yet dried. If necessary, they can be covered with another layer of a transparent top.


So called colored confetti or sequins. Similar decorative elements are both round and unusual in shape (triangles, stars, hearts).

And they can be used both as single decorations and to create compositions. Kamifubuki, like rhinestones, are attached to the finish coat. They are suitable for summer design and look spectacular on a bright and dark background.


With foil, you can make an original and unusual pedicure that will look appropriate in both everyday and festive looks. And with this decor you can decorate one or more fingers, or in general, highlight some part of the plate.

To do a pedicure with foil, you need to prepare your nails, and then attach a decor sheet to the still wet varnish. If desired, you can make various patterns by drawing them with a colorless base. You need to wait 1-2 minutes, and then tear off the foil with a sharp movement.


Stickers and sliders help to create an unusual design in a matter of minutes, and even a child can use them. The main thing is to remember that under such a decor it is desirable to apply white or flesh-colored varnish. And on top of the sticker, it is desirable to process it with a transparent fixative.

If this decor is used for a pedicure with gel polish, then you need to attach it to a dry top coat. And only then should you dry your nails under the lamp. After completion of work, contact with water should be avoided for 30 minutes. Then stickers or sliders will look perfect for 15-20 days.

Metallic strips

This decor is ideal for creating geometric motifs that have not gone out of fashion for several seasons.

The stripes also help to hide the seams between two contrasting colors of lacquer, for example in a jacket, and they can be used for both everyday and festive looks.


Stamping refers to the application of patterns using stamps. This technique helps to make an unusual and original pedicure in a matter of minutes. It is necessary to apply a base, preferably matte, on prepared nails. Then the picture will turn out clear and bright.

It is necessary to apply bright varnish to the plate with an ornament or pattern, and then transfer it to the nails using a stamp. You won't be able to get uniform drawings the first time, so you'll have to practice. At the end, be sure to fix the result with a colorless finish.

Fashion trends in 2019

Monochrome pedicure remains fashionable. Moreover, it is not necessary that he repeat the color of the nails on his hands. On the contrary, such a combination is considered provincial. For those who do not particularly like a monochromatic pedicure, you can diversify the design with a pattern on one or more fingers.

As for shades, bright colors are in fashion: coral, green, gold, transparent blue. Lovers of restrained style should choose burgundy or wine red. Such colors look especially impressive in a matte pedicure.

In 2019, complex and intricate patterns are no longer in fashion. They were replaced by unobtrusive, simple drawings, but thought out to the smallest detail. The trend is geometry, abstraction and funny prints, polka dots, flowers and ornaments. Those who prefer conciseness should choose an ultra-fashionable marble pedicure.

The classic jacket never goes out of fashion, and remains relevant this year. But instead of the traditional white color for the strip, it is recommended to use red, blue, golden shades. Lunar nail art is popular.

This year, the hole can be made both traditionally oval and triangular, double or deployed. Moreover, beginners can easily cope with this technique at home. If desired, a similar design can be decorated with rhinestones or a metallic strip. But here it is important not to overdo it with the decor, otherwise the pedicure will look vulgar.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to do a pedicure at home

Life hacks on how to do a pedicure at home:

A fairly popular women's request on the Internet continues to be the question of how to do a pedicure at home. With the onset of the summer period, many young ladies begin to wear sandals, sandals and demonstrate their feet and, of course, nails to others. In order for the spectacle to be not just pleasant, but original, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin and perform all the mandatory hygiene procedures.

The design of nails should be given significant attention. The correctly chosen color of the lacquer coating, the use of rhinestones or pebbles, drawing a pattern will allow you to transform your legs and intrigue those around you with your style and unusualness. In the material, we will talk about the types of pedicure popular in 2020, about the features of the treatment of feet and nails, and about the necessary accessories for sessions.

Popular types of designer pedicure in 2020

It is quite possible to perform a modern pedicure on your own, if you use the standard set of necessary tools. To do this, just choose the easiest design option and study popular techniques.

Consider the famous types of pedicure:

  1. Classical. All manipulations are performed manually and can be done at home. It is enough to wash, soften and remove keratinized skin from the feet, treat the nails, and then lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  2. Japanese. All accessories for this pedicure are made of natural materials. This option is especially effective for treating minor injuries and removing rough areas of the epidermis.
  3. European or unedged method. During the procedure, metal accessories and water are not used. A special softening oil is rubbed into the cuticle, and then the skin is shifted with an orange tree stick.
  4. Dry. Water is not used, which reduces the chance of infection. The keratinized skin is not cut off, but pulled back and corrected with special, non-metal instruments.

The above varieties are most popular with women, however, in beauty salons you can do a SPA pedicure, undergo a combined or acid treatment session.

How to make a beautiful pedicure as in the photo?

The perfect pedicure is easy to do if you use special tools and follow the general rules. To obtain a high-quality result, it is worth taking the advice of experienced craftsmen. In general, the procedure is quite simple:

  • Prepare a foot bath.
  • Wipe off the old varnish and shorten the nails, carefully trimming.
  • Apply cuticle softener.
  • Treat the heel area by removing keratinized skin with a machine or a scraper.
  • Get your feet in order.
  • Sand the coarsened epidermis on the fingertips.
  • Treat cuticles and wipe everything with a napkin. Move the skin towards the edges of the plate.
  • Give the nail a square shape.
  • Disinfect the nail.
  • Lubricate the heel area with a nourishing cream and do a little massage.
  • Coat your nails with your chosen polish.

This completes the procedure. Experts advise to carry out such operations at least once a week.

Why is a “liquid blade” needed?

A lot of interesting notes have been written about how to properly do a pedicure at home, and more than one recommendation has been made. To bring the legs into a neat state, special compounds and devices are sometimes used. A novelty in this area is considered to be such a composition as a liquid pedicure blade. The liquid gives an unusual effect and relieves the skin on the foot from imperfections, giving the legs an aesthetically pleasing and healthy look.

The liquid blade is actually a bio-gel, consisting of fruit acids and guaranteeing complete care for the skin and nail plates of the feet. The tool allows you to avoid trimming nails and cuticles, and you do not need long-term steaming of the legs in baths for the subsequent creation of a spectacular design. The liquid promotes the regeneration of the epidermis, while moisturizing and refreshing the healthy layers of the epidermis. The composition effectively affects the feet, and also softens the cuticle. The use of the composition speeds up the procedure for preparing for a manicure. In addition, the remedy helps women suffering from fungal diseases or an ingrown toenail.

A modern remedy is sold in bottles, while one package of the softener is enough for a couple of sessions at once. Composition can be bought freely at affordable prices.

With rhinestones

A beautiful pedicure with rhinestones looks especially attractive. We are talking about a classic or unusual pedicure with additional decoration. Often improvised accessories are used for these purposes:

  1. sparkles, stars;
  2. beads;
  3. patterned drawings;
  4. original ornament or geometry;
  5. rhinestones.

The last option on the legs looks unusual. You can place rhinestones along the nail and only on one finger. Iridescent particles perfectly make various patterns on the thumbs, for example, a flower, a butterfly or a heart.

Photos of the latest news

Many fashionistas, when choosing an interesting design solution, turn to existing popular techniques and emerging new products. Numerous photos, videos, lessons and courses can help. It is worth highlighting several unique techniques that allow you to get a spectacular result. Shellac pedicure photos can attract clients with a special effect and stylish result.

Using gel polish for pedicure "Cat's eye". The principle of the method is based on the use of a special resistant gel-based varnish, which includes magnetized microparticles. When applied, the particles line up in one row, and there is an effect observed on the chrysoberyl stone - the "cat's eye". The peculiarity of such a manicure is the use of a special magnet after applying gel polish to the nail, which will attract the particles to one place. Of course, the cost of performing such a pedicure or other procedure (building, spa care) depends on the region where the service is provided. For example, in Kostroma the price is from 500 rubles, and in Sterlitamak - from 400 rubles.

French pedicure

A photo of a French pedicure can be easily found on the pages of cosmetology sites or in a glossy magazine. The special attraction of this idea lies precisely in the restraint and harmony of the chosen design of the nail plates. The chosen style will look spectacular with classic pumps or sandals that open the toes.

French or French manicure always looks elegant, creates an aesthetically attractive effect. This type of manicure is a combination of two pastel colors. The nail is painted in one tone, and the edges are summed up in white. Delicate colors are considered the basis of the jacket, however, there are no restrictions in this matter, and young ladies can choose any varnish. In summer, many ladies choose bright, juicy colors and additional design in the form of a geometric pattern or using rhinestones or interesting pebbles.

If we talk about the pros and cons of this style, then the advantage is the absence of the need to grow nails. It is quite enough to draw a thin line of varnish of a different tint at the end of the nail to visualize the overgrown edge. Visually, this type of design will lengthen the nails, add grace to them.

Another advantage of this option is its versatility. There are several types of jacket on the legs, namely:

  • French, when the main part is painted with beige, pink or peach lacquer, and the tip is drawn with a white thin strip in the shape of a smile. The strip may be crescent-shaped or completely straight. When choosing the right option, you should consider the shape of the nail.
  • French with pearl lacquer. The base is made with foil effect varnish.
  • Hole pedicure. An arc is drawn in the lower part of the nail, and then the hole is painted over with one color, the other part is painted over with a different color or not painted over at all. You can tint the tips with the same varnish as the hole.
  • French openwork. The nail is covered with a transparent base, which is then painted with an original ornament. Patterns can consist of twigs, curls, flowers, leaves and are applied white, as at the tip.

All pedicure options are available for self-fulfillment at home, if you follow the standard rules and recommendations, but it is better to watch a video tutorial on this topic.

Everything for pedicure

You can learn how to do a pedicure at home from professionals or use the materials presented on cosmetology resources. To obtain a good result, it is necessary to use certain devices and compositions. You will need the following fixtures and accessories:

The list of accessories is exemplary and can be extended by using different devices, such as machines, milling machines or additional softening compounds.

Pedicure Ideas in 2020

On the Internet, you can find a lot of photos with fashionable pedicure trends in 2020. There are different schemes, so let's pay attention to specific pedicure ideas:

  1. Monochromatic color scheme. This type is constantly in fashion due to the simplicity of execution and a beautiful, neat result. Experts advise using matte varnish. Gamma is allowed different, ranging from the classics: black, white, blue and ending with unusual ones - orange, gold, burgundy.
  2. Simple drawing. The trend of the new season is unobtrusive pictures, thoughtful compositional solutions. Images of flowers, geometric shapes, cards, muzzles and butterflies, abstract lines, polka dots are popular. Designers advise sticking to spring or summer motifs in a pedicure, depicting flowers, leaves, openwork, romantic prints, curls and mosaics.
  3. Pedicure with rhinestones. The implementation of this option requires the elimination of bright beacons, prints, and other types of decorations, so as not to burden the design. The best solution may be the design of a single finger. All the rest should be covered with a plain varnish.
  4. Lunar pedicure. The technique was based on the procedure for performing a French manicure, but with a change in geometry. For example, we can talk about a triangular or double mixture of the shape of the hole.
  5. French manicure that continues to be in trend.
  6. Ombre or gradient. One color smoothly flows into another vertically or horizontally.

A few words should be said about the color scheme. The most fashionable and interesting will be the combination of soft colors with bright and intense colors in one design style. The trend is: turquoise and orange, lavender, lilac and light green, shades of green, scarlet, yellow, burgundy. A special place will be occupied by black, which always remains in fashion.

Summer pedicure

Already now it is worth paying attention to fashion trends and photos of the most beautiful pedicure designs of the summer of 2020. It is very important to understand what it is worth applying a certain method of decorating to, and what it should not be.

It is recommended to do a pedicure every 2-3 weeks, taking into account the condition of the skin, it is also necessary, and take into account the time of year. In the summer, such procedures should be carried out more often, because due to the heat, the legs sweat, become covered with dust and quickly become not very neat.

Pedicure for the summer of 2020 is carried out according to the standard scheme. There are several practices that experienced masters advise using during this period of the year. We are talking about the use of the following compositions:

  • masks and creams with a cooling effect (menthol and mint);
  • oils with antioxidant - vitamin E, which allows you to keep the skin in good shape;
  • after the procedure, it is worth treating the legs with cucumber lotion or chamomile extract, aloe.

The procedure can take a total of about 1.5 hours. Results remain noticeable within a month or two. In addition to the sustainable effect, it can be noted that not only the relaxation of the legs, but also the whole body occurs. As for design solutions for the summer, young ladies prefer a friend pedicure or choose bright, juicy, dark shades in combination with sparkles, rhinestones, beads.

Apparatus for pedicure

You can learn everything about hardware pedicure from the video tutorial for beginners. The technology is quite simple, since it involves the use of a special device for treating problematic nails and skin of the feet. This option is usually used by men, since they have rougher skin and problems with the epidermis and nails occur much more often. The stages of hardware pedicure include the following actions:

  1. First, a disinfectant solution is applied to the foot, and then a composition to soften the keratinized skin.
  2. Within a few minutes, you need to let the composition soften the skin.
  3. With the help of special nozzles, calluses and ingrown nails are removed, cracks are polished. You can painlessly remove warts.
  4. The cuticles of the nails are processed.
  5. If necessary, the procedure is recommended to be repeated several times.
  6. At the end of the manipulation, a softening cream is applied to the legs. Some masters recommend applying paraffin masks instead of cream.

The convenience of this method lies in the wide possibilities of the electrical apparatus. Various nozzles are connected to the device, with the help of which a specialist can perform procedures of any level of complexity. The effect of the treatment is noticeable immediately. Professional care takes no more than an hour. The difference between manual processing and hardware is significant time savings, painlessness and the absence of possible skin damage. The disadvantages of this option include the high cost of the service and the lack of experienced performers.

The device can be used at home if you choose the right device. When buying, you should pay attention to what cutters the device is equipped with, what they are made of and what material the device itself is made of. The best option would be a device with a spray and a vacuum cleaner.

Pink pedicure photo

The pink pedicure design in the photo of 2020 looks both stylish and cool. The choice of one of the tones of the pink scale should be reasonable and very accurate. Here it is important to take into account a number of factors that can give the legs a creative look, or they can ruin everything. It's about things like this:

  • Skin color. For fair-skinned girls, warm, light shades are suitable, but for dark-skinned ladies, it is better to opt for cold, bright colors.
  • Season. In summer, you should pay attention to bright shades - purple, turquoise, crimson, lilac, orange, while in winter it is better to give preference to pastel colors.
  • Cloth. The varnish must match the set of clothes that was chosen by the girl. It is important to consider not only the color of the outfit, but also the style. For example, it is better to use calm shades in the office, and bright and even acid tones are suitable for a holiday.
  • Temperament. For calm and modest girls, it is not recommended to choose overly colored pedicure options and bright shades. It is best to focus on calm, natural colors.

Pink color is rightfully considered one of the most romantic tones, but you should not think that it is diverse and boring. In fact, today you can find up to 168 shades of this unique color - from modest creamy pink to bright crimson.

A pedicure made with a varnish of this tone looks extremely attractive, especially if it is combined with various accessories or varnishes of a different shade. Next, consider a few classic and unusual combinations of pink with varnishes of other shades:

Combination of varnishesDescription and features of the option
Pink + whiteClassic and very simple. White color emphasizes the tenderness of pink and allows you to hide the imperfections of the nail plate. For ladies aged, it is worth supplementing this option with rhinestones.
Pink + blackHere it is important to choose the right shades of varnish. Do not choose overly intense shades, but it is better to give preference to delicate and soft colors.
Pink + blueThe shades go well together, but it is recommended to complement the scheme with rhinestones, pebbles, and other accessories so that the option is not too boring. Interspersed with other colors will look spectacular - coral, turquoise, yellow.
pink + redIt is important to choose polar shades so that the colors do not blend. Two bright or two dull shades will absorb each other. The situation is quite different with blue. In this scheme, it is important that pink and blue are bright.

With the use of pink tones, you can create unusual solutions. The options are especially popular: moon pedicure or gradient (transition from blue or lilac to pink).

Pedicure at the sea

Do not neglect the opportunity, if you went to rest on the coast. It is there that there is every opportunity to pamper yourself with one of the most expensive foot care procedures - SPA-pedicure.

The complex of the procedure includes treating the client's feet with special scrubs and creams, lotions, mud and, of course, taking baths with sea salts. The most popular are special seaweed concentrates that make the cuticle softer and remove dead skin. At the next stage, peeling is carried out, and healing masks are applied.

The procedure will take about 1.5 hours, after which the skin on the legs will become softer and more elastic. If a lady prefers a nail design with a marine theme, then it is quite possible to give preference to the image of fish, the use of green, turquoise and blue shades of varnish.

Pedicure tools

We have already talked about how to do a pedicure at home in stages and gave a short list of the necessary tools. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail and once again describe what may be required to process our legs. So, for a home pedicure, tools and additional accessories are needed:

  1. foot bath - a regular basin, a plastic tank or a ceramic bowl;
  2. a towel, preferably soft, natural, well absorbing moisture;
  3. heel grater;
  4. fine grain pumice;
  5. small tweezers;
  6. nail files of different types, sizes;
  7. machine or razor;
  8. wire cutters;
  9. a scraper that has special blades for small heels;
  10. laser file or machine with special built-in wheels;
  11. spacers for fingers;
  12. cotton buds and discs;
  13. nail polish remover.

It is important to note that each instrument must be disinfected, for example, using a special germicidal lamp that emits ultraviolet light.

Pedicure set

To achieve the maximum effect and then, to do the same pedicure as in the photo of 2020, it is worth purchasing not just separate tools for carrying out all foot care manipulations, but special sets.

Today, pedicure kits of the most diverse configuration are on sale, so before choosing the best option, you should check the quality of each tool and the availability of all the necessary tools:

  • nail and cuticle nippers - allow you to remove the corners of the skin and hangnails;
  • tweezers - for cutting the cuticle;
  • scissors - for cutting nails;
  • pusher (can be double-sided with a curette or with a spatula) - to remove the stratum corneum of the cuticle;
  • scraper - a razor for cutting rough skin;
  • file for a pedicure. It can be ordinary, but you can use a laser.

As for the material used, stainless steel is the most optimal in this case.

Pedicure: watch video tutorials

Beautifully designed toenails and pink skin without corns, callous formations will allow a girl or woman to feel confident and comfortable in any shoes. Despite the simplicity of performing regular pedicure procedures, sometimes difficulties still arise.

You can get a visual idea of ​​​​how to take care of your feet and nails at home by watching video tutorials for beginners and video recommendations from experienced masters who make a variety of pedicures.

caps for pedicure

A special type of pedicure is the treatment of nails with the help of a special apparatus. We are talking about a machine equipped with cutters. With this method, you do not need to steam the skin and prepare the nails. It is enough to carefully remove the keratinized skin. To reduce the injury risk of the procedure, experts recommend using special sand caps for this purpose - convenient and affordable nozzles. Grinding, performed with the help of such products, preserves the smoothness of the skin for a long period of time.

Caps can be very diverse: tall, small, special shapes, made of various materials, such as sand, corundum and even diamond. The shape of accessories may vary: hemispherical, cylindrical, conical.

Bath for pedicure

Before you start using the scraper and nail file, it is important to prepare your feet for the procedure. The most common action in this case is a warm bath. The feet are steamed, softened and after that it is quite possible to proceed to further processing. To get a good effect from steaming, it is recommended to add various herbs, sea salts or essential oils to the water. Taking into account additives, baths differ in:

  1. Tonic, with a minty smell. Mixed sea salt and essential oil. You can add mint.
  2. Antibacterial. It is enough to add four tablespoons of soda to the water to prevent a fungal disease. This bath is great for getting rid of bad smells.
  3. Relaxing, with the addition of herbal infusion. Plants such as chamomile and calendula are suitable here.
  4. Softening. It is enough to pour four tablespoons of vinegar (but not acetic acid!) into the water and keep your feet there for no more than 15 minutes.
  5. Exfoliating. Mix table salt with water and dip your feet into the solution for a couple of minutes. Then add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Upon completion of the procedure for taking a bath, the feet must be thoroughly wiped and you can proceed to the main stage of the pedicure.

Socks for pedicure

Chinese (Japanese or Korean) exfoliating pedicure socks have long been an indispensable accessory for treating feet at home. The achieved effect is practically indistinguishable from the results obtained during a visit to a beauty salon. Visually, we are talking about plastic bags filled with liquid inside, however, it is in the composition of the solution that the main secret lies.

The usage process consists of the following steps:

  • We buy socks for pedicure.
  • We put on clean, pre-prepared legs.
  • We wear products for 1-2 hours, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and existing problems.
  • Remove the socks and wash off the remaining liquid from the skin.
  • We apply moisturizer.

Within a week, old, damaged skin will gradually peel off. It is important not to cut off the exfoliated epidermis, but to wait until it comes off on its own. Socks cannot cope with complex calluses and corns, but, according to the reviews of numerous clients of salons, they allow you to achieve a good effect. Contraindicated for pregnant ladies and women with open wounds on their legs.

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