
We paint toenails at home. Toenail care How to paint your own toenails


Pedicure polish is one of the most important components of the beauty of the feet. It is he who is the basis for all drawings, he determines the quality of work and its durability. Of course, a good varnish has a high price, but it's worth it. A competent combination of different types and colors of varnish allows you to create extraordinary patterns on the nails. Without a pedicure, any image will be incomplete.

Color selection

Of course, the main determining factor when choosing a color and pattern is the style of clothing. Another important condition is for what the treatment of the feet is carried out: everyday or on some solemn occasion. It is important to take into account the features of toenails: their size, shape, smoothness. All this will affect what color the pedicure polish should be.

There are 3 rules that are always relevant and suitable for any occasion:

  • the same tone of varnish on the nails of the hands and feet;
  • pedicure to match shoes;
  • nail design matches clothes or accessories.

You can also show more courage in your decisions, because fashion trends often contradict themselves. For example, it is believed that varnish does not have to be the same color as clothes and shoes, it can also be contrasting. Or even from a different color scheme.

So, good combinations are:

  • golden or lemon pedicure and purple shoes;
  • yellow tones are suitable for green and blue;
  • red and berry shades;
  • orange or purple with green sandals;
  • blue and chocolate.

A pedicure can be a couple of shades darker or lighter than a manicure. Contrasting combinations for arms and legs can be used.

When choosing the design of clothes and toenails, you need to remember only 3 rules:

  • The color of the nail polish and the color of the dress do not have to match. So, it will be nice to combine yellow clothes with an orange pedicure;
  • it is undesirable to use black varnish with a black dress, the image will turn out to be too gloomy;
  • translucent varnish and French pedicure go well with a white dress, you can use light shades and other colors, such as blue or green.

As you can see, there are many trends. But you should always remember one most important rule of a pedicure: feet should be well-groomed and neat!

Popular shades

Trends change every year, but some pedicure options always remain equally fashionable. For example, French, red, metallic and others. To keep abreast of new products, you need to read fashion magazines, follow how celebrities dress and make up, and, of course, consult with pedicure masters.

The classic version of the design of toenails is a jacket. Nails look neat. Such a pedicure is relevant for both a business meeting and a holiday. Used at any time of the year.

Another trendy option is. It makes all winter outfits brighter, and is also appropriate in summer. In addition, there are many shades of red, so it is easy to match it with any shade of skin, clothes, shoes or accessories.

Metallic hues are always on trend, especially gold and silver, adding a festive touch to any look. They go well with jewelry made of precious metals. Therefore, such a pedicure is used on special occasions.

Dark tones of varnish are used in the cold season. They are also relevant for friendly parties. But at a business meeting, too dark, like too bright nail color, can make a negative impression.

Depending on the condition of the nails

Unfortunately, not everyone has perfect toenails. Often the plates are irregularly shaped, slightly misaligned, or have an uneven surface. If the nails have any flaws, you should not use bright colors and draw attention to a part of the body that is not the most advantageous. What can be done to make the legs look well-groomed and beautiful, but at the same time hide some imperfections?

  • It is worth paying attention to the transparent varnish. It will hide some flaws, the nail plate will appear smooth and shiny, and the foot will be well-groomed. But at the same time, attention will not be focused on the legs. Also, a transparent varnish eliminates the problem of compatibility of colors and patterns, because it is absolutely neutral and goes with everything. It always remains a relevant option for a pedicure.
  • Well hide the flaws varnishes pastel colors. Only the color must be natural and light. To hide the bumps, it is advisable to apply a base under the varnish. This pedicure goes well with almost any style of clothing.
  • A radical method of correcting all the shortcomings is nail extension. In this case, they can be given any shape and get a flat surface.

Much more fortunate are those who by nature have even and beautiful nails. This gives a lot of room for imagination, since there are no restrictions in this case. If the legs are one of the most attractive parts of the body, why not pay attention to it and make it even better? Design methods:

  • It is easy to draw on a flat surface. At the same time, you need to remember that you will have to consider the patterns from a fairly large distance. Therefore, you need to make a drawing from large and medium-sized elements, otherwise the whole picture will look like an intricate multi-colored spot. The same applies to small nails.
  • The picture can be supplemented with rhinestones.
  • A pedicure can be made darker than a manicure to draw attention to the feet.
  • With beautiful toenails, bright colors can also be used. This will make the image more spectacular and memorable. There is no need to be shy about bold colors: red, orange, hot pink, etc. On the contrary, they can be used to focus on well-groomed parts of the body.

Owners of beautiful and even nails can always experiment on their own or go to the salon, where the most daring fantasies will come true for a reasonable price. But it is important not to overdo it. It is better to familiarize yourself with samples and photographs in advance in order to evaluate and understand what is really beautiful and what is not.

For what reason

Of great importance when choosing a color and pattern is where the woman is going. So, a pedicure that is appropriate at a disco or a party will look completely out of place at a business meeting or at a gala event.

  • So, if a woman is going on vacation at sea, then she can do a pedicure with a marine theme: turquoise, waves, rhinestones imitating pearls, etc. Of course, you can choose a shade not only for the color of the sea or sand. Nails to match a swimsuit or pareo will look good.
  • When attending a party, bright colors are preferred. Various patterns on the toenails will look impressive. You can use decorative elements that will add spectacularity to the pedicure: rhinestones, sparkles, pebbles, velvet.
  • At a business meeting, a modest and discreet manicure is appropriate. You can give preference to the classic options: jacket and clear varnish. A pedicure in natural tones or the color of a manicure will look good. If you want to make a drawing, then it should be discreet. The design option for 1-2 fingers is allowed.

Varieties of varnishes

Varnishes differ not only in color: red, blue, transparent, etc., but also in properties and areas of use.

Base varnish

It has a transparent color. It is used as a basis for a pedicure, because it creates a smooth surface, primes the nail and prevents the main varnish from peeling off. The result is more saturated and crisp colors. And the pedicure itself lasts much longer, becomes more resistant to mechanical damage. The base coat contains plasticizers to prevent chipping. Due to the presence of cellulose, the main varnish penetrates into the base one and is even better fixed on the nail.

Matt lacquer

Matte polish has a non-shiny base, thanks to which the coating appears very even. For a pedicure, dark matte shades are considered fashionable. It is convenient to apply drawings on it, because it does not conflict with other colors. It looks good in a business atmosphere. To create a matte varnish, ingredients that absorb and reflect light are used. It provides good nail protection. The matte finish looks very good on long nails, including extensions.


Glitter lacquer gives a more feminine look, but it lasts a little less. Brilliant varnish is used for ceremonial exits and everyday life.


Semi-matte varnish is a cross between matte and shiny. Therefore, it can be used for any occasion.

The combination of matte and shiny varnishes on the toenails looks good. They are applied next to each other, used to create drawings.


Craquelure or cracked polish is a new fashion trend. It serves to create an artistic effect. After its application, many thin cracks form. This is due to the fact that it destroys the structure of the previous layer. Usually cracked varnish is applied in a thin layer.

Unfortunately, it is not compatible with all types of varnishes, so when buying, you need to clarify whether the purchased products are suitable for the selected type of pedicure. If you take incompatible varnishes, then you can not get the desired result at best, and at worst - a pedicure that has fallen into tatters.

In addition to the compatibility of funds, you need to take into account some more features when painting nails. Varnishes should contrast with each other (for example, red and blue), the brighter the difference, the more pronounced the effect can be achieved. Immediately after drying, you need to apply a protective transparent varnish. Otherwise, the pedicure will quickly crumble, and the toenails will look sloppy. The crack coating is applied in a thin layer. To achieve a greater effect, you can combine several primary colors or make several layers.

A pedicure opens up endless possibilities for imagination, no matter the price. And it is up to the woman to decide which option to choose.

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Some women have a question: "How to paint toenails, and is it worth it at all?". Of course, it's worth it or not - it's a matter of taste. As well as what color of varnish to choose for application. You can choose fashionable bright shades, or you can cover well-groomed nails with colorless varnish.

In any case, before applying varnish to the surface of the nail, it is necessary to do a pedicure. Perhaps many consider this procedure a luxury and an expensive service, but above all, it is a necessity that allows you to preserve the beauty of your legs and prolong their youth. Let's figure out how to do a pedicure correctly:

1. First, pour warm water into the tub. Add any emollient to your pedicure. As it, you can use ordinary soda, or a special emollient from cosmetics manufacturers.

2. Wait until the product is completely dissolved in water and lower your legs into it. Soak them in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then pat your feet in turn with a towel. Then, you should clean the heels with a fine-grained pumice stone or a special brush. Very carefully and gradually remove the rough skin from the heels, so as not to damage healthy skin. Do not use an iron brush or blade - these methods are very harmful to the skin.

3. Apply cuticle softener to each nail. Gently move the softened skin with an orange stick to the base of the nail. Cut the cuticle carefully. This procedure is necessary in order to remove the dry part of the cuticle, which does not decorate the pedicure at all.

4. Cut your nails in a straight line without rounding the nail plate. File your nails with a nail file, giving them a rounded shape. Buff each nail with a polishing buffer. Lubricate the feet with a softening cream, without covering the nail plate.

5. Insert an expander between the fingers, it will prevent the fingers from touching and smearing the varnish. Apply a lacquer base on your nails - it will smooth out bumps and increase the life of your pedicure. Let the base dry.

6. Take a bottle of varnish. Shake it thoroughly before use. Dial the required amount of varnish on the brush to cover one nail plate.

7. Apply varnish from the middle of the nail to its end, and then from the tip of the nail to its base. Gently blend the varnish on the sides and let it dry.

8. In a similar way, apply a second layer of varnish to the nail plate. Let it dry.

9. Then cover the nails with a fixative. With it, your pedicure will gain shine, beauty and durability. If you notice that you have inaccurately applied varnish, or any other remedy, and touched the skin around the nail, remove the irregularities with a corrective pencil. The pencil can be pre-moistened with nail polish remover.

Now your pedicure is ready. The legs are well-groomed and beautiful.

So that the varnish does not spread outside the nail plate, lubricate the skin around the nail with petroleum jelly - excess oil-based varnish will not dry out, and you will remove them with a regular napkin! It is important here not to stain your nails with petroleum jelly and gently degrease them with an alcohol solution and a cotton swab.

use a white base

An ingenious life hack for those who cannot evenly apply varnish and paint over the nail along the edges. Just apply a white base as the first layer - against this background it will be easier for you to see all the unpainted areas.

Warm a jar of nail polish between your palms

Do you know why small air bubbles appear during the application of varnish? You shook the jar with all your might instead of warming it and rubbing it between your palms.

Start painting from the middle of the nail

When you start painting your nails, do not immediately try to get close to the cuticle with a brush: the excess polish will drain off immediately, and all you get is spots on the skin. First, put a dot in the middle of the nail, "stretch" this drop towards the cuticle, paint over the base, and then go down to the tips.

Make a "moon" manicure using a stencil

You can do the “lunar” manicure that has been relevant for several seasons yourself - use a stencil in the form of circles. Stick them on your finger so as to close the cuticle areas, and just paint your nails as usual. Ready!

Make a french with a simple elastic band

To make a French manicure for those who are not friends with varnish and a brush, a simple clerical gum will help - fasten it around your finger so that you can paint over the tip of the nail without touching the nail plate. Believe me, this is much more convenient than a stencil or fruitless attempts to draw a jacket with a flick of the wrist.

Pedicure is an important detail when creating an image. What color to paint toenails? It all depends on the shade of manicure and the outfit in which you are going to flaunt. No need to go to extremes, paint nails in neon or poisonous colors, believe me, they have long been out of fashion. But dark shades will be perfect, by the way, for example, cherry, burgundy, brown. But such tones are suitable if there is no dress code in the office. Otherwise, you will have to be content with a beige palette or jacket. But agree, they look great. In addition, they are suitable for any color of clothing.

Thanks to rhinestones, beads, foil, and other materials, you can make your nails interesting and unusual. Recently, in cosmetic stores, a huge number of bottles with various coatings. What to look for when choosing a foot polish? We will talk about all the nuances in the article.

What color to paint toenails? After reading the article, you will surely find out the questions that interest you. But remember one thing, the legs must be in order. Do not forget about softening baths with oils and herbs. - the right tool, without it the skin on the heels will be rough and ugly, remember this. We’ll talk about fashionable colors later, but first, let’s find out the most popular pedicure designs.

Fashion trends

It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a palette of toenail polishes. It turns out that there are some pitfalls here. Make the wrong choice, and the whole image, so carefully created, can be spoiled. How to prevent such oversights? Choose those shades that are always at the peak of popularity. Among them are:

  • Pastel shades. These include beige, sand, flesh tones. Say that they are boring and not bright, they are. But there is a huge plus, a similar color of varnish can hide absolutely all the flaws: an uneven nail plate, not an ideal shape. In this case, the emphasis is not on the legs;
  • Summer Options. In fact, there are many. Pedicure masters suggest not to be shy and use bright colors. Believe me, on the beach you should stand out, cause the envy of others. Choose the popular palette: mint, yellow, metallic, fuchsia, navy blue. These shades are in perfect harmony with many colors. In principle, with regards to the beach, this is not necessary. Quite different aesthetic laws operate here;
  • The next option came to us from the corners of Paris. This is the famous French manicure. Its simplicity and uniqueness attracts. Not so long ago, a combination of white and beige was fashionable. But over time, everything has changed. Now the trend is colored French pedicure. Choose the right palette, the shades should be in harmony with each other. Do not give preference to black tones, they make nails rough;
  • Neon back in fashion? The answer is probably yes rather than no. But with this varnish you need to be extremely careful. He beckons to himself, but at the same time repels. We settled on this palette, pick up accessories to match (bag, jewelry, scarf). Do not try to buy shoes of the same color, the ensemble looks very awkward, even childish;
  • Fancy prints. If the use of varnish seems boring and not interesting to you, try making an unusual drawing. Do not have artistic skills, stamping or special translations will help;
  • And of course, for those girls who love chic and brilliance, there is still where to “roam around”. , stones, feathers are back in fashion.
Decorate your nails and you will look like real princesses.
Pedicure should be done at least once a month. Recently, it has become practical and convenient to cover the plate with shellac or gel.

Special attention to sandals

There is an opinion that the color of the varnish on the legs should match the palette on the hands. But this has long been out of fashion. But to approach the color of the shoes, he simply has to. Consider the popular options:

  • Black shoes. Dark colors will do. It can be cherry, burgundy, shades of blue. Gold and silver are banned. It is better not to use metallic varnishes;
  • White sandals. Perfect mint shade. He's been trending for the second season. Complement the image with accessories of the same color and success is guaranteed to you. Especially such a pedicure is popular in the summer season. In winter, cold shades will be appropriate: coral, purple, purple. It is not advisable to choose a pink range, the nails will merge with the color of the shoes;
  • But if the sandals are colored, decorated with large stones, rhinestones, lacing, the pedicure should be as calm as possible. You don't want to look like a colorful parrot, do you?
As you can see, everything is quite simple. Use the above tips, your legs will look great.

Secrets of a pedicure

To make your pedicure look perfect, you need to know the following nuances:

  • The varnish will lie perfectly only on a completely degreased nail plate. This can be done with the help of special tools or ordinary alcohol, acetone;
  • Do not forget to wear special pads that are attached between the fingers, they will prevent the varnish from getting on the skin;
  • To keep the coating better, it would be nice to use the base;
  • A bottle of varnish must be new (no more than six months). Otherwise, cracks and chips will appear already for 1-2 days, nobody needs it. Remember, it is impossible to dilute the coating with acetone or other means. It is more profitable to buy a new one;
  • Apply varnish from the middle of the nail plate to the bottom and top, so you make several strokes;
  • If you use a bright palette, make sure that the varnish does not end up on the skin, it looks very ugly. Use special acetone pencils to remove;
  • The coating must be applied in 2 layers, you get a rich and deep color.
Use the tips and the pedicure procedure will turn into a pleasant experience.

  • For those who do manicures and pedicures at home, it is important to remember some rules to look stylish:
    • Despite the trendy shades, make sure that the palette suits you individually. Knowing your problems, for example, a protruding venous network, you should not emphasize this problem;
    • It is not necessary that the color of the varnish on the hands and feet should match. This fashion has remained far in the past;
    • Contrast tones are in fashion, try not to choose colors that are similar to each other;
    • Remember, being bright does not mean using neon polishes. They are pretty specific. If you used them on your feet, it is better to refuse to use them on your hands.
    The ideal image for a woman is not only a stylish wardrobe, but also details: well-groomed hair, smooth skin, manicure and pedicure. Remember, every little thing matters. What color to paint toenails is a question that can often be found on women's forums. There are no definite dogmas and rules, be guided by your own taste. Remember, the same colors are not allowed, these are relics of the past. Try to be fashionable. How to do this was described in the article.

  • A beautiful manicure and pedicure is the pride of any girl. The ideal condition of the nails gives confidence in yourself and your abilities. In order to feel like a woman at 100%, it is important to constantly monitor their condition, use nourishing creams and oils, and do strengthening procedures.

    In addition to the beautiful shape, grooming and length of nails, their color is also very important.

    In a previous post, we already learned how to choose nail polish.

    Let's discuss today one of the most common questions that worries modern fashionistas: should the color of the varnish on the fingers and toes match?

    A little about the color of the varnish

    The choice of nail polish color depends not only on desire and imagination, but also on the style of clothing, as well as other circumstances. If you are going to work or a business meeting, nails should be calm beige, peach or pinkish shades.

    It is not necessary that they be completely identical in color, but they should resemble each other in contrast. For example, hands can have a clear polish or French manicure, and a pedicure can be any neutral shade.

    If in everyday life you like bright multi-colored nails, then why not?! The same color of varnish on the nails of the hands and feet, these are the same relics of the past, like a bag to match the shoes. So don't be afraid to look ridiculous.

    In order to look stylish, you need to remember an important rule - the color of the varnish on the legs should be several tones darker than on the hands. Otherwise, it will look like bad manners. If you chose a warm color scheme for a pedicure, then, for example, green or blue varnish on your hands will look too bright.

    Classics of the genre

    The same color of manicure and pedicure was very fashionable a couple of years ago. This can be seen when looking at recordings of fashion shows or flipping through the covers of glossy magazines of those years. Today, on the legs, the emphasis is best done with red, cherry, dark brown and purple colors. It is not only fashionable and relevant, but also very beautiful. In this combination, a lighter manicure will look natural. In addition, manicures and pedicures of different colors are more convenient. After all, the varnish on the hands keeps much less than on the legs, and the manicure has to be corrected and repainted more often.

    In the trend now and various patterns on the nails. Each girl can be creative and become an artist for a few minutes by drawing an interesting pattern. Ombre, caviar, Hollywood and leopard manicure and pedicure are in fashion. It is better if the pattern is only on the arms or only on the legs. You can also do a manicure with a pattern, and repeat the same pattern on your legs only on one or two fingers, while painting the rest of your nails with a plain base varnish.

    Read also:

    How to do your own pedicure at home?
    Detailed instruction and video lesson of a pedicure!