
Beaded bonsai in loop technique. Earrings "Yin-Yang" from beads DIY yin-yang trees from beads


Trees made of beads are a separate area of ​​creativity, sometimes it is impossible to believe that this can be created from ordinary beads and wire. Today we understand the technology of making trees from beads.

Weaving a tree from beads is a laborious process, because the master creates each branch, each leaf by hand. Gradually forming the crown of a tree from small details, a whole tree is obtained. At the same time, many different schemes have been developed today that convey the features of different types of trees.

How to weave a tree from beads?

To weave a tree, you first need to master the basics of beading, namely the sequence of stringing glass beads on a wire and forming even loops.

For work you will need:

Bead tree: instruction

Since each tree is individual and differs in texture, there cannot be a single instruction, each scheme is individual. And even starting to work, you will be convinced that your result will differ from the original picture.

Bead Tree for Beginners

For beginners, it is worth starting work with the simplest tree according to the scheme - sakura. You will need only one color of beads in a soft pink shade.

  1. Cut about 1 meter of wire for the first branch.
  2. String 6-7 beads on the wire and fix them by twisting the ends of the wire as shown in the figure, so that you get a petal.
  3. Step back about 1-1.5 cm and repeat the steps from point 2.
  4. Make 11 petals, fold the wire in half and weave the petals in pairs to make a twig.
  5. For a whole tree, weave about 90-120 such branches, large branches will be obtained by weaving 3 ordinary ones.
  6. Gradually wind all the branches onto a thick rod forming a trunk, use adhesive tape to secure the fastening.
  7. To attach the tree to the base, use gypsum or alabaster, mold the bark of the tree and roots smoothly into the ground on the existing base. Be careful not to stain the crown of the tree.

Tree from beads, scheme for mountain ash

To collect a bright autumn beauty, you will need not only beads, but also bright red beads that look like berries.

  1. Each branch of rowan consists of 9 leaves and a bunch of berries. For the leaflet, use the diagram below.
  2. Cut the wire about 70 cm long, place a green bead in the middle.
  3. For the next row, pass both ends of the wire through 2 beads and pull them up so that they are above the bead of the first row. And so on according to the scheme, collect 9 petals.
  4. For berries, cut a wire about 70 cm long, place a black bead in the middle, pass both ends of the wire through a large red bead, and then through brown beads. According to this scheme, collect 16 berries for one bunch.
  5. Form a sprig of berries and petals. For a tree, you will need about 70-100 branches.
  6. Form all the branches into a crown and twist around the stem-rod, with the help of plaster, fix the tree on the base.

Incredibly beautiful winter mountain ash can be made using transparent beads to simulate snow.

Step by step beaded autumn tree

To weave an autumn tree, you need to use beads of yellow, red, green tones. For example, a step-by-step scheme for weaving maple.

  1. A maple leaf consists of 5 individual petals. Each petal is woven according to the following pattern (refer to the pictures below):
  • string 1 red bead on the wire and place in the center
  • pass the two ends of the wire through two red beads
  • pass the two ends of the wire through the red, yellow and red bead
  • pass the two ends of the wire through the red, two yellow and again red bead
  • pass the two ends of the wire through 3 yellow beads
  • pass the two ends of the wire through 2 yellow beads
  • pass the two ends of the wire through 1 green bead

  • When weaving the next petal in the fifth ore, pass the wire through the fifth row of the first petal so that they hold together. Finish the petal as shown in the diagram, twisting the ends together.

  1. Assemble a leaflet from 5 parts, you will need about 150 leaves in total
  2. Form sprigs from 3-5 leaves, twisting the ends and securing with floral tape
  3. Form a tree from the branches, the ends of the wire can be wrapped around a heavy stone, which will be the basis
  4. Using plaster or alabaster, give the texture of the tree to the trunk
  5. Once dry, paint with acrylics.

Tree of beads and copper wire: step by step photo

The combination of delicate blue beads and rich copper color gives a feeling of an air haze around the tree. In this example, the wire will remain uncovered, since such beauty cannot be hidden in any way.

We offer instructions for creating such a tree with a photo:

  1. String 17 beads on a piece of copper wire about 80 cm long.
  2. Form a loop in the middle of the wire, step back about 1 cm, string the beads again and form a loop on each side of the center.
  3. Twist to form a branch. Each branch should have seven petals.
  4. Twist about 150 branches in total.
  5. From 3 branches, collect a large branch, you will get 50 branches in total.
  6. Collect the entire trunk from large branches, forming separate large branches and smaller branches, increasing the volume towards the bottom. Wind the ends of the wire into a ring of small diameter.
  7. Dilute the gypsum in a container, fill a mold under a tree by a third and place the ends of the wire there, pour in the remaining gypsum and hold for 10-15 minutes until the mixture sets.
  8. From above, gypsum can be sprinkled with the remains of beads.
  9. Arrange the branches as you wish.

Money tree from beads

It is believed that a money tree or a fat woman will bring prosperity to the house, but if you are not a plant lover, then you can weave an artificial tree with your own hands. For work you will need:

  • beads of several shades of green
  • wire
  • coins
  • gold paint
  • Scotch

  1. Cut a wire about 70 cm long, string 7-8 beads of various shades on it and form a loop, string another 7-8 beads without indentation, form a second loop, repeat 6-8 times, as a result you will get a dense bud.
  2. Twist about 60 buds for a small tree.
  3. Cut the wire about 50 cm long, form a small loop in the middle and twist the ends. Glue a coin to the loop, you will need 15 of these branches.
  4. Take 1 coin branch and 4 green ones, twist together, repeat 2 more times and collect a large branch from the resulting 3 branches by wrapping the wire with paper adhesive tape. Color the ribbon golden brown. Repeat for other branches.
  5. Attach all branches to the stem-rod, wrap with tape and cover the trunk with plaster. Using acrylic paint, give the natural color of the wood to the plaster.

Yin-Yang tree from beads

The Yin-Yang tree is a combination of two colors of beads, white and black, symbolizing the feminine and masculine, as well as their relationship and complementarity. In nature, of course, you will not find such trees, but with the help of beads it is easy to betray this idea.

You will need white and black beads, thin wire, a rod and a base.

  1. Cut the wire into pieces about 70 cm long.
  2. String 5 white beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, retreat 1 cm from each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you get 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with white thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 white branches.
  3. String 5 black beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, retreat 1 cm from each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you get 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with black thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 black branches.
  4. Collect the branches of each color into a tree and twist their trunks together.
  5. Attach to the base with plaster, decorate the top of the base with a Japanese pattern, the Yin-Yang symbol.

Tree of love from beads

According to the manufacturing technology, the tree of love is very similar to the Yin-Yang tree, two colors are also involved here, but not such contrasting combinations as black and white, but more delicate ones, for example, blue and pink, white and blue, etc.

Such a tree will be an excellent gift for a wedding, because it will symbolize the strength of the bonds of the family that was born today.

  1. Cut the wire into pieces about 70-90 cm long.
  2. String 5 pink beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, retreating 1-1.5 cm from each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you get 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with pink thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 rose branches.
  3. String 5 blue beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, retreat 1 cm from each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you get 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with blue thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 blue branches.
  4. From small branches of each color, form larger ones.
  5. Collect the branches of each color into a separate tree, weave the bases of the trunks together and lay out the halves of the heart from the branches of each color.
  6. Attach to the base with plaster, paint the trunk pink and blue, on the base you can draw the initials of the newlyweds and the date of the wedding.

Wisteria - crafts from beads

Wisteria is one of the most beautiful flowering plants on earth, bright colors and incredible color transitions can conquer anyone. In beads, you can convey this beauty using various shades, and the heaviness of the resulting branches will give the necessary shape.

You will need:

  • beads in purple, soft pink, green and blue shades
  • wire
  • core and base
  1. Cut the wire into 100 pieces 1 meter long.
  2. On each piece of wire, roll the loops as shown in the diagram, smoothly changing color from white to purple, twist the branches. Collect 70 white-purple twigs.
  3. On the remaining pieces of wire, twist green loops for foliage.
  4. Collect all the branches, imitating the hanging crown of wisteria.
  5. Wrap the ends of the wire around the heavy base and fill with plaster.

Master class pine beading, scheme

The most popular trees in Russia are spruce and pine, they can also be made from beads and even decorated for the New Year.

  • Cut the wire into pieces 30 cm long.
  • String 8 beads onto the wire, leaving the last bead, pass the second end of the wire through the remaining 7, so that you get a needle.

  • On the remaining end of the wire, string 8 beads again and repeat step 2. You should get 5 needles on 1 wire, then twist the ends.

  • A small pine tree will need 150-200 of these blanks.

  • From small branches we twist large ones, fixing with tape or tape.
  • We assemble the trunk from large branches, twist the ends of the wire into a coil and fix it at the base.
  • Straighten the branches to make the pine fluffy.

beautiful beaded tree

A beautiful tree can be obtained using several different techniques and by mixing materials, for example, add pebbles by gluing them on loops, or use bright leaves.

Photo: Tree of beads

For you, a few more tree ideas that can be made from beads.

Beading technique opens up huge opportunities for you. From such tiny elements you can create serious masterpieces that will decorate your home and a great gift for family and friends. New creative success to you!

Video: Bead tree

Today we will try to learn how to weave a Yin-Yang tree with our own hands from the most ordinary beads. Many of you are familiar with the Yin-Yang symbol, which symbolizes a certain ambiguity. This symbol came to us from Ancient China. Chinese sages have observed for many years that many phenomena have two sides to them. Our tree with you will be black and white from beads of two colors, stylized as "Yin-Yang". Before we start our detailed master class on how to make a tree, we will prepare the necessary materials.

Weave a Yin-Yang tree from beads with our own hands

What we need:

  • fine wire for beads (3 coils);
  • thick wire (1 m);
  • beads (black 150g and white 120g);
  • large beads of two colors (20 g each);
  • threads: wool or floss, black and white;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • gypsum;

Our symbolic tree should consist of small branches, which will then be combined into larger branches.

Making thin branches

For weaving from beads of the Yin-Yang tree, let's start making twigs in black and white. To do this, stepping back a little from the edge, string 8 beads onto a thin wire and twist it into a leaf.

We need to make an odd number of such leaves, the distance of the twisted wire between them should be 1-2 cm.

We form a branch, starting it from the central leaf.

When all our leaves are connected, we need to twist the wire down by about 3 cm. In order for the crown to turn out to be lush, it is necessary to make about 65-70 of these white branches and 100 pieces of black.

We form a large branch

When our supply of thin twigs is ready, you can combine them into one large branch. For this, a thick wire is useful to us, it will take on the role of a frame. We cut off pieces of thick wires of the length we need and begin to tightly wind thin branches to it with the help of floss threads of the desired color. To make one large branch, you will need about 5 small ones.

Making the main frame

When our thick branches are ready, we will start making the frame. To do this, take a thick wire and bend it in a semicircle, form the first loop from one of its ends, bend the second end into a second, large loop. If we did everything right, we will have a heart-shaped frame for our tree.

If the wire we have taken is not elastic enough, other improvised materials can be used to strengthen the tree trunk, for example, wooden or bamboo sticks.

We attach the branches to the frame.

The branches of the Yin-Yang tree will be fastened according to the beading pattern described above (using threads).

Working on a plaster base

We will make the base of the tree from gypsum or alabaster. To do this, we will dilute it to the proportion of sour cream and pour it into the mold. The gypsum hardens very quickly, so before it hardens, we will make holes into which we will then insert a wire with beads that imitate “grass” that complements the Yin-Yang style.

We process the trunk

The trunk of a tree can also be treated with plaster to give the texture of a tree. To do this, you need to pour it with a plaster mixture, and with a pointed tool he depicted a “bark”.

We paint the trunk and add details.

The barrel is painted black. If you want, you can decorate the base with large black and white beads. So you learned how to weave a Yin-Yang tree.

Bead weaving is a very exciting activity, and by learning how to make Yin-Yang trees, you can also prepare a good gift for a loved one. In order to better imagine what other variations are possible, look at various photos with different tree options.

A love tree is made in a similar way, it will look good complete with a Yin-Yang tree.

The love tree is a stylish composition that looks like a heart. This thing will definitely become a symbol that will speak without words about your feelings. Absolutely anyone can make such a tree, first of all, because a large number of tools are not needed at all. The most important thing is your desire and creative spark.

We take a wire, thick enough. After all, it is with the help of this wire that we will shape the trunk. Such a heart-shaped tree is best made from two different parts. One end of each wire must be twisted into the trunk, and the other parts should be shaped like a heart.

We make thin branches for our tree. At this stage of work, we will need beads and wire. The color of the beads will depend only on your choice. If you are planning to make a heart, then pink and light blue shades are suitable for you. The wire from which the branches will be woven must be chosen flexible and thin.

We cut off a small piece of wire, about 25-30 cm and put about 5 beads on it. We twist the wire so that we get the shape of a leaf. When we get the first leaf in the shape of a loop, you can move on to the next leaflets. We recommend that you make 8-9 leaves on one branch.

As soon as you make the right number of leaves, start forming a branch. To do this, simply intertwine the two halves of your wire with each other. In order to get a tree, you need to prepare 20-25 branches of each color. You will connect thin branches in three pieces into medium ones. The medium ones are three in thick, and already from the thick ones, assemble the trunk.

Received two parts of the trunk, fix on our finished base of thicker and stronger wire. After you attach the beaded trunks to the base, it is advisable to wrap them on top with floss threads of a suitable color.

Now you need to take a container in which you will fix your tree and fix it there. Gypsum mortar is usually used for fixing. If desired, trunks can also be primed with this solution. After complete drying, they can be painted.

In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, we advise you to watch a few videos on how to make a tree of love from beads.

We hope that the love tree will become one of your favorite crafts in your assortment thanks to the simple instructions outlined in this master class.

Beads are woven using the "mosaic" technique. Everything is quite simple here: you just need not to get confused in the rows and alternate the number and colors of beads correctly. To make the jewelry even, it is better to take Czech high-quality beads, with Chinese beads all earrings will warp already at the beginning of weaving and it will be impossible to achieve even circles. In general, try to weave such cute earrings, on average it takes about two hours of free time to create them.

We will need:
- beads of two colors (preferably black and white, but you can try non-classic options);
- kapron thread;
- beaded needle;
- scissors;
- stitches.

Such earrings can also be woven on monofilament. In any case, carefully tighten the thread during the weaving process so that the product does not turn out soft, otherwise they will not look perfect circles on the ear, they will sag ugly. But it will not be very convenient to weave from wire, since the flexibility of the material is very important for mosaic weaving. Earrings "Yin-Yang" are woven on one thread.

Step 1

So, get started. Let's start with the first row of earrings. First, cut the thread about one and a half meters long, string four black beads and two white beads onto it. Immediately connect them into a ring. We will no longer need the second end of the thread in our work, a little later we will hide it in woven rows.

Step 2

Now weave the second row, also in mosaic technique. Weave three black beads and three white ones. Naturally, each color should be on its "half", do not confuse, otherwise you will not succeed in the Yin-Yang symbol.

Step 4

The fourth row is woven with a mosaic of one bead in a circle. Follow the drawing.

Step 5

Here, too, repeat the mosaic of black and white beads. As you can see, with each row the circle grows in size.

Step 6

Here add two beads through one. Do not forget to add two beads of a different color in the sixth row against the background of each color - this way we will begin to weave circles. It is necessary to add two beads, be sure to where the same number of beads were added below, because here the pattern should be in complete harmony. At this stage, I got rid of the unnecessary piece of thread, hiding it in the formed rows. You can do the same so that the thread does not interfere with you.

Step 8

The eighth row is woven in the same way, weaving in a circle one bead in black and white. But do not forget to “draw” small circles on the canvas in the process.

Step 9

Now you need to add two beads every two single ones. In this row, we will finish weaving small circles, then it will be easy to alternate each color on its own half, making a smooth transition.

Step 10

Mosaic weaving in a circle.

Step 11

Again we repeat weaving with a mosaic.

Step 12

Here you need to add two beads every three single ones. Thus, we increase our main circle and further rows already require more beads. Do not forget to tighten the thread so that the rows are tight enough.

Step 13

Again, mosaic weaving. If you pull the thread well and the beads are of the same size, then the circles will immediately turn out to be even, flat and not bent up.

Step 14

And finally, the final row, the fourteenth. Here, too, walk in a circle with single beads.

Step 15

It remains to attach the earring to the resulting earring. To do this, bring the thread to the junction of two colors, type in two black beads and a fastener, then again two black beads (you can do it at the junction with white - this is up to you). Pass into the nearby bead, as if creating a loop. For reliability, it is better to go through this resulting loop several times, hide a piece of unnecessary thread in the finished product. The second earring is woven in the same way.

Ready-made earrings "Yin-Yang" from beads

Here are the beaded earrings and ready. You can freehand draw a diagram and create circle earrings based on this with any other symbol or pattern. Indeed, mosaic weaving can be called a simple technique, but nevertheless universal, with its help you can weave both earrings and necklaces, and also use this technique to braid crystals and make many other interesting homemade products! Spend your time both usefully and with pleasure for yourself, good luck and creative success!

Yin-yang is popular in needlework because it is easy for beginners to make. It is not chosen in vain, the weaving technique is simple, and outwardly it looks very catchy and interesting due to its coloring.

Creating a yin yang tree, the needlewoman requires special attention, patience, and perseverance. Stock up on the anticipation of your creation and you will be satisfied with your work, you will definitely find a place or corner where you can place your own pictorial art.

Preparation for work

You need to stock up on the following materials:

  • tenth bead size (white and black) 50 grams each
  • wire 60 cm three-millimeter - 50 pieces
  • thick copper wire two pieces of 15 cm
  • threads
  • acrylic paints
  • PVA glue
  • stand for finishing

Video master class yin-yang bead tree

Twig weaving

Because 50 pieces of wire are involved in our design, we divide them in half and weave 25 branches - from white glass beads, 25 - from black. The branches collected among themselves will be divided as follows - five white and five black.

1. Weave the first, consisting of nine petals. We string 10 white beads onto the wire, move them to the middle of the tool. Now we twist the wire in nine turns - this will be the central petal.

2. It turned out one petal, we continue to weave four things on both sides. Having strung 9 beads on one of the ends of the wire, it is necessary to retreat 1 cm from the twisted place and in the same way we twist the second petal with nine turns.

4. Now we make her leg by twisting 25 turns, which we will wrap with light yarn. We dip the tip of the thread in glue, apply it to the leg and begin to tightly wrap it in one layer. Then our design will look neat. At the end, cut the thread, leaving a tail of about 1 cm.

5. We make five such branches. In the fifth, you do not need to cut the thread, we will wrap all the branches made with it. Starting from the first, having tied it a little, we take the second, we continue the process of winding so that a beautiful bouquet forms in the hand. I advise you to periodically lubricate the wire with glue.

6. We wrap our assembled bouquet of five branches with a thread to the end of the entire length, cutting the thread, leaving the tip. We will have five lush bouquets with light beads and similar ones with black ones.

Building branches

We turn to the actions of connecting by the color of the branches to the general wrapping of yarn. We will have one tree white, the second - dark. We will twist them together at the end of the work. Using the example of one assembly composition, let's consider the detailed steps for forming a tree. It is necessary to stick a piece of thick wire (we bend it with pliers so that the stand comes out) to stick into the middle and patiently wrap it with yarn in several layers to the roots of the bottom.

This is a long procedure, because a thick pin is also subject to winding. The thickness should be the same along the entire length of the composition.

We weave such two products together, making efforts. Having twisted our creation in our hands, we straighten the clusters beautifully, creating splendor.

Final stage

Now we are coming to the end. We will plant a tree trunk in a round stand with alabaster solution. The solution is done like this:

  1. Pour a little gypsum (alabaster) into a small container, gradually adding warm water.
  2. We bring to a creamy density and transfer the finished mass to the main stand.
  3. Next, we insert the tree, set it in the center and set it aside for 6 hours to completely harden.

4. When the concrete is dry, draw a line in the yin yang sign. One part is painted with black paint. Then we fill the concrete with PVA glue and sprinkle with the appropriate beads.

A wonderful composition is ready. We straighten and create lush clusters, decorate the corner of the interior. I am sure that you coped with this design and were satisfied.

In a similar way, weave with beads of red, pink, blue colors. Such an invention, in principle, will look great in different colors, choosing individually for your interior in the house. Good luck in job!

We bring to your attention the following video lesson, slightly different from the previous one. The knitting technique is the same, but the volume and weave are different, it will be interesting. You will also see examples of other options for work.

Video master class “Creating colored yin-yang trees”

A two-color beaded Yin Yang tree requires perseverance and due skill from the craftswoman. The finished product can be safely “introduced” into the interior of a home or office, or given to a dear person.

  • beads (black, opaque) - 150 grams.
  • beads (white, opaque) - 150 grams.
  • wire (beaded) - three coils.
  • wire for the frame (copper or aluminum) - 1 meter.
  • stand mold.
  • black floss threads.
  • white floss threads.
  • large white beads. - 20 grams.
  • large black beads. - 20 grams.
  • PVA glue.
  • white and black colors.
  • gypsum.
  • brushes.

Master class on weaving Yin Yang wood from beads

Making twigs

The “Chinese” tree, the photo of which stimulates action, is made using the loop weaving technique. How to start work correctly and create an unusual and touching souvenir, our master class will tell you:

Making flowers

If you want your Yin Yang tree to be more lush and elegant, then you can make it bloom. In the photo, this product looks very advantageous.

Making petals

In order to make cute leaves for your Yin Yang, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

Making leaflets

  1. Take seven beads, make loops;
  2. Make a few things, attach them to the flower and fix with florentine;
  3. In the same way, make leaves for a white flower.

Assembly of twigs

The Yin Yang tree suggests the free flight of the artist's imagination. The classic version, which looks impressive in the photo, involves covering a branch with a white shade with a lush black branch. Both branches of Yin Yang are arranged in the shape of a heart. How to fix tree branches correctly? Follow the tips that our master class offers:

  1. Make several blanks for black twigs;
  2. Cut a piece of wire no more than twenty centimeters long and 1.2 millimeters in diameter;
  3. Tape the black blanks with a strong thread of a similar shade (you will attach the white branches to the trunk frame).

Assembly and landing of the trunk

Our master class will help you quickly assemble your Yin Yang tree. The photo shows that it is desirable to use pieces of copper wire. The product is assembled as follows:

  1. Take two wire segments, the length of which is 45-50 centimeters, and the diameter is not more than 3.5 millimeters. Form a frame of branches, at the end of which make a small loop;
  2. “Arm” with a strong thread and screw the branch to the frame. You need to start screwing from the top, place the branches in a “spiral” relation to the trunk of the product;
  3. To prevent the tree from deforming, reinforce the frame with another piece of wire;
  4. Attach the tree trunk with a loop to a pre-prepared mold of an interesting configuration;
  5. Prepare a gypsum mixture (its consistency should be creamy);
  6. Dry thoroughly, then remove the mold.

trunk decoration

In order for the Yin Yang tree in the photo and in real life to look no worse than a factory exhibit, its trunk needs to be “ennobled”. How to do this, our master class will tell you:

  1. Prepare a mixture of PVA glue, water and gypsum;
  2. Thoroughly coat each branch and bottom of the trunk;
  3. Give the trunk some texture. To do this, cut through the bark on the hardening gypsum-adhesive mixture;
  4. Let the product harden;
  5. Using an awl or a delicate drill, make a few holes to place the decor.


So the most “creative” and interesting moment of the workflow has come. Our master class will also help you paint the almost finished Yin Yang product:

  1. “Arm yourself” with a brush, and using gouache (any, you can also use children’s), paint the top branch black (carefully up to the point where the branches intersect), and the bottom and tree trunk white;
  2. Dry;
  3. Using a hard, dry brush, paint the bottom of the Yi Yang trunk and roots with black paint. Movements must be horizontal;
  4. Don't forget to paint the bottom of the coaster.

The finished tree can be placed both in the office and on the home desktop. Stylish and amazingly beautiful, this product will always delight you and your loved ones.

If you want your Yin Yang tree to be no different from those sold in boutiques and cute souvenir shops, then draw a “yin-yang” pattern on a plaster stand. Lubricate one half with glue first and lay out the black beads. Then the same manipulations, only with the participation of white beads, do with the second part of the picture.

Video: Weave colorful Yin-Yang trees