
How to make a snake out of plasticine. Plasticine snake. Lesson in step by step sculpting. Materials and tools for the master class "King Cobra"


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Whichever helicopter you propose to blind the boy - passenger or military - he will never give up such an exciting venture. Indeed, it is the boys who are big fans of all kinds of technology. Without going into specifications and the structure of the Cobra model, let's blind this military unit from plasticine. In this case, dark green plasticine is suitable for work. The more it is, the larger the craft will turn out. If there is not enough material, then mask inside some waste material or other color.

Other lessons on the topic of helicopters:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Green is the main color used in the work, yellow and blue (cyan) are additional shades.

Give the prepared green bar a ball shape.

Draw out the oblong bar - the helicopter fuselage. Give the cockpit a square shape.

Prepare blue squares for sculpting glasses. To do this, form thin cakes, then cut squares or rectangles with a thin stack. the right size... Make several of these blanks.

Stick the glass on the front of the helicopter body, placing them one above the other.

Make a tail. In shape, this detail will resemble a leg. Attach the extra steering lug to the elongated tube that tapers on one side.

Connect the front and back of the machine. Attach the propeller at the back.

Decorate the product with additional green details: rollers, flat protrusions.

Place the main rotor on top (it is better to put cardboard under the bottom, otherwise the thin plasticine part will simply sag).

Prepare additional parts to create a landing gear that will help the helicopter land and bounce off the ground.

Assemble a chassis with two oblong ski-shaped planks and curved side mounts.

The military helicopter Cobra from plasticine is ready. Now you know how to entertain your little boy at your leisure.

Have you ever seen an eared ... tree? No, this is not a joke - elongated fruits, at first similar to soft green ears, hang from the branches of Gleditsia. By fall, they turn brown and fall to the ground, hard and curved. From this natural material it is very easy to make a beautiful cobra.

Materials and tools for the master class "King Cobra"

We will need:
+ fruit of the gledichia tree ("bunny ears")
+ plasticine - dark green, light green, white and black
+ round molds from a box of chocolates
+ yellow tape
+ scalpel
+ knitting needle
+ scissors


1. We take the fruit of gledichia bent like a snake and cut off its elongated stalk:

2. We sculpt the head of a snake from dark green plasticine:

3. Using a scalpel, draw a smiling mouth. With a knitting needle we make two nostrils:

4. Roll up two balls of white plasticine, two smaller balls of light green and two of the smallest balls of black. We make eyes from balls:

5. We sculpt two more small balls of white plasticine and decorate the eyes with glare:

6. We stick the head of the snake to the fruit of the honeydew (on the side where we cut off the stem):

7. Roll out a cake from dark green plasticine, draw a snake's "hood" on it with a scalpel and cut it out:

8. We sculpt a ball from white plasticine, and from black - something like a tick. We decorate the hood with these elements:

9. We mold a stick out of black plasticine (you can make two) and complement the decor of the hood by twisting something like a heart out of it:

10. Place the hood behind the snake's head:

11. We sculpt many pairs of balls of dark green (larger) and light green (smaller) plasticine and, sticking small balls on top of large ones, decorate the snake's body with spots along its entire length (both in front and behind):

12. Cut out a round blank for the crown from the mold for sweets. If the workpiece is too large, cut off the excess and secure the workpiece with tape yellow color... If the size is right, just cover the blank on top with yellow tape:

Since it is quite obvious that teaching drawing or modeling should go from simple to complex, then it is necessary to decide on this very sequence. Here, - indeed, the object for the image is relatively simple. Now we think - who is next, which animal is simple to depict, but more complicated than a worm. Perhaps a snake.

So, we look on the Internet, what has already been written about how to draw and how to blind a snake. HM. And a lot has been written, and all some kind of New Year's articles. It is understandable - in 2013 snakes are in fashion. Will I not repeat myself - with my advice, we will study what the predecessors say. Basically, you immediately need to make several balls of plasticine - eyes, cheeks, patterns ...

And I remembered how in the third grade they drew a picture for the competition: "Beautiful and amazing." The guys work hard, who portrays what. Some dinosaurs, some starships or a sunset over a lake with swans. I walk around the classroom and look - very, you know, interesting.

And so, I was surprised that about six people began to draw something like that ... It is not clear what, but clearly everything is the same: round close-set eyes, a snub nose, a smile ... Who will it be? Mickey Mouse? ... Then a round head appears ... broad shoulders ... or what is it? No, the body narrows and ends in a small spiral. From the mouth - a forked tongue. MA-MA ... mommy! It's ... a snake. Cobra with a hood. I look around in confusion and see something that I somehow did not notice: a calendar with a cheeky smiling snake hangs on the wall. Here is the prototype. Lovely and amazing. The children quite accurately copied the pattern of the green snake and, while I was perplexed, they had already begun to paint their cobras in emerald green.

I have seen a lot of live snakes in my life. Our zoological practice took place in an area teeming with snakes, and in the Zoo, where I later worked, there were pythons and cobras. But, I don’t recognize old acquaintances from the drawing with the symbol of the year.

Well. So I understand that in the theme of "snake" there is still an opportunity to say something new, for example, to offer, so to speak, a more realistic way of depicting.

Let's draw a snake

So, snakes usually do not have legs (some have tiny rudiments, but they do not count), the long body tapers evenly towards the tail. The head is elongated, with small nostrils at the end. Typically, the mouth can open wide, like other reptiles, such as crocodiles.

The teeth are sharp, thin, bent like sabers into the mouth. Poisonous snakes have very developed, large poisonous teeth, through the through channels in which poison is injected into the victim. The tongue is forked, but the color is usually dark, black or brown. Not red. The eyes are round and without eyelids - unblinking, above them sometimes there is a relief like an eyebrow. The snakes are covered with scales, the size of which is different on the head and on the body. Well, the head has been drawn, but the body is how you compose it. The more curls and patterns, the more beautiful the snake will be.

Now it's time to think about how to mold a snake. There seems to be nothing to strain over here, but to complicate the task, let's take a large, large piece of plasticine. At least we will develop the strength of the hands. Again, we will focus on the head of the snake.

Bright plasticine allows you to realize many pedagogical goals in the process of raising a child. Sculpting develops large-scale spatial perception, fosters artistic taste, and fosters perseverance and planning skills to achieve the best result. You can talk for a long time about the benefits of mass for modeling, adults should understand that the kid must be shown interesting master classes on working with plasticine.

If you find it difficult to choose a specific figurine for creativity, try to mold a fairy-tale character. In this master class, I will show you how to blind the Serpent Gorynych, in stages. These recommendations can be used, but no one forbids adults and children to show imagination.

How to mold the Snake Gorynych from plasticine:

1. It is generally accepted that the Serpent Gorynych is a three-headed dragon of green color, therefore, use a block of this particular shade in the course of work. Use the plastic tool from the kit to divide the material and create the relief.

2. At the first stage, cut off half of the green plasticine, knead in the palms and form a ball.

3. In a circular motion, press down on the ball, pulling out one part. You should get a sharp tail.

4. Sharpen the end of the tail even more by attaching an arrow to it, place a row of triangular scales along the back.

5. Roll three sausages from the remaining green plasticine - the heads of the fairytale hero. Leave some material for sculpting the legs.

6. Attach the heads to the body by carefully pressing down the clay and masking the joints. If the material is soft, insert a strong wire inside to make the necks flexible.

7. From green balls, small white cakes and black grains, make eyes for each head. Pierce the nostrils with the tip of the instrument.

8. Attach the ball-toed legs to the torso. Serpent Gorynych can already move on the ground.

9. It is imperative to enable the character to fly. To sculpt the wings, prepare a tool and a piece of red plasticine.

10. Divide the selected block into two parts, roll each into a ball, then press with your fingers until the state of the cake is triangular. Draw the webbing on the wings with the tool.

11. Attach the red limbs to the back. The snake Gorynych from plasticine is ready to fly to the fairytale castle, where the beautiful princess lives.

Among the popular heroes of the Russians folk tales it is impossible not to recall the Serpent Gorynych, who can act as both a positive and a negative character. The three-headed creature fills any legend with mythical content, because in our life we ​​have never seen anything like it. Let's dream up with you on this topic and blind our own, completely fearless, Snake Gorynych from plasticine. You may need a similar craft if you want to stage your own show with your child, or just want to have fun.

1. Most often we see the Serpent Gorynych in cartoons or in pictures in children's books, drawn in green... It is this plasticine that we need. Auxiliary colors are black and red, a drop of white.

2. Mash a large half of the prepared green plasticine in your hands and divide into several portions: the largest of them will be used to sculpt the torso and tail, all the rest will be used to create three heads and necks.

3. To make the torso, first roll the ball in the palms, then place it between the palms and gradually pull it out into a large drop. After that, stretch the sharp part even more to get a tail. Attach the oval heads to the necks.

4. Create the head of the serpent: stick on the eyes and insert a long red tongue into the mouth.

5. Make three heads identical in shape and size, placing sharp horns on top of the head.

6. Attach the parts to the torso. If you are using too soft plasticine, insert a match into each neck for stability.

7. To create scales, roll up many balls of white or beige plasticine, then grind each one to the state of a cake and form a triangle.

8. Attach the scales in a thin layer along the back, continuing on the back of each neck and head.

9. Make wings of two triangular cakes, draw veins with white or beige plasticine.

10. Attach the wings to the back. Add black plasticine paws.

The final view of the craft. Photo 1.

The final view of the craft. Photo 2.

Everything, the Russian folk monster is ready. It is best to put the Gorynych snake from plasticine in the refrigerator for a while so that the plasticine becomes solid.