
The plot of the Russian folk tale goat dereza. “Playing and retelling the fairy tale “Koza-Dereza” with the help of “deputies. Goat - black eyes


Marina Sushkova
“Playing and retelling the fairy tale “Koza-Dereza” with the help of “deputies”

« Acting out and retelling the story« Goat - Dereza»

from help« deputies»


1. Development of the ability to pick up « deputy» on a given basis (size and color of geometric shapes);

2. Building a motor model in the course of presentation;

3. Consolidation of the content of individual episodes fairy tales with« deputies» ;

4. Develop thinking, creative imagination, coherent speech of children. Expand words knowledge;

5. Moral tasks: the ability to listen to the teacher and the advice of comrades, not interrupt, answer with a full answer, sit correctly at the tables, be able to

evaluate fabulous deeds of heroes.

Material: Text fairy tales« Goat - Dereza» . Each child has mugs different sizes And colors: white, grey, brown, red, black, stripes: green, blue, triangle - green, square - blue.

Lesson progress:

Emotional attitude of children to the lesson.

Music sounds

Educator. - Guys, look at each other, smile at each other.

Now smile at me, and I at you.

What is your mood?

(Good, kind, smiling, cheerful cheerful.)

Here with this good mood we will begin our work.

Today we will talk about fairy tales.

I know you love them very much.

Tell us why you love Russian folk fairy tales?

(IN animals live in fairy tales who can talk, miracles and magic happen in them, in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil, they teach us to be kind)

What do you think would happen if they disappeared? fairy tales?

(We will be bored and not interested without fairy tales, goodness, miracles and magic will disappear)

That's right, along with fairy tales kindness, miracles and magic will disappear from our lives. To prevent this from happening and fairy tales always stayed with us, you just need to love and be able to be interesting tell them.

I confess, children, I also love fairy tales.

Today we will visit our old friend Kozy-Dereza.

She is the main character fairy tales?

(Russian folk fairy tales« Goat - Dereza» )

But in this fairy tale there are other characters, name them?

(Grandfather, grandmother, bunny, bear, cockerel)

Well done! Named correctly.

Heroes fairy tales could not come themselves, but they sent their « deputies» .

Each character has « deputy» in the form of a geometric figure.

Your task is to pick « deputies» to our heroes.

I give you hint: in animal heroes « deputies» - circles, the grandfather and the woman have rectangular stripes, the bush has a triangle, the house has a square.

Let's remember what was the nature Goat - Dereza in a fairy tale?

(Cunning, evil, deceiver)

Describe appearance goats.

(Big goat, her hair is white, her eyes are black, her horns are sharp, her leg is crooked)

Which circle looks like a goat?


What color did you get the circle? Who does he represent?

What did goat with a rabbit?

(Kicked the bunny out of the hut)

Bunny in the hut, what?

(Grey, fluffy, with long ears, he is also weak, but good)

What circle looks like it?


What animals helped drive the goat out of the bunny hut?

(Hare the bear and the rooster helped)

Which circle looks like a bear?


Why brown?

(The bear is large, clumsy, and his hair is brown)

And what a cockerel fairy tale?

(He has a red comb on his head, spurs on his legs, a sharp braid on his shoulder)

Which circle looks like a cockerel?


Why the red circle?

Now let's talk about grandfather and grandmother. What grandfather in fairy tale? Which strip looks like

What about grandma? What stripe looks like it?

What will the green triangle mean in fairy tale?


What about the blue square?

(Zaikin's hut)

Guys, I suggest you say magic words: "Cribly-crably-boms!" and turn geometric shapes into heroes fairy tales, (children say magic words to the music)

Here are all the heroes of our fairy tales on your plates.

I hear their conversations, but I do not understand all the words.

The goat speaks to the grandfather: ". and how she ran through the comb, swallowed a drop of water ". What is a rower? (narrow board).

And what does it mean "peel" (beat).

Please explain to me what the goat from the hut screamed: “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets” (in all directions).

How to understand "slammed" (fell).

Now I know you can understand what they are talking about fairy tale characters.

I hear that they offer us to play.

But before ; Let's remember this finger gymnastics "House Teremok".

There is a house in the forest - a teremok, (fingers spread apart)

There is a lock on the door (fingers bound in a castle)

The wolf opens it:

left, right)

Derg - derg, derg - derg. (movements with closed hands)

Peter the cockerel came (fingers raised up,

depicting a scallop)

And he opened the lock with the key (fingers open and

connect, depicting a roof)

Now listen to the rules games: I I tell you a story and you follow

me act out the plot of a fairy tale with« deputies» heroes fairy tales.

“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had goat

(Beating content in progress fairy tales with« deputies» )

I liked the way you played out a fairy tale.

Now let's have a rest and play with our Goat - Dereza.

Physical education minute « Goat - Dereza» .

I Goat - Dereza

Goat - black eyes

sharp horns,

Crooked leg.

Eyes - clap-clap,

Legs - top-top.

I gore, I gore, I gore!

You played so well fairy tale that I also wanted to play it with with these figurines. I will choose the episodes that I liked the most in fairy tale and you to me Help. I will play and you tell the content.

Be careful!

(I play and the children tell the content)

Well done, you made me happy! Are you good retelling episodes of the story. Therefore, I invite you to a forest clearing.

There are 4 houses in the meadow. Animals from our fairy tales.

Who lives in the white house? (Goats)

Who is in grey? (Bunnies)

Who is in brown? (The Bears)

Who is in red? (Petushki)

I have mugs on the tray, they mean those animals that live in these houses.

Before choosing a circle, think about what fairy you liked the hero the most, and look where his house is.

Choose. What color is your circle? Who is it?

Now you have turned into goats, bunnies, bears and cockerels.

And we will play with you. (Children find houses to the music fairytale heroes) .

Well done! None of the animals were wrong.

Please note that several bunnies, goats, bears and cockerels live in each house. We are all not only neighbors, but also good, kind friends.

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Well done, you did a good job, you managed to find for each hero fairy tales« deputy» , and with help« deputies» convey the content of the story, relationship fairytale heroes. You did a good job with the task, it makes me happy, and I think you will cope with the new task: how to write fairy tale without words? (It can be written « deputies» ).

Then I propose to arrange evening gatherings, at which help you try your notes tell your family's favorite story.

I hope your mom and dad help you.

"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Health”.

Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

Activities: playful, communicative, cognitive, productive, musical and artistic, storytelling, construction.

Software tasks.

Educational: activate cognitive and speech activity children; to form communicative qualities, to contribute to the mastery of children in

specific speech situations with speech norms, to teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to form the ability to interact;

Developing: develop design skills; ingenuity, children's creativity in the process of joint productive activity, promote the development fine motor skills hands

Educational: cultivate a love of oral folk art, to educate children in morality (the desire to help, empathy for someone else's grief, not to be lazy, a deceiver)

Vocabulary work: to beat - to beat, to pasture - to bring grass to the meadow to eat, a hut is a wooden house. Sawn off tree trunks are called logs.

Conduct form(speech work): game activity - travel

Materials and equipment: clothing attributes for the Goat-Dereza, rubber toys - heroes of a fairy tale, a series of plot pictures based on a fairy tale, pictures of wooden houses, a table "Goat". Glue. brushes, blanks for the hut. Album tinted sheets



MB preschool educational institution "Child Development Center for children No. 21" Joy ".

Integrated activities in the middle group

based on the r.n. fairy tale "Koza-Dereza"

Prepared and conducted

Educator I sq. cat.

Magsumova Ch.I.

Educator of higher cat

Hook. L.N.

Naberezhnye Chelny 2013

Integratable educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music", "Health".

Form of activity:joint activities of adults and children.

Activities:playful, communicative, cognitive, productive, musical and artistic, storytelling, construction.

Software tasks.

Educational:to activate cognitive and speech activity of children; to form communicative qualities, to contribute to the mastery of children in

specific speech situations with speech norms, to teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to form the ability to interact;

Developing: develop design skills; quick wit, children's creativity in the process of joint productive activity, promote the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Educational: educate love for oral folk art, educate children in morality (desire to help, empathize with someone else's grief, not be a lazy person, a deceiver)

Vocabulary work:to beat - to beat, to pasture - to bring grass to the meadow to eat, a hut is a wooden house.Sawn off tree trunks are called logs.

Conduct form(speech work): game activity - travel

Materials and equipment:clothing attributes for the Goat-Dereza, rubber toys - heroes of a fairy tale, a series of plot pictures based on a fairy tale, pictures of wooden houses, a table "Goat". Glue. brushes, blanks for the hut. Album tinted sheets

Description of the IOS scenario.

1. Introduction

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle

Sun children high

We all take a deep breath.

We lower our hands down and exhale quietly

1-2 we all inhale, 3-4 we exhale.

Knowing how much you love fairy tales, I propose today to go on a visit to the village of Skazkino. Get on our magic train (children put their hands on their shoulders each other and speak loudly

wagons, wagons,

They rattle along the rails.

They are being taken to the village of Skazkino

Arrived Oh, how beautiful it is here.

2. Main body

The goat enters and cries

Ouch. I am a poor goat. Nobody loves Me. Even my own grandfather kicked me out of the house.

Or maybe you can tell us what happened, and the guys and I will help you.

I am Goat-Dereza. I lived with my grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Masha ...

It seems, guys, I know this fairy tale. This is a Russian folk tale "Koza-Dereza".

(I tell a story and show pictures)

There lived a grandfather and a woman and granddaughter Masha. They had no cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns. Grandfather loved this goat very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother to graze the goat. She grazed, grazed and drove home. And the grandfather sat down at the gate and asked:

My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, what did you eat, what did you drink?

I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, my grandmother didn’t shepherd me. As I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf - that's all my food. The grandfather got angry at the grandmother, shouted and sent his granddaughter to graze the goat. She grazed, grazed and drove home. And the grandfather sits at the gate and asks:

My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg? sharp horns, what did you eat, what did you drink? And the goat replied:

I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, my granddaughter didn’t shepherd me, as she ran across the bridge, grabbed a maple leaf - that’s all my food.

The grandfather got angry at his granddaughter, shouted, went to graze the goat himself. Pass, pass, fed to the full and drove home. And he himself ran forward, sat at the gate and asked:

My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, did she eat well, did she drink well?

And the goat says:

I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, but as I ran across the bridge I grabbed a maple leaf - that’s all my food!

Here the grandfather got angry at the liar, grabbed the belt, let's beat her on the sides. Barely, the goat escaped and ran into the forest.

She ran into the forest and climbed into the hare's hut, locked the doors, climbed onto the stove. And the hare ate cabbage in the garden. Bunny came home - the door is locked. The bunny knocked and said:

Who occupies my hut, who does not let me into the house?

And the goat answers him:

I am a dereza goat half a side thrashed, bought for three pennies, I stomp - I stomp my feet, I will stab you with horns, I will sweep you with my tail.

The bunny got scared and ran away. He hid under a bush and cries, wipes his tears with his paw.

A gray wolf is walking past, teeth snapping.

What are you crying about, bunny, what are you shedding tears about?

How can I, a hare, not cry, how can I not grieve as a gray one: I built myself a hut on the edge of the forest, and a dereza goat climbed into it, it won’t let me go home.

Do not grieve, zainka, do not grieve gray, let's go, I will kick her out.

The gray wolf approached the hut and how it screamed:

Go, goat, from the stove, free the hare's hut!

And the goat answers him:

I am a dereza goat, half a side is thrashed, bought for three pennies, as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, I will score with my feet, I will stab it with my horns - shreds will go along the back streets!

The wolf got scared and ran away!

A hare is sitting under a bush, crying A bear is walking, a fat leg. Around the trees, bushes are cracking.

What, hare, are you crying about, what are you shedding tears about?

How can I not cry, a hare, I built a hut on the edge of the forest, and a goat-dereza climbed up to me, she won’t let me go home.

The bear went to the hut and let's roar:

She went, goat, from the stove, free the hare's hut!

As I jump out, but as I jump out, as I score with my feet, I stab with horns, - shreds will go along the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

A hare is sitting under a bush, crying more than ever, wiping her tears with her paw. Who will help me a gray bunny? How can I drive out a dereza goat?

There is a cockerel, a red scallop, in red boots, spurs on his feet, a braid on his shoulder.

What are you, bunny, crying so bitterly that you are gray, pouring tears?

How can I not cry, how can I not grieve, I built a hut, on the edge of the forest, a goat-dereza climbed there and does not let me go home.

Don't worry, bunny, I'll kick her out.

I drove - did not drive out, the wolf drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, where are you,

Petya, get out!

Let's go and see if we can get out!

Petya came to the hut and how he screamed:

I'm coming, I'm coming soon, with spurs on my feet, I'm carrying a sharp scythe, I'll blow the goat's head off! Ku-ka-re-ku!

The goat was frightened and how it would pop from the stove! From the stove to the table, from the table to the floor, and through the door, and run into the forest! They only saw her.

And the hare again began to live in his hut, at the edge of the forest. He chews carrots, sends you a bow.

Well, Goat, and your whole story. What, guys, did the Goat do wrong and why was she left all alone?

She deceived her grandfather, drove the bunny out of the hut.

I didn't lie, I fantasized. And I didn’t want to quarrel with the hare, I just liked his house.

Guys, help Goat fix everything.

We must ask for forgiveness from grandfather and the bunny.

Oh, thank you guys, I won't offend anyone anymore. (the goat leaves)

They say: What you lie is what you reap. Herethe goat would not have lied - such grief would not have happened to her. (pronounce the proverb)

Phys. minute

A. Barto "Kid":

I have a goatling (showing horns)

I will feed him myself. (pointing to self)

I'm a kid in a green garden (showing trees swaying in the wind)

I'll take it early in the morning. (cradle)

He will get lost in the garden (close your eyes with your hands)

I will find him in the grass. (open hands)

Who can tell the story from pictures?

Look who came to meet us?

Heroes of the fairy tale "Koza-Dereza"

1. Arrange all the heroes in order. How many?

How many animals?

How many wild animals?

How many home?

What is the grandfather?

Who stands between the wolf and the rooster?

Where is the goat?

Tell about the goat according to the table.

What pets can you name with the letter "K"? (Cat, rabbit, horse, cow).

(round dance game)

far, far away

Cats graze in the meadow…

Horses? No, not horses!

far, far away

Cats graze in the meadow…

Goats? No, not goats!

far, far away

Cats graze in the meadow…

That's right, cows!

Drink, children, milk -

You will be healthy!

3. Artistic creativity. Practical part

Today we will build many huts. Nobody will be left without a house.

The hut is a wooden house. Sawn off tree trunks are called logs. Usually such houses were built in villages. (Showing pictures.) Houses were built so that they looked at each other. This is how the street was born. You have these brown rectangles on your tables. It is necessary to carefully cut off along the line it into thin rectangular logs. And lay out walls from them. then you need to glue the triangular roof and the window, and the house is ready.

(self. work) - music sounds

Exhibition of houses

The goat comes out saying goodbye to the children and treats them to a milk bar (Milkivey)

Well, it's time for us guys to go back.

wagons, wagons,

They rattle along the rails.

Taken back to kindergarten

A company of guys. Choo-choo-choo. Choo-choo-choo.

Topic. Introduction to fairy tale"Goat-dereza". Reading and discussion of the story.

Target:introduce children to new fairy tale, to teach to understand the figurative content of a fairy tale, to convey the structure of a fairy tale,notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text; Rstimulate mental activitycreative imagination,ingenuity, observation, fantasy, ability to compare;to cultivate sympathy for fairy-tale characters in trouble; to teach to observe the word, its ambiguity, subtext; to teach to analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, form one's own point of view, defend it, to learn to follow the development of the plot,answer questions in the text, convey their attitude to the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale,expand the reader's horizons; cultivate a kind attitude towards animals,
love and interest in Russian folk tales.

Type: learning new material.

Equipment: exhibition of children's books and drawings, book illustrations, toys, animal masks, musical accompaniment.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class.

Here are tricks and riddles,

Games, fairy tales, everything for you!

I wish you good luck

For work in good hour!

II. Updating the basic knowledge of students. The topic of the lesson.

1. Teacher's greeting.

I really want to wish good morning to everyone - everyone - everyone, each of you. Good morning guys, guests! And let's play the game "Good morning" with you.

2. The game "Good morning".

I will say the words: “Good morning…” and call someone from our class. Those whom I name will wave to me, which means that you have heard and answer the greeting. Shall we try?

Good morning to all girls!....

Good morning all boys!...

Good morning everyone who loves candy!

Good morning to everyone who came to school by bus!

Good morning to everyone who came to school on foot!

Good morning to all who love their school!

Good morning to all who love fairy tales!

3. A fairy tale, a fairy tale is a miracle!

We will play miracles
Let's read together

Control Miracles!

4. Guessing riddles.

Small, white, circled the whole field,
Jump-jump along the path! On the snow poke-poke! (Hare)

The gentleman walks around the yard, finds fault with everything,
Double beard, cap on the side! (Rooster)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull,
They milk, not a cow, they bast, but they don’t weave bast shoes! (Goat)

And what do you think, in what fairy tale do these characters live? Well done guys, you got it right! In a fairy tale - "Goat-dereza!"

Then who main character are these fairy tales?

Physical education "Goat - Dereza ».
I am Goat - Dereza,

Goat - black eyes
Sharp horns, crooked leg.
Eyes - clap-clap!

Legs - top-top!
I gore, I gore, I gore!!!

III. Work on lesson material.

1. Listening to a fairy tale"Goat-dereza".

2. Discussion of a fairy tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who are the heroes of the fairy tale? (Rooster, bunny, goat, daughter, old woman, old man.)

What is the story about? (About how the goat deceived everyone.)

Why did the old man kick out his daughter and the old woman?

How did the old man know that the goat was deceiving him?

How did the old man decide to punish the goat?

Whom did the dereza goat drive out of her hut?

Who helped the bunny drive the dereza goat away and did he succeed?
- Who else hastened to help the bunny?

And who helped the bunny?

How did the rooster scare the goat? (I’m going, I’m coming soon, I have spurs on my feet, I carry a sharp scythe, I’ll blow the goat’s head off! Ku-ka-re-ku!)

3. "What does a fairy tale teach?" (children's answers)


1) There is a house in the forest - a teremok, (spread your fingers to the sides)
There is a padlock on the door, (fingers are intertwined in the padlock)
The wolf opens it: (movements with closed brushes to the left, to the right)
Derg - derg, derg - derg. (movements with closed hands)
Peter the cockerel came (fingers raised up, depicting a scallop)
And he opened the lock with a key (fingers open and connect, depicting a roof)

3. Russian folk game "Grandfather went to the market".

Grandfather went to the market, grandfather bought a scythe.
- What do you want a braid for?
- Mow the ant-grass!
- What grass to mow?
- Good horse feed!
- What to feed the horse?
- Carry oak forest!
- What to carry oak wood?
- Bridges to bridge!
- On what bridges to pave?
- Visit the goat!

Seller: Who wants a goat? I'm selling a goat!...I'll give it cheap!...

Grandfather: How much, hostess, are you selling a goat?

Seller: I'll give it for three pennies!

Grandfather: Is the goat good?

Salesperson: Oh good! Yes, how good!

Grandfather: Well, take three pennies, let's goat! (leads a goat)

Seller: Thank you Lord! Sold the goat!

4. Staging a passage from a fairy tale (at the choice of children).

IV. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Any fairy tale as a crown always comes to an end with the end. According to fairy tale custom, we can end the fairy tale with what words?

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! What lesson does the fairy tale "Goat-Dereza" give us?

What did you especially like about the story?

What other fairy tale endings do you know?
- I was there, honey, I drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth!
- Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me!
- This is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done!
- Once upon a time there was a king-oats, he took away all the fairy tales!

Every fairy tale has an end, and those who participated in it - well done.
- And they began to live, to live and to make good!

So we said goodbye in a fabulous way!

Goat - dereza - an instructive Russian folk tale with a moral and life lesson. The Tale of the Goat - Dereza can be read online or downloaded in doc and PDF format.
Summary of Tales Goat - dereza you can start with how one family had a special goat who constantly complained and slandered. Somehow my daughter went to graze goats, grazed in the mountains, in the valleys, in the green meadows. She came home, and the old man asked: You goats, you mothers, are you full? are you drunk? . All the goats were satisfied, only one Goat - Dereza began to complain, they say she was left hungry. The old man got angry, but drove his daughter out of sight! The next day the old woman went to pasture the goats. She pastured the mountains, the valleys, the green meadows. Came home, the old man asks: Are you full? are you drunk? all the goats answer that they ate their fill and walked up, and the Goat - Dereza again began to complain that she was left hungry. The old man became more angry than ever, and the next day he went to pasture himself. Goats pasture through the mountains, through the valleys through green meadows, and at home again asks, how they say, are you full, are you satisfied? All as one answer that they ate plenty and walked up, and the Goat - Dereza again remained dissatisfied. The old man caught this goat, let's beat her on the sides, he already went to sharpen his knives, but the goat ran away.
The main character of the fairy tale Goat - dereza, implies human vices and character traits. Lies, envy, arrogance, narcissism, because for some reason the goat decided that it was not the same as all its surrounding tribesmen. Pondering and complaining about life, the goat wants a special relationship from the owners, thereby clearly demonstrating the psychology of the plebeian. The deceitfulness of the goat indicates an inferiority complex, which is compensated by insults and slandering others. Perjury and lies do not awaken remorse and remorse in the Goat - Dereza, which also speaks of her beyond impudence. Even when the owner of the grandfather himself witnessed her lies, she continued to slander, although there was no one to complain to.
Read the fairy tale Goat - dereza, not only very interesting, but also instructive, for children of any age. The fairy tale shows a different model of behavior and relationships between people, which is the basis for the child's first knowledge about life. In the tale of the Goat - Dereza, there is a deep moral and pedagogical meaning. The situation in the fairy tale will help in time to recognize in the child the habit of lying and telling lies. Especially among spoiled conceited children who are convinced of their exclusivity and impunity to such an extent that it becomes the norm for them to use deceitful tricks. At the end of the fairy tale, children will see what lies and lies lead to, and independently draw conclusions about such behavior.
The fairy tale Goat - dereza is a good example of such proverbs as: Whoever deceives today will not be believed tomorrow, Slander is a tool to start, The slanderer is waiting for a stick, It is easy to slander, but not easy to answer, Envy and slander live together, The one who spins slander does not know that slander will kill him later.

The tale of the Goat Dereza will certainly appeal to young readers. In addition, her lessons will be useful for the formation of value orientations for kids. We recommend a fairy tale for online reading with children.

Tale Goat Dereza read

My grandfather had a beloved goat, nicknamed Dereza. Only Goat Dereza turned out to be a harmful liar, she complained to her grandfather that her granddaughter and woman did not graze properly. The grandfather kicked the grandmother and granddaughter out of the house. When the old man himself went to graze the goat, she still said that she did not eat or drink anything. The grandfather got angry and decided to slaughter the ungrateful animal. The Goat-Dereza barely escaped. She found herself in the forest, drove the Bunny out of his hut, and began to live in it. A cockerel with a frightening scythe came to the aid of the Bunny. He entered the hut, shouted - the Goat was frightened, fell from the stove and was killed. The Bunny and the Cockerel now live happily in the Bunny hut.
You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Goat Dereza

An instructive tale with a dynamic plot and rhyming lines of characters makes it attractive for young children. The characters are also familiar to kids from other fairy tales. The bunny causes compassion in children, the Cockerel - admiration, the ungrateful and impudent Goat - condemnation. What does the fairy tale Goat-Dereza teach? The tale teaches that justice always triumphs, and good triumphs over evil.