
How to determine whether a pregnancy is developing normally. How to find out if the fetus is alive without ultrasound. Weight gain


A frozen pregnancy is a condition in which the fetus inside the mother dies and the pregnancy stops developing. Most often, this occurs asymptomatically and the woman learns about her diagnosis only during a routine ultrasound.

Why does pregnancy stop?

The life of the fetus, especially in the first 12 weeks, is very fragile and can be cut short by any, even minor factors: air travel, prolonged exposure to the sun, stress, poor ecology, etc. Doctors name several of the most likely reasons for the fading of pregnancy in the early stages:

  • congenital pathologies and malformations in the fetus— doctors consider this the most common reason and call it “natural selection”: nature interrupts the development of a “low-quality” fertilized egg and thus prevents the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities;
  • the woman has infectious diseases(flu, herpes, rubella, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc.) - this is the second most common cause;
  • consequences of Rh conflict between mother and child or hormonal disorders.

In addition, the risk of fetal death in the early stages is significantly increased by the bad habits of the expectant mother: smoking, alcohol and, especially, drugs.

The fetus died, the pregnancy no longer develops, and the woman may not suspect anything. In the early stages, it is difficult to recognize the signs of a frozen pregnancy at home. But women, especially those who have already experienced a terrible diagnosis, carefully monitor the course of their new pregnancy. There are only indirect symptoms by which a pregnant woman may suspect something is wrong.

Unreasonable reduction or complete disappearance of toxicosis can be noticed, and even then not always. If a pregnant woman suffered from severe toxicosis, then its disappearance, of course, will not go unnoticed. And if the signs of toxicosis were weak, then little attention is paid to this factor.

Breast softening may indicate intrauterine fetal death. In almost all pregnant women, immediately after conception, the mammary glands swell and become painful. When the fetus dies, the chest relaxes. But you shouldn’t panic right away when this symptom appears. During 9 months of pregnancy, according to many women, the breasts can relax and tighten several times. This is most likely due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Decrease in basal temperature can be caused by a frozen pregnancy. This happens due to a decrease in the level of progesterone, the hormone that supports pregnancy. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning in the rectum as soon as you wake up. Prepare the thermometer in the evening, since it is important to remain motionless for at least 6 hours before and during measurements. But this method is also an unreliable indicator of fading pregnancy, as other factors can affect the value of basal temperature: taking hormonal drugs, sex, illness with elevated temperature, etc.

Bloody discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen do not always occur during frozen pregnancy. This is its difference from a miscarriage. But in any case, this is a very alarming sign during pregnancy, requiring immediate consultation with a doctor.

Discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age may be noticed by a gynecologist during a vaginal examination, but this fact does not always indicate that pregnancy is fading. In this case, the dynamics of pregnancy development are monitored. And if in 2-3 weeks the uterus has not grown, but, on the contrary, has become smaller and softer, then the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy” and, to confirm it, send the patient for an hCG hormone test and an ultrasound.

Decreased hCG hormone H - a regular pregnancy test may respond to this indicator (show a negative result). But it is better to take a special analysis.

Ultrasound indications- this is the most reliable and reliable indicator confirming the presence of a frozen pregnancy. Errors occur only in the early stages of pregnancy, when the doctor may mistake it for an empty fertilized egg that is developing normally. In this case, if the patient’s condition does not cause concern, you can wait up to 6-7 weeks and repeat the ultrasound. At this stage, an experienced doctor, using modern equipment, can already clearly see the embryo and hear its heartbeat.

What's next?

If the terrible diagnosis is nevertheless confirmed, then two scenarios are possible.

First. Doctors wait for spontaneous miscarriage, while monitoring the woman’s health. They can help stimulate a miscarriage by administering special medications. This wait-and-see approach is most often followed by foreign doctors.

Second. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is immediately sent to clean the uterus, without waiting for a miscarriage and possible negative consequences from it. Staying a dead fetus in the uterus for a long time can cause an inflammatory process. This option for terminating a frozen pregnancy is used by Russian doctors.

Doctors recommend planning your next pregnancy after a frozen one no earlier than six months, or better yet, a year. During this time, it is advisable for both parents to take tests and undergo an examination to identify the cause of fetal freezing.


” №8/2014 02.06.16

Of course, all expectant mothers look forward to the first movements of the fetus. It is from this moment that many women truly realize the fact of their pregnancy. At this stage, many questions arise regarding the activity of the fetus in the mother's tummy. We will answer the most popular ones.

1. Your baby starts moving before you feel it.

The fetus begins to make its first movements early, already at 7–8 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that its first muscles and the rudiments of the nervous system are formed. From about 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move more actively in the uterus, sometimes bumping into its walls. However, he is still very small, and these blows are very weak, so the expectant mother cannot yet feel them.

2. “As if a fish swam by”: during the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later

The first movements of the fetus will be soft and tickling, as if a fish has swam by. The expectant mother will be able to feel noticeable tremors a little later. If this is the first pregnancy, the first movements of the fetus can be noticed at 18–20 weeks, and with a second pregnancy – at 16–18 weeks (the woman is already familiar with this sensation, she can more accurately and earlier detect fetal movements).

In general, the manifestation of the first movements of the fetus is very individual and depends on how sensitive the expectant mother is, as well as on her physique. For example, thin women can feel fetal movements earlier - even at 15-16 weeks, and larger mothers - sometimes later than 20 weeks.

Women who lead an active lifestyle and work a lot usually feel fetal movements later, since when they are busy they usually listen less to their inner feelings.

3. From 24 weeks, the fetus already “communicates” with the mother through movements

Fetal movements are an indicator of a normal pregnancy, good growth, development and well-being of the baby. At first, when the expectant mother just felt the first movements of the fetus (18–20 weeks), movements may not even be felt every day. From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually, and its peak occurs in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, it becomes one of the indicators of the baby’s normal development; the child begins to “communicate” with the mother through movements, respond to the sounds of her voice and emotional state. From the moment he “grows up”, when the baby begins to actively move, he “talks” to his mother, thereby informing her about his anxiety, joy, pleasure or his well-being.

In turn, the fetus reacts very sensitively to changes in the emotional state of the expectant mother. For example, when she is excited, worried about something or happy, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while. Fetal movements can vary in quantity and intensity even throughout the day. And this is normal.

4. If there are no movements, the baby can just sleep

Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby should move on average 10–15 times per hour. If the baby does not make itself known for 3-4 hours, perhaps he is just sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie on her left side for half an hour. If these simple steps do not help, you should repeat them again after 2-3 hours. If the baby still does not make itself known, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up and simply does not have enough free space. But their intensity and strength remain the same or increase. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth.

See your doctor immediately if:

  • no fetal motor activity for 12 hours or more,
  • the fetus was excessively active for several days, and then suddenly died down,
  • you notice only rare and weak movements of the fetus (this may be caused by a lack of oxygen - fetal hypoxia).

5. How to count fetal movements? 2 special tests

It is recommended for every expectant mother to count the number of fetal movements, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy (after the 28th week) - there should be at least ten of them during the day. There are 2 fetal movement tests to assess fetal activity

"Count to Ten". On a special chart (you can get it from your doctor or he will tell you how to draw it up), the number of fetal movements is recorded daily, usually from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The essence of the fetal movement test is that the expectant mother counts fetal movements for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements per period, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination.

There is another way to count fetal movements - Sadowski technique. It is carried out like this: in the evening after dinner, the woman lies down on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. In this case, you need to take into account everything, even the smallest movements of the fetus. If 10 or more fetal movements are observed within an hour, this indicates that the baby is feeling well. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then its movements are counted over the next hour. The evening time for this assessment method was not chosen by chance. It is in the evening, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is observed. If the number of fetal movements is less than 10 times in 2 hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of its condition and additional research should be carried out.

6. Fetal movements may be a little painful.

Sometimes the baby's movements cause pain to the expectant mother. In this case, she needs to change her body position (lie on the other side, walk, etc.). After this, the discomfort should go away. If fetal movements remain painful for a long time, for several hours, the expectant mother should definitely inform the doctor about this, as this may be a sign of problems during pregnancy (for example, with oligohydramnios). In addition, most expectant mothers note some pain in the hypochondrium area, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm, since the uterus has risen high enough for the baby to “reach” these areas.

7. Nimble baby: why are fetal movements too active?

The baby may move too actively, as already mentioned, when the emotional state of the expectant mother changes, in addition, this is how he can react to external noises (from about the 20th week of pregnancy, when the hearing aid is formed and the bones in it begin to ossify in order to conduct sound ). Therefore, if an expectant mother comes to an apartment where renovations are underway, or watches a movie with strong noise effects in a cinema, she will most likely feel quite frequent tremors in her tummy.

8. How is oxygen starvation of the fetus expressed?

There is a widespread belief that increased fetal activity is a sign of oxygen starvation, but this is not always the case. Indeed, during the initial stages of fetal hypoxia, the baby’s restless behavior is noted, which consists of increased frequency and intensification of his movements. However, with a prolonged or increasing lack of oxygen, the little person’s movements weaken and may even stop altogether. Therefore, rare (less than 10 per day), weak fetal movements (especially after 30 weeks) or increased activity after a “quiet period” should cause alarm, which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. If the doctor suspects something is wrong, he will refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound or CTG (cardiotocography), with the help of which you can figure out why the baby is behaving this way. And if necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment to normalize the condition of the fetus.

It is very important to listen to the sensations in your tummy and notice how often and intensely the baby moves. Then you will be able to feel changes in the nature of his movements and consult a doctor in time to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

9. The little “astronaut” is always on the move

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks their daily number reaches 600. Naturally, the expectant mother does not feel all the baby’s movements, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, as a woman feels, is usually from 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep (3-4 hours in a row). During the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that her baby has certain sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the “rest” period occurs most often from 4:00 to 9:00 am.


Women can experience frozen pregnancy at different stages, but this often happens before the beginning of the twelfth week. Not in every case, doctors are able to determine the causes of this phenomenon. But it is known for sure that due to poor nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep and various stressful situations, fetal death occurs much more often.

A frozen (non-developing) pregnancy is a condition when the fetus stops growing and developing and dies in the womb. Many pregnant women simply have no idea that this phenomenon often occurs. The baby can die in the later stages of pregnancy, but this happens infrequently.

  • One of the reasons may be chromosomal and genetic disorder. Significant genetic failures lead to the fact that the fetus begins to form incorrectly, after which it dies.
  • Also, this situation is repeated due to various infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, herpes, influenza, rubella, chlamydia, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus infection and other diseases). Doctors say that the greatest danger is caused by those diseases that appear in a woman during pregnancy, while such problems usually do not arise with chronic ones. The presence of pathologies in a child caused by the diseases described above is also a common occurrence.
  • With bad habits ( smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs), lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and frequent stressful situations must be combated.
  • Hormonal disorder, which manifests itself as an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in pregnant women. If this problem is detected in time, the child can be saved with the help of the appropriate medication.
  • Late pregnancy, when a woman is over forty years old, and in vitro fertilization can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
  • There are problems like autoimmune disorders. Often women experience antiphospholipid syndrome, which leads to the destruction of phospholipids in the cells of the embryo. This in turn leads to destruction of the placenta and fetal death.

The constant presence of hazardous industries on the territory, unfavorable environmental conditions and the use of teratogenic drugs are all factors that lead to the arrest of fetal development.

When a woman is pregnant and in the early stages, she may not feel any special symptoms of fetal failure. When toxicosis with nausea and vomiting passes, real relief is felt. Sometimes the body temperature rises. There is nothing “supernatural” with the other signs. And only the doctor, during the next examination, is able to discover that the child’s heartbeat is absent.

At a later stage, women may already feel a frozen pregnancy, which is accompanied by a dull pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen, and bloody discharge from the genitals. It is also felt that the child has stopped moving.

At the slightest disturbance in their health, women should consult a doctor as soon as possible. When the embryo’s heartbeat cannot be heard, the doctor immediately prescribes an additional examination. There are cases when good doctors can make an erroneous diagnosis.

Listening exclusively to the subjective symptoms of fetal freezing, it is impossible to diagnose this particular problem. It happens that a pregnant woman’s belly continues to increase, and the blood test is typical for a pregnant woman.

However, this phenomenon should not be associated with the fetus. The reason for this is the empty intrafetal membrane. That's what it is anembryony(not to be confused with embryo freezing, since in this case the embryo is not in the uterus from the very beginning).

When the results of additional clinical examinations indicate that the child is not alive, they are carried out again within a few days. Only repeated confirmation becomes the final diagnosis, after which the pregnancy is terminated.

After the final diagnosis has been established, the dead fetus is removed from the uterus as soon as possible to prevent it from decomposing and poisoning the mother’s body. Blood clotting may be impaired and severe bleeding may occur.

Spontaneous miscarriages often occur. But when this does not happen, the dead embryo is removed as soon as possible, because it is extremely unsafe for a woman to remain in such a state. When a dead fetus remains in the uterus for 4-5 weeks, blood poisoning develops, the uterus and its appendages become inflamed. And here we will talk about a woman’s infertility and her inability to become a mother in the future.

Vacuum extraction in a hospital or inducing a miscarriage using specific medications is done when the fetus fails in the early stages of pregnancy. At a later stage, it is impossible to do without curettage of the uterus, during which the woman is given general anesthesia.

If a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, then curettage is also used to prevent further problems with the woman’s health, since sometimes some parts of the dead fetus remain in the uterus.

Histological studies of an embryo that has died are carried out to find out the reason why the death occurred. A man and a woman are forced to face a cytogenetic examination. Tests will show whether there were chromosomal abnormalities, infectious pathologies or other factors. When an infection is detected, both partners are treated.

Timely removal of a dead fetus does not have a negative effect on the health of the mother. Often, after a missed pregnancy, a woman gives birth to a healthy, normal child, and not even just one.

You cannot plan your next pregnancy immediately after the frozen embryo has been removed. The body will be rehabilitated for some more time (six months to a year) so that there are no problems with physical and psychological health.

During this period, it is important for a woman to establish good nutrition, forget about bad habits, use hormonal contraceptives and take multivitamins.

It wouldn't hurt to undergo psychological rehabilitation. After it, you can plan the next conception.

In cases of repeated embryo freezing, it can be assumed that the cause is some kind of genetic pathology. And here it is necessary to conduct genetic examinations of two partners.

During the period of bearing a baby, every woman worries that the development of the fetus may stop. Unfortunately, this is what happens sometimes. In approximately one out of three cases, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed after fertilization. Signs in the first trimester may vary. This article will tell you about them. You will learn what causes it in the first trimester, and also find out about methods of diagnosis and treatment.

What it is?

Which ones does it have in the first trimester? Symptoms of the pathology will be described below. To begin with, it’s worth saying what it is.

The fading of pregnancy is the cessation of its progression. The fetus at some stage simply stops developing, but does not undergo a reverse change. As a result, its decomposition and rotting of the masses may begin. It is very dangerous.

Causes of pathology

Why does frozen pregnancy occur in the first trimester or later? Pathology can occur due to certain diseases. Infection with viruses is especially dangerous. These diseases include rubella, influenza, acute respiratory infections, toxoplasmosis and others. Often the fetus undergoes changes that are incompatible with further development due to diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, and so on. These pathologies are transmitted sexually. That is why we can call it a frequent change of sexual partners.

Various can lead to a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. Its signs may appear immediately or be hidden for quite a long time. Often the cessation of embryo development occurs due to previous abortions, diagnostic interventions and other manipulations in the area of ​​the reproductive organ. This also includes congenital or acquired pathologies of other organs and systems. Hormonal levels play an important role in this problem.

Another reason for missed abortion is genetic abnormalities. Often such a fetus dies in the very early stages. At the same time, the woman does not even have time to find out about her new position. In some cases, pathology develops due to external influences. For example, if the expectant mother drinks alcohol, drugs or leads an inappropriate lifestyle.

Frozen pregnancy: signs in the first trimester

The most reliable symptom that the fetus is no longer developing is the absence of a heartbeat. It is worth noting that in the early stages this can only be checked using ultrasound diagnostics. Over long periods of time, such manipulation can be performed using a special sensor or cardiotocography apparatus.

During the study, the specialist always compares the expected date and size of the embryo. Much attention is paid to the fertilized egg. The examination is also carried out on the area of ​​the corpus luteum. A frozen pregnancy in the first trimester has the following signs according to ultrasound:

  • discrepancy between the size and timing of pregnancy;
  • in some cases the embryo is completely absent;
  • contraction of the heart muscle is not detected;
  • Additional defects are established (absence of the corpus luteum, presence of detachment, and so on).

It is worth noting that without ultrasound diagnostics it is impossible to talk about these signs. It is this method of examination that is considered the most reliable in making the described diagnosis. Let's look at what other signs a frozen pregnancy has in the first trimester.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Up to 70 percent of missed pregnancies are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They develop due to the fact that the body tries to independently reject the pathological. This is how the human self-preservation system works. Pain occurs when the production of certain hormones stops. The uterus becomes more sensitive and begins to contract, the cervical canal slightly changes its position and expands. A woman may experience an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or feel severe cramping pain. Each situation is individual and does not depend on the stage of pregnancy.

It is worth saying that such sensations often arise when there is a threat of interruption. If a woman’s body does not produce enough certain hormones, as well as under the influence of other factors, contraction of the reproductive organ may begin. This process can be reversed in the early stages. You just need to take the appropriate medications and follow the doctor’s instructions. This is why it is so important to seek help from a doctor if pain in the lower abdomen occurs in the earliest stages and later.

Discharge from the genital tract of various types

What other signs does a frozen pregnancy have in the first trimester? A symptom of the development of pathology can be called vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, their number increases. This is considered the norm. However, the color of such a liquid should be transparent or milky. Impurities of blood, pus and other substances are recognized as pathology. They should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Bloody discharge may indicate that the process of rejection of the fertilized egg has already begun. As a result, small capillaries are damaged. When bleeding becomes severe, we may be talking about a progressive spontaneous miscarriage. In the presence of purulent discharge, there may be a suspicion that the fetus died quite a long time ago, and the process of its decomposition has already begun. It is worth noting that, as in the previous paragraph, these signs can only indicate a threat of miscarriage. The sooner you seek help from a gynecologist, the greater the chance of saving the child.

Sensations in the mammary glands

What other signs does a frozen pregnancy have? Symptoms of pathology can manifest themselves in the form of disappearance of soreness and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), the process of preparation for breastfeeding begins immediately after fertilization. The mammary glands will undergo changes throughout pregnancy. First, the breasts become larger and become especially sensitive. Some women even experience pain. All these signs persist until approximately 12 - 16 weeks. This is when the placenta begins to work. A sudden disappearance of breast sensitivity may indicate that there has been a stop in fetal development.

Toxicosis and its absence

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? A photo of the embryo is presented to your attention in the article.

Most expectant mothers experience toxicosis. It appears within a few weeks after fertilization and can be more or less strong. The reliable reasons for this condition still cannot be stated.

An abrupt cessation of severe toxicosis may indicate that the pregnancy has stalled. This sign is indirect, but, like all those described above, it requires additional diagnostics and confirmation. It is worth saying that some expectant mothers do not experience such sensations at all. They successfully endure the first stages of pregnancy. This does not mean at all that there is a risk of a frozen pregnancy.

Basal body temperature

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? The causes of the pathology have already become known to you. Another symptom of the problem is a decrease in high basal temperature. If you have observed the work of your body in this way, you may notice that immediately after ovulation the level of the thermometer readings increases. After fertilization and implantation, it can become even taller. Thus, the average basal temperature in expectant mothers is 37 - 37.2 degrees. If the graph line suddenly drops to 36 - 36.5 degrees, then we can talk about a frozen pregnancy.

It is worth noting that this sign can only be checked by those women who have previously conducted appropriate observations. The initial measurement in most cases turns out to be unreliable, because you will have nothing to compare with.


Another sign of a frozen pregnancy is an increase in body temperature. It occurs due to the fact that the fetus in the uterus begins to gradually decompose. It is worth noting that this symptom appears over a long period of time. This can be very dangerous for a woman.

If you have a high temperature, and also have the additional symptoms described above, then you should immediately run to the hospital, or better yet, call an ambulance. The slightest delay during sepsis can lead to the death of a woman.

How to find out about a frozen pregnancy before an ultrasound?

If you have any suspicions, only an ultrasound examination can confirm them. Any indirect signs cannot be a reason for making a diagnosis, remember this.

There are studies that can help you find out about the problem before diagnosis. This is a blood test. During the study, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in your blood is determined. The results are checked against generally accepted standards. Based on this, you can judge whether your actual deadline matches the expected one. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct the study several times with a break of three or five days.

Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester: treatment

If you find out about the presence of this pathology, it must be eliminated as soon as possible. In most cases, gynecological curettage is performed. For short periods of time, it is possible to use other methods of cleansing the uterus, for example, medical abortion or In some situations, when abortion begins (bleeding), doctors choose expectant management. If complete cleansing of the uterus does not occur within a few days, the patient is offered a cleaning. What are the consequences of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

In most cases, the pathology does not in any way affect the patient’s future life and fertility. Only in particularly severe cases can we talk about acquired infertility. Usually, a representative of the fairer sex is capable of a new pregnancy within 3 to 6 months after the incident. Often, after the manipulation, a woman is prescribed medications to correct the condition. These could be antibiotics, immunomodulators, agents for restoring microflora, and so on.

Instead of the conclusion of the article, or a short summary

You have learned what causes a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. This is especially difficult for those women who have been wanting to give birth to a baby for a long time, but nothing works out for them. If the situation with a frozen pregnancy is repeated more than twice, then the fairer sex, like her partner, is advised to consult a hematologist and geneticist. In such situations, it is worth starting a full examination and finding the reason why conception occurs, but the embryo at some stage simply stops developing. I wish you good health and success!

It is impossible to be sure of this without seeing the baby in the belly. But, fortunately, there are ways in which a doctor can monitor the development of the child, or you can monitor the pregnancy yourself at home.

Belly measurement

One of the signs of normal fetal development is the constant growth of the abdomen. According to experts, a doctor can estimate a child's growth by measuring the abdomen from the uterus to the pubic bone. Typically, the size in centimeters corresponds to the week of pregnancy. Doctors begin such measurements in the second trimester.

Weight gain

The baby's growth can also be assessed by monitoring changes in the pregnant woman's body weight. If the mother does not gain the appropriate weight, then the child does not develop normally. Whatever one may say, the growth and development of the fetus depends on the increase in the mother’s body weight. It's natural to gain between 11 and 16 kg during pregnancy. According to experts, less than 1 kg is gained in the first trimester, and then from 1 to 2 kg per month until childbirth.

Fetal heartbeat

Experts say that around the end of the first trimester, you should hear the fetal heartbeat when the doctor uses a Doppler machine that reflects sound waves from the fetal heart. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a normal fetal heart rate is between 110 and 160 beats per minute, and this is one of the best indicators of healthy fetal development. To monitor the fetal heartbeat at home or on the road, you can purchase a special device.

Fetal movements

Around week 20, you should start to feel fluttering sounds in your belly, which are the baby's movements and kicks. The movement of the embryo demonstrates its health. According to experts, the fetus makes an average of 4 to 6 movements per hour. Many children become more active in the evening and after the mother eats.


An ultrasound is more than just the first photo of your baby. It helps the doctor monitor the growth and development of the fetus. Many doctors perform an ultrasound at the first visit to measure the size of the fetus. Around week 20, women need to undergo a detailed ultrasound to measure bone size, check the condition of internal organs and, if desired, determine gender.

Fetal development calendar

In addition to the above, it is advisable for every expectant mother to know other features of fetal development in a given period of time, and for this it is necessary to have a special calendar on hand, which contains all the basic information about fetal development by month. This calendar will tell you at what stage of development a child is in the womb and how it changes over time.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, today there are sad statistics associated with cases of miscarriage. Studies show that the risk of developing this pathology after 45 years of age increases to 18%, while at older ages this figure is only 10%. However, the risk still exists, but, as they say, being informed is forearmed.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

The ability to determine fetal freezing independently depends on the period at which it occurs. In the early stages, it is very difficult to understand that the pregnancy has stopped, since the fetus is still small and the mother does not feel its movement. But, if you listen carefully to your body every day, you can immediately recognize this unpleasant fact.

The first thing that should alert you is bloody discharge from the vagina, the appearance of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and a sharp increase in temperature. If you had early toxicosis, but suddenly stopped abruptly (before 12 weeks), this may also indicate that the pregnancy is fading.

If you planned your pregnancy correctly, you noticed the change in basal temperature before and after conception. Normally, the temperature in the first trimester should be elevated (37.3-37.1).

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, it begins to gradually decrease. But, if you noticed this decrease earlier and by 1 degree immediately, then this is a clear sign of a frozen pregnancy. A decrease in temperature is associated with a decrease in progesterone levels in the blood. This hormone becomes unnecessary if the fetus does not develop, since progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

Fading of pregnancy in later stages is primarily determined by the absence of fetal movements. Do not ignore the “Method 10”, according to which you must count at least 10 movements of the child from 9:00 to 21:00.

Fading pregnancy in the second or third trimester can also be recognized by the appearance of sharp painful contractions and lower back pain. The fact is that the body is trying to get rid of a fetus that is no longer developing. There is a sharp change in general health in a negative direction (nausea, weakness, fever). Sudden cessation of toxicosis, if any, and absence of pain in the chest.

It is also worth paying attention to vaginal discharge. If they take on a brownish or red tint, then this is a reason to sound the alarm.

An increase in temperature during pregnancy may indicate that the body has become intoxicated. This is fraught with serious consequences for a woman’s health, including death.

Many people believe that taking a pregnancy test is necessary only before finding out this happy fact. But experts advise taking it throughout the first trimester. The fact is that in case of a frozen pregnancy, the test will show a negative result. This is due to the fact that the level of the hCG hormone in a woman’s blood drops.

It may also be effective to take an hCG test several times after determining conception. As was said, when pregnancy fades, its level will fall, or even be equal to zero during the next analysis.

How is a frozen pregnancy diagnosed?

During examination, the gynecologist may suspect freezing if the size of the uterus does not correspond to the deadlines. But the diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy” will not be made to you without an ultrasound. This stage of diagnosis can be omitted only if you consult a doctor late, when intoxication of the body has occurred and inflammatory processes in the uterus have begun.

Treatment of frozen pregnancy

In the early stages of fetal death, medical abortion is used. If the fetus has frozen in the last stages of pregnancy, then labor is stimulated to induce the birth of a child. If it is too early to induce labor, and the size of the fetus does not allow the use of medical abortion, then curettage is used.

During a frozen pregnancy, it is important to undergo postoperative treatment. The doctor prescribes medications that will help the body recover and eliminate inflammatory processes if they appear.

After a frozen pregnancy, a full examination is required. This is necessary to determine the causes of fading and eliminate them in the future. Also, after pregnancy fading, histology is carried out, that is, the study of a smear and section of the uterus.

Why does pregnancy stop? Can this be prevented?

Miscarriage of pregnancy can occur for many reasons, for example:

  • development of fetal pathologies incompatible with life;
  • frequent abortions in the past, which resulted in the accumulation of antibodies in the body. The latter simply do not give the child a chance to survive, attacking him in the womb;
  • maternal infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the mother's kidneys and cardiovascular system;
  • injuries;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

The most effective way of prevention is a healthy lifestyle, both before conception and during pregnancy, vaccination during planning, personal hygiene and getting rid of diseases. Don't forget that all this applies to your partner too.

Fading pregnancy is not a reason to despair and stop hoping to become a mother. With timely assistance and proper treatment, your chances of experiencing the joy of motherhood are very high.

How to independently determine a frozen pregnancy at home?

Hello, dear readers and blog subscribers. Today we continue our conversation with you about such a sad event in a woman’s life as early termination of pregnancy. Previously, you could already familiarize yourself with materials that tell about all the possible reasons for fetal developmental failure. In this article we will look in detail at how to determine a frozen pregnancy at home.

Dates with the highest probability of pregnancy fading

Doctors note that sometimes a miscarriage due to fetal freezing in utero occurs long before we take a test and find out about our pregnancy. As a rule, this does not happen in the third or fourth week after conception and coincides with the arrival of a woman’s monthly menstruation, so we simply do not notice the main signs of a miscarriage.

The next one of the most critical periods, when the greatest likelihood of fetal development faltering occurs, occurs between 8 and 16 weeks of pregnancy. It is during the period up to 12 weeks that all vital organs and body functions are formed in the child. And if during this period a malfunction occurs and the fetus does not develop this development, then such disorders, as a rule, are incompatible with life. That is why a woman’s natural protective reaction is activated, which is triggered in the form of spontaneous termination of pregnancy. If a miscarriage does not occur, but the fetus is dead, then it is removed from the uterine cavity by a doctor.

The smallest number of such cases than in the first trimester occurs in the second half of pregnancy at 16–18 weeks.

The first signs that the pregnancy has stopped

The main question that interests every pregnant woman is how to understand that something is wrong with the child? In order to quickly react and carry out the necessary treatment, which is aimed at maintaining the pregnancy, you need to know the first signs of an incipient miscarriage.

  1. The first signs of a fading pregnancy include a sharp decrease in nausea, weakness, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands. Frequent urination disappears when it was severe earlier.
  2. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. The appearance of bloody, watery or bloody vaginal discharge.
  4. If you measure your basal body temperature and it falls below the covering line for more than two days, then this is also an alarming signal.

And I would like to immediately reassure future mothers reading this article that if pregnancy was successfully maintained during bleeding in the early stages, then there are no consequences for the development of the fetus. Therefore, a woman’s most important task is to prevent a repeat threat. And for this we need to undergo an examination and check whether the fetus is developmentally appropriate for its term.

If you have at least one of the above symptoms or feel general malaise, then you should consult a doctor. He will check if everything is okay with your baby and after certain procedures the doctor will be able to determine for sure whether you are at risk of miscarriage or whether these are individual characteristics of the pregnancy.

  1. In the early stages, up to ten weeks, a blood test for hCG is very informative. To do this, you need to take the test twice within 48 hours; normally, the indicator should double.
  2. Gynecological examination in a chair, where the doctor will determine whether the size of the uterus corresponds to your due date. Such an examination will allow you to accurately determine whether your pregnancy has stopped.
  3. Blood test for progesterone, provided that you are not taking artificial hormones.
  4. Ultrasound according to indications.

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to determine problems in the development of the fetus without an ultrasound. In general, doctors classify the ultrasound procedure as a conditionally safe examination, since the effect of ultrasound on a child has not been fully studied. That’s why it is prescribed only for routine examinations or for serious indications. If there are no serious reasons for such an examination, then a routine gynecological examination, listening to the heartbeat or a blood test can be done.

What to do to maintain pregnancy?

Today we will not talk about treatment, because this is a topic for a separate article, which can be read on our blog. In this article we will consider only our actions that will help maintain pregnancy. The first step, as we have already determined, is to contact a antenatal clinic for diagnosis. What's next?

What will be our actions when the first signs of a threatened miscarriage appear? In order to preserve the fruit, it is necessary:

  • exclude the use of hormonal agents, progesterone;
  • bed rest;
  • use, if necessary, of safe sedatives and sedatives, in the form of herbs, decoctions, teas;
  • reduction of physical activity, and this also includes the exclusion of sexual contact;
  • abolition of all medications in the period from 18 to 55 days after conception, since it is during this period that the laying and formation of all the important organs of the baby occurs. And as you know, all medicinal substances have contraindications and certainly reach the child through the mother’s blood, and can harm the child, even stopping his development.

I think it should be explained why progesterone should not be used if there is a threat of a missed abortion, and it does not matter how far along you are. If there is already a symptom such as bleeding, this may mean that the fetus has already died and the body is ready to terminate the pregnancy itself. As a rule, bleeding begins after two weeks of delay in embryo development. That is, at a certain stage the child stopped developing and only after two weeks the woman’s body will detect this and give a signal in the form of bleeding. Taking hormones will no longer preserve the fetus, but will only delay the time for its removal. In this case, the body will no longer be able to get rid of it on its own and resort to gynecological cleansing. And this is another risk of injury to the uterus, which can negatively affect subsequent conception and pregnancy.

Progesterone is also contraindicated in situations where the pregnancy has been maintained. Why is he dangerous? Taking hormones affects not only the increase in male hormones in the mother, but also in the child. What if you imagine that you have a girl?! This will lead to subsequent hormonal imbalance in her, male pattern hair growth. For boys it is no less dangerous. It has been proven that taking progesterone during pregnancy can lead to hypospadias, that is, improper development of the penis and urethra.

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I am very glad that you stopped by to see me! My name is Olga Bardina, and on this blog I share my searches and discoveries on the path to unlocking the highest potential that lies within each of us - our inner wisdom, beauty, warmth and happiness. I am sure that for many, the birth of children becomes an important step on the path to self-discovery. And as our children grow, there is a great opportunity for us to grow too :) I invite you on a joint journey to conscious parenting and a harmonious life!

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Here you can download 2 issues of the magazine “Happy in the Family”:

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How to understand that a child is alive?

go for an ultrasound or see a doctor... just without an appointment, even... for a wiretap. must be accepted without queue. it will take 3 minutes

And don’t worry, your deadline is not yet critical :)

And if the fetus does not survive in the womb, then the mother’s condition sharply worsens.

Well, that's roughly what I was asking about.

I seem to be feeling well, but all sorts of thoughts are starting to creep into my head. Maybe I already need to go to the hospital, but I don’t know.

When is everything good or bad?

I really started to get fussy early, I felt this kind of rumbling in my tummy. Don't you have this?

Actually, it’s better not to fill your head with nonsense and scary thoughts, unnecessary nerves.

The belly is still rounding, don’t worry.

And if the fetus does not survive in the womb, then the mother’s condition sharply worsens.

For some reason I fell out of favor a long time ago, lal sure is alive)))

wait or run now?

Are you boiling ahead of time, some. generally at 22 weeks. may stir

bad thoughts started creeping in.

My son was hiccupping so hard that I was jumping:gy: :gy: 😛

then it starts to hiccup again - wow

By the way, what does it feel like?))

cool. the stomach jumps and the sound is heard - well, as usual a person hiccups. And when he was born, he hiccupped for the first month.

Now I'm 17 years old - I don't hiccup so often anymore. 😛

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How do you know that the fetus is developing normally in the womb?

Ultrasound during pregnancy is a mandatory procedure that allows you to monitor the mother’s health and the harmonious development...

Ultrasound during pregnancy is a mandatory procedure that allows you to monitor the health of the mother and the harmonious development of the baby. Many parents perform an ultrasound not only to monitor the development of the fetus, but also to see the unborn, but already so beloved and desired child. Pictures and videos taken during an ultrasound during pregnancy preserve for a long time memories of one of the happiest times in the life of parents. Ultrasound during pregnancy is absolutely safe and is recommended to be performed regularly, in all trimesters: first (1-12 weeks of pregnancy), second (13-26 weeks of pregnancy) and third (27-40 weeks of pregnancy). This allows you to monitor the harmonious development of the fetus, identify defects and possible complications in time and take the necessary measures.

Ultrasound during pregnancy (first trimester). It is impossible to determine the presence of pregnancy using ultrasound at a period of less than 5 weeks. Ultrasound during pregnancy of 3-4 weeks is ineffective, since the fetus is still so small that it is simply impossible to examine it. If signs of pregnancy are observed at such an early stage, then it is advisable to take a pregnancy test. This method allows you to diagnose pregnancy a few days after a missed period. Also, to establish the fact of pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist and take a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, a special hormone present in the body of pregnant women). Only at 5-8 weeks can an ultrasound confirm the pregnancy detected by a pregnancy test. Also, ultrasound during pregnancy of 5-8 weeks allows you to determine the place of implantation of the fertilized egg and the viability of the embryo.

An ultrasound during pregnancy is performed to determine the exact duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth. The doctor conducts the first check of the fetus for the presence of malformations, checking the quality of the water and possible signs of complications. If oligohydramnios is observed, this may indicate the presence of infections or dysfunction of the placenta. The quality of the placenta is very important because it supplies oxygen, nutrients to the fetus, and also protects it from harmful external influences.

Ultrasound during pregnancy weeks (second trimester). The second trimester of pregnancy is a transitional period for the expectant mother. Habits and lifestyle change, external signs of pregnancy appear - the figure becomes rounder and the belly becomes noticeably larger. In the second trimester, it is very important to undergo an ultrasound procedure during pregnancy. During this period, the formation of all vital systems of the body occurs. The child begins to show signs of life: move, respond to words and sounds. Ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to determine how harmoniously development occurs, whether there are deviations, and whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age. At this time, it is already possible to answer the question that worries parents, what gender is their baby. Ultrasound during pregnancy at 24 weeks allows you to obtain images in which the outlines of the baby’s body, head and face are clearly visible.

Ultrasound during pregnancy weeks (third trimester). In the third trimester of pregnancy, parents begin to actively prepare for the birth of their baby. Changes occur in the home environment, habits, personal and sexual life. The latter is prohibited from the 28th week of pregnancy, as it can provoke premature birth. During an ultrasound during pregnancy, the size of the fetus and its motor activity are assessed. If there are complications in the development of the fetus or the health of the mother, then premature birth may be stimulated at this time. At this stage, all the vital organs of the fetus are already formed, the child is born viable and can receive further development in the external environment with the help of special devices.

Ultrasound during pregnancy is an additional measure that allows you to determine the condition of the baby, its weight, position, and possible entanglement of the umbilical cord. The quality and quantity of water is also assessed. In the last weeks of pregnancy, some cloudiness of the waters is acceptable. This does not indicate the presence of infection or pathologies, but the presence of epithelium in the waters, which is completely natural. Polyhydramnios may indicate a large baby. Polyhydramnios can also be caused by multiple pregnancies or the individual characteristics of the woman. Oligohydramnios in late pregnancy is a rare occurrence that may indicate postmaturity.

In addition to the standard two-dimensional ultrasound procedure during pregnancy, many clinics offer three-dimensional ultrasound. This procedure allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the fetus, clearly see the baby’s arms, legs and even facial features. The three-dimensionality of the image is achieved due to the presence of special sensors and a built-in module. During the procedure, parents can determine the gender of the child themselves. Three-dimensional ultrasound allows not only to carefully examine the condition of the fetus, but also to record the entire procedure on a disk. This fact undoubtedly contributes to the growing popularity of this procedure.

Until what period can a pregnancy be terminated?

Late pregnancy: for or against?

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  • how to find out if you are pregnant

First trimester and first changes

Nausea, nervousness, drowsiness, changes in appetite - all this is normal for the first trimester of pregnancy. Vomiting that does not threaten dehydration is also not a deviation. All these symptoms are called gestosis in the first trimester and do not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus. But the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge and frequent vomiting are not the norm; you need to urgently call an ambulance and stay in bed until the doctor arrives. It is in the first trimester that the body makes a decision whether to continue the pregnancy or not. To make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and everything is fine with the embryo, the following studies are carried out:

Ultrasound in the early stages (diagnoses pregnancy, excludes ectopic pregnancy);

Ultrasound at 12 weeks (no abnormalities in embryo development are diagnosed);

Laboratory tests (including maternal blood tests, screening for developmental anomalies);

Sometimes chorionic fibers are examined (if the risk of developmental anomalies and genetic mutations is high).

Hypertonicity or training contractions?

Obstetricians say that in the second and third trimester the main task of the embryo is to grow, since the rudiments of organs and systems have already formed. At this stage, it is important to maintain the health of the expectant mother and prevent deviations during pregnancy. Hypertonicity of the uterus is not normal under any circumstances - this threatens the development of fetal hypoxia and the risk of miscarriage. Nagging pain in the lumbosacral region, a feeling of a “petrified uterus” are signs of hypertonicity. In contrast to hypertonicity, training contractions, which can begin as early as the beginning of the second trimester, pass quickly, alternating periods of tension and relaxation of the uterus. Remember, a “stone” stomach and severe pain in the lower back are hypertension; urgent medical attention is needed.

Excess weight: is swelling or excessive appetite to blame?

Increased appetite and thirst accompany almost every pregnant woman. However, in some cases, these symptoms may indicate gestational diabetes. To do this, they conduct a blood test for glucose levels (donate blood for sugar). If these indicators are normal, then excess weight is the result of excessive food consumption.

What studies are performed in the second and third trimesters?

During the second and third trimesters, an ultrasound examination is performed to exclude pathologies of the fetus and placenta. The doctor looks at the volume of amniotic fluid, the placenta insertion site and a blood flow study. It is impossible to obtain this data using subjective methods, and therefore you should not refuse diagnostics. At the same time, fetal developmental abnormalities can be diagnosed. If you plan to continue the pregnancy in any case, then it is even more worthwhile to go for additional diagnostics. Knowledge about fetal development disorders, many of which can be successfully treated, will allow you to prepare for the birth of a special child and find good specialists to eliminate the disorders.

Colostrum is normal

Enlarged breasts, increased sensitivity in the nipple area and the appearance of colostrum are a sign of a normal pregnancy. Indirectly, based on the condition of the breast, you can understand that everything is fine with the child. If the pregnancy is frozen, then the hormonal status changes - the breasts sharply decrease, colostrum ceases to be released. The absence of colostrum is not a deviation; in some women it appears the day before or only after childbirth.

Fetal movements: what is normal?

Normally, a woman feels the movements of the fetus during the week. Every day you need to record up to 12 cycles of movement or note the presence of fetal activity every hour. Both calm and active behavior can indicate both normality and pathology. If your baby is always calm, and it is confirmed that there is no fetal hypoxia, then this is the norm for a particular pregnancy. A sharp change in the behavior of the fetus may be a cause for concern: an active child has become lethargic, and a calm child has become too active. You should contact your local obstetrician or call an ambulance.

Arterial hypertension is dangerous for the development of convulsive syndrome

An increase in blood pressure even by several tens of units is a cause for concern and hospitalization for a pregnant woman. The fetus experiences oxygen starvation, developmental delay may occur, and one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy is eclampsia and the occurrence of convulsions. Convulsions can lead to placental abruption, intrauterine fetal death, fractures in a pregnant woman and premature birth. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and you feel a sharp headache, which is combined with loss of orientation in space, dazedness, tunnel vision, seek medical help immediately.

Bloody discharge is always a cause for concern

The discharge of bright scarlet blood is always dangerous. A common myth that menstruation passes through the pregnant uterus can cause miscarriage. Sometimes the discharge of coagulated blood may occur several days after an instrumental examination in a chair. The reason for this is a loose cervix and vaginal walls, as well as increased vascular permeability, and not the carelessness of the doctor, as many believe.

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First trimester of pregnancy

Second trimester

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  • Detailed description of pregnancy by week.