
In the Kuban, a teenager was found missing at an orienteering competition. In the forest under a hot spring, they are looking for a missing child


Last Sunday, October 22, hundreds of schoolchildren from different parts of the Kuban came to Goryachiy Klyuch. The children, together with their teachers, arrived at the orienteering competition. Everything went well, but when the tournament ended, the organizers missed two people. The boy and girl, having gone into the forest with compasses and maps, did not return.

The teachers immediately reported the incident to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and began looking for the children. It was getting dark outside, and a heavy downpour followed by a thunderstorm. However, teachers and rescuers did not give up - meter by meter they combed the thicket, broke branches on their way, called the guys by name. Soon the girl responded to the screams of the teachers.

It turned out that the schoolgirl did not reach the finish line just a few meters. The girl mixed up directions and went to reverse side. She walked through the forest for several hundred meters and realized that she was lost. Then the schoolgirl stopped and began to wait for help, - Alexander Dabagyan, the chief orienteering specialist of the Center for Tourism and Excursions, told Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kuban.

- About 200 people are still looking for 12-year-old Alexei Shmakov from the Tuapse district, - the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kuban. - These are trained police officers, investigators, criminologists, rescuers, the military, and volunteers have also joined the search.

They have already examined more than three kilometers - the entire territory of the sports camp. Experts assure that if the boy was still within the boundaries of the competitive route, he would definitely be found. In addition, the organizers of the tournament found out that Lesha did not reach the finish line by only 300 meters. Probably, the child lost his way and went in the opposite direction.

If you have seen or know where Shmakov is now, immediately inform the police, the search engines ask. - Signs of a boy: height 150-160 centimeters, build is dense, hair is blond, eyes are brown. Alexei was wearing jeans, a green T-shirt, an orange sweatshirt with a hood, and gray sneakers with green laces. The boy has a map and a compass with him.

Employees of the aviation detachment of the Russian Guard were involved in the search for the child.

During the search for a 12-year-old teenager, AOSN specialists use an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a daytime and thermal imaging camera, the press service of the department told Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kuban.


The Investigative Committee has launched an investigation into the case.

On this fact, the investigative department organized a pre-investigation check. Specialists are working on the spot, - the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory told Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kuban.

On the morning of October 23, Acting Minister of Education of the Krasnodar Territory Konstantin Fedorenko also left for Goryachiy Klyuch.

It is planned to create a commission on the part of the ministry to study this fact and organize work on interaction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations to search for a child, the press service of the department reported.

Missing child in the forest found in the Kuban

A child who disappeared near the village of Voensovkhoz in the Krasnodar Territory was found alive. His condition is assessed as satisfactory. The boy went out to the Cossacks, who were patrolling the neighborhood near the village of Kaluzhskaya in the Seversky district, TASS reports. The child is now doing well. The Ministry of Education, meanwhile, is investigating the causes of the incident.

Rescuers spent more than a day looking for a child lost at an orienteering championship

Rescuers found a 12-year-old boy who got lost during an orienteering competition in the Krasnodar Territory. He spent more than a day in the forest. At present, doctors are examining the child, Interfax was told in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the region. "Aleksey is alive, he feels well.

Lost in the Kuban child found 25 km from the place where he was seen before the loss

A boy who got lost during an orienteering competition in the Kuban region was found 25 km from the place where he was last seen, the press service of the regional investigation department of the RF Investigative Committee said on Monday. “Today, the boy was found 22-25 km from the place where he was last seen on October 22.

In the Krasnodar Territory, thanks to the joint efforts of law enforcement agencies and volunteers, a boy who disappeared in the forest at an orienteering competition was found alive

On the evening of October 22, 2017, the law enforcement agencies of Goryachiy Klyuch received a message about the disappearance of a 12-year-old boy. On this fact, the investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory, a pre-investigation check was immediately organized.

In the Kuban, they found a 12-year-old schoolboy who disappeared a day ago

A missing child was found in the Krasnodar Territory, his condition is assessed as satisfactory. A 12-year-old boy went out to the Cossacks who were patrolling the area. He got lost during an orienteering competition. Another participant of the event was lost along with him. She was found a few hours later.

Near Krasnodar found missing during the competition 12-year-old boy

A 12-year-old boy who disappeared on Sunday during an orienteering competition in the Krasnodar Territory has been found. According to Interfax with reference to the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, the boy was found near the village of Kaluzhskaya in the Seversky district. The child is alive, now he is being examined by doctors.

During an orienteering competition in the Krasnodar Territory, two teenagers disappeared

In the Krasnodar Territory, near the town of Goryachiy Klyuch, two teenagers disappeared. This happened during Sunday orienteering competitions, TASS writes. According to the regional police, the search teams have already managed to find the schoolgirl. She got lost, overcoming an unfamiliar forest with the help of a compass and a map.

Rescuers found a 12-year-old boy who went missing under Goryachiy Klyuch

More than 200 people searched for the missing child under Goryachiy Klyuch.

Sebastian Unrau / Unsplash

On the evening of Monday, October 23, 12-year-old Aleksey Shmakov, who got lost the day before under Goryachiy Klyuch, went out to the search group himself. At present, the child has already been delivered to Goryachiy Klyuch, a source in the regional head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations told Yugopolis.

The fact that on the evening of October 22 during the orienteering competition was previously reported by Yugopolis. On this fact, the Belorechensk Interdistrict Investigation Department of the TFR in the region organized a pre-investigation check.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, the search for two lost schoolchildren began here in the evening. On June 18, one of them was discovered and taken out of the forest. To search for the second boy, Alyosha Shmakov, a 6th grade student from Tuapse, groups were created that included more than 200 people. These are police officers, military, professional rescuers, Cossacks, volunteers. Hunters and experienced tourists are also involved in the search operation. A helicopter was involved, as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a day and thermal imaging camera.

More than 200 people searched for the missing boy under Goryachiy Klyuch. To conduct a search operation, on behalf of the governor, groups were created and an operational headquarters was organized under the leadership of First Vice-Governor Andrei Alekseenko.

The 12-year-old teenager was involved in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, Cossacks, military and volunteers. The Kuban 24 film crew worked on the spot all day. The latest details are in the material of the correspondent Pavel Kuznetsov.

On a small map - a huge area of ​​40 hectares, which had to be combed as quickly as possible. The teenager has been in the forest for more than a day. Without food, water and all alone. The Goryachiy Klyuch area is always crowded, there are many settlements However, for 24 hours no one saw or heard from him.

“Our search area, it turns out, is limited by federal highways: one to Novorossiysk, the second to Dzhubga. And the forest area Kaluzhskaya - Psekups - the Molkino training ground. We are conducting searches in this area," he said. O. Minister of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Krasnodar Territory Sergey Kapustin.

An operational headquarters was set up on the spot. The boy was searched for by rescuers, police, military and volunteers. Helicopters circled the sky. The Ministry of Defense allocated combat vehicles with thermal imagers on board. The search did not stop the night before, although it was pouring with torrential rain. And this caused concern of the headquarters.

“Immediate response teams drove out along the M4 road, warning the owners of cafes and hotels that are located on the highway. Everyone has been warned, orientations have been distributed, information has also been broadcast on television and on the Internet, ”said Sergey Krikunov, head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Goryachiy Klyuch.

Regional orienteering competitions "Autumn Trail" are held in the region regularly and not for the first time near the village of Saratovskaya.

“There was a proposal to participate in all municipalities. 19 municipalities, 351 children took part. The age of children is from 12 to 17 years. We have carried out the notification of all interested services from the municipality to law enforcement officers," he said. O. Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory Konstantin Fedorenko.

Previously, there were no such precedents at the regional competitions, but this time there are two at once. First, they searched for two teenagers. A schoolgirl from the Tbilisi region did not come to the finish line either. Organizers of the competition started combing the forest on their own, but when it got dark, they turned to specialists. The girl was located using a mobile phone signal.

“She was found almost 800 meters from the route. She was frightened, did not respond to contact, until the rescuer reached her and touched her shoulder, ”said Ivan Fedorovsky, head of Goryachiy Klyuch.

But Aleksey Shmakov had neither a mobile nor matches to light a fire. The competitions were designed for only a few hours.

Orienteering competitions were held on maps. They marked 20 control points that the athletes had to pass. Alexey Shmakov passed four of them, and then disappeared. This is a children's competition, and the distances between the control points are small - maybe a couple of hundred meters. And the territory chosen by the organizers for the competition is surrounded by roads from all sides. Why the child was able to go so far is still unclear.

As a result, the student was able to overcome more than 20 km in a day. In the Seversky district, he was spotted from the sky by a military helicopter and reported the information to the operational headquarters.

The missing child has already been handed over to the parents. The boy was examined by doctors, the life of a teenager is out of danger.

In the area of ​​​​Goryachiy Klyuch late in the evening, 12-year-old Alexei Shmakov, who took part in orienteering competitions and disappeared on the afternoon of October 22, was found late in the evening. The teenager did not leave the route to the checkpoint at 14.30 on Sunday, the search for the boy began at about half past six in the evening of the same day. The child was searched for by about 300 people, a helicopter and unmanned vehicles were involved in the search. The TFR in the region is conducting a pre-investigation check, in Goryachiy Klyuch, on behalf of the governor, a headquarters was organized under the leadership of First Vice Governor Andrey Alekseenko.

In the Goryacheklyuchevsky district of the Kuban, a 12-year-old schoolboy was found lost in the forest near the village of Saratovskaya during an orienteering competition. “The boy is alive and doing well. He went out to the Cossacks, who were patrolling the neighborhood near the village of Kaluzhskaya in the Seversky district, he was taken to Goryachiy Klyuch, to the Central District Hospital, ”the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

The report about the disappearance of Aleksey Shmakov, born in 2005, was received at 17:10 on October 22 from the dispatch service of Goryachiy Klyuch. According to the city administration, the boy, along with his classmates and his own aunt, came from Tuapse to the orienteering competition. The children went on the route around lunchtime. Alexey passed the first four points, at 14:30 he did not reach the fifth.

“Two teenagers got lost - he and a girl. The girl had a telephone with her, they tracked her and found her at the beginning of the seventh evening. Alexei didn’t have a phone with him,” Yekaterina Manashan, press secretary of the Goryachiy Klyuch administration, told Kommersant Kuban, adding that the child disappeared near the village of Voensovkhoz.

As explained in the administration of the municipality, the competition was organized by the regional Ministry of Education, 20 teams participated in them, a total of 350 children from different regions of the region.

“The organizers reported the missing child late. The message that he left the route and did not check in at the checkpoint appeared already around 17 pm - it was just beginning to get dark and it started to rain, ”reported representatives of the Goryachiy Klyuch administration. From Molkino (a military unit near Goryachiy Klyuch), 60 servicemen were immediately sent to search, then rescuers, Cossacks, and volunteers joined them. “In total, 292 people, 40 pieces of equipment took part in the search work from the RSChS system. The Mi-8 helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Russian Guard, equipped with a day and thermal imaging camera, were involved in search and rescue operations. The situation was under control of the TsUKS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, ”the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region reported.

"Employees have been warned. railway, checked all commuter trains, railway tracks, orientations were sent to all heads of rural settlements in case a child came out of the forest and came across some kind of housing, so that the authorities would be immediately informed. Volunteers were constantly arriving to carry out search operations,” the Goryachiy Klyuch administration specified.

To conduct a search operation, on behalf of the Governor of the Kuban, Veniamin Kondratyev, groups were created and an operational headquarters was organized under the leadership of First Vice-Governor Andrei Alekseenko. “To search for the boy, groups were created, which included more than 200 people. These are police officers, military, professional rescuers, Cossacks, volunteers. Also, hunters and experienced tourists were involved in the search operation,” the press service of the regional administration reported.

On this fact, the Belorechensk Interdistrict Investigation Department of the TFR in the region organized a pre-investigation check.

According to Oleg Afanasyev, president of the regional alpclub Stremlenie, there was no doubt about the successful completion of the search operation. “At night, the air temperature was about ten degrees above zero, this is not the temperature at which you can freeze. The boy takes part in orienteering competitions, which means that he has some, at least minimal, experience of survival in the forest, ”explained Mr. Afanasiev, adding that it was not uncommon for children to wander in the mountains, three days, and they were found in a normal condition.