
How to start mining gold faster. Treasures in the bowels of the earth Is gold mining allowed in settlements


The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia proposes to allow individual entrepreneurs to extract alluvial gold. Public discussion of amendments to the federal law"On Precious Metals and precious stones and the Law "On Subsoil" has already begun.

And in the Magadan region, which is to become a pilot region for free artisanal prospecting, they are eagerly waiting for the free bring, says Governor Vladimir Pecheny.

Free prospecting is always relevant, because the state does not incur costs, but will receive profits, - the participants of the Prospector's Luck, a gold panning competition taking place in Kolyma, told RG. - There are many worked-out areas where no enterprise will work, because the volumes of metal there are not industrial. But if there is a gram of gold left, a person with a tray will come and pick it up - for his own income, and he will also pay taxes.

By the way, it is estimated that over 80 years of exploitation of alluvial deposits in Kolyma, about 500 million cubic meters of waste have been formed, which are suitable for re-mining. According to estimates, they can produce about a ton of metal, or four percent of the current annual production in the region.

With two hands for free bringing, - says Olga Medvedeva from the dying village of Burkhala, which is 600 kilometers from Magadan. - There is practically no work. Pensioners who previously worked at the mine and are familiar with the artisanal business would have laundered an addition to their pensions. I think that three grams a day is quite realistic to get.

10 percent - this is the share of illegal gold mining in Russia

With the market price of the metal at 2,400 rubles per gram, the villagers are ready to rent it to official structures for 1,500-1,800 rubles.

The bill proposes to wash gold in an old-fashioned way, because it is forbidden to use machines.

This is an unprofessional, in my opinion, idea that mining can only be carried out with a tray, without the use of small-scale mechanization, - Yuri Pruss, head of the Magadan Innovation and Technology Center of the North-Eastern KRI them. ON THE. Shilo FEB RAS. - With a tray, well, you get a couple of grams a day. On the contrary, it is necessary to use machinery, especially since small excavators are being produced that cause minimal damage to nature.

Those who live "on gold" have dozens in their arsenal different ways take out the sand. . Photo: Vitaly Ivanov / TASS

It's no secret that individuals still mine the precious metal. Those who live "on gold" have dozens of simple and ingenious ways to extract the "sand" in their arsenal.

Three rubber mats, a mesh from an old bed, a generator, a pump and a dozen boards - that's all I need to build a flushing device, - Sergey, a former mining master from the Yagodninsky district, shares his technology. - I can assemble it in a couple of hours, and disassemble it, if there is any noise, in 20 minutes. With good skills and luck for the season, you can wash it for an apartment in warm regions. And you need to go to the old dumps without unnecessary troubles with a metal detector.

It is no secret that individuals still mine the precious metal, but illegally

It is estimated that the annual volume of illegal gold mining in Russia is about ten percent of legal production.

The mass organization of individuals can lead to the criminalization of this area, - believes Viktor Tarakanovsky, chairman of the Union of Miners of Russia.

But Yuri Pruss objects: "This view surprises me. "Predator" is a hardworking person who works 12-14 hours a day, does not go to the "mainland" for decades, supports his family and does not demand anything from the state. These are people who can ensure their existence by their own work. These are people who in our time - the time of "white collars" - are so lacking in the state.

But we must take into account: if many people go for free bread, there will not be enough people in the mining enterprises, - says the head of the Polevaya artel, Nikolai Derezhenets.

Meanwhile, experts suggest linking free delivery with new tools for the development of the Far East. “We need to lease out the claims - exhausted mines, dumps,” suggests Pruss. “Let a person mine metal there, sell it and pay taxes. The tenant can additionally take land in this claim, set up a vegetable garden, hunt, collect wild plants, receive tourists. in fact, here is a ready-made scheme for the development of the "Far Eastern hectare" in Kolyma.

by the way

In the late 90s of the last century, the administration of the Magadan region tried to legalize private miners. Gold receiving points were organized, where anyone could anonymously hand over the valuable metal to the state. But at the request of the prosecutor's office, they were closed.

At the end of July 2017, the Federal Law “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” was amended, according to which gold mining activities can be carried out not only by state organizations, but also by private individuals. There are a number of conditions that limit such activities. First of all, you should take care of obtaining a mining license. Where to apply and how to properly issue documents?

Which organization to apply for documents

Gold mining is based on the procedure for extracting precious rocks from the bowels of the earth, which belong to the state, therefore, in order to obtain a fishing permit, it is advisable to apply to Rosnedra. This Federal body has a representative office in each region, therefore, a trip to the capital for a permit document does not seem appropriate. In some cases (for example, when the right to develop a deposit of a special status is issued), the Ministry of Nature of Russia is involved in the process.

This state structure is engaged in holding auctions and competitions. The largest gold deposit today is Sukhoi Log, the right to mine gold here will cost tens of billions of rubles.

Cases not requiring a license

In a number of situations, it is not necessary to issue a license and go through a lengthy procedure of tenders and auctions. These include:

  • The entrepreneur acquires the enterprise with all permits, if necessary, extends the permit.
  • An entrepreneur leases a mine or deposit from an organization that has the right to mine gold.

In the first case, when renewing a license, state inspectors re-evaluate the geological information at the deposit. In the second case, the work is carried out on the basis of the documents of the lessor.

How to get a license based on a competition/auction

The procedure for obtaining a gold mining permit can be divided into 5 stages:

  1. Independent search and selection of a deposit on the state site "Rosnedr" on the basis of an auction or competitive list.
  2. Registration of an application for participation in the ongoing competition / auction.
  3. Collecting and providing the party organizing the tender/auction with the required package of documents.
  4. Winning a competition/auction.
  5. Obtaining relevant papers.

A permit document for enterprises and organizations is issued for different dates which depend on the type of activity carried out. In case of mining of precious metals, the permit will be given for 20 years. In the case of combining gold mining with geological exploration, the license right is granted for 25 years. At the same time, the license right for exploration will have to be renewed every 5 years.

Individuals receive a gold mining permit for only 5 years. Private traders are limited in the choice of sites, and deposits containing gold reserves of industrial volumes are prohibited for them. In this regard, they most often develop residual dumps after the work of large organizations or not very promising places.

There is one more restriction for free miners: they do not have the right to use a bulldozer at the deposit, and they can only extract raw materials with hand tools. Any license comes into force on the day of its registration with the state body.

Where can you mine precious rocks?

When extracting precious metals, individuals cannot use mining and exploration equipment, resort to blasting, develop and maintain quarries. For this category, there are prohibitions regarding the places of extraction. Where can free gold miners mine raw gold?

  • in the Magadan region.
  • On a placer site, where the stock of expensive metal does not exceed 10 kg.
  • On a plot no larger than 0.15 sq. km.
  • At a depth of at least 5 m.

How much will the license cost?

Obtaining a legal document will cost a considerable amount. So, a number of legal organizations draw up papers for 100,000 - 200,000 rubles. The customer just needs to pay and wait. If you independently draw up the right, you only need to pay a state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles. Renewal of the right costs 10 times less - 750 rubles.

In the event that a free gold miner intends to work on ore reserves, he will have to spend 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 dollars. The final amount is determined after the auction/competition.

Individual gold mining flourishes

Why do private gold diggers continue to operate despite numerous bans? Firstly, some of the deposits are completely unsuitable for industrial processing, since the relief, economic and geographical conditions make them unprofitable.

The cost of the work performed exceeds the cost of the production received. Secondly, there are many mines with an insignificant concentration of valuable raw materials. Thirdly, the laundering of gold by individual entrepreneurs also has advantages: a low professional level of employees, the use of an inexpensive tool. These moments greatly simplify the process of gold mining.

The new law in favor of individuals was adopted on the basis of a number of advantages in favor of the state:

  • An additional 300 kg of precious metal is expected to enter the budget every year;
  • In the province, thanks to gold mining, small and medium-sized businesses are supported;
  • Additional jobs appear;
  • The number of inhabitants in sparsely populated regions is growing.

You should not lose sight of the minus: corruption and banditry are increasing, as this industry creates the basis for committing crimes. Only the most severe state control and a clear legal framework can stop all violations of the law.

How is gold extracted from ore?

Non-industrial method of extracting precious metal from ore

The upper crust of the earth layer contains gold raw materials in small quantities, however, there are quite a lot of such areas in our country. The industrial method of rock extraction has been used since the end of the first half of the 18th century. Initially, the gold mines used an exclusively manual method of work. River sand was collected in a tray, it was thoroughly shaken under a stream of water, as a result, the sand was washed off, and grains of metals remained on the bottom.

Ten years ago, an amalgamation method based on the properties of mercury to envelop gold was widely used. Poured into a barrel a small amount of mercury, and then added gold-bearing rock and shaken. All the valuable gold particles stuck to the heavy metal, which was then heated to flake off the gold. The high toxicity of the substance used made it necessary to abandon this method.

Leaching with sodium cyanide should be mentioned among modern methods of extracting raw materials. With this treatment, all particles pass into the state of a cyanide water-soluble compound, and then, under the influence of reagents, precious grains are separated.

Along with ore mining, there are other ways to develop:

  • Recycling
  • Scatter processing.

mining machines

Sometimes gold rock is mined using floating mining machines, which provide full mechanization of the process due to the dredging and processing equipment available in them. These devices are called "dredges", they enrich minerals and remove waste rock.

What are these machines for? Raw materials are not always on dry land. flooded areas are developed and valuable raw materials are extracted. They are used in alluvial, deluvial, coastal-marine, sedimentary, alluvial areas. They are not used in viscous clay.

Mankind has been extracting valuable rocks since ancient times. Gold mining is an important basis for the financial structure of any country, since gold is a universal and stable currency. V Russian Federation on the this moment 16 companies specializing in this field are registered. The largest among them is Polyus Gold. The main deposits of raw materials are concentrated on the territory of the Magadan, Amur and Irkutsk regions, the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk regions, and in Chukotka.

Recent changes in the legislation make it possible to obtain a license for the extraction of metals not only for large organizations, but also for individuals. One of the main conditions for obtaining a permit is the passage of a competition/auction held by a state organization. Individual entrepreneurs when carrying out work are limited by a number of prohibitions.

Gold mining license in Russia it is issued only to legal entities. It is forbidden for the physical to extract metal from the bowels. This is spelled out in the 191st article of the Criminal Code of the country. Before receiving a document, you need to register an LLC, OJSC.

This is how articles devoted to gold mining in the country began until 2016. Now, individual entrepreneurs can also extract metal from the bowels. Changes were made to the subsoil legislation on the initiative of Dmitry Medvedev.

The impetus for the amendments was the plight of the inhabitants of Chukotka. The fishery, which fed many, turned out to be inaccessible. There are only a few large organizations, and ordinary citizens of the region, that is, the majority, need to survive. The ban has been lifted. It remains to figure out who to contact in order to get gold mining licenses.

Who issues a gold mining license

Subsoil, from which metal is extracted by organizations, or private traders, state-owned. Therefore, the issuance of licenses for the use of land is entrusted to the federal body - Rosnedra.

It has regional offices, authorized assistants, for example, Tsentrsibnedra. This Department of Geology and Licensing handles Buryatzoloto's documentation.

Sometimes, the country's Ministry of Nature comes into play. It is responsible for auctions for the right to develop especially important deposits. So, in 2016, the Ministry of Natural Resources will decide the fate of Sukhoi Log. The largest deposits in Russia were discovered in the Bodaibo district of the Irkutsk region.

Corporations "Druza", "Rostec", "Vysochaishy" volunteered to participate in the auction. For foreign companies (even partially), the Ministry of Nature has closed access to bidding. Their starting amount is 5 billion rubles.

The standard fee for a license obtained from Rosnedra is much less. But, more on that in the chapter on prices. In the meantime, let's find out how to bypass obtaining permission by the party.

Don't think about obtaining a license to mine gold you can by buying an enterprise that already has all the necessary. For example, an enterprise for the extraction of precious metal and sands is for sale. The processing plant, where valuable material is taken, primary processing is being carried out, has already been built.

The license was issued to the organization until 2020. It remains only to take over the business. Renewing a permit is usually easier than getting it for the first time. One of the snags is that the geological information about the subsoil area must pass the state check. Experts will evaluate stocks. The papers will not be issued until their verdict.

Some businessmen do not buy operating enterprises, but start by concluding agreements with their owners. Papers are allowed to work out part or all of the territory of the deposit. At the same time, the license for gold mining remains with the owner of the mine.

The conclusion of agreements with other legal entities, the transfer of powers to them for the development of subsoil, are not prohibited by law. Relations are official and, most importantly, low-budget.

The two parties find each other, as a rule, by ads like: “I will rent a plot for gold mining” and “I will rent a gold mining business.”

How long is a gold mining license issued for?

Where to get a gold mining license found out. Now let's figure out how long it is worth demanding paper. If only mining is planned, the permit cannot be valid for more than 20 years.

If the extraction of metal from the bowels is combined with their geological study, a license is issued for a maximum of 25 years. Accordingly, papers only for exploration activities are valid for 5 years.

This rule is for legal entities. License for private gold mining issued for up to 5 years. Restrictions on the choice of a site are imposed on individuals. It is impossible to enter the territories with reserves suitable for industrial development.

Licenses are given only for searches in the dumps of former industries, or the development of unpromising areas. Another snag is the ban on the use of heavy equipment, the same bulldozers.

Gold mining license for a private person given on the basis of his use of hand tools. You can't get a lot of valuable metal in technogenic placers like this.

The price of a gold mining license

The cost of a gold mining license depends on how you get it. There are a number of law firms that undertake to issue paperwork for an amount from 100,000 to 200,000 thousand rubles.

The customer only pays. Fill in the documents and upholster the necessary thresholds hired persons. At the same time, they promise to get a perpetual license, and not a permit for a couple of decades.

Ads " buy a gold mining license" - Not unusual. Investments in industrial developments, on average, amount to 10-100,000,000 rubles. This is in the case of placers.

If mining is carried out from ore, it will take 15-20,000,000 and not rudders, but dollars. Compared to these amounts, 100-200,000 does not seem like a lot of money. At the same time, businessmen save themselves from the hassle of paperwork.

Another question, how much does a gold mining license cost in case of its independent registration. The state duty is only 7500 rubles. For renewal take 10 times less.

The same amount is asked for a duplicate confirming the state permission to use the subsoil. rubles costs and renewal of the license. The information is posted on the website of the Department for Subsoil Use of the Central Federal District.

How to get a gold mining license everyone decides for himself. The minimum costs, as a rule, accompany organizations that have received papers on a competitive basis. Competition is an alternative to the same auction. The last one raises the stakes.

Contestants are fighting not so much for the money, but for the readiness to fulfill the conditions of the customer, that is, the state. As a rule, it offers a limited list of deposits.

Most of them require additional geological exploration. The investor is obligated to carry it out, prescribing short deadlines. If possible, you can save a lot on obtaining a license.

Despite the different ways of obtaining a license, experts talk about 15-20 tons of illegal gold mining annually. The law, as a rule, bypasses small miners.

Previously, they were forbidden to work in principle. Now, they are allowed to use the subsoil, but on conditions that do not suit most private traders. The legislation is imperfect, but the reserves in Russia can be called such.

Herodotus wrote about the abundance of precious metal in the country. Fifteen centuries have passed since the 5th century, hundreds of new deposits have been discovered. They can not but beckon treasure hunters. As a result, the volume of illegally mined gold is more than 10% of the total production.

The ban on private search in Russia has been in place for almost a century. It was decided in the days of the USSR to trust the subsoil only to large organizations. After the collapse of the union, they started talking about lifting restrictions only in the 2000s.

The practice of interaction between the state and private miners outside the framework of the Criminal Code has been lost. Not only is the issuance of licenses ahead, but also the restoration of ties and trust between the federal apparatus and mere mortals.

Once Peter the 1st trusted them and did not lose. Most of the large deposits in Russia were discovered by those who today are commonly called individuals.

I apologize in advance to erudite readers for the simplicity of presentation. In pseudoscientific terminology, the meaning of the presentation is lost.

Where are all these aliens? Aren't they tired of visiting Earth so often? Probably live far away. They fly, leave traces, but not a single one is anywhere to see, chat. They are hiding, they are so advanced, they are afraid of us.

Why do countries accumulate gold? They don’t show each other, they just make up reports and write in the press how much they already have.

Why does mankind have only goals in space exploration? And there are no bright victories. Let's go ahead. Then they stopped in front of the moon for thirty years. Now plans again, one better than the other. It is scary to say how many space stations and modules can be made from such a number of military aircraft. Scientists write that our civilization is millions of years old, and only a few satellites have been thrown further into the Earth's atmosphere, if they have been abandoned. Go check it out.

And again, we are all the time poking a finger up - black holes, nebulae, quasars, pulsars and dark matter. But why? None of us will get there. And the growth of giant garbage patches in the oceans does not bother anyone. The globe will soon have to be redrawn, five more continents are planned - garbage.

Seriously, everything that happens on the planet can be explained simply.

Our solar system is built outside the box. A normal planetary system has a number of gradually decreasing planets. Closer to the star are large, further in growth. V solar system small planets are placed inside - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and then immediately a huge Jupiter, followed by a smaller one - Saturn. Four small planets seem to be protected by giants and a star.

The strange Moon is a strict spherical shape, in contrast to the flattened Earth. The Moon's orbit is built in such a way that the Moon is always turned with only one side towards the Earth. And she also creates a complete solar eclipse. Various luminous objects are constantly moving above its surface.

Pyramids, incomprehensible gigantic structures and megaliths. It is not known who built it, when and why. Data about them is often distorted or simply invented.

finds various items, which do not correspond to the level of technologies of the time of the layer in which the items were found.

And an endless number of unanswered questions. There are many TV shows that have only questions and no answers.

Imagine the following.

The ground inside is empty. Why not? If you unwind a spherical vessel with water, it will spread over the inner surface. The earth is spinning. The linear speed of a point on the equator is about 1700 km/h, and in the middle lane about 1300 km/h.

Sufficiently massive walls of the globe may well contain molten rocks in the middle, and water inside and outside. Two holes along the axis of rotation at the top and bottom.

It is quite possible that life on Earth and man were created by intelligent beings in the inner world, where it is easy to provide the necessary climatic conditions for such an incubator.

At first, human civilization existed only inside the Earth and gradually transformed the outer surface. Soil-forming biomachines - dinosaurs - were launched and plants were planted. Soil is the decaying remains of biomass. Then part of the intra-Earths came to the surface and began life in a more aggressive world, in comparison with the hothouse existence inside the Earth.

After some time, the external inhabitants, who spent more effort on survival, already differed from the internal ones in greater assertiveness and energy, but lacked the necessary technical means. In the course of development, differences accumulated between the two parts of the earth's population, despite the exchange of values. Skirmishes and destructive wars took place on the surface, destroying buildings and inhabitants.

Everything that happens in the past and present is the result of cooperation and conflicts between the two earthly worlds - the external, lagging behind in development, and the internal, more developed. Perhaps the surface world is only a mining site for metals and necessary materials for the inner world.

By the way, bright sun changes the pigmentation of the skin, and in low light, it is white.