
Wishes to the leader in prose upon dismissal. Beautiful words to an employee who quits in his own words Congratulations on the last working day


Leaving the team
I want to say to you: "Thank you
For support, for participation -
There was a lot of happiness with you
There were many disputes with you
And serious conversations.
I will sadly remember
Our team is bored!”

I'm leaving the team
I will say, colleagues, thank you
For help, for support in deed,
For fixing bugs.

I will miss you so much
I will remember your kindness
About what team you are
I won't forget in my new place.

What can I tell you, colleagues?
What do you want before leaving?
Ask for more privileges
And get a higher salary.
At work, do not burn out like candles,
Enjoy life to succeed
Don't wait for the evening to come
To crawl quickly into bed!

Last day at work today
And I'm a little sad about that.
Thank you colleagues for your concern,
I wish you all the best.
I will remember you fondly.
You were like family to me.
I'm leaving, but I'm taking with me
All the best. Goodbye friends!

I'm leaving you guys
Farewell, beloved team,
We survived more than one test
And not just one corporate party.

I've always been rescued
From the claims "on the carpet."
Thank you for everything, colleagues,
You have become dear to me.

Today everyone is in a good mood, -
Last day of work for me.
Everyone is waiting with joyful excitement,
When will I leave everyone alone?
And I am sad from the general joy.
I hope that people will understand later
That I was kind to them, nevertheless, was the boss,
When to replace me - another will come.

Glorious representatives of my now former team! I'm leaving tomorrow! Do you think I'm worried? By no means happy as a new penny! Can you imagine - freedom awaits your colleague! And also laziness, sleep and TV! Hooray!

And today it is a pity that such a valuable and talented employee is leaving us. But on the other hand, how long have you dreamed of spending the whole day with your grandchildren, with a newspaper in your hands, or fishing.

You don't have to work tomorrow! Now you have a day off on weekdays. You have gone to a well-deserved rest, Leaving everyday care.

Hurry in the morning to do a bunch of things, Everywhere you tried to be in time all the time, Carrying all the women a burdensome burden. . Now the home hearth is your lot. You will not suffer from boredom: Affairs in the house will not decrease over the years.

Even when it's hard, You still laugh, friend. Clever, know-it-all Beauty, hostess.

Every working day, year after year, We greeted you in the morning, Still, the nature of people is strange. It's time for you to retire.

I wish you to remain the same friendly team, close-knit team and good friends.

Parting words to a retired employee in prose We will remain friends, so you visit us. We wish you happiness, it will be - just know, Soon we will congratulate you on your new work! Dear our colleague, we respect you very much in prose. And today, as a team, with a slight sadness, we see off.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change, Guiding Star, let him lead boldly through life. There will be a new job, interesting, cool. And with a huge salary, so that you can relax in Hawaii.

Saying goodbye to work is not a collapse or frustration, it is an excuse to find a new hobby and an interesting occupation for yourself, it is an opportunity to arrange your life the way you like it.

I wish to spend my strength only on the important, I wish to meet only happiness, joy and success on my way.

Congratulations and I wish you to follow the right path of life, which the heart will choose. May luck and skill accompany any activity, may the mood be cheerful, may holidays and weekdays bring happiness and joy, may there be a place in life for your favorite business.

Congratulations on leaving work and I want to wish you never regret anything, always feel confident and easy, achieve your goals without obstacles and problems, do only what your heart likes, do only what your soul wants.

Here I leave a piece of my soul. Thank you for everything: for being there in difficult moments, helping, supporting in word and deed. I wish you to remain the same friendly team, close-knit team and good friends. I will always remember our joint work with warmth.

To carry out, to overcome, to develop, to keep pace, to achieve and succeed. To be a valuable employee, a reliable friend, an interesting conversationalist and just a good person. You will definitely succeed. Happy Holidays, fellow office worker! I hasten to congratulate you, colleague.

Congratulation can also look like this. “Today we are sending our colleague (name of colleague), whom we have known for many years, on a good journey.

The main requirements of the message are brevity and a respectful tone. Words of gratitude to colleagues at work Oral version I, Sidorov Pavel Viktorovich, Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies of Motor-Plus JSC, am leaving my previous place of work in connection with my well-deserved rest.

It seems that quite recently I was accepted for the position of a laboratory assistant, and 35 years have already flown by.

How to properly say goodbye to colleagues If the company is small and the team is small, parting words can be said orally tete-a-tete or at the last meeting.

We will certainly miss someone like you. But your happiness is more important to us. May your pockets always rustle at your new place of work, may all your dreams come true, and you will forget about what financial difficulties are.

Congratulation can also look like this. “Today we are sending our colleague (colleague’s name), whom we have known for many years, on a good journey.

Let leaving work
Will bring benefits
Position every year
It only grows.

Let in a reliable bank
Your score is multiplying
And in a new place
You will be honored.

New colleagues
They will be like friends.
And support everything
Friendly family.

Finally you have decided
Give an answer to the old life
And said goodbye to work
New life seeing the light.

We wish you success
And accomplishments on the way.
Lots of happiness, light, laughter
You are sure to find it.

And let the departure from work
It will be a big holiday.
And all the troubles and worries
Let them melt like smoke.

All worries - off your shoulders,
No reports
You can safely - and go home,
Well, her work!

We, I confess, do not feel sorry for you,
Embarrassing for myself:
You will forget sadness
Well, we are envious!

Leaving work Is there such a holiday?
But this is Russia and every prankster
He knows that this day can be celebrated.
After all, every morning, like a sleepy marmot
Don't have to go to work now
And from Monday to live until Saturday.
Freedom always, freedom in everything
From morning to evening, night and day!

We part, and goodbye
I want to say so much
Wish you good luck, prosperity,
Remember everything, do not forget about us!

May you be appreciated and loved
Treasure you, as we always do.
They will accept immediately, they will even take a nap,
Never scold at all.

Let there be in the new team
Close, dear soul -
The girl is smart, kind, beautiful,
To make life better with her!

Everyone has their own path.
And even though you leave our office,
And there's so much more to come
And only what you dream about.

It's always so hard to leave
From the already settled place,
But we continue to be friends
Even at work and not together.

Shine like a star at the premiere
Develop your skills
And don't forget your old colleagues.

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now - a new life ahead.
You are now just a pilot
Aircraft named "life".

Let it now be true, successful
The new route chosen today.
Let any problems, tasks
Resolved easily, without confusion!

Here's another milestone completed
And new peaks ahead.
Having considered everything, you took this step -
I wanted to leave my previous job.

Well, go ahead, all paths are open.
Look for only what you like.
We wish you not to pass by happiness
And so as not to skid on a bend!

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal can inspire you to write your own message. It can be a joke text or a sentimental confession of friendship. What can be written in such a letter? Is there an approved form of writing? THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE

I was offered the position of chief accountant and I accepted. During my work in Tourservice, I gained invaluable experience and knowledge.

I am happy and sad. Ahead of a new job, impressions and experience. Here I leave a piece of my soul. Thank you for everything: for being there in difficult moments, helping, supporting in word and deed.

Congratulations on leaving your job. I wish you to leave with your head held high, without looking back and without doubting your choice. Let a new life without an old job give you the opportunity to feel like a happy and free person.

Congratulations on leaving work and I want to wish you optimism and true happiness in life, great luck and great deeds, wonderful ideas and happy holidays, useful activities and interesting hobbies.

Congratulations on your farewell and leaving your job. I wish you to enjoy life and never get bored, do your favorite things and arrange happy holidays, carefully preserve your happiness and confidently go towards your dream.

It's time to say goodbye to this job, congratulations on leaving. I wish that there are many exciting activities and useful things in life, I wish you high prosperity and a wonderful holiday, I wish you personal achievements and fun with friends, I wish you happiness in the house and well-being.

Congratulations on leaving work and I want to wish you to give your body a good rest, free your body from fatigue, and your head from old and unnecessary thoughts. I wish you not to be sad and not to lose heart, to always do what is necessary and interesting, to live in full prosperity and happiness.

Congratulations on leaving your job. Let there be a lot of time for your hobbies and family gatherings, for a wonderful pastime with loved ones and for happy holidays. I wish you excellent health, happy days, interesting activities, good fortune and a wonderful mood.

Congratulations on leaving work and I want to wish you never regret anything, always feel confident and easy, achieve your goals without obstacles and problems, do only what your heart likes, do only what your soul wants.

I want to thank the amazing, wonderful team for their support, understanding and cooperation. I thank the authorities for their understanding and condescension. Let everything be wonderful in your life, and promotions and bonuses await you in your work. Good luck to all!

Congratulations on your goodbye to this job. I wish to leave beautifully, but not to leave aside my enthusiasm and my aspirations, I wish to devote my time to really important things and activities, I wish to always believe in my luck, I wish to constantly achieve something incredible and worthwhile.

There are people for whom freedom and gradually escaping time are the most important thing in the world. I congratulate you on the fact that you nevertheless decided to quit your hated job, so I wish you to find exactly what your soul will lie to. Remain the same decisive, freedom-loving and courageous, these qualities will certainly help you in the future!

Congratulations on leaving work - poems, prose, sms

So sorry to part with a man,
What in the team has become his own, native.
But now we wish you success
And new achievements, prospects!

Leaving work - a new step:
Let it be as fate dictates.
Let fate open the door
For happiness, for health and kindness!

Today we have to say goodbye to you
We worked side by side for many years,
So I want to ask you to linger,
But life writes a different story for you.

So let luck smile on you
Health, happiness, new perspectives,
Let your optimism stay with you
Bring people only positive!

Congratulations on leaving work, we wish you new ideas and the achievement of plans, may the goals set become achievable, and the changes be extremely positive.

What a pity that you are leaving today
Our well-coordinated and friendly team,
You always radiate joy
And give everyone good and positive!

We wish your life to be
Of bright, very colorful flowers,
So that everything you want happens
We wish you good luck days!

There is no more interesting concern
How to leave work altogether.
Ahead is only a white sheet,
It's so disturbingly clean.

Don't forget about us
Visit occasionally.
We wish you all the best.
Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
Anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you good luck
In the adventure ahead.

You are an employee just a class!
Sorry we didn't keep you.
Let a new job
Rush you always willingly.

To be inspired
And a big wagon of patience
Everywhere creativity
And a solid team.

And the salary, clearly, more
Ride to the new Porsche.
So that the authorities are fair
Encouraged and praised.

To not forget us
And visit more often!

It was a pleasure to work with you
It is a pity that you decided to leave us.
But everything has already been decided irrevocably.
We want to wish you: Good luck!

You have new goals, prospects,
Only success awaits you ahead.
Believe in yourself, be positive.
Happiness, good luck on the new path.

You are part of the team
It will be hard without you
But, saying goodbye, we wish you
The new path is easy to follow

Hundreds of outstanding achievements
And great prospects.
May you be as friendly
There will be a new team!

We are always glad to see you
Always remember this!
Happiness to you, warmth, luck,
Peace, light and kindness!

Everything ends sometime
A new step in life!
Let luck be near
And open the door to happiness.

Let everything turn out right
Don't lose interest.
Let success be a reward
And the path is woven from miracles!

What a pity it's time to part
Someday it comes to everyone.
What a pity that there is some reason:
A person leaves work.

We were all very pleased
Work in one team
We wish that about this experience
You kept a good memory!

We will be glad to meet you
In production, outside of work,
May the strength of the spirit be eternal,
Horizons will open!

Leaving work is not a reason to be upset,
Yes, this is a chance to open a completely different door,
So let her have to meet
Only with what you want now.

Let there be new achievements, prospects,
Let luck come to you with joy
Let life begin new and happy
And let there be no sorrows and worries in it!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal from work

Dismissal can occur for various reasons: retirement, relocation, new job. But in any case, your almost former employee will be pleased to hear kind words addressed to him. Kind and sincere wishes to a colleague upon dismissal from work will help him to more easily endure a sharp change in life and keep the best memories in the team.

Beautiful wishes to a colleague upon dismissal from work

You're quitting, what a pity you're quitting.
All paths are now open to you.
Now you lie in bed to your heart's content,
After all, you can't go to work.
We wish you fragrance flowers
And a million untrodden roads.
Well, good luck with your endeavors.
And a purse full to the brim.

If change in life is always for the better,
Do not regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.
After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,
You will have a rest and in a new place you will surprise with work.

And we also wish - you do not forget about us,
We will remain friends, so you visit us.
We wish you happiness, it will be - just know
Congratulations on your new job soon!

You are our dear colleague, we respect you very much.
And today, as a team, with a slight sadness, we see off.
You were an example for us, a good friend and support,
Infecting daily with optimism and enthusiasm.
Your kind smile warmed me with warmth.
You are leaving guided by a guiding star.
We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.
You don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you leave our team,
To rush to new shores.
You leave us alone to work,
And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you incredible luck
To solve effectively and easily
Fate, sometimes difficult, tasks
And to flourish in a new place!

Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal

You decided to leave us, well - good luck in everything.
Without you, we will have to solve problems here.
We will remember you as a team.
Your site is tough, it's not for the lazy.
Finally, we wish you happiness
You can keep it, that's for sure.
If anything, grab the tail, hug - and that's it,
Warm on your chest, but look - do not brag,
It's better to just share it, because it is
If you start giving people away, it will come back three times.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change,
Guiding star, let him lead boldly through life.
There will be a new job, interesting, cool.
And with a huge salary, to rest in Hawaii.

There will be good bosses and will appreciate what they deserve
And it will be more likely to advance up the career ladder.
In general, like this: you should not be sad, you need to keep your nose up,
Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, a tablecloth path!
After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The road to dinner is a spoon.”
It can be seen somewhere looked after a decent place?
Don't be angry, this is a joke. We sincerely wish you
The sky is peaceful, health and, of course, good luck,
Fighting mood and great love to boot.
To live and work with enthusiasm, inspiration.
You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will follow
We are on a good path to you,
We are here alone now to plow,
But don't forget us!

Come visit more often -
For tea and just like that!
We wish you to get
More new goodies!

Wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. Let in life you meet only good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and move only forward, towards new horizons!

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Greet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, real prosperity, amazing benefits!

Wishes to a retiring colleague in your own words

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear from you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to seek, to go forward, to strive for the ideal. Let all barriers part before you and all doors open. We sincerely wish you this.

It's very sad to part. There are many joint working days, successful start, achievements left behind. We will sincerely miss you. But we believe that everything will be great for you: an interesting new job, a good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find such words for you that they will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious fruitful work. Seeing you off, our team wishes you good unbreakable health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and longevity in the Caucasus!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, possibly, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. May these changes be positive!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

Breaking up with you is hard. After all, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team. But, your desire is the law, and no one can forbid you to meet a better life. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us.
Good luck in your endeavors
success ahead.
Like this, and not otherwise -
Bon Voyage!

In life, sometimes you have to make difficult life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them. It is not a pity to leave, but we must hope and believe that the best is ahead: new prospects, friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words, the beginning of a new interesting life.
Let change into your life
Sometimes it's hard sometimes
But always be brave in life
And fate will smile again!

We, your colleagues, part with you with regret. You have been a model of diligence and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help fellow workers. Many thanks to you from the whole team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you:

Thank you to our friendly team.
Let neither thorns nor thunderstorms stand in your way.
You are friends: a fair wind, a clear hello to the sun.
We sincerely wish you good health and long life!

Colleague, with the dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always waiting for your visit!

You have a close-knit team
Wishing you nice days
Great new vistas
Colleagues, like us, good!

Having solemnly handed over the work book to you, Today the team says goodbye to you. We wish you happiness And long, long years, More than once we will ask you for advice. Today the team is suffering, And the file cabinet has become thinner. After all, today we are seeing off the most beautiful person. You are an employee - well, just a miracle: Smart, responsive, everyone is happy. And let it be in a new place. You have the job that you need. So that a lot of money and success, Well, pleasant employees, More joyful laughter. What if, we are always waiting back. Leaving work is not an easy task, After all, you have been related to her with all your heart for a long time. But, since you are changing the place you have acquired, It is probably outdated! Forward, dare, new peaks are waiting And new victories are ahead! Life is decorated with new initiatives, You can find happiness in them! With leaving work! To hell with it! Income, expenses, All these reports Already so tired, And there is not a minute. Weeks flew, Minutes and days.

Funny congratulations on leaving work

We need changes - It's so boring to live without them. I wish you luck, And don't be sad at all! *** We will miss you, We were happy to work with you! After all, honestly, only loving, We were happy to fill up with work! having served *** And neither bonuses nor benefits could keep you - you quit your job, you preferred to be free. *** Achievements await you in the future, Many new impressions, Leaving work, the beginning of a new path, The beginning of new impressions, And do not be sad about the past, We will congratulate you, Happy new day, And congratulations to you, ours will congratulate At the end of his.

Congratulations on important events verse leaving work

Actual postcard: let's protect and love our children! Putin congratulates on Children's Day Flowers of life must be watered generously! - song Let them not offend children, and do not threaten with a belt! - song Georgian toast about children We urgently need to raise demographics! There is no longer such a concern. Get up early in the morning And rush quickly from work, To indulge in rest. Congratulations on your dismissal, That is, on an indefinite vacation! Changes will be in favor For health, that's for sure! We will miss you, We were glad to work with you! After all, honestly, only loving, We were happy to fill up with work! But then a farewell breeze blew, And you, like an autumn leaf, swirled, After reading this farewell congratulations, You leave, having served with us so much.

Forget about the old job, It's time for you to go forward for a long time! In the past, only worries were waiting for you, In the new one, only joy awaits you! May your income be mega-high, So that every vacation in the Bahamas can rest! Changes in life are waiting, You are leaving work. Let all worries disappear, You are entering a new life. You, too, remember us, At least occasionally, but with a kind word. And don’t disappear forever, Even though you will be in a new place.

Let everything be on top, Bosses, bonuses, salary. Always go to your dream, Live brightly and richly. Today you say goodbye to your work, With sadness we walk you to the door.
Let a new life begin And new problems, But we will certainly remember you. Sometimes we will disturb you with calls, Let you leave work, But stay with us.

Dismissal wishes

I just don’t know what to wish for myself! Should I go and drink some wine? I love wine. Although, no! I wish that my wife does not drink! Colleagues, you are ready to say a farewell word. After all, in the depths of my soul I know That you are not happy to part! I wish you a happy stay, And I promise to remember you! May good luck always be with you, It’s a pity for us all to part with you! But we know that you will be happy, And you will work with your soul! We wish you in a new place, Be successful, grow in your career! And we hope that you will not forget, Our close-knit team! You are leaving work Congratulate on your dismissal We want you together, And to add vivacity "Good luck!" We will miss you, We were glad to work with you! After all, honestly, only loving, We were glad to fill up with work! But then a farewell breeze blew, And you, like an autumn leaf, swirled, After reading this farewell congratulation, You leave, having served with us so much.

Wishes to colleagues at work upon dismissal

Wishes for dismissal from work to a good employee

We wish you success in all your endeavors and longevity in the Caucasus! Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, possibly, meeting new bosses and new colleagues.

May these changes be positive! Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal It is difficult to part with you. After all, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team.

But, your desire is the law, and no one can forbid you to meet a better life. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us. Good luck in your endeavors, success ahead. That's it, and not otherwise - Happy journey! In life, sometimes you have to make difficult life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them.

Today we will see you off, we are on a good journey, We are the only ones to plow now, But do not forget us! Come to visit more often - For tea and just like that! We wish you to find more new benefits! A wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better.

Good luck in all your endeavors. Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of.

Cool wishes for dismissal from work to a good employee

Dismissal can occur for various reasons: retirement, relocation, new job. But in any case, your almost former employee will be pleased to hear kind words addressed to him. Kind and sincere wishes to a colleague upon dismissal from work will help him to more easily endure a sharp change in life and keep the best memories in the team. Beautiful wishes to a colleague upon dismissal from work You are quitting, what a pity that you are quitting. All paths are now open for you. Now you will lie in bed to your heart's content, After all, you can not go to work. overstuffed purse. If changes in life are always for the better, Don't regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.

Records 1 - 20 out of 59 Today you are leaving a friendly team. Let your departure mean "to a new breakthrough"! Let your career only go up. And let your salary grow with it too! Let them meet new colleagues well, So that it would be easy to work with them. We will often remember you, Let's be honest: we will miss you! There is no more interesting concern than leaving work altogether. There is only a blank sheet ahead, It is so excitingly clean. You do not forget about us, sometimes even visit. We wish you all the best. Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery. The anticipation is so sweet. We wish you luck in the adventure ahead. Today, leave your post, But we are definitely not warmer from this news. After all, many will think again: Well, why doesn’t time turn back? We worked well together, no doubt, And how we will be now - that's the secret. We got used to you and seemed to have grown into the whole team, no matter how you say it.

We won't forget you either! Today you leave our team, To rush to new shores. You leave us alone to work, And therefore, of course, we are sad! We wish you unprecedented luck, in order to effectively and easily solve destinies, sometimes difficult tasks, and to flourish in a new place! Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal You decided to leave us, well, good luck in everything. Without you, we will have to solve problems here. We will remember you as a whole team. If you can hold him, we know for sure.

Words of gratitude to colleagues at work in prose

  • 1 Sample thank you to a departing colleague
  • 2 An example of gratitude to other employees from a person leaving work
  • 3 Sample Thank You Letter

Dismissal cannot be called the most joyful day in life, especially if it occurs at the initiative of the employer.
When the situation is reversed - farewell to the beloved enterprise takes place on a positive note, and other employees are practically family members, then a letter of thanks can be an excellent end to any cooperation. his side.
It doesn't matter if they are spoken in prose or in ordinary writing.

Congratulations to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

There is no longer such a concern In the early morning to rise And hurry quickly from work, To give yourself a rest.

So that I would not return, my former director Locked the door behind me.

I just don't know what to wish for myself! Should I go and drink some wine? Even when it's hard, You still laugh, friend.
Clever, know-it-all Beauty, hostess.

Dismissal wishes

By signing, the position is affixed. A sign of good tone is the presence of the phrase "with respect."

If this is a letter for colleagues, then you can relax a bit and “turn down” the formality. Start by leaving the company. If you do not hide the reason for your decision, then indicate it delicately, without negative points (even if you really want to). Describe how you enjoyed working in this team, what you achieved together. It is especially worth noting the help of employees in striving for personal goals and achieving them. If you write sincerely, then formality should go aside.

Thanks to colleagues at work

We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to seek, to go forward, to strive for the ideal. Let all barriers part before you and all doors open. We sincerely wish you this. It's very sad to part. There are many joint working days, successful start, achievements left behind. We will sincerely miss you. But we believe that everything will be great for you: an interesting new job, a good salary and career advancement.

And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck! Dear colleague, we would like to find such words for you that they will be remembered for a long time.

You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious fruitful work.

Seeing you off, our team wishes you good unbreakable health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity.

Words of gratitude upon dismissal from work in prose or business letter

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered.

After all, it helps to make our life positive. Content

  • Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose
  • Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues
  • Thanks for the help
  • Gratitude for work
  • Thanks in SMS
  • Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents

The leader in the workplace plays a big role in the lives of his subordinates.

It helps to achieve goals, enjoy success and learn great interaction between colleagues. Before expressing gratitude to the leader, you need to think carefully. You must choose the right speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and create a friendly atmosphere in the team. We must speak from the heart, we must speak from the heart.

Response speech to congratulations to colleagues at work

If you do not know how to express your feelings in prose, then you can do it in your own words.

Say a few words of gratitude to the boss, and then to the rest of the colleagues.

On such a sweet note, parting will occur. Below are a couple of examples of good farewells. ***

For a bunch of paper and paper clips on the table, Tasks that remained unanswered and pens in the corners, For never opened mail and overtime hours, For poured coffee on the floor and an incomprehensible view in the morning, For help in the evenings, when I wanted to balance, Decoding manuals for incomprehensible equipment, For cool parties and beautiful pictures, For gifts on the table and warmth that is in the soul - My beloved colleagues, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I give you the opportunity to say “thank you” with pleasure.

Words of gratitude to the leader, colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

The hour of parting has come, We sat down together at the table, It will be sad without you, The family is breaking up! To drink cognac, At parting - congratulations! Congratulations on your relief! Your worries have left the door, Let's celebrate with joy, Your departure from this job! So the work ended, the rumble of the worker stopped somewhere.
Tip: Get a creative person to make a thank you book. It is possible to single out the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form. Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Advice: When you read the words of gratitude, do not cross your personal space and do not allow yourself an informal appeal to the director.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse Words of gratitude do not have to be said in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words: “You know how to properly treat your subordinates - we appreciate it.

Words of gratitude to a retiring colleague in prose

We always know that your wise advice helps us in our work.

You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for it.

We consider you the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude.

May luck always accompany you through life, and fortune smiles. “I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards subordinates. May only good people meet on your path, and may only good news surprise you. “We are in a hurry to work, as if to a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. With deep respect, we express our gratitude and wish you a happy birthday. Bring a lot of benefits to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in leadership.” “There are few good leaders in the world, like in our company.
Congratulations on Leaving Work, on Dismissal in verse There is no longer such a concern Get up early in the morning And rush quickly from work To give yourself a rest. Congratulations on your dismissal, That is, on an indefinite leave! "Seven feet under the keel! Fair wind! ”And I’m unemployed now. So that I don’t return, my former director Locked the door behind me. I just don’t know what to wish for myself!
Recently, it has become a tradition to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. It is customary to express gratitude for cooperation and leave warm wishes to the team. If your organization does not have such a custom, or if the employee wants to say farewell words to colleagues when they leave work, then a suitable poem or prose can be selected below. The words you like can also be included in the farewell letter if you settled on a written message. Farewell to colleagues upon dismissal in verse Leaving the team, I want to tell you: “Thank you for your support, for your participation - There was a lot of happiness with you, There were a lot of disputes and serious conversations with you. I will sadly remember our team and ... miss you!” I'm leaving the team, I'll say, colleagues, thank you for your help, for supporting the cause, for correcting mistakes.

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Where does a person spend most of their time? No, not at home! Of course, he is forced to spend a third of the day at work. Basically, the working shift lasts 8 hours, but sometimes it reaches up to 12 and even up to 20 hours. Naturally, work colleagues automatically become best friends and loyal associates. Unfortunately, often, the team breaks up. What, then, to wish a colleague at work? How to please a person with whom you have been in the same office for many years, with whom you shared experience and discussed problems? Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job should be sincere and positive.

How to congratulate a colleague if he was promoted

If a colleague was able to stand out and moved up the career ladder, then you should come up with congratulations for him on the promotion. It can be expressed both in verse and in prose. Here are some examples of what it might look like:

“Our dear friend, you have reached the heights you aspired to. On this significant day for you, we want to wish you an excellent salary, good relations with your superiors and success in your work. Now you will have a new team, may there never be quarrels and misunderstandings in it. We wish you, despite the workload, always have time for a pleasant rest.

Congratulation on a promotion can also be presented as a short verse:

May you have a good life in your new place,

Let there be everything, health and success;

And whatever you do, let it succeed right away,

So that there are no serious matters and up to joys.

Let there be room for inspiration

And life will instantly become bright, like flowers,

May every moment be happy

Brings joy and fulfillment of dreams.

in prose

What other options are there? If a colleague decided to quit one place and move to another, then it is best to come up with sincere wishes to a colleague in prose. They may have the following content:

“You went to the trick, decided to change jobs. While no one knows whether your choice will be right or wrong. But, I want to believe that you will not regret your step. We will certainly miss someone like you. But your happiness is more important to us. May your pockets always rustle at your new place of work, may all your dreams come true, and you will forget about what financial difficulties are.

Congratulation can also look like this.

“Today we are sending our colleague (colleague’s name), whom we have known for many years, on a good journey. We know that a new door in life is opening for you, now you will have a new job, new responsibilities, a new team. But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you have become a part of us all!”

Wishes in verse

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of a short verse.

May there be many clear days in life,

The time of long successes will begin,

And good health, which is more important,

Than searching for meaningless tasks

So that you can boast of constancy,

And let life always give

What fun do you call happiness

And why does it feel so good!

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of short wishes:

huge salary,

Have a nice work,

More clients

Understanding bosses

cheerful team,

successful projects,

Interesting business trips.

Further, wishes can be made independently, depending on what work the hero of the occasion goes to. Usually, such congratulations are presented collectively, that is, all those gathered take turns calling one phrase.

How about work

In addition to wishing a colleague when moving to another job, you need to make a small holiday for him, since he must remember his last day at the workplace for a long time.

  • The first thing to do is create a holiday moment. In the office, you should hang balloons, decorate your colleague's desktop.
  • If possible, then during the lunch break or after the work shift, you need to make a small buffet.
  • It is worth devoting special time to memories: remember how a colleague first came to work, how he was received by the team and the funniest stories with his participation.
  • It is best to supplement these memories with photos and videos.
  • It is imperative to make a memorable gift, which will later remind a colleague of this day.

Wishes to colleagues at work should be sincere and come from the depths of the soul. Of course, very different feelings can be present on this day: someone will be glad that he will take the vacant place, someone will envy that the person managed to “climb” higher, and someone will really be sad that a colleague leaves. But, despite this, you need to accept and understand the choice of a person and congratulate him cheerfully so that he will remember this day for a long time.

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you'll lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Get it right, you're the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs
You will write about it!

Wish from colleagues with dismissal

Here you are exhausted! As they say, do not be sad about what did not come true, but smile at what will come true ahead. Dismissal is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to dream and create your own happiness, we, your colleagues, want to wish you! Do not lose optimism, diligence and faith in yourself. And then everything will surely come true for you!

Retirement wishes

First, I wish you not to hang your nose. There is still a better place than this! Secondly, I wish not to forget the team. The team with which the working week imperceptibly flew by, with people from which it happened to be so fun to spend the weekend. And, of course, I wish you good luck and success in your search for a new job.

Wish to the retiring

Going forward, do not look back at what you left behind. Remember that there is always something better ahead. So, when you quit your old job, know that you are opening up roads that were previously closed. So it's more fun to drive your ship on the sea of ​​life. And don't be discouraged when you quit your job!

Wishes and congratulations to the departing

To leave, to leave the team and the workplace, is a little sad, because how much good is connected with all this. But since the share fell to leave, you should not hang your nose. All the changes now are only for the better, and there will also be a cozy workplace and a new, friendly team! We sincerely wish those who leave today great success and conquer new heights.

May good luck always be with you
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with all your heart!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don't forget
Our close-knit team!

Wishes for a departing employee

You are leaving us for free swimming. We would like to wish you that on your way you do not meet evil colleague sharks, financial shoals and reefs, vile and evil pirate bosses. May the sun of luck always shine on you and a fair wind blow, carrying you to promotions.

A poem wishing colleagues from a retiring

Well, guys, I'm leaving
I'm fine with layoffs!
But I sincerely feel sorry for our team,
After all, I've gotten used to it over the years!
Work successfully and, of course, together,
Call if you need anything
And you still don't forget about me
And if you want - visit!
I will be happy to meet anyone
I will always find a word for everyone!
And I'll treat you to tea, or maybe something stronger,
And we will all live - great!

A poem wishing colleagues from a retiring

Colleagues, are you ready?
Farewell to say a word!?
'Cause deep down I know
That you are not happy about parting!
I wish you happy stay
And I promise to remember you!

Wish to the retiring

Our life is like a book, the authors of which are ourselves. And if you decide to finish one chapter of this book and start the next one, don't be discouraged and don't look back when you leave! The main thing is to believe that the best is always ahead, even if sometimes it seems that it is not!