
St. Valentine's Day. History of occurrence. Valentine's Day. Short story. Traditions When is Valentine's Day

Pathology of the uterus

Everyone knows the legends associated with Happy Valentine's Day The 14th of February. Allegedly, during the time of the Roman Empire, Bishop Valentine lived, who married soldiers with beloved girls, which violated Roman laws. Later, several more similar legends arose, but the real story of the celebration of February 14 is more prosaic.

Today's roots Valentine's Day leaves for the Lupercalia, which was celebrated during the New Year's festival. The festival was dedicated to the supreme goddess of love, Juno. The inhabitants of Rome believed that the founders of the city, Romulus and Remus, began to celebrate Lupercalia in honor of the she-wolf who fed them with her milk. The name of the holiday comes from lat. lupa - she-wolf).

In the same period, shepherds began to mate their cattle. They have their patron - the god Faun, also known under the names of the Lord, Satyr, and also - Luperk (guard against wolves).

On this day, the priests made generous sacrifices and other rites of veneration for Juno and Faun.

Two not at all modest rites are connected with these celebrations. After all the sacrifices, the confessors removed the skin from the slaughtered goats and dressed up the so-called "luperks" with it. Naked young men were girded with leather, and belts made of the skin of these very sacrificial goats were given into their hands. "Luperki" ran around the Palatine Hill, and then marched through the streets of Rome and beat the women they met with belts. By the way, the Romans were very willing to expose themselves to blows, especially their shoulders and chest - this was considered a good sign that a woman would have a baby this year. Often the celebrations ended with the fact that, in the end, the women were also naked and it all came down to mass orgies.

The celebrations ended with another peculiar rite. Unmarried girls threw notes with their names into a large urn, and men took out these notes. The girl whose name was on the note became his mistress in the next Lupercalia.

The first Christians treated the Lupercalia extremely negatively. And after the legalization of the Christian faith, the Roman Church repeatedly tried to eradicate the Lupercalia, who, in their opinion, cultivated corruption. The first such attempt, and as it turned out quite successful, was made by Pope Gelasius in 496. He replaced the Day of Unbridled Passion with the Day of Christian Love. Instead of stormy festivities, Christians walked in procession with candles. Notes with the names of girls were replaced with notes with the names of Christian saints - men and women pulled out notes and for the next year they were asked to follow the virtues of the saints indicated in the notes.

Since the holiday was scheduled for The 14th of February, then his patron was the saint, whose name day was celebrated on this day - the martyr Valentine, the same Bishop of Interamna. This method partially worked - lupercalia sunk into oblivion, but the people's consciousness, which was hard to part with paganism, gave rise to legends about St. Valentine - the patron saint of lovers.

The history of Valentine's Day - who came up with celebrating Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day, aka Valentine's Day, came to us from the West. On this day, lovers give each other gifts, tender postcards - valentines, and, of course, declare their love. The history of this holiday is interesting.

History of Valentine's Day

First version

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to this legend, Claudius II - the Roman emperor, ruling in the third century AD, was an ardent opponent of marriage alliances, because they prevented his legionnaires from conquering countries. Therefore, the emperor issued a decree that forbade marriage. The priest Valentine, contrary to the decree, nevertheless continued to secretly marry lovers. For this, he was thrown into prison, after which he was sentenced to death. The young daughter of the jailer, seeing the priest and learning his story, fell in love with him. Valentine reciprocated her. But since it was not possible to see each other, the lovers communicated through correspondence. On February 14, 270, the day of the execution, the priest sent his last love note to his beloved, signed "From Valentine."

Second version

According to another version of the legend of the origin of the holiday of all lovers, the head of the prison where Valentine was imprisoned for his "criminal" deeds, accidentally found out about the healing abilities of the prisoner, after which he brought his blind daughter Julia to Valentine. On the terrible day of the execution, Valentine wrote a farewell love note to Julia. Having received it, the girl found yellow saffron inside, and an unprecedented miracle happened - she received her sight.

Several early Christian holy martyrs are known under the name Valentine. One of them is Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed around 269 AD. Another famous Saint Valentine was the Bishop of Interamna. This saint was famous for his miraculous healings. He was executed for converting the mayor's son to Christianity. Perhaps the legend refers to this particular saint. The romantic holiday of February 14 in memory of the saints was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496.

Already in 1969, after the introduction of the reform of worship, St. Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable). On February 14, the Catholic Church honors the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. And the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Presbyter of Rome Valentine on July 6 (19).

Feast of the Lupercalia

According to one legend, the roots of Valentine's Day go back to pagan times. Many believe that the "predecessor" of this holiday was the so-called Lupercalia - a holiday of abundance and eroticism, which was held in ancient Rome in honor of the patron god of the flocks of Faun (Luperka) and the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata on February 15.

Young girls wrote love notes to guys and put them in a special bowl for drawing lots. The man who took out this note was supposed to look after the one who wrote it. Interestingly, on this day, men whipped women on the street with whips made from the skin of a sacrificial goat. It was believed that this should have contributed to the greater fertility of women, so they were loyally exposed to cruel blows.

In 494 AD Pope Gelasius I "moved" the celebration of the Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14. Thus, it coincided with the day of veneration of St. Valentine. However, the celebration of the Lupercalia soon faded away.

Mating season for birds

The celebration of Valentine's Day in February is also associated with the beginning of the mating season of birds. It has long been believed that the conclusion of a marriage at this time will make it long and happy.

Pagan holiday "Ivan Kupala"

It is traditionally believed that the holiday of all lovers came to our country from the West. However, celebrations, somewhat similar to the Roman Lupercalia, have been in Russia since ancient times. So, since ancient times, we have celebrated the famous Kupala Day, which falls on July 7, or rather, on the night of the sixth to the seventh of July, or according to the old calendar, on the night of the twenty-third to twenty-fourth of June. The holiday was dedicated to the day of the summer solstice, as well as to the pagan Slavic sun god Kupala. People honored the Sun, the maturity of summer, the green mowing. Young people girded themselves with bandages of flowers, and put wreaths on their heads. They danced and sang songs. Then, in connection with the adoption of Christianity in Russia, this pagan holiday was replaced by the veneration of the memory of John the Baptist, since the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist coincided with the pagan holiday of Kupala. This holiday was given the name "Ivan Kupala", as we know it today.

Commemoration of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

On July 8 (June 25 according to the old calendar), the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the glorious patrons of love and family happiness.

However, massively on February 14 as a celebration of Valentine's Day in the Old World, that is, in Europe, it has been celebrated since the 13th century, while in America since 1777. Valentine's Day is secular (not religious).

We congratulate you on St. Valentine's Day and wish you simple human happiness, whose name is love! Always give your loved ones charming smiles, and then life will be even brighter!

February 14 is that amazing day when you can and should boldly confess your love. Moreover, you can report overwhelming feelings to the culprit of the fire in your heart without a single word! It is enough to give him (or her) a small paper heart. Valentine's Day is a favorite holiday for people of all ages. He is adored by those who have already met their soul mate, and people who have not yet smiled at heart happiness are waiting to ask for love. Where did he come from, and what brought him to modern Russia?

Eternal love story

Historical facts show that the prototype of Valentine's Day existed in ancient Rome. To increase the birth rate, the ancient Romans came up with an unusual erotic festival - Lupercalia. On February 14, the goddess Juno, the patroness of women, motherhood and marriage, was honored here. All unmarried girls wrote their names on parchment and put them in a common basket. Single guys, relying on a lucky chance, chose their girlfriend for the next year blindly.

The next day, February 15, the most beautiful young men ran around the city naked and whipped women they met with belts. Roman beauties did not resist the ritual, but willingly offered their bodies to the guys, having previously thrown off their clothes. Similar holidays were adopted by other pagan peoples.

In the Middle Ages, the custom of choosing a girlfriend for a year appeared in England. Young people, like the ancient Romans, pulled out notes with the names of the ladies from the urn. Relationships arose between matched couples, they became Valentine and Valentina for each other.

History of St. Valentine

The holiday of love found its heavenly patron in 496. Only then did the Pope proclaim February 14 as Saint Valentine's Day. Who was the mysterious Valentine? There are several legends that tell about the fate of the main saint of all lovers.

According to one of them, Valentine was a prisoner who went to prison for healing the sick with the help of an unknown force. People did not forget their savior and carried notes to him. One day, the note fell into the hands of a guard who, believing in the young man's abilities, asked him to heal his blind daughter. The doctor, who, by the way, was good-looking, agreed and cured the girl of her illness. Seeing the white light and a handsome guy, the young lady immediately fell in love with her savior.

This story has a sad ending - on February 14, the young man in love was executed. Knowing that he did not have long to live, he wrote notes with confessions to his beloved and all close people. This is where the tradition of giving each other valentines was born.

According to another beautiful, but also sad legend, Valentine was a Roman priest who served in the third century AD. It is well known that in those days there was a ban on the marriage of soldiers - Julius Claudius II forbade the marriage of soldiers, who believed that wives prevent men from calmly fighting and defending their homeland.

The priest Valentine, despite strict prohibitions, continued to marry soldiers in love, for which he was sentenced to death. While in prison, the young priest fell madly in love with the warden's lovely daughter. The girl also reciprocated, but she found out that the guy was not indifferent to her only after his death. On the night of February 14, Valentine in love wrote a beautiful confession of heartfelt feelings to the lady of his heart, and in the morning the death sentence would be carried out.

How did valentines come to be?

In ancient times, lovers confessed their hot feelings with words, songs and dances. And only in the 15th century, young men and women gave each other love notes. One of these valentines is still in the British Museum - this is a beautiful love confession of the Duke of Orleans to his adored wife, written in prison.

The peak of popularity falls on the 18th century, when valentines were given to each other instead of flowers and gifts. Home-made colored postcards were especially popular in England. They were signed with verses, pierced with needles to make lace, and colored with stencils and ink. Even next to modern postcards issued in a printing house, old hearts look chic.

Valentine's Day in different countries

In many countries, Valentine's Day has long gone beyond ancient customs and has lost its Catholic connotation. Everyone who has love in his heart considers it his holiday. In France, it is customary to give precious jewelry on Valentine's Day, and Americans traditionally present marzipan to their beloved. The Japanese sweeten the lives of their halves with chocolate figurines, and women present valuable gifts to the knights of their hearts.

British girls look out the window early in the morning in anticipation of their betrothed - it is believed that the first passerby is the one who is destined to become fate. But this is not the most amazing custom of the country. On February 14, the British send tender love messages not only to all relatives and friends, but also to their adored pets.

Interestingly, in Saudi Arabia, February 14 is under a strict ban. Anyone who dares to remember him is fined.

In Russia, they learned about Valentine's Day in the early nineties. He quickly fell in love with young people and immediately became a favorite secular holiday. Now it is celebrated by people of all generations - this is a wonderful occasion to give a gift and confess your love to a dear person.

Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day, February 14 - History, traditions and legends.

An interesting story about the holiday of Valentine's Day for children and adults.

February 14th is Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers. This is the most romantic holiday in the world, when everyone confesses their love to each other, give touching gifts and valentines to their loved ones. For more than eighteen centuries, there has been a tradition to celebrate this holiday. Despite the fact that the word “saint” is present in the name of the holiday, it has nothing to do with religion, since it is a secular holiday. Nevertheless, February 14th we associate with St. Valentine.

History of Valentine's Day. History of Valentine's Day. Who is Valentine?

There are a lot of legends and rumors about Valentine's Day. So who is Saint Valentine, who presented this holiday as a gift to the whole world?

There is an opinion that in fact there were two Saint Valentines, who were venerated on the same day and died in Ancient Rome in 269 (270?) years. But now no one remembers for certain which of them the holiday was dedicated to. It is only known that one of the saints, younger, served as a preacher in Rome and worked as a doctor. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius, he was executed. Another Valentine, Bishop of Terni, lived near Rome and died a martyr's death at the hands of pagans in the same year 269 (270?).

Much in the legends of St. Valentine converges and intertwines, but each of them has some kind of peculiarity that makes it different from the others.

Most versions converge on the first Valentine, who was a preacher and physician and lived in the 3rd century Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Claudius. A hard and cruel fate fell on him. The fact is that the militant emperor issued a decree according to which his soldiers could not marry, so that the joys of family life would not distract them from service. Valentine, on the other hand, disregarded Claudius's prohibition and married the lovers in secret. For these unlawful acts, he was seized and imprisoned.

The priest's jailer, having learned that the prisoner, among other things, had the gift of healing, brought his blind daughter to him. Valentine healed the girl, the young people fell in love, but their happiness was not destined to work out - Valentine was executed.

However, the day of his death - February 14 - forever remained in the memory of people as a symbol of the all-conquering power of love. It is also symbolic that the date of Saint Valentine's execution coincided with the Roman festivities in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Subsequently, Valentine was buried in Rome (according to other sources, part of his relics is in his homeland in the city of Terni, and part in the church of St. Anthony in Madrid). It is not surprising that Valentine was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of all people in love. As a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith, he was canonized by the Catholic Church. In 496, Pope Gelasius proclaimed February 14 as Saint Valentine's Day.

Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers. On this day, girls and boys gathered together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these leaves into a jug, then each pulling out one piece of paper and recognized the name of their lover.

How it all happened in reality, we do not know and will never know, but one thing is clear - St. Valentine died in the name of love.

There is another version of the origin of the holiday. According to her, Valentine's Day originated from the Roman holiday Lupercalia, celebrated in honor of the god Faun (Luperka) - the patron saint of flocks. The celebration took place annually on February 15th. In ancient times, on this day, all the Romans quit their business and began to have fun. Over time, the holiday changed, new ceremonies appeared.

The main task that everyone had to carry out on this day was to find their soul mate. So after the end of the holiday, a large number of new families were created.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries

Over time, Valentine's Day acquired its own rituals, some of which have survived to this day. In each country, the traditions differed, although the one and the same for all peoples and times was that on this day it is very popular to arrange weddings and get married.

Some beliefs also say that on this holiday a woman can approach her dear man and politely ask him to marry her. If a young man is not yet ready to take such a decisive step, he should politely thank for the honor and give the woman a silk dress, and buy himself a silk cord with a heart strung on it.

In other countries, the tradition of donating clothes is somewhat modified. So, for unmarried women, lovers give clothes as a gift. If a girl accepts and leaves a gift, then she agrees to marry this man.

At different times in different countries there were different beliefs. For example, the first man a girl meets that day should be her Valentine, regardless of his desire.

Some people believed that if a girl saw a robin on Valentine's Day, then her husband would be a sailor, if a sparrow, she would marry a poor man, but would be happy with him, and if she was a goldfinch, she would become the wife of a millionaire.

Valentine's Day in England

In medieval England, this custom was popular: several guys got together, wrote the names of the girls on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and drew lots. That girl, whose name fell out to a young man, became his “Valentina” for a year, and he became her “Valentina”.

"Valentin" had to treat his "Valentina" in a special way: compose sonnets in her honor, play the lute, and was also obliged to accompany the girl everywhere; in a word, behave like a real knight.

There was a tradition of dressing up children as adults. Reincarnated in this way, the children went from house to house and sang songs about St. Valentine.

Nowadays, the British understand love in a slightly different way, this concept has expanded, since not only people, but also beloved animals, such as horses or dogs, are congratulated on Valentine's Day.

In Wales, on February 14, in the olden days, wooden "spoons of love" were carved, which were then given to Their loved ones. Spoons were decorated with a variety of hearts, keys and keyholes, which said: "you found the way to my heart."

Valentine's Day in America

The Americans also had their own traditions. At the beginning of the 19th century, on Valentine's Day, they sent marzipan products to their brides. However, the composition of the treat included sugar, which in those days was very expensive. This custom gained a truly wide scope after the processing of sugar beets began in 1800. The Americans urgently set up the production of caramel on the continent and began to scratch words corresponding to the holiday on sweets. Caramels were made in red and white, as red symbolized passion, and white symbolized the purity of love. In the 50s of the 19th century, sweets began to be packed in cardboard boxes that had the shape of a heart.

Valentine's Day in Japan

In Japan, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the 1930s. This tradition did not go by itself, but at the suggestion of one large company engaged in the production of chocolate. Chocolate, by the way, is still the most common gift on this day.

In our time, the Japanese have turned this holiday into "March 8 for men." On this day, gifts in Japan are accepted mainly by representatives of the stronger sex. And, accordingly, it is customary to give various men's accessories; razors, lotions, brushes, etc.

And on this day, the people of Japan hold an event called “The Loudest Love Confession” - boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting love confessions with all their might.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated in other countries

It is customary for the French to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. And the romantic French were the first to introduce "valentines" as love messages-quatrains.

Balanced and calm Poles prefer to visit this day

Poznan metropolis, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine rest, and his miraculous icon is located above the main altar. The Poles believe that if you pray to the image, it will definitely help in love affairs.

In Italy, Valentine's Day is celebrated in a very different way. The men of this country consider it their duty to present gifts to their beloved on this holiday, mostly sweets. This is probably why in Italy this day is called “sweet”.

Conservative Germans adhere to the point of view that Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill, so on this day they decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons, and special services are held in chapels.

Greetings, dear guests and readers of my blog! Soon there will come a holiday that all couples in love are waiting for - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. On this holiday, it is customary to give gifts associated with love. It can be flowers, sweets, heart-shaped cards, pleasant little things and surprises. Although, on the other hand, why wait for a certain day? What stops you from doing it every day? But still, many people are waiting for this particular day to show tender feelings for their other half.

At the same time, people do not even think about Valentine's Day as a holiday. What is the history of this holiday? In this article, I want to introduce you to this holiday closer.

History of Valentine's Day

Already traditionally in many countries on February 14, the most romantic of all holidays is celebrated - St. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. But what is the story behind this holiday? Where did this Saint Valentine come from?

Two or three decades ago, few people in the CIS countries knew about this holiday and did not pay any attention to it.

There are many legends about the origin of this holiday. According to one of them, Valentine lived and preached in the ΙΙΙ century AD in Rome.

During the reign of Emperor Claudius ΙΙ, a war began with the Goths, and in order to maintain a strong army and military spirit, the emperor issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry.

Fortunately for the legionnaires, the priest Valentine, who was the head of the church, did not obey this order and secretly continued to marry young people. After that, Valentine became a friend and protector of all lovers.

Soon the emperor found out about this. Valentine was taken into custody, imprisoned, and executed on February 14, 269. Before his execution, Valentine sent a letter to the daughter of the head of the prison, who became his lover. In the letter, Valentine said goodbye to her, thanked her for everything and signed: "your Valentine." This was the basis for giving valentines for this holiday.

At first glance, everything seems so beautiful and believable that you can even believe it. But it was not there. All this is just a beautiful fairy tale.

First, Christianity at that time was outlawed in Rome. The wedding ceremony itself was formed in the church only in the Middle Ages. Therefore, in the ΙΙΙ century of our era, such a rite simply could not be, and Valentine did not marry anyone.

Secondly, it is believed that after entering the priesthood, the priest cannot marry. Otherwise, he commits a great sin and is punished by defrocking.

In fact, Valentine's Day originated from the pagan fertility festival Lupercalia, which was celebrated in ancient Rome. On the day of this holiday, revelry, immorality and depravity reigned.

The festival of Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15 in honor of the goddess of feverish love, Juno Februata, and the god Faun, the patron saint of herds.

The holiday began with a sacrifice to the gods. Then, belts were cut from the skins of the sacrificed goats. Half-naked youths, smeared with sacrificial blood, took these belts and fled to the walls of Rome, where the Roman women were waiting for them.

These young men beat the Roman women with belts, and this rite meant that each blow increased the chances of a successful conception and a safe birth. Well, the Roman women deliberately exposed themselves to these blows. This holiday ended with an orgy and debauchery.

On the night between the celebration of the day of Juno and Lupercalia, the youth of Rome had a custom that is very similar to the celebration of Valentine's Day in our time.

In ancient Rome, the upbringing of boys and girls was carried out separately. They hardly saw each other. But on the eve of Lupercalia, the girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large bowl, and the boys took turns taking them out. That girl, whose name was on a piece of paper, became a couple for a young man during the holiday and for the whole of the following year. They could meet freely.

Such couples in rare cases were united by marriage. The rest just cohabited for a year.

Over time, when the power of the Catholic Church became stronger and more influential, the popes did everything possible to erase the pagan gods and all the celebrations dedicated to them from the memory of the people. Therefore, the holiday of Lupercalia fell into the number of forbidden holidays.

This holiday was so popular that even its ban could not make people forget about it. As a result, the feast of Lupercalia was shifted from February 15 to February 14 and an official saint, Valentine, was assigned to him. It happened in 496 AD thanks to Gelasius Ι - the Pope of Rome.

But in 1969, the church banned this holiday altogether, since it is not clear which Valentine it is dedicated to, and its history is doubtful.

Well, the usual form for most people, Valentine's Day acquired only in the 19th century. This holiday started from America. It was invented by managers of the marketing service of the American mail.

After a severe crisis, the country experienced financial difficulties. So marketers came up with heart-shaped valentines in honor of some kind of St. Valentine, which people could send to their beloved with declarations of love. Such an idea quickly gained popularity and businessmen earned millions of dollars from it.

Currently, this holiday is considered secular. Many condemn this holiday and say that it is imposed on us by the West. But if the holiday inspires, inspires and evokes good feelings, then why not have a place in our lives. What do you think?

Signs, customs and conspiracies for Valentine's Day

How is Valentine's Day celebrated around the world?

St. Valentine's Day is a day of love and romance and is exclusively secular. In different countries, the attitude to St. Valentine's Day is ambiguous. How is it celebrated in Russia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, France and the USA? Do all countries celebrate Valentine's Day?

It is believed that on this day you can give valentines not only to your loved ones, to whom you want to declare your love, but also to people you just love: parents, children, friends, acquaintances, and even bosses and subordinates. Because love is something more and higher than just passion.


In France, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give jewelry, linen, romantic trips, sweets. And also men make marriage proposals to their chosen ones.


In England, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give your soulmate cards, heart-shaped sweets, flowers. Girls bake heart-shaped pies for their lovers.


In Italy, this day is called "sweet". Most often, people give chocolate and sweets to their loved ones, relatives, friends.


In Germany, St. Valentine is not the patron of lovers, but of nervous and mentally ill people. On this day, the Germans decorate psychiatric hospitals with red ribbons, and a special service is held in the chapels.

In Spain, Valentine's Day is celebrated in early May.


In Denmark, the tradition of giving love cards on Valentine's Day is the most common. The Danes also give their lovers and friends white snowdrops and compose poems, funny poems and love notes. Very often poems written to girls are not signed and the girls have to guess the name of the author. If the girl guesses correctly, then in the same year she receives a chocolate Easter egg.


In Canada, on this holiday, a girl can confess her love to any "free" man. If he refuses, he will be fined or even go to jail.


On February 14 in the United States, it is customary to give everyone you love (parents, grandparents, friends, children, your beloved) red and white heart-shaped caramel candies, as these two colors symbolize passion and purity.


In Jamaica, many couples get married on Valentine's Day. Couples walk down the aisle completely naked.

In Iran and Saudi Arabia, celebrating Valentine's Day is illegal.


In Holland, on February 14, girls can be very active and they are given various preferences for this. For example, they can make a marriage proposal to their lover and there is nothing shameful in this according to the Dutch. Girls win in any case, even if they are refused. Indeed, in this case, the man is obliged to buy her a silk dress.


In Iceland, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to burn bonfires in the name of Odin's son, Vali (Vili). So the passion between lovers can be ignited by a kind of ritual, when girls hang coals on the guys' necks, and they, in response, hang pebbles on the girls' necks. After that, the couple needs to kindle a fire, which will appear as a result of the friction of stone on stone.


In Sweden, it is customary to give roses, gummies and heart-shaped cakes. This tradition is especially widespread among young people. In general, the idea of ​​showing someone a sign of attention and love is very close to the Swedes.


The smart people of the land of the rising sun came up with their own original way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Every year, couples can declare to the whole country how much they love each other at an event called "The Loudest Love Confession." On a special platform, lovers shout about their feelings and the loudest one wins a prize. It should also be noted that in Japan, February 14 is like March 8 in Japan, only for men. In addition to traditional gifts (wallets, razors, eau de toilette, lotions, etc.), it is customary to give chocolate here. Moreover, girls and women give gifts not only to their halves, but also to relatives and friends.


Most of all, according to the Poles, it was they who were lucky. Since in Poland, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine are kept. Therefore, on February 14, lovers of this country try to visit the Poznan metropolis to look at the remains, pray at the miraculous icon and get help in love affairs.


In Ukraine, various flash mobs are organized on this day, events, promotions, concerts are held. Special mailboxes are hung in the school corridors, in which everyone can put their Valentine card.


In Belarus, mailboxes in educational institutions are also popular, where you can put anonymous and personalized valentines. This day is also considered the day of "kissing". People gather in parks, stadiums and, on command, kiss their soul mate or sympathy.


In Russia, on February 14, lovers exchange valentines, souvenirs with romantic symbols, sweets in the shape of hearts and roses.

In Russia, an alternative official holiday to Valentine's Day is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8).

In conclusion, I would like to say that life is too short to wait for a specific day to declare love to your halves. Therefore, love, give each other positive emotions and enjoy each other's company as often as possible.