
Water-repellent impregnation for shoes - which is better? Get away with it: water-repellent clothing spray Water-repellent shoe polish


Caring for your own clothes is a delicate matter, especially if the living conditions are characterized by high levels of humidity or dampness. Specialized formulations can come to the rescue - popular products that penetrate the inside of the product. Their specific characteristics, unlike other water-repellent products, are the most durable protection against negative natural influences - puddles, temperature changes, slush, precipitation, and so on. Since the market is literally full of various products, this article has compiled a ranking of the best water-repellent impregnations for shoes and clothing in 2020.

It is customary to call impregnations for things solutions that shoes or clothes are treated with. Its action is due to the following:

  1. The water-repellent composition is applied immediately after the purchase of clothes or shoes, before the first dirt or other defects (scuffs, scratches) appear on the coating of the products. Impregnation in sufficient quantities is applied to the thing, and the volatilization of the solution will take place literally in a matter of minutes. The fact is that the impregnation molecules do not evaporate anywhere, but qualitatively protect the coating of the product from various sources of negative impact.
  2. The protective composition will not only be on the coating, but also inside the fibers. They will be equipped with the least hygroscopicity. The coating will begin to repel water, due to which drops will no longer collect on it.

Pros and cons of using

What is better to buy impregnation? - the choice is individual, but you should know about the advantages of using such tools:

  • The material will be resistant to various weather conditions, pollution and moisture;
  • Virtually no effect on airtightness;
  • Absolutely safe for human skin;
  • The material after application will become more flexible, dries less and maintains its original appearance for a long time;
  • After using the impregnation, the textile does not become heavier;
  • The material extends the life of the shoe and retains the color.

There is only one downside to using such tools - you have to allocate a little time for the processing procedure. But the result is worth the time and effort.

How to choose and what are

Most manufacturers produce water-repellent impregnations. Each of them has its own specifics. There are the following types of impregnations.

  1. Creams. Creams are divided into two types: liquid and saturated. First, a good solution for leather products. The structure contains animal fat, coloring matter (there is also colorless), wax. Liquid products are the ideal solution on clear days as they contain a minimum amount of solvents. It is worth noting that creams give an incredible shine to products.
  2. Water repellent spray. Such impregnations are considered to be multi-purpose. They are used for materials of any type. The product can be easily applied with and without a brush, just spray the solution on clothes or shoes. It is important to remember that you do not need to carry out the processing in a closed room. Unlike cream, water-repellent sprays are more durable.
  3. Water repellent finish. Such compositions are fundamentally different from sprays and creams, since they are able to penetrate deep into the product. Thanks to this, durable protection against all kinds of phenomena is guaranteed.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a water repellent for shoes and clothing, most experts recommend being guided by the following parameters:

  • Material type. In relation to the specific product for which it is planned to use the composition, it is necessary to choose means of a narrowly focused type. The label on the appointment must be indicated on the package, for example: "for suede". But there are a huge number of universal products on the market that are suitable at the same time for completely different materials. Experts note that if the choice is between means of a wide or narrow range of applications, it is better to opt for narrowly targeted impregnations.
  • Structure. For things made of suede, impregnations containing fluorocarbon resins are in great demand, because with their help an epoxy coating is formed on the surface of the product. For shoes and clothes made of smooth leather, experts advise impregnations that contain silicones. For other things, water repellents containing fluorine are an excellent option.
  • Manufacturer. The best manufacturers of water-repellent impregnations for shoes and clothing are DryCare, Salamander, Grangers, Collonil, Nikwax and Twist.

Rating of the best water-repellent impregnations

The best water-repellent impregnations for shoes

Shoes that are impregnated with a water-repellent compound are not advised to be worn during the first day. The fact is that it is after a day that the substances contained in the composition of the impregnations will begin to show their own practical features and will be able to effectively protect shoes from external influences.

Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof Spray

Water-repellent impregnation Nikvaks (Britain) is an ideal option for preserving the exquisite design of shoes made of fabric and leather, including products with a membrane. Nikwax is great for boots, sandals and sneakers. The content guarantees the waterproofness of the shoe. With this impregnation, puddles and snowdrifts cease to be a problem. Taking care of products using this tool becomes very simple. In addition, at the choice of the buyer, the manufacturer offers a spray gun or applying a shielding structure with a sponge.

Numerous customer reviews prove an excellent result and emphasize that the systematic application actually helps to maintain the appearance and integrity of the products. A 125 ml bottle is enough for almost a whole season, which makes it possible to note the cost-effectiveness of this product.

The average price is 500 rubles.

water-repellent Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof Spray


  • Ease of application;
  • Profitability;
  • Long lasting effect.


  • If the impregnation is used too excessively, the shoes may darken by a couple of tones.

In the “inexpensive” category, Russian-made “Twist” impregnation-aerosol boldly boasts of low cost. This is a multifunctional product suitable for any type of footwear: nubuck, leather, suede, textiles and so on. But the composition deserved the greatest demand in the issue of protection of leather products from natural factors (dirt, moisture). Impregnation can be bought in a 250 ml vial.

As a part of impregnation resin of golden amber is used. After application, a water-repellent pleating appears on the shoe coating, which protects the products from various weather factors and deformation, which simply cannot be avoided if you do not take care of the shoes in winter and autumn. The effective components of the product not only carefully protect leather shoes, but also help the material to recover. Therefore, it is too early to write off old boots; Twist impregnation will help to refresh them.

The average price is 200 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Twist


  • Suitable for skin;
  • budget cost;
  • Convenient application method.


  • Many buyers complain about the smell.

Collonil Carbon Pro

Premium-class impregnation Collonil is the most excellent protection of products from dirt and moisture, as evidenced by many positive reviews from customers. The aerosol product is sold in 400 ml bottles and shows good dirt and moisture repellency. The specificity of the water repellent is a technology carefully created by the manufacturer, with the help of which the impregnation is able to secure shoes of any kind based on the spray membrane. Consequently, a protection structure invisible to the human eye appears on the coating of the product, which prevents possible fading of the shade and the occurrence of salt smudges.

This impregnation is rightfully innovative - polymer fibers are fixed on the surface, and for a long period of time they play the role of a barrier to various types of pollution and act in spite of all weather factors. This tool is the most expensive of all described. Experts advise this impregnation for purchase, emphasizing the fact that the price-quality ratio is fully justified.

The average price is 1400 rubles.

water-repellent Collonil Carbon Pro impregnations


  • Premium quality;
  • Scratch masking;
  • cumulative effect.


  • Not detected.

The best water-repellent impregnations for clothes

The specificity of the use of water-repellent impregnations for clothing is that the composition must be supplemented with water, after which dry and clean clothes must be lowered into it. Experts point out that to maintain an excellent result, it is better to wash by hand with a pre-applied product.

DryCare impregnation becomes the leader in the category "budget and high-quality". The Russian trademark provides an effective and affordable composition for the protection of clothing made of any materials. This impregnation is an excellent choice for accessories, clothes and even shoes made of fabrics, suede, smooth leather and velor. According to numerous surveys, the manufacturer is very popular, in addition, experts speak well of Drycare.

For effective protection against dirt and moisture, the composition is advised to be applied systematically, guided by the instructions. Do not forget that the clothes must be dry and clean before starting the procedure. The specificity of the composition lies in the absence of any silicone components.

The average price is 500 rubles.

Drycare water-repellent impregnations


  • Price quality;
  • No silicone;
  • Economical.


  • Not detected.

salamander universal sms

The most demanded water-repellent impregnation for footwear and clothes. The manufacturer has been on the Russian market for a long time and during this time was able to gain immense popularity among buyers. The multi-purpose composition is in demand due to its pleasant cost, practical vial capacity (300 ml) and excellent results. Numerous reviews praise the impregnation and the ability of the composition to prevent the appearance of water, salt and snow smudges on the coating of outerwear.

The tool is an excellent solution for any type of clothing: suede, smooth leather, fabrics and so on. The exception is things made of patent leather. Impregnation "Salamander" - absolute protection against moisture, which helps to maintain the impressiveness of clothing, and is also convenient to apply.

The average price is 250 rubles.

water-repellent impregnation Salamander Universal Sms


  • Versatility;
  • practical value;
  • Less dirt sticks.


  • Not detected.

Grangers Clothing Repel

Water repellent from the Grangers brand is a high-value impregnation that will bring excellent results. In this regard, despite the high price, it is in great demand among people who need really high-quality care for outerwear. It's no secret that after a while jackets, sheepskin coats and coats become shabby and unpresentable. Various types of pollution, temperature changes and moisture have a bad effect on their condition. As a result, the top layer, which implies protection from moisture, gradually collapses. To get rid of this problem, you need to use this tool.

Its peculiarity lies in a specially created formula that provides revitalization of the protective layer of outerwear. Impregnation will be an excellent solution for membrane textiles. The application of the agent ensures that the material repels contaminants and water. The protective layer will increase wear resistance while maintaining a pretty look.

The average price is 950 rubles.

water-repellent finish Grangers Clothing Repel


  • 100% effect;
  • original formula;
  • With color effect.


  • Not detected.

All of the above impregnations are the most effective today, and the principle of their action is almost identical. The main thing to remember is that systematic treatments are guaranteed to contribute to the preservation of clothes and shoes for a very long time.

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Hello my dear readers! In the spring, we are increasingly faced with changeable weather, a few minutes ago the sun was shining, but now it is raining. In the spring and autumn months, a water-repellent clothing spray is especially relevant. We will talk about it today. Do you have any favorites? If yes, write in the comments.

During a long journey, our clothes, shoes and equipment get dirty and lose their "magic" properties. To restore them, the manufacturer recommends using a special detergent and impregnation.

A new jacket or shoe has already been treated with factory impregnation. Its presence is easily checked, just sprinkle a few drops of water, and they will certainly roll off. This is due to Durable Water Repellent. This is a hydrophobic coating that increases the tension on the surface of the material (rather than the membrane) and water collects in droplets rather than penetrating further into the fiber.

Thanks to this water-repellent outer surface, another airy thermal insulation ball is provided. And, which is also important, the impregnation prevents the appearance of condensation on the inside of the clothing, while helping the membrane to work.

Water repellent - what is it?

It is a solution or emulsion of substances in which a low percentage of surface tension (SIT) is present. What happens to tissues when they are treated with such a composition?

The solvent (most often manufacturers use water), together with the substances (or emulsions) dissolved in it, enters the fabric, while softening its surface. Then the water contained in the solvent evaporates, and the surface of all fibers contains thin layers of water-repellent substances (they do not evaporate). As a result, you get a fiber whose surface attracts water much less - it collects in drops and is less drawn by the surface tension into the pores of the fabric.

Aqua armor and its types:

According to the method of application, aqua armor is conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Impregnations that are added to water, and then completely immerse the necessary thing in the solution, which is obtained, and leave it there for several hours. I think it is clear that this group of impregnations is not suitable for shoes. Such aqua armor can be purchased in a regular container of various sizes with a lid.

Pros: very dense impregnation, does not let moisture through;

Cons: you will have to arm yourself with a basin (washing machine), water and drying time. If you want to wash things, then it is more rational to combine washing and impregnation - first wash / rinse and immediately, before things are dry, process in impregnation.

  • Impregnations that are applied to the item to be treated with a spray (spray, aerosol) or sponge.

Impregnations on a hydrocarbon solvent can be purchased in an aerosol package, on a water one - in a bottle with mechanical sprayers or with a foam rubber sponge. They are easy to use - spray on the surface you plan to treat, or apply the product on a sponge and apply it to the surface.

Impregnation on a hydrocarbon solvent should be applied exclusively to a dry surface and it is advisable to do this outdoors or indoors if it is well ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning with solvent vapors. Water-based impregnation is applied to any surface (wet or dry), but it is better to wet. Such impregnations are most often purchased before a hike.

Water-repellent impregnation: the rule of three "P" - hem, wash, soak

Impregnation for a tent

It is a liquid, paste or aerosol, due to which the water-repellent characteristics of an awning or tent are restored. They differ in functionality and composition from impregnations for products with a fabric membrane. By the way, most manufacturers do not write what components are included in their impregnations. This is considered a trade secret.

Despite this, many tent impregnations contain polyurethane or silicone, which increase the water resistance of the fabric. Some manufacturers offer users to purchase not only water-repellent, but also fireproof impregnation - it will prevent your tent from catching fire, although it will not save you from the appearance of small burns in places where the fire was directly affected.

Impregnation for membrane fabrics

I can say with confidence that only our people are able to “kill” a thing made of membrane fabric so quickly. Everyone wash their snowboard jackets with a simple powder, which will certainly clog all the pores and destroy the water-repellent layer. Then the jackets are “boiled” in the washing machine for several hours in hot water, despite the instructions, which indicate that the membrane should be washed only at temperatures not higher than 40 degrees.

It is best to do this manually, and if in a washing machine, then only in a gentle mode. And then there are such negative comments on the Internet, where they write that the membrane is nonsense.

And even those who already know that membrane clothing is washed with a special detergent and soaked after all washings still confuse everything. Like the guy who once told me at dinner how he ran into a sports store screaming that he had bought impregnation from them, processed things with it, and they became like rubber boots. Because of their impregnation, the $400 jacket is ruined! He yelled, and then it turned out that he had purchased the impregnation not for the membrane fabric, but the one that he liked in a jar, and it is only suitable for tents.

To avoid accidents, before using detergent and impregnation for outdoor equipment and membrane clothing, read the instructions!

Each individual material needs its own impregnation and detergent.

There is impregnation for shoes - for leather products, for suede boots, for extreme shoes, there is a hydrophobic spray for different fabrics - from gore-tex to cotton products, there are products for down jackets and sleeping bags, and for thermal socks. All impregnations differ in composition and properties, they are used strictly for their intended purpose, in order to avoid damaged things. If it is written that this product is only suitable for washing a down jacket, then it should be used for down products, and whatever one may say, it will be useless for a synthetic jacket.

You need to be especially careful when washing and impregnating things with the Gortex type. It is because of the special film, in which there are many holes (pores), that they are so small that no water drops pass through them - the clothes have wind and waterproof properties.

But in some cases (heavy rain or snowfall), something like a dense water film appears on the surface of the material, which does not allow any vapor to pass through. To avoid this, all products using such a membrane are impregnated at the production stage with special protective compounds DVR, which envelop the fabric fibers, and then “like water off a duck's back”. But over the years, such a protective layer is wiped off, and washing partially “kills” it. That's when impregnation is needed, which restores the properties of the fabric and, accordingly, prolongs the period of wearing clothes, shoes and equipment.

Reviews on the Internet

Before writing this article, I read quite a few reviews, many of which were overwhelmingly positive.

According to users, the best impregnations are made on a water basis. Compared to products that contain only chemical solvents, “water impregnations” do not affect the fabric structure in any way, they can be used without harm to the environment, and they are applied not only to dry, but also to wet clothes.

However, this applies only to the membrane. If you, for example, want to keep your yoga jacket from getting wet in the rain, use any aerosol impregnation on the market.

And since their smell is not significantly different, the main thing is that everything suits you.

Nano reflector - a great tool or a publicity stunt?

Honestly, this is the question I wanted to ask you my dear readers. All of you have probably seen an ad on TV or on the Internet, where a guy pours dirt on a car, and it remains clean as after washing?

It turns out that the company that produces the Nano reflector has made a whole line for motorists, for owners of shoes and clothes, and also protection for building materials. Have you tried this product?

If yes, write to me, it will be very interesting to read your feedback, because I can not write anything about this yet.

Nano reflector stands out:

  • The most versatile composition for clothing and footwear.
  • The fastest polymerization after application (up to forty minutes).
  • Its functionality. From the very beginning, the spray was developed as a care product for expensive products, thanks to which the color, water permeability and softness of the material are preserved.
  • Wetting angle up to 140°.
  • Moisture resistance of 9 thousand mm. water column.
  • Protection from the effects of water, dirt, as well as reagents that are found on the street.
  • Application stages. The spray does not need to be pre-mixed and applied in stages.
  • Super hydrophobic coating that does not create a yellowish or white coating.
  • Modification of the tissue fibers themselves. If we compare the product with cheaper analogues, but it does not create a film, but the fabric fibers themselves are modified, hydrophobicity and resistance to prolonged exposure from the aggressive outside world are imparted.

Aliexpress or other online store

Where do you buy goods? The opinion of my friends was divided into several camps: someone buys everything for Aliexpress

others on ebay and others on amazon. I can say that here the choice is solely yours, I will not write which portal I like more, and where I order things, so as not to read in the comments about possible advertising.

Below I will describe several popular products that have received the most positive reviews on the Internet.

Surely this manufacturer of water-based products is known all over the world. The company specializes in giving water-repellent effects. The history of the emergence of the company is associated with climber Nicholas Brown, who composed the first shoe impregnation in 77 of the last century, after 6 years impregnation entered the market, which was based on the water-repellent elastomer Nikwax TX.10i. Company impregnations may not lose their effectiveness even after several washes.

A company from England, since 2003, has been working on the production of high-tech water-repellent impregnations for clothes, shoes and camping equipment. Storm is part of Germany's largest private chemical company, Rudolf Chemicals. It is worth choosing products for those who have products with Gore-Tex, Sympatex and eVent membranes.

Friends, I hope this article was useful to you, if so, do not forget to share it on social networks and subscribe to. In the comments, please write a list of topics that you want to discuss in the near future. See you soon! Agent Q was with you.

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Water-repellent impregnation of shoes is a complex action to protect shoes from water, salt, dirt and reagents, which includes the treatment of the upper of the shoe in combination with the impregnation of auxiliary parts (welts, soles, seams). The main advice is to choose a means of a suitable degree of protection, based on the operating conditions of the shoes (office, street, car). You should pay attention to the active substance, since not all impregnations are universal and suitable for all skin types. In this section, you can buy the most rated water-repellent impregnations for any footwear (smooth leather, suede, nubuck, textiles) with delivery in Moscow and the Russian Federation. We also recommend a series of dirt-repellent impregnations for especially sensitive skin - excellent gentle impregnation and protection for expensive shoes

The basic rule for using any shoe care product is to use only what is suitable for this type of leather or material, and within reasonable limits. This means that if there is no need to use a very strong remedy, then it is better to use a more gentle one.

In this regard, when choosing the right impregnating agent, we have two points in mind:

1. How strong is the impact (dirt, dust, salt or moisture) shoes are exposed to:

If I go by car from work to home and I only need to walk to the garage, and then from the parking lot to the office, this is one thing, if I go for a walk with the children to the playground, and it has just snowed, this is another. If I go for a walk with the dog, it's autumn, it's dirty, it's drizzling - the logic is clear.

The stronger the action of a particular remedy, the less universal it is, i.e. performs one task. On the other hand, universal means are loved precisely because a person is lazy by nature and loves to solve several problems in one fell swoop.

So in ascending order:

A) Favorite traditional triple-action all-purpose products - shoe protection from dirt, protection from moisture AND CARE. Solitaire has this series, suitable for all materials except patent leather and stretch materials, can be in the form of an aerosol or foam in small (200 ml) and large (400 ml) containers. Foam, in addition, refreshes the color. Of course, foam can be used indoors.

All shoes deteriorate from frost, moisture, snow. Due to these factors, it quickly loses its original appearance. But it can be saved if you take care of it properly. This requires water-repellent impregnation for shoes. Reviews indicate that this tool really extends the life of products. You just need to use it correctly.


Water-repellent impregnation is considered an emulsion or solution. She processes boots or boots. The action is as follows:

  1. According to reviews, water-repellent impregnation for shoes should be used immediately after purchasing a pair, while there are no dirt and scuffs on the surface of the thing. The agent is abundantly applied to shoes, the evaporation of the solvent occurs in a few minutes. A thin water-repellent layer appears on the surface. Its molecules do not disappear anywhere, but reliably protect the surface of the shoe from moisture.
  2. will be not only on the surface, but also inside the fibers. They will have minimal hygroscopicity. The surface repels moisture, so it does not accumulate in the form of drops.


What is the best water-repellent impregnation for shoes? Reviews indicate that there are several such funds. The benefits of using them are:

  1. The material becomes resistant to water and aggressive substances - salt, reagents, pollution.
  2. Its breathability is almost unaffected.
  3. No danger to human skin.
  4. The material after processing becomes elastic, it dries less and retains an attractive appearance for a long time.
  5. With impregnation, the fabric does not weigh down.
  6. The material is protected from rapid fading.

Of the shortcomings, one can single out only the need to spend time on processing. But the effect is worth it.


Many manufacturers produce water-repellent products. Each of them has its own properties. There are also water-repellent impregnations for shoes. Reviews about them confirm the excellent result. Funds are issued in different forms:

  1. Creams. They are divided into 2 types: thick and liquid. The former are ideal for leather shoes. They also handle bags and gloves. The composition contains a solvent, wax, animal fat, dyes. Liquid creams are suitable for warm weather. They have few solvents, and often water is present instead. Such products do not protect shoes much, but they make them shiny.
  2. Spray. The tool is considered universal. It is used for various materials, including clothing. The spray is easy to apply and does not require special brushes or tools. It is sprayed on shoes, bags, clothes. Just do not perform the procedure indoors. Spray has a longer shelf life compared to cream.
  3. Water-repellent impregnation for footwear. Customer reviews indicate that such products are different from creams and sprays. They penetrate deep into the material. This provides long-term protection against external influences. To choose the best water-repellent impregnation for shoes, reviews advise choosing it for each specific product. So, for nubuck, a material with villi, a product with a fluorocarbon resin is required. If the shoes are suede, then silicone impregnation is suitable. For other materials, compositions of water repellents will be required.

For leather and suede

Do not confuse such water-repellent products that are used only for shoes. The consequences may be different. When answering the question of which impregnation is better, you should consider:

  1. Aerosol is suitable for but it will not work with suede. It is processed using universal products consisting of fluorocarbon resins. Wax and grease can stick together the villi and spoil suede and nubuck products.
  2. The opposite is true for leather products. It is important that the product contains more wax and fat. It is desirable that the composition includes seal or goose fat, since they have a high penetrating power.

Silicone impregnations have long been considered the best. Since the water after treatment flows down from the surface, therefore it is not absorbed. With the help of a protective silicone film, the surface is softly enveloped, but the air exchange will not be worse from this. An effective effect occurs after 8-9 hours, so the treatment is performed in the evenings. The procedure has its own subtleties:

  1. Fluorocarbon resins are being replaced by silicone by many manufacturers. Then the effect of impregnation will be completely different. An invisible film appears on the surface, which, on the one hand, repels water, and on the other hand, prevents the shoes from “breathing”.
  2. Fluorocarbon resin works differently: its components are distributed between the fibers. If moisture gets on the product, it will be in the form of drops that are easily removed.

Before you buy a tool, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. Honest manufacturers always indicate the exact name of the components. According to customer reviews, you should choose only proven products.

Other materials

  1. It is useless to protect fabric shoes from moisture. It is advisable not to wear it in the rain.
  2. It is also useless to extend the life of leatherette shoes. There are no special products for this material, since it is not able to absorb any substances. The repair shop will allow you to improve this shoe.
  3. Membrane shoes need no less attention. It is suitable for conventional impregnations that are used in the care of genuine leather.

What to choose from?

What is the best water repellant for shoes? Reviews confirm that the most reliable include the following tools:

  1. Woly Sport. This impregnation is presented in the form of an aerosol. It was created on the basis of nanotechnology. Its price is about 400 rubles. Scope of use - any fabric, but most suitable for sports shoes.
  2. Olvist. This water-repellent agent costs about 250 rubles. It is considered universal, as it is used in the processing of textiles, smooth and fleecy leather.
  3. Water-repellent impregnation for shoes "Salton". According to reviews, it is one of the best in terms of impact. The surface of the product does not deteriorate from moisture.
  4. Textile Protech. Impregnation differs from the rest in that it is produced not in an aerosol can, but in a spray bottle. Almost everything is processed with it - from shoes to covers and awnings. It costs about 1700 rubles.
  5. Nikwax. The price of this aerosol is about 250 rubles. The manufacturer produces this tool for different materials.
  6. Water-repellent impregnation for Futon footwear. According to reviews, it reliably protects the product from moisture. It is enough to apply it according to the instructions so that the material always looks neat.

These funds are considered the most effective. Their principle of operation is approximately the same. Regular treatments will keep shoes for many years.