
How to sterilize pacifiers at home. How to sterilize and wash bottles and nipples


Hello Ekaterina!

Features of pacifiers from different materials

Modern pacifiers for children are usually made of silicone or latex. They differ in color - silicone white, latex yellow. Both those and other nipples are strong enough. But silicone is still considered more durable and durable. But they are also tougher. Latex ones are softer and resemble mother's breasts, but they fail faster. Made from natural rubber, these nipples are elastic and are more appealing to babies. They may have their own distinct taste and smell and are more easily attracted to dirt.

As for boiling silicone teats are more heat resistant than latex products. Silicone nipples are allowed to boil many times, and they are odorless and tasteless. Latex pacifiers are much less resistant to high temperatures, can deteriorate if they are subjected to prolonged boiling, and therefore they are recommended to be changed more often than silicone ones. So, a silicone nipple must be changed to another after 5 - 6 weeks of use, and a latex one - after 4 - 5 weeks. If the teat is damaged, it must be replaced immediately, no matter what material it is made of.

It is always necessary to process a new teat. Read the instructions on the package carefully. The service life of the pacifiers is also written there. You can boil them, but do not do it for too long. Before the first use, a new nipple should be boiled for about 2 - 3 minutes. When storing nipples should be kept away from batteries and the sun - so that they do not deform. Wash the pacifier at least once a day in warm water and soap, and never lick it. In order to make the nipple less dirty, it is recommended to hang it on a special chain with a clothespin, which is easily attached to the baby's clothes.

When the child reaches the age of six months, many mothers already stop sterilizing baby dishes and pacifiers. And this is quite reasonable. From this time on, cleanliness can be maintained by simply pouring boiling water over the bottle and nipple.

Well washed and dried pacifiers are stored in special transparent containers.

Babies will love both latex and silicone nipples. But when the child has teeth, it is recommended to give him latex pacifiers, because silicone ones are too hard and can easily deform the teeth and injure the palate.

When choosing a pacifier also pay attention to its size and shape. The size, of course, should be suitable for the age of the baby. Babies need smaller nipples. Age is usually indicated on the packaging.

Soothers also differ in shape: they can be round, oval and orthodontic with a thin curved neck and a beveled tip. The latter are similar to the mother's nipple. To form the correct bite, experts recommend purchasing a pacifier with a flattened end or an orthodontic product with a sloping bottom surface.

Watch your baby. Perhaps some nipple will like and suit him more than others. Therefore, I advise you to try nipples of different shapes. In addition, there are night pacifiers and pacifiers with a luminous ring for the dark time of the day.

All the best!

Sincerely, Sandrin.

How to boil a pacifier? It is necessary to do this, because a lot of bacteria accumulate on baby bottles and nipples, which can provoke internal disorders. There are several options, how to sterilize a pacifier. Consider the simplest of them - boiling.

Do I need to boil a dummy, and how to do it right?

Before direct boiling, the pacifier must be thoroughly rinsed, blown through the hole and rinsed. The baby bottle should initially be completely disassembled and washed thoroughly under warm running water. Wash all these devices with an antibacterial or simple detergent, using special small brushes. Then put everything in an enameled container and fill it to the top with water. Wait for the water to boil. Then a reasonable question arises: how much to boil a pacifier. Answers - boil for about 15 - 20 minutes. When the specified time has passed, drain the water, holding the accessories with a lid. When they cool down, you can use them. Please note that the effect of sterilization lasts for half an hour, and therefore it is preferable to feed it during this period. It is recommended to use enameled containers, since they form the least amount of limescale, which subsequently settles on the stomach walls and other organs of the baby. If your kitchen arsenal does not have such utensils, then you can take an old saucepan, because with frequent use this plaque settles faster and is easy to notice. To get rid of plaque, use only filtered water, or install the filter directly on the faucet. This will protect not only your little one, but the whole family. By the way, there is a quick option for sterilizing pacifiers, you can simply pour boiling water over them, and then give them to your baby. It is not advisable to boil latex nipples, because under the influence of temperatures they can deform or fuse.

How often should pacifiers and bottles be sterilized?

I think you understand how to boil a pacifier and a bottle, now you need to tell how often this process should be repeated. If you feed your baby only with artificial mixtures, then the bottle should be boiled before and after each feeding, this will provide the crumbs with maximum protection from harmful bacteria that disrupt the microflora and provoke infectious diseases, such as dysentery. Often, food remains are a favorable environment for the active reproduction of viruses and bacteria. If the bottle is not sterilized in time, then at the next meal all of them will fall into the child's body. Because of this, the crumbs can begin diarrhea, serious intestinal disorders, and so on. You need to sterilize the dishes for at least a year, or until the baby refuses the bottle. Over time, the child's body will begin to produce immune cells that will independently fight microbes that cause an imbalance in the internal microflora.

Why should children's appliances be sterilized?

The child's body develops and improves over the course of one to two years, and therefore it is extremely susceptible to various diseases, including infectious ones. If you do not follow the basic rules of sterilization, this can result in serious illnesses, food poisoning with severe symptoms (nausea, severe vomiting, stool disorders, high fever, etc.). To restore the health of the child, he will have to be taken to the hospital. Any mother is unlikely to want this, and therefore it is better to play it safe.

The first months of life, the baby should be in an environment that is at least close to sterile. Therefore, a baby's pacifier should not be given to a child again, especially if it has fallen, or licked by an adult.

The infant's immunity is not yet mature and cannot resist various microorganisms. The baby gradually adapts to new conditions, so while he is in the crib, pacifiers must be sterilized before use.

The newborn is given only a new pacifier, which is washed in soapy water before the first use and then sterilized. Store sterilized pacifiers in a sterile jar, closed with a lid with an air hole.

Every two hours, the child should be given a sterilized pacifier. There should be 2-3 of them so that the baby can or if she falls.

Change pacifiers as they wear out, usually every two months.

How to sterilize baby pacifiers?


To boil the dummy, they collect water in a small saucepan, put it on fire, and after boiling, put the dummy into the water, and boil it for 10 minutes on a very slow fire. The disadvantage of this method is the rapid wear of the pacifiers.

Typically, pacifiers are made from materials designed for sterilization, including boiling. However, it does not hurt to consult the seller about how to sterilize a particular pacifier.

Steam sterilization

This method is used if a pacifier is needed urgently, it takes little time - literally 1-2 minutes. They turn on the kettle, wait until the water boils and steam appears, and then hold the pacifier with tweezers in the jet of escaping steam.

Experts believe that this method does not provide 100% protection, but it is better to use it than no sterilization at all.

Sterilization in a steamer

Sterilization in a double boiler will also save time; under the influence of steam, the dummy quickly becomes sterile. Water is poured into the lower part of the device, a dummy is placed on one of the levels and the steamer is turned on for 2-3 minutes.

Sterilization in the microwave

Certain types of pacifiers can be microwaved. It is necessary to find out in advance whether this method is suitable for sterilizing this pacifier, otherwise an object not intended for it can be sent to the microwave.

Now there are sterilizers specifically for microwave ovens. Their principle of operation does not differ from boiling, they simply put the pacifiers in a container, pour water, close the lid and put them in the microwave for a few minutes.

Dry sterilization

In special devices for dry sterilization of pacifiers and bottles, items are treated with ultraviolet rays, which have a bactericidal effect. Only clean and dry pacifiers are placed in such sterilizers, the sterilization time is 3 minutes.

Sterilization of nipples is necessary because there are a lot of pathogenic bacteria on the surfaces of furniture and floors and the quality of cleaning does not play a big role. Only the baby’s immunity that has begun to form is not able to resist their action. It is necessary to help the child adapt by subjecting the nipples to active sterilization even before the first use.

REFERENCE. There is no need to worry that the pacifier will not withstand the high temperatures of sterilization. They are made of materials that are designed for such an impact.

Pacifier preparation

Before sterilizing a pacifier, it must be prepared. Preparation includes washing the product in soapy water. It is recommended to allocate a separate enameled pan for this, which will not be used for other needs. And you will also need tweezers to remove the nipple from boiling water.

Sterilization Methods


The easiest and most affordable way to sterilize pacifiers. How to boil nipples correctly? Water poured into an enameled pot is brought to a boil, then nipples are placed in it. They need to boil for 2-3 minutes. Experts say that this time will be enough for the bacteria to die, because they are not viable enough to last even a minute at high temperatures.

The disadvantage of this method of sterilization is the reduction in the service life of the product, since over time the plastic part may be deformed from high temperatures.

It is important to consider the material from which the nipple is made. Silicone and latex are used in their production. Latex pacifiers do not withstand prolonged heat treatments, wear out quickly and attract dust. Silicone - wear-resistant and more hygienic.

steam appliances

They are used not only for processing bottles for food, but also for pacifiers. Exist:

  • ultraviolet;
  • electrical;
  • steam sterilizers for microwave ovens.

They are convenient because sterilization time can be controlled and not burn the product, as can happen when boiling.

Electric sterilizers and those designed for microwave ovens are united by the need to use water.

IMPORTANT. When choosing a microwave sterilizer, make sure it fits the size of your microwave.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into the sterilizer.
  2. Place pacifiers in it.
  3. Close the lid and microwave for 2-6 minutes.
  4. After the process is completed, open the lid and take out the products. If it is necessary to maintain sterility for some time, leave the sterilizer closed.

sterility can be maintained up to 24 hours when the lid is closed. Such sterilizers are convenient in that they are lightweight and do not take up too much space. Of the minuses, you can pay attention to the fact that not everyone has a microwave.

Electrical devices

Work directly from the network. They are equipped with a water tank where it is heated to boiling temperature and have an automatic shut-off function.

  1. Fill the reservoir with the required amount of water.
  2. Place the pacifiers in the device.
  3. Connect the machine to the network.
  4. Set the required time for sterilization, which varies from 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the pacifiers with tweezers.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that the process is automated.

The downside is the large size of the appliances and not every apartment has a place for it.

UV devices

Most often they are portable and run on batteries. And their compact size allows you to carry such a sterilizer with you and treat the nipple as soon as necessary.

  1. Place the pacifier in the sterilization compartment and close the lid.
  2. The lamp will be active for 6 minutes, after which the device will turn off automatically.
  3. Take out the nipples and put them in a container.

The advantage of this method is that the process does not require the presence of water, and ultraviolet radiation has an additional bactericidal effect. UV light kills over 99% of bacteria.


A convenient way to sterilize pacifiers is to process them in a slow cooker.

  1. Rinse the multicooker bowl thoroughly.
  2. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into it.
  3. Install the steam rack.
  4. Place the nipples on the grate.
  5. Set the "Steam" mode for 10-15 minutes. If there is a "Sterilization" mode - 7-10 minutes.
  6. Once the process is complete, remove the nipples with tweezers and place them in a clean container.

Double boiler

A similar sterilization process is used when using a double boiler.

  1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the appliance.
  2. Fold the nipples on the top tier.
  3. Set the "Steam cooking" mode for 5-15 minutes.
  4. Take out the nipples with tweezers after the process is completed.

The advantage of these methods is the automation of the process. Hot steam destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which is the key to the health of the baby. You can sterilize pacifiers in the microwave.

ATTENTION. When choosing this method of sterilization, carefully read the instructions for the nipple, make sure that this method of processing is acceptable.

  1. Take a heat-resistant utensil suitable for the microwave. Most often these products are made of thick glass.
  2. Place the nipples in a bowl and fill them with water so that it completely covers the product.
  3. Put the dishes in the microwave.
  4. Sterilize at maximum power for 6-8 minutes.
  5. Remove the nipples from the water with tweezers, place in a container.

The advantage of this method is that it does not take much time, but sterilizes just as well.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out that there are many prejudices about the dangers of microwave radiation.

Chemical method

Tablets for treating baby nipples are offered by Bebe Confort and Milton.

The advantage of this method is that solution can be used within 24 hours and take out the nipples only when it is necessary for the child. The possible smell remaining on the pacifiers can be a disadvantage.

It is imperative to control the sterilization process so that the nipples do not become unusable. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend sterilizing nipples, as sterilization can harm the baby's body in the future. Due to the fact that the body of the newborn will not be ready for the microbes of the outside world.


Sterilization of the nipple will help to avoid adverse consequences for the child's body. Now there are many types of processing and it is easy to choose the most suitable one for an individual family, depending on the equipment available in the house.

There are several ways to sterilize bottles for newborns at home: boil, use kitchen appliances, steam or use a special sterilizing solution. Each of the options is good in its own way, so parents can choose the one that is most convenient. Before sterilization, it is necessary to free the feeding utensils from the remnants of formula milk or milk and wash thoroughly.


The traditional method of sterilization, used for several decades, is boiling. Any mother can use it, since all you need is a stove, a pot of a suitable volume and water:

  • pour water into the pan and immerse the bottles in it so that they are completely covered with water;
  • put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil;
  • stand from the moment of boiling for 3-5 minutes and turn off the heat;
  • remove the bottles from the pan and lay them out on a dry, clean towel;
  • use sterilized dishes after they have cooled down.

Bottles made of low-quality plastic with rubber elements can deteriorate if they are boiled often and for a long time. Therefore, before loading into the pan, you must make sure that they are able to withstand heating up to 100 ° C. Well-known manufacturers usually indicate such information on the packaging or on the bottle itself. Boiling is not dangerous for glassware and bottles from NUK, Chicco, Avent, Canpol Babies, Tommee Tippee.

In the same way, nipples and pacifiers can be disinfected, only the processing time must be reduced to 2-3 minutes. Do not be afraid that rubber or silicone will not withstand boiling - modern materials from which these items are made easily undergo repeated treatment with boiling water and steam.

Special sterilizer

If there is a concern that the bottles may deteriorate or there is no desire to mess around with boiling water, you can purchase a special steam sterilizer powered by the mains. "Smart" technology facilitates the processing of dishes for the child, as the whole process takes place automatically:

  • pour water into the sterilizer;
  • put inside baby bottles, nipples for feeding, pacifiers;
  • set the desired mode and turn on the device.

Sterilization lasts an average of 10-12 minutes - during this time, the dishes inside the device will be treated with hot steam, which will destroy all microorganisms. It is very convenient to use the sterilizer, since from 2 to 8 items can be processed at a time. If it is necessary to maintain the sterility of the dishes, after turning off the device, it can be left under the lid for several hours.

Steam treatment of dishes for a baby is more gentle than boiling. It can be carried out without special equipment: fix the bottles upside down over a saucepan or kettle with boiling water and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Steamer and multicooker

Sterilization in a steamer

The steamer is able to sterilize several bottles of standard or enlarged diameter at a time. Using it is quite simple:

  • pour water into the appropriate compartment;
  • place the bottles on the bottom section, putting them upside down;
  • put nipples and pacifiers on the upper section;
  • Set the sterilization time to 5-15 minutes.

Sterilization in a multicooker

Young parents who have a slow cooker in the kitchen can entrust the antiseptic treatment of children's dishes to this device:

  • pour 1 liter of water into the washed bowl of the multicooker;
  • put a grate for steam treatment inside the appliance;
  • put washed bottles, caps and nipples sideways on it, and if the internal volume of the device allows, put the bottles upside down;
  • close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “sterilization” mode for 5-7 minutes or the “steaming” mode for 10-15 minutes.

After the slow cooker or steamer has finished its work, it remains to remove sterile items, put them in a clean container, plate or spread on a towel.

In addition to the fact that the bottles must be sterilized correctly, you should follow the rules of hygiene and take out clean dishes with washed hands.

Storage ideas: life hacks, tips, do-it-yourself gadgets


Owners of microwave ovens can use kitchen units to sterilize children's dishes:

  • take a clean glass or ceramic pot that is allowed to be used for microwave;
  • pour water into it and immerse the whole bottles on which there are no metal parts and drawings applied with metallized paint;
  • remove nipples from bottles and put in water;
  • cover the pan with a lid and put in the microwave;
  • set the maximum heating power.

Microwave ovens from different manufacturers differ in technical parameters. Therefore, for the first time, it is necessary to check how long it takes for the water to boil. Calculate the total duration of sterilization so that the bottles boil for 3-5 minutes.

Bottles can be sterilized in the microwave only if they are made of high-quality plastic and do not deform from exposure to high temperatures. These characteristics should be indicated in the instructions for children's dishes or on the packaging.

Processing children's dishes in the microwave is best done using a sterilizer - a special container with a lid. Water is poured into it, all items that require antiseptic treatment are inserted, then it is covered with a lid and placed in a microwave oven. The time of such processing depends on the power of the microwave and usually does not exceed 8-10 minutes. Such devices can be purchased from 1000-1200 rubles, however, after 8-12 months it is unlikely to be needed.

Sterilizer for microwave oven

Antiseptic tablets

At home, you can use special antiseptic tablets or powders, such as JEX. Their use will not cause any special problems:

  • pour cold water into a container of a suitable size (bowl, pan);
  • dissolve the disinfectant in water;
  • put baby dishes, nipples, pacifiers into the solution;
  • cover the container with a lid and soak for half an hour;
  • after 30 minutes, remove all items and rinse with clean boiled water.

For all its seeming simplicity, this method of sterilization is not very popular with modern parents: some are afraid to use chemicals, others do not want to spend money on buying pills and powders. Such disinfection also has supporters: boiling water is not needed during the treatment, and the finished antiseptic solution retains its properties for 24 hours. Tablets are convenient to use outside the home when other methods of sterilization are not available, for example, when traveling.

Using any of the above methods, you can disinfect not only feeding bottles, but also all objects that fall into the baby's mouth: nipples, pacifiers, breast pumps, dental rings, teethers and rattles.