
In our family it is not customary to idle. Elena Malysheva: “I’m alive only because I’m a doctor by profession - And there were some problems with your sons


This sounds disappointing for those who have once again decided to start a new life, get rid of extra pounds and wrinkles.

Seven days a week

– Elena, it seems that you are working non-stop. Do you manage to take at least a short break?

– We really have a very busy schedule. We prepare the program on weekdays, and film it on weekends. Our team works seven days a week. There are only two periods of the year when everyone goes on vacation - January and July. And if you're lucky, it's still half of August.

– How to relax with such a schedule?

– Anyone who thinks that you need to relax lying on the sofa or sitting in a chair is very mistaken. It has long been proven that the best relaxation is a change of activity: I took pictures - I went to invent them, I came up with them - I started discussing them. In addition, I am a fairly seasoned person; there is no way on television without this. People who have achieved something in life are very resilient both physically and mentally.

– Many find it difficult to get out of bed, let alone rush somewhere...

– These are people who have not achieved anything and will not achieve anything. Any successful person knows that if you sleep until noon, you will earn nothing but headaches. I get up at 5–6 in the morning - I’m used to it.

– The New Year is coming soon, and the long-awaited holidays will begin. How to spend them profitably?

– Everyone decides this question for themselves. For me, January 1 is guests' day. Those whom we know and love come to our home. We always leave Moscow on the second of January. However, this time I will have to interrupt my vacation to attend a congress in Israel.

– Are you going to warm countries or do you prefer traditional winter fun?

- It doesn't matter where we go. The main thing is that we spend this time together. In addition, my eldest son got married and my grandson was born. Therefore, I devote every free minute to this ten-month-old man. Children are amazing workers. I have a video of our baby learning to sit in a stroller. Countless times he tried to move from a lying position to a sitting position until he finally achieved his goal. For us, such perseverance is simply impossible! We can only be glad that children’s ability to sit down or walk does not depend on us, adults. Otherwise, humanity would not have risen from its knees! Nature teaches children everything by itself.

– Are there any traditions in your family?

– We traditionally celebrate our family day - the day we got married. And on New Year's Day, instead of dreams that are then burned in the flame of a candle, we write plans for the next year and seal them in envelopes. A year later we open it up and see if everything worked out. For example, I’m looking forward to this New Year’s Eve with trepidation. I wrote down the weight to which I should lose weight, but I don’t remember the number itself. Now I’m losing weight so as not to fall on my face in front of my children.

– A holiday is a long feast, so no matter how hard you try, you will still have to spend money. But you can minimize costs. The easiest way is to cook everything yourself. If you invite guests, let each of them bring their favorite dish. That's what my parents did. And the feast only benefited from this, because the hostesses brought their signature cakes, salads, and snacks.

– What will be on your table?

- No special pickles. Champagne, fish, hot. We don’t have traditional Olivier - everyone cares about their weight and adheres to proper nutrition. By the way, various sausages, sausages, bacon, boiled pork and other processed meat products are also not welcome in our country - they contain too much fat and salt. In addition, these foods have been proven to contribute to the development of cancer.

Elena Malysheva advises losing weight wisely

Losing weight is easy!

– By the way, about weight. Your book “Elena Malysheva’s Diet” is about to be published.

– I will say without undue modesty: I wrote the best book on this topic. It does not contain endless conversations under the moon, but a real figure constructor and specific menu schemes. Only nine pages are devoted to recommendations on how to properly lose weight. The remaining sheets are cut. Readers will be able to choose their diet and lose weight on their own. In addition, they have the opportunity to design their figure and choose exercises for problem parts of the body. It only takes ten minutes a day. The book also describes quick weight loss systems. As a doctor, I don't really like them. But sometimes a quick result is needed.

– In general, is it possible to lose weight?

- Certainly. This is the simplest thing a person can do. The main thing is motivation.

“But after all, many have been struggling for years to no avail ...

“They first gain weight for decades, and then begin to go to extremes. Diets Atkins, Dukan, the “Kremlin” diet - all of them for the uninitiated person seem to be a variety, but for a professional they are just different names for the same type of food with a low amount of carbohydrates and a high protein content. Protein diets are generally the most effective. But also the most dangerous, because they increase the risk of cancer. In addition, they pose a threat to diabetics. But modern man needs to structure his diet. He should eat four to six times a day.

Have you tried dieting yourself?

- Certainly. Like all women, I experimented on myself. I remember about eight years ago Tanya Ustinova, Lyuda Selivanova, and I decided to lose weight. Someone advised us to sit on water with glucose. On the third day, this cold water with glucose made me so cold that I lay down on the sofa, curled up into a ball, and tried in vain to warm up. Ustinova came to me, I put my head on her knees, and she warmed me. The next day, Ustinova and I ate ourselves to the point of fainting. This experience will be remembered forever. The most ineffective diets are restricted diets. Therefore, when I started developing my own nutrition system - the “Elena Malysheva diet”, I learned one thing: no restrictions! Now this principle has been proven by official medicine.

Elena Malysheva believes that protein diets are the most effective, but also the most dangerous

Debunking myths

“Are you saying that you can even eat cakes?”

– I’ll say more: you can eat everything, but in certain quantities and with the right frequency. My diet includes baked goods with cottage cheese, sweets - a whole meal consists of them. In addition, I never tire of repeating about water: you need to drink ten glasses of clean water every day. Before, during or after meals - it doesn’t matter. By the way, thanks to plain water you will not only lose weight easily, but also reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

– The other day we banned Turkish products, which were suddenly found to contain nitrates, listeria, and so on...

– For some reason, we try to explain everything by politics. During an inspection of one well-known retail chain, E. coli was found in meat. The shops were not Turkish, but, in my opinion, French. But no one shouted about politics! And we must thank the sanitary doctors for warning us.

– Recently, there has been active talk that cholesterol is the biggest hoax of the 20th century. What do you think of it?

– As a professional, I treat this as an illiterate lie. First of all, cholesterol is not a fat, but an alcohol. Cholesterol is present in the membranes of all cells in our body. Its function is to hold fat molecules. This amazing physiological ability plays a cruel joke if there is a lot of cholesterol. The fact is that when defects - cracks - form in the vessels, cholesterol drags fat there to patch them up. But when there is excess cholesterol in the body, more fat is delivered than necessary. As a result, plaques form, the vessel becomes blocked and a heart attack, stroke or gangrene develops. Today we fight this with the help of special drugs – statins. They lower cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques. This allows people to be treated conservatively, without surgery. Here's the truth.

– In other words, you can eat butter, eggs and fast food with peace of mind?

– I’ll repeat once again: you can eat everything, but in moderation. It's all about the serving size. If you think that a hamburger and fries from McDonald's are more harmful than a homemade cutlet with bread and fried potatoes, then you are very mistaken. These are equivalent products, you just don’t need to eat hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once a month is enough.

– Do you sometimes allow yourself a hamburger?

– I can afford everything. Another thing is that I am absolutely indifferent to fast food and do not pass by McDonald's, tying myself in a knot. I don't like this food. As well as a cutlet with a bun or fried potatoes.

– Have you ever tried smoking?

– I tried it only once – while studying in America. Did not like.

Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy”

Beauty demands!

– Before the holidays, everyone urgently wants to get themselves in order. How to do it quickly?

– There is no magic wand: if you want to look good, prepare in advance. Losing weight overnight is impossible. First of all, you need to calculate your excess weight and understand to what size you need to lose weight. The average rate of weight loss is 100–120 grams per day. Provided that you constantly eat right. If you fast, you won't lose more fat, so don't torture yourself! So, the weight loss per week will be approximately 1–1.5 kilograms. And now simple mathematics: if you weigh 120 kilograms with a height of 160 centimeters, then you need to lose about 60 kilograms to normal. To be in time for the New Year, you must go on a diet immediately after the chimes strike. And then by the next holiday you will be able to please yourself with a slim figure. If you have five extra kilos, then a month is enough. Well, if one and a half, two fasting days will be enough. True, you will not get rid of fat, but of liquid, but this will bring you back to normal for a day. The same goes for the face. The best way to instantly transform yourself is with makeup. If you want to achieve a more thorough result, you must remember that the skin renewal period is 28 days. You can stay with a cosmetologist for days, but before this time no amazing changes will happen to your face. The best procedures are peelings.

– What can you say about injections?

– There are only two types: botulinum toxin and fillers. The toxin is injected into the crow's feet around the eyes and forehead area, blocking nerve muscle transmission. As a result, the muscle does not contract, and the folds are completely straightened. Fillers are fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to retain water molecules, due to which volume is created in the injection area, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes elastic. Fillers are injected into the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and all sagging areas of the face. In my opinion, this is a revolutionary breakthrough in cosmetology, since these procedures allow women to do without plastic surgery.

– You look great – you’re probably into sports?

– For six months I trained at home according to a special program – an hour a day. And everyone was happy for me. But now there is a catastrophic lack of time! Although I try very hard. True, I don’t go to the gym, I work out at home with the help of discs.

You need to talk to children

– You have two sons. Did they cause problems as a teenager?

- Like all children. The sons studied at the same school two years apart. There were garages next to the school, behind which all the ninth-graders smoked. Therefore, when our sons were in ninth grade, we knew exactly where to look for them. I’ll say more - both of them came home drunk at one time or another. This is also a stage of growing up for boys. The eldest was very ill. His friend tried to convince me that my son had food poisoning, but my husband and I were very clear that it was the toxic effects of alcohol. The elder didn’t even have to be convinced that drinking was bad: he remembered the poisoning for the rest of his life. Such situations arise in every family. And they need to be dealt with with love and the necessary demands on children. We talked a lot with our sons. Besides, no one in our family drinks. Children have firmly learned that alcohol is addiction and self-doubt, and nothing more. Therefore, the sons grew up to be wonderful people.

-Did you punish them?

- Yes. Of course, they didn’t beat me, but they deprived me of my pocket money. But they never tried to take away the mobile phone. They understood that this was a means of safety for the child. The threat of being taken away from the computer only worked in childhood. But the sons grew up, and the computer, instead of an object for games, became a means of self-education.

– What do you mind spending your free time on?

- I like to go to the cinema. The most serious shock for me was the film “Sunstroke”. Nikita Mikhalkov sat in front of me, and I have never experienced such a feeling of respect and awe! I wanted to say: “You are a genius!” In my opinion, the entire Mikhalkov family is a huge phenomenon in Russian and world culture.

– I read very little fiction, but professional and medical literature – in huge quantities. In the world of modern fiction, my guides are my sons. I remember my youngest son read “Metro” with enthusiasm. I also read it and at first I was indignant: Stanislav Lem already had all this! And then I thought: why do I immediately react with hostility to modern literary trends? I found and read an interview with the author – I liked it! By the way, I put the interview on my son’s table as proof that he had fully mastered the material. I'm studying. Everything. All of my life.

Interviewed by Anna Abakumova

“Do you think why among the Nobel laureates there are almost only men? Do you think why women, if they become great, do so only after 45-50 years? From this age we can already calmly analyze reality, engage in politics, or some kind of intellectual activity. It used to be extremely difficult!” - Elena Malysheva stunned Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya...

Ekaterina: Len, lately you have such sensational stories on television... This is necessary! Blow up a watermelon to illustrate what happens in a man’s head during intimacy!

Elena: We tell very simply about very complex things.

For example, you can talk for a long time and rather boringly about the fact that, according to physiology, men immediately fall asleep after sex. A lot of women are offended by them for this. But this is a natural physiological mechanism, the understanding of which will make life clearer and simpler. A man does not have the strength to talk because he has a colossal release of hormones. Few people will listen to all these arguments. That’s why we blew up a watermelon: it’s funny, understandable and makes you think: look, this is how men’s heads get torn off!..

Ekaterina: What to do then? Teach.


Elena: Women also release hormones in huge quantities, but they force us to care and pay attention. The advice is simple. Go into the children's bedroom, kiss them, straighten the blanket. Let your husband sleep.

Ekaterina: Step on the throat of your own song?

Elena: Definitely.

Ekaterina: People still can’t forget your wonderful story about circumcision...

Elena: We had a series called “Storerooms of the Wisdom of Ancient Medicine.” There was “Medicine of Ancient Greece”, “Medicine of Judaism” and so on. But the principle is the same everywhere. In order to force people to comply with at least some sanitary standards, they were given religious status.


Therefore, circumcision was adopted among nomadic peoples: Muslims and Jews. Honestly, I didn’t expect that the plot about circumcision would shock the audience so much. There were 120 spectators sitting in our hall, not to mention 50-70 stage managers, cameramen, directors, video engineers, sound engineers, and so on... A huge number of people were present, and no one thought that anything out of the ordinary was happening. And when real passions flared up on the Internet because of this, I was amazed. I think that 90 percent of the people who watched this program learned for the first time that nothing significant was cut off! Only the foreskin - and this is the main source of infection. Circumcision protects newborn boys from severe diseases - phimosis and paraphimosis. Deadly diseases!

The divine interview that journalist Anna Gileva took with TV presenter Elena Malysheva for “Big City” is spreading across the Internet at the speed of a virus. I must admit: to get this magical and instructive stream of consciousness, you just had to not interrupt.

The patience and endurance shown by the Moscow journalist are worthy of all praise. And the structure of Malysheva’s brain receives a separate mention in medical textbooks.

Elena Malysheva: I want to say right away that judging by the way you work, you don’t know how to work. So, how should a journalist work if he wants to achieve something? The journalist must have a laptop with him and must type everything at once. Archaic trips with notepads and voice recorders are a thing of the century before last. In our program it is forbidden to write with your hands or record anything on a dictaphone, because we are doing a daily program. If we had to write something, and then rewrite it, and then listen to it, and then decipher it, then we wouldn’t even release a single program. We record everything directly into the computer. When there is a meeting, anyone can log into the Internet via Google and make any changes to our documents. I hate these interviews, when I talk to you for an hour, then you write your verses, and I still have to read. It's just the end of the world. I want you to come with a computer and read the interview to me at the end of the meeting.

I don't understand what device you are recording me on. You must be ashamed! I have a friend, she is 80 years old, she is a correspondent for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a grandmother, she travels with a computer and at the end of the meeting reads your interview to you. And you young girls seem to be from the 19th century. You will send me your texts, I will have to think about it, read, correct, retype. A colossal waste of time.

- How do you come up with themes?

We have a large team, but it’s the editors who come up with ideas, of course. Chief editor Evgenia Loginova, creative producer and my son Yuri Malyshev and an editorial team of two people. In total, four people are creators. We dedicate all our meetings to decorative artists, chemists and magicians. We say what we would like to see, and they say what they can do. This is a very difficult question. We always want things to move, and that's difficult. But the editor should not just offer an idea for the layout, like, I want the heart to beat, everything will spin, etc. He should say: I want the heart to contract, this is what I found on the Internet, this is what I found in the programs of others countries of the world, it suits us, it doesn’t suit us, etc. That is, when we talk with artists to approve the layouts, we offer not abstract, but concrete ideas. They offer a lot themselves.

- Who is your main critic and main fan in the professional community?

If we talk about television, our main viewer is Konstantin Ernst. When “Konstantin Ernst” flashes on my phone, I stand up because this is a person I trust unconditionally, and his criticism is always fair, constructive and never offensive.

- In your many years of working in television, what are you most proud of?

That I got married and gave birth to two beautiful children. I'm incredibly proud.

- Is this more important to you than professional activity?

You will be shocked, but yes, I love my family. She is most important to me, just like the life and health of my loved ones. What is more important to you: the note you write?

- Of course, family.

Well, why are you asking obvious questions?

- How did it happen that your son began to work with you?

My son will be a doctor. He received an excellent education. It turned out by chance that he came up with topics like an avalanche that I couldn’t even dream of. He's younger than me, it's noticeable. He was educated in another country. He talks about many topics that don't even occur to me. I can say one thing: if he were not my son, I would pay him three times more. But I was lucky: he worked for free for a year.

— Elena Vasilyevna, I wonder when you first felt your feminine attractiveness?

— I never felt it at all. And even now I am convinced that a woman with glasses cannot be a beauty. Although dad constantly tried to convince me. For some reason, he was sure that I was a rare beauty, and constantly told me about it. But I don’t know what beauty could be seen in that plump, bespectacled schoolgirl that I was. I must say that I didn’t get married for a long time. Up to 26 years old. Now, of course, this will not surprise anyone. But then it was believed that if you are not married before the age of 22, then you are an old maid. This is how she lived. Cheerful, happy, not very beautiful, but terribly smart. And with zero chances of marriage.

And only dad was convinced that I would definitely meet a good person. And just in case, he advised: “To please a young man, you, daughter, pretend to be a fool.” - "How?!" I wondered. But still she tried. Alas, unsuccessfully. Now I understand that this is completely nonsense. If a man is looking for a fool, it means he wants his children to be raised by a fool. Therefore, when my sons grew up, I created for them a formula for family happiness and choosing a life partner. Here it is: you must love the girl, and she must love you. And it is very important that this woman can make your children better than you! And when a man chooses a woman according to the principle “as long as she doesn’t get smart, doesn’t stick her head out, is quieter than water, lower than the grass,” he must be aware that the price for such a choice will be children. They will also be so-so: not very smart, poorly educated, and maybe not capable of anything at all. A woman is the air of the family. She defines the spirit of the house, she has a great mission - to make the lives of children bright and interesting. This means raising them in such a way that they can then make their parents’ old age dignified and comfortable.

- How did you find a person who was not frightened by your “cleverness”?

— We studied together in graduate school in Moscow. By the way, he claims that he decided to marry me immediately when he first saw me. And I still don’t believe it. (With a smile.) Although, perhaps, she shocked his imagination with her participation in our postgraduate KVN, where she sang with unimaginable passion. When Igor Malyshev and I started communicating, I, like all the boys I met, read poems by Mayakovsky, whom I loved very much, and he - the only one - found the courage to listen to them to the end.

— Did you recite lyrical poems or patriotic ones?

- Not exactly lyrics. I read, for example, “At the top of my voice!”: “Having appeared in Tse Ka Ka of the coming light years, over a gang of poetic grabbers and burned out, I will raise, like a Bolshevik party card, all one hundred volumes of my party books...” And since I knew the poet’s biography well , then she threw her head back and put a lot of tragedy into these lines. Nightmare! And for some reason Igor was not afraid of all this. Moreover, after “Poems about the Soviet Passport,” which I also read to the point of breaking my soul, he simply kissed me. And it turned out that everything is nonsense - the main thing is that you are loved for who you are. That's where happiness lies.

- How did he declare his love to you?

- Kneeling with the exclamation “Be my wife!” did not happen. I just said one day: “I want you to become the mother of my two sons.” At that moment I was entering the train car in the subway, and he, having seen me off, remained on the platform. In bewilderment, I looked around - the doors closed, and I was left to digest what I heard. Having thought it over, I understood the essence: he has children and no wife. And I thought for a long time about why this happened: either she died or left. But in any case, he turned out to be noble.

Therefore, by morning I decided to marry him, raise his children and give birth to more. At the meeting, she immediately informed him about this, asking only to tell him everything honestly about his wife and the age of the children. At first he was speechless, and when he found it, he said: “So I don’t have them!” I was talking about our future sons." (Laughs.)

— I decided to marry Igor. But she asked me to tell everything honestly about my wife and the age of the children... Honeymoon (1987). Photo: from the personal archive of Elena Malysheva

In general, Igor Yuryevich turned out to be a rare person, worthy of all praise in everything. My relatives immediately appreciated it. At the wedding, my mother sang such praises to him! Like, what an extraordinary, talented, promising person has appeared in our family - this is someone we can and should be proud of! Such admiration even offended me a little, and I quietly whispered: “Just in case, I remind you: I graduated from school with a gold medal, and from college with honors - and accordingly, I’m also worth something.” But seriously speaking, my husband is, without exaggeration, an outstanding person. A brilliant scientist with a worldwide reputation. Pathophysiologist, molecular biologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of cellular biotechnology. I recently wrote an incredibly interesting book in English, “Stress Proteins. Cancer, immunity and aging." The most educated... And for me, meeting Igor was simply a huge success and real luck. I know absolutely for sure: I owe my destiny and success in life to my husband. But he doesn’t believe it, he says: “Nonsense, you achieved everything yourself” - and sincerely believes that I would have succeeded without him. Although this is not true. If I had married someone else, my life would have turned out differently.

When Yurashka was born, I was preparing to defend my dissertation. She divided her day very clearly: ironing, washing, cooking, feeding, taking her husband to work, walking and playing with the child, giving him massages and carving out a couple of hours to write a scientific work. Ten months later I returned to work. At first she was a therapist in a city hospital, then she moved to the 2nd Medical Institute to the department of therapy. And after Vasilka was born (she and Yurasha have a difference of about three years) she was forced to return to Kemerovo. Our Vasyanya became seriously ill: after an acute respiratory infection, he developed what is simply called volvulus, and scientifically, intussusception. Scary tale. He was operated on and saved. It was necessary to look after me, but in 1991 it was extremely difficult: the stores were empty, there were queues for bread and milk... And Igor decided to send me and the children to my parents: there, under their wing, it was easier to survive. After Vasya recovered, I got a job at the Kemerovo Medical Institute in the department of internal diseases. And a little later, quite by accident, I ended up on Kemerovo television: my long-time friend, the press secretary of the head of administration and the host of one of the television programs, unexpectedly offered to make a medical program. I tried it and it worked. Decent earnings appeared. Feeling like a celestial being at the same time (of course, I’m a TV presenter!) and a millionaire (I bought my son a sheepskin coat!), I invited my husband to stay and live in wonderful Kemerovo. She even found him a job - in the laboratory of the medical institute. But Igor did not appreciate my enthusiasm and with the words: “Lenochka, you will not forgive yourself for this,” he turned me back towards Moscow. And again I was right.

In the capital, I again began working at the 2nd Medical Institute and, of course, immediately went to television. At that time, the RTR TV channel was considered the most progressive, and they immediately entrusted me with the program. Those were amazing times, somehow everything worked out easily. It was then that the “Business Russia” channel was created, headed by Alexander Akopov. And I learned my first mastery lessons from him. And in 1997, Channel One, then ORT, revived the “Health” program, and I became its host.

Imagine, the anniversary, 800th episode of this wonderful program about great, serious medicine, about the stars of science making incredible discoveries, performing extraordinary operations, creating unique medicines, and - you won’t believe it - is already the 1000th (!) episode of the program “ It’s great to live!”, although it has only existed for four years.

With the co-hosts of the program “Live Healthy!” — Andrey Prodeus, German Gendelman and Dmitry Shubin. Photo: PhotoXPress

So this is why I remembered all this. Moreover, my husband never limited me in anything. Although if this had happened, at any stage, I would have treated his opinion with understanding, listened and submitted.

- So, internally you are ready to submit?

“From childhood, it was instilled in me that a woman’s duty is to serve her husband and family. Therefore, no matter who they married me to, I would cherish and honor him in any case. It’s just that fate turned out to be favorable to me, giving me Igor as my husband. And I grew up in a patriarchal, almost Domostroev family, where dad could say: “No!”, and his word was law.

“Fate turned out to be favorable to me, giving me Igor as my husband.” Photo: PersonaStars

My parents are amazing people; they lived inseparably for almost 50 years, until my dad died. Both are doctors. My grandmother on my father’s side was born into a very rich family, but during the revolutionary coup she married a groom who worked for them and ran away with him. They settled in Voronezh, in the Monastyrka area, with old wooden houses, gave birth to four children, and all of them received higher education. And my mother also lived in Voronezh, but not in the rural part of the city, but in a large brick house. She comes from a respectable family: her father was the deputy general director for personnel at the largest aircraft plant - Ilyushinsky, and had his own car - one of three, perhaps, in the whole of Voronezh. Their family also had four children. For the sake of earning money, my dad went from door to door selling sour milk - sauerkraut.

And periodically he would enter the entrance of his mother’s house, and she would look at him from the height of the second floor from the window of her huge apartment. They met in a common company when they were both already students: mom at a medical university, dad at a veterinary school (he later graduated from medical school). We soon got married, and eventually my older sister was born (now Marina is a neurologist). They moved to Kemerovo, where they were given an apartment. Five years later my brother and I were born. With an age difference of 30 minutes. The eldest is Lesha, who is now the chief physician of the Botkin Hospital and the chief surgeon of Moscow.

-Which parent are you more like?

— Outwardly, I am very similar to my mother, over the years I have literally become her copy. But in character she’s like my dad: hot-tempered, an absolute choleric. He first worked as the head physician of a tuberculosis clinic, and was in charge of all medicine in the Kirov district of the city of Kemerovo. He was a temperamental person, the life of the party, and sang beautifully. Mom, on the contrary, is very self-possessed and has absolutely aristocratic behavior. A brilliant doctor and teacher, as they say: with a capital letter. For example, I am not a teacher at all.

— You are engaged in education in the field of medicine - isn’t this pedagogy?!

- Yes, I agree, I am indeed an educator, but, I repeat, not a teacher. Teachers are those who leave students behind. Patient, painstaking, scrupulously, step by step, introducing their students to the profession, understanding and feeling them. I, unlike my mother, do not possess these qualities. Mom not only taught at the medical institute, she remained a teacher even outside the university. Being an excellent pediatrician, she headed the children's intensive care unit at the Kemerovo hospital, and everyone who came to work with her still honors and loves her.

— Elena Vasilievna, from the television screen you give the impression of a completely impeccable lady, a kind of example of correctness. And, as you say, you received a strict upbringing. Have you ever been a bully?

- What do you have in mind? Did I throw bottles at windows or cheat on my husband? What action should shock you when I perform it?

- In yours - any. Let’s say some school tricks, absences from home without permission, bad company...

- What are you speaking about? I tell you, I grew up in an intelligent, educated family. Accordingly, none of us ever behaved in such a way as to end up in the police nursery. And honestly, there was no such primitive disorganization as skipping classes. At school, I studied brilliantly, I loved to study, all subjects were given easily. That is, she was clearly not one of those excellent students who hatch their fives. On the contrary, I did my homework quickly and cheerfully, and I also studied joyfully at music school. By the way, I can’t say that my classmates were somehow very different from me. There were no poor students or candidates for being sent to a juvenile colony among us, but the thirst for knowledge was incredibly powerful. Exactly the same atmosphere I got in the medical school. We had a very strong group - out of 11 people, seven received honors diplomas.

— Adolescence implies an attempt to gain some kind of freedom, to feel like an adult. What educational techniques did your parents use to channel their energy in the right direction?

— Some rigidity in the requirements and certain restrictions. It was instilled in my brother that he must become a real man, he must be a support, a protector, an organizer. We girls were instilled with the awareness that the most important thing in life is women's pride and maiden honor. There were enough prohibitions. Let’s say when dad saw my sister with painted lips and eyelashes, he really experienced a shock. And when I, an eighth-grader, put on curlers for the night, my deep sleep was disturbed by the sudden tearing off of the blanket - my mother called on my father to witness my fall from grace. We grew up as Turgenev's girls - we loved them, but we didn't even dare to think about recognition. It was a different era. Just staying overnight is nonsense. Once I was going to visit a boy whose parents were at home, so my dad stopped me at the door and asked: “Who will you go to someone else’s family as?!” It turned out that you can only go to someone else’s family as a bride, otherwise you should stay at home. This was my upbringing.

A cult of learning reigned in our family. It was believed that it was simply impossible to live without it. The parents themselves constantly went to advanced training courses for doctors. And also the cult of labor, in the sense of business, employment, work. My brother and I were told to start working after 7th grade. To my surprise: “Don’t we have enough money?” Mom replied: “Money has nothing to do with it, at your age even the children of millionaires don’t consider it shameful to work, and therefore it makes sense for you to start getting used to real work.” And in response to my objection that our other peers are not yet working, she said: “You don’t have to look up to anyone - you have your own destiny.” Our fate became everyday work during the holidays in my mother’s hospital. My brother worked as a janitor, and I worked as a barmaid in the neonatal department. My task was to bring the artificial formula prepared in the dairy kitchen, feed the newborns, wash their faces, butts and all other dirty places, put them to bed, and then take the dirty dishes back. We received 40 rubles a month and brought the entire salary to our parents.

- And yet, not everyone decides on their future profession from childhood. Someone, for example, has creative searches, a protracted search for himself ...

— Any searches should occur only in the process of labor. And if a person lies on the sofa and spits at the ceiling or stupidly watches stupid programs, nothing intelligible can visit him. You can find something only in the huge baggage of what you have read and experienced. And for this you need to study, work, think, read and learn. Then you will have something to say. Otherwise, you are zero, an empty place. And there is no need to have any illusions. If people are busy and busy from childhood, they grow up normal. Definitely, one hundred percent. Therefore, I am immensely grateful to my parents for teaching us not only to love each other, but also to work and build our own lives independently, without putting any barriers on ourselves.

— Any searches should occur only in the process of labor. And if a person lies on the couch and spits at the ceiling or watches mind-numbing programs, nothing intelligible can visit him. Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Were there any problems with your sons?

— Boys do not grow up as neatly and calmly as most girls. They master the environment. Of course, mine had everything too. And they skipped classes - they ran to the club to play billiards, and started smoking in the gateways. So there were enough problems. But everyone has this experience, there is nothing terrible here. We remember this with laughter. Now both sons do not smoke or drink, but in adolescence each of them got seriously drunk. My husband and I simply stuck one into a bathtub with ice water, he sat there and exclaimed: “Mom, are you crazy?!”, and I answered: “No. You must remember forever what it is.” And the other, fortunately, was very bad. A friend, shielding him, told me: “It was he who poisoned himself with mushrooms. Will you help him somehow? To which I said: “Dima, tell someone else about mushrooms, but I definitely won’t help. Let him remember for the rest of his life what alcohol poisoning means.”

When the son overslept and regained consciousness, the husband called him to his office. But for us, a call to dad meant that a person had already reached some degree of maturity. I remember the older one teasing the younger one: “Why talk to you if dad hasn’t even called you into the office yet!” So, that time my husband told me not to enter, and a manly conversation took place between father and son. And I listened, standing outside the door. Igor asks: “What did you drink ?!” “Wine-o-o,” the boy drawls. “What wine?!” Brand?! A country?!" - “I don’t know.” - “So you drank without knowing what?! And what happened next?! Masha from three stations burped on your shoulder? I thought in horror: “Why is he talking about some Masha? It should be about something else...” After a while, when Yura was getting ready to go somewhere, I started: “Son, do you remember that alcohol...”, to which he replied: “Mom, I’ve never talked about Masha from three stations.” I will never forget in my life." (Laughs.)

— What are your children doing now?

— Last year both graduated from college. Yura is 26 years old, he is a doctor, currently studying residency at the Academy of Postgraduate Education of Doctors in Surgery. I got married, and in January I will become a grandmother. I am waiting for the baby with great joy. The daughter-in-law is a wonderful girl, from a wonderful family. Beautiful, smart, intelligent, educated. She graduated from the Plekhanov Academy, a university in London, and is engaged in management in the field of PR and advertising.

— The mother’s heart did not tremble because her son was budding?

- No. Moreover... In fact, our children had the following attitude: not to get married before the age of 30. But when I met Karina, I said to Yurasha: “Son, the settings are the same, but... Just keep in mind: meeting such a girl is a huge rarity and a great happiness.”

And 23-year-old Vasya is a lawyer and will be involved in corporate business and venture capital. I don't understand very well what this is. But I will figure it out. When my son decided to take up law, I said: “Vasya, doctors study the laws of nature, which by definition are unchangeable. You intend to work with laws written by people - with mistakes, with tricks - and also changed by people. Are you sure you should go this way?” He swore that he was confident and promised to always remain honest in his profession. This calmed me down somewhat.

— In relation to your sons, did you apply your parents’ education system? For example, were they sent to the windshield wipers?

“You know, I somehow caught myself thinking that I am a literal quote book of my mom and dad, that is, I talk to my children with the same phrases and constructions that our parents used to talk to us at one time.” Well, accordingly, our sons, just like we once were, were always busy with something from an early age, and when they grew up, they began to work during the holidays. My husband and I considered this necessary - so that the guys could feel how money is earned and realize that any work is honorable. The eldest was enrolled as an orderly at the Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal Children's Hospital. I consciously decided to direct it there. Still, in children's departments there is not that dirty side of medicine that exists in adult hospitals and sometimes looks scary. Children are touching, they always want to help. Even a child who has peed himself causes tenderness. And it was important to me that the boy did not become alienated from his profession. And once, when Yura did something wrong, as punishment we sent him to work as an assistant janitor in the courtyard of our house. The future “boss” of my son, when we agreed with him, was literally shocked. What can we say about the neighbors?

Never in our family has there been such a holiday as to spend a month on the beach. When the children were little, my husband said: “They won’t have any lying flat, not knowing what to do!” And they went to America for a month, to a sports camp, where they played different sports every hour, plus studied English in a natural environment. And the second month we spent everything together, and my husband arranged simply hellish events for us: either we climbed the mountains somewhere on bicycles, or went on excursions from early morning until late evening. And if suddenly the boys had an hour and a half of rest, they simply thanked God for it.

— In childhood, if the boys suddenly had an hour and a half of rest, they simply thanked God. With Yuri and Vasily (2010). Photo: from the personal archive of Elena Malysheva

— Isn’t it a bit harsh?

“But it wasn’t like this: “Everyone get in line!” Step on the excursion!" Everything happened fun, healthy, cheerfully and kindly. And in absolute harmony with each other. Recently, congratulating me on my 28th wedding anniversary, my mother said: “Daughter, in your family I see everything I dreamed of for you.” To which I replied: “Mommy, everything I have, right down to the last drop, is the fruits of your upbringing.” And she didn’t lie at all. My family turned out to be as wonderful as my parents.

We all love each other just as selflessly, and the opinion of adults is just as sacred for our children. But in terms of personalities, my husband and I turned out to be the opposite. Igor is balanced, self-possessed, and taciturn, so every word he says always sounds clear and thorough. I can be unrestrained. And my mother does not accept my incontinence. A simple example. Once we were with her in America, and one day I was holding a meeting via Skype in Moscow. I got up at six in the morning because the time difference was eight hours. So, as usual, I said something passionately to the screen, scolded someone, scolded across the ocean. And then my mother came in. After listening to my angry exclamations for a minute, she categorically said: “I will ask you to stop this licentiousness in my house!” (With a smile.) Although it happened in my house. Of course, I immediately turned off the computer, because I knew that otherwise I would be publicly punished right away. Fortunately, all colleagues understand: my outbursts, conflicts are of an exclusively working nature.

- Recently, congratulating me on the 28th wedding anniversary, my mother said: “Daughter, in your family I see everything that I dreamed about for you.” To which I replied: “Mommy, everything I have, down to the last drop, is the fruit of your upbringing.” Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Have you ever wanted to do something other than medicine?

“With a medal after school, I could go anywhere.” I decided to go to the Faculty of Journalism. But mom took a tough position. In an ultimatum form, she demanded that I go to study a real profession - medicine. But after I get my medical degree, I can do whatever I want. If I want.

“With a medal after school, I could go anywhere.” Nursing practice, Kemerovo Medical Institute (1981). Photo: from the personal archive of Elena Malysheva

Since then, I have told her more than once: “Thank you so much for sending me to medical school. I am alive now only because I am a doctor by profession.” And there is not an ounce of exaggeration in these words. Suffice it to say that I am a severe allergy sufferer, and from time to time I have severe allergic reactions with angioedema. And this, if you don’t have an idea of ​​what measures should be taken, is a real threat to life, because this condition leads to suffocation and death. Every time I save my life because I know exactly what needs to be done and how much time I have for it. Since there is no point in calling an ambulance in case of Quincke's edema - they may not have time, I rush to the hospital myself. As a rule, to my brother. On the way I called: “Lesha, help!” And he says: “I’m so tired of you and your swelling! When you finally filter out all the allergens!” I run into the emergency room with my arm outstretched: “I need hormones! Straightaway!" - “What dose?” - “Maximum!” They immediately put me on an IV, and the swelling begins to subside.

— Interesting, what topics did you write your dissertations on?

— The candidate’s thesis was devoted to stress management. And the doctoral work was called “Reprogramming the cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process.” To put it very succinctly, this means that in our body there are blood cells called macrophages. Once they get into the tissue, and this can happen with any injury, they begin to devour everything: microbes, pieces of injured tissue. And at this moment they determine how the situation will develop in the future: whether inflammation will lead to cancer or to recovery. Stunningly interesting work. In general, all medical science is excitingly interesting.

— Often in your program you very openly, naturalistically tell and show everything related to medical topics. In your opinion, everything can be voiced and demonstrated?

- I have no doubt that a doctor should call a spade a spade. The breast is the breast or mammary gland, the penis is the penis, not the jade rod. This allows you to properly explain to a person who wants to get advice what is happening to him. And if the doctor, instead of explaining, is preoccupied with coming up with some synonyms and workaround words, patients will avoid him. Everything is extremely simple: you cannot offend and humiliate people, but you can and should tell them about the structure of the body. And remind you to monitor your health, which is what I do all the time. Because, unfortunately, I know firsthand about the catastrophic lack of education of our compatriots in this matter. Well, a person should be examined once a year, he simply must! Moreover, a serious examination that answers all the basic questions takes no more than half a day, and compliance with this simple rule makes it possible to live in peace. Even if something unpleasant is discovered during the examination, as a rule, this is an early stage of the disease, when there is time to orientate yourself and take appropriate measures. And if, excuse me, your throat is already bleeding, it means that things have gone too far. That's why I'm annoying everyone with the call: to live so healthy, healthy!

— All your co-hosts are men. Was this how it was intended?

— Since women are the main viewers of all TV channels, it seemed important to me that they see worthy men on the screen. Educated, established in the profession. And not oligarchs, not bandits, but just real men. I told Konstantin Lvovich Ernst and Alexey Pimanov, my friend and producer with whom I have been working for many years, about my idea. The idea was accepted. And my co-hosts have been confirmed - wonderful doctors. The question immediately arose: what should I look like - the only woman in the program? We started looking for a style. We came up with: late 1950s - early 1960s. The war is over, the thaw is over, everyone wants a holiday - hence the beautiful colored dresses in joyful tones, wide skirts with petticoats. In three and a half years, they made about 100 suits for me!

— It seemed to me important that women see worthy men on the screen. Photo: Press Service of Channel One

— They said, in America?

— No, we all sew in Russia. But once every six months we buy fabrics and all the trimmings in New York, since these purchases, taking into account the dressers’ flights and their hotel accommodation, are several times cheaper than here, and the choice is a thousand times greater.

Then we got tired of this style and started looking for a new one. It wasn't easy to find him. After the luxurious skirts of the 1960s, there was a period of mini, which was completely unsuitable for me, then maxi took hold for a short time, and then unisex went - all the women put on trousers, which, by the way, I adore, and never got out of them. But since I am alone in the program, surrounded by men, we were looking for a feminine style. Studying the history of costumes in detail, we began to rewind and came to the end of the 1920s. Also the post-war era. The First World War is over - people are enjoying life. In Russia - NEP, in America - jazz. The clothes have embroidery, appliques, ruffles, pleats, low waists... Stunning beauty! My latest collection is the fruit of the work of two wonderful girls - designer Alexandra Chernyshevskaya and clothing designer Olga Subbotina.

- And the technical part of the program - with these incredible models, ingenious experiments? Who is doing this?

— There is a group led by Yuri Malyshev, my eldest son. It includes people with excellent education: five of them are young doctors, two are not doctors. Three weeks before filming (and we film 15 programs in a row), they get together and develop themes. It is this young team that dashingly and fervently comes up with the most striking themes. 10 days before filming, we hold a general meeting with the participation of artists, directors, costume designers, and all program services. Everything is finally discussed and approved there: models, dolls, special makeup that simulates illness. Then the production process begins. In 10 days, about 30 models, 200 props, and up to 10 full-length costumes should be ready. We have a pyrotechnician, a chemist, and a magician on our staff, who also come up with all sorts of original special effects to make our stories about the structure of the body interesting. After all, the program has not only an educational function, but also an entertainment one. All this machinery and production rests on the shoulders of two Atlanteans in the literal sense of the word - our chief artist Lesha Teletnev and chief director Sergei Zubalov. And we also have two caryatids (in architecture - a sculpture of a woman, replacing a column, which holds the structure of the building in its hands. - TN note) - the chief editor of the program, Evgenia Loginova, and the chief director, Svetlana Griban. This is how it turns out: with a very small group we hold the firmament of our program. And completely happy.

— By the way, you know that people have already written jokes about your personal diet. Here, for example, are “tips from Elena Malysheva”: if you want to lose weight, don’t eat just three things: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Or: remember that penguins are swallows that eat after 18:00!

- Wonderful! If people joke, it means they paid attention and showed interest in the topic. And this is already beneficial. Because, seriously speaking, obesity is actually a problem of gigantic proportions. And it’s not just a cosmetic flaw, but the fact that this is a most dangerous disease, the starting point for the emergence and development of countless diseases that actually shorten life. That's why we created a nutritional set specially developed by doctors for people who want to lose weight. And they organized its delivery within a day (!) throughout Russia. A full range of ready-to-eat frozen meals for a month, including four daily meals: breakfast, lunch, dessert and dinner. With instructions. And you can’t even imagine what kind of food it is – healthy, beautiful, varied! Literally a miracle. If in doubt, try it and see.

We would like to thank the Baker luxury furniture showroom “BVS-Interiors” for their assistance in organizing the shooting.

Family: husband - Igor Yurievich Malyshev, scientist, molecular biologist; sons - Yuri (26 years old), doctor, Vasily (23 years old), lawyer

Education: Graduated from the medical faculty of the Kemerovo Medical Institute, graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow

Career: Doctor of Science, Professor of the Moscow State Medical and Dental Institute. Author of 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. TV presenter. Since 1997, he has hosted the “Health” program (Channel One), and since 2010 - “Live Healthy!” (First channel). Host of a program on Radio Russia

“Life is great!”, First, on weekdays, 09:45


March 09, 2016

The country's chief TV doctor told TV Program how easy it is to be a grandmother and mother-in-law, about the mental state of vegetarians and how often she drinks

The country's chief TV doctor told TV Program how easy it is to be a grandmother and mother-in-law, about the mental state of vegetarians and how often she drinks.

Photo: Anatoly LOMOHOV/

March 13 is the birthday of the country's chief television doctor. And just recently it was a whole year since Elena Vasilyevna became a grandmother. All these are more than incredible facts, if you remember how young and beautiful we see her every day on our TV screens.

- Elena Vasilyevna, how did you congratulate your grandson?

We gave our Igorechka a children's train with circular rails. It is intended for children from one and a half to 5 years old - as the child grows, he can ride in a circle or ride on his own along the track. The locomotive of the grandson did not please, but frightened. We hope that when he grows up, he will appreciate such an interesting gift.

- How did you feel when you first saw the baby?

We were all in the maternity hospital when our Karishka was giving birth. As soon as our grandson was born, we were allowed to enter the chamber. You did not suffer in childbirth, but simply saw a miracle. This is completely uncomplicated happiness! But my husband has even more sensations. Because our grandson is his full namesake: Igor Yurievich Malyshev.

Recently, the grandson of the TV presenter Igor Malyshev turned one year old. Photo: Personal archive

- Has your husband changed since becoming a grandfather?

It seems to me that he has become a very gentle and obedient person in everything that concerns his grandson. Previously, it never occurred to me to ask him to do household chores - he was always busy. Now it’s enough just to mention that you need to stay with your grandson and help him change his clothes. And my husband does it with such joy, as if he had only dreamed of it. He often says that life develops in a spiral. And little Igor Malyshev is a new stage of life, in which his grandson and full namesake will live his bright and wonderful life.

- Admit it: did you want to give your daughter-in-law and son useful parenting advice?

You know, it turned out that the son’s family is a completely separate unit of society, with its own traditions and way of life. I have twice had episodes where I had to decide whether to intervene or show tact and respect. My husband and I bought our grandson a silver spoon. But our Karina told me: “American pediatricians do not recommend using metal spoons for children under one year old, as they can injure the child’s gums. I replied: “Come on, Karish, we raised some handsome guys! No one is injured!” And then I thought: “Lord, what if I really scratch Igorechka’s gums?!” I realized that all the pain of the experience would not fall on me, but on the boy’s mom and dad. Let them feed from their modern plastic spoons!

And the second case was last summer. At the peak of the heat, I announced that it was necessary to give it to the child so that he would not become dehydrated. To which I received the following response from my son: “The American Association of Pediatrics recommends adding additional breastfeeding in hot weather, but not giving water. Since when using water in children under one year of age, the risk of intestinal infections increases.” I started arguing and said that the European Association of Pediatrics, on the contrary, recommends water. But then I thought: boiled water is not a sterile product, no matter how hard you try. And breast milk is sterile, beautiful, with protective antibodies! What if this damn water gives our baby diarrhea? I just can’t live! And I retreated again.

"The lot of the sick"

Elena Malysheva with her eldest son Yuri and daughter-in-law Karina. Photo: Valery Levitin/RIA Novosti

You have said more than once that you have a wonderful relationship with Karina. What's the secret? Should the daughter-in-law give in on time, and should the mother-in-law not put pressure?

We are very lucky with Karina. She grew up in a complete family in which her mother was very seriously ill. And all these difficulties fell on Karishka and her amazing dad. When she came to our house for the first time, and it was on New Year’s Day, she made the first toast to her parents. She spoke about them with such respect and warmth that my heart sank. I then thought that a very good girl had come to us. She is very bright, cheerful, cheerful. And with what respect she treats our son! I understand: her parents raised her that way. But sometimes I tell her: “I have the impression that you grew up in our home.” Everything coincides so much - outlook on life, ability to work, huge responsibility for the family...

I think this is the only correct decision.

-Have you experienced even the faintest hint of jealousy towards your son?

Jealousy is the lot of mentally ill people. I don't have any jealousy. On the contrary, I feel proud that our son met and appreciated an intelligent, proud, very educated and serious girl. Many would have been scared, but he appreciated it.

“Alexey Pimanov helped raise the children”

Next year, Elena and Igor Malyshev will celebrate their pearl wedding - 30 years together. Photo:

- How did you combine work and family? Did you write your dissertation at night?

No career that children have fallen victim to deserves admiration. If you are a star, and your child is an alcoholic or drug addict, what is the point in this stardom? For me, family has always been the most important thing in my life. My husband and I did everything together - we both worked a lot, but always helped each other and the children. And I was also very lucky with the producer - Alexei Pimanov. You know him as the host of the “Man and the Law” program, but Lesha is also the producer of many super-popular programs, an excellent film director, and now the general director of the Zvezda media holding. When my children were in school, Lyosha allowed me "mother's day." Once a week I could not come to work, but solve all my family matters. It was Thursday. So many years have passed, the children have grown up, and I still believe that Lesha helped me.

If your spouse once said: “Tomorrow you quit your job and sit at home, cook borscht...” - what would you do?

If my husband asked me not to work, I would not work. My dad taught me this choice. Family is the most important thing, but I am very lucky with my husband. He is my main fan in life. He doesn't envy my successes, he's proud of them. Maybe because he himself was an established professional and scientist. Even when I said: “We have small children, maybe I shouldn’t work?” - he always answered that I should work, because I’m great at it.

You are a prominent promoter of a healthy lifestyle. How do you feel when you see a person eating, say, fried chicken? The desire to take it away and throw it away?

I treat everything that concerns my health and that of my loved ones calmly and responsibly. If fried food causes cancer, then I don't understand why you should eat it. If you eat fried, that's your choice. After all, it’s you who will die from cancer, not me, so I won’t rip anything out. I am sure that people are obliged to answer for themselves. I use ceramic-coated dishes: they are inert and safe, and I try not to eat salty foods. Of course, sometimes there are deviations. I also take it easy on them. First of all, because I'm mentally healthy. This is also important.

- You also often say that in the most miserable quantities.

Unfortunately, I'm not saying this, but science has proven. If I drink in company, then a glass of wine is very rare. And then.

- What is your attitude towards vegetarians, adherents of a raw food diet?

Especially for pregnant women, the elderly and children. This is due to the fact that hemoglobin and iron in plant foods are either completely absent or not absorbed. And hemoglobin is the main protein of red blood cells that carries oxygen; it is impossible to live without it. It is found in red meat and liver. Draw your own conclusions. As a rule, people who adhere to some kind of hellish restrictions or prohibitions have borderline mental disorders. In general, they are healthy, but there are still some obsessive states: “I won’t eat meat! I won’t trample the grass!”

September 11, 1987. Candidate of Medical Sciences Elena Shabunina has just become Elena Malysheva. Photo: Personal archive

“Appreciate your naked bodies!”

Nowadays there are a lot of “bullshit” drugs in pharmacies - drugs that have no evidence of effectiveness. What should we do, not doctors? Mastering medical literature?

Today, world standards of treatment are available to anyone, even those who do not know English. And everyone, having learned about their illness, should type the word guidelines in any search engine, and then the name of your illness and the current year. For example, the protocol for the treatment of breast cancer for 2016 can be found like this: guidelines breast cancer 2016. And the Internet will provide you with all the protocols for treating the disease in recent years. If you don’t know the language, then use electronic translators. And then check with your doctor. Then you are not afraid of anything!

- You often travel abroad. Where are people healthier - in America or in Russia?

People are healthier where there is financial responsibility for health. Where there is none, there is nothing good. In the US, working people do not have free healthcare. They are required to buy insurance. Price - from 300 to 1000 dollars per month! Involuntarily you will start to think whether to smoke or not. Because all bad habits lead to higher insurance costs. There is a massive passion for a healthy lifestyle, a lot of healthy food. We have a lot to learn. In Germany, healthcare is free for people, but every person is required to go to a preventive appointment with a dentist and therapist once a year. Did not come? Next year it's all about money. And we have free medicine. The patient is not responsible for anything, but we, doctors, are responsible for everything. Just today I spoke with a family where the girl has a whole mixture of illnesses. They were in all hospitals, examined from head to toe using the most modern methods, all treatment was prescribed. but they don't accept anything. The girl is in pain. I ask her and my mother: “What do you want?” They answer: “We want to take nothing, but so that there is no pain!” It’s just like in the fairy tale about the Golden Fish: “And I also want to be a noble noblewoman...” Let me remind you that there the heroine is left with nothing.

- How can we all live, as you say, “healthy and healthy”, in a nutshell?

Respect yourself and your loved ones calmly and without fanaticism. And appreciate the naked beautiful bodies given to us by God. Appreciate, cherish and cherish!

Hyperbolization is the creative method of Malysheva. But everything is immediately visible. Photo: Sergey VOLKOV

Private bussiness

Born March 13 in Kemerovo in a family of doctors. She graduated from the Kemerovo Medical Institute and postgraduate studies in Moscow. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, author of dozens of scientific publications. He has been presenting health programs on Channel One since October 1997 (then ORT). Husband - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, specialist in molecular biology Igor Malyshev. The couple has two sons. The eldest Yuri is a surgeon and creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”, married in 2014, his chosen one Karina is a graduate of the Plekhanov Academy, and in February 2015 the couple had a son, Igor. The younger Vasily is a lawyer.

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Weekdays/9.50, First

Sundays/8.55, First

It's said!

Famous for his bright, figurative speech. Here are just a few funny quotes (and catch the rest on air daily!).

✔ “German Shaich, come here! Now you and I will perform in vitro conception!”

✔ “The liver is the only organ in the world that can regenerate.”

✔ “Unfortunately, when you get out of bed, you have no control over yourself.”

✔ “How many times a week should I wash my TV remote control? Let's go without fanaticism. At least one."

✔ “This program is done so that at least something good happens in your life.”