
When should you start wearing a prenatal bandage? How to put on and when to start wearing a maternity bandage. From what week of pregnancy should you wear a bandage?


Pregnancy is a joyful, but difficult time for a woman. In the later stages, many expectant mothers begin to experience pain in their back and leg muscles, they often feel tired due to the increasing weight of the fetus, and it becomes more difficult to carry out normal daily activities and walk long distances. A special bandage will help significantly alleviate a woman’s condition during pregnancy, support the expectant mother’s expanding belly and relieve the load on the lower back.

Why do you need to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

A prenatal bandage is an orthopedic tape-belt, quite wide, tightly encircling the abdomen and securing the abdominal wall in one position. A prenatal bandage, produced in the form of special panties or a belt, promotes optimal distribution of the child’s weight, secures the mother’s internal organs and reduces the harmful effect of a heavy fetus on the woman’s spine. A gynecologist may allow a woman to use a bandage from the twentieth week of pregnancy until the ninth month.

The bandage is able to support the abdomen with severe weakness of the abdominal muscles and prevent them from being overstretched. There is an opinion that its use prevents the appearance of a type of skin atrophy such as stretch marks (stretch marks). Some doctors refute this misconception and argue that the tendency to stretch marks depends on the hormonal characteristics of the body and is determined by the genetic predisposition of a woman.

Benefits of wearing a brace during pregnancy

Mothers who used an orthopedic bandage while pregnant leave rave reviews about this orthopedic product and recommend its use. They note that they experienced relief as soon as they began wearing the maternity belt every day. The intensity of their back and lower back pain decreased, and it became easier to bear the weight of their abdomen, which was increasing every day.

Positive effects of the prenatal bandage:

  • limits the load on the spine;
  • reduces the feeling of fatigue;
  • reduces pain in the calf muscles;
  • helps reduce discomfort from abdominal enlargement;
  • fixes weakened abdominal muscles;
  • Helps the baby to position itself correctly in the uterus.

Medical indications

Indications for the use of an orthopedic prenatal bandage are determined by a gynecologist. Despite all the advantages of these products, there is no need to wear a bandage for all pregnant women without exception. Nevertheless, for most expectant mothers, the use of an orthopedic product can bring undeniable benefits. This is especially true if you have existing back pain, as well as when you are expecting twins or a large baby. Despite the safety, the last word should remain with the doctor who is observing the woman.

Indications for wearing a bandage include:

  • active lifestyle of the expectant mother, mobility;
  • the need to stand for a long time, standing work;
  • tendency to varicose veins of the legs or pelvic organs;
  • osteochondrosis, hernia, pain in the lumbar spine;
  • repeat pregnancy, expecting two or more children;
  • large fetus or its abnormal position in the uterus;
  • the threat of premature birth in the last months of pregnancy.

Contraindications and precautions

There are practically no contraindications for using the bandage, but in exceptional cases, the use of the product can cause harm to the mother and unborn child. A gynecologist observing a pregnancy may warn against putting on a bandage in case of atypical placenta previa, improper placement of the fetus in the uterine cavity, as well as in some other cases that the doctor considers a basis for a prohibition.

Supporters of natural pregnancy and childbirth oppose the product, arguing that the use of aids, such as a bandage and special panties that support the abdomen, is unnatural, and a healthy woman’s body can do without orthopedic accessories. Most doctors do not share this view. Modern medicine believes that in the absence of obvious contraindications, a pregnant woman has every right to alleviate her condition.

What are pregnancy bandages?

A gynecologist who monitors the expectant mother and is aware of the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy can give her recommendations on choosing a model of an orthopedic product, assist in determining the size and teach the technique of putting on a bandage.

There are three main types of prenatal bandages sold in pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers: a universal belt, bandage panties and a lace-up corset. The products are made from cotton with the addition of synthetic elastane fibers; each model has both pros and cons.

The most popular type of prenatal bandage is a belt, which is a wide fabric tape with Velcro fastener and is worn under clothes over underwear. Velcro allows you to adjust the degree of tension of the product depending on the volume of the abdomen. The sides of the tape are reinforced with special inserts to provide greater comfort for the pregnant woman. How the product looks can be seen in the photo.

Bandage belts include a special model that can be worn both during pregnancy and after childbirth. The universal bandage has two parts. Before the baby arrives, he carefully supports the expanding belly with the thin side and the back with the wide side. After childbirth, everything changes: the wide part is placed on the stomach, clasping the stretched muscles, due to which the uterus contracts in a shorter period of time. It is important to know that the universal bandage cannot be used after a caesarean section. In this case, it is necessary to wear only a special postoperative bandage.

An outdated type of belt is a bandage belt, secured with lacing. Lacing, tightened at the back, allows you to better regulate the girth, but often a woman needs an assistant to properly tighten the orthopedic corset; this is not always convenient. Corsets are made from non-elastic materials such as cotton or linen satin. In natural fabrics, a pregnant woman does not sweat in hot weather and is not at risk of allergies.

The next model is a bandage-pants for pregnant women. They look like panties with a front insert made of elastic material that hugs and supports the belly. Many pregnant women note their convenience and aesthetics, they are invisible under clothes. Briefs need to be worn on a naked body, and this is one of their disadvantages, since they require replacement daily. Not suitable for expectant mothers expecting twins or quickly gaining weight, as the panties are not designed for large stretching of the fabric.

How to choose the model and size of the product?

The choice of bandage depends more on the woman’s subjective feelings than on the doctor’s recommendations. Sometimes you have to try several different models before making your final choice. It is important to purchase the product at specialized retail outlets or pharmacies and pay attention to the manufacturer and the presence of a quality certificate, and not to buy orthopedic accessories that do not meet medical standards.

It is important to correctly set the size of the bandage, for which, before purchasing, you need to measure body parameters, such as the volume of the hips and tummy (more details in the article: how to choose the right size of bandage for pregnant women?). Usually the size of the orthopedic product coincides with the size of clothing worn during the “pre-pregnancy” period, however, manufacturers and sellers recommend trying on the belt before making a purchase. It is recommended to purchase bandage panties one size larger than the underwear the woman wore before pregnancy.

How should you put on a bandage?

Regular or universal belts are almost always worn in a lying position with your hips raised. In some cases, it is possible to put on a bandage while standing, but to do this you need to bend back and grab your stomach with your hand, lifting it up. In this case, the bandage passes in front under the abdomen, and from behind it fits the lower back. Bandage panties are also put on from a reclining position or lying on the bed. The spandex insert should not be high on the stomach, otherwise the baby will feel cramped. Lying down allows you to relax the muscles and avoid pressure on the peritoneum. The video shows instructions on how to put on the belt.

How and how long to wear a bandage for pregnant women?

Pregnant women are interested in how long it is safe to wear a bandage. The rules state that wearing a bandage should not be long, especially around the clock; it is necessary to pause for rest every two to three hours for no shorter than thirty minutes. How many months to wear? If the gynecologist has not prescribed otherwise, then you can wear a bandage belt right up to the birth, especially for those mothers who lead an active lifestyle and play sports even in anticipation of the birth of the child. It is not very comfortable to sit in a bandage, although it is possible from time to time, but lying down, much less sleeping, is strictly prohibited.

When is the best time to stop bandaging?

With a bandage, a woman should experience relief. When discomfort is felt, you need to choose another model or, after consulting with your doctor, completely abandon the support device. You also need a doctor's advice on the eve of childbirth, in the last weeks of pregnancy, since the incorrect position of the baby in the uterine cavity is a contraindication for using a bandage: if you continue to use the support product, the baby will not be able to roll over on its own. This is why you should definitely visit a gynecologist before wearing an orthopedic belt.

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy and the postpartum period can bring undoubted benefits if this device is individually selected and used correctly and according to indications. There are pre- and post-natal bandages, as well as universal ones. There are several models, each of which has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

The gynecologist will tell you when to wear the bandage and whether the woman needs to use it. Therefore, before purchasing, you should consult a doctor; sometimes his help may be required when putting on the product.

General approaches

It is better to purchase it for yourself, and not to take it blindly from someone. After all, even if women have the same height and hip circumference, the configuration of the pelvis and the shape of the abdomen may differ. And a belt that fits one pregnant woman perfectly may not be comfortable for her friend. In addition, using someone else's wearable device is unhygienic.

Not all pregnant women wear a special belt every day, coping without it. In addition, it is uncomfortable and sometimes even undesirable when a woman works sedentarily. But if during the day you expect a long walk, going up and down stairs, or standing for a long time, it is better to resort to using a bandage. This will reduce the risk of developing swelling in the legs and uterine hypertonicity.

A bandage that is not placed correctly on the body can cause discomfort or even harm. Undesirable consequences may include disturbances in the blood supply to the legs and pelvic organs, tightness of the baby in the mother’s stomach and increased tone of the uterus. Therefore, when using it, you should follow some rules.

How to put it on correctly

The bandage must be worn correctly. Although in the instructions for some models you can read a phrase about the possibility of putting it on while standing, it is still better to do it while lying down. In an upright position, the pregnant uterus tilts slightly forward and moves downward under the force of gravity. At the same time, the stomach protrudes more strongly, because the overstretched abdominal muscles can no longer fully hold it.

If you put on a bandage in this position (standing), it will not provide adequate support, and you will feel a feeling of tightness and pressure on the abdomen due to incorrect wearing. Located just below the recommended level, the bandage often compresses the neurovascular bundle in the groin area. This can lead to swelling in the legs and cramps in them due to impaired venous outflow and lymphostasis.

It is recommended to put on the bandage while lying on your back, on a fairly hard surface. This will allow the lower back to take a physiologically correct position, and it will also be easier to determine the bony landmarks for the location of this supporting device on the body.

The bandage can be attached soon after waking up without getting out of bed. During the day, you can use a bouncy sofa, couch, or even the floor. In this case, you need to lie down for 10–15 minutes so that the muscles relax and the uterus changes its position. The child will rise a little higher. In this case, the worn bandage will not press the fetal head and will not allow the baby to put pressure on the cervix.

The bandage belt is worn on underwear or thin clothing made from natural fabrics. At the same time, you should consider going to the toilet so that you don’t have to remove everything in a cramped stall. But panties can be worn on the body or on underwear; they have fasteners at the bottom.

What to do if you have nowhere to lie down?

If a pregnant woman has nowhere to lie down, with certain skills you can put on a bandage while standing. The order of necessary actions:

  1. Gently lean your body back a little, leaning your shoulder blades against the wall and firmly resting your feet on the floor;
  2. Carefully apply the bandage to the lower back and give it the correct position there;
  3. Loosely fasten the belt in front under the stomach or put on panties with an elastic band up to the pubic level;
  4. Gently lift your stomach with your hands from below, hold it in this position for a little while;
  5. Continue to support your stomach with one hand, and with the other hand, straighten the bandage in front and pull it up;
  6. Slightly stretching the elastic band, form it into a “cradle” for the stomach, carefully place the stomach into it;
  7. If you are using a Velcro belt, use one hand to adjust the tightness of the bandage to the lower abdomen;
  8. Straighten up smoothly and, if necessary, slightly adjust the position of the belt using additional side fasteners.

But it is still more correct to put on the brace while lying down or at least reclining, leaning back strongly with the obligatory support of the back.

Allowable use time

It is necessary to mention how long you can wear the bandage during the day. No matter how comfortable it is to use it, you need to take a half-hour break every 2.5–3 hours. In this case, the bandage does not need to be removed abruptly. This will lead to a rapid lowering of the abdomen, which can provoke motor restlessness in the child and increase the tone of the uterus. It is advisable to free yourself from the belt while lying down. If this is not possible, you need to lean back and lean back a little, put your hands under your stomach and gently lower the bandage.

From when can I wear a bandage? It is advisable to coordinate with your doctor when starting to use such support. Most often, an obstetrician-gynecologist recommends wearing a bandage from about 22 weeks of pregnancy. But in the case of rapid growth of the abdomen, in the presence of diseases of the spine, the threat of miscarriage and isthmic-cervical insufficiency, they begin to wear it earlier, from 4–5 months. In this case, at first, an elastic belt or bandage panties will be more comfortable. And with a protruding large belly, a thick, wide belt, including a universal model, is better suited.

A prenatal bandage is usually used until almost the end of pregnancy. Sometimes the doctor recommends limiting its wearing in the last days before the PDR if there are signs of delayed cervical ripening and the position of the fetus is too high.

Postpartum bandage – when to wear and how long to wear?

The postpartum bandage is fundamentally different from the prenatal one. It does not support the stomach, but creates a dense, wide frame with a tightening effect and partial fixation of the lower back. There are special bandage high pants with a reinforced front part (grace), wide belts, and post-operative models. In addition, you can use a universal belt, turning its wide part forward.

In the absence of contraindications, a postpartum bandage can be worn almost immediately after childbirth. This will significantly reduce pain and make it easier for the woman to move independently. If you had a caesarean section, you should consult with your doctor when it is best to start wearing a bandage and whether it is necessary to additionally protect the suture area. A second bandage may also be required so that if it gets dirty it can be used as a replacement.

The postpartum bandage is also worn in a lying position directly on the body. It does not need to be removed when visiting the toilet, because even panties usually have a system of hook fasteners in the crotch area. But if there are stitches in the perineum after an episiotomy, you will have to give up grace in favor of a belt. But to treat postoperative sutures, the bandage will need to be completely unfastened or removed. It is not recommended to wear the bandage for more than 3 hours at a time; you need to take breaks.

Some women use wide towels, sheets and other materials as a bandage. This, of course, saves money. But such a homemade corset is not nearly as comfortable as specially designed devices.

Contraindications for wearing a bandage

This is not to say that a bandage is necessary for absolutely all pregnant and postpartum women. There are no strict recommendations on which week to wear it. You can do without such additional support if the woman feels well, she is not bothered by pain in the lower back or legs, and the pregnancy is progressing normally. Of course, sometimes a bandage is used to prevent stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen. But this is not a medical indication, but rather an aesthetic one.

There are situations when it is undesirable to use a bandage. These include:

severe intestinal motility disorders and severe flatulence;

  • inflammatory phenomena in the suture area.

  • Currently there are various ones on sale. A woman can choose exactly what she needs. But she definitely needs to consult a doctor.

    Types of bandages

    The most common are three types of bandages. The prenatal bandage is designed to be worn by pregnant women, the postnatal one - in the first weeks after childbirth. The combined bandage can be used before and after childbirth - just turn it on the other side. It's cost-effective.

    The bandage can be made of cotton, elastane, microfiber or mixtures thereof.

    Among bandages, two types of models are most often found.

    1. Bandage panties with an elastic support insert in the front under the abdomen

    The bandage resembles high-top maternity panties, with an elastic band sewn into the belly side. The model is suitable for those for whom it is more important to fix the baby’s head from drooping, but the lumbar support is not so important, it is often not adjustable in size, and only some models have adjustment only on the side due to fasteners. Some manufacturers have a fabric insert above the bandage made of a special “breathable” material.

    The inconvenience of this type of model is that usually such a bandage is used instead of panties (although it can also be worn over panties), i.e. You will have to purchase several of these bandage panties and wash them regularly. In cool weather, you can wear such a bandage over underwear, which makes caring for the bandage easier. It is better for a pregnant woman to wear this model, like others, while lying down. A bandage worn in this position will secure the uterus well and support the abdomen.

    2. Bandage belt

    Existing varieties: just a tape (only for pregnant women), a tape with an elastic part that covers the abdomen, and a combined prenatal and postnatal bandage.

    A very popular model of a bandage in the form of an elastic band. Used both before and after childbirth. During the prenatal period, the wide part of the belt strengthens the back, distributing the load, and the narrow part is secured under the abdomen. After childbirth, the belt is turned the other way around: the wide part holds the stomach, the narrow part holds the back. Such bandages have 3 joints (one in front and two on the side), the length of each can be changed using Velcro. The side joints are reinforced with an elastic band. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage has begun to put more pressure on the stomach or, conversely, has become stretched, then the side flaps allow you to adjust the diameter without unfastening the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day.

    The support belt is worn over the underwear. Some manufacturers have perforated tape - thanks to the holes, the material “breathes” and it is not so hot in the bandage. Some belt models have an elastic part that covers the stomach. Manufacturers claim that this option is not subject to “sliding” and is better fixed in the desired position, but this is debatable.

    Most models of bandage bands can be used both during and after pregnancy. In the first case - the wide part at the back, in the second - at the front.

    It is also better to put on such a bandage while lying down; in this case, optimal support is achieved.

    Postpartum bandages

    These bandages are not suitable for pregnant women. Wearing a postpartum bandage is not mandatory.

    Doctors recommend using it after childbirth to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles as soon as possible, and after a caesarean section to fix the suture and support the abdominal wall. Postpartum bandages also reduce stress on the spine, reducing back pain. Stretching postpartum bandages-underpants usually look like a wide tape, the same in width. This is an elastic waistband. It tightens the stomach quite well, but, unfortunately, in the process of wearing it can slide up. Part of the postpartum bandages is high panties with fasteners on the sides or on both sides of the abdomen, often with a lower fastener, like a bodysuit, which allows you not to remove them if necessary (for example, to go to the toilet). Most often made of synthetic materials, but there are also cotton models.

    There are reinforced versions of such bandages, they are characterized by a high dragging ability. They consist not only of tissue, but also of dense plates that squeeze the abdominal muscles. It is better to buy such bandages a month after childbirth, but not earlier, as they strongly tighten the internal organs, preventing the discharge of postpartum secretions and uterine contraction.

    Postoperative - special bandages for those who gave birth by cesarean. They resemble a very wide belt - from the waist and almost to the pubis (20 - 30 cm wide), with a clasp along the entire height. This type of bandage is softer than a regular postpartum bandage and is designed specifically for wearing after surgery. It secures the postoperative suture and supports the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is recommended to wear it while lying down.

    A postpartum bandage in the form of a belted skirt or bandage pants with a tight insert on the abdomen (ending lower on the hips than a regular bandage) can be used after operations.

    How to choose the right bandage size?

    Some women believe that the bandage puts too much pressure on the abdomen and harms the fetus. It is not true. It is absolutely safe for both mother and child, provided the size is correctly selected. If the bandage fits you, it does not put pressure anywhere, but, on the contrary, causes relief.

    Usually, when prescribing a bandage, the doctor helps you choose the right size. If you choose the size yourself, contact a consultant at the point of sale for help. The bandage belt is selected as follows: you need to measure the circumference of the hips under the stomach with a centimeter tape - this figure will be the size of the bandage.

    So with a hip circumference of 85-95 cm, the size of the bandage will be 90 (or 1st), with a circumference of 95-105 cm, respectively, 100 (or 2nd), more than 105-115 cm - 110 (or 3rd). Some manufacturers recommend choosing a bandage based on the circumference of both hips and waist. The number of sizes in the line can then reach 6. Sometimes, the size of bandages-belts is indicated in Latin letters or the usual numbers of clothing sizes, in this case the size of the bandage corresponds to the size of clothing before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52 -54), XXL (56 and up). To find out the size of the panty bandage, you should add one more size to the “pre-pregnancy” size of the underwear.

    It is advisable to purchase a bandage where there is an opportunity to try it on. It's best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable.

    Bandages for pregnant women are sold in pharmacies and stores, where they also sell clothes for pregnant women.

    How to put on and wear a bandage? Bandage procedure

    A doctor should show you how to put on a bandage correctly, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case it can squeeze the fetus).

    It is necessary to put on the bandage while lying on your back, slightly raising your hips - in this position the fetus does not put pressure on the anterior abdominal wall, because is above. When a woman stands, the uterus drops under its own weight, and by fixing it in this position, we will only aggravate the problems that the bandage is designed to combat. It is also more convenient to remove the bandage while lying down. It’s quite difficult to follow the “take off and put on lying down” rule outside the home. In case there is nowhere to lie down, lean back, slightly lift your stomach with your hand and press it, then immediately secure this position with a bandage. It is better to wear a bandage on your underwear, this makes you feel more comfortable and extends the service life of the bandage.

    A properly worn brace should not exert excessive pressure. The bandage belt should be worn obliquely: at the top of the lower back, the upper part of the buttocks, then down under the stomach, resting on the hips, and in front to grab the pubic bone. If you put on the bandage correctly, then after some time you will simply stop noticing it and feeling it on yourself. Lying, the front valve of the bandage-belt is fastened. The tension of the bandage is adjusted while standing, with side valves. In the future, there is no need to unfasten or fasten the side flaps every day, only as the abdomen grows, adjust the degree of tension of the bandage.

    A feeling of discomfort will indicate that the bandage is not sitting “somehow right.” However, often during the first 2-3 days it is necessary to get used to the new sensations, only after that the stay in the bandage will become more comfortable.

    The video illustrates how to wear a bandage correctly:

    When to remove and how long can you wear the bandage without a break?

    Despite all the advantages of a bandage for pregnant women, you cannot stay in it for 24 hours. Every 3-4 hours you should take a break for 40 minutes. The bandage must be removed when the expectant mother goes to bed at night, or rest while lying down during the day. If the bandage is prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons, then it must be worn until the very birth, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet. If you use it only to improve your general well-being, then you do not need to wear it all the time.

    To prepare the muscles of the uterus and abdominals for childbirth, wearing prenatal and postnatal bandage must be combined with special physical exercises. Whether to wear a bandage during fitness depends on the condition of the woman herself. If you are used to leading an active lifestyle, have strong abdominal muscles and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. For others, a bandage during training will make you feel more confident, eliminate possible consequences in the form of pain - since the muscles will work actively, back pain may appear without a bandage.

    Bandage after childbirth and after caesarean section

    After childbirth, it is necessary to restore both muscle tone and skin tone. Physical exercise is not possible for quite some time after childbirth, but this does not mean that the abdominal muscles do not need support. And again the bandage comes to the rescue. It will also help get rid of stretch marks, if any appeared during pregnancy.

    However, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the use of a bandage after childbirth. It replaces the work of the abdominal muscles, and they come into shape more slowly. Postpartum bandage is contraindicated in case of slow contraction of the uterus, retention of postpartum discharge (lochia) in the uterine cavity, allergies, diseases of the stomach, kidneys.

    The postpartum bandage can be worn 7-10 days after childbirth and used for at least 6 weeks (duration of the postpartum period). Be sure to help your muscles contract through exercise. The size of the postpartum bandage usually corresponds to the size of the clothes before pregnancy. If after pregnancy the weight has increased by more than 12 kilograms, then select a product 1-2 sizes larger.

    It is most convenient to lie on your back, slightly raising your hips: it is in this case that the internal organs occupy the most correct position, and the tight fit of the bandage to the body is also ensured. It is recommended to wear the bandage no more than 10 hours a day. During the day, every 3 hours it must be removed for 30 minutes. It is not recommended to use the bandage at night.

    During pregnancy, the universal bandage is put on so that its narrow part passes under the abdomen. The wide part should be on the lower back and support the back. The most convenient way to put on the bandage is while lying on the bed. Place the product and lie on it with your back. Wait a couple of minutes for the baby to move upward. Secure the bandage with Velcro so that when lying down, your palm passes between the product and the skin. After childbirth, the bandage must be put on with the wide part forward, also lying on your back. Before fixing it, relax your abdominal muscles so that they take the correct position.

    With a maternity brace you will feel much more comfortable, you will be able to move more and lead an active lifestyle throughout your pregnancy.

    The universal bandage can be worn before and after childbirth. It is intended to be worn from 20-24 weeks. Wearing time is no more than 10 hours a day. You can wear the bandage with a semicircular part either up or down, depending on your feelings and the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist.
    After childbirth, the belt must be turned “back to front” so that its wide part tightens and fixes the stomach, and the narrow part fastens on the back. During the postpartum period, wear the bandage daily until the shape of your abdomen is completely restored.
    It is necessary to select the size of a universal bandage according to the circumference of the hips under the abdomen, guided by the size determination table.


    Before deciding to purchase a prenatal bandage, you should consult your doctor.

    The bandage is purchased for the entire period of waiting for the baby, because as the pregnancy period increases, the circumference under the abdomen remains almost the same, especially since the bandages are made of elastic fabrics. You need to select the size based on the circumference of your hips under your belly, using the size chart. For multiple pregnancies, models with an increased degree of support are suitable, and for sedentary work, a seamless bandage will be more convenient. Universal models can be worn before and after childbirth and are suitable for most women.


    Prenatal bandage panties - high elastic panties with an elastic support insert. They have a dense elastic belt sewn into them, which stretches as the size of the uterus increases, fits to the lumbar region, and in front passes under the abdomen, giving it the necessary support without squeezing. The wider the tape, the more effective the bandage. The front insert has a high waistline, completely covers the stomach and “grows” with it without putting pressure on it. You can choose from bandages not only in the form of panties, but also in the form of shorts.

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    The market for medical products includes bandage-panties made without seams, with a two-position bottom fastener, thanks to which the bandage can not be removed when visiting the toilet (just unfasten the buttons or hooks). Bandages of this design are very popular among pregnant women: they are easy to use, fit well, and do not stand out under clothing. Moreover, they also satisfy the aesthetic needs of women, thanks to the presence of various model and color variations. The size of the bandage is selected depending on the size of the growing belly. A panty bandage is put on while lying down in order to properly fix the pregnant uterus and correctly redistribute the pressure: less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower part. It is also more convenient to remove the prenatal bandage while lying down.

    JavaScript is disabled in your browser Please note that jockstrap panties can be worn either on the naked body or over panties. In the first case, the bandage will need to be washed daily, and therefore you will have to purchase at least two bandages per shift. If a woman is obese or pregnancy is accompanied by
    pathological weight gain and swelling, then, in some cases, by the end of the term, bandage panties begin to “cut” into the thighs and rub the skin.

    2. Prenatal bandage belt - a supportive elastic belt with three adjustable Velcro joints, which is worn directly on the underwear. The central and two side joints allow you to adjust the size of the bandage. The model is worn both lying down and
    and standing.

    It should be borne in mind that a wide and dense support tape will give a better effect and will deform less when worn (roll, gather into folds, cut into the body). Another positive aspect of this bandage is that it allows you to adjust the fit due to the side flaps. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage has begun to put more pressure on the stomach or, conversely, has become stretched, then the side flaps allow you to adjust the diameter without unfastening the bandage. At the same time, it fixes the uterus, but does not put pressure on top. It is very practical and comfortable in the summer, as it does not completely cover the belly, the pregnant woman will not be too hot.

    The clothing belt is an elastic band that is secured with a Velcro fastener under the abdomen, reducing pressure and tension in the abdomen and pelvis.

    3. A universal (combined) bandage belt is used both before and after childbirth. It is a double-sided belt of orthopedic design, in which one side is much wider than the other, reinforced with an overlay. Velcro side flaps allow for adjustment
    size and degree of tightening of the belt without removing it. Such a bandage can be worn both prenatally (the reinforced part of the belt will be located on the lower back) and postnatally (in this case, the wide part tightens the abdominal wall). Before giving birth, you can wear the bandage with a semicircular part either up or down, depending on the sensations of the pregnant woman. After childbirth, the skin and muscle tissue of the anterior abdominal wall need time to return to their original tone. Postpartum bandages are designed to help a woman in this situation.

    A postpartum bandage is a product that tightens the abdominal wall and promotes faster restoration of the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen in the postpartum period, leading to normalization of pressure inside the abdominal cavity. The bandage relieves stress from the spine, relieves back pain, and helps maintain correct posture and grace. Wearing a postpartum bandage eliminates stretch marks and helps the abdominal organs take the correct position, preventing the prolapse of internal organs or the formation of hernias.

    Thanks to a special cut and elastic materials, the postpartum bandage has a high tightening ability, supports the abdomen and hips, creates the necessary compression, forms the correct proportions of the figure, and can significantly reduce the recovery period after childbirth. A high-quality bandage is made of hypoallergenic elastic cotton fabric, which allows you to easily absorb and evaporate moisture from the surface of the skin.


    A postpartum bandage belt is a wide (from 15 to 30 cm) elastic belt that covers the entire abdominal area to the hips and is fastened with Velcro (Velcro) on the front or side. Such a bandage has a good tightening ability; in the case of abdominal delivery, it promotes the formation of a durable postoperative scar and reduces the risk of postoperative hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. However, such a bandage creates certain inconvenience for a woman while wearing it (especially during active movements). In addition, made of dense solid fabric, the bandage does not highlight the waistline and tightens both the stomach and buttocks with equal force.

    Postpartum bandage panties (grace panties) - panties with a tightening front insert in the abdominal area. The material from which they are sewn has a high degree of elongation combined with elasticity. The bandage fits perfectly on the figure, does not slip, it can be worn under any clothes instead of underwear - it will be invisible. Reduces the size of the waist and hips, slightly tightens the buttocks. Models with a bottom clasp can be left on when visiting the toilet. Bandage panties are more functional, in which it is possible to regulate the force of tightening the abdomen using multi-position side fasteners with hooks or Velcro (Velcro).

    The difference between corset bandage panties is the high waist, the presence of internal inserts and drawstrings, bones of different lengths, due to which the pressure is correctly redistributed to all problem areas (and not just the stomach), the muscles and skin return to their original tone and beautiful proportions of the figure are formed. The stomach becomes flat, the waist decreases and a graceful transition from it to the hips appears, and the buttocks look rounded and toned.

    There is also a separate type of bandage for women who have undergone a cesarean section - “surgical postoperative”. Special “surgical” bandages may be required after a cesarean section to fix the postoperative suture and support the lower
    parts of the abdominal wall.


    It is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (or from 20-24 weeks). However, it is better to focus on your feelings: if the stomach is large and the fetus is large, you can start wearing a bandage earlier, in agreement with the doctor who is observing you. The main function of the prenatal bandage is to support and relieve the back.
    As the weight of the fetus increases and a woman’s body parameters change, the load on the spine and internal organs increases, as a result of which the woman may experience pain in the back and lower back.
    According to studies by obstetricians and gynecologists, regularly wearing a prenatal bandage reduces the likelihood of:
    - termination of pregnancy;
    - premature birth;
    - symphysitis and varicose veins;
    - the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen and back.

    The moment when a woman feels the need for a bandage may come at different times. Some pregnant women do not experience heaviness for the entire nine months, while others find it difficult to bear their belly after the fourth month. Just at this time, the active growth of the child begins, the woman’s internal organs shift, and the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge. All this causes discomfort. Using a bandage helps relieve stress from the lower back, support the abdomen and internal organs, and avoid stretch marks on the skin. The bandage is also an indispensable assistant during postpartum recovery. It is needed to prevent prolapse of internal organs, rapid contraction of the uterus, and tone the muscles and skin of the abdomen. And in the event of a caesarean section, a postpartum bandage protects and secures the sutures.

    Doctors noted that with an excessive increase in the size of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, as well as with a scar on the uterus after previous operations (caesarean section, myomectomy), the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure over the entire surface of the abdomen. The role of a prenatal bandage is also invaluable when there is a threat of miscarriage in the second and third trimester. The use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid on the incompetent cervix. In case of placenta previa or low position, the role of the bandage is also reduced to the prevention of premature birth. The use of a prenatal bandage will be the right decision for a second pregnancy, because in this case the abdominal wall stretches faster and stronger. If a pregnant woman has weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then a prenatal bandage will be a necessary aid when carrying a child. Another group of indications for which the use of a prenatal bandage will be an important condition for maintaining health is curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, lower back pain. In these cases, the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine.

    There are practically no contraindications for wearing a prenatal bandage. The only exception is the case when, after 30 weeks, the fetus has not taken the correct position (i.e., head down). In order not to prevent the baby from turning over, it is not recommended to fix the stomach with a bandage. After the baby turns over, you can wear the bandage.
    Additional support in the form of a bandage is especially recommended for working women who spend more than three hours a day on their feet, i.e. in an upright position, during repeated pregnancy, in case of discomfort in the back, lumbar and neck, with osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine and some other pathologies.


    To determine the size of a prenatal bandage, you need to measure your hips under your stomach (not in their widest part), the measuring tape should be parallel to the floor, and compare the result with the size table. You should not rely on the size that you wore during your last pregnancy or that you are wearing now, but from a different manufacturer. Before each purchase, it is recommended to re-measure and study the size chart of the selected brand.


    Universal bandage belt. This product performs two functions at once: before childbirth it supports a growing tummy, and after the birth of the baby it helps restore tone to the skin and muscles. Before childbirth, the bandage-belt must be worn with a wide part back. The semicircular part can be located both at the top and at the bottom - depending on the doctor’s recommendations and the feelings of the expectant mother. After childbirth, the bandage must be turned with the wide part forward to ensure a tightening effect and fixation of the muscles. The bandage can be made of perforated material, which provides good air exchange, allowing the skin to breathe.
    Among prenatal bandages, there are also seamless models: they have no seams, are easy to use and invisible under clothing. It is easier to choose a seamless product in size: having a large supply of elasticity, such products are able to adapt to a woman’s changing parameters.


    Medical bandage (French bandage - bandage) is a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after childbirth, with hernias
    abdominal wall, etc. Medical underwear is made taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a woman’s body during pregnancy and after childbirth and helps prevent many undesirable phenomena and provide the woman with more comfortable conditions for bearing a fetus.

    The question of the advisability of using a bandage during pregnancy and the postpartum period is rarely discussed in the medical literature. However, in recent years, obstetricians and gynecologists have increasingly advised pregnant and postpartum women to wear bandages.

    An antenatal bandage is a very useful device that can relieve back pain and also support the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall that have weakened during pregnancy. It is recommended to wear it starting from the 20th week of gestation.

    During use, expectant mothers often have a question as to whether it is possible to sit in a maternity seat. Let's try to answer this question by considering the rules for using a prenatal bandage.

    How to wear a bandage correctly during pregnancy?

    First of all, it should be noted that the size of this device is according to the waist volume that the woman had before pregnancy. Doctors pay special attention to the rules for using the bandage.

    In cases where a pregnant woman is forced by her nature to sit or stand for a long time, she needs to remove the bandage and take half-hour breaks every 3 hours.

    Also, when a pregnant woman has the opportunity to lie down, it is necessary to remove the bandage.

    Why can't you sit in a maternity brace?

    It all depends on what presentation the fetus is in at the moment. A ban of this kind applies only to those expectant mothers who have a breech presentation, those. The baby is facing the entrance to the pelvis.

    The ban is primarily due to the fact that when sitting with a bandage on, compression of the pelvic veins occurs, which prevents the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus. It is also worth noting that often women with breech presentation, in order to avoid such a situation, are not recommended to use a bandage at all until the baby takes the correct position in the uterus.

    Considering this fact, doctors do not always answer positively when asked by an expectant mother about whether it is possible to sit in a maternity brace.