
Short-term research and creative project in the second junior group “The Amazing World of Experiments” project (junior group). Project “Miracle Water” in the second junior group Project in the second junior group


Municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya Secondary School"

Project in the second junior group

Topic: “My kindergarten.”

Teachers: Gordeeva Yu.B.

Fedorova V.S.

September 2017

Project in the second junior group “My kindergarten”.

Project type: medium-term, informational and creative.

Project duration : 1 month.

Project participants : teachers, children of the second younger group, parents.

Target group: children 3–4 years old.

Project type: group.

Relevance of the project:

We are burning with the desire to cultivate love for the Motherland, but it turns out that we are unable to instill in a child love for what is closest to him - his home and kindergarten, because this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and important stage. A preschooler, first of all, must recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then a citizen of Russia, and only then – an inhabitant of planet Earth. You need to go from near to far.

The family is currently going through hard times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents are paying less and less attention to their children and their upbringing; the number of single-parent families and dysfunctional families is growing. It is increasingly difficult for a child to love his home, family, and kindergarten too.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home and kindergarten. Children must learn not only to take, but also to give: to take care of loved ones from childhood, to be attentive to each other, to be compassionate, to help in word and deed.

Target project : Formation of spiritual and moral attitudes and feelings towards kindergarten.


Cultivate a love for kindergarten.

To create a prosperous atmosphere in kindergarten, where relationships between people (adults and children) are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Encourage children to carry out socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for their family, home, kindergarten.

Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

Promoting the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Expected results of the project:

Children must know and name the name of the kindergarten, group, premises (group, kindergarten) and their purpose.

Feel pride and respect for the work of kindergarten employees.

Thematic plan for working with children

Forms of organizing joint adult-child activities.

Sections of work

Educational activities

Main content

Cognition (environmental)

1. “Getting to know the group.” "Let's play"

“Our group” Since the children came from the nursery, they should gradually become familiar with the group’s premises and their purpose.

We continue to introduce children to the group’s premises.

Teach children to navigate in a group space. Develop a sense of love and pride for your group. Group tour

Examining the group, getting to know the play areas.

Game activity.

2.Safety in our group"

“From prank to disaster - one step”

“My favorite corner” To instill in children neatness, skillful, caring attitude towards objects in the group. Develop a sense of security and self-preservation.

Please note that there are many items in our group that require careful handling.

Develop children's creative abilities. Conversation, viewing of pictures, on safe living.


Improve the ability to compose a group of objects from individual objects and isolate one object from a group, denote aggregates with the words one, many, none (Pomoraeva p. 14).

Construction - "Furniture for kindergarten."

Speech development: Learning by heart (finger game) “My group”. Looking at photographs “Our kindergarten”. Game "Wonderful bag".

Artistic creativity:

Application - "Kindergarten".

Cooperative activity


Conversation about kindergarten “Kindergarten is our home.”

Getting to know the group" Assigning the names of rooms in the group

and their meaning.

Targeted walk around the kindergarten. Securing names and

appointments of premises such as a medical office,

music and sports hall.

Conversation “Kindergarten”, “Our group”.

Reading fiction

Reading fiction for children on the topic: “Rules of conduct in kindergarten.” (Rules of conduct for well-mannered children). Reading the story by E. Permyak “How Masha became big.”

A. Barto poems.

Play activity

Didactic games and exercises

The game “Who Lives in the House?” - introducing children to each other.

"Memory", "Fairy tales" "What? Where? Where from?

Outdoor games

“Hen and Chicks”, “Birds in Nests”, “Hit the Target”, “Geese and Swans”, “Carousel”

Plot-role-playing games: Role-playing game "Hospital"


Board games

Theatrical game:

Based on the fairy tale "Teremok".

Dramatization game:

"Our Masha is little."

Games with a constructor; puzzles; cubes - pictures; builder.


Behind the birds, the wind, the trees; natural phenomena.

Working with parents

Exhibition of drawings “My favorite kindergarten”.

Consultation: “Moral and patriotic education of a preschooler in the family.”


From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mozaika – Synthesis, 2015.

Dybina O.V. “Child and the world around us” Moscow: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2010.
Gubanova N.F. “Development of gaming activities” Moscow: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2012.
Zatulina G.Ya. “Speech development” Moscow: 2015.
Koldina D.N. “Applique” Moscow: “Mosaic-Sintez”, 2012.
Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. "FEMP" Moscow: "Mosaic-Sintez", 2009.


Conversation "Kindergarten".

Target : Help children get to know kindergarten better and love it
Introduce children to the general concept of “Kindergarten”.
* Clarify children’s existing ideas about the kindergarten, pupils,
employees and the purpose of premises.
* Teach children to listen carefully to an adult’s stories and answers
children without interrupting.
* Develop memory and logical thinking.
* Activate words in speech: kindergarten, gym, music
hall, teacher, manager, medical office, etc.
* Strengthen the ability to fully answer questions posed.
* Foster interest in and respect for the property of the kindergarten.

Progress of the conversation:

Looking at a photograph of a kindergarten.
The teacher asks the children questions:
* Guys, what kind of house is this?
*Tell me what he is like?
* What do we do in kindergarten?
* What did you see near the kindergarten?
* What rooms in the kindergarten are you familiar with?
* What are they needed for?
* What can we do to make our life in kindergarten interesting?
* Who works in the kindergarten? (professions)
* What do you think is a difficult job for a teacher?
* Explain what and why?
* Who do you think cooks for the children to eat?
* Is this work necessary?
* How many floors are there in the building?
* How can you end up on the 2nd floor?
* What rules do you know when walking up the stairs?

After the children’s answers, the teacher summarizes their answers and introduces the children to the name of the kindergarten and group.

"Our group"

Target: Assigning the names of rooms in a group and their purpose.
* Introduce children to all the premises of the group and their purpose.
* Enrich knowledge about a wonderful home for children - kindergarten.
* Reinforce the rules of behavior in the kindergarten premises.
* Replenish your active vocabulary with words used in the situation
communication in the group.
* Develop speech, memory and friendly relations.
* Foster a caring attitude towards the property of your group.
The teacher suggests looking at the lockers.
- What do you think the lockers are for? (fold clothes)
- Why are there so many lockers? (Because there are a lot of children)
- How do you find out where and whose locker is? (If the children do not guess, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that there is a picture on each cabinet)
The largest room is the group room. Look how much stuff is in it. What do you see? (Toys, books, cars...), and in order to always find an object, you need to remember where it is. The dolls are in the doll corner. Once you've played with them, they need to be put back in place. Next, the teacher takes the children to the next corner and asks what is there. At the end of the inspection, the teacher reminds that all objects in the group must be in their places, then they can be easily found, and there will be order in the group.
Before breakfast and lunch, the teacher, together with the children, examines the washroom, invites the children to name everything that is there, tell how they wash their hands, what soap and a towel are for, how they recognize their towel.
The children look at what's in the bedroom. The teacher pays special attention to the following items: pillow, blanket, sheet, duvet cover. Asks the children to repeat the names of these objects. At the end of the inspection, he offers to say who made the bed so beautifully and thank the nanny.

Targeted walk around the kindergarten

Goal: to introduce children to the main building of the kindergarten.
Tell and show the children where the medical office, gym, and laundry are located. Introduce children to the “owners” of these offices.
* Teach children to navigate the kindergarten premises.
* Develop memory and cognitive interests in children.
* Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the kindergarten and employees.
* Introduce children to the rules of communication and rules of conduct in
in public places.
* Cultivate interest and love for kindergarten.
Reading the story by E. Permyak “How Masha became big.”

"The worst thing." “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother.”

After reading each proposed story, a general conversation with the children’s conclusions about the actions of the characters and the rules of safe behavior.

The game “Who Lives in the House?”

The teacher tells the fairy tale “Teremok”, and after that invites the children to play a game.
- Now we will play with you. This is where the house will be.
Kira will do.
He will knock, like a mouse knocked on a mansion, and ask: “Who - who in
lives in a little house? (Invites Katya to repeat)

Educator: Nobody answered her, and Kira began to live in the house.

Nikita is coming and knocked on the house.

Rita: who lives in the house?

Kira: I am Kira, and who are you?

Nikita: And I’m Nikita, let me into the house, we’ll live together.

Educator: she let Kira and Nikita into the house, they began to live together.

Reading poems about kindergarten.

"Katya in the manger"

One two three four five:
We're going for a walk.
Katya tied up
The scarf is striped.
Katya is lucky with her sleigh
From porch to gate
And Seryozha is on the path
Throws crumbs to the pigeons
…girls and boys
They bounce like balls
They stomp their feet,
They laugh merrily.
Why isn't he dancing?
Our new girl?
Katya goes to see the new girl,
He leads her in a round dance.
...the lights went out,
The manger fell asleep:
And Lida and Katya,
And dolls in the bed.
(Z. Alexandrova)

Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are rushing there.
I'm going to the garden to look -
What grows in such a garden?
Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..
- Don’t be ridiculous, uncle! –
The kids tell me.
And ten of them shout:
“We are the ones growing in the garden!”
(N. Yaroslavtsev)


My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.
This is not like home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat with a spoon correctly,
Let's get used to order!
Kindergarten is necessary!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschoolers in our group!
There is no more wonderful place for us!
What is your favorite kindergarten!
(I. Gurina)

"Your second home"

Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,
This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!
(G. Shalaeva)

"I work as a child"

I'll get up and wake up mom.
I'll put on my pants myself.
I'll wash myself. And I'll drink tea,
And I won't forget the book.
My job is already waiting for me.
I have to work hard!
Eat porridge, take a walk,
Sleep, have fun!
I'm at work all day
I sing, I sculpt, I dance.
Then I’ll drink, then I’ll eat again
And I’ll draw a letter.
And if you ask me,
I will answer very loudly:
"I'm in kindergarten, I'm in kindergarten
I work as a child!”
(A. Vishnevskaya)


We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
They are waiting for the guys.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll gallop
On a toy horse!
This house has everything for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance
Quiet hour -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.
(O. Vysotskaya)

"To a kindergarten"

Leaves under the legs
They rustle merrily.
We'll be leaving soon
With Misha to kindergarten.
Let's get up early in the morning,
Let's make the bed.
Mom will shout from the kitchen:
“Boys, get up!”
Let's dress up cheerfully
Let's go have fun
Have fun with the guys
Let's come visit!
In the kindergarten on chairs
We will sit.
Let's eat porridge
We will sing songs.
And then we'll get dressed,
Let's go out for a walk
And we'll come back from a walk
Let's go to bed together.
In the evening from work
Mom will come to us
And us together with Misha
He'll pick it up from the garden.
Soon with Misha
We'll go to kindergarten
All your toys
We'll take it to kindergarten.
(A. Vishnevskaya)

"Our favorite kindergarten"

Our favorite kindergarten!
He is always very happy to see us!
Greets you cheerfully in the morning,
Invites everyone to breakfast
He takes us for a walk,
And dances and sings...
And without us he is sad, bored,
He forgets about toys.
Even at night he sleeps and waits:
Maybe someone will come...

Well, of course we do
Let's not leave alone -
Let's just rest a little
And let's go to him again...
And we will be happy again
Our favorite kindergarten!
(E. Grudanov)

After reading the poems, the teacher can talk with the children about the content. Note the children's mood.

Looking at photographs “Our kindergarten”.

Application- "Kindergarten".

Project in the second junior group “We are growing”

Project activities in the 2nd junior group"We growing»

Passport project"We growing»

teacher 2 junior group Simonova E. N.

Subject: "That's how we grew up."

Basic component: Work on project carried out within the program sections "From birth to school" (cognitive, social, physical development) .

Age of project participants: children from 3 to 4 years old.

Compound project team: Teachers and pupils groups, parents of pupils.

Type project: short-term, group, gaming.

The relevance is due to:In a modern preschool institution, important attention is paid to raising a healthy preschooler. One of the important factors of a healthy personality is the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Searching for new forms of interaction in the work of families and preschool educational institutions in the process of teaching children self-care skills

Target project: developing children's independence skills in children junior preschool age, to give an idea of ​​the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene to preserve and strengthen human health, to cultivate neatness.

Tasks project:

Encourage children to independently perform certain self-care skills.

Introduce children to literary works, nursery rhymes, sayings about water, cleanliness, and health. Give children ideas on how to dress and undress, in what order (undressing, neatly folding your things).

For children:

Mastering the necessary skills when dressing after sleep and for a walk, when undressing.

Memorizing nursery rhymes and poems. Watching cartoons and filmstrips. Acquired knowledge and skills implemented through gaming activities.

For parents:

Hygiene of preschool children age. How to teach a child to dress independently. Fostering independence in preschool children growing up

To introduce the artistic word in the process of mastering independence skills.

Necessary equipment:

Literary series:

Nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face”

V. Berestov N “Sick doll”

Pavlova "Whose shoes"

I. Muraveyka "I myself"

K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Fedoreno grief"

Watching cartoons "Moidodyr", "Queen Toothbrush", "with Little Bird Tari".

Demo series: Didactic game doll Masha, illustrations on topics "Cloth", illustrations of viruses, bacteria, looking at pictures of hygiene items.

Expected Result: developed self-care skills in children younger age

Preparatory stage

Step-by-step implementation algorithm project. Conversation with children topic: “Why do you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth?”. At the end of the conversation, the children called "helpers" cleanliness maintaining human health (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, washcloth, towel). We talked about what can happen to a person if you don’t wash your hands or brush your teeth. We looked at illustrations of bacteria and microbes. They made a very strong impression on the children. Then we watched cartoons "Moidodyr" And "About the bird Tari"(The children were very worried about the character of the 2nd cartoon, the crocodile, because he did not brush his teeth).

The next morning, the children themselves went to wash their hands, without a reminder from the teacher.

After reading the work, the children asked many questions. One boy asked: “What is shame and disgrace?”

Before we went for a walk, our guys and I had a little quiz. Buratino came to visit the guys. The guys named the clothes that people wear when winter comes. The teacher read riddles about clothes and showed pictures. Our kids did a very good job with this task, plus we repeated features of winter weather.

Then we talked to the guys in what order they should dress for a walk and undress. In addition, we dressed the Masha doll for a walk.

Didactic games were held every day.

“We’ll undress the doll Masha after the walk”

* “Shoes quarreled - became friends”

* “Let’s make an accordion out of a sock”

* “Let’s show the doll Masha where our things are”.

* “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

* “Let’s teach Masha how to fasten buttons”

* “We’ll show you how to fold your clothes before going to bed.”

“Let’s teach Masha how to put things in the locker”

As part of our project We told the children about the benefits of physical exercise. The children do morning exercises and exercises after sleep with great pleasure. They turn into playful kittens and imagine themselves riding a bicycle.

At the end of our project we had a little fun.

Leisure progress.

Vos-l: Hello guys! Today you and I will have an unusual activity, because a magical guest has stopped by. Do you want to look at her?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: In order to see it, we need to solve the riddle.

She lives in heaven

And he lives on earth,

And vigor and health

She carries it with her.

Its reflection in it

You will always see

Always helpful in hot weather


Children: Water.

Vos-l: Of course it's water!

(Vos-l contributes to group a small container of water and places it in front of the children, inviting the children to touch the water.)

Vos-l: Guys, tell me what water is needed for? (Children express their guesses) Well done, they said everything correctly. Of course we need water for life: We drink it, swim in it, and the rain helps trees and flowers grow. You also need water for washing. Who can tell me why we wash our face in the morning? (Children suggest their own answers) We wash ourselves in order to meet the new day clean, washed, so that our face and eyes wake up to be beautiful. Let's now show how we wash ourselves in the morning. Repeat after me.

In the morning I’ll get up early (we stretch, then do circular

And I open the water tap, movements with my hands)

Water will run from the tap (feet shoulder-width apart, bend over, lowering

A vigorous, clean stream. head and arms freely down, swing)

I’ll bring my palms to her (we straighten up and stretch out our palms

I’ll collect a hundred drops in them, go ahead)

I'll wash my eyes and ears, (perform movements in accordance with the text)

I'll wipe my neck and face.

The water gave me a gift (feet shoulder-width apart, lift it up

Cheerfulness, joy, purity! left, then right hand in the rhythm of the verse)

And now I, smiling, (we walk in place with a high lift

I'm heading into a new, bright day! knees, smiling.)

Vos-l: What is this sound I hear? Someone is knocking on our door.

(You bring in the Muddy Doll (an ordinary doll with a dirty face and hands)

Vos-l: Children, look what a guest came to our kindergarten today. Let's say hello to her. (Children greet the doll) Who do you think it is? That's right, it's a doll. But for some reason this doll is not entirely neat and clean. Something must have happened to her... Let's talk to her and find out about everything! Doll, please tell me what is your name?

Gryznulka: My name is Gryaznulka!

Vos-l: Dirty? What a strange name you have.

Dirty: The name is just like a name, nothing unusual.

Vos-l: Why are you, Gryznulka, so sloppy? Your face and hands are dirty.

Dirty: Yes, because I don’t like to wash my face, I don’t want to brush my teeth, and in general I don’t like water. She's cold! Wet! Brrr!

Vos-l: You're wrong, Dirty. You definitely need to wash! And your teeth need to be brushed every day too!

Dirty: Why do I need to wash my face every day?

Vos-l: You’re already so big, but you still don’t know why you need to wash your face? Guys, do you know why you need to wash your face? Then explain this to Muddy. (children suggest their own answers)

Dirty: I can't believe it! Guys, do you really wash your face and wash your hands every day?

Vos-l: Dirty, but not only our children wash themselves, but also the animals. And even birds!

Dirty: Can't be!

Vos-l: Look!

(A toy, the parrot Kesha, appears and together with the children they imitate how birds clean their feathers)

Gryznulka: Wow! I would never have thought that birds could bathe and wash themselves! How cool and interesting this is! And the water turns out to be not so cold and wet.

Vos-l: Dirty, not only birds can wash themselves, but animals too. And some people can do it even without water!

Dirty: How is it possible - without water?

Vos-l: Using your paws and tongue. Guys, do you know who washes his face like this? (children's options)

Gryznulka: I still can’t believe it!

Vos-l: And the guys and I will now show you how a cat washes itself.

(Children modeled after vos-la repeat the cat's movements)

Dirty: Wow, all animals and birds know how to wash themselves.

Vos-l: And all people wash themselves, you’re the only one who doesn’t know how to do this.

Dirty: Well, I can! From today I will wash my face and brush my teeth every day! And they will call me Clean!

Vos-l: Well, guys, shall we believe Gryaznulka?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: That’s great, but so that you don’t change your mind, Cleany, listen with us "Wash song"!

(A song by A. Alexandrov is played "Wash Song")

Cleanie waves goodbye and leaves.

Project in the second junior group “Our younger friends”

Explanatory note

Environmental upbringing and education of children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of a child’s personal development - properly organized and systematically carried out in educational institutions, it has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, and will.

The natural world contains great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. Thoughtful organization of training, walks, and special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge and feelings, he develops a correct attitude towards living things, a desire to create rather than destroy. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, and awakens better feelings in him. The role of nature is especially great in raising children.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things are formed. Love for nature, skills of caring for it, for all living things.

This project is a unified system of systems, which includes preliminary work, work with parents, with children. Planned activities with children contribute to the formation of humane feelings, broadening their horizons, developing speech, vocabulary, instilling hard work and a sense of responsibility towards a living being.

The project can be used by teachers of primary and secondary preschool age in their work with children. The project is used for the environmental development of preschool children, instilling care and love for living things.

Project "Our Younger Friends"

“Do no harm!” is one of the commandments of human communication with nature. Raising young preschoolers in the spirit of environmental conservation is one of the aspects of environmental education in kindergarten. Love, understanding and care are what nature expects from every person. It is advisable to begin to cultivate these feelings in early childhood, therefore today environmental education in preschool educational institutions is given due attention.

Relevance of the project:

Communication with animals, if it occurs uncontrollably, can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the developing personality of the child. A child’s attitude towards an animal and his purposeful action may turn out to be incorrect for a number of reasons. First of all, the child does not know what can be done and what cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is beneficial. In addition, in close contact with an animal, the baby will definitely want to satisfy his curiosity and involve him in the game. Without adult supervision and guidance, such communication can be harmful and even dangerous for both the animal and the child.

Project type: research - creative

Project participants: children of the younger group, teachers, parents.

Problem: ignorance of the rules of communication between a child and pets.

Target: formation of an interested, caring attitude towards pets, clarification and consolidation of the names of pets, making parents active participants in project activities.


1) To develop children’s knowledge about pets

2) Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development

3) To develop feelings of empathy for all living things, the ability to make basic conclusions and conclusions

4) Increase parents’ knowledge about caring for animals.

Expected results:

Children understand how to care for pets.

Instilling in children love and respect for animals.

Parents' desire to have a pet.

Making a photo album “Pets”

Making a wall newspaper “My favorite pet”

Integration of educational areas:

- “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

Interaction with family:

Questionnaires, individual conversations, creation of an album “Pets”, consultation for parents, exhibition of the wall newspaper “Our Little Friends”.

Preliminary work:

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic: “Pets”

Learning poems about pets.

Finger gymnastics “Kitten”,

Acquaintance with the literary work of S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”, E. Blaginin “Kitten”.

Making riddles.

Conducting outdoor and didactic games.

Watching the cartoon “Who Said MEOW”

Project implementation plan.

Monday- opening of the project week.

1. “Four-legged friends” - looking at illustrations. Introduce children to pets.

2. “Like our cat” - finger painting. Teach children to create images using finger painting, develop fine motor skills, and cultivate accuracy.

3. Listening to the song “Lucy the Dog.” Cultivate a friendly attitude towards younger friends, empathize.


1. Reading poems about pets. Teach children to listen to poetry. Learn one simple poem.

2. Watching the cartoon “Who Said MEOW.” Using TSO. Give children the joy of watching a cartoon.

3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”. Continue to teach children to find their place when signaled. Develop dexterity and evasiveness.


1. Morning exercises “Kitty”

2. “Magic pictures” - drawing with a candle. Continue to teach children how to create images using non-traditional drawing techniques.

3. Finger gymnastics “Kitten” - to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Didactic lotto game “Pets” - to consolidate children’s knowledge with the most frequently encountered animals.


1. Thematic conversation “Our younger friends.” Continue to introduce children to pets, develop children’s horizons, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards them.

2. Reading fiction S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”, E. Blaginina “Kitten”

3. Making and guessing riddles - teach children to listen carefully and understand the riddle, pay attention to the rhymes of the clue.

Friday- closure of project activities

1. Multimedia “That’s what they are, our younger friends.” The presentation provides information about pets and interesting facts from life. – Give children the joy of watching a cartoon, teach them to share their impressions.

2. Looking at the photo album “Pets”

The results of the project are as follows:

1) Increased interest among parents in getting a pet for their children

2) Pets appeared in 4 more families.

3) Children have become more responsive and attentive to pets (according to parents’ stories). The guys now have responsibility for the good condition of the animals. Who live at their home. Not only the ability and desire arose, but also the need to do a good deed for the sake of an animal: feed, water, clean a cage or bowl on time, provide assistance.

4) Making a photo album for children

5) Making a wall newspaper for children and parents “Our Little Friends.”



Secondary school No. 1457



"Magic Drop"

Prepared by:

Teachers of the 2nd junior group

Zelenskaya E.A.

Solyannikova O.I.



Magic drop

Project type: research, creative, mid-term.

Time spending: March – May.

Project participants: children of the second younger group, parents, preschool teachers.

Problem: Children of primary preschool age do not have an adequate understanding of the importance of water in the life of plants, animals, and humans, as well as its properties.

Target: to form in a child of primary preschool age an idea of ​​the importance of water for all life on Earth, its properties.


    To form in younger preschoolers a conscious idea of ​​the need for water for all life on Earth.

    Development of cognitive ability in children in the process of joint research activities and practical experiments with water.

    Enrich vocabulary, activate verbal communication, develop fine motor skills.

    Foster respect for water and love for nature.

    Introduce the properties of water and the process of dissolving paint in water.

Cognition: develop cognitive and creative abilities in children, visual attention, memory, thinking in the process of joint research activities, practical experiments with water. Formation of children's ideas about the properties of water and its importance for life on Earth.

Social and communicative development: teach to be careful about water and nature. Consolidate new knowledge based on life experience.

Artistic and aesthetic development: Musical development: to cultivate in children emotional responsiveness to music and sounds (the sound of rain, streams). Promote the development of musical memory, develop singing skills. Visual activity: continue to learn how to draw straight lines, strokes (drops, streams). To develop interest in joint activities - appliqué, drawing.

Speech development: develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary.

Physical development: continue to develop the need for hygiene and neatness in everyday life, use water carefully during hygiene procedures; give an idea of ​​healthy food, the importance of food for the human body; formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle; physical education – to develop children’s activity and creativity in the process of motor activity, to introduce more complex rules into games with a change of movements.

Stage 1 of the project. Preliminary work.

Search work on the selection of illustrative material; literary and musical works; information about water (encyclopedia); outdoor, didactic games; creating conditions for organizational work: purchasing and selecting containers for conducting experiments with water, gouache, various materials for creative activities.

Stage 2 of the project. Productive.

1. Didactic, plot-role-playing, board-speech games: “Wash the doll”, “Bathe the doll”, “Water, water, wash my face”, “Fishing”, “Who lives in the water”, “Sailors”, “Guess the taste"; outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”, “Blow Up, Bubble”, “Stream”;

2. A series of educational activities with children to study the properties of water and ice; compiling descriptive stories about water and its properties; memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, songs; continuing to explore the riddles; viewing illustrations, pictures;

3. Observation of different states of water: experiments “Colorful water”, “How plants drink water”, “Colored pieces of ice”, “Everything consists of water”, “What dissolves in water”;

4. Research and practical activities of children to study the properties of water;

5. Reflection of acquired knowledge and skills through the artistic and creative activities of children: application “Who lives in the water”, drawing “Drip, drip of rain”, “Where does water live?”, plasticineography “Aquarium”, coloring pictures “Fish”.

Collaboration with family

    Consultations “Aquarium at home”, “Cultivating a love for nature”;

    Photo report for parents;

    Making the book “The Journey of a Droplet.”

Expected Results

1. Know about the properties of water and its importance for life on Earth;

2. Compiling descriptive stories about animals, fish, plants based on plot pictures.

Listening to music

    "Sad Rain" music. D. Kabalevsky;

    "Roar" music. V. Volkova,

    "Rain" music. N. Lyubarsky,

    "Rain and Rainbow" music. From Prokofiev.

Fiction for children to read

    K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”

    Russian folklore “Rain, rain more…”

    S. Marshak “Conversation of Frogs”

    V. Bianke “Bathing bear cubs”

    A. Bosev “Rain”

    A. Karamitchev “Little Duckling”

    A. Barto “Boat”

Outdoor games

    "Sun and Rain";


    "Blow up, bubble."

Event schedule

Conversation “What is water needed for”;

Listening to “The Sound of Rain”;

Experiments “Colorful water”;

Game-situation “Water, water, wash my face” (the use of folklore in teaching cultural and hygienic skills);

Role-playing game “Wash the doll”, “Bathe the doll”;

Getting to know the “magic drop”

first week March, April, May

Preparing material for the conversation;

Audio recording;

Making a teardrop doll

Audio recording;

Gouache of different colors, jars, water, doll, knitted drop doll

Conversation “Friends of Moidodyr”

Base game “Sun and Rain”, “Stream”;

Didactic game "Fishing"

Experiments “Colored Ice”, “Drowning Doesn’t Sink”

Application (teamwork) “Who lives in the water”

Making a baby book “Sea Inhabitants”

second week of April

Reading the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky;

Preparation of materials for experiments, applications;

Look at the illustrations with sea inhabitants

Didactic game “Fishing”, water, colored gouache, ice mold, materials for applique, center of water and sand, photo album, shells, glue, colored paper

Tricks “What dissolves in water”;

Drawing “Drip, drip, rain”;

Travel game “Where the water lives”;

Playing musical instruments “Natural phenomena”;

Consultation for parents “Aquarium at home”

Third week of April

Post drops in the kindergarten building; prepare musical instruments, drawing material, magic tricks

Water containers, paper drops, musical instruments, illustrations, paintings, encyclopedias, educational material about aquariums and their role in a child’s life

Experimentation “How plants drink water”, “Everything is made of water”;

Individual creative works “World of Water”;

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”;

Song-game “Cloud”, “Drip-drip”;

Outdoor game “Blow up, bubble”;

Didactic game “Who Lives Where”;

Drawing up a diagram of the water cycle in nature"

Fourth week of April

Consider indoor plants, vegetables, fruits;

Reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

Center of water and sand, vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots), fruits (apple, banana, pear);

Costume for dramatization of a fairy tale

Making a wall newspaper (team work) “Young Researchers”;

Song-games “Evil Cloud”, “Drip, Drip”;

Drawing “Running drop”;

Plasticineography “Aquarium”

Didactic game “Walks, swims, flies”

5th week of April

Looking at photographs, illustrations, paintings depicting an aquarium

Paper, colored water, crayons, photographs, Whatman paper, audio recording, plasticine of different colors


    E.A. Yanushko “Sensory development for children of different ages.”

    I.A. Lykova “Visual activity at an early age.”

    N.F. Gubanov "Development of gaming activities."

    O.M. Maslennikova, A.A. Fillipenko "Ecological projects".

Irina Sdobaeva

Short Social-personal junior group project.

Subject: « Let's be friends

Participants project:

Children junior preschool age;


- educators: Sdobaeva I. M, music. hands Mironenko A. L.

View project: short.

Type project: informational and creative.

Problem: inability to communicate, support friendly relations

Target project: Formation of children's idea of ​​a friend, friendship


Give an idea of ​​what it is friendship.

Teach children the rules of communicating with each other.

Be able to correctly evaluate your own actions and the actions of your friends.

Do noble deeds and enjoy the results.

Encourage parents to participate in project,.

Methods: verbal, game, visual, practical.



Reading fiction,

Stages of work on project:

Stage I – Preparatory

To bring the children to this problem, we chose the right moment when there was a conflict between the children. We drew the attention of other children to this.

They offered to discuss and solve this problem. We analyzed the cause of the conflict and whether it should have happened. We discussed ways to reconcile children. While talking on this topic, we came to the question of whether it is possible to quarrel and what this can lead to.

Having analyzed the pupils’ answers, they made their own proposals and set themselves target: teach children be friends. This is how it appeared project« Let's be friends

In work on parents were involved in the project. Based on the interests of the children, we conducted a survey of parents "With whom and how my child is friends» . We informed them what topic interested the children, discussed the goal and objectives project, revealed to them the prospect of working on project. Feedback was provided through individual conversations, oral information sheets, and consultations.

After listening to parents' suggestions for planning project, what assistance they can provide, have drawn up a long-term plan for implementation project with the participation of children and parents, jointly designed a subject-developmental Wednesday:

We selected fiction, subject and plot pictures, as well as literature of small genres of folklore on the topic;

Selected songs about friendship for listening and musical repertoire for performance.

Developed game models, GCD notes, prospectus "Minutes of Politeness", "Rules friendship» ;

We produced various types of theater, attributes for games, "Hearts of Love and Kindness", "Magic chest", collected toys for friends.

Stage II – Basic

At the second stage we carried out practical activity: had conversations with children about friendship, memorized poems, proverbs, teasers, peace songs, persuasion songs, nursery rhymes with them, listened to songs about friendship. We read fairy tales and stories to the children, and played theatrical games. "Teremok", "Golden comb cockerel". In direct educational activities, children were active: acted out problem situations, learned movement, verbal, round dance, finger games. Organized role-playing games and dramatization games

Stage III - Presentation of the exhibition "My friend!"

At the third stage, a presentation took place project: creation of an exhibition "My friend", the final integrated gcd on topic: « Let's make friends

Work plan for project presented in the presentation.

1 day (Monday)

1) Game « Let's say hello»

The goal is to develop the ability to interact with a partner, auditory attention and memory, and relieve muscle tension.

One clap - we shake hands;

Two claps - we greet with hangers;

Three claps - we greet with our backs.

Direct educational activities

Subject: "ABOUT friendship»

Target: To develop children’s ability to treat children and adults kindly. To develop the ability to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters. Introduce the proverb about friendship. Form children's ideas about friendship.

Materiall: song about friendship, flat figures and pictures from fairy tales "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Progress of activities:

Guys, today I brought an unusual song for you. Listen to her.

What is this song about? (O friendship)

Think and tell me what it means to live together, be friends?

Who should give up the toys? (to friends)

Do you have friends?

Bulat, who is your friend?

Do you give him toys?

So who is he to you? (Friend)

So guys, who are friends?

Guys, how many friends can you have?

What is better, one friend or many?

What do you think, Camilla?

What do you think, Amina?

Is it possible for all children to were friends in the group?

How do you think?

(the teacher summarizes the children’s answers)

Guys, why do we go to kindergarten? (meeting friends, playing, etc.)

Can adults and children be friends?

(I play with you, give you toys, go for walks, study with you, that means I’m your friend

Since I'm your friend, I want to play with you.

“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

Look guys who came to us.

Tell me, what fairy tale are these heroes from?

Name them.

Who saved the rooster from the fox?

So which of these heroes can be called friends?

Can a rooster and a fox be called friends?

How do you think?

What do you think?

(that’s right guys, the fox was always trying to deceive the rooster and take it to his hole. And friends don’t do that.)

Even among animals there are friends.

Listen to the popular proverb. "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

What does this proverb mean? (teacher explains)

Would you like to have friends like fox?

What about people like a cat?

So guys, be as good and loyal friends as a cat.

3) Listening to songs about friendship.

“It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”, "Smile", "Song about friendship» and other songs from cartoons.

Goal and tasks: To develop the ability to listen to audio songs and understand the lyrics. Evoke joyful emotions, continue to form children’s ideas about friendship.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

1)Reading and memorizing poems about friendship

The goal is to develop communication skills and team building.

Tasks: Develop the ability to listen, develop the skills of expressive reading of poetry.

1. Reading poems about friendship: "Present" E. Blagina, « Girlfriends» A. Kuznetsova, « Girlfriend Masha» G. Borgul

2. Memorizing a poem "Boy friends with a girl...» L. Razumova. using mnemonics (mnemonic tables).

3) Examination of plot pictures "Lessons in Kindness"

Target: To form the concept of good, kind deeds.

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to treat children and adults kindly. Develop the ability to evaluate actions, distinguish between good and evil.

Day 3 (Wednesday)

1) Learning a song "The sun has buddy»

2)Learning the dance “We quarreled - we made up”

2) Game - dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok".

Target: Continue to form children’s idea of ​​a friend, friendship, fostering a friendly attitude towards each other, being restrained, and being able to work in a team.

Tasks: Develop the skills and abilities of choral singing, the ability to perform dance movements. Develop speech. Bring up friendly related to each other.

4 day (Thursday)

1) Reading and learning "Mirilok".

Target: Learn a new little world.

Tasks: Tell children what the worlds are for, develop the ability to expressively read a poetic text, cultivate good attitude, and the ability to play together.

2) Application "Gift for a Friend"

Target: Reinforce acquired gluing skills.

Tasks: Develop fantasy and imagination. Develop the ability to independently choose a topic for work. Cultivate kindness and a desire to bring joy.

3)Game "Find a Pair"

Target: To develop the ability to compare objects.

Tasks: To develop the ability to compare objects by color, size and shape. Develop attention. Bring up.

5 day (Friday)

1) Open GCD « Let's be friends»

Target: develop basic ideas about friendship, friendly relations.


1. Shape friendly relationships in the team, contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relations, negative attitude towards rudeness.

2. Develop children's spoken language, attention, and enrich their vocabulary.

3. Develop communication skills, a sense of empathy, and positive emotions.

4. Consolidate knowledge of colors, geometric shapes, knowledge of the left and right hand

2) Exhibition of works on the topic « Friendship»