
Why you can't wash your hair on Friday. Why you can not wash your hair on Monday and what it threatens. Our ancestors said: You can't wash your hair on Monday


For many women, daily hair washing is a familiar procedure. However, among the people there is a sign that cleansing hair on Monday can lead to disastrous consequences in fate. Is it so?

Washing your hair on Monday: a bad omen or a ridiculous prejudice?

Washing hair - a ritual of renewal and purification of the soul and body - our ancestors, men and women, carried out at the end of the working week, and not at its beginning. Violation of this tradition, according to belief, leads to failure in all areas of life. In addition, it threatens hair loss and deterioration of their structure. There is even a sign that if an unmarried girl will wash her hair on Mondays and do this seven times in a row, she will remain in the girls forever. A married woman runs the risk of becoming a widow.

There are several magical justifications for an old sign:

  1. Monday is considered an unfavorable day for any undertakings. On this day, they do not start building a house, planting in a garden, making plans. It was also considered unfavorable to heat a bathhouse (and in fact there were no shower cabins, bathrooms and round-the-clock hot water supply before).
  2. According to magical ideas, hair accumulates human energy. By cutting hair and cleansing it, a person “washes away” the information accumulated over the week, both negative and positive, cleanses himself. Therefore, hair washing is welcomed at the end of working days in order to “remove” traces of fatigue and negative experiences from oneself, to give oneself the opportunity to rest. At the beginning of the week, a person’s strength should be directed to good deeds, to the accumulation useful information and experience.
  3. Esotericists say that female hair are able to accumulate energy not only for themselves, but also for loved ones - husband, children. That is why girls with long braids used to be so valued. Long hair personify the huge internal spiritual reserves of their owner. A woman full of strength and energy is able to make her loved ones, those she cares about, happy and successful. At the beginning of the week, a woman should be full, not empty.
  4. The scalp has its own cycle. At its beginning (Monday, Tuesday) the sweat glands work. During this period, the hair is moisturized and washing it can lead to insufficient moisture, dryness. But on Thursday and Friday, the sebaceous glands are active, and therefore it is favorable to wash your hair these days. The remaining days are neutral, when one cycle is smoothly replaced by another. During such periods, shampooing is possible if the hair so requires.

It must be understood that scientific studies confirming the reliability of a particular hypothesis have not been conducted. And to believe or not to believe in folk signs and esoteric ideas is the personal choice of everyone.

I wash my hair when I feel it is dirty. According to my observations, if I am satisfied with my appearance, my hair is clean and neatly styled - this is to have a good day, regardless of the day of the week!

Wash your hair as it gets dirty, and may luck always be on your side!

Our success and failure depend on our attitude, on our faith in success and concrete actions on the way to our cherished goals. So let no superstitions stand in the way!

For most of the population, Friday is the most coveted day of the week, completing a tedious series of working days. The anticipation of a long-awaited vacation makes it a happy moment for everyone who honestly worked a five-day period.

but folk omens strongly disagree with this definition of Friday. They argue that the end of the working week, despite the patronage of the goddess of love Venus, is one of the most dangerous days, filled with all sorts of prohibitions and warnings. After all, it was then that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, and Cain committed the murder of his sibling Abel.

Common "Friday" signs

The special status of Friday portends a lot of problems and troubles to those who decide on this day to take vigorous action in almost any area of ​​life.

Good Friday is a special day for all Christians. After all, it was on this day that Jesus received the torment on the Cross to atone for the sins of all mankind. Therefore, on Good Friday, believers observe a strict fast, which concerns not only food, but also other worldly pleasures.

It happens that in the calendar the end of the working week coincides with the unlucky 13th of the month. This Friday is usually called Black, because according to popular beliefs, on this day, various evil spirits acquire special power and power over all earthly creatures.

  • Avoid quarrels with relatives and colleagues at the end of the working week. Even a minor conflict on this unlucky day can lead to a complete break in relations.
  • Fridays are very disliked by motorists and travelers. After all, the 13th, which coincided with the end of working days, can cause a serious accident and other unpleasant surprises on the road.
  • Even unbelieving people should not have fun on Black Friday. An excess of entertainment often leads to the fact that the rest of the week you will spend in tears.
  • If you are going to have an operation, then never go to the hospital on a Friday, especially if it falls on the 13th. Indeed, otherwise, the risk of a sad outcome of treatment is very high.
  • Many gardeners and gardeners know that no plants should be planted on Friday the 13th, as they will either not take root at all or will not give a good harvest anyway.
  • Business people never make transactions on this day, and ordinary people should not make serious acquisitions and get a new job. It should be remembered that any “Friday” undertaking is doomed to failure, and the 13th increases the likelihood of losing.

The ancient Slavs believed that hair absorbs all the positive and negative energy emanating from the thoughts and actions of a person. By washing your hair, some of this energy could be "removed". But what kind of energy will go away, good or bad, largely depended on what day of the week the cleansing procedures are carried out. Since Monday was considered not the most prosperous day, it was not recommended to go to the bath, because this way you could wash off all the positive energy from yourself.

What happens if you disobey

According to popular belief, if a person disobeyed the ban and washed his hair on Monday, he deprived himself of all good luck.

  1. If a man washed his head, he will face failures at work, failed deals and loss of finances.
  2. A girl who washed her hair on Monday may quarrel with her parents or girlfriends.
  3. A married woman who has not obeyed signs can expect scandals in the family, children's whims and other domestic problems.
  4. If a person decides to wash not only his head, but his whole body, then in addition to failures, he can “lose” a lot of hair. Especially this "punishment" applies to men.

Which days you can wash and which days you can’t

There was one more day, except Monday, which was not suitable for going to the bathhouse. It was Friday. She received the status of an "unfavorable" day with the advent of Christianity. Believers believed that it was on Friday that Jesus was crucified, so any joy on this day was mistaken for a sinful act. Washing your hair was also a pleasant thing, so the ban fell on it.

On any other day, especially on Sunday, it was possible to wash without any restrictions. Any purification rituals were associated not only with bodily, but also with spiritual rebirth, and prepared people for the new week.

Believe it or not, it's up to you. But if you agree with popular superstitions, try to avoid washing your hair on Monday and Friday by any means, otherwise you will definitely attract negative events to yourself.

In the old days, people believed in omens and for good reason. If you look, most of them are true.

Before the baptism of Russia, people for a long time were pagans and this could not pass without a trace. Until now, even believers who constantly attend the Orthodox Church honor traditions and believe in signs. They do this consciously, since many years of experience show that signs were not invented just like that, signs are the result of numerous experiments and observations.

Monday has always been considered the worst day to start a new business. The beginning of the week, the body is still relaxed after the weekend. It turns out that Monday is a hard day not only because of the weekend.

Monday Signs

There are many signs associated with Mondays. Some of them are known today, but there are also forgotten ones. In addition to the elderly, astrologers, esotericists and people of some faiths believe in signs.

What not to do at the beginning of the week:

  • You cannot start a new business;
  • Plan a move, travel;
  • Start repairs;
  • Letting an outside woman into the house will bring trouble;
  • A child born on Monday will be unlucky all his life and much more.

There is an opinion that if you do something on Monday, then you won’t be able to finish it all week. As the week starts, so it will be. For example, if it started to rain on Monday morning, then it will rain all week.

However, our ancestors say that even swimming is not allowed on this day. It is very difficult to follow this belief, since nowadays people are used to taking a shower every day, especially in the summer.

Why You Shouldn't Bathe on Monday

In order not to harm yourself by taking signs lightly, you need to learn more about them. In Vedic culture, Monday is ruled by the Moon. The moon is a female planet, which is responsible for emotions, intuition, and the mental state of a person. On this day, it is difficult to remain calm and patient.

  • You can wash away God's blessing, lose touch with the angel;
  • Can't even wear clean clothes- attract evil spirits to your person;
  • Unmarried girls will remain single;
  • Married women, having bathed on Monday, will know the sorrows of betrayal;
  • If you wash the child, he will start to get sick with a protracted illness;
  • The work that has been started will never end, that is, if you wash the house on this day, it will always be dirty, the washed linen will never be clean. After taking a shower, you can catch unpleasant diseases that usually appear from dirt;
  • According to one more giving, young girls should not wash their hair on Monday, otherwise the braids will come out and will not grow;
  • If a girl bathes seven Mondays in a row, she will wander alone all her life and will not be able to find her calling. What will be taken, nothing will turn out;
  • Students and students are also not recommended to wash on Monday - they will wash away all knowledge and luck for passing exams;
  • If baby you need to wash it urgently on Monday, they advise you to put it on your hand with your stomach down, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl;

Ayurveda warns: on the one hand, Monday is under the sign of the Moon, the female planet. At the same time, Monday is a man. This is where all the difficulties and contradictions arise. Masculine and feminine are constantly competing with each other.

But women need to be especially careful on this day. Monday strongly influences them, takes away energy. Therefore, it is better to refrain from any actions related to cleanliness or beauty. This sign is observed in the ancient writings of many peoples. Modern Europe, Slavs, Jews, Muslims - all believed in the special power of Monday.

To believe or not in ancient signs is everyone's business, I do not impose or approve anything. But it’s still sometimes worth observing some of the covenants of the ancestors, especially if they relate to monetary issues, namely, prosperity or, conversely, lack of money in the family. The wisdom of the forefathers has not prevented anyone yet, has it?

And today I will tell you about the sign regarding washing your hair on Monday. And according to belief, no one should do this - as it promises a lack of money for a long time. This is how the first not too favorable day of the week affects the financial condition.

Why is it impossible to wash your hair on Mondays, and how does this affect the amount of money in your wallet?

Our ancient ancestors believed that hair had magical property- absorb the positive and negative energy emanating from the surrounding people and their thoughts. But thoughts, unfortunately, can be bad, not always good. When washing the head, the Slavs believed, the energy accumulated in the hair could be washed off.

That's just how to make sure that only the bad energy is washed away, and the good remains with the person? I don’t know what our ancestors were guided by, centuries have passed, but they calculated on which days bad energy is washed off the hair, and on which only good energy flows away with water.

Monday has long been considered an unfavorable day for everything, and it still has been so. It was believed that on this day it is a sin to visit a bath - you can wash off all the good energy from yourself. Therefore, at the beginning of the week, body and head cleansing procedures were not carried out. Nobody heated the baths that day.