
What haircuts are suitable for. Face-shaped haircuts for women and girls. How to choose a hairstyle for short, medium, long hair. Photo. Useful video materials on "Face shapes and hairstyles for them." Straighten curly hair and create volume in the core


We will help you figure out how to choose a haircut for a small face. This image is very common, therefore, many women are interested.

Every girl knows very well that when creating a hairstyle, special attention should be paid to the shape and size of the face. Face shapes are quite diverse - oval, round, wide, square and small. This option, how small, should be given special attention.

Everyone knows that a face of this shape makes a girl cute, and also younger than her true age. Keep in mind that the small face is also the rarest and is usually found among representatives of European countries.

You can emphasize this advantage by using an interesting haircut option. Haircuts for a small face allow the girl to highlight the individual features of her face and figure.

  • Fashionable haircuts for women 40 years old
  • Fashionable youthful haircuts for women
  • How to collect hair beautifully at home
  • Trendy haircuts for teen girls
  • Fashionable haircuts for women 45 years old
  • Fashionable haircuts for a long face
  • Fashionable haircuts for women 50 years old
  • Stylish haircuts for fluffy hair

The most popular haircut for a small face

The most popular haircut is the bob. This hairstyle has long been classified as a classic, and allows you to create an unrivaled style and look. In addition, it is ideal for both daily use and evening outings.

Just add a couple of elements, and your daily hairstyle will turn into something unusual and enticing. The ends of the hair should be completely flat. Thus, it seems that a cap is being worn on the head, covering the ears and reaching the neck. Hairstyles for a small face are also convenient because bangs can be used in almost all of them. Also, its absence will not cause a strong deterioration in the species.

The bangs can be straight or oblique. Here, the choice is already made according to individual wishes. When the bob is pretty tired of making noticeable changes or there is absolutely no need to get a haircut. You can simply make a small bun on the head, which will only be placed in the middle. On the side, its presence will be out of place. You can also choose a small braid. It will be possible to create a relaxed look for a teenage girl.

Changing your appearance will have a positive effect on the emotions of a beloved man.

Elements that will help make your hairstyle unusual

Over time, the square may noticeably get bored and you want to bring in something unusual or exclusive. Young girls are advised to use small braids in this case. Their number on the head should not exceed one dozen. And also it should be done so that they are only slightly noticeable.

If sunlight falls on the head, then it will sparkle interestingly. You should pay attention to the haircuts for the small face of the photo, you will notice that some girls highlight them. Moreover, highlighting should occur in proportion to the color, which is the main one.

If the hair is light, then use curls of black or red color. If dark, then use a few strands of brown or reddish color.

However, by no means choose White color... Too much contrast will be negative. If a girl with a small face has hair slightly longer than her shoulders, then you should opt for curling. She will slightly lift her hair, and it will be at shoulder level. Thus, pomp and volume are guaranteed. If the hair is light, then moreover, it will be possible to create lightness.

"Beauty" is very capricious and changeable. And the simplest thing that can be done to fit into modern beauty canons is to have good figure... Because make-up trends change sooner than you have time to draw "the next face". But it is better not to listen to the "legislation of fashion" in relation to hairstyles, but to select that haircut, hairstyle and styling that will favorably set off or frame the features of your face. Because, even if you make a super-trendy hairstyle, but it will not be in harmony with the proportions of the face, the general appearance can be characterized as "simple or ugly." And vice versa, even an elementary haircut or styling that fits perfectly into your image can turn you into a beauty queen.

A well-chosen hairstyle can visually, better than a talented plastic surgeon, correct facial features, correct the length of the nose, highlight the cheekbones, and focus on the eyes or lips. In addition, today, in order to turn into a beauty, it is not necessary to take a queue to a mega-popular stylist or make-up artist. Digital technologies and special applications, quickly and free of charge, online, will help any beauty to choose the perfect hairstyle or haircut on the computer. All that remains is to print the photo and bring it to life with the help of a hairdresser.

So how to choose a haircut for the shape of your face on a computer? Our stylists with rich experience and a huge store of knowledge will help you online free of charge.

We select beautiful options for a square face

A haircut in which the strands end in curls or ends different lengths, is able to soften the "heaviness" of the chin. Longer or stepped hairstyles will add more femininity to the look. And the bangs are best done round. It is strongly not recommended to have a bob, a boy's haircut, or any other chin-length haircuts. And in general, the owners of such faces should hide flaws behind long curls.

Choosing stylish ideas for an elongated oval face

For oval face any haircut option will look versatile. Both curls and straight long hair, and even a "ladder" - everything will look cute and original. Casual waves, flowing bob, torn strands will give elegance to the image. But straight haircuts will not always be appropriate.

Selection (selection) of a suitable hairstyle- a responsible business. Here you need to approach this with all seriousness - take into account many factors, at least understand a little about trends. trendy haircuts and hairstyles, to have a desire to finally change yourself and your image. But if everyone were so confident and understood all the intricacies of hairdressing, then the need for specialists would disappear and fashion world hairstyles would become quite scanty.

But how then to be ?! What hairstyle will suit me ?! How to make right choice?! How to find the option that will hide the flaws of the face, and add attractiveness, and add confidence ?!

Of course, one of the options is to go to a hairdresser (by the way, one of the best) and, on the basis of several factors, he will select the desired hairstyle option for you and immediately bring it to life. But this path is not suitable for everyone, and you will have to look for a way to solve this problem yourself. So how can this be solved by a person who does not have special education and experience in this matter.

There are several ways to choose the right (right hairstyle):

  • using programs and services
  • by face type
  • depending on the structure and thickness of the hair
  • depending on physique, height, facial features

So, how to choose a hairstyle in more detail.

Using programs and services

Without a doubt, finding a hairstyle or haircut that suits you perfectly is a very important task. But not everyone will dare to experiment with their hair, because instead of transformation, you can get a very deplorable result and then fix it for months, or even years. To prevent such an outcome from happening, various programs and online services for the selection of hairstyles, accessories and makeup were invented and developed. Usually you just need to upload your photo and you can start changing your image as you please.

On our site there are two with instructions on how to use them.

No fears or doubts - easy selection of haircuts or styling. Such services are just a godsend for both women and men.

By determining the type of face

How to choose a hairstyle by face type? First you need to determine your face shape, and only choose a hairstyle for it. It's easy to determine: take a mirror and a felt-tip pen. Look in the mirror and trace the outline of the face with a felt-tip pen. Compare your outline with the picture and description below.

Oval face type

It is considered universal. Almost everything suits him and it has no restrictions, if only the oval is of an ideal shape, but there are some errors (narrow forehead or large facial features), then they will have to be corrected.

The shape resembles an inverted egg - it tapers a little towards the bottom and lengthens a little. The facial features are medium - neither large nor small.

Round face type

This type is similar to an oval shape, but the face is wider in width and shorter in height. The chin and cheekbones are not large and do not stand out. Everything is quite streamlined, rounded and there are no corners.

Square face type

The square-shaped face is somewhat like round type but more angular. The ratio of width to height is almost the same (1: 1). The forehead is low, the cheekbones are more prominent and wide, the chin is large.

Rectangular face type

Large face shape - high forehead and wide chin. It is also quite elongated. The width of the forehead, cheekbones and chin is almost equal - this makes the face look rather massive and angular.

Triangular (diamond-shaped) face type

These two types of face are similar in the presence of a narrow chin and expansion in the cheekbones, while the forehead is wide in the triangle and narrow in the diamond. The cheekbones are usually quite large and noticeable.

The diamond-shaped face type is quite rare, as well as another type is pear-shaped (narrow forehead, massive chin, large cheekbones).

Hairstyle data for different types faces we have combined into a table:

Oval A circle Square Straight-
Length any short,
for curly
hair - below
average average,
(up to the shoulders)
It is forbidden
(will emphasize
all if
only no
thick and
parting and
haircuts before
cheekbones or
smooth and
strands and
short and
smooth and
strands and
take away
up to the shoulders
short and
hair and
with taken
nim back
oval good
bob or bob,
better with
bangs, and when
rounded -
volume on
comb hair
back (but
for thin
no strands
curls, curls,
add. volume
the whole
square with
strands with
at the ends
and hairstyles with
Bang any, but
it is possible and
without bangs
naya, many-
level, oblique
bangs very
curvy and
eyebrows, straight
straight and
oblique and
all in all
curls and
bob, cascade,
square, waves,
cascade and
curls and

How to choose a hairstyle if you have (more detailed description):

Hair color, structure, growth and other parameters are also important. For instance, dark colors the face is narrowed, and light ones, on the contrary, widen. Thick hair many styling is suitable, but thin ones will have to be content mainly with voluminous hairstyles.

A large number of tips, recommendations, various rules, as well as programs and services for the selection of hairstyles will help you in solving such an urgent issue as the competent choice of your ideal option hairstyles. There shouldn't be any difficulties. So don't be afraid to change! Try it, and good luck!

There are no ugly people! Each of us has its own originality, its own flavor. The main thing is to find this flavor. Correctly emphasize the winning sides, maintain harmony and balance in the image. One of these points is hair length. With her, things are about the same as with the length of the skirt. You must choose the one that really suits you!

Short hair do not always look perfect. Sometimes their owners also have problems. If your hair is coarse and thick, it will be difficult to style.

Bangs - yes or no? If you want to make sure if you need bangs, pull a strand of hair over your forehead, secure with a clip and look at yourself in the mirror: how do you feel with such a hairstyle? In fact, bangs bring some playfulness to the image, make you look younger or more stylish (especially straight, heavy bangs). The right bangs length and shape will suit everyone. In bangs, you need to take into account the direction of hair growth (vortices), sometimes they can play a cruel joke (turn the hair in an unwanted direction).

"Bob" for everyone. This haircut opens the neck. It is important to remember: if you cut the back of your head very short, you need to correct it every 2-3 weeks, otherwise the hairstyle will look untidy. You also need to remember that this haircut is classic, and the right length on the face will make it versatile. It will suit round, oval, square and triangular faces.

Are you too hasty to cut your hair? You could wait for them to grow back. But you can immediately correct this situation. Such a service as hair extension is now provided by many beauty salons.

It is advisable to do haircut and coloring at the same time! The image must be complete. A haircut "with regrown roots" or the wrong color is unlikely to look good and you will not be able to enjoy your look.

How to choose a haircut?

Very short haircut

This length is chosen by purposeful, dynamic, self-confident women. A short haircut reveals the face. She can make you stylish, sexy, can make you look younger.


Short haircuts do not require much maintenance. Therefore, they are very suitable for athletes, business women who are always short of time, and finally, women with a thin and thin hair structure. They do not have to spend a lot of time on exhausting styling with "fleece".


Very large women, as a rule, cannot choose short haircuts, as a disproportion of the silhouette may occur. The head will appear too small against the background of the figure. However, there are exceptions to all the rules. If a woman has the correct head shape and expressive facial features, then perhaps you can take a chance. With the appropriate style of clothing, she will look stunning.

For women with a small face and head, such a haircut will make the head even smaller and the facial features smaller.

A la bob

A very practical (and thanks to the efforts of Victoria Beckham - super-fashionable again) hairstyle, with hair length up to the chin, gives sophistication and grace to the whole image.

Face shape: the classic "bob" suits the owners of a triangular face.


For those with a sharp chin, a haircut distracts attention from it. Small girls will be visually taller.


Owners of a "swan neck" should not do such a haircut. It will lengthen the neck even more, and the head will appear unnaturally far from the body. Such haircuts are also undesirable for owners of dry, loose hair. Hair will not style well and will require constant styling.


One of the trendiest and most popular hairstyles this spring is shoulder-length hair. Loved by our women. Classic, feminine, comfortable.


Chubby will stretch the oval of the face. If you add oblique, horseshoe or short bangs- the oval will stretch even more.

For girls with wide hips, it will perfectly balance the figure. Such a length is also suitable for thin and thin, if the haircut is made graduated (more lush).


You cannot do such a haircut for owners of very thin hair. They won't hold their shape. Hair will fall in thin trickles over the shoulders. The hairstyle won't work.

Below the shoulders

Long luxurious hair is a miracle! You want to stroke them, you want to admire and admire them. But do not forget: they must be healthy and well-groomed. Otherwise, they will look sloppy and ugly.


Owners curly hair this length is very suitable, especially if you give the haircut a graduation or cascade. Straight hair will also look good.


This length should not be worn by girls with very thin hair, girls of small stature (a haircut will visually make it even lower).

When choosing a haircut, many girls are guided exclusively by fashion, ignoring their type of face. This is main mistake most fashionistas. Experts insist that each woman should carefully study her reflection before going to the salon and carefully read our article, because it is in it that we will tell you how to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of your face.

Hairstyle for oval type

The oval is not considered in vain perfect shape face, since almost all popular haircuts are suitable for him. Owners of this type can safely experiment with their own style, preferring bangs or removing them, playing with symmetry and asymmetry, opening or closing their ears.

If you have curly hair, opt for a medium tousled haircut. It is advisable to profile thick strands so that the curls look softer and more accurate. But for girls with long and thin hair, it is better to stop at a multi-layered hairstyle.

Do you like bold short haircuts? You have a bob with a shaved head and elongated strands in front. If your hair is thick enough, make a mini bang or leave it slightly below your eyebrows.

Ovals are absolutely not suitable:

  • The bangs are too thick and long;
  • Strands falling on the face and hiding its beautiful shape.

Haircut for a triangular shape

A triangular face is distinguished by a wide forehead, protruding cheekbones and a narrow, neat chin. Based on these characteristics, a triangle haircut should soften the sharp transition between a wide top and a narrow bottom.

Owners of a triangular type should avoid short styling with lush temples - they will make your face look flat. In this case, the choice should fall on haircuts with a side parting and strands that cover the cheeks. As for the forehead, it can also be slightly covered with light flowing bangs. Also, a thin bang in the form of an arc will suit you. It looks very natural and will soften the harsh features in the best way possible.

What triangles don't need?

  • Lush crown;
  • Strands combed back;
  • Haircuts ending at the level of the neck.

Choosing a pear-shaped hairstyle

The pear-shaped face has a narrow forehead and a wide jaw. In order to correct this nuance, cover your forehead with straight bangs and transfer the volume to the level of the chin. If the length permits, do a layered haircut. If you dream about short hair, stop at the bob. By the way, for curly strands, this option is just perfect.

Pear-shaped faces are not suitable for:

  • Crown volume;
  • Smooth strands pulled back;
  • Short haircut with a lush top;
  • Voluminous styling, ending at the level of the neck.

Looking for the perfect look for square faces

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face if it resembles a square? Take a closer look at a tufted hairstyle that goes down just below the jaw. Straight strands can be worn loose. Curly things are a little different, they need to be cut in layers.

Any bangs will suit you - straight, graduated, multi-layered, profiled, etc. Light strands near the face can soften the features of the square.

The square type needs to beware:

  • Bob haircuts ending at the level of the jaw;
  • Thick bangs along the eyebrow;
  • Smoothly combed strands that reveal the forehead.

Correct haircut for a rectangle face

A rectangular face can be recognized by its high and very wide forehead, high hairline and wide lower jaw. How to make a rectangle just perfect? Make a haircut with curls that cover your ears and beautifully frame the contour of your face. The forehead should be covered with a bang on the side. Asymmetrical hairstyles with lush temples also look pretty.

What doesn't fit rectangles?

  • Open forehead styling;
  • Smooth hair, brushed at the temples.

Hairstyles for chubby girls

Full cheeks, soft outlines of the chin, wide cheekbones, low forehead and low hairline - do you recognize the features of a round face, which, unfortunately, looks flat ?! Your task is to visually stretch the circle and get closer to oval shape... This can be done with an asymmetrical haircut and details directed upwards.

Curly curls are perfect for the circle middle length or very long strands. Layered and torn haircuts (for example, a bob) are another strong point for you. But with straight hair, you need to take care of the strands falling over the face and long asymmetrical bangs. They will make the circle a little narrower and longer.

What moments should circles be wary of?

  • Silhouettes that exactly follow the contour of the face;
  • Flat top hairstyles;
  • Styling that covers the ears;
  • Large curls that make the head even larger;
  • The bangs are short and straight.

Also, you can use our service. It's completely free!

Knowing how to choose the right hairstyle for your face shape, you will always look stylish and harmonious.