
When to wean a child there is Komarovsky at night. How to wean your baby from bottle feeding and breastfeeding at night: Avoid daily night feeds. How to wean from night feeding: what Komarovsky says


With the introduction of complementary foods, that is, at the age of 4-6 months, most children eat well enough during the day, and night feeds are no longer required for their development.

So, in principle, you can try to wean a child from night feedings from 6 months. Many children by this age, but at night are not hungry at all, they just have formed a stable habit of waking up at night. Mom should be aware that the weaning process can take some time and in any case will be associated with some additional inconveniences that cause lack of sleep. Therefore, you first need to analyze your own readiness to wean your child from night feedings. After a year, this will be much easier.

But in addition to satisfying the purely physiological need for food, the child, with the help of feeding, makes up for the deficit in communication with the mother. This becomes especially noticeable when the baby is sick, or his teeth are teething, or during the day he does not see his mother. In such cases, the child requires attention at night, asks for a breast or a bottle. Therefore, in the process of weaning from night feedings during the day, it is worth giving him maximum useful time in order to provide psychological comfort, and the baby did not have a need to make sure that mother's love in the dark.

Ways to wean your baby from night feedings

  • Gradually replace feeds with water. First, offer your baby a drink of water for one night feed. If you don't get water right away, you can dilute the milk or the mixture in a 1 to 3 ratio, increasing the amount of water in the mixture every night. Soon, the child will become uninteresting to wake up to drink some water, and, perhaps, in such a simple way it will be possible to reduce the number of night feedings.
  • Reduce the duration of night feeds when breastfeeding. You need to teach your baby that the night is a time for sleep, not for food, and you should not use your breast as a pacifier.
  • Increase the intervals between feedings, different ways putting the child to sleep during nighttime awakenings (songs, motion sickness, fairy tales, stroking).
  • Feed at night with mixture or porridge so that the baby digests food for a long time and does not feel hunger. But this is not suitable for all children, many babies, on the contrary, find it difficult to digest heavy food during sleep, constantly wake up and behave restlessly due to a full stomach.
  • Increase the number of breastfeeding sessions throughout the day. When breastfeeding, usually night feeding remains the last feeding before the final weaning, but in the case when the mother wants to keep breastfeeding, but reduce the number of night feeds, it is worth satisfying the baby's need for breast during the day as much as possible.
  • Change the way the baby is laid. Cardinally euthanize the child without feeding, or, after breastfeeding a little, transfer it to the crib. You can put the baby to sleep while walking in a stroller or give it to dad for motion sickness.
  • Restrict breast access at night... When sleeping together, waking up and not immediately finding a nipple, the child simply buries his mother in the side and falls asleep, since he is not really hungry, but simply satisfies his need for closeness to his mother.
  • Sleep separately- in different beds or in different rooms. In cases where the baby wakes up, you can lie down next to calm or feed, but then go to your bed anyway.
  • Explain... For children over a year old it is already possible to explain that no one eats at night, everyone is asleep, and the food will be there when it becomes light. This must be constantly repeated both at night, upon awakening, and during the day, during games. Moreover, it is important not to deviate from your own words, and if the child still demands to eat, in every possible way to distract from this, tell stories, rock your arms, do a light massage. You can offer water.

If you see that the child has begun to behave very capriciously, aggressively, he has disturbed daytime sleep, he does not let you go a step during the day, or, on the contrary, pushes you away, perhaps he is not yet ripe to completely abandon the night feedings.

It is your baby's daytime behavior that will tell you if you are moving in the right direction. You should not ignore the child's reactions, sometimes it is better to slow down or completely abandon the idea for a while, so as not to injure the baby, depriving him of his sense of trust in the world. After all, the period when the baby is in dire need of you, in fact, is so short that then you will recall with nostalgia your night feedings, expecting your grown child from the disco.

In the first months of a newborn's life, when the child needs to eat every 2-3 hours, and the mother needs to establish gv, night feedings are an obligatory component of the infant's regimen. For a woman, such a schedule is certainly not very comfortable - in this case, there is no need to talk about a full night's sleep. Until what age is such a sacrifice justified, and after what age it becomes in vain? We will talk about when and how to wean a child from night feeding right now.

Night feeding: up to what age is it necessary

Most pediatricians recommend weaning the baby from the habit of eating at night after 6 months. At this age, a child can already do without "feeding" for about 5 hours, for example, from 12 am to 5 am. Komarovsky, a pediatrician whose opinion is definitely worth trusting, adheres to the same position on the issue of night feedings.

However, it should be understood that such recommendations are generally accepted. In the case of infants whose body weight is less than their own age norm who are poorly gaining weight, restless and moody, it is better to keep feeding at night until the moment when the existing health and well-being problems are resolved.

Why is it important?

As mentioned earlier, in the first months of a child's life, a night meal fulfills its direct function - saturation. In addition, a psychological moment is also important for the baby in night feedings - communication with the mother, the feeling of her closeness, the feeling of calmness and security. That is why falling asleep on the chest is a very common occurrence: the child calms down and plunges into a full sleep, which is difficult to disturb even by putting it in a crib.

After six months, such a model of behavior can be viewed more as a habit than as a physiological or psychological necessity: the digestive system is formed, the beginnings of independence appear, sleep becomes more stable. So, it is quite possible to try to change the baby's regime without harm to him and with the benefit of the mother. This applies to both breastfed babies and "artificial" ones.

The situation when the child is one year old, and night feedings are present 2-3 times, unfortunately, are not uncommon. To prevent this from happening to you and your child, start changing the situation gradually, starting from 5-6 months.

What do we have to do?

When curtailing infant feeding at night, it is important to pay attention to bathing and the microclimate in the bedroom. It is better to bathe the baby later, before the last evening feeding. The water should be closer to cool. The room must be well ventilated and the optimum level of air humidity must be achieved.

Artificial feeding: how to wean from night feeding with formula

The recommendations here are broadly similar to those given to parents of breastfed babies. Is that a separate sleep is not so fundamental, since the child is not looking for the mother's breast.

But the way of drinking matters: you cannot give juice, compote or water from a bottle with a nipple, you need to use a sippy cup. This is done so that the child does not associate night drinking with food that he gets from the bottle.

If you stop feeding at night in a year or close to this age, you can try to explain to the baby that mom and dad do not eat at night, which means that he does not need it. In such a period, children are able to understand simple arguments and at the same time already know how to identify themselves as a person, and therefore associate with their parents.

Sometimes even a dummy can distract the child from thinking about food at night: this is another proof that the child does not experience physiological hunger, but rather requires attention or is worried.

Night feeds and healthy sleep: is there a connection?

Of course there is: it is difficult for many children to fall asleep on a full stomach, which means that for some time the child does not sleep after feeding at night, "getting" the norm of rest during the day. This situation interferes with developing a normal regimen, to which a crumb over six months already needs to be gradually taught.

On the other hand, it is the lack of normal sleep that can become an obstacle to weaning from feeding at night. Therefore, it is important to choose the right time for this: when the baby is healthy, he does not have teeth teething, the family is calm, and during the day, parents have the opportunity to spend a sufficient amount of time with the baby. fresh air... By the way, if all these aspects are present, very often, after 6 months, the baby does not wake up for feeding at night. Therefore, the problem of excommunication can be resolved by itself.

Do I need to wake up the child?

Some "sleepy" babies may stop waking up for nighttime meals even earlier - at 3-4 months. And in this regard, parents are often interested in: whether to wake up the baby for feeding at night? If there are no direct indications for night feeding, recommended by the supervising pediatrician, if he is gaining weight well and does not have problems with urination and stool, there is no need to wake him up to feed him. Having slept well, the baby will simply have breakfast with excellent appetite, and the mother will be able to calmly rest during the night.

When a baby appears in the house, the usual life becomes unusual for a while. Then, gradually, a new order arises in the family. The tone for this order is set not only by parents, but also by the newborn, who is sometimes the main legislator. A few months later, the family has finally established its own daily routine. Mom now knows exactly what follows what, and at what time the night falls. But as soon as something ceases to suit the parents, adjustments can be made. And if a mother, for example, has a desire to sleep peacefully all night, and the child strongly protests, the question arises: how to wean the baby from night feeding at the lowest cost?

Should we wean from night feedings?

Feeding is a fundamental process in a baby's life. Three basic needs are met in this process: the child feels safe, satisfies hunger and receives the mother's love through her care and communication. Therefore, a newborn who is breastfed on demand requires mother's breast quite often. The number of feedings (or just sucking) is more than 15 per day. Many babies fall asleep only at the breast, and all attempts to lay them with other tools fail. A toddler can scream for hours until he gets the comfort he wants. And it's easier for mom to feed him than to rock him midnight. It happens that children sleep at the breast with their mother.

Another point to consider when breastfeeding is latching on to the breast at night to support lactation. Especially night feedings are needed for women who do not have an abundance of milk, but intend to continue feeding their baby for up to a year. Long breaks between feeds can reduce milk production.

With children who are on artificial feeding from birth, it is easier to "negotiate" the time of eating. They initially get used to a certain feeding schedule, and their sucking reflex is satisfied by the dummy. A newborn child eats a mixture 6-7 times a day, while he eats 1-2 times a night. By 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 5 per day, and it is often the nighttime meal that is excluded.

When breastfeeding, the baby generally eats much more often. If the baby is gaining weight well, and at the same time does not wake up at night to eat, then the mother does not need to wake him up for feeding. But if the baby persistently wakes up the mother himself, then at 6 months or later she may think: is it possible to exclude night feedings?

Until 6 months, according to doctors, night feeding should not be ruled out: the child is still very small and needs both nutrition and contact with the mother.

Of course, if a mother decides to breastfeed her baby during the first year, then it may not be rational to completely abandon night feedings even at 6 months. It may be necessary to gradually reduce the number of breastfeeds per night if the baby wakes up very often.

In what cases it is impossible to refuse

There are situations during which you should not deprive a child of a night meal:

  • if the child has not yet reached the age of 6 months;
  • if the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • during teething;
  • when a mother, for one reason or another, devotes less time to the baby than before (for example, she goes to work);
  • with chronic acute and diseases of the child;
  • during and after stressful situations for the baby;
  • when there is a change of scenery (moving, vacation period).

In what cases is the refusal of night feedings indicated?

In general, there are two options. When a mother wants to stop breastfeeding, or the number of feedings for an artificial baby is reduced, changes usually begin with night meals.

Ways to wean a baby from breastfeeding at night with breast milk or formula

It is possible to wean a child from food during sleep gradually, decreasing the number of times, or abruptly, by denying the baby a breast or a bottle. True, a sharp refusal can become more traumatic for the psyche of the baby, and this will be followed by fear and tantrums. Therefore, a smooth reduction in night feedings is a more gentle way for both baby and mother.

If the child has reached the age of one year, then it is much easier to refuse meals at night than at 6 months. Sleep after a year becomes less disturbing, during the day the child receives a lot of stress and a lot of impressions. And when he goes to bed tired and full, the night can go by without waking up. The older the baby gets, the more options the mother has. Growing up children can already be reassured with words and strokes that they understand.

Another thing is to wean a baby at 6-7 months. At this age, the world is often perceived through communication with mom. And if at night the baby does not find the coveted reinforcement, he may get worried. One way or another, parents will most likely have to lull the child by picking him up or rocking him in the crib. Of course, all babies are different, and some toddler will react more calmly to the lack of feeding. A mother who spends enough time with her child will be able to predict his reaction to the exclusion of night meals.

Often, a baby will develop a relationship between sucking and going to bed. Taking the mother's breast or nipple in his mouth, the baby calms down and falls asleep. To break this association, the mother needs to organize food intake some time before bedtime, and the laying itself should not be associated with feeding. When developing a new approach to this process, you need to be reasonable and not replace uncomfortable feeding with uncomfortable motion sickness, for example. If the baby has woken up, the mother can wait for his further actions without going up to him. He may be able to fall asleep on his own. When sleeping with a baby, it is much more difficult to exclude night feedings. Mom should completely block access to the breast if the baby is breastfeeding, or even switch places with dad. If dad is ready to help, then he can completely replace mom when laying down the child. So the baby will understand: there is no mother - there will be no food. Instead of a breast and a bottle, he can be offered a pacifier. And for artificial children, night feeding with a mixture is often replaced with water.

You need to understand that having set a goal and still weaning the child from night feedings, the mother does not guarantee herself a quiet night. The baby's sleep is more sensitive. He may be disturbed by extraneous sounds, teeth cutting, the loss of a pacifier, the absence of a mother, or something else - and this threatens with the same waking up and crying.

There are no clear rules and miraculous ways to help all mothers quickly put their babies to bed, and babies do not wake up at night. But there are recommendations, subject to which the child's sleep can become calmer and longer:

  1. The daily routine helps the child adapt to the rules and times.
  2. For the whole day, the baby should be really tired and very hungry.
  3. Before the last feeding, it is advisable for the child to do a massage, do gymnastics with him. After that, you can buy the baby in cool water.
  4. Immediately before bedtime, feed the child well. For this, porridge is quite suitable, after which you can also give a breast.
  5. The room should have fresh, cool air, humidity about 70%, temperature 18–20 degrees.

Up to what age do you need to breastfeed at night? - Doctor Komarovsky - video

Having provided the baby with a comfortable environment, positive emotions and physical activity, the mother can sleep peacefully all night, well, or for several hours in a row.

Almost all parents of newborns are expected to feed at night, because the difference between night and day is not yet known to newly born babies. Modern medicine considers waking up at night to satisfy hunger is completely normal for a baby. Let's find out how pediatrician E. Komarovsky relates to night feedings.

Should I feed at night?

The renowned doctor emphasizes that advice to take a break from feeding at night is directed against natural feeding. If mom persists in trying not to feed the baby at night, then she risks quickly losing milk.

In most cases, listening to the crying of the child for several nights in a row will give the mother an understanding that she is treating the baby cruelly, and the sleepy dad will not be able to work normally during the day. So it will be better for the whole family if infant at night they will give food, mom will spend half an hour feeding, and then everyone will fall asleep again.

Should the baby be woken up for night feeding?

According to the pediatrician, it is not worth interrupting the sleep of the crumbs if you decide that it is time for the next feeding. At the same time, Komarovsky clarifies that there are also exceptional cases.

The baby should be woken up and fed if:

  • Mom wants to give the baby a breast before leaving, for example, for exams or to the clinic.
  • The baby is not gaining weight well, and the pediatrician advised to reduce the interval between feedings.

If the mother has cracked nipples, it is not recommended to bring the baby to severe hunger.

How to wean from night feeding?

According to Komarovsky, there is no particular need for feedings at night at the age of 6 months. Therefore, if the mother is not satisfied with the night feeding regimen, it is quite possible to reduce the number of meals the child takes at night, given the following recommendations:

  1. Give your child a late bath at about 11 pm, before which you can give the baby a massage or some gymnastic exercises.
  2. Feed your baby tightly after bathing. At the same time, it is advisable not to feed the baby a little in the penultimate feeding, then the baby will eat more at night and will sleep longer.
  3. Check the conditions in the room in which the baby sleeps. The crumb can wake up due to hot and dry air, so the optimal conditions for sound sleep there will be 50-70% humidity and + 18 + 20 degrees Celsius. If it seems to you that with such parameters the room is cool, you can put on pajamas on the baby or cover the little one with a warm blanket.
  4. Consider how much the baby slept during the day. If the duration of daytime sleep was long, it is clear that the child will sleep less at night.

Raising a single child and turning growing up into hard work, yourself into a mother-heroine, and family life into a feat is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need not get enough sleep.

Therefore, understand and remember the main thing: A healthy children's sleep is a dream when it is sweet and comfortable for everyone - both adults and children!

The organization of children's sleep is the organization of healthy sleep for all family members.

The simplest thing in the aforementioned organization is to purchase a high-quality disposable diaper, and this is, in fact, the only friend of a child's sleep that really exists without your parental involvement - it has already been invented and made for you and for you.

The rest is entirely in your hands.

After all, sleep is closely related to other components of the way of life - with food, walking, air parameters, clothes, hygiene procedures, etc.

Proper nutrition, playing in the fresh air, cleaning the premises, bathing, soft, clean, dry bed - all this takes time, desire, knowledge, skills.

Read, learn, act.

Rule 1. Prioritize

A family is complete, happy and efficient when parents are able to sleep 8 hours a day.

More than anything - more food and drink, more sleep and fresh air - a child needs healthy, rested and loving friend friend's mom and dad.

Rule 2. Decide on your sleep schedule

From the moment of birth, the child's regime must be subordinated to the family regime.

Prepare for a night's sleep in advance and prepare your child for it. Determine the time when the night's sleep begins, and let it be the time that is convenient for you! From 9 pm to 5 am? You are welcome! From 11 pm to 7 am? To your health! Have you chosen? Now try to comply.

Rule 3. Decide where to sleep and with whom

Three options are theoretically and practically possible:

  • a cot in the parents' bedroom - optimal for children of the first year of life and acceptable up to three years of age;
  • baby cot in the children's bedroom - ideal for children over a year old;
  • sleeping in the same bed with parents is a fashionable hobby that is not encouraged by most pediatricians and has nothing to do with healthy children's sleep.

Rule 4. Do not be afraid to wake up sleepyhead

If you want your baby to sleep well at night, avoid unnecessary sleep during the day. Unclear? Let's explain now.

The average daily need for sleep in children is as follows: up to 3 months - 16-20 hours; 6 months - 14.5 hours; 12 months - 13.5 hours; 2 years - 13 hours; 4 years - 11.5 hours; 6 years old - 9.5 hours; 12 years old - 8.5 hours.

So, we know that a child at the age of 6 months sleeps approximately 14.5 hours a day. If we want to sleep peacefully for 8 hours of the night, then no more than 6.5 hours remain for daytime sleep. And if you sleep 9 during the day, then 8 hours of sleep at night is unlikely.

Do not be afraid to wake up sleepyhead!

Rule 5. Optimize Feeding

In the first three months of life, a child can eat 1-2 times during the night. At the age of 3-6 months, a single night feed is quite possible. After 6 months, the baby does not biologically need night feeding.

A child may want handles, a child may require companionship, sucking, hissing, rocking, and demand more and more actively, longer and more often as the demands are met.

Set the rules of the game once and for all. Can mom be used not for feeding, but for sucking needs? Is it possible for dad, who, by the way, to work tomorrow, rock the baby midnight, and even sing at the same time? If you think that you can - please, but about healthy baby sleep you can forget.

Try to underfeed slightly on the penultimate feed and feed as full as possible just before bedtime. Remember: hunger is not the only reason for crying, and do not stop a child's mouth with food at the first squeak. Overfeeding is a leading cause of abdominal pain and related sleep disturbances.

Rule 6. Have a good day

Live active - walk, sleep in the fresh air during the day, encourage knowledge of the world and outdoor games.

Physical activity (without extremism) definitely promotes healthy children's sleep.

Limiting emotional stress in the evening has a beneficial effect on sleep.

Quiet games, peaceful reading good fairy tales, watching the already familiar cartoons and, finally, my mother's lulling song - what could be better for getting ready for bed until the morning ...

Rule 7. Think about the air in the bedroom

Clean cool humid air in the bedroom is a rule of thumb.

Airing. Wet cleaning. Humidifier. Thermometer and hygrometer. Regulators on heating radiators.

  • The optimum air temperature is 18–20 ° C, provided that this is a children's room (that is, a place where the child not only sleeps, but also lives); if we are talking about a children's bedroom, then 16-18 ° C is optimal.
  • The optimum relative humidity is 50–70%.

Rule 8. Use the possibilities of bathing

Evening bathing - in a large bath in cool water - is a great way to get physically tired, get pretty hungry, and then eat with appetite and fall asleep until morning.

Massage and gymnastics before bathing, hygiene procedures and warm clothing afterwards - all this enhances the benefits of bathing itself.

Rule 9. Prepare your bed

The mattress is dense and even - the weight of the baby's body should not lead to its sagging. No pillows until two years old. After two years, the pillow is quite possible ( standard sizes baby pillow - 40 x 60 cm, and its thickness should be approximately equal to the width of the child's shoulder).

Bed linen made from natural fabrics, washed using special baby powders with a thorough rinse.

Rule 10. Take care of a quality diaper

Disposable diapers are the most effective of all sleep-related inventions. It is disposable diapers that can qualitatively improve the sleep of all family members.

A good diaper at night is the law, this is the most accessible and easily implemented rule of the 10 rules for healthy baby sleep.

Do you want your child to have a gentle, smooth butt, while you sleep peacefully all night? This means you need a good diaper - high quality, comfortable, reliable, proven, effective and safe.

(Translation of this article into English language read.)

Comments (1) 250

25/12/2013 23:56

Ukraine, Yuzhnoukrainsk

Even at the time of pregnancy, I read an article on how to organize healthy sleep baby, followed all the recommendations. Now we are 10 months old: the baby sleeps peacefully in his crib all night from 21:00 to 7:00, and mom and dad sleep sweetly in theirs!))))

03/03/2019 04:09


all blogs, stories, stories on the Internet say that the healthiest and safest sleep for a child, from birth to a year old, is sleeping on the back! (for avoiding SIDS), but I got a question! Why? I am my baby (2 months) I always try to lay on my side (what if it burps, what if ... what if ...), and so most of them do. So how is it right, help me figure it out.?!

11/06/2018 12:50

Oh people! I bastard with you. Especially over those who write "are you serious? 22 degrees in the apartment? I'm 25 cold!" It may be cold for you, but that does not mean that it is the same for your baby. Their heat transfer processes work in a completely different way, if that. Or else the phrase "let Komarovsky wake up his children, and then suffer with whims ..." What did the doctor tell you "be sure to wake up the children, otherwise death to all of you !!!" Not!!! He says "you want eight hours of sleep a night? If you sleep a lot during the day, it is better to wake up." Well, if you don't want to, don't wake up. I wake up sometimes, especially if in the evening in the last sleep I sleeps for a long time. Then, indeed, problems may arise with going away for the night, and my child is not capricious from lack of sleep. And he is 1.5 months old. To some child, all his recommendations are applicable, to some only one, these are just recommendations, not an order to action.

22/11/2017 14:10

Hello, I am reading Komarovsky and "trying" to follow the instructions. I am the young mother of 3 month old Alexander. Something very extreme for me. For example, the room temperature is up to 22 degrees. (we stick to 25 and at the same time constantly hear from the older generation that we will freeze the poor guy). But I was prompted to comment by Pamela Druckerman's book "French children do not spit food", namely, the fact that children in France sleep all night by 3.4 months, and some even at the age of 2 weeks. Our baby is relatively calm. At night, he wakes up 2-3 times, eats for 10-15 minutes and then sleeps. Dad does not even notice that the baby is waking up - he thinks that he sleeps all night

17/01/2017 14:05

I note that all children are different and not only in character, but also according to the needs of the body, i.e. in total we will reach the "average temperature in the hospital"
My daughter slept 6 hours from 0 to 6 months. and 8 or more after 6 months. then Komarovsky had not yet been on TV or on the Internet, at least so well-known. but I had about the same rules and yes, my daughter was asleep.
BUT my friend has a son the same age as my daughter. whatever she did, he woke up at night to feed, and not until a year. to this day he wakes up at 2 - 3 am to drink water. he is already 8 years old and of course he does not wake up his mother, but simply takes a glass from the bedside table, drinks and goes to bed. Well, here he is. he never had any hyper activity or other problems!
I'll go through the controversial issues separately
"Rule 3. Decide where to sleep and with whom. Sleep in the same bed with your parents."
it is not acceptable for me, I do not sleep normally when there is a child next to me, I am in the floor asleep, so for me it was not an option. someone is asleep, but here you have to understand the edge, after 6 months the child does not need a mother so much, there is no longer constant colic and you can safely move the masik to your bed. so that the boy is 5 years old, like some of my acquaintances, he sleeps with his parents. I have one question "do they have an intimate life?"
it is natural that if colic, if overexcited, if sick, etc. joint sleep is definitely a way out, so you somehow get some sleep.
"Rule 4. Don't be afraid to wake up sleepyhead"
"He's asleep, he needs, how can I wake up?" and now the citizens question whether we are raising children according to the natural or the social. natural? then sleep when he sleeps, feed on demand, do not use diapers and do not interfere with the child's mouth to master the world! Not? a diaper on the bottom and "no sand!" well then you know better and grow socially. and so for such. if the child slept for 3 3.5 hours, he will not be capricious if he is healthy and has not confused day with night (and if he confused that, either straighten or sleep at the same time as he). all the whims or because of the downed regime or because of poor health. I fought with the first and we lived by the hour, and with the second, well, what really is here, but I roughly know that when, I am an attentive mother.
"Rule 5. Optimize feeding. The child may want to handle, the child may require communication, sucking, hissing ..."
It can easily. sleep has a deep phase and a superficial one. So in the superficial it is very easy to wake us up (any person), for example, with a rustle from the street or at home, with the light from headlights, but you never know what. the child slept for 3 - 3.5 hours, he basically does not want to sleep (he sleeps like that during the day and the body has enough for a couple of hours of wakefulness) he does not know how to put himself to sleep, what to do? having fun right! and here mom and dad are jumping. fun? and then there! but again, remember that there are natural exceptions, there is well-being, etc. everyone knows very well (well, I hope) that there are adults with sleep disorders and you can't do anything about it, only sleeping pills. By the way, I discovered sedative tea for myself in a sanatorium (phyto bar) (herbs), although for an adult child (8 years old), but now, with the second, I plan to study this issue more closely. I know that mint and chamomile, but at the expense of motherwort and St. John's wort I will read. even an 8-tka slept from such herbal tea, provided that she has not slept during the day for a couple of years (well, here the effect of not only tea, but also activity, but without tea it is impossible to lay down), and after sleep she was more active and cheerful.
"Rule 6. Have a good day" is a sacred rule that works to this day with a no longer small child: the more the cub runs away, the better it sleeps. the main thing is to reduce activity before going to bed.
"Rule 7. Think about the air in the bedroom" I didn’t believe when my daughter was little, but in vain. only a couple of years ago I noticed that she sleeps in a cool room under a blanket many times better than in a warm one. I found out when I was fighting for a daytime sleep at 5-6 years old. here the main thing to take into account, so as not to freeze the kids: warm clothes or a blanket if it does not open. now she switched to it. I open a window for myself before going to bed (even in winter until - 5) and dive under the covers, although I am very thermophilic and during my wakefulness I need a temperature of 26 - 27 degrees in the apartment, otherwise I will freeze. in a dream, heat regulation works differently somehow.
I will not give a guarantee that everything works with every child, but if you have acquaintances with children of the same age, you will see how different they are, and having walked this path once, I will not at all say that I am a pro, but there are rules that apply to many ... I'm not a fan of Komarovsky, it's just that part of his views was close to me initially, when he just started broadcasting from blue screens, I learned something new, I completely disagree with something, but with advice for sleeping - definitely yes. Wish you all sleep and excellent mood!

19/11/2016 21:16

I will also add that if Komorowski was calm about the crying of his children, while those exhausted were simply not cut down from fatigue, I extremely do not welcome this! And I think that parents who do this with their children mentally are not very healthy, since only abnormal people can endure the cry of a child and have nothing to do, neither rock sickness, nor sing, nor offer breasts.
As for these rules:
Rule 1. Set your priorities - you've discovered America! People need to sleep, and we didn’t know before!

Rule 2. Decide on the sleep regimen - we comply, every day all procedures at the same time

Rule 3. Decide where to sleep and with whom - the child of 5 months sleeps with us, and this is not a newfangled decision, but at least some chance of sleep!

Rule 4. Do not be afraid to wake up the sleepyhead - it would be very interesting to look at Komarovsky's waking baby and then how he suffers half a day with a capricious child, oh yes, he just lets the children roar. But we have no problems with this, and we do not even fill up the daily norm

Rule 5. Optimize feeding - this is probably the most dibilism, at 5 months the child yells at night because he just wanted to handle, communicate, suck, or motion sickness ?! Seriously? Is the child's brain already mature enough to understand such things and shout to blackmail the parents at night? A child wakes up and such "hmm, what do I want? Let me sing songs!" After all, according to Komarovsky, from the fact that parents sometimes sing songs to a child, he becomes so smart that his 5-month-old brain already understands what kind of sounds it is, realizes the whole complex system blackmail and how to get parents to do what he wants! To understand whether the child wants to eat or to suck him, it is enough to offer a pacifier and it immediately becomes clear what the child wants, and to the dad who, by the way, to work in the morning, now Komarovsky is in shock, it is not at all a thrill to rock the baby at midnight! He is forced to do this so that the roof does not go from the crying of the child. “Set the rules of the game once and for all.” The tone of such advice is just infuriating! What games! Is the child the enemy of his parents? His brain is already so developed to plan to blackmail his parents by shouting ?! Parents do not give a single drop of pleasure to suffer with a child!

Rule 6. Have a good day - we spend as much time as active as the baby's age allows, we study the apartment, look at the colors, play with rattles and educational toys (for example, with different textures and materials, etc.) we walk when the weather permits, it is winter now and you don't really take a walk , here in Siberia, from the beginning of autumn from -15 and quickly reaches -30 with an icy wind and heavy ice.

Rule 7. Think about the air in the bedroom - we specially bought a weather station so that everything was always according to the rules, both a humidifier and an air conditioner. First, 20 degrees? Seriously? Personally, I'm cold, I'm freezing! We are optimal 24

Rule 8. Use the possibilities of bathing At 21:00 we have a relaxing massage and gymnastics, then a bath, the water temperature is 33-34 degrees, before that we feed for two hours, that is, at 19:00 approximately, not later, so that you get hungry, swim, then food and singing, but all this does not lead to sound and long sleep!
Rule 9. Prepare the bed - everything is done according to Komarovsky's recommendations

Rule 10. Take care of a quality diaper - we have quality good disposable diapers

We did everything in our power and followed all the recommendations, but we have no sleep! I am very angry at Komarovsky, and first of all for his arrogant tone in such articles, as if parents like to suffer!

19/11/2016 19:11

These tips did not help us at all.
Throughout the pregnancy, we were preparing for the birth of a child, and we read books and watched programs. Doctor Komarovsky said so confidently that if these rules were followed, everything would be fine and sleep would be and everyone would be happy. Nonsense! And we have an air conditioner, and we have a humidifier, and we take a bath with a massage and spend active time with the child and sleep no longer than it should be during the day, and even, unfortunately, is often much less. At the same time, there is no night sleep! We have not been getting enough sleep for a long time and nervous system oh how exhausting!
These tips are not a panacea, and you don't have to think that following them everything will be fine, get ready for the worst, dear parents!
Komarovsky seems to mean that the child should be allowed to yell, he lies down straight and so that he cries until he calms down and is exhausted, but at the same time he does not openly talk about it, why is this? All the time he only hints at it, but is directly afraid to say
Young parents, do not rely on him, as we once did, videoconferencing can expect a huge disappointment.

20/10/2016 16:36


And we carry out all these recommendations! But the result ..... my depression, chronic fatigue and probably already having psychosis, preventing me from living normal life and be an adequate mother, wife and just a person !!! ((((
My child does not sleep all night. Turn around, cry, get up, demand milk. And so on for 2 years. Since birth. I thought we would outgrow. No. Don't know what to do already? Hands dropped. Lost interest in life. I'm so tired. But the saddest thing is that my husband does not understand me. He thinks I need a psychologist or psychiatrist. And I just want to sleep ((((

22/09/2016 00:22

Russia, Tula

My daughter was on GV for the first 1.5 months. At the same time, the terrible lack of sleep and pumping for half a night finished off the GW completely. At first, she ate every three hours, at 24-00, at 3-00, at 6-00 ... And my mother, during the breaks at night, also expressed it all, as there were problems with the seizure, she ate from the bottle. Then I got tired of this hell. She always slept at her place, while the tiny one eats and sleeps wherever you put it. A little later - with a pacifier. At night, they began to increase the interval between feedings, not at 12, but at 1-00, not at 3, but at 5. So they brought up to 24-00 and 6-00. Transferred to the mixture and began to sleep like a king. They never shook, they did not drag them in their arms before going to bed. At 8-10 months, the child began to crawl and get up in the crib after laying down, later - to walk back and forth. Now we just wrap it in a light blanket and open the balcony. It's cold outside, it's warm in the blanket, she is immediately knocked out. During the day, you can also, you can use the handles to suit your mood.
Now we are 1 year 2 months old, the child goes to bed at 20-00 in a blanket, after 2-3 minutes he is already asleep. At 22-00 the last feeding from the bottle, it has handles, the child holds it himself, eats and throws it out of bed. She takes the nipple that is nearby, shoves it into her mouth and sleep. Almost never wakes up at night. At 6-00 he is already jumping on the bed in great mood, tells the tale. Then he eats, again the mixture, and can still take a nap for a couple of hours. And I'm with her. And daytime sleep - at 12-13 hours for one and a half to two hours. If she does not want to fit clearly, she runs until she starts to apply herself in a corner on the floor. If the child gets tired and it is cool around, he is simply knocked out in the crib in the warmth. I know at night, sometimes wakes up, but does not cry. She gets up, looks that everyone is asleep and dark, gropes for a nipple on the bed (she has 5 of them) and lies down herself. In the summer I only slept badly, because it was very hot. Yes, while we sleep in diapers. But if you don't wake up at night, it's dry in the morning. They were ill for the whole time 1 time, and that was because my dad brought in such a bad thing that I almost spat out my lungs myself - I coughed. And everything was cured without complications sea ​​water in the nose and an ivy-based expectorant.

04/02/2016 14:05

It seems that half of them have read only this article, which is just a small part of everything Komarovsky has written and said. In fact, he is of the opinion that sleeping parents are happiness. And it says that you sleep because you get enough sleep. Together or separately does not matter. Why do you think that after reading the shortened version you have understood the whole point? As someone here wrote "turn on the brain" :) happiness to everyone