
How and how to remove yellow stains on white clothes. Stains on clothes: discussions on forums, advice from laundresses Where do yellow dots appear on clean clothes


Stains on children's clothes are more commonplace than something surprising and unusual. We can safely say the opposite, a soiled children's wardrobe is the norm. But sometimes, even on carefully washed things and neatly folded in a closet, unsightly yellow marks appear, it is not clear where they came from.


The same story is repeated with our things that we do not use for a long time. However, do not despair and get rid of such clothes, because most stains can be removed at home using folk remedies. Today we will tell you how to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying in the closet for a long time and return things to their original appearance.

Causes and factors for the formation of yellow marks

Surely, every housewife asked herself the question: “Why do yellow spots appear on things?”. Particularly unsightly stains are clearly visible on light-colored products.

The reasons and factors contributing to this can be various:

  • Hard water when washing.
  • mismatched washing powder.
  • Inaccurate ironing.
  • Wrong temperature for washing.
  • Sweat marks.
  • Use of bleach.
  • Contact with tissue of vegetable fats.
  • Long-term storage of clothes.
  • The use of perfume while wearing things.

Consider how to fix the situation, depending on the cause.

Reason #1. Traces of sweat

Sweat contains urea, and the fabric absorbs it. Yellow stains are especially noticeable on light-colored clothes. Applying a deodorant will not solve the problem, but will exacerbate it, since the interaction of the antiperspirant and sweat, on the contrary, forms hard-to-remove persistent stains.

To reduce sweating and prevent unsightly stains, follow these guidelines:

  • Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Wash the areas of your skin that are most prone to sweat with warm water and soap every day, then dry the skin and apply a mixture of lanolin and talc.
  • Avoid spicy food during hot weather.

Important! If you sweat profusely, examine the body for the presence of diseases.

Reason number 2. Wrong washing conditions

If yellow spots appear on clothes after washing, then the reason for their formation lies in the detergent and hard water.

Important! Washing powder consists of elements that can react with salts found in hard water. It is due to this reaction that yellow stains appear on the products.

Reason number 3. Long term storage

Even the newest things lose their freshness when stored for a long time. It is generally strictly forbidden to store contaminated clothing.

Stains on clean clothes can occur if things are not dried enough after washing and placed in a closet. Another reason for yellow spots on white clothes after storage is a room with high humidity or mold.

Important! If the closet with clothes is in a room where the humidity is high, then the resulting mold can leave stains on the fabric that are not so easy to get rid of.

To prevent this phenomenon, follow simple rules:

  • Dry and ventilate well before placing items in the closet.
  • Always wash and store children's clothes separately.
  • Place soiled items in a perforated basket before washing.

Important! When storing things for a long time, be sure to hang them in fresh air for ventilation.

Reason number 4. Improper use of the iron

Yellow marks on the fabric can also result from improper use of the iron.

To prevent the problem, heed the following recommendations:

  • Before you start ironing, be sure to read the label on the clothes to select the correct temperature setting.
  • Always start ironing at low temperatures, and in the process, decide whether it is worth raising it, based on the type of fabric.
  • Always start ironing from an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  • Do not iron products with a steam iron if water has stagnated in the container.

Reason number 5. The use of bleaches

Before using a bleaching agent, be sure to read the product label and see if there are any warnings about the use of the drug. If you use bleach, then be very careful when applying to the material, as if the product is used incorrectly, yellow spots may appear that cannot be removed by anything.

Important! Use only oxygen-containing agents, for example, Persol powder. This product can be used for boiling things and for machine washing.

How to remove yellow spots on white from old age? - General rules

Regardless of which method and means you choose to remove yellow stains - stain remover, bleach or powder, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not wash or rinse a soiled item in hot water under any circumstances, as high temperatures will only aggravate the situation and the stain will stick to the fabric even more.
  2. Wash damaged clothes only in cool water, the maximum temperature is room temperature.
  3. Dry clothes made from natural fabrics in the sun. Ultraviolet rays contribute to the whitening effect.
  4. Do not use chlorine bleach to remove sweat stains, as the proteins in sweat react with chlorine to darken clothing stains.
  5. If you are going to bleach children's clothes, then after washing with chemicals wash again with soap or detergent that won't damage sensitive skin child and will not cause allergies.
  6. Test any products first on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​clothes, as the ingredients included in the composition can ruin the fabric and change color.

How to remove yellow stains on clothes that have been lying for a long time? - Means and methods of application

In some cases, it is possible to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying for a long time with prolonged soaking and subsequent washing.

We offer you several ways to remove stains even with a ten-year history.

Method number 1. Bleach + vegetable oil

To prepare the soaking solution, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of bleach without chlorine.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil.
  • ¾ cup laundry detergent.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of stain remover (optional)

Proceed as follows:

  1. Dilute the mixture in 5 liters of hot water.
  2. Soak clothes for several hours in the solution (can be left overnight).
  3. Wash clothes in the machine, using any usual detergent.

Method number 2. Hydrogen peroxide and soda

To prepare the cleansing mixture you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soda.
  • 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid.

Remove stains like this:

  1. Combine the ingredients until you get a thick creamy mixture. The amount of soda can be changed.
  2. Rub the yellow spot with the prepared mixture.
  3. Leave the product for 20 minutes.
  4. Rub the dirt with your hands, rubbing the mixture.
  5. Machine wash with stain remover added.

Method number 3. Pharmaceuticals

If the stains are old and you can’t wash them with laundry soap, washing powder, pharmaceutical products will come to the rescue:

  • Soak the product in water and apply hydrogen peroxide to the contaminated area. Hissing and foam will appear - this means that peroxide interacts with the material. Wash item and rinse.
  • Crush two aspirin tablets and dilute in a minimum amount of water. Rub the problem area on the pre-soaked cloth. Leave for a few hours and rinse.
  • Urotropin (“dry alcohol”) rub and dilute, as well as aspirin in a minimum amount of water until a slurry is formed. Apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for several hours. Rinse clothes after treatment.

Method number 4. Alcohol and citric acid

In simple cases, you can remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying for a long time by soaking things overnight in a solution of citric acid: for 1 liter of warm water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of citric acid. You can soak before washing and in a solution of alcohol or vodka.

In advanced cases, use these ingredients in pairs:

  1. Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of alcohol (warmed) and a pinch of citric acid.
  2. Wet the contaminated area with the prepared solution.
  3. Wash your clothes in the washing machine using a quality laundry detergent.

How to get rid of dirt on different types of fabrics?

It is necessary to look for the right approach to solve the problem of how to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying for a long time, not only by the type of stain and the means at hand. Be sure to take into account the type of material, so as not to spoil the product completely.


To remove yellow spots from old age from cotton white things, you can use the following improvised means:

  • Soda.
  • Salt.
  • Ammonia.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Vinegar.

Use the products as follows:

  1. Prepare a mixture of 4 tablespoons of soda and 100 g of water. Apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area. Scrub lightly with a brush. Leave for an hour and then machine wash.
  2. Add a little peroxide to a bowl of water and soak the product for 30 minutes. Wash the item and rinse. Peroxide can also be used as follows: pour 1-2 teaspoons of the product onto the stain and, until the fabric is dry, iron the treated area with an iron, and then wash the product.
  3. Instead of peroxide, you can add vinegar to a bowl of water and soak the item for 30 minutes, and then wash it.
  4. Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 cup of water. Place the item in the solution for several hours, and then wash with laundry soap and rinse.
  5. Prepare a paste with 4 tbsp. tablespoons of soda and ¼ cup of water. Wipe the mixture of the contaminated area with a brush, with the mixture applied. Leave the product for 1 hour and wash as usual.
  6. Dilute a pinch of citric acid in 1 teaspoon of hot water and apply to the stain. Sprinkle baking soda on top. Leave the item for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your clothes.
  7. Grind a piece of laundry soap on a grater. Add soap shavings to the boiling pot. Place the soiled items in the solution and boil them for 3-4 hours, stirring constantly.
  8. If old stains remain on thick cotton fabric, then treat them with a solution of 4 parts of white spirit and 2 parts of ammonia. Leave the area of ​​fabric moistened with solvent for a short time, and then wash and rinse thoroughly.
  9. For the most stubborn stains, use gasoline and ammonia, applying them in turn: wipe the dirt with a sponge with refined gasoline, and then treat the area with ammonia. Make sure the fabric is thoroughly wet. Wash the item, rinse thoroughly. Dry clothes on fresh air to remove odors.
  10. You can get rid of stubborn stains using the following composition: 30 ml of refined gasoline, 40 ml of denatured alcohol (technical alcohol) and 20 ml of ammonia. Apply the prepared solution to the contamination and leave for 5 minutes. Wash the fabric as usual.


If you find unsightly stains on silk or other delicate fabrics, then use the following recommendations:

  1. Mix 10 g of glycerin with 2-3 drops of ammonia. Apply the solution to the stain, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse clothes in warm water.
  2. Hyposulfite in crystals (it can be purchased at a pharmacy under the name of an antidote) dilute in 200 ml of water. Wipe the contaminated area with the solution and rinse with warm water after a few minutes. The stain will disappear, and the silk will renew itself and acquire additional shine.
  3. Prepare a solution of salt and ammonia: 50 g of each ingredient in a glass of water. Place the item in the solution for several hours, and then wash with laundry soap, rinse.


It is possible to remove stains from old age from clothes made of such a delicate material in the following ways:

  1. Ordinary laundry soap (72%) will help clean the wool product from stains. Rub a bar of soap on a grater, dilute with water. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area, wait a few hours, and then wash the thing.
  2. To remove dirt from woolen fabric, use glycerin: dilute 20 g of glycerin + 10 g of ammonia in 1 glass of water. Treat the contaminated area with the mixture. Rinse the product in warm water, dry.
  1. Over time, yellow spots appear on white tulle. To get rid of them, use folk recipes: a small amount of blueberries (1 cap) add to the water and mix thoroughly. Immerse the tulle in the solution, and then rinse.
  2. You can whiten tulle from stains with green paint: after washing, place the curtains in water with coarse salt (3 tablespoons) and powder. Leave the tulle for 2 hours, add 3-4 drops of brilliant green, rinse the product. The curtain will not only get rid of stains, but will also become more elastic.


So that yellow spots on clothes no longer annoy you, follow the rules for caring for them and use our recommendations and recipes. Of course, you can also take things to dry cleaning, but believe me, old stains will be marked there as difficult to remove, which means that you will not receive any guarantee for their removal. So take matters into your own hands and prove to everyone that old things have the right to “life”, and yellow spots are not a hindrance to them.

The problem of how to remove yellow spots on white at home is relevant for almost all housewives. Sometimes even high-quality bleaches and stain removers can not cope with the task. Simple home remedies that you can make yourself will come to the rescue.

Causes of yellow marks

The appearance of yellow spots on clothes white color can be caused:

  • improper care: inappropriate temperature conditions when washing or ironing, insufficient rinsing, poor-quality detergent, as well as the action of hard water;
  • the use of perfumes and deodorants;
  • various pollution: sweating, accidentally spilled drinks, such as tea or wine;
  • prolonged storage: the material may turn yellow with age.

Women are especially troubled by profuse sweating, as a result of which stains remain on white fabrics.

You can wash white linen from yellow spots by the following method: soak the clothes in a soapy solution for 2-3 hours, wash them in an automatic machine and rinse well. However, this is relevant only for fresh stains: stubborn traces that appeared on the material more than a day ago cannot be quickly removed.

How to eliminate the yellowing of things

You can remove old stains from clothes with proven folk methods.

White linen with stains is pre-soaked in water with the addition of alkaline soap. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide is applied to yellow stains. The appearance of hissing means that the substance has begun to interact with the fibers of the tissue. The product is kept for half an hour, after which it is rinsed and washed in the usual way.

Yellowish marks on your favorite white things will help eliminate the pharmacy drug Aspirin. The clothes are soaked in a soapy solution, 2 tablets of the product are placed in a glass, a few drops of water are added and the tablets are completely dissolved. The resulting slurry is smeared with spots. The product is kept for 2-3 hours, after which it is rinsed and placed in a washing machine.

A universal method for removing old traces is the use of soda with hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a whitening composition, you will need:

  • 20 g sodium bicarbonate;
  • 1 bottle of peroxide;
  • 5-10 g of dishwashing detergent.

The mixture is rubbed into the stains with a brush and kept for several hours. After that, the linen is washed and rinsed thoroughly.

You can buy dry alcohol in pharmacy chains. A white thing is pre-soaked in laundry soap for 60 minutes. Fuel is diluted with a small amount of liquid, applied to yellow spots for a while. You can wash the product in any convenient way.


To cope with the yellow stubborn plaque from sweat, the usual Fairy dishwasher will help. 10 g of gel must be combined with a glass of water, mix thoroughly. The mixture is poured onto yellowed marks, kept for 3 hours, after which a regular wash is used with laundry soap.

Table salt will help eliminate the yellowish dirt that has formed from wine or beer. To achieve whiteness, it is necessary to pour salt on the place where stains appear and stand for a while.

This method is not suitable if the product has lain for a long time.

How to eliminate yellowness from storage

With age, laundry tends to turn yellow and may look stale. Most often, this problem is observed during prolonged storage of the product in humidity.

It can be very difficult to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying for a long time. Even branded stain removers can not cope with this.

  • You can try to save a white thing with Ace bleach, a concentrated product that has a powerful effect on hard-to-remove traces.
  • You can remove old yellow spots on white using the following method: 10 g of hydrogen peroxide is combined with 40 g of soda, applied to the spots and rubbed with a brush. Linen is kept for half an hour, after which it is washed in an automatic machine using a stain remover.
  • You can eliminate yellowed dirt on old white material using a proven method. The laundry cleaning process will take some time:
  • first, the fabric is soaked in a water-vinegar solution: 2 tablespoons of acid are required for 200 g of water;
  • after half an hour, ammonia, diluted with an aqueous solution, is poured onto the product. For 200 g of water - 40 g of alcohol;
  • after 30 minutes, the fabric is rinsed, and a composition prepared from lemon juice and water is poured onto the speck. 200 g of water will require 40 g of lemon juice;
  • after a couple of hours, the thing is washed in a machine.
  • Many housewives remove yellowed dirt with oxalic acid. Traces on the material are rubbed with laundry soap, after which a mixture made of oxalic acid and water is applied to the site of contamination. For 250 g of an aqueous solution, 5 g of acid will be required. After 30 minutes, the product is washed in the usual way and rinsed thoroughly.
  • To clean the delicate white clothes and not destroy the fibers, you can try to mix 40 ml of gasoline, 30 ml of technical alcohol and 20 ml of ammonia. Rub the spots with the resulting mixture, hold for 5 minutes, wash in the usual way and rinse thoroughly.

When bleaching a thing, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly. When using an automatic machine, you should select the extra rinse mode: this way you can avoid the recurrence of yellow spots on clothes after washing.

Each white product requires a special approach. When applying this or that method of bleaching, it is necessary to find out what type of fabric the linen has. To achieve the whiteness of cotton items, you can try the following methods.

  • For cooking, you need 200 g of water, 5 g of salt and ammonia. Linen is put into the composition for 2-3 hours, after which it is washed with laundry soap.
  • Slight pollution can remove soda. 250 g of water will require 4 tablespoons of baking soda. The marks are rubbed well with the paste and soaked for 1 hour, after which they are washed by hand or in a typewriter.
  • The following composition will help remove yellowed dirt from white collars and cuffs. 4 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of salt and the same amount of water are mixed well, applied to stains and kept for 2 hours.
  • To make the old material snow-white, you can use known way- boiling. To do this, the product is placed in a container, filled with water and shavings from laundry soap are added. The thing is boiled for 15 minutes. If the product has been stored for several years, it is necessary to boil longer, 60-120 minutes, constantly stirring.
  • A solution prepared from ammonia and ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 can help to cope with old yellowish stains on white clothes. The composition is poured onto contamination, incubated for 1-2 hours and washed at low temperature.
  • Remove dirt from white fabrics that have been stored long time, you can use a dishwasher. The gel is smeared with traces, held for 120 minutes and washed with powder at a low temperature.
  • Persol bleach with oxygen, which can be purchased at any hardware store, can be an excellent household helper. The product must be diluted with an aqueous solution and rubbed with a brush into the dirt. Soak the mixture for 30 minutes, immerse in the washing machine and wash as usual.

In addition, old dirt can be removed by washing clothes in a typewriter, choosing the boiling mode at a temperature of 90-100 ° C.

Delicate items should be bleached carefully so as not to spoil their appearance.

  • To remove traces from silk fabrics, sodium thiosulfate is suitable, which can be bought at a pharmacy. The substance is diluted with 200 g of water, the fabric is soaked for a while, after which it is thoroughly washed by hand or with a washing machine, choosing a delicate wash without spinning.
  • To remove yellow stains from silk clothes that have been lying for a long time, the following method will help. Apply 1 teaspoon of washing powder to the dirty area, wash with white soap. The product is left for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, the linen is washed on a delicate cycle in a typewriter or by hand.
  • You can clean old traces using ordinary vodka diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Spots are poured with the mixture, kept for half an hour and washed as usual.
  • You can bleach silk material with an old recipe that was used by our grandmothers. To do this, during rinsing, one capful of blue is poured into the water. Linen is immersed in the blue solution and rinsed thoroughly.
  • Salt combined with water and a solution of brilliant green will help remove yellow traces. Washing powder and salt are preliminarily dissolved in water, linen is immersed, and kept for several hours. After that, drip 3 drops of brilliant green and rinse thoroughly.
  • White spirit, which is bred in a ratio of one to one with ammonia, will help save a silk thing. The mixture is rubbed into the contamination, incubated for 20 minutes. Rinse the material twice to eliminate the pungent odor.

White woolen things also require careful handling. To remove yellowness, you can try the following method. Laundry soap is rubbed into shavings, combined with an aqueous solution, and then rubbed into places of contamination. Linen is kept in the composition for 3 hours.

Another method involves the use of soap suds. Soap is dissolved in water, intensively stirring to a thick foamy mass. Soap foam is smeared on yellow stains and kept for 120 minutes.

When removing stains, white fabric is not recommended to be washed and rinsed at high temperatures: this can aggravate the problem, and the spots will remain on the material forever.

How to remove iodine and rust

Such stains are difficult to remove. The main thing is to start cleansing as soon as possible in order to prevent the penetration of substances into the structure of the fibers.

Yellow iodine spots are removed using vinegar and soda. 5 g of soda is poured onto dirty areas, poured with vinegar on top. Entering into interaction, the agent begins to hiss. The fabric should be left for about half a day, and then washed with washing powder.

Rust can be removed from white items by boiling the item in a water-vinegar solution. For 500 g of water, 20 g of acid will be required. The composition is heated to 80 ° C, without waiting for boiling, removed from heat and rinsed thoroughly.

In order not to damage the white material when removing yellowed contaminants, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not use bleach: this can lead to darkening of the fabric or acquiring a gray tint;
  • delicate things should not be rubbed intensively. Most often, this leads to deformation of the material and the loss of an attractive appearance;
  • when removing stains from silk things, it is not recommended to use acetone or vinegar;
  • when using hydrogen peroxide for bleaching, the thing must be rinsed twice, as when drying in the sun, a yellow coating may remain on the clothes;
  • kapron and nylon clothes are not washed with gasoline and other solvents;
  • cotton is not bleached with acidic substances;
  • woolen things cannot be treated with alkaline solutions;
  • before removing stains, it is necessary to apply the prepared product to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontamination. If the agent has not destroyed the fibers, they are treated with other places;
  • to prevent the occurrence of streaks around yellowed spots after washing, it is best to process the yellowness from the inside out;
  • it is necessary to dry cotton and linen fabrics in the sun: this will help to achieve intensive bleaching.

If you find that yellowish spots have appeared on your favorite white clothes, you should not throw it away. The thing can be saved by applying the appropriate method. The faster you start getting rid of yellowness, the more likely you are to get the desired result.

I noticed that white T-shirts / t-shirts are worn for almost one season, appear on light blue knitwear and white jeans. There was no bullshit with yellow spots on the trousers and skirts of the spot.

Answer: Try slathering on the stains for Fae night, then machine wash. Never iron white items that you are going to store!

First, let's look at how to remove sweat stains from silk fabrics of any color. You can take ordinary table salt or hyposulfite, which can be bought in the photographic department. The recipe for a solution to remove sweat stains is as follows - we take 1 tablespoon of table salt and dissolve in one glass of water. For hyposulfite, the recipe is as follows: 1 teaspoon per glass of water. After the stain is removed, be sure to rinse the thing in the cleaned place with warm boiled water. This recipe is also applicable for underwear and dresses, if the color of the product under the arms is not affected.

Next, consider how to remove sweat stains from linen and cotton fabrics. To prepare a cleaning mixture, you will need table salt and ammonia. One teaspoon of the ingredients is taken and dissolved in a glass of water. When the stain is removed, rinse the item in warm water. How to remove sweat stains if they settled on woolen things? If you have such problems with light woolen things, then the following procedure will help: prepare a soapy solution, take a small soft brush and rub the sweat stain. After that, the stain is thoroughly rinsed with water so that all the soapy solution comes out. The next step is to dilute oxalic acid - 1 teaspoon of acid in one glass of water. This solution moistens sweat stains. After the stain is removed, rinse the product several times with warm water.

To remove sweat stains from woolen clothes, dissolve 2 tablespoons of table salt in a glass of clean water. Then treat contaminated areas. If the stains are not severe, clean the clothing with rubbing alcohol.

From all other fabrics, sweat stains are effectively removed with the following mixture. Take 1 tablespoon of ammonia and table salt per 100 ml of water. Wipe dirt with a cotton pad soaked in liquid. Rinse the fabric afterwards and launder as usual.

But if the woolen products are colored, the recipe is completely different. The following mixture is being prepared: two parts of ammonia and four parts of white spirit. Spots are treated with this mixture, the mixture is allowed to work a little, and then washed several times with water.

Sweat stains on white and close to white silk are removed almost in the same way as stains from woolen products, only the dosage for the solution is slightly less - ammonia and white spirit are taken here in the same amount and in small portions. The same recipe is suitable for silk linings.

Consider how to remove sweat stains from most silk linings. If the lining is white, then in the pharmacy you can buy a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and dilute it in such a proportion - one part of peroxide and ten parts of water. This method is usually very effective in removing sweat stains. If the lining fabric is not white, then this recipe will help: ammonia and denatured alcohol are taken in a one-to-one ratio. The area with the stain is treated with this mixture, and then washed in warm water several times.

There is another way to remove sweat stains from dyed wool, especially if they are old sweat stains. The mixture for removal is as follows - gasoline or acetone, denatured alcohol and ammonia are taken in the following proportion - 3: 4: 2. The actions are the same as with the rest of the tissues. Be sure to wash and rinse the item after applying the recipe.

Thus, the question of how to get rid of sweat stains leads us not only to dry cleaning, which not everyone can afford, but also to saving things on our own. However, you can minimize sweating by using antiperspirants, as a good antiperspirant will significantly reduce sweating for a day or more. Keep in mind that deodorants only remove the smell of sweat, but do not reduce sweating, however, along with a good antiperspirant, a natural deodorant can be used in combination to give freshness.

there were several summer blouses in the closet, I bought last summer but wore each one maybe 2-3 times in total, the summer ended, I washed them all again and folded them neatly. I recently wanted to put it on, but I see yellow spots on all the blouses, not one spot on the side, on the other a few small yellow spots on the back. I washed it again, the stains did not come off. had to be thrown away. and I also had a white cotton sweater, I wore it only once, for 2 years I lay about it and forgot, I look at it with yellow spots.

Yes, it's a shame - new, beautiful things and you can't wear them anymore. And I just do not use perfume - allergies. So it's not from the perfume in the bag.

I regularly get yellow spots on white clothes after washing. although I wash them with Vanish for whites, which removes stains. sometimes it helps to just wash it again with Vanish (both in the washer and by hand).

kris- I read somewhere that after washing on white linen, yellow spots appear because the smallest metal particles from the machine (if any calgons are added) settle on the linen.

I have for children things appear, and I don’t use perfumes for children, and some didn’t even lie, but hung in closets, and in different ones, and not only white things, but also pink things were covered with yellow spots. And not after washing right. There were no stains, hung in the closet, and appeared. Weird. They do not wash off either with Vanish, or with soap, or with powder. What could be the reason?

I found it on the internet (I had the same garbage on my bedding), maybe it will help someone. Sometimes reddish-yellow spots appear on linen when dried in the sun. The cause of these stains is the use of iron-containing water when rinsing the laundry. Iron in the form of oxide leaves a barely noticeable mark on the fibers, but in the air ferrous oxide turns into a darker iron oxide and is deposited on the fabric in quite clear spots. Such iron stains are easily removed by moistening with 1% hydrochloric acid, after which the fabric is washed for approximately 10 minutes. After washing, the material is thoroughly rinsed first with rainwater or iron-free tap water, and then with a weak soda solution. A short treatment of linen with weak hydrochloric acid does not have a destructive effect on the fabric.

I washed white shorts and a white t-shirt with Vanish, I sort of rinsed it well, when things dried in the sun, I saw yellow spots, things are new, I'm hysterical ... Is it possible to get rid of them?

I'm in shock too! An old relic - grandmother's, hand-embroidered tablecloth - covered in yellow spots, I can't wash anything. I will try to clean with ammonia, defochki.

I have the same problem! Yellow spots appeared on white clothes after the trip. Well, I think nothing, I'll wash it off. Not only did it not wash off, it also switched to other white things! If anyone knows how to get rid of this, please write!!)) I have these stains with nothing to remove and for some reason appear only on white clothes! tell me what it could be and how to clean it!!

These are old grease stains that have not been washed immediately. As soon as the thing lies a little after washing, the stains appear - the fat turns bitter and turns yellow. Spread them with dishwashing detergent, leave for a while. The tool will eat away the fat. Then wash in the machine a couple of times.

So all the same "iron oxide" or what? dark jersey (black, brown, blue): t-shirts, underwear, socks - reddish spots appear selectively ... if there is a problem with tap water - will any rinsing agents help (they say, they soften the water)? infuriates unrealistically - recently a stain appeared on the back of a freshly washed new piece of clothing ((((Will dry cleaning help?

Dug up a topic on the Internet on this issue! We noticed and decided that nasty yellow stains and dots that do not wash off appear on white, clean things that are stored and lie folded in the closet for a long time.

There are no splashes on jeans and white shirts in hard-to-reach places, as well as yellow-brown stains on sneakers. The problem recurred - it was not possible to get rid of the dryer.

I rent a room and had the same problem a year ago. These spots appear not only on white clothes, but also on colored ones, the main thing is to look closely. I washed it with all sorts of means, bought a bunch of different antipyatins, than I just didn’t try .. New things and yellow spots: (such an insult ... I was told to boil them. I did it in a saucepan. I added powder to it without measurement at my discretion and a little I poured Vanish, but I think that it is possible without it .. I boiled for an hour, and then washed it by hand with powder and soap .. Surprisingly, the stains disappeared. But as soon as I washed things simply in powder, they reappeared only in other places ((. .Here I read the forum and I can not find an answer what to do.So that they no longer appear.

So you write to boil, but if there is a sign on things that they cannot be boiled?

My options:
1. Due to the components of the powder (Tide + Lenor powder) - they may not dissolve or interact with something.
2. Because of the water - iron particles in the water (I think to clean the intake filter).
3. NanoSilver system in Samsunge is malfunctioning or interacting with something (powder or balm).

Maybe these damned yellow dots appear after washing on certain washing machines Or a certain washing powder?

We had an Ariston car. Served faithfully for 12 years. No yellow dots appeared. We bought a new Ariston Hotpoint - the same dimensions, but with a color display. And now, after each wash, yellow dots appear on this new beautiful machine - on shirts, on bedding. We wash with Ariel powder. The tap water is the same, the powder is the same. Maybe it's all about the new car?

Yes-ah-ah-ah! Thought I was the only one with this problem. A few months ago, after washing, I noticed yellow-red dots on clothes. At first I thought - iron. Then she began to carefully examine things before ironing - spots (but not so bright). I’m sitting in hysterics, it’s a pity for things.

I tried to clean the machine with citric acid (in vain I turned it on at 90 degrees with 10 packets of acid instead of powder) - IT DID NOT HELP. Now I'll try to change the powder (now I use Ariel Color). By the way, stains are washed only with Vanish (POWDER) and after soaking for at least 12 hours.

Over the weekend, I put away my winter clothes and took out my summer ones. On 2 things these most unfortunate yellow spots. It can't possibly be a perfume. I don't spray perfume on my clothes. I tried to remove spots with Vanish - garbage, it does not help. Stuff is cool and unique. : (It's a pity that such garbage happened.

Yellow spots appear on white clothes, I always wash clothes with expensive powder using Vanish for white (liquid), the spots are always washed off (I always wash by hand), but also new ones always appear, even when they just dry :-(

I have small yellow spots on my light jeans, I don’t know why, I tried to remove them with the Emveem spray, they brightened a little and reappeared :(

Girls! And I have yellow dots on my white shirts. Perfume and grease disappear. I think that these are powders, but do not wash with soap in a basin! What to do?!

Stains appear on things if you iron them before storing! Last year, I removed everything that was summer without ironing, so - if it gets cold - I wrapped everything in an ironed pillowcase! And the smoothed fold of the pillowcase turned yellow and everything that turned out to be next to it - a white-red T-shirt and a blue dress. I plan to soak the T-shirt in Vanisha for a day, and give the dress to the dry-cleaner with parting words "do what you want, throw it away anyway." I will write about the results.

In general, I think that the washing powder is not rinsed out to the end, and then some kind of reaction is obtained from heating with an iron.

On white shorts there is a stain from Belezna, yellow .. how can I remove it and is it possible?

I had such small yellow spots appeared quite recently. As soon as it got warm, I started to get summer t-shirts who are not even six months old. On 2 T-shirts of turquoise and lilac color, both on the inside and on the outside there were a huge number of yellow dots. I wore them most of the time. The result is vikinula. Nothing was washed away. Even in winter, I found such dots on a white wool sweater (I thought maybe the paint was of poor quality). A few weeks ago, stains began to appear on white underwear. Too bad, beautiful underwear is now ruined! =(Perfume has nothing to do with it.

At first I thought maybe some kind of creature wound up in the closet and shits on my clothes. But I see that it's the water and the laundry detergent. Does anyone know how to get these nasty stains out???

Most likely, these yellow dots appear after washing with Ariel powder (and TV advertising claims that 9 out of 10 housewives choose this powder). I advise you to use Vanish Oxi Action Intellect plus stain remover. Soak the laundry in a concentrated solution for two days.

I use liquid concentrated detergent for laundry. Moreover, spots appeared not only on white things. There is a stain on a beige blouse - I also washed it with a concentrated detergent, but for dark linen. Mlyn, the blouse is also ruined. :(

Only a week ago I bought beautiful white breeches, they were already ironed without wrinkles, so I put them on immediately and wore them for a couple of days. As usual, on the second day I planted food stains, after which I soaked them in a regular hand wash powder. food stains came off normally, I thoroughly rinsed the breeches and, suspecting nothing, hung them up to dry. I was very upset when, after drying, I found very large yellow spots on them, I already tried just the conditioner, I thought it was washed off badly, no, and I tried liquid Vanish, the result is the same !! If anyone managed to get it out, tell me how ??? It's a pity new breeches!!!

Every housewife had to deal with the problem of the appearance of yellow spots on white things. They are not washable either by hand or in a washing machine, and after using chlorine bleaches, they can become darker and more noticeable. How to remove yellow stains from sweat without damaging the fabric? What tools can be used? How to put things in order, the stains on which are already old?

Before moving on to the question of how to remove yellow spots from white, you should understand the nature of their origin and know how you can prevent them from appearing on things.

Why do yellow marks appear on clothes and underwear

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of why yellow spots appear on white fabric. However, there are a number of factors that contribute to the formation of yellowness:

These factors contribute to the fact that persistent pollution appears on white things. However, if you find stains on your favorite T-shirt, blouse, bed linen or white shorts, do not despair. There are many ways to remove yellow spots.

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes at home

In order to remove yellow stains on clothes, which can be formed not only due to sweat, but also for a number of other reasons, there is no need to spend money on expensive stain removers. You can use inexpensive and affordable means.

Vinegar and laundry soap


Remove yellow spots and tidy up a white T-shirt or underwear will help toothpaste without dyes.

Oxalic acid and laundry soap

A yellowed thing can be put in order with a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon of the product is diluted in 1 glass of water).

The same method can be used by replacing oxalic acid with citric acid.

Liquid soap, baking soda and peroxide

How to remove yellow spots with these products? Mix soap, soda and peroxide in a ratio of 1:2:4. Apply the resulting gel to the dirt using an old toothbrush. After 2-3 hours, remove the remnants of the "stain remover" from the T-shirt or shirt and wash the item.

In this case, it is better not to use a washing machine, but to wash the product by hand.


Removing yellow stains from white clothes with aspirin is not difficult, but it will take a lot of time.

White spirit and ammonia solution (ammonia)

How to remove yellow stains from sweat, or those that have arisen for other reasons, in this way?

This method will help to remove yellow spots not only on white, but also on colored or black clothes, even if the stains are quite old.

Strong cleaners for stubborn dirt

In the case when the above methods do not help to remove yellow marks on clothes, you can use the following highly effective products. They will help restore the whiteness of a T-shirt or blouse, even if the thing has been lying for a long time and the stains on it are old.

Prepare a solution from the following ingredients:

The solution is applied to the fabric for no more than 5 minutes, after which the thing is washed in the usual way.

Citric acid and medical alcohol

In a small amount of alcohol (0.5-1 tablespoons), add a little "lemon". Moisten with a solution of pollution for 3-5 minutes, then send the item to the washing machine.

Vegetable oil and bleach

Soak yellowed items in a solution of the following ingredients:

Put the soiled clothes in a container with a solution and wait until the water has cooled. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine. In some cases, vinegar (2 tablespoons) is added to the solution, this helps to enhance the effect.

Gasoline or turpentine

Since these substances have an aggressive effect, they are applied to stains for several minutes to avoid tissue damage. After the item is washed as usual.

It should be noted that the above methods are suitable for fabrics with a dense structure; strong agents will hopelessly ruin a blouse made of thin material.

How to remove yellow stains from delicate fabrics

Items made of delicate fabrics, such as woolen or silk, often do not lend themselves to regular washing, and in order to remove yellow stains from such clothes, not every product is suitable. Aggressive substances lead to thinning of the fibers of the fabric, and sometimes to the appearance of holes.

How to remove yellowness from clothes delicate fabric? There are several ways:

Dissolve the hyposulfite crystals in a glass of water and wipe the stain with the solution, then rinse the item in warm water.

Using these tips on how to remove yellow stains, from sweat or resulting from exposure to other factors, you can achieve perfect condition your things. If none of the above methods helped, use the services of dry cleaning, home "experiments" can lead to sad results.

Even on carefully washed things, neatly folded in a closet, unsightly marks may appear that it is not clear why they arose. You can’t even imagine why yellow spots appear on clothes? Find out the different causes and factors of their formation in the article below.

What affects the appearance of yellow marks on clothes

Why do yellow spots appear on clothes? This question was asked by more than one hostess. They are especially noticeable on products of light colors.

Factors contributing to this can be very diverse:

  • incorrectly selected washing powder or laundry detergent;
  • inappropriate temperature for washing;
  • hitting the fabric vegetable oil or fat;
  • traces of sweat;
  • ironing;
  • the use of bleach;
  • hard water.

Reason 1

Why yellow spots appear on white clothes due to sweat, and how to avoid them, is easy enough to understand. Sweat contains urea, and when it is excreted, clothes absorb it. Because of this, yellow marks are formed, which are especially noticeable on white clothes.

If you think that applying an antiperspirant deodorant will protect you from the appearance of yellow stains on your clothes, then this is not so. When sweat and antiperspirant interact, on the contrary, difficult-to-remove persistent stains are formed.

Important! Applying deodorant when you're sweating a lot won't help you avoid those nasty stains, since antiperspirants generally only mask the smell of sweat, not eliminate it.

In order to reduce sweating, and thereby prevent the appearance of yellow spots on white clothes, follow these rules:

  1. Watch your personal hygiene.
  2. Do epilation under the muscle cavities.
  3. On areas of the skin that are most prone to sweat, wash every day with warm soapy water, then dry the skin and apply a mixture of lanolin and talc to it.
  4. In the heat, avoid eating hot and spicy foods.

Important! If compliance with these rules does not give a visible result, examine the body in order to exclude manifestations of the disease - hyperhidrosis, which is manifested by increased sweating.

Reason 2

If you washed a thing in a washing machine, took it out and noticed that a trace of unknown origin appeared on the fabric, and you don’t understand why yellow spots appeared on white things, in this case, the reason for their formation is most likely the detergent and hard water. Washing powder consists of elements that react with salts present in hard water, as a result of which yellow spots appear on the laundry.

Important! Carefully approach the choice of means for washing things. Choose it based on the type and color of the fabric. If you have hard water at home, before washing things, soften it by additionally adding to the washing powder of your choice: citric acid, vinegar, soda ash or a special Calgon softener.

Reason 3

Even new things lose their freshness from long-term storage, and it is especially not recommended to store them in a contaminated form. Stains on clothes in this case may arise from the fact that after washing they were not dried enough and placed in a closet. Another reason is storing them in a room with high humidity and mold, which leaves stains on clothes. And it's not easy to get rid of them.

It is easy to prevent such a phenomenon:

  • Place soiled items in a special basket with holes.
  • Always wash and store children's clothes separately.
  • Before putting things in the closet, dry them well after washing.

Reason 4

The appearance of yellow marks on clothes may result from improper use of the iron. Before you start ironing things, iron the initially inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. Start with a low temperature regime, and in the process, decide whether it is worth raising it, based on the type of fabric.

Important! Yellow spots appear on clothes also due to the fact that you ironed the item with an iron using steam in which water has stagnated.

Reason 5

Before using bleach, carefully read the label on the product and be sure to see if it contains a warning for use. If you have already decided to use it, then be very careful when applying it to the fabric, otherwise a yellow spot may form, which you can’t remove with anything.


We hope that now you have been able to figure out why yellow spots appear on your white clothes. Knowing how to avoid this, you no longer have to ask this question and change your wardrobe. Following our useful tips you will always look beautiful and neat.