
Onyx egg meaning and properties. The influence of the magical properties of onyx on water signs. Onyx and signs of the earth element


Onyx- a semi-precious stone known since ancient times. According to one version, Solomon's temple was built from it. He has great magic and healing power. Its properties, types and features will be discussed in the article.

Onyx - what is this stone?

Onyx is a type of quartz. It differs in that it has different shades and thicknesses of stripes of white, red, brown and black.

AT Ancient Egypt it was used for wall cladding. Then other nations began to pay attention to him. So the Assyrians believed in medicinal properties stone, in China and Mesopotamia it was a bad symbol and was shunned.

In some African countries it was used like a currency. The value of each piece was determined by the beauty, saturation of the lines, their uniqueness.

Later they began to make various items. So, for example, onyx dishes had different properties. It was believed that if you eat from it, you can be cured of various diseases.

It is mined in large quantities only in some countries.

These include:

  • Mexico;
  • Turkey;
  • Pakistan;
  • Egypt;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iran.

Types of onyxes

Onyx is often confused with, which is also a variety of quartz. But unlike agate, the drawings and lines on it are not vague, but clear and parallel to each other.

Depending on the color and pattern, it is divided into several main types:

  • (Arab) has a rich, deep black color and visible, clear or barely noticeable, thin blotches, lines white color. From the side, this stone is a little associated with a zebra pattern.
  • white onyx has not a pure white color, but different shades (pinkish, milky, light aquamarine). But outwardly it strongly resembles marble.
  • onyx agate bright, beautiful with light (gray or milky) stripes. They can be bright or dim.
  • carneolonics- has a rather saturated color, perhaps even brighter than other species due to the fact that red lines are adjacent to white in it.
  • Three-layer onyx incredibly beautiful stone, in great demand. It combines lines of three colors: gray-blue, white and red. We present to your attention an article about another red stone - here.
  • Chalcedonyx(onyx chalcedony) is a bit like onyx agate, but this species has only light, delicate tones.
  • Sardonyx stone with brown and white stripes.
  • has brown stripes that alternate with white patterns.

In addition to the fact that the stone has many varieties, there is a practice of imitation of onyx.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. The easiest way to craft cheap agate is to make it look like onyx. For this, various chemical manipulations are used. But such a fake quickly fades and loses the clarity of the lines.
  2. The second imitation option is to make a polymer material with the same color and pattern.

You can distinguish a fake from the original at a low price and too saturated or unnatural color.

Onyx jewelry in silver

Onyx is not precious stone, therefore, it is very rarely inserted into expensive metals. Different types of gold (including), titanium, platinum rarely become its setting, but silver jewelry with it are quite popular and carry great power.

It is silver that almost doubles the magical and healing power of the stone. It also enhances its strength with a rounded shape, which is most often attached to the mineral. Light onyx (blue, pink, white, gray), as well as black and tricolor, harmonizes best with silver.

Onyx jewelry in silver:

  • Silver ring protects a person from other people's encroachments. Allows you to protect property, hide all valuables from evil looks. And if it is a tricolor onyx that is inserted into the ring, then those who put it on will have interesting love adventures. It will increase tone, increase attractiveness. The red shades of the stone will bring pleasant surprises to life. We present to your attention an article about, here.
  • Silver necklace or necklace with black onyx inlays must be worn by strong women. The decoration will be able to absorb the positive surrounding energy, endowing the owner with great strength.
  • Ring will increase self-confidence, make a person less suggestible and enhance intuition, allowing you to make the right decision.
  • Silver earrings made of pink, white and blue onyx creative people will love it.

Other uses of onyx

This beautiful semi-precious stone is used not only in jewelry.

There are many other industries where he managed to prove himself well, for example:

  • Construction. Since ancient times, different peoples of the world have used it as a building material. Even today, it is often used for lining, for example, baths or pools.
  • Decorations. They decorated and decorate the clothes, outfits of the clergy to this day. Craftsmen make from it not only typical jewelry that is worn every day. Onyx is part of many royal regalia, including crowns.
  • Houseware. Various onyx household items are very popular today: candlesticks, photo frames, figurines, ashtrays, coasters, cups, glasses, caskets, wine glasses, flowerpots and the like. Some such gizmos, for example, an onyx pyramid whose magical properties are known to all lovers of magic, are sold everywhere in any store of magical gizmos.
  • Previously, they were often inlaid with furniture. Today you can order something similar.
  • Interior. In addition to inlay, onyx is used to make various interior items. They cost a lot, but they look amazing! Among them: countertops, lampshades, fireplace counters, mosaics, wall panels, lamps and so on.
  • Cups and goblets are made from carneolonyx. They are rarely used for everyday meals, but often for magical rites and in folk medicine. Many people buy them simply as home decoration.

The magical properties of onyx

The attitude of people to this stone has been contradictory since ancient times. Some were afraid and wary of him, others revered him in every possible way.

Ancient people believed in the following magical properties of onyx:

  • In Mesopotamia for example, onyx was a symbol of sadness. It was used to decorate the tombs of dignitaries.
  • AT Ancient China was considered a symbol of troubles and misfortunes. If a person found white onyx, then this foreshadowed the imminent death of him or his relative.
  • In Yemen people were just afraid. They associated it with the eyes of the deceased.
  • In India he has always been revered. It was believed that he brings good luck, instills joy and comfort in the house. Jewelry made of white onyx was desired by everyone, because they helped to avoid quarrels and contradictions with loved ones.
  • In America the Indians called him "tears of the mountain spirit" and in every possible way bypassed the places where he met.

Since ancient times, people have seen something alive, mysterious in this stone, because of the saturation and depth of colors. Alchemists and magicians of antiquity and the Middle Ages tried to solve its mystery, to find out new, special properties.

Of course, black onyx aroused the greatest interest, the magical properties of which seemed to be limitless.

The magical properties of black onyx:

  • Black magicians believed that a person's soul could be imprisoned in black onyx. It was the soul that “painted” whitish lines and specks on the black stone.
  • It was believed that black onyx allows you to read people's minds.
  • Medieval pregnant women, who had the opportunity to purchase a stone, placed it at the head of their bed so that childbirth was easy and successful.
  • White was used in rituals of communication with spirits, to call the dead.

Today, many of the old magical properties forgotten, but here are some that still exist among the people, among clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians.

Nowadays, people still believe in the following magical properties of the stone:

  • White onyx can protect a person from unwanted encounters. This applies to people whom the owner of the stone does not like, or those who can harm him. To do this, you need to carry a piece of stone in your pocket or sewn into your clothes. Adversaries may meet on the road, but they will not notice the owner of the talisman and will pass by.
  • Modern magicians, clairvoyants and seers who love and respect their craft must have an onyx ball and a pyramid. They are usually used to make green onyx its magical properties collect energy into themselves, and then concentrate it.
  • The stone is able to reveal the inner potential of the owner, let him look further than people are allowed, find out the future or predict some action.
  • Any of the species with gray stripes can protect against the weak and powerful evil eye.
  • Sardonyx allows you to find peace, calm the nerves, raging feelings, feel peace and harmony, make the right decision.
  • Different types of onyx are used as amulets as well as protection from evil people, the evil eye to protect yourself from accidents and death.

The healing properties of onyx

The mineral has unique healing properties that everyone who likes to wear it should know about.

In ancient times, crushed stone treated diseases of the teeth and gums, wounds, and also fought obesity. Modern medicine has proven that it really can help in these cases. But, in addition, it has other important properties. In lithotherapy, it is very popular. For treatment, several pebbles are applied to a certain place.

In addition, onyx has the following medicinal properties:

  • It is used for liver problems.
  • It can relieve fever, increase immunity and allow you to fight viruses faster.
  • Relieves depression, insomnia, stress.
  • Helps fight laziness, impotence, returns interest in life, increases concentration, improves memory.
  • Improves potency, therefore it is recommended for all men.
  • Relieves pain in rheumatism.
  • Able to help cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treats brain diseases.
  • Relieves headaches, migraines, dizziness.

Who is onyx suitable for?

It can be worn by people of different classes, nationalities, ages, professions. But it does not immediately bring good luck. The new owner must earn the location of the stone. At first, it scans the mood of a person, his thoughts, energy, desires, and only therefore brings changes to life. As for astrology, the situation is similar. There are those to whom onyx suits the sign, and those who should avoid it.

So, the properties of onyx for the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fiery-colored species will suit all signs of the elements of fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. It allows them to better concentrate energy, achieve goals and set new ones.
  • It will not be superfluous to wear onyx jewelry for Taurus and Capricorn, Libra. He teaches them independence and the fight against laziness. Gives a push forward so that they do not stand still, but develop every day.
  • Virgo, Aquarius it will give determination, allow you to fully open up.
  • At the same time, Gemini should not wear a stone. They love variety and rarely focus on one thing. The stone will suppress their natural desire.
  • The stone will not harm the fish, but it will not bring any benefit either. due to the immunity of the sign. You can wear it simply as an ornament, without the purpose of attracting good luck or curing diseases.
  • Cancer and Scorpio it is worth wearing jewelry with black stone inserts.

The amazing properties of onyx have made it very popular all over the world.

Since ancient times, it has been used for various purposes, and today it has not lost its appeal. He cures diseases, helps to make life better, to achieve what seemed unattainable. And it can be worn by almost all people without exception.

- a bright representative of the quartz group. Belonging to quartz speaks of its radiance, a unique structure of layers different color leaves no one indifferent. There are legends about the extraordinary properties of onyx stone. There is a legend that the mineral is the nails of Aphrodite, which fell to the ground and were turned into stones by the gods. The gods could not admit that the particles of divine flesh were on the ground and disappeared, so they turned the nails of the goddess into beautiful stones.

A feature of the mineral are multi-colored stripes on its surface. But black is the most popular. The magical properties of onyx stone are attributed to specimens of precisely black color.

Magic Crystal

AT different countries relation to the properties of onyx is ambiguous. For example, the Indians in America worshiped him and used him in rites and rituals. In Egypt, they were frankly afraid of it, mining, they tried to sell it faster, not to keep it in their house. Even the name was given to him "eljazo", which means sadness. In China, they were sure that the gem contained the strongest magical powers that could destroy a person.

They revered the crystal or were afraid, but there is only one conclusion - people from time immemorial have felt the influence of the stone on themselves.

Several manifestations of onyx magic:

  • Gives good luck and prosperity in business.
  • It is a powerful amulet against magical influences.
  • It has a cleansing effect, removes induced damage, cleanses the aura, drives away resentment and anger.
  • Adjusts and strengthens the energy field of the person who owns it.
  • Necessary for people who are at the head of enterprises and businesses. It develops in them purposefulness, perseverance and assertiveness.
  • The sample is dark of blue color will bring good luck in business, financial success.

Despite the dark and even black colors, onyx is a stone of life, a powerful amulet against unexpected troubles. Prevents premature death, protects against accidents and accidents.

natural healer

The healing properties of the stone are associated with its magical power. Modern medicine does not deny its benefits, but does not use it in its therapy. Although recipes for help with various ailments were compiled in antiquity.

Here are some healing possibilities of the mineral:

  • Earrings with onyx will improve eyesight and hearing.
  • A red crystal pendant will protect against disruptions in the heart rhythm.
  • Onyx is able to pull out of depression, normalize sleep, cheer up.
  • Helps with digestive problems, activates the activity of the intestines.
  • Normalizes the work of the liver and kidneys.
  • The powder from it accelerates the healing of wounds.
  • Restores blood circulation, treats impotence.

The gem has a difficult character and helps only people who have bright thoughts and do good deeds. It is also important to know who, according to the sign of the Zodiac, onyx is most suitable for. Not all zodiac signs are equally suited to onyx.

  1. Aries- an active sign, overflowing with energy, but he lacks concentration. Onyx for Aries will become a guide that will direct this irrepressible energy in the right direction.
  2. Taurus. With this representative of the zodiac circle, the mineral has almost perfect compatibility. For Taurus, he will become a friend, healer and protector. He will save him from bad habits, make him more sociable. Warm colors of the gem are appropriate here. Astrologers warn that the mineral will not tolerate whiners and insecure people.
  3. Twins. For Gemini women and for Gemini men, the stone is categorically contraindicated, especially white and black. Here two opposite energies converged, and they cannot be directed in one direction.
  4. Cancer. According to the horoscope, onyx stone is most suitable for Cancers. For a Cancer man, a blue crystal will be the most suitable. He will give him strength and confidence, protect him from any misfortunes.
  5. a lion. The value of the stone for Leo is difficult to overestimate. Judge for yourself: he will develop leadership skills representatives of this sign will make him decisive and help win the love and respect of others.
  6. Virgo. For a Virgo woman, the mineral will open up a world of emotions, help overcome shyness and live without looking back at the opinions of others. It will relieve them of fatigue and stress, restore strength.
  7. For Libra a blue mineral is suitable. The properties of onyx will bring dimension to the chaotic rhythm of their life. For Libra, the mineral saved the most important thing - confidence in the future.
  8. For scorpio will become a "black friend and protector". Black only in color. The healing characteristics of the amulet will make life for Scorpio free from depression and bad mood. Family people will be helped to establish harmonious relationship in home.
  9. For the restless Sagittarius the talisman will become a support in life, help maintain a balance between good and evil, between anger and concessions. The amulet made for Sagittarius will protect him from human envy and encroachments of black magic.
  10. For Capricorn will become indispensable assistants: it will constantly energize, encourage action, help find the right solution to any problem.
  11. For In overcoming women the magic of the crystal will help develop intuition, the ability to find a solution in difficult situations. Aquarius, who own the amulet, will gain confidence, will be able to overcome all difficulties on the way to the goal.
  12. Fish and this gem - two things are incompatible. They will not bring each other any harm or benefit, but it is better not to contact them.

Analyzing which sign of the Zodiac the gem suits, it should be noted that the stone will not harm anyone, it cleanses people, protects from black magic and guides on the right path. All this applies only to people who do good deeds. Representatives of black magic should beware of interacting with him.

Color Magic

The qualities of a mineral vary depending on its color. Crystals of each color carry individual abilities.

  • will help in business development, in attracting new customers. It literally attracts good luck and financial well-being. Will teach you to find mutual language with partners, will bring the company to a new, higher level.
  • Green - is a symbol of harmonious family relations. It will bring calmness and understanding of other people into a person's life. It is customary to give a green crystal for a wedding, with a wish of love and prosperity in the house.
  • White onyx means protection from the evil eye and unexpected troubles. It is a symbol of white magic.
  • Crystals of red and orange shades will teach you to understand people and choose the right soul mate.
  • Yellow, pink and light green samples also have the ability to heal ailments.

How to use correctly

The crystal will bring the most benefit if worn on the middle finger. The most optimal shape is considered a circle or oval. Its properties are fully manifested in autumn and winter. The best qualities are more effectively revealed in a silver frame.

This is an energetically very strong mineral, so its relation to a person is easy to feel. If your mood rises with wearing the amulet, success accompanies you in business, then you have chosen the right amulet. But if there is discomfort and even malaise, it is better to remove the jewelry with a crystal.

Onyx has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a person. Returns the joy of life, makes you move forward and protects from the bad.

White onyx is considered one of the varieties of such a mineral as quartz. Onyx has stripes of different colors on its surface and in the thickness. Most often it is white, black, brown stripes and all shades of green. Most often found in nature. However, there are stones that are almost white in color. They are very rare and valuable.

Onyx is famous as a semi-precious stone. It costs more, the thinner the stripes on it. If the stone contains a large number of stripes, this will indicate its high degree of layering, as well as the fact that it is a rather rare and valuable specimen.

Characteristics of onyx

As a rule, the mineral itself is quartz, the progenitor of onyx, in in kind completely white without impurities. Onyx in its purest form is a white stone, the stripes on it are very thin and barely noticeable. But the more impurities, the richer the color of this mineral.

Onyx is considered a very hard stone, but at the same time it is easy to work. Therefore, it is easy for craftsmen to give the raw rock of this type a glassy sheen, which makes the stone more attractive. This characteristic explains the resistance of onyx not only to mechanical damage, but also to frost and moisture.

One type of onyx that does not carry much value is considered. It is used often for technical purposes, but with natural semi-precious mineral has little in common. Such technical onyx contains admixtures of aragonite, calcite and pure calcium. It is good for construction purposes due to its strength.

Today, there are three main types of onyx. Sardonyx has brown and white stripes in its structure, carnelian has combinations of red and white stripes. Onyx chalcedony combines black and white stripes, which creates an interesting contrast. It is thanks to this contrast that in ancient times chalcedony-onyx was used to decorate figurines. Eyes were cut out of the stone, on which the strips were carved in such a way as to form a pupil with protein.

In jewelry, specialists can also distinguish several types of onyx. White onyx is called "Bianco". As a rule, it may have a few slight streaks of yellowish or Brown. The color of onyx is the shade that prevails over the rest, but not one clear color.

As a rule, today onyx can be used for completely different purposes. All this is due to the fact that the stone has many useful properties. White onyx is used in medicine, magic, as well as in construction and jewelry. Consider the use of white onyx in more detail.

The use of white onyx in everyday life

Onyx has found its wide application in cladding different type surfaces. This is due to the fact that the stone is quite dense, in terms of its physical and chemical characteristics it is similar to marble, which in domestic conditions is able to withstand almost everything.

Aprons in kitchens are often lined with white onyx, window sills, countertops and even individual elements of floor lamps are made from it. As a rule, such works are very expensive, since the onyx variety itself is rare and expensive, and working with this type of stone takes not so little time.

Onyx cladding of walls and floors in wet rooms deserves the most attention: kitchens, bathrooms and baths. After all, in addition to a low water absorption coefficient, onyx still has good resistance to chemicals. Yes, and it is very easy to care for elements from such a mineral.

It becomes very fashionable to lay out mosaics of white onyx walls in a room where there is a lot of light. Due to the effect of inner glow, you can even give the white onyx wall a certain desired shade. To do this, simply make an appropriate base for a stone.

The magical effect of onyx on a person

Properties of talismans

According to mystics and healers, onyx is very strong magic stone. There are many ancient stories associated with this. If you remember, many leaders and leaders had talismans or onyx jewelry. Moreover, the presence of stone in the interior of the room does not have a special effect on human life.

It is most successful to carry a talisman with you for people who want to reach certain heights in life. This is the stone of leaders. He is able to push back troubles and obstacles, even people who are close, if they somehow interfere with the owner of the talisman from achieving his goal in life.

But you should not mistakenly think that the onyx talisman will bring you everything. As a rule, onyx, especially white, is able to give a person courage, perseverance and strength to deal with adversity and obstacles. It gradually gives new charges of vital energy, which makes a person a workaholic who loves his work.

But it is important to remember: such an effect from onyx is achieved due to the fact that the stone enhances the qualities and certain character traits already present in a person. Therefore, with special care, you need to treat the stone with people who, by their nature and without the presence of a talisman, are quite active, smart and somewhat cruel towards others.

White onyx can bring many benefits to a person's life, but in return he will also take something. Do not be afraid of this decent people, because you only need honesty, loyalty and decency. But those people who will act meanly towards others in life may suffer from such a talisman and lose a lot.

Properties of onyx jewelry

Onyx jewelry is becoming more and more popular every day. They can cure a person of various diseases, and even get rid of certain troubles. But of great importance here will be what kind of jewelry it is, how often it is worn and on what part of the body.

Especially popular are rings that are made entirely of onyx or contain such a mineral in a setting. Wearing such a ring will give its owner more activity and perseverance in work. This is especially good for people whose profession is related to handmade and also for pupils and students.

You can wear a stone and around the neck in the form of beads or necklaces. This gives a person a lot of vital energy, makes him attractive to others, and also increases self-confidence and determination.

And this necklace is able to cure heart disease. Earrings made of such a mineral of any color are able to inspire new ideas to their owner, which can relate to both business and personal life. Onyx bracelets are very good to wear for both men and women. They are able to arouse the interest of the opposite sex. Thus, in a person, his inner attractiveness and beauty of the soul become more noticeable.

Whatever jewelry you wear, diseases are drawn out at the point of contact of the stone with the human body and heal much faster than wounds. But when wearing jewelry and talismans made of onyx, it is very important that the stone has a frame made of silver or cupronickel. Then the properties of the stone will be maximally manifested and affect the person.

You should also pay attention to the astrological characteristics of this stone. As a rule, different sources can give different information about which people of which zodiac signs should wear such a stone. Therefore, healers and mystics unanimously argue only that, first of all, you need to pay attention to the character, and not to the sign of the zodiac. But if a person is very frivolous, frivolous and impulsive, then it is categorically not recommended to wear talismans and onyx jewelry. The same prohibition applies to cruel people and to those who are still in search of their soulmate.

Absolutely everyone is recommended to keep dishes and small onyx statues at home. This cleanses the atmosphere of the home, contributes to the formation of a good aura. If you periodically drink from onyx dishes, you can get rid of melancholy and even improve digestion. So, the main magical properties of onyx are considered. Remember that the more white stripes in the stone, the stronger the manifestation of its power.

White onyx is considered the strongest mineral.

He is able to change the life of a person and his character to the maximum extent.

Onyx stone is one of the most valuable ornamental minerals, a chalcedonic variety of quartz. There is brown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, you can find white onyx with beige or pink layers - this one surprises with its color moods.

Onyx - a stone of ancient kings, patriarchs, and signs of the zodiac

This gem is characterized by plane-parallel multi-colored layers. In the most developed states of the ancient world, this stone was used to make art products and carved cylinder seals.

Onyx is one of the twelve biblical stones. It is known that the breastplate of the High Priest, in which he celebrated divine services, was adorned with precious and semi-precious stones, among which was onyx.

It is interesting to what extent different peoples the perception of Onyx stone is different. For example, the Arabs call it the stone of sorrow, or the eye of a dead woman. In the Celestial Empire, there is a similar attitude towards onyx, which the Chinese consider a stone of sadness that brings misfortune.

There is a belief that Onyx stone according to the signs of the zodiac promises lovers long separation, bitterness of loss, despair and disappointment.

But at the same time, the Onyx stone is for the zodiac signs of leaders, it gives real power over people, it clears the mind and sharpens perception so much that a person acquires the ability to penetrate other people's plans.

The one he loves, the Onyx stone will protect from sudden death. This is a male stone, it rejuvenates its owner, strengthens his male power.

Onyx - a stone of leaders and signs of the zodiac

The onyx stone is perfect for the Capricorn zodiac sign, those of its representatives who know how to defend their interests and achieve their goals. Self-confident people will find in him a strong assistant.

In addition to the sign Capricorn, the stone Onyx zodiac signs Virgo and Aquarius. For Virgo people, this mineral will give the joy of being, and for Aquarius, born in the strongest sign of the element Air, Onyx will teach a lesson in emotional balance and self-control, teach you how to properly direct your energy in order to achieve your desired goals.

The magic of the amazing onyx stone - the impact on the signs of the zodiac

White onyx extinguishes outbursts of anger, keeps a person from rash acts. Onyx with golden-red stripes will protect from evil love witchcraft, betrayal and deceit. A stone set in silver drives out night spirits that send nightmares and insomnia.

But that's the magic natural stone onyx does not end. He was given the ability to accumulate energy. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the negative energy and emotions - fears, indecision, uncertainty, suspiciousness, freeing his owner from this burden.

The one who makes onyx his talisman will be able to win the respect of others, cool his passions, learn to control himself, not scatter his energy, but concentrate on the most important thing in order to achieve success and win. That is why it is desirable to wear onyx business people zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo and Aquarius.

Onyx for the zodiac sign Cancer

For the zodiac sign Cancer Onyx is a powerful talisman, a stone that strengthens self-confidence, gives those born in this sign courage, helps to escape from the captivity of their emotions and fears, to free themselves from their power.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:ball of black onyx" width="220" height="237">!} Onyx black is a mystical beautiful stone. Jewelry and other products with it radiate an attractive force, and for good reason. Gem of the Deep dark color absorbed the energy of all the rays of the rainbow and willingly shares magical and healing power with those who wear it. At the same time, the mineral is considered an inexpensive ornamental material, which determines its availability for everyone. But does black onyx benefit everyone in a row?

Description and properties of the stone

Onyx is a gem of many faces: both in color and in origin. Black is a type of stone that is mined from agate. Refers to chalcedony fibrous quartz. It can be monophonic, or it can have whitish layers. Best Samples isolated from agate rocks of the "zebra" variety, where the pattern is made up of contrasting stripes.

In its original form, the gem is plain and unremarkable. But after it has been in the hands of a master cutter, a wonderful metamorphosis takes place with the stone. The gem seems to come to life, the edges acquire a characteristic playful glassy luster, which is inherent in minerals with considerable hardness. In black onyx, it is above average, about 7 units on the special Mohs scale. The stone is quite dense, has an uneven matte fracture.

Products made of onyx jewelry are amazingly good: coal color favorably refreshes skin color, emphasizes a beautiful oval and regular facial features. All sorts of cameos, figurines, figurines, souvenir crafts, interior decorations made of black onyx are also popular.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The best stones are mined in the Arabian Peninsula. The deposits of the USA, India, Uruguay, and Brazil are also rich in mineral.

Gem Legends

The stone has been familiar to man since ancient times. There are biblical references, descriptions of the mineral in ancient manuscripts. The throne of King Solomon himself was inlaid with processed black onyx. The Egyptians were very fond of this stone, which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. They used it mostly for aesthetic purposes.

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But the South American tribes of the Aztecs were imbued with the magical properties of black onyx - it served as an attribute of sacred rites. Hindus revered black financial growth and luck.

But still, in many eastern cultures, the black gem was demonized. Arab sources have been preserved, where onyx of the most mystical color is called “eljazo”, which means “sorrow”, “sadness”, “sorrow”. There was a belief in the Yemeni quarries that the black onyx mined should be quickly sold, since the stones resemble the eyes of a dead woman.

In ancient China, it was believed that disturbing the onyx mines unnecessarily was a global disaster. Nevertheless, everywhere they believed in the healing and magical power of the gem.

Black healer: onyx in lithotherapy

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The energy of the stone is of a concentrating nature and can literally “pull out” ailments from the human body. Onyx works well painful sensations, just apply it to the area of ​​discomfort: with intestinal colic - on the stomach, with headaches - in the forehead, etc.

The therapeutic properties of the stone are more pronounced when it comes to diseases. nervous system. Depression, stress, emotional stress, panic attacks, apathy recede before the powerful positive energy message of the mineral. Onyx is also recommended to be worn for heart disease. Separately, the positive effect of onyx on the organs of hearing, speech and vision was noted. It is also believed that the gem strengthens memory.

The magical power of black onyx

Black onyx has unique magical properties. Since the stone absorbs and accumulates the energy of the entire light spectrum, it is a powerful stimulant for its owner. The gem forms leadership qualities, helps to emerge victorious from most life situations.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:black onyx earrings" width="150" height="231">!} An interesting belief is associated with this ability: a husband should not give his wife jewelry with a black mineral if he does not want to family life wife was in charge.

Another stone perfectly eliminates complexes and suspiciousness, increases self-confidence, and gives decisiveness. The owner of the talisman of this black stone, as a rule, is a person who is able to defend his own interests, to show the necessary timely perseverance. He is persistent in achieving results. At the same time, the gem helps the owner to control outbursts of emotions, gives clarity of mind and concentrates his strength on the main thing.

The energy magnetism of the mineral gradually passes to its owner, this is manifested in signs of attention and respect from the people around him. Therefore, the amulet must be worn by directors, representatives of the political and business spheres. It is also believed that the gem induces a thirst for enrichment and endows the owner with activity and enterprise.

The uniqueness of black onyx amulets is not only that it is reliably able to protect from the evil eye by bad people and induced damage. This mineral is almost the only talisman from love powders. It is believed that a person who possesses it cannot be bewitched. Even if the love spell ritual has already been completed, the stone will help remove its unwanted effects. And as a love talisman, a black gem is not suitable, it cools amorous passions and ardor.

Black stone in astrology

The mineral can be safely worn by almost all signs of the zodiac. Each of them is affected by a black gem with a certain ability:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Lion" width="50" height="50"> Львы. Они уже лидеры от природы, поэтому минерал дополняет это качество уверенностью в своей правоте и в силах.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Близнецы. Представителей этого зодиакального созвездия амулет из оникса наделяет творческим энтузиазмом и защищает от дурного влияния со стороны.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Раки. Мнительные и неуверенные, они получат от чёрного талисмана защиту от негатива и чувство самодостаточности.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпионы. Люди-загадки, рождённые под этим знаком, станут более открытыми миру. Также самоцвет поможет им справиться с апатией и меланхолией.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Водолеи. Увлекающимся и быстро остывающим натурам волшебный камень поможет довести начатое дело до конца.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Taurus Amulet with onyx will help this sign to get rid of bad passions and craving for bad things.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овен. Упрямых носителей этого знака камень сделает более уступчивыми. А заодно повысит интеллектуальные способности.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Virgo. The only sign that the gem affects positively in the field of love and relationships. But to a greater extent this applies to married life.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Libra" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Весы, Стрельцы и Козероги прекрасно гармонируют с энергетикой камня. Им талисман показано не только носить на себе, но и окружать фигурками и другими вещами из оникса в бытовой и рабочей обстановке.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Pisces" width="50" height="50"> Рыбам чёрный минерал носить нежелательно. Всё отрицательное от камня достаётся именно этому знаку: амулет создает условия для неблагоприятных событий.!}

The mineral concentrates not only positive energy, but also negative. Therefore, black onyx must be washed with running water - this is how its aura is cleansed. Then the gem will serve not only as a spectacular decoration, but also as a reliable amulet.