
18 weeks what is happening in the baby. Dangers and complications


Fruit size: 18-20 cm
Fetal weight: 140-180 gr

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy for most pregnant women is full of discoveries and new sensations. Pregnancy is rapidly approaching its midpoint, and now the woman is enjoying her position, without yet experiencing severe fatigue or heaviness.This week, the pregnant woman and her baby will experience some interesting changes. Let's talk about this in more detail.

18 weeks, how many months is that? Week 18 is the second trimester, you are in . There are only two weeks left until the “equator” - the middle of pregnancy.

Baby development at 18 weeks of pregnancy

The size of the fruit reaches 18-20 centimeters. The child's weight is 140-180 grams. The baby is the size of a mango.

The child actively moves his arms and legs, although not everyone can feel this. However, if you feel movements at 18 weeks of pregnancy, start monitoring their frequency. Normally, the baby should signal up to 8 times within an hour. If this happens too rarely or, on the contrary, the child is too active, you should consult a doctor to make sure everything is normal.At 18 weeks of gestation, the baby hears sounds and reacts positively to the voices of its parents. You can communicate with your baby, sing him songs or tell him stories. By the way, at the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus responds well to classical music, so you can instill good taste in your baby now.

The following physiological changes also occur in the baby’s body:

  • The legs and arms are finally formed, and unique fingerprint patterns can be discerned on the tiny fingers.
  • A layer of subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate.
  • The immune system is actively developing: immunoglobulin and interferon are already released in the fetus’s body.
  • Despite the fact that the baby’s eyes are closed, through his thin eyelids he begins to sense light and darkness, sometimes even blinking reflexively.
  • At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby actively swallows amniotic fluid, which, after passing through the kidneys, is released as the first urine immediately after birth. Passing through the digestive tract, the liquid stimulates the development of the digestive system.

During this period, the genital organs of a boy and a girl are fully formed and are in their final location.Due to the fact that the baby is very active during this period, his heart works quickly and faster. The placenta enriches the child's body with oxygen; through the umbilical cord, it transfers the oxygen received from the mother to the left atrium, and is then distributed throughout the body. The placenta is central to the baby's life, and it also produces a hormone that forces your body to support the pregnancy.

The nervous system is actively developing. It becomes stronger and more complex, for the rapid transmission of impulses between nerves, they already have myelin. The areas in the brain that are responsible for vision, hearing, taste and smell have formed. In this regard, the child already hears and feels the taste of ingested amniotic fluid. Original feces continue to form in the intestines, which consists of undigested remnants of amniotic fluid that your baby swallows. The baby’s entire body is covered with a white substance, it protects him from the effects of amniotic fluid and in the future during childbirth will allow the baby to move normally through the birth canal.

Fetal movement at 18 weeks of pregnancy

At 18 weeks, many mothers can already clearly feel the movements of their baby. Although women expecting their second child may feel movements a few weeks earlier, and in the case of their first pregnancy, a little later, for example, at 20 or even 22 weeks. Strong movements at this stage can be observed as a reaction of the baby to a decrease in blood flow in the placenta and a decrease in the flow of glucose into his body. Reflex movements of the fetus affect the receptors of the placenta, which leads to improved blood flow in this area.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman at 18 weeks

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases, which leads to weakened immunity. As a result, it is necessary to undergo a urine test in a timely manner. Also, from the eighteenth week of pregnancy, sodium is retained in the body, causing swelling.

To prevent the latter, avoid salty and spicy foods as much as possible. Fluid retention contributes to poor vision, especially in cases where there are eye problems. The uterus has increased to the size of a small melon, as a result of which the center of gravity changes, and accordingly the nerves and ligaments of the spinal column undergo previously unusual loads, provoking pain. The cardiovascular system reduces its reactivity, so there is no need to make sudden movements.

The eighteenth week of pregnancy for many expectant mothers brings a lot of excitement and positive emotions, since in most cases it is during this period that pregnant women feel the first movements of the fetus. True, they can still be subtle and insignificant, and also not particularly regular. But it’s still worth noting the intensity and time of each movement. On average, at 18 weeks you should feel fetal movements every 4 to 5 hours.

The belly of the expectant mother has reached a good size and is already beginning to give way to her place in transport. Nagging pain may appear in the lateral areas of the abdomen, this is due to the growth of the uterus and sprained ligaments. There is no need to worry about this, but if the pain is constant and localized in the lower abdomen, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

The average weight of expectant mothers increases by 3 - 5 kilograms, and now you will gain about half a kilo per week. But if you notice more weight gain, then you should reconsider your diet. Due to the fact that the kidneys work in an intensive mode, frequent urination may be bothersome, the most important thing is not to tolerate it, since the bladder will put pressure on the uterus, and accordingly increase its tone, which does not have a beneficial effect on the baby.

Dangers and risks at 18 weeks of pregnancy

16-18 weeks are the most dangerous period for a frozen pregnancy. Although the first trimester is considered the most dangerous period for the baby’s adaptation, this can also happen at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. Since week 18 is...

The only difference is that a woman at this stage of pregnancy may not be aware of the frozen child for several weeks. Therefore, the number of fetal movements and discharge should now be the focus of attention.

To diagnose a frozen pregnancy, additional tests and examinations (including ultrasound) are required. If a frozen pregnancy is confirmed, urgent curettage is required. This is necessary to preserve the health of the mother, because a protracted frozen pregnancy is fraught with severe inflammatory processes for the mother.

Possible complications for a pregnant woman in the eighteenth week of pregnancy include anemia, polyhydramnios, hypertension, risk of premature birth, postpartum hemorrhage and diabetes.

Discharge at 18 weeks: norm and deviations

The pregnancy period is accompanied by heavy discharge - this happens to many women. In the second trimester, their number may increase: this is normal. After all, pregnancy at 18 weeks is the active development of the fetus, so the blood supply to the pelvic organs is much stronger than during a “normal” life. The consequence of this is an increase in the number of discharges. But a woman needs to monitor their color.

Any change in their color, which is normally colorless, may indicate a pathological condition, such as:

  • the appearance of infection;
  • risk of bleeding and premature birth (especially if low placentation is diagnosed);
  • increased uterine tone.

Increased humidity may constantly be felt in the perineum, which worries the pregnant woman. Sanitary pads for one day will help. If the discharge becomes cheesy and is accompanied by itching, then this is a sure signal of the appearance of thrush. It often accompanies pregnant women due to decreased immunity and changes in the acidity of vaginal discharge.

Sex at 18 weeks pregnant

The second trimester is the best time to resume intimate relationships with your husband, if they were previously interrupted due to toxicosis or poor health of the pregnant woman. Sex at this stage can give both parents bright, new emotions and impressions, help them get to know each other more, and, therefore, bring them even closer together.

At week 18, the desire for sensuality and intimacy may increase sharply. You shouldn’t restrain yourself, the main thing is not to overdo it. Sex is safe unless, of course, pregnancy is accompanied by increased uterine tone or the woman has infections.

Experts consider the 18th week to be a favorable and comfortable period of pregnancy. The symptoms of toxicosis have subsided, and the stomach does not yet prevent the expectant mother from moving. The child continues to actively develop and grow.

How the baby develops

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is already relatively large. Its size can be compared to a mangosteen. The length of the fetal body is 12-14 cm, and the weight is 150-200 g. At week 18, the following changes occur:

Within a week the fruit becomes larger. He is actively gaining weight. The function of the body, its organs and tissues develop and improve. The placenta is responsible for the life support of the baby at 18 weeks. The yellow body has already fulfilled its role.

Changes in a woman's body

Like the baby, the mother actively changes during pregnancy:

Usually the expectant mother feels quite comfortable at this stage. Pain may only bother you in rare cases. There is an improvement in appearance. Sudden mood changes are also not a concern.

However, you shouldn't relax. Expectant mothers should actively monitor their health throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Others also influence a woman’s well-being. Conflicts and tense situations should be avoided.

Symptoms of 18 weeks of pregnancy

Usually, by the beginning of the 18th week of pregnancy, hormonal levels improve. Thanks to this, the expectant mother’s well-being returns to normal. Toxicosis, irritability, drowsiness usually disappear completely. At the same time, the uterus continues to grow, which leads to the appearance of new symptoms of pregnancy:

  1. Appetite increases. During this period, rapid weight gain is possible. Experts advise to control the amount of food consumed and slightly change the usual diet. It’s not worth eating for two, but the total calorie content can be increased. It is better to do this through vegetables and fruits. But eating sweets is undesirable. To choose a really right diet that benefits the health of the baby and mother, it is worth compiling it together with a specialist.
  2. There may be problems sleeping. An enlarged belly makes it difficult to take a usual position. Sleeping is only allowed on your side.
  3. There are problems with bowel function. Constipation and flatulence often occur. Eating small portions, but more often than usual, will help get rid of them.
  4. The center of gravity shifts, which leads to a change in gait. She can become "proud" or "duck".
  5. There are unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. They are of a pulling nature. A similar symptom is caused by an increase in the load of the uterus during Christmas time. The organ is constantly growing, and it becomes more difficult for the muscles to keep it in a normal position.

Feelings at 18 weeks of pregnancy

At week 18, fetal movements become more obvious. Mothers who have not previously felt them may feel the baby's movements for the first time. However, the lack of movement should not bother a woman. Some mothers can only feel the movements of the baby at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, plump girls feel the baby’s movements a little later.

At 18 weeks, expectant mothers encounter other sensations:

  1. Swelling appears. This is due to an increase in the amount of blood in the body and an increase in the work of many internal organs. Swelling can be either minor or very severe. One of the main reasons for their appearance is the consumption of salt. To get rid of the problem, experts recommend reducing the amount of the product in the usual diet or replacing it with soy sauce.
  2. Pigment spots appear. Even future mothers, in whom it has not been observed before, may encounter the phenomenon. Moles and freckles become more visible.
  3. Pain often occurs near the navel. The uterus gradually rises. Because of this, the girl may feel pain in the area. They occur because the uterus puts strong pressure on the navel. Towards the end of pregnancy, it can come out and stick out.
  4. It becomes difficult to sleep. An enlarged belly and the stress that the uterus places on internal organs can lead to sleep disturbances. To increase the comfort of rest, pregnant women can use special pillows.

Analyzes and examinations

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should visit a specialist. He will conduct the following research:

  • measure the body weight of the expectant mother;
  • determine the size of the abdomen;
  • will reveal the height of the uterine fundus.

A urine test may be ordered. If the expectant mother has chronic kidney disease, the material is examined more often.

A second prenatal screening may be prescribed if the girl has not had it previously. Week 18 is quite suitable for this comprehensive examination. During the manipulation process, the girl will have to donate blood. Having received the material for research, the specialist will identify the substances contained in the mother’s body and compare their quantities with the norm. Particular attention is paid to determining the level:

  • free estriol;
  • alpha phenoprotein.

An increase or decrease in their number may indicate the appearance of a number of disorders. So, deviations from the norm can warn of a delay.

At the second stage of prenatal screening, ultrasound is performed. At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor not only determines a number of medical parameters necessary to assess the child’s health, but can also tell his future gender. If a girl is expecting twins, the specialist can also tell whether she will have girls or boys.

Possible dangers at 18 weeks pregnant

At 17-18 weeks there is a risk of a missed pregnancy. A whole list of reasons can lead to the appearance of pathology. The risk of a child's developmental cessation is increased by:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • the presence of bad habits in a woman;
  • low placentation;
  • other factors.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should closely monitor her health. Termination may be indicated by:

  • cramping pain, which is mainly concentrated in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • brown discharge.

Symptoms appear as a result of increased uterine tone. At a later date, the girl may feel that the baby has stopped moving.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination to confirm or refute the diagnosis. An ultrasound will be performed, regardless of when the test was last performed, and the fetal heartbeat will be listened to.

If the fact of a frozen pregnancy or the presence of other pathologies is confirmed, doctors can perform an abortion or perform an artificial birth. The exact decision depends on the timing and availability of individual factors. If a girl wants to give birth to a healthy child, at the slightest deviation from the norm or anxiety, you should consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to change her habits. Experts advise listening to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better not to visit crowded places. This will minimize the likelihood of respiratory diseases. In addition, you should wash your hands as often as possible. The expectant mother must strictly observe all the rules of personal hygiene. Even a small cold can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Flu and other diseases can lead to serious complications.
  2. The diet needs to be adjusted. It is better to eat in small portions, but more often. This will help prevent constipation and other digestive problems.
  3. If heartburn occurs, you need to reconsider the foods that the expectant mother eats. She will have to give up fatty, chocolate and spicy. These foods unnecessarily relax the food sphincter.
  4. If a girl is sick, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Only a doctor can help fight the disease. The specialist will be able to select a medicine that will not affect the health of the fetus.
  5. The expectant mother is obliged to closely monitor her well-being. At week 18 there should be no nausea and. If a girl encounters them, you should not associate the problems with pregnancy. They may indicate the presence of food poisoning or the occurrence of pathology. If at 18 weeks the expectant mother feels symptoms of toxicosis, she should immediately consult a specialist.
  6. It is worth exercising weight control. A girl can do this on her own. For such purposes it is worth purchasing scales. It is better to give preference to electronic equipment. It can more accurately show the number of kilograms gained or lost. Measurements should be taken every week, and the results obtained should be recorded.
  7. The expectant mother should reconsider her work schedule. It is worth giving up not only from strong physical exertion, but also from mental overstrain. The fact is that they lead to stress and increased nervous stress. If the job does not allow the expectant mother to avoid overstrain, it is better to quit.

A woman’s well-being is also influenced by the atmosphere in the family. Relatives should treat the expectant mother with understanding. Conflicts should be avoided.

The 18th week of pregnancy is associated with an increase in the child’s activity. The baby moves most of the day, and now even girls who are pregnant for the first time can feel its movements. The expectant mother herself feels relatively comfortable. However, problems with digestion and sleep persist. At week 18, you should carefully monitor your health due to the increased risk of a frozen pregnancy.

The intake of the required amount of essential vitamins and minerals into the pregnant woman’s body is the key to the proper development of the baby and the health of the mother. With their deficiency, pathological conditions can develop, which can and should be prevented.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). A water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, energy processes, protein and fat metabolism. A deficiency can provoke delays in physical development. Contained in pine nuts, oatmeal and barley, seeds, herbs, pork, liver.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). The nutritional element that is part of the redox enzymes is called the beauty vitamin. Riboflavin is necessary for the production of antibodies, the formation of red blood cells, and growth regulation. Large amounts are found in liver, dairy and grain products, green vegetables and legumes.

Vitamin B3 (niacin). Strengthens the nervous system, affects cholesterol levels; if there is a deficiency, dermatitis and intestinal disorders are possible. Present in egg yolks, fish, dairy products and beans.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Actively participates in the production of energy, which is necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body. It participates in the immune response, promotes the absorption of other vitamins, and prevents aging. Contained in buckwheat and oatmeal, green vegetables and legumes, dairy products and fish caviar.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Along with other B vitamins, it normalizes metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. If there is a deficiency, the formation of the child’s brain is disrupted and the risk of miscarriage increases. Enters the body from wholemeal bread, sprouted cereal seeds, liver and red fish.

Vitamin B7 (biotin, or vitamin H). Normalizes the level of blood glucose and cholesterol fractions, regulates the functioning of the nervous system. Contained in almost all fruits, berries and vegetables, grains and dairy products, meat and fish.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). This vitamin is often prescribed to pregnant women already in the early stages. Affects the formation and development of body tissues, stimulates the development of the hematopoietic system, reduces the risk of fetal brain pathologies. Included in meat products, bran, root vegetables and pumpkin.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Participates in DNA synthesis, affects hematopoietic and reproductive functions, normalizes hormonal levels. It is found in the largest quantities in meat and fish products, eggs and poultry.

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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It enters the body only from the outside, regulates redox processes, reduces vascular permeability, affects blood clotting and tissue regeneration. Present in berries and fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and baked potatoes.

Vitamin A (retinol). Participates in the formation of the visual apparatus, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, affects the protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes. With a lack of retinol, visual impairment and frequent colds are possible. The maximum amount is found in fish oil, as well as liver, parsley and spinach, carrots and eggs.

Vitamin D Responsible for the proper formation of bones, muscles and teeth, promotes the absorption of calcium. With low levels in the body, immunity decreases, bones become more fragile, and the condition of the skin and teeth is impaired. To maintain optimal vitamin D levels, you should add fatty fish, caviar and egg yolk to your diet.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). It is an antioxidant, participates in metabolic processes and tissue respiration, and protects against the effects of toxins. Contained in butter and vegetable oil, meat and milk, eggs and cereal germs.

Vitamin K Affects blood clotting, prevents bleeding, prevents the development of cancer cells. Present in all types of cabbage, wheat bran and cereals, olive oil.

Calcium. Necessary for the development of bones and teeth, prevents rickets in the baby, prevents bleeding and premature birth. Absorbed from fish and dairy products, green vegetables and nuts. To absorb calcium, physical activity and regular walks outdoors during the day are necessary.

Magnesium. The need during pregnancy increases, the microelement participates in the formation of the placenta and the nervous system of the fetus, regulates the tone of the uterus. Contained in sesame and wheat bran, sunflower seeds and buckwheat.

Phosphorus. Regulates hormone levels and acid-base balance, is necessary for bones and teeth, prevents dementia and energy imbalances. The body absorbs it from fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, pork and dairy products.

Potassium. Present in every cell of the body, deficiency can lead to cramps, swelling and weakness, palpitations and increased irritability. Rich in potassium: prunes and raisins, potatoes and dried apricots.

Chromium. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, regulates blood glucose levels and prevents gestational diabetes. Found in broccoli and grapes, oranges, bananas and turkey.

Cobalt. Participates in the regulation of blood supply to the placenta; in case of deficiency, hypoxic lesions of the fetus and hematopoietic disorders are observed. Contained in fish and shrimp, semolina porridge.

Copper. The main part is contained in erythrocytes and leukocytes, it is deposited in the fetus; with a lack of copper, cancer, obesity and diabetes appear. There are many trace elements in lamb and veal, seafood and nuts.

Iron. It is part of hemoglobin, thus affecting the nutrition of all organs and tissues. With a deficiency, the growth and development of the fetus suffers, the well-being of the pregnant woman worsens, and the risk of large blood loss during childbirth increases. The body absorbs it from red meat and fish, liver, legumes and grain porridges.

Selenium. It is an antioxidant and is necessary for the formation of the fetal musculoskeletal system. If there is a deficiency, the thyroid gland suffers and miscarriages are possible. Found in broccoli and coconuts, seaweed and seafood.

Silicon. Participates in the body's metabolic processes and is found in lymph nodes, endocrine glands, and connective tissue. In the absence of sufficient quantities, immunity is impaired and blood vessels are affected. Comes from cereals and cereals, cabbage, bell pepper.

Zinc. Participates in the production of insulin, accelerates tissue healing, and is necessary for vision. Beef and dairy products, carrots, cereals and bran are rich in zinc.

Fitness during pregnancy

After an exhausting first trimester and a weakening (or even disappearance) of the most unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy (weakness, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, etc.), the woman’s body is finally full of strength and energy, which should be directed in the right direction. Walk more - this is a general recommendation for all women while expecting a baby: your body will thank you for moving! Plus, burning extra calories will be a bonus and make postpartum weight loss easier.

It is important to understand that physical activity during pregnancy has its limitations: exercises that strain the abdominal muscles, jumping and pushing exercises (provoke sudden jumps in blood pressure), and those that affect pelvic circulation (for example, from a supine position) are not recommended.

Ailments during pregnancy


As the size of the uterus increases, the abdominal organs move upward towards the diaphragm and heartburn appears. To prevent it, it is not recommended to take a horizontal position immediately after eating; the volume of food at one time should not exceed 200 ml; there are reviews that sunflower seeds help cope with heartburn.

Epigastric pain

They are also caused by an enlargement of the uterus and displacement of internal organs, and can be felt both before and after eating. Following a diet, eating in small portions, and monitoring bowel movements will help cope with the problem.

Pain and cramps in the leg muscles

The load on the lower limbs increases due to weight gain and increased blood volume. A lack of microelements can lead to muscle cramps. Dose your walking time, elevate your lower limbs when resting, and if necessary, consult a doctor for treatment.

Pathological vaginal discharge

If the amount of discharge increases or an unpleasant odor appears, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor will assess whether there are signs of infection and inflammation, as well as the condition of the fetus and its motor activity.


It can appear even with minor physical activity. The causes of this condition may be different; for diagnosis, a visit to the doctor and examination according to the recommendations is necessary.


Rare episodes are not considered a problem; if they occur frequently, you should notify your doctor.

The 18th week of pregnancy is a continuation of the incredibly pleasant and easiest second trimester. If you are pregnant for the second time, at this stage you will feel the baby moving! But very often, expectant mothers notice the first sensations of the baby’s movements even earlier than usual, this is especially typical for mothers with an asthenic physique.

At this stage, the uterus takes on a rounded shape. At this stage, pregnancy becomes noticeable, giving the figure of the expectant mother a special charm and femininity. There may be discomfort from the pressure of the increasing size of the uterus on the organs.

How many months have passed? This period is four obstetric months and another two weeks.

What's happening?

Metabolism changes depending on the needs of the growing baby. Active accumulation of protein occurs, the content of healthy fats increases, which are deposited in the mammary gland, under the skin. Salts accumulate, which are used to form and build the child’s body. The need for vitamins D, E, C and group B increases. The formation of the fetal skeleton continues, and the immune system develops. From this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage in order to maintain the uterus in a normal position.

The fetus and its development at 18 weeks of gestation

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches a length from the crown to the rump of 20.5 cm, the weight of the fetus is 190-200 grams.

The baby has thin, smooth, reddish skin. Vessels are visible through the skin. The first signs of subcutaneous fat accumulation appear. The endocrine and nervous systems are developing. The baby is preparing for independent defense against infections; interferon and immunoglobulin begin to be released in his body. The baby's skin is covered with a paste-like lubricant, which begins to be produced by its glands at the 18th week of pregnancy. At this time it is possible to determine the sex of the child.

Often at this stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to move. At first there will be weak movements of the baby, and as the baby grows, the activity of movements will intensify. The fetus develops body proportions. He has already formed the phalanges and skin pattern of his fingers and toes. He begins to hear sounds well. The vocal cords are fully formed. The size of the brain increases and the shape of the head changes. The myelin sheath, a protective layer surrounding the nerve fibers, begins to form. The baby begins to reflexively blink and make breathing movements, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

Most often the question arises about compliance with certain dietary rules. Toxicosis has ended, a good appetite has appeared, and many women begin to gain weight. It is very important not to miss the moment when you need to streamline your diet so that after childbirth you do not have excess weight. At the 18th week of pregnancy, the mother’s weight increases by 4.5 - 5.5 kilograms, depending on your body. At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus is actively growing and developing. A woman’s diet should contain all trace elements, vitamins, and proteins that will contribute to the normal development of the fetus. Alcohol, smoked and salty foods are strictly prohibited (they can retain water in a woman’s body and cause swelling), fatty foods, and it is recommended to limit the consumption of sweets. It is recommended to drink natural vegetable and fruit juices prepared before consumption.

At this stage, the baby especially needs vitamins and microelements that help hematopoiesis. The expectant mother should include buckwheat porridge, liver, foods rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and tomato juice in her diet. It is important to have dairy products in your diet (the products must be natural), they will help avoid the development of osteoporosis and caries during pregnancy. In order to normalize stool, you need to introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet.

Baby movements at 18 weeks of pregnancy

This period of pregnancy is most often accompanied by the first sensations of the baby's movements. But this may not be the case for everyone. 18 weeks pregnant and no movement? Don't worry, the baby's first movement can occur between 16 and 22 weeks - this is absolutely normal.

Often women simply do not notice the baby’s weak and gentle movements. By movement you can find out about the baby's condition. If he moves very actively and often, it means he may not have enough oxygen. There may be a risk of hypoxia. Hypoxia is a low oxygen content in the body. Prolonged hypoxia can lead to weakness and decreased activity of the fetus. In case of hypoxia, if the frequency of movements is less than three times per hour, the baby should be provided with timely assistance, which will avoid serious complications. Women who have been diagnosed with fetal hypoxia need to remain rest; with bed rest, the blood supply to the uterus is normalized.

At this moment, the rhythm of the baby’s sleep and wakefulness phases is formed. Every three to four hours the baby wakes up and the activity phase begins - he actively moves, listens to sounds and reacts to them.

The expectant mother needs to be in the fresh air as often as possible and lead an active (for her position) lifestyle. The baby's activity will change depending on the mother's emotional state. Future parents need to understand that any stress causes great harm to their baby. Pregnancy should take place with complete emotional comfort of the woman.

Mom's Feelings

At week 18, the uterus rises almost to the level of the navel. The load on the cardiovascular system increases, discomfort appears from the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal wall and neighboring organs. The baby begins to move, and the mother develops a feeling of connection with the baby, and even more responsibility for his life and health. The woman feels the baby, begins to communicate with him, and the baby responds with pushes. It is at this moment that a woman realizes that she is already a mother. The baby begins to secrete more and more metabolic products, which affects the emotional state of the expectant mother. She becomes more nervous, during this period she needs support and attention.

Discharge at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Normal discharge at the 18th week of pregnancy is light; it is often abundant during this period. If spotting appears, there is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy. If the discharge has a tint of yellow, gray or green, or an unpleasant odor, then you have an infection that can affect your baby's health. You need to urgently contact a specialist to determine the cause and provide assistance.

Pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy

If a woman has a stomach ache at 18 weeks of pregnancy, this is not always a pathology. At this time, the first painful sensations may appear associated with a change in the center of gravity, an increase in the woman’s weight, or sprained ligaments. A nagging pain appears in the back and lower abdomen. At this stage, the uterus begins to grow rapidly. The bandage will help avoid spraining the ligaments and tendons of the abdominal wall. Wearing a bandage will reduce the load on the organs and spine and change your posture.

If nagging or cramping pain appears, if discharge begins, consult a doctor immediately. These may be harbingers of premature termination of pregnancy.

Pregnancy with twins

During this period of pregnancy, pregnant women carrying twins experience particular discomfort. During multiple pregnancy, pressure on the bladder increases and there is a constant urge to urinate. Pain appears in the back and lower back. For women carrying twins, a set of gymnastic exercises, comfortable shoes and mandatory rest breaks are recommended to relieve stress on the spine. Particular attention needs to be paid to nutrition. A balanced diet will allow you to fully bear your babies, they will be born healthy and strong. Also, a balanced diet, caring for yourself, will preserve the health and beauty of your mother.

Required studies and analyzes

At the 18th week of pregnancy, malformations of the heart, brain, as well as chromosomal pathology can be determined. For this purpose, a special study is carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy (from 18 to 20 weeks). This study (triple test) helps to identify a group at high risk of having children with chromosomal abnormalities. To determine developmental defects, an ultrasound is additionally prescribed. The specialist will determine whether there are any developmental defects or a risk of deviations in the development of the child during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy should be gentle, taking into account your growing belly. Contraindications for sex during this period may be increased uterine tone, low location of the placenta and infectious diseases. In some cases, sex is contraindicated during multiple pregnancies.

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Questions - answers

Colostrum is leaking from my breasts. Is this normal at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

The release of colostrum at 18 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal. It begins to be produced in pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy. The first symptoms are tingling in the chest. Most often, colostrum begins to be released if the air temperature in the room where the pregnant woman is is high, when the nipples are stimulated, or when there is stress. The main thing now, after the start of colostrum secretion, is to properly care for your breasts. It is recommended to wash it regularly with cool (not cold) water, then gently dry the breasts with a cotton towel. The bra contains circles cut from cotton fabric, which are changed regularly.

What is screening, triple test? Why is this study needed at 18 weeks?

Screening is carried out in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. First trimester screening is scheduled between 11 and 14 weeks. Screening at 18 weeks of pregnancy is a second trimester screening. It is carried out from 14 to 20 weeks. The best time for second trimester screening is 16-18 weeks. This analysis determines the pathology of fetal development. It can help identify the risk of Down syndrome, spina bifida and many others. Additionally, an ultrasound is prescribed, which helps to more accurately establish the diagnosis.

If the second trimester screening did not show very good results, you need to consult a geneticist. The doctor, through a conversation with you, will find out what reasons could influence the result of the analysis. He will carefully study all the tests, ultrasound, and if his conclusion is that there is a genetic pathology, then you will be offered to do amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the amniotic membrane to take amniotic fluid for analysis. Using this analysis, you can diagnose the presence of congenital and hereditary diseases.

I don't feel any kicks at 18 weeks pregnant. Is this normal or not?

The onset of fetal movement is considered normal between 16 and 22 weeks. Very often, obese women do not notice the baby's kicks. Only after visiting the doctor do they find out that the baby is already moving. If this is your first pregnancy, then it is likely that you will feel the first movement of the baby around 20 weeks of pregnancy. If you are worried about your baby, then contact your gynecologist, he will conduct an examination.

I feel sick at 18 weeks pregnant, what should I do?

Toxicosis usually stops by 16–18 weeks of pregnancy. But, according to statistics, in 20 percent of women, toxicosis continues until the third trimester. Most often, the cause of nausea at this stage of pregnancy is associated with high levels of hormones and the emotional state of the woman. If nausea turns into vomiting, this is hyperemesis gravidarum. This is a serious condition that causes significant weight loss. If nausea at 18 weeks is accompanied by abdominal pain, if you are experiencing significant weight loss, severe bouts of vomiting, you should seek help from a doctor. The doctor will find out the causes of this condition and prescribe treatment for you.

To get rid of nausea before eating, try to do an exercise - one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Inhale and exhale deeply, and so on for 3 to 5 minutes.

Try to rest more often. Do not eat spicy seasonings, smoked meats, or fatty foods. Drink as much water as possible, eat food in small portions, but more often. Introduce foods rich in vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, and folic acid into your diet.