
Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. The exact period of pregnancy is 32 weeks.


Fruit size: 42
Fetal weight: 1800

32 obstetric week is the 30th week from conception. The 3rd trimester of pregnancy continues, 8-10 weeks remain until the due date. By week 32, the main processes of development of the baby’s internal organs are completed, but he is not yet fully ready for birth. Mommy continues to rest on maternity leave, although her health can no longer be called easy, fatigue from her position and the kilograms she has gained is taking its toll.

32 weeks, how many months is this? At 32 obstetric weeks it continues (32 weeks = 7 months and 14 days).

Weight, height, fetal development at 32 weeks of gestation

The weight of a child at 32 weeks of pregnancy is about 1800 grams, and the length of the fetal body is about 42 centimeters. The baby is the size of a small pumpkin.

From the 32nd week of pregnancy, the fetus experiences active development and growth. Weight gain occurs due to fat and muscle tissue. Externally, the fetus is proportional and becomes similar to a newly born child, but still lags behind it in weight. But he has two more intrauterine months of life to gain weight. The skin becomes pink and smooth. The hair on the child’s head is visible, which, without losing its softness and sparseness, thickens.

Due to the tightness of the uterus, the fetus takes a forced position, namely the fetal position. The child's limbs are bent and crossed, and also brought towards the body itself. In general, the position of the fetus imitates the oval shape of the uterine cavity.

Also especially important in the position of the child is that he lowers his head down, which is the norm for a trouble-free birth in the future.

The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of particularly important organs and systems of human life, such as the immune and neuroendocrine. The immune system is formed during this period, and the fetus begins to receive special protein structures - antibodies - from the mother.

They will protect it from the effects of external pathogenic factors and resist their antigenic nature. The work of all the main secretion glands is improved, which plays a vital role in the metabolic processes of the fetus.

Fetal development at the 32nd week of pregnancy By the 7th month, the baby’s heart has already formed, but so far there is an unclosed arterial duct, that is, the cavities of the left and right atria communicate with each other. It is interesting that starting from this period, the color of the child’s eyes is determined.

The pupils of the fetus dilate, and a normal type of sleep-wake pattern is established: after birth, the child sleeps with his eyes closed and is awake with his eyes open. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the mother notices the movements of the fetus inside her abdomen, its knocking from the inside, stretching and even hiccups. In this regard, it is not at all difficult for a mother to understand what mood her baby is in at the moment.

Is childbirth dangerous at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

The 32nd week of pregnancy is the period of preparation of the baby for birth, the formation of organs and systems is completed, he takes a position convenient for leaving the womb. It is still too early to give birth, but sometimes the baby decides to be born at this time.

Premature birth always occurs suddenly, but at seven months the baby is no longer in danger. Babies born at 32 weeks are cared for in the department for premature babies without any particular difficulties, although in most cases their health is poor, and chronic diseases or physiological pathologies are not uncommon.

In addition to premature birth, there are other dangers in the 32nd century, since it is included in the fourth

Ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy

At 32 weeks, women most often undergo a third scheduled ultrasound. The doctor evaluates the function of the placenta: the position of the fetus in the abdomen at 32 weeks of gestation, to which wall it is attached and at what distance in relation to the cervix, the thickness of the placenta and its structure.

These indicators can tell a lot about possible infections, inflammations, and complications during childbirth. The main task of ultrasound at this stage is to exclude malformations and assess the condition of the placenta - the degree of its maturity, the blood flow in it.

Any changes in the function of the placenta can lead to delayed development of the fetus, so early diagnosis of placental insufficiency allows timely treatment to be prescribed and the development of complications to be prevented.

Placental insufficiency entails a violation of the respiratory and transport functions of the placenta, as a result of which fetal hypoxia may develop. The larger the affected area of ​​the placenta, the more dangerous the situation is for the baby’s health.

In this case, the maternity hospital may induce premature birth or perform a caesarean section.

In addition, using an ultrasound at the 32nd week of pregnancy, the doctor clarifies the physical condition of the baby, evaluates its position (head, pelvic, etc.), and performs biometry (the size of the head, the circumference or average diameter of the tummy, the length of the femur are measured).

Ultrasound diagnostics helps the doctor identify the baby’s entanglement in the umbilical cord - an unpleasant but common pathology, the usual causes of which are:

  • weak physical activity of a pregnant woman;
  • very long umbilical cord;
  • lack of iron in the mother's body.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the umbilical cord is unlikely to unwind, but it does not particularly affect the baby’s well-being. This pathology cannot be treated, but medical supervision of the expectant mother is being strengthened.

If, as a result of entanglement with the umbilical cord, blood flow is disrupted, the child feels a lack of oxygen, the mother is prescribed special vitamins and dietary supplements

Feelings and condition of a woman at 32 weeks

The growth of the uterus continues, now it occupies a position above the navel by 13 cm. In the third trimester, you no longer gain weight so quickly. The optimal option is when a woman observes a weekly gain of no more than 300 grams.

At the end of the 7th month, a woman is not always accompanied by pleasant sensations. Doing household chores becomes difficult; a large belly limits and slows down movements. The body is changing more and more, sleep is disturbed, false contractions are disturbing. Each part of the body undergoes significant changes during this period. The uterus is constantly growing, pushing up the diaphragm and pushing against the stomach, causing you to experience bouts of heartburn and shortness of breath. Try sleeping with pillows around you and eating less but more often.

You may also experience pain in your lower back. If they appear for the first time, then you should notify your supervising doctor about this, since the reason may be the threat of premature birth. If we exclude this symptom, then we can probably blame the growing uterus and hormonal changes in the body for the pain.

In general, the uterus expands, the center of gravity shifts, the abdominal muscles stretch, posture becomes distorted and the back receives additional stress. Hormonal changes affect your joints and ligaments, particularly your pelvic bones and the spine itself. As a result, pain is caused by walking, standing/sitting, changing positions during sleep, getting up from a low chair/bath, and lifting things.

The skin of the abdomen becomes more and more tense; uneven stretching can provoke the appearance of stretch marks - stretch marks. To prevent this, use special cosmetics for expectant mothers: oils and creams that prevent skin tears. Lubricate problem areas in the recommended quantities - usually the chest, navel area, outer thigh, abdomen. Do massage exercises using a stiff brush. Such measures, if they do not remove existing stretch marks, will prevent the appearance of new ones.

Training or false contractions at 32 weeks

Training contractions are irregular, short-term and painless contractions that occur after the 32nd week of pregnancy (in some cases after the 20th week), which do not lead to labor and do not contribute to the contraction and dilatation of the cervix. They are also called false contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions.

During training contractions, a woman feels her abdominal muscles tense, as if they were turning to stone, and then this feeling goes away completely. Typically such a contraction lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Women pregnant with their first child may confuse false contractions with real ones. The main purpose of training (false) contractions is to prepare for the birth of the uterus and cervix.

They may appear for the first time during 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. This is how many months, you already know. If we proceed from ordinary calculations, then seven and a half, and by obstetric standards a little less. Be that as it may, it is during this week that frequent uterine contractions appear, which are training and do not pose a threat to the life of the child. Pressure from the uterus on the bladder can cause uncontrolled urination. This may also cause minor pain, which can be relieved with the help of valerian and other sedatives.

The training contractions of the uterus will become increasingly stronger as the day of delivery approaches. This is a normal phenomenon, however, you need to know how to distinguish them from real contractions. The warning signs are usually not intense and go away if you move a little. Real contractions will only intensify from physical activity.

Possible risks and dangers at 32 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, there is a possibility of the following pregnancy complications:

  • Threat of premature birth. The likelihood of premature birth of a baby increases under the influence of the following factors: low placentation, premature maturation of the placenta, cervical pathologies, trauma and falls of the woman. The onset of labor may be signaled by beige or bloody discharge, nausea, and nagging pain in the uterine area. If a woman’s stomach becomes hard too often, this may also be a sign of increased tone and the threat of early labor, but this symptom in itself is not decisive. If such sensations occur, you should immediately seek medical help.
  • Oligohydramnios is a condition in which the volume of amniotic fluid is insufficient for normal fetal development. Normally, the AFI (amniotic fluid index) should be 79-263 mm. Moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy (AF is in the range from 67 mm to 91 mm) does not pose a great danger to the child, but with a severe deficiency of amniotic fluid (AF is less than 67 mm), fetal hypoxia is possible and, as a result, developmental delays occur.
  • Entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck. The likelihood of this pathology usually greatly frightens expectant mothers, but even if the doctor found signs of entanglement in the umbilical cord during an ultrasound scan, you should not worry too much, because the baby can untwist it in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound examination again after some time to assess the condition of the fetus.
  • At 32 weeks of pregnancy, as at any stage, you need to remember about proper balanced nutrition. While some women eat away the stress of the upcoming birth, others completely lose their appetite. At 32 weeks, the optimal ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins is still relevant. Seafood, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and lactic acid products are healthy. You should eat in small portions. Compliance with the drinking regime is essential.
  • Salt should be limited if you are prone to edema. Swelling can be both external and internal. External swelling can be suspected by clothing and rounding of the face. Swelling of the legs often occurs. The greatest danger is internal edema, which can be noticed by a sharp increase in weight. In combination with urine protein and high blood pressure, there is a danger of developing gestosis.
  • Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the health of the mother and fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy. A significant amount of oxygen enters the bloodstream, which prevents hypoxia. Moderate physical activity and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which during pregnancy is characterized by nervousness and tearfulness.
  • Intimate life at 32 weeks of pregnancy is not always prohibited. If the woman’s condition is satisfactory and there are no contraindications, intimate intimacy is useful. This is an excellent muscle workout before childbirth and a source of good mood. When installing a pessary, shortening the cervix, applying sutures and other pathologies that threaten premature birth, sexual activity is excluded.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development continues in accordance with a given program. At this time, the expectant mother will have to undergo a third ultrasound screening - the last serious examination in the third trimester. The screening results allow the doctor to assess the baby’s condition and draw up a rough labor plan.

Fetal development

At 32 obstetric weeks, the fetal weight is 1500-1700 g, body length – 40-42 cm. The main weight gain of a pregnant woman now occurs at the expense of the baby. The rapid growth of the fetus explains the rapid increase in the size of the abdomen and noticeable changes in the figure of the expectant mother.

In the middle of the third trimester, the development of lung tissue continues. The number of vessels through which, after the birth of the child, oxygen will flow to all organs and tissues increases. Surfactant accumulates, allowing the alveoli not to stick together during inhalation. A child born at this stage can already breathe independently and is able to adapt to life outside the mother’s body.

The endocrine glands work in accordance with a given program. The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are responsible for maintaining a constant internal environment of the body. These brain structures produce hormones that control all other processes in the endocrine glands. The pancreas synthesizes insulin, which is involved in carbohydrate metabolism. In the thymus gland, differentiation and maturation of lymphocytes, important cells of the human immune system, occur.

The skin of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation acquires the usual pale pink tint. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat occurs mainly on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and around large joints. Lanugo, the thin vellus hair that covered the fetal body throughout pregnancy, disappears. Original lubricant is retained only in the natural folds of the skin.

The baby sleeps most of the time spent in the womb. When the child wakes up, he makes himself known with intense kicks in the stomach. The baby is already cramped in the uterus, so all his movements become quite careful. At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the fetus occupies a certain position - with the head or buttocks towards the entrance to the pelvis. With a high degree of probability, the baby will remain in this position until birth.

The baby still receives all nutrients and oxygen from the mother through the placenta. At this stage, its thickness is about 32-35 mm. Thickening of the placenta and the appearance of calcifications in it indicate its premature aging. In this situation, the placenta cannot perform its main function - feeding the fetus and supplying it with oxygen. Placental insufficiency in the third trimester of pregnancy can lead to chronic fetal hypoxia and a significant delay in its development.

Woman's condition

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the total weight gain is 6.5-8.5 kg. The increase in body weight occurs mainly due to the rapid growth of the fetus. Adipose tissue reserves are still deposited on the hips, abdomen and buttocks, but in a much smaller volume. There may be some enlargement of the mammary glands due to the production of colostrum that has begun.

The rapid growth of the fetus leads to a rapid increase in the size of the expectant mother's abdomen. The uterus rises above the womb by 32 cm and is now located exactly halfway between the pubic bone and the xiphoid process. Every week the uterus will increase by 1 cm until it reaches the xiphoid process of the sternum - the highest point of its standing during pregnancy.

The high location of the uterus inevitably affects the functioning of all internal organs. The digestive tract suffers the most. The stomach and intestinal loops move upward, the liver and pancreas are displaced. Pressure on the organs of the digestive tract leads to the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching sour or bitter;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region after eating;
  • constipation

At 32 obstetric weeks, many women note an increase in appetite. The rapid growth of the fetus increases the load on the body, and the expectant mother requires more energy and nutrients. At the same time, the woman has to reduce portion sizes. The stomach, pressed by the growing uterus, is not able to accommodate a large amount of food. Overeating may cause severe abdominal pain and vomiting. In the third trimester, all women are recommended to switch to small portions (1/2-1/3 of the usual volumes of food) 5-6 times a day.

A large belly interferes not only with the normal functioning of the body. Every week it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to move, bend forward and do her usual housework. During this period, all expectant mothers should rest as much as possible and not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones. It is best to travel long distances accompanied by relatives or friends.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s nervous system enters the inhibition phase. Weakness, fatigue, and daytime sleepiness return. The desire to communicate with the outside world disappears, attacks of apathy and even depression occur. You just have to get through moments like this. After the birth of the child, the nervous system will again function in the rhythm familiar to the woman.

Fetal movements are felt quite well. On average, the expectant mother feels the baby's movements every hour. The child may become quiet for 4-6 hours at a time, and this phenomenon is considered completely normal. If the baby does not express itself throughout the day, you should consult a doctor.


At 32 weeks pregnant, a woman will see her doctor every 7 days. During this period, the expectant mother should be especially attentive to her health. Any changes in your health should be reported to your doctor. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe an examination that will dispel or confirm the pregnant woman’s fears.

32 obstetric week – time of the third ultrasound screening. An ultrasound is performed at 32-34 weeks (from the date of the last menstruation). The examination is carried out transabdominally (through the anterior abdominal wall).

Important indicators of the third ultrasound screening:

  • fetal weight and height;
  • position of the baby in the uterus (longitudinal, transverse, oblique);
  • fetal presentation (cephalic, pelvic);
  • fetal heart rate (normal 120-160 beats per minute);
  • condition of the internal organs and nervous system of the fetus;
  • volume of amniotic fluid (normal 1-1.5 l);
  • location and degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • umbilical cord location;
  • cervical length (normal 3-3.5 cm);
  • uterine tone.

The weight and height of the fetus must correspond to the duration of the actual pregnancy. A lag in parameters from the norm indicates a delay in fetal development. Based on the results of ultrasound, you can assess the degree of delay and its shape.

The presentation of the fetus is judged at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. At this point, the baby occupies a certain position in the uterus and remains there until birth. In rare cases, the fetus may turn over in the remaining weeks before birth and assume a correct cephalic presentation.

Special attention is paid to the condition of the placenta during ultrasound. Normally, at 32 weeks, the thickness of the placenta should be 30-35 mm, which corresponds to stage I. The placenta should not contain any inclusions or compactions. Thickening of the placenta and the appearance of calcifications indicate its premature aging. A placenta that has aged prematurely is not able to fully perform its functions, which leads to developmental delays and fetal hypoxia.

Doppler measurements are performed simultaneously with ultrasound. This method allows you to evaluate the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord. The doctor measures the resistance index in the blood vessels, as well as other important parameters. The blood flow rate must be adequate for the duration of pregnancy. If blood flow is impaired, the gynecologist prescribes treatment to help restore it as soon as possible.

Possible problems

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes the third ultrasound screening. The results of the study may reveal the following deviations:

Fetal growth restriction syndrome (FGR)

By this term, obstetricians understand the lag in the size of the fetus from expected at a certain stage of pregnancy. The pathology occurs in 5-15% of all pregnant women and is most often detected during ultrasound in the third trimester.

Risk factors for developing FGR:

  • woman's age is under 17 and over 30 years;
  • body weight less than 50 kg;
  • bad habits;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infections;
  • pregnancy complications (preeclampsia, placental insufficiency);
  • multiple pregnancy.

Diagnosis of FGR is possible using ultrasound examination. Ultrasound should be performed dynamically at intervals of 2 weeks. A single lag in fetal size has no diagnostic value.

There are two forms of FGR:

  • symmetrical (proportional decrease in all sizes of the fetus);
  • asymmetrical (lag in body size with normal size of the fetal head and femur).

The symmetrical form occurs in 30% of cases. It should be remembered that a uniform lag in fetal size may be genetically determined. If both parents are short, there is no point in talking about FGR.

The asymmetric form occurs in 70% of all cases of FGR. An ultrasound can also determine the severity of the pathology:

  • 1st degree – lag in fetometry indicators by 2 weeks;
  • 2nd degree – for 3-4 weeks;
  • Grade 3 – more than 4 weeks.

With FGR grades 2 and 3, depression of fetal cardiac activity is common. Doppler ultrasound reveals a violation of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta. Further tactics for managing pregnancy and childbirth depend on the severity of the fetal condition and gestational age.

Placental insufficiency

Fetal growth retardation syndrome always goes along with placental insufficiency. When performing an ultrasound, most women experience premature aging of the placenta and impaired uteroplacental blood flow. All these factors lead to the baby’s weight and height falling behind those expected at this stage of pregnancy.

The maturity of the placenta is assessed by ultrasound. There are 4 degrees of placental maturity:

  • 0 degree – up to 28 weeks;
  • I degree – 28-32 weeks;
  • II degree – 32-36 weeks;
  • III degree – after 36 weeks.

The state of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord is directly related to the functioning of the placenta. Impaired blood flow is said to occur if its speed does not correspond to the duration of pregnancy. There are 3 degrees of blood flow disturbance in the mother-placenta-fetus system:

  • I degree – violation of uteroplacental (IA) or fetal-placental (IB) blood flow;
  • II degree – disturbance of blood flow from both the uterus and the fetus;
  • III degree – critical blood flow disorders;
  • IV degree – zero blood flow.

Treatment of placental insufficiency in case of blood flow impairment of grade IA is possible in the conditions of a antenatal clinic. The expectant mother is prescribed medications that improve blood flow through the vessels. Blood flow impairment of grade IB and higher is a reason for mandatory hospitalization in a hospital. Blood flow monitoring is carried out every 7-14 days. If there is a grade III blood flow disorder, an emergency cesarean section is performed regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

Week 32 is the time to think about the upcoming birth. Ask yourself an important question: who would you like to have by your side when your baby is born? Modern maternity hospitals are set up for partner births. In this case, your husband, girlfriend or close relative may be present in the room with you.

The advantages of partner childbirth are obvious. During your contractions and pushing, there will be a loved one next to you who can provide the necessary support. Here are just some of the tasks of your birth companion:

  • provide moral support;
  • accompany you to the shower or toilet;
  • bring water;
  • Do massage;
  • help you breathe and move correctly.

A spouse or girlfriend may take over communication with the medical staff. All you have to do is immerse yourself in childbirth and your feelings, and your partner will do the rest. If controversial issues or conflicts arise, your companion will also be able to resolve all existing problems without your participation.

If you are not ready to take your husband or girlfriend with you to the birth, invite a doula - a specially trained spiritual midwife. A doula provides physical, informational and psychological support during childbirth, and can therefore become an indispensable assistant during this difficult period. A doula does not provide obstetric care.

Partner birth is a free service that many maternity hospitals provide. Check to see if the institution you choose has a private maternity room - a necessary condition for joint childbirth. When visiting the maternity hospital, the partner of a pregnant woman must have a change of clothes and shoes, as well as the result of the FOG (valid for 12 months). Detailed recommendations for partner childbirth can be obtained from the head of the maternity ward.

The child's immune system has already begun to function. This week, the baby's body begins to produce antibodies that will protect him in the first months of life. The child's nervous system is already functioning, and he can already experience emotions. Nowadays the child needs the attention and care of his parents. Try to talk to him affectionately as often as possible, stroking his tummy. The baby's cheeks begin to appear, and by the time he is born they will be touchingly plump. During sleep, the child closes his eyes, and when he wakes up, they are open. He may kick in response to bright lights or loud noises. The original lubricant and lanugo, the original down, begin to disappear from the baby’s skin. But sometimes this fluff remains with the child in the first days after birth.

Possible complications during pregnancy

Now you need to very carefully monitor your weight. Weight gain can cause obesity after childbirth, and in some cases lead to the development of diabetes. It can also cause significant weight gain in the fetus. If the fetus's weight is higher than normal, the doctor may recommend delivery by cesarean section. A lack of calcium causes the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins in a pregnant woman, and a lack of vitamin D can cause rickets in a baby after birth. It is very important to monitor for edema, as they indicate the development of gestosis. If you notice the appearance of edema or sudden weight gain not associated with excessive food consumption, you must take a urine test for the presence of protein. Timely detection of this disease helps save the life of the mother and child.

What kind of discharge can there be?

Be sure to pay attention to the nature of the discharge. Some changes should be a reason to visit your doctor. The appearance of clots in the leucorrhea, white curdled discharge, purulent discharge, itching and an unpleasant odor indicate the presence of an infection. With such symptoms, the doctor will make a smear on the vaginal microflora to make a diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. It is very important not to let the disease take its course and not try to treat it yourself. Only a specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis. The main thing is to be cured before birth so that the child does not become infected during passage through the genital tract. Bloody discharge accompanied by cramping pain may be a sign of placental abruption or premature birth. In this case, be sure to go to the doctor. A large amount of watery liquid of a yellowish or transparent color means leakage of amniotic fluid. This situation requires urgent hospitalization.
From 30 to 34 weeks, the 3rd planned ultrasound is performed. If there are no complications, the woman and her baby are healthy, then this ultrasound examination will be the last. In addition to the usual measurements of the baby and checking whether its development corresponds to the gestational age, the doctor must check the position of the fetus. As a rule, the baby is already in the correct position - head down. If the baby is lying incorrectly, the doctor recommends special exercises to the woman to help the baby roll over. The doctor pays special attention to the condition of the placenta. Ultrasound allows you to diagnose fetoplacental insufficiency. If any deviations were found, then there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the problem was detected in time, and it can be corrected through the use of specialized drug treatment. The condition of the cervix must be checked. Its shortening or softening can provoke labor earlier than expected. During an ultrasound, a woman can watch her baby playing with the umbilical cord, stretching, sucking a finger, and sometimes the baby can even smile.

Should I take vitamins?

Continue taking calcium with vitamin D and multivitamins if prescribed by your doctor. Vitamin and mineral complexes should not be taken without a doctor’s recommendation; sometimes an overdose of vitamins can be more harmful than their deficiency.

Medicines and procedures

Local medications that do not enter the bloodstream can be used without fear for the baby's health. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are also allowed. You can take antispasmodics and some antibiotics. But it is prohibited to prescribe medications for yourself. Only a doctor can choose the best treatment option that will lead to a speedy recovery and will not harm the child.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 21 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, and ultrasound specialist.

You need to get as much rest as possible. Try to lie down during the day. Perhaps right now you feel awkward and huge, and even tired. It's time to start taking courses for future parents. The child is fully formed, and his body has become proportional. And thanks to the fat layer, the baby looks plump.

What does 32 weeks mean?

So, you are at the 32nd obstetric week, and this is from conception and from delayed menstruation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 32 weeks

  • As the child grows, it puts pressure on the internal organs, and this leads to unpleasant sensations such as shortness of breath and frequent urination. Some urine may come out when you run, cough, sneeze, or laugh;
  • Sleep has worsened and it is becoming more difficult to fall asleep;
  • The navel becomes flat or even protrudes;
  • The pelvic joints widen before childbirth, and you may feel discomfort in this area;
  • In addition, the lower ribs may hurt, because the uterus presses on them;
  • From time to time you feel a slight tension in the uterus. If it does not last long and does not cause pain, do not worry: this is how the body prepares for childbirth;
  • The womb and baby rise higher and higher. Now it is located between the sternum and the navel;
  • It is generally accepted that starting from the 32nd week your weight should increase by 350-400 g per week;
  • If you reduce the amount of carbohydrates and dairy drinks you consume and your weight continues to increase, you should tell your doctor. Total body weight at 32 weeks is on average 11 kg more than before pregnancy.
  • This week your growing belly will cause you a lot of trouble. By this time, the baby has already turned over with his head down, and his legs are resting under your ribs. This can cause pain in the chest area if the baby pushes unsuccessfully. Therefore, try to sit as straight as possible;
  • The problem may be fluid retention in the body, which causes the veins to swell and the ankles and fingers to swell. Remove any rings if they begin to pinch, and do not wear tight clothing. Continue to take nutritional supplements rich in vitamins and minerals: your child especially needs this now.

Reviews from forums:


I'm 32 weeks. Before pregnancy I weighed 54, and now I’m 57. I can’t understand how they gain 20 kg!? I eat a lot and everything is delicious! Why is this so, my belly just keeps growing!) Mom put on 20-25 kg, my sister is 5 months old, and has already gained 10, and how do you know what’s good and what’s bad?


Hi! And we reached the 32nd week. By this time I had gained 11 kg, the doctors put me on a diet, fasting days once a week, not a crumb of bread, only vegetables and fruits! And I myself know that I gained a lot, but, on the other hand, 11 is not 20. So, I’m not particularly worried. The other day we had an ultrasound and it was confirmed that we are expecting a girl. Moreover, a girl who is 1.5 weeks ahead of her development in all parameters. The doctor said this means that it is possible to give birth 1-2 weeks earlier than the due date. We really hope so, because we really want the child to be a lion according to the zodiac sign, just like her husband. The perineal area hurts a lot, but that's okay. The doctor said we need to eat more calcium and wear a bandage, especially since the baby has already turned her head down. There is also some discharge, especially in the morning. The gynecologist advised me to wash myself with water and dissolved soda. Girls, the main thing is not to worry, think less about the fact that you may have any deviations. There is no pregnant woman who has all her tests in order, has no cramps and no pain. The main thing is to tune in for the best! It’s easier for you and the birth will be easier. Good luck everyone and see you next week!


It’s week 32, I’m already in tears, I can’t lie down when I’m getting ready to sleep. The kids are apparently pressing into their ribs, it hurts very, very much. For now, you just lie on your side, but if you don’t have time to fall asleep in the first 10 minutes, that’s it, you have to roll over to the other side, everything becomes numb, the pain is tolerable, but still. I’ll cover myself with pillows, I’ve already tried everything - nothing helps! (I can’t sit or lie in one position for a long time, well, a long time is relatively 10-15 minutes...


We are 32-33 weeks, my mother-in-law said today that her belly has dropped. A week ago, I began to feel a lot of pressure on my bladder; the baby was in a breech position. At the appointment, the doctor said that she had turned over, but I doubt it, well, on Thursday at the ultrasound it will definitely show up there! He kicks hard, sometimes even very painfully and scary. I feel exhausted and tired, I sleep poorly and can’t do anything. In general, a complete old woman's 100% wreck!


Like everyone else, we are also 32 weeks. We’re running to the doctor for tests, they didn’t send us for an ultrasound, but I insisted, and we’ll definitely go a little later, I want to take my husband with us.) I don’t know how we’re spinning, but we’re pushing, that’s for sure, especially if I’m lying on my left side, but on right, everything is calm (I’ve already laid him down)). So we are growing slowly, preparing and waiting for September!)

Fetal development at 32 weeks

There are no major changes happening this week, but of course. This week is just as necessary for your baby as the previous ones. Its length as of this week is about 40.5 cm and its weight is 1.6 kg.

  • In the last stages of pregnancy, the child hears perfectly well what is happening around. He recognizes the beat of your heart, is familiar with the sounds of peristalsis and the noise of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. But against the background of all these sounds, the baby stands out the voice of his own mother: therefore, as soon as he is born, he will immediately trust you by his voice.
  • The baby looked like a newborn. Now all he has to do is gain a little weight.
  • There is less and less room for “maneuvering” in the uterus and the baby drops head down, preparing for birth;
  • Interestingly, it is at 32-34 weeks that the color of your baby’s eyes is determined. Although most blonde babies are born with blue eyes, this does not mean that the color will not change over time;
  • The pupils begin to dilate and the type of sleep is established after birth: eyes closed during sleep and open during wakefulness;
  • By the end of the month, all babies are usually in their final birth position. Most babies lie head down, and only about 5% are in the wrong position. In this case, a caesarean section is indicated so as not to harm the baby during childbirth;
  • Your baby's movements will peak this week. From now on they will change in quantity and quality. Don't forget to monitor his activity;
  • Your baby has gained weight primarily from fat and muscle tissue since the last month(s);
  • The formation of the immune system occurs: the baby begins to receive immunoglobulins from the mother and intensively form antibodies that will protect him in the first months of life;
  • The volume of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is one liter. Every three hours they are completely renewed, so the baby always “swims” in clean water, which can be swallowed painlessly;
  • By the 32nd week, the fetal skin acquires a light pink tint. Lanugo practically disappears, the original lubricant is washed away and remains only in the natural folds of the body. The hair on the head becomes thicker, but still retains its softness and remains sparse;
  • The work of the endocrine glands is improved - the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, and the gonads. All these structures are directly involved in metabolism and the functioning of all body systems;
  • Babies born this week are most likely to have trouble sucking at the breast. This also applies to children who weigh less than 1500 g at birth. Good and active sucking is a sign of neuromuscular maturity.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 32 weeks

Ultrasound of a baby at 32 weeks

Photo of mother's belly at 32 weeks

Video: What happens at 32 weeks?

Video: Ultrasound at 32 weeks

  • During the day, try to place your feet on a hill more often. For example, put your feet on a chair and watch your favorite movie;
  • If you have trouble falling asleep, practice relaxation exercises before bed. Try falling asleep on your side with your knees bent and one leg propped up with a pillow. Don’t worry if you still can’t fall asleep, this is a normal condition during this period;
  • If you have problems with involuntary urination, then do special exercises that strengthen blood vessels and muscles;
  • Start taking courses for future parents;
  • Be sure to get tested to make sure that you do not have anemia or problems associated with Rh conflict;
  • Try not to drink anything an hour before bed and go to the toilet before bed;
  • Now you can make a birth plan, how you imagine this process, for example, who you want to be with; whether you will have pain relief during labor and a number of questions about medical interventions;
  • If the pregnancy is progressing normally, then you can safely continue an intimate relationship with your husband. You cannot harm your child because... it is protected by the bladder, which is filled with fluid. Usually an obstetrician or doctor warns about the dangers of sexual life, for example, if the placenta is low;
  • It's time to dream. Find a place convenient for yourself, take a blank sheet of paper and a pen and write the heading: “I want...” Then write on the sheet everything you want right now, starting each point with the words “I WANT...” Write everything that comes to mind . Over these months, you have accumulated so many desires, the fulfillment of which you put off “for later.” Surely you will write: “I want to give birth to a healthy, beautiful child!” Great, what would you wish for just for yourself?! Remember your most cherished, deepest desires. Now take a close look at what happened. And start doing them!
  • Having covered yourself with goodies, read with pleasure the book you have long dreamed of reading;
  • Soak up in bed;
  • Go to a classical music concert, a screening of a new film or a musical;
  • The theater is a great alternative to cinemas. Choose comedy productions and performances by comedians;
  • Buy cute outfits for yourself for the next two months and a wardrobe for your baby;
  • Treat yourself and your husband to various delicacies;
  • Make a choice of maternity hospital;
  • Buy a photo album - soon adorable photos of your baby will appear in it;
  • Do whatever you want. Fulfill your desires with pleasure.

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

32 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mother?

What's happening to the baby

If an ultrasound revealed premature aging of the placenta, the doctor will tell you about the risks of childbirth in this case. However, at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy, premature birth is no longer as dangerous as if it had happened earlier. The baby is almost ready to be born.

He can do a lot:

  • the kidneys and liver perform the work of removing harmful substances;
  • the digestive system works;
  • Nerve impulses pass, reflexes are formed.

The child has developed facial expressions and motor functions. He only has a little to add to his “abilities” to see our world. It is necessary for the respiratory system to be fully prepared (at this time the alveoli of the lungs are coated with a special substance that will prevent them from “sticking together” at birth). It is necessary to wait until the visual organs are fully developed. And - most importantly - you should gain weight: if the fetal weight is normal according to ultrasound indicators, he is no longer afraid of premature birth.

Childbirth at 32 weeks of pregnancy

One of the main questions that worries a woman at this stage is in what month will the baby “decide” to be born? If there are no warning signs for the doctor, such as:

  • stomach ache;
  • frequent contractions;
  • short cervix;
  • brown discharge -

then there is most likely no threat of premature birth. You can relax and calmly wait for the time intended by nature to come.

Sometimes the doctor himself may insist that the patient be sent to a hospital and labor be induced with the help of medications or a caesarean section be performed. The doctor may suggest hospitalization if:

  • he is “not satisfied” with the thickness of the placenta;
  • there is a double entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • the child moves little, there is a threat to his life;
  • there are problems identified by CTG (for example, the fetal heartbeat is abnormal).

What to do with swelling? Almost 100% of pregnant women experience edema at this stage. If at the same time it is detected, nausea, fever - perhaps the woman had to deal with kidney disease. In this case, contact a doctor immediately. If there is no increase in temperature, you need to consult a gynecologist, as these may be symptoms of toxicosis.

If your legs just periodically swell, and the tests are normal, you should periodically do an exercise for good urine outflow, taking a knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes.

The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy is a period when, in most cases, the expectant mother still has time left to rest and gain strength for the upcoming difficult work - childbirth. Anyone who has given birth advises expectant mothers to get plenty of rest and take advantage of the moment when work problems are over and the baby has not yet arrived. And you should try to smooth out the unpleasant sensations: - walk more often, take herbal remedies recommended by your doctor; for frequent training contractions, drink no-shpu.

Light gymnastics aimed at stretching muscles and ligaments; moderate nutrition; feasible and pleasant physical activity - these are the three “pillars” that you need to rely on now. Follow the gynecologist's recommendations and remain calm - and everything will be fine, you will have the best baby in the world.