
Synopsis of a patriotic lesson in the middle group on the topic “Defender of the Fatherland Day. Synopsis of the GCD on cognitive development "February 23-Defender of the Fatherland Day" outline of the lesson (middle group) on the topic Children sing the song "Good Soldiers"


Ivanov's love
Synopsis of GCD in the middle group "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Development direction: "Cognitive - artistic"

Educational area:"Knowledge"

Conduct form:integrated

Form of organization of children:subgroup


To form in children the first ideas about the army ( "Knowledge");

Cultivate a sense of pride in your army, cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers ( "Socialization");

Give an idea of ​​the types of troops, the names of various types of military equipment ( "Knowledge");

Clarify children's knowledge about the professions of dads and about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day("Knowledge");

To form the experience of gender-role identification of children ( "Socialization");

Make a gift for the day Defender of the Fatherland, try to do it carefully so that the person to whom they will be presented will like it ( "Artistic Creativity")

Preliminary work.

Examination of illustrations depicting various types of troops and military equipment

Exhibition of toys of military equipment

Reading fiction on the topic.

Learning poems and songs.

Methods and techniques:

visit "Exhibitions"

Riddles and riddles

Application execution


1. Illustrations "Military, military equipment"

2. Sheets of gray paper

3. Blanks for application

4. Organization of an exhibition dedicated to defenders of the Fatherland

The logic of educational activities:

Guys, soon the people of our country will celebrate a very important holiday. Do any of you know which one? (February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day.)

This very special day

For boys and men -

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows!

Hello holiday.

hello holiday,

Boys and Dads Day.

Congratulations to all military

Our fun kindergarten.

Conversation "Why the holiday is called « Defender of the Fatherland Day»

Who are they « defenders» ? (Defenders are those, who protects other people.) Soldiers, military protect our country from possible enemies. Therefore Happy Defender of the Fatherland called the holiday of all the military.

Guys, do any of you know what Fatherland? (Word « Fatherland» comes from the word "father". Fatherland is called the Motherland.)

What protect our military? (Our Motherland.)

What is it called? (Russia.) Russia is the country where we were born and where we live. And our military protect. Look guys, what is it? (Flag) This is the flag of our country, Russia. So this is the Russian flag.

Visiting an exhibition dedicated to the soldiers of our Motherland, our Fatherland.

caregiver: Look at these pictures. Who is depicted on them? (Military, soldiers of our army.) Please note that different soldiers have their own uniform, depending on the type of troops. The sailors have a black uniform, caps with ribbons on their heads, striped vests, sailor collars - guises. Sailors serve on ships, sail on the high seas.

And these are pilots. They are dressed in warm jackets, helmets on their heads. The parade uniform of the pilots is green, on the caps there are cockades with wings. Pilots fly in airplanes, such as fighter jets.

Maybe someone knows what other military people wear helmets? (Tankers.) That's right, and tankers also drive tanks. Here they are. And there is also an infantry fighting vehicle or an infantry fighting vehicle.

The military depicted in this picture are border guards. They are called so because they guard the border. A border is a line that separates the territory of one state from the territory of another state. Who helps the border guards to guard the border? (Specially trained, trained dogs.)

Attention game "Border guards"

(according to the type of game, which toy is gone)

caregiver: Let's see if you remember the names of soldiers from different branches of the military and the name of military equipment.


Brother said: "Do not rush!

You're better off in school!

Will you be an excellent student -

(border guard).

The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier.


The car rushes into battle again,

Caterpillars cut the ground

That car in a clean field



You can be a sailor

To protect the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military.


The game "Sappers"

Build a bridge across the river cubes: boys - through a wide one, girls through a narrow one.

caregiver: And also, guys, since ancient times, people have been proud of their defenders and made up proverbs and sayings about them


To live is to serve the Motherland.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service,

If the army is strong, the country is also invincible.

Proverbs about the army

Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

caregiver: in that day we congratulate not only the military, but also all men, whoever they are - and all boys.

caregiver: Guys, do you know the profession of your dads?

Children's answers

caregiver: guys, let's prepare gifts for dads - let them rejoice. But first, we'll play.

The game "Who is first"

Run across the bench and hit the big ball with the small ball.

Artistic creativity: Applique "Tank"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten" Pchelka ""

With. Aleksandrov-Gai Aleksandrovo-Gai municipal district

Saratov region


Synopsis of open GCD

in the middle group

Completed by: Kerzhikova I.E.

With. Aleksandrov-Gai.

2016-2017 academic year.

Goal: Patriotic education of preschool children.

Program tasks:

Educational: to give children elementary knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the features of military service: soldiers train to become strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles; clarify and expand children's ideas about the military branches, about the defenders of the Fatherland;

Developing: development of attention, thinking, memory, perception.

Educational: to cultivate respect and love for the Motherland, its defenders, the desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.

Preliminary work: conversations about the Motherland and its defenders; viewing albums, reading books about the Russian Army, memorizing poems, proverbs and sayings.

Materials and equipment: presentation, projector, postcard.

GCD progress.

March sounds. The teacher invites the children to the group, All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly. And we smile at each other. Look at the guests say hello soon.

Let's give friendly smiles to our guests, let everyone have a good mood and a good day.

There is a knock on the door, Carlson comes in.

Carlson : - Hello guys! Can you imagine, on February 23, they congratulated me on the holiday and gave me a postcard, but I don’t even know what kind of holiday it is.

Educator: - Guys, let's help Carlson, tell us what holiday is celebrated in our country on February 23.

Educator: This day is very special for boys and men.

Every citizen knows Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Educator: Guys, what do you think, who are the "defenders"?

Children: Defenders are those who protect other people: soldiers, officers - the military. - Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their Motherland, Fatherland from enemies.

Carlson: -And who among you knows what the Fatherland is?

Educator: Fatherland is called the Motherland. So hthe same defend our military? (Our Motherland.)What is the name of our country? (Russia.) Russia is the country where we were born and where we live. And our military is protecting it. Look guys, what is it? (Flag) This is the flag of our country, Russia. So this is the Russian flag.

Our peaceful life and peace are protected and guarded by Russian soldiers. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. You play during the day, jump, rejoice, and at night you sleep soundly, soundly. And the Russian military day and night, in a blizzard and heat on earth, in heaven and at sea, are serving.

Educator: - To become defenders, to fulfill the duty of a soldier,

You need to be strong, strong, be friends with physical education.

And we'll start by warming up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Fighters-well done"

These fingers are all fighters, (Children show palms with straightened fingers).

Remote fellows. (Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands).

Two - large and strong small ones (Fingers are clenched into a fist, only large ones are raised).

Two - brave guardsmen, (Show index fingers).

Two - quick-witted fellows, (Show middle fingers).

Two - the hero of the nameless, (Show ring fingers).

Two short little fingers. (Show little fingers.)

Very nice boys!

One two three four five -

Fingers stood together in a row - (Show palms with straight fingers, clap their hands).

Ten strong soldiers.

caregiver : - Guys, this morning in the group on the table I found an envelope.

I wonder what's in it. Let's see (the teacher opens the envelope). Guys, there is a letter in the envelope. Listen to him.

"Dear Guys! Soldiers are writing to you - defenders of the Fatherland. We send our photos so that you learn about our service in the army.”

(Viewing the presentation "Soldiers of different branches of the military").

Educator: - There are many branches of service in our army.

The teacher shows on the screen illustrations depicting various types of troops and equipment.

Educator: - Who do you see here? Who is this? (slide with the image of tankers).

Children: - Tankers.

Educator: - Guys, do you know what equipment helps them in the service?

Children: - The tanker controls the tank.

Educator: - Tanks can pass through any terrain. Tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns.Tankers wear helmets and military uniforms on their heads.

I'll be a brave tanker

I'll take my tank everywhere.

Educator: - Guys, who is this? (pilot slide)

Children: - Pilot.

Educator: - What does the pilot fly on?

Children: - The pilot flies on an airplane.

Educator: The pilots are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform to match the color of the sky.

He's a metal bird

Lift up into the clouds.

Now the air border

Reliable and strong!

Educator: - Guys, look who serves at the border? (slide of a border guard with a dog)

Children: - There is a border guard at the border.

Educator: - Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops when they cross the border.

Educator: - And guess who helps the border guards to guard the border?

Children: - Specially trained, trained dogs. The dog helps the border guards, follows the trail.

border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

Could calmly our people.

Educator: - Who protects the sea expanses of our Motherland?

Children: The sea expanses of our Motherland are protected by sailors. (slide - sailors)

Educator: What equipment do sailors have?

Children: Warships. (slide - warship).

Educator: - Guys! What is the uniform of sailors?

The sailors have a striped vest, a peakless cap with ribbons on their heads. Peakless cap - there is no visor in front, which is why they called the peakless cap.

The head of the ship is the captain. This is the commander of the ship, he is responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with guns, anti-aircraft guns, rockets, bombs. They can protect our Motherland on the water.

You can be a sailor

To protect the border

And serve not on earth

And on a warship.

Educator: - And who is this?

Children - Submariner (slide depicting a submariner)

Educator: Where does he serve? What is his technique?

Children: - Submariners serve on a submarine.

Educator: - Submarines move under water. They can hit the enemy ship with projectiles, which is called a torpedo.

Educator: - Well done! You know all the defenders.

Educator: - If there are so many different types of troops in the army, then such an army, of course, is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air.

Educator: - In order to defend the Motherland, soldiers should be what?

Children: - Strong, courageous, resourceful, fast, well-aimed.

Educator: - Guys, what do the soldiers do for this?

Children: - In order to be strong and enduring during the battle and easily overcome various obstacles, soldiers train a lot: pull the rope, lift the barbell, overcome the obstacle course, shoot accurately. (slide show).

Carlson: And I'm already strong (shows the muscles of the hands to the children).

Educator: - Our boys, when they grow up, will also do a lot, go to serve in the army. Get in line, show Carlson how you can march (the teacher helps the children get up).


Children perform movements in accordance with the text:

Stand up straight guys
They marched like soldiers.
Lean left, right,
Stretched on toes.
One - jump,
Two - jump
Have you rested, my friend?
Wave your brushes together
And sit down, you need to work.

Carlson: You guys will make good soldiers.

Educator: - And we will check it now.

One-to-many game.

Tanker - tankers - a lot of tankers; pilot - pilots - many pilots; sailor, soldier, warrior, hero, rocket, checker, cap, infantryman, paratrooper, border guard.

Educator: - And now let's play the game "What's superfluous?" (slide show). Guys, look at the pictures.

Guys, the military that we talked about today are the military personnel of the Russian army. Our Army does not attack, but defends, and therefore the military is rightly called the defenders.

Our Army is native

Guards the peace of the country,

So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,

So that there is no war.

Educator: - Educator: - There are many branches of service in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving. Let's recall some of them.

"He sits at the controls of the plane."

Who serves in the tank troops? ... (tankers)

Who serves on the border? ... (border guards)

Who serves on submarines? ... (submariners)

Who is serving at sea, on ships? ... (sailors)

Well done boys! You answered questions wonderfully, coped with all tasks, showed that you are strong, dexterous, skillful, that you can serve in the army and become worthy defenders of our Motherland, which you will cherish and love.

Educator: - Carlson, so the guys and I told what holiday we celebrate in February.

Carlson: - Guys, thank you, today I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I learned about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day". I want to congratulate you too (distributing sweets to children) it's time for me to go protect the girls, goodbye (leaves).

Educator: Well done, guys, today we helped Carlson, talked about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Natalya Khmeleva
Planning in the middle group on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Group: medium №4"Sun"

Theme of the week: « Defender of the Fatherland Day» .

Tasks services defenders of the Fatherland Develop the ability to write a descriptive story plan - scheme the ability to agree nouns with adjectives. To consolidate counting skills up to 5, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to navigate in space. Develop portrait drawing skills, creativity. Practice throwing at a distance.

Days of the week

Educational activities


Individual work

Monday Gymnastics №8

Conversation Where did our grandfathers serve?

I / y "Save the Wounded"- to form the skills of providing medical services. help, develop speed.

S/R Game "Border guards"- to acquaint with the service of border guards, examining the form.

FTsKM. Topic: « Defenders of the Fatherland» .

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the army, to form their ideas about the features of the military services: soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles. Clarify their ideas about the types of troops, about defenders of the Fatherland. Continue to introduce children to Russian history, to the festive culture of the Russian people.

Cognitive - research activities (constructive activity).

Topic: "Ship". (origami)

Target: develop constructive abilities, learn to bend a square into a triangle, iron a fold line.

Physical education

Target "Make no mistake".

1. Watching bird tracks in the snow.

2. I / y "Find a toy"- exercise in orientation in space, develop speech.

3. P / s "Pilots at the airport"- clarify what an airfield is, exercise in running without colliding with each other.

4. Labor: snow removal on the site - to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work. activities, careful attitude to materials and tools.

With Maxim, Andrey.

D/U "Name the Extra".

Target: develop thinking, attention, speech.

Conversation with children "My dad is a soldier".

Target: to learn to compose stories from personal experience.

C/R game "Canteen for Soldiers".

P/I "Beware of mines"

Target: development of the ability to coordinate the movement of the body without stepping on mines. They will continue to expand ideas about the Russian army, to give knowledge about the honorary duty defend the motherland

Speech development game "Name the military professions". Pilot, reconnaissance, machine gun, border, infantry, etc.

Cognition. FEMP. Topic: “Counting to 5. Geometric shapes. Orientation in space».

Target: to consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting up to 5, knowledge of numbers, the ability to navigate in space, knowledge of geometric shapes.

1. Observation of trees and shrubs.

2. I / y "On the path on one leg"- exercise in jumping on one leg, fix the concept of right, left leg.

3. Labor assignments: to involve children in clearing snow from the slide - to cultivate diligence, responsibility for the task assigned.

4. P / i "Pilots at the airport"- develop dexterity, form safe behavior while running.

With Roma, Seryozha.

DI "Happy Account".

Wednesday natural science representation: "We are sappers"

The game "Radio. Soldiers' congratulations".


Target plan - scheme

Topic: "Portrait of a Pope". Target

Examining the illustrations "Our army is strong".

1. Watching the wind.

2. I / y "Trace to trace"- to clarify with children whose footprints can be seen in the snow, to develop coordination of movements.

3. P / s "Hockey"- to learn to roll the puck in a given direction, to form safety skills during the game.

4. S/s "Who will name more military paraphernalia"- develop speed of reaction, speech, enrich vocabulary.

With Andrey, Serezha.

Finger gymnastics "Our army".


Board game "Military equipment".

View a presentation on a topic "Our Army".

Looking at photos "Dad is a soldier".

Learning a poem by V. Stepanov "Suvorovets".

productive activity. Application. Topic: "Gift for Dad".

Target: Continue learning how to compose. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, eye and imagination. Cultivate accuracy.

Music. By plan musical director.

Physical education. Target: exercise in balance, climbing under an arc, throwing the ball into the basket, p / and "Horses".

3. Labor

With Eva, Alena.

DI "The Fourth Extra". Target: develop thinking, the ability to classify.

Reading: A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale" (excerpt)

looking at pictures « Defenders of the Fatherland» .

coloring pages "Our Army".

D/U "Count", "Compare by width".

finger game "Our army".

Music. By plan musical director.

1. Observation of the state of nature.

2. P / s "Shooter"

3. Guessing riddles by topic - develop logic, speech.

4. Labor: cleaning ice lumps from the site - to cultivate industriousness, the ability to work together.

With Diana, Zlata.

D/U "One is many".

Target: exercise in the formation of the plural of nouns.

Final event: exhibition of works on topic« Defenders of the Fatherland» .

Educational Wednesday: Pictures, poems, proverbs, riddles, presentations on topic"Our army"; plans- schemes for compiling descriptive stories about dad, grandfather.

Working with parents: advice for parents « Defenders of the Fatherland» .

Days of the week

Educational activities


Individual work

Monday Gymnastics №8

Conversation "Where did our dads serve?"- Familiarize yourself with different branches of the military (infantry, naval, air, tank troops) military equipment, develop the speech of children.

Reading poems about the Russian army - instill respect for the Russian army, cultivate civic responsibility, love for the Motherland, work on the expressiveness of speech.

DI "Let's congratulate grandfather on the holiday by phone"

Target: to teach children to make sentences and develop speech; to bring up the desire to congratulate all men on the holiday; teach children to create an atmosphere of goodwill and respect

Y/N “What's wrong - a soldier in shoes, in heels? Why is that not possible? Sailor in felt boots, etc.

Target: development of visual thinking, the ability to see the discrepancy and highlight it

FTsKM. Topic: « Defenders of the Fatherland» .

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the army, to form their ideas about the features of the military services: soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles. Clarify their ideas about the types of troops, about defenders of the Fatherland. Continue to introduce children to Russian history, to the festive culture of the Russian people.

Cognitive - research activity.

Topic: "Binoculars. Spyglass".

Target: develop thinking, observation, eye.

Physical education

Target: to develop the ability to find a place in the column after running, relay races in pairs, walking between objects, throwing for a distance. P / s "Make no mistake".

1. Observation of spruce.

2. I / y "Bring the envelope"- develop speed, agility, the desire to win.

3. Labor: sprinkling the tracks with sand - to fix the safety rules during ice, to cultivate diligence.

4. P / i "Funny boys"- repeat the words of the game, exercise in fast running.

With Maxim, Serezha.

D/U "Geometric figures".

Target: develop thinking, attention, speech, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Target: creating an emotional positive mood, a favorable environment; development of attention and confidence in children.

Communication with children: "I will serve in the army".

DI "Days of the week". Target: develop temporary relationships, consolidate knowledge of the days of the week.

Cognition. FEMP. Topic: “Counting to 5. Geometric shapes. Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Target: to consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting up to 5, knowledge of numbers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, knowledge of geometric shapes.

1. Watching icicles.

2. P / s "Shooter"- fix the rules of the game, develop accuracy.

3. S/s "Who Says More"- develop vocabulary topic, desire to win.

4. Labor: sweeping snow from buildings.

With Roma, Arina.

DI "Happy Account".

Wednesday natural science representation: "We are sappers". Identify materials that interact with magnets, identify materials that are not attracted to a magnet.

The game "Radio. Festive concert for soldiers».

Target: develop speech, memory, fix the names of the military branches.

Repetition of the learned poem by V. Stepanov "Suvorovets".

Communication. Write a descriptive story about your father. Target: to teach children to write descriptive stories according to plan - scheme, expand the vocabulary of children, learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives, develop coherent speech.

productive activity. Painting. Topic: "Airplane in the Sky". Target: teach children to draw a portrait, draw parts of the face, consolidate the ability to use paints of different colors in the process of drawing; develop aesthetic perception.

Examining the illustrations "Our army is strong".

1. Observation of passenger vehicles.

2. Mobile game-competition "Every child can become a soldier"- develop speed of reaction, attention, dexterity, ingenuity, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game.

3. Labor: clear buildings from snow - learn to work together, repeat the name of the inventory for the janitor.

With Kirill, Misha.

Finger gymnastics "Our army".

Target: develop speech, memory, fine motor skills.

"Our Army".


1. To give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the military branches, about the defenders of the Fatherland. To acquaint children with military equipment.

2. Cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in your army. Raise the desire to be like strong Russian warriors.

3. Develop memory, imagination.

4. to consolidate the ability to make an aircraft according to the scheme, using existing design skills.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at illustrations, postcards, photographs.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Listening to musical works dedicated to the army and the defenders of the Fatherland.

Materials and equipment: illustrations depicting soldiers of various branches of the military, ICT, colored paper for origami.

Course progress.

Educator:- Guys, on February 23, our people will celebrate the Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Children: Soldiers who defend the Fatherland.

Educator: And what is the Fatherland?

Children: This is the Motherland.

Educator: That's right, the defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, that is, soldiers who defend our Motherland from enemies. And Motherland means dear, like mom and dad. Motherland - the place where we were born, the country in which we live. Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland:

There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

A man has one mother - one Motherland!

Guys, what do you think, one soldier can protect the Fatherland?

Children: no, you need a lot of soldiers.

Educator: Quite right, not in vain it is said: - One in the field is not a warrior. And when there are many soldiers, this is an army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army, and it has defended its people from invaders more than once.

The teacher offers to consider pictures with military equipment.

Educator: What's in the pictures?

Children: ship, submarine, plane, helicopter, tank, missiles.

Educator: In a word, it is called "Military equipment". And how to call the soldiers working on this technique?

Children: On ships and submarines - Sailors. They protect the sea.

On the tank - tankers, protect the earth.

Educator: That's right, and there are also border guards who protect the borders of our country, missilemen, pilots - protect the sky. And all together they are called the branch of the armed forces.

Let's become pilots and fly an airplane.

Physical education "Airplanes".

The planes buzzed

(rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)

The planes took off.

(hands to the side)

They sat quietly in the meadow,

(sit down, hands on knees)

Yes, they flew again.

(arms to the sides with rhythmic tilts to the sides).

Educator: Soon our boys will grow up and go to serve in the army. They will become soldiers of the Russian Army. What do you have to be to be a soldier?

Children: Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful.

The teacher invites the children to make planes out of paper (origami) and supplement them with the necessary details. Children make them on their own according to the proposed scheme.

Educator: Well done! Guys, tell me, what kind of troops did you learn today?

Children list.

Educator: You did a wonderful job with your task, and you know that your dads were also defenders of the Fatherland, they served in the army. Ask them at home what troops they served in, congratulate them on the holiday and present your aircraft.

Our lesson is over. Thanks to all!