
Notes for classes on robotics in dow. Summary of a lesson on robotics in the senior group “Constructing a baby goat” outline of a lesson on design, manual labor (senior group) on the topic. Airplane rescue


Alena Popovich

« Monkey drummer»

Summary of an additional lesson on robotics for preschool children(6-7 years).

Time classes: 45 minutes. Phys. minute -15 minutes.

Participants: 10 people.

Form: Occupation type"Engineering Game" (work in pairs)

Target: Creating a musical duet using Lego designer"WeDo".


1. Continue learning children building structures from Lego"WeDo", according to technological maps, be able to create programs for their operation or invent them yourself.

2. Develop logical and spatial thinking skills design, creative approach to completing a task, ability to work in a team and effectively distribute responsibilities, technical vocabulary children.

3. Cultivate the desire to complete the work started, creativity, imagination, careful attitude to the material and a friendly attitude towards peers.

Efficiency of the used technologies: sharpening skills design, development of spatial and constructive thinking, replenishing knowledge about the world around us, developing logic, ingenuity and cooperation with peers.

Expected results: creating duets from drummer monkeys, with different rates of beating the rhythm, development of knowledge about the world around us, the ability to solve riddles, development of musical ear and rhythm.


LEGO Education WeDo Program

Projector (interactive board)


Plastic cups, metallophone plates.

Vocabulary work: repeat the names of already familiar ones details: cogwheel, gear, getting to know something new detail: "cam". Remember the names of musical ensembles consisting of one, two, three or more participants: solo, duet, trio...

Phys. just a minute: outdoor game « Monkeys and mirror»

One leader is selected - a mirror, he shows the children - monkeys various facial and motor exercises, and children - the monkeys repeat after him. The one who copied the movements best becomes the leader.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks a riddle:

Whose antics are effortless

Is the child repeating?

Who lives among the vines?

A pack of wild ones.

Children guess the riddle and check their answer by watching the video for task No. 9580.

Talk to children on topic: Where live monkey what they eat and where they can be seen in captivity.

Educator: Our Lego men Max and Masha built monkey, which beats the rhythm on the drums. I suggest you build your own monkeys and when changing the position of the part, which is called "cam", set for each monkeys your own individual rhythm, and in the end we will arrange a duet performance drummer monkeys.

Children in pairs design a monkey looking at an interactive whiteboard with assembly instructions "Duet drummer monkeys»

Educator: Verbally accompanies each slide with assembly instructions.

Slide No. 1 Find the details that you see on the screen and take them. You and I need to take a platform, a yellow brick and a multiplexer, connect these parts as shown in the diagram.

Slide No. 2 Take the following parts, connect them as shown in the diagram. Children take two yellow pieces cut at an angle and connect them.

Slide No. 3 (Similar).

Slide number 4 (Similar).

Slide No. 5 Now take the most important detail. What do you think this is? (answers children) this is the motor. Guys, what do you think the motor is for? (answers children) . Yes, the motor powers the model. Find the axle 3, connect it to the motor, put the bushing and gear on the axle, as shown in the diagram.

Connect the two parts as shown in the diagram.

The remaining slides are similarly accompanied verbally.

Educator: You did great monkeys, Guys. Now I suggest you check if your model works. To do this, on your computer, create for your monkey drummers a simple program for beating a rhythm, based on a hint. What are the team badges? (blocks) will you need for this?

Suggested Answers children: an arrow icon that indicates the start of work and a motor icon that rotates clockwise.

Children make a program and check if they work designs. Plastic cups work well as drums.

The teacher helps children whose building does not function to find and correct the error.

The most common mistake is not attaching the parts tightly enough to each other.

Educator: Now I suggest you arrange an ensemble of two monkeys, united in teams. Change position "cams" so that yours monkey the duet played different rhythms.

You can play sounds on your computer that will set the rhythm. And for greater sound effect, I suggest that instead of cups, you use metallophone plates of different sizes, so that the sounds differ in pitch.

Children in groups of 4 make up a program on the screen, following a model or composing their own, as a result of which the team should get a duet drummer monkeys.

Reflection (don't forget to describe)

Bottom line classes: Children, together with the teacher, make duets monkeys, not similar in sound to each other.

You can organize a competition for the best duet.

At the end classes children disassemble their design, and put the parts neatly in a box.

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 22 of a general developmental type"
Abstract of NNOD
in design and robotics
Bird Project
454025281305 senior group
Compiled by the teacher:
Sokolova Larisa Vladimirovna.
Type of NNOD: Lesson to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities.
Type of NNOD: Design and robotics.
NNOD theme: Bird project.
Senior group.
Goal of NNOD: Development of children's ability for visual modeling, creation of a working model of a bird.
Development of logical thinking and the ability to program the specified behavior of the model.
Program content:
1. To develop practical skills in the design and programming of models using gears;
Teach children the ability to improve their model by adding a distance sensor and changing the program for the model.
2. Develop fine motor skills, elements of logical thinking, attention, and design skills. Strengthen the ability to design according to a diagram, developing counting and comparison skills
in size, orientation on the plane. Develop children's speech when solving riddles and writing a description of their model.
3. Foster interest in building with LEGO. To cultivate mutual understanding, goodwill, initiative, responsibility, the desire to help each other, working in a subgroup, to cultivate the ability to analyze one’s work.
Vocabulary work:
Gear drive, ring gear, distance sensor, program blocks, model.
1.TV for showing the presentation.
2. Audio recording of “birds singing”.
Demo material:
Multimedia presentation.
Pictures-schemes of the work plan.
Pictures of program blocks.
1. I lead Lego constructors
2. Schemes for assembling a bird model for each child.
1.Preceding work (establishing relationships).
- Observing birds on a walk (comparing appearance, behavior, comparing the speed of wing flapping of small and large birds, recognizing birds by their tracks in the snow).
- System operator: “Chicken”, “Tit”, “Crow”.
- View presentations: “Feathered Friends”, “Tit”, “Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world”, “Birds of our region”.
- Design of albums: “Birds of the Komi Republic”, “The largest flying birds”, “Birds”.
- Children’s projects: “Tit”, “Crossbill”, “Ostrich”, “Hummingbird”.
- Construction of non-programmable models of birds from Lego, Lego hollow, crumb and other types of constructors. Construction of a bird from a picture using the “First Mechanisms” construction kit.
- Organization of the exhibition “Constructing Birds”.
Progress of the lesson.
children stand in a semicircle, facing the teacher
- Spring came! The clouds are moving faster, the sky has become higher, the sparrow chirped more cheerfully on the roof! Why did birds begin to sing louder and more cheerfully with the arrival of spring?
- children's answers (the sun began to get hot, it is getting warmer, they are enjoying the warmth)
- What birds come to us with the arrival of spring?
- children's answers (migratory birds, rooks, starlings, seagulls, ducks, geese)
- Which birds have never left our region?
- children's answers (wintering birds, pigeons, tits, sparrows)
- What benefits do birds bring?
- children's answers (they eat harmful insects, saving plants from death, pollinate plants and spread seeds)
-Can we call ourselves friends of birds?
- children's answers (yes, because we take care of the birds in winter, we make feeders and feed them, we do not offend the birds)
-What rules should real bird friends know?
- children’s answers (do not go near bird nests, do not touch the chicks and do not take them to your home)
- We hear the sound of an email, a presentation with animation is turned on.
Children are asked to sit in chairs to watch the presentation.
View the presentation.
Slide 1. Owl speech: “Hello guys! A magpie brought the news to our fairytale forest that you are the best friends of birds! Many birds of the forest wanted to make friends with you, but in order to leave the forest, you need to fly through the Lego bridge and turn into Lego pieces.
Only three birds decided to set off and now only you can revive them.
If you guess my riddles, you will decide which bird you will collect.”
Slide 2. Are you ready to find out what birds could have left the fairy forest?
Slides 3,4,5. Guess the bird by sounds: owl, woodpecker, cuckoo.
Slide 6. Identify a bird by color (bullfinch, magpie, tit).
Slide 7. Identify a bird by its beak shape (pelican, crossbill)
Slide 8. Find out by the structure of the paws which bird is waterfowl and which is predatory.
Slide 9. Find out by size (albatross, hummingbird).
Slide 10. The owl praises (well done guys, you distinguish birds well, I wish you good luck!).
The presentation is turned off, and the children are asked to come up and discuss the work plan.
-What will we have to do in order to revive the birds that have flown to us?
Work plan diagram (symbols are displayed)
1. Assemble the model according to the diagram.
2. Create programs.
3. Connect the model to the program
4. Presentation of models. Children's stories about their “birds”.
- Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers!
Finger gymnastics
With the coming of spring,
The birds are flying.

The starlings are returning,
Hard workers and singers.
The fingers clench into fists and unclench.
And the rooks by the puddle
The palms are open and cupped.
They circle in a noisy flock.
Circular movements with the hands.
The cranes are flying, hurrying,
Fingers spread, palms crossed. The thumbs are connected, the rest are waved like wings.
And the robin and thrush,
We started making nests.
The fingers are in a palm lock open.
2. Guys, look at the platform, the bird’s legs and a stand for the motor are already installed, and the parts are laid out on three trays so that you can quickly assemble the bird in parts, agree in your threes, which of you will assemble the body and mechanism of the bird, who will assemble the head , and who is the wings.
-Look carefully at the diagram, do not forget to hold the parts when attaching. I'll help you fasten the pieces together.
The children come to an agreement and sit down at the tables and begin assembling according to the diagram. We work to the music of birdsong.
- As soon as the models are assembled, we discuss together the construction of a program for a small bird and for a large one (we work on the program blocks at the board with pictures)
3. Children’s choice of program (depending on the intended size of the bird),
Connecting to the program.
4. Improvement of models (add a distance sensor, thereby making the bird sound), changing programs, introducing a block for waiting for a distance sensor to turn on the sound and voice of the bird.
Presentation of your models.
Example: our bird is small, it often flaps its wings, lives in a birdhouse and feeds on harmful insects, benefiting plants.
- Did we manage to revive the fairy-tale birds? What mechanism did we use in our models, what sensor did we use to add birdsong. What helped us achieve our goal?
- our friendship and knowledge.
- Now I suggest you evaluate your work, if you found it interesting and not difficult at all stages of our work, then attach a green magnet, if at any stage you experienced difficulties, then attach a red magnet there.
- You were able to revive the birds, despite the fact that you experienced difficulties, your friendship and, of course, your knowledge helped you. Our exhibition has been replenished with new “birds” and we can invite children from other groups, talk about birds and introduce them to the rules of true bird friends!

Airplane rescue

formation of prerequisites for engineering thinking

Development of cognitive, research and constructive activities of children using lego wedo

teach basic techniques for assembling and programming a model;

to form constructive thinking using robotics;

form the correct perception of space;

develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination;

cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to work in a team.


interactive board,

laptop for each couple,

LEGO Education WeDo 9580 construction set for each pair,



designer hats;

paper airplanes

Hello guys. I'm a flight attendant. My name is Irina. I received an SOS signal.

Do you know what this is?

SOS is a distress signal, a request for help. An ice floe breaks away and people are carried out to the open sea.

How to save them?

Shall we help them?

What kind of people should be like who save those in trouble?

Yes, only brave, courageous, kind people who know how to work in a team can save the victims.

Saving people is hard work, not everyone can handle it.

Let's check if we are ready to help people in distress?

Arina will ask the riddles that she prepared for today’s lesson, and you must guess them.

Well done boys! I see that you are brave, smart and resourceful.

And now we need to choose the transport on which we will go to save people in the open ocean.

Artem, who has prepared a presentation about various types of transport, will help us with this.


So what can you use to hit the road?

Unfortunately, the plane on which I flew to you took off.

Each of you has a construction container containing various parts for building an unusual aircraft. Will you help me build a plane? Do you know what they call the people who build airplanes? (Engineers-constructors)

Expected responses from children.

Now you will all turn into design engineers.

Sit back comfortably at your workstations.

Now we have to design an airplane.

Put on the construction hats that are lying on your tables.

Now you are design engineers.

Ready to design a model airplane?

Let's get started.

The plane is built according to the scheme.

Are the planes ready?

Well done! You created each of your own planes. You are real design engineers!

Now it's time to test.

Place the aircraft on the test platform

We will control the motor via a USB LEGO switch.

I suggest Artyom and Ilya work at the interactive board.

Let's start the test: Connect the model to your computer via a USB LEGO switch.

Drag a button "Block Start" to the center of your desktop.

What is the next block to install?

Block “turn on the engine to...”

Let's check if the motor and propeller will work.

Do you have contact?

To stop the propeller from rotating, press the button "Stop".

Guys, do you think your planes passed the test?

Expected responses from children.

How did you find out?

(The engine started, the propeller spun)

And now we need to program the plane so that it takes off.

Write a program based on the example or create your own.

Let's check that all planes can take off.

The tests were successful.

Well done boys. You helped me design the plane and now we can hit the road.

III. Reflection

Tell me, what did you learn today at the design bureau? Guys, did you like being design engineers? What exactly did you like?

I suggest that you all now go to the board and launch airplanes. If today you were able to cope with the task, design and program the plane, then you need to launch the blue plane. If something doesn't work out - pink.

After the launch, I ask everyone to take their seats.

Thank you, young engineers. I wish everyone to fulfill their dream. And I hope that one of you will definitely become a design engineer. Today you and I have done a great, good deed to save people in distress.

It's not in vain They say: kindness from century to century adorns a person.

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all.

Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key"
Locality: Republic of Tyva, city of Kyzyl
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Summary of a lesson on robotics in the senior group "Constructing a kid"
Publication date: 05.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Lesson notes on

robotics in high school



baby goat"
Teacher of MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 “Golden Key” Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna
Summary of a lesson on robotics in the senior group “Constructing a kid”
1) development of fine motor skills of the hands, development of attention; 2) development of thinking, imagination, creative abilities. 3) development of design skills.
1) Show a sample of the assembled goat model and examine it. 2) Teach how to assemble a baby goat from construction kit parts. 3) Arouse positive emotions from playing with crafts.
Materials and equipment:
- diagram of a baby goat made from construction kit parts; - a set of toys “Pets”; - illustrations with the image of a kid; - HUNA MRT construction sets according to the number of children.
Preliminary work:
- examination of “Pets” toys.
Educator: Today our guest is a pet that you all know. And who is it you have to guess with the help of a riddle: Curious, mischievous, And shakes his head, Jumps, butts, What is he called? Answer: kid. Educator: Guys, you are so great! And now we will assemble a baby goat from the parts of the construction set. (Shows the assembled model of a kid and distributes the necessary parts to the children). Please name what geometric shapes the parts laid out in front of you look like? How many pieces are square?
How many pieces are yellow, green and purple? Are there any round shaped parts? (children's answers) Assignment: the shape, color and size must exactly match the sample diagram. Completing of the work. Educator. Guys, let's stretch our hands a little and then continue working. Finger game “Two little goats” (On both hands we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs). Once upon a time, a little goat was walking across the bridge to visit someone, (Hold your hands horizontally, bring your hands together). And another one was walking towards him, he was returning home. (On the first syllable of each line we join our hands in a swing). Two horned stupid brothers began to butt heads on the bridge, not wanting to give in and let the other one through. The goats fought for a long time, scattering and jostling. With a running head-on - bang! (We clap our hands for the word “bang”). And from the bridge into the water - splash! (We drop our hands on our knees). (Continuing to do the work) Did you get kids? Well done! Now check if they are stable? Let's give our kids names and play with them a little.





Lesson outline

on this topic : "Introductory lesson in robotics."


students of the “Robot” association

1 year of study, 11-18 years old

Art. Caucasian 2016

Target: developing children's interest and desire to engage in robotics


  • educational:

Introduce children to the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production;

Formation of polytechnic knowledge about the most common and promising technologies in robotics;

Learn to apply your knowledge and skills in new situations.

  • educational:

Cultivate accuracy and patience when working with constructors;

Foster a caring attitude towards the material and technical base of the robotics laboratory;

Foster a culture of communication.

  • developing:

Develop independence and ability to solve creative, inventive problems;

- develop observation skills, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, and perform work based on diagrams and technological maps;

Develop design and technological abilities, spatial concepts.

  • health-saving:

Compliance with safety regulations.

Equipment: computer, multimedia presentation, ready-made robots.

Materials: robot assembly diagrams, designer parts.

Tools: pencil, ruler.

Basic concepts used in the lesson:Lego - robots, construction, programming.

Formation of UUD(universal learning activities):

Personal UUD:

  1. Develop curiosity and intelligence when performing a variety of problematic tasks.
  2. Develop attentiveness, perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  3. Foster a sense of justice and responsibility.

Cognitive UUD:

  1. Become familiar with the concepts Lego - robots ", " design», « programming».
  2. Select parts of a given shape on the finished robot.
  3. Analyze the arrangement of parts in the robot.
  4. Build a robot from parts.
  5. Determine the place of a given part in the structure.
  6. Compare the obtained (intermediate, final) result with a given condition.
  7. Analyze the proposed possible options for the correct solution.
  8. Model a robot from parts.
  9. Carry out extensive control and self-control actions: compare the finished robot with the sample.
  10. Know the basic rules of working with the constructor.
  11. Create standard robot models from parts.

Communication UUD:

  1. Develop the ability to work individually and in groups.
  2. Express your opinion and listen to the opinions of others,

Complement the opinion of comrades, cooperate with peers.

  1. Be able to ask questions.

Regulatory UUD:

  1. To develop the ability to determine the purpose of activity in the classroom.
  2. Accept and save the learning task.
  3. Carry out final and step-by-step control of the results.
  4. Adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.
  5. To develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal


Pedagogical technologies used:


Group technology;

Technology of collective creative activity;


Individual training.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational part of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  2. Communicate the goals and objectives of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  3. Posting new material. (10 minutes)
  4. Activity planning.(3 minutes)
  5. Practical work. (20 minutes)
  6. Summing up the work. (3 minutes)

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part of the lesson. Preparation of jobs.

2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today we are going to get acquainted with the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production.

3.Communication of new material:

Teacher: Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

Robotics is the first step in mastering technical knowledge in the field of automation. It is directly related to such sciences as electronics, mechanics, computer science, radio engineering, and electronics.

Types of robotics: construction, industrial, aviation, household, extreme, military, space, underwater.

The word “robot” was coined in 1920 by the Czech writer Karel Capek in his science fiction play. The robots created in it work without rest, then rebel and destroy their creators

A robot is an automatic device created on the principle of a living organism. The robot operates according to a preset program. The robot receives information about the outside world from sensors (analogs of sensory organs). In this case, the robot can both communicate with the operator (receive commands from him) and act autonomously.

The development of robotics and artificial intelligence systems is progressing by leaps and bounds. Just 10 years ago, only controlled manipulators were developed. Artificial intelligence programs were aimed at a narrow range of problems to be solved. With the development of ICT, there has been a qualitative leap in the development of robotics.

The development of robots in the future will be able to significantly change the way people live. Machines endowed with intelligence will be able to be used for a wide variety of jobs, primarily those that are unsafe for humans.

Industrial robotics is one of the most successfully developing areas. There are already factories where 30 robots assemble cars.

Currently, such a direction as the creation of bionic prostheses is rapidly developing. In the operating rooms of the future, robots will become an extension or replacement for the hands of surgeons. They are more accurate and allow operations to be carried out in remote control mode.

Robots will be endowed with the ability to “self-learn”, accumulating their own experience and using it in the same situations when performing other jobs. Any invention can be used with good intentions or with evil intentions, so scientists need to consider all possible scenarios and anticipate all possible consequences of their discoveries.

An Android is a humanoid robot.

Robot classes:

Manipulative,which in turn are divided into stationary and mobile.

Manipulation robots are automatic machines consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator with several degrees of mobility and a program control device.

Mobile , which in turn are divided into wheeled, walking, and tracked. And also crawling, swimming, flying.

A mobile robot is an automatic machine that has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives.

Robot components: Actuators are the “muscles” of robots. Currently, the most popular motors in drives are electric, but others using chemicals or compressed air are also used.

4.Activity planning.

Teacher: You learned about robots and robotics, and now I suggest you work in a design office and draw your own models of robots, come up with their purpose, scope and equipment. For example: the model controls order on the street.

5. Practical work. Students work on creating a sketch of their robot. Describe its technical characteristics.